How to throw bowling balls. Bowling starting position

Bowling only at first glance seems to be an unpretentious game in which you only need to grab the ball better and throw it harder towards the pins. People who have used this technique at least once quickly become disillusioned with it and turn to a bowling lane consultant to show them how and where to throw the ball correctly.

Bowling ball: how to throw

How to hold the ball or the correct position of the hands and fingers

A standard bowling ball has three holes in it, into which you need to “insert” your thumb, middle and forefinger. Moreover, the first one, placed in the largest hole, must be completely immersed in it, and the other two - only up to the second joint.

In this case, the remaining fingers simply lie on the surface of the bowling ball, and the palm of the hand only lightly touches it.

Bowling professionals who play this game in competitions usually make their own balls that fit exactly the diameter of their fingers. In the case of using “amateur” equipment in ordinary recreational bowling, try to squeeze the ball a little with your palm, since holes that are larger than the diameter of your fingers can cause the ball to fall out of your hand right at the moment it is thrown.

As for the weight of the bowling ball, arrange with your teammates to practice throwing a few times. Thus, you can decide and choose for yourself exactly the weight that is most suitable. Otherwise, if you are a fragile girl, there is a risk that you simply will not carry the ball to the track and, even worse, drop it on your foot.

How to throw, or the Technique of correctly sending the ball to the target

There is a major difference here between bowling and other games that use the ball as an inventory. For example, in basketball or football, you need to look at the target you want to hit, and in baseball, which is popular among Americans, the person hitting the ball with a bat looks at the gloves of his server. In bowling, the player should never look at the pins!

It is necessary to mark with your eyes an approximate trajectory connecting the ball in your hand and the final goal. Then hold it several times in your head and try to direct the throw according to the chosen trajectory.

Bowling - very simple and popular game. Not all people are good at knocking down skittles and beating friends. Indeed, in this game, it is not strength, luck, or even knowledge of the rules of the game that is important, but the possession of certain subtleties. Bowling has its own secrets, learning about which you will be a better player. We will reveal to you the secrets of bowling.

The first secret of bowling is the choice of "your" ball. It should swing freely and comfortably back and forth in your hand. The ball must be average weight. It is very easy to determine this. If you take the ball in your hand and feel like you can throw it far, it's a light ball. And if you pick up a ball and feel like you need to bend your arm at the wrist and lower your shoulder to throw, then this is a very heavy ball.

We also draw your attention to the fact that when capturing the ball, the thumb is completely immersed in the hole, and the middle and ring fingers - up to the second joint. When you swing the ball, the energy must be concentrated at the bottom of the arm and the ball.

Starting position in bowling.

The secrets of bowling also lie in the starting position. The best bowling position is with legs together and a slightly forward torso. The ball should be below at a level between the waist and chest, the second hand should support the ball a little, and press the elbow of the hand with the ball to the thigh. This way you won't feel stressed.

The trick to bowling is proper aiming. You must not look at the skittles. Your task is to aim at marks, arrows, which are target indicators. There are a total of 7 shooters on the track. For right-handers, the ideal marks are those on the left side of the center mark. And for lefties, those that are located on the right side of the central mark.

Bowling ball throws.

Before you make a throw, you need to make the right moves. Your task is to choose the number of steps that will be optimal for you. If you are just learning how to bowl, then we advise you to take 4 steps: the first one should be short, and the last one should be long with a slide. Experienced bowlers take 5 steps.

The secret to winning bowling is to coordinate your movements during the run. When you take steps and swing the ball, then all these movements should occur naturally, complementing each other.

The chain of your movements before the throw should look like this:

Now let's move on to the secrets of bowling shots. In total there are 3 types of ball throws:

  • Direct throw. Using it, you will enter the "pocket" on the far right side of the path, from right to left. It is difficult to knock out Strike with a direct throw (50% chance). We recommend that you shoot the ball at high speed and throw the ball from the right side of the lane for a perfect straight shot;
  • Throwing in an arc allows you to increase your score. The secret to arc bowling is to turn your fingers counterclockwise as you throw the ball;
  • Twisted bowling ball. You will succeed in throwing a ball with a twist when you first remove your thumb from it, and only then the other two. With such a throw, the ball is characterized by lateral rotation;
  • Spare shots are aimed at knocking down the farthest pins (7,8,9,10). Here you are required to mentally draw the trajectory of the ball. The meaning of the spare strike is to observe the principle of crossing the track. For example, if you need to knock down pins from the right side, then throw from the left side. Below are 4 ways to knock down pins with Spare.

You need to choose from all the options "your" throw. Remember one secret to winning bowling: in order to knock down all the pins on the first throw (Strike), you need to hit the "pocket". If you are right-handed, then the “pocket” for you is the space between pins 1 and 3. And if you are left-handed, then the “pocket” for you is the space between 1 and 2 pins.

Bowling secrets: video.

Game technique

How to hold the ball correctly

  1. The knees are slightly bent.


In terms of weight, it's best to use a ball that can be freely swung back and forth.

If the wrist bends under the weight of the ball, or the player drops it, it means that the ball is too heavy.

Throw and final move

Throw completion

Target and strategy.


game angle


Game technique

How to hold the ball correctly

A standard ball with three holes is taken with the thumb, middle and ring fingers. The thumb sinks completely, and the middle and ring fingers only to the second joint. The little finger and index finger lie freely on the surface of the ball, and the palm only slightly touches it.
This is the "traditional capture" of the ball. If the holes of the ball fit the player's fingers, then this allows them to swing without squeezing the ball. Don't be afraid that your fingers might get stuck in the holes. To play well, it is very important to have a ball that is the right size for your fingers. It is not necessary to buy a new ball, as even a used ball can be adjusted to a new owner. But the brand new ball, measured and drilled by the pros, will surely improve your game.
When making a ball of suitable size, the distance between the thumb and the rest of the fingers is taken into account. When the correct angle and place for the holes are determined, the professionals get to work. The ball is considered the most important and personal piece of equipment for an athlete.
On the approach zone, two rows of dots can be seen. The first row is 15 feet from the foul line (foul line) and the second row is 12 feet. These points will help you determine your starting position. Children need to stand closer to the foul line than adults because their steps are shorter. In any case, it is desirable for the player to stand closer to the foul line. After acquiring some skills, you can move away.
Whatever the run-up distance, do not step over the foul line. Your foot should stop at least a foot from the line. A good position is considered to be with the feet together and with the body slightly tilted forward. This will give you a feeling of free readiness, not tension.
The ball must be held with the right hand (if the player is left-handed, then with the left) from below at a level between the waist and chest, and with the other hand only slightly support it.

  1. Shoulders deploy at right angles to the target.
  2. The free hand supports the ball.
  3. The wrist should not lean back.
  4. The elbow of the hand with the ball is pressed to the thigh.
  5. The knees are slightly bent.
  6. Legs are placed together and directed towards the target.

Rocking, steps and synchronicity.


If you pick up a heavy object such as a bowling ball and do a throwing motion, you will feel the momentum of that motion.
This is the pendulum principle. A good, consistent throw is based on this. If the players do not feel a free source of energy, they are unlikely to be able to throw the ball at all.

Beginners are advised to scatter with four steps. You can add a fifth step later.
Walk the way you walk every day - from heel to toe. Only the last step, which requires sliding, is different from the rest. On the last step, the foot slides forward under the weight of the ball. Then, the weight is transferred back to the heel and acts as a brake. The first step should be the shortest. The last one is the longest, as it includes sliding.
Imagine how the pendulum works - 1-2-3-4, and this will help you keep up with the pace. You need to start walking with the right foot. If you are left-handed, then, respectively, from the left.

Connecting the swing of the ball and the step together

Taken separately, rocking and walking are not difficult physical actions. But it's how they work together that determines whether the run is free or tight. You will need a stable position to throw the ball; also use the momentum of your steps. When throwing the ball, give it the speed you have gained. Thus, a well-timed throw will occur just as the trailing foot stops. How to achieve a throw that shows a good combination of stability and propulsion? To do this, you need to swing as hard as possible on the last step. From this point on, the ball-handling and gliding foot simultaneously move forward. If this happened, then the throw was well timed.
On the first three steps, the ball reaches its highest point on the backswing. This is followed by a forward swing, a slide and a throw. The point is that the ball gets a good momentum for its movement along the track. In professional language, this is called a "push". In the second step, the ball is retracted from the starting position to a distance of 12-18 inches from the body. On the third and fourth steps - preparation for the throw.
The start is the main point in the time sequence. The push should be simple and easy to perform. Even good players can't always tell the time. Take the first step and push at the same time.

Throw and final move

Each player's swing and gait is unique, as is their height, weight, or age. But on the throw, all good players look more or less the same.
Before throwing, the ball passes the ankle of the gliding leg about two inches from it.

Bowling ball throwing technique

This position is ideal for throwing the ball in the desired direction. Good timing and proper throw result in a perfect combination of propulsion, body position and balance.
In order for the ball to pass at the level of the ankle, you need to slightly bend the knee on the last step. What at first may seem like an awkward posture, then becomes quite ordinary. In this case, the body also leans forward at an angle of 15-20 degrees. For balance, the middle of the chest should be directly above the knee of the sliding leg.
During the run, the head remains motionless, the gaze is focused on the target. The free hand is laid aside a little and serves for balance.

Throw completion

A purposeful finishing throw is a logical continuation of any movement. Bowling is no exception.
A good player can be easily identified by the way he throws the ball and finishes the shot. After the throw is completed, the player's arm is raised from the ball's release point to shoulder level or higher. The direction of the hand should be strictly forward, and not to the left or right. This movement improves swing function and helps to maintain better balance.

Target and strategy.

If you're going to throw a ball at something, you're usually looking at the target. In baseball, the pitcher looks at the catcher's gloves. The basketball player's target is the basket. But bowling pros never look at the pins!
Let's say that the goal is to knock down certain skittles. But it's better to aim by looking at a specific spot on the lane than at pins 60 feet away.
Arrows or direction indicators are located 4.57 m from the foul line. They just serve as a target indicator. There are seven such arrows. The middle pin is located just in the center of the lane, in line with the main pin. The rest of the arrows are also aligned with their respective pins.
Target selection is the choice of starting position and focal point. The path along which the ball rolls determines the location of the starting position and the aiming point. By using the arrows as guides, your aim will be more accurate.

game angle
The ball must roll at an angle from right to left if the target is a "pocket" between pins 1-3. The left-hander throws the ball at an angle from left to right, aiming at the "pocket" between pins No. 1-2. The angle is very important in the "Strike" because then the ball rolls strictly along a given path, without deviating from the main pin.

If suddenly the ball deviated from the main pin, then the chances of playing Strike are not great. The twirled ball moves more from right to left (for a right-handed player). As a result, the angle will be steeper, and the chances of hitting the "pocket" 1-3 will increase.

There is a saying in bowling: "Hit a Spare and the Strike will come naturally." This good advice especially for those new to the game. There are 1023 Spare combinations. But don't worry. Most of them you will never encounter. Whereas there are a dozen "normal" combos that are achieved with the bare minimum of angles and scopes.
Spare's first rule requires simple geometric knowledge. This is the principle of crossing the track. When the pins are on the left side of the lane, the best starting position will be on the right - and vice versa. Practice hitting the Spare using the lane crossing principle. Take pins number 7, 8, 9, 10 as a target. So, there are 5 directions for a successful Spare, and you can make any combination of it by choosing one of these directions.
For example, to knock down the remaining pins number 1-2-4, you need to take the 8th pin as a target, because it is just behind the 2nd, with all the pins in place. To shoot down the 3rd and 6th, you should aim at the 9th. The fifth pin as a target usually results in a Strike.
In order to knock down any pin in the last row, one must follow the third or fourth (middle) arrow or between them. The starting position is different for each throw. You don't need to calculate any formulas to play Spare. Most likely, this is the ability to mentally imagine the cruciform path of the ball and perform the throw as you see it for yourself. Of course, practice and experience will improve your results.
Miss is a much bigger challenge. To knock down the remaining pins on a "Miss" you either need to be very accurate or lucky!

Game technique

How to hold the ball correctly

A standard ball with three holes is taken with the thumb, middle and ring fingers. The thumb sinks completely, and the middle and ring fingers only to the second joint. The little finger and index finger lie freely on the surface of the ball, and the palm only slightly touches it.
This is the "traditional capture" of the ball. If the holes of the ball fit the player's fingers, then this allows them to swing without squeezing the ball. Don't be afraid that your fingers might get stuck in the holes. To play well, it is very important to have a ball that is the right size for your fingers. It is not necessary to buy a new ball, as even a used ball can be adjusted to a new owner. But the brand new ball, measured and drilled by the pros, will surely improve your game.
When making a ball of suitable size, the distance between the thumb and the rest of the fingers is taken into account. When the correct angle and place for the holes are determined, the professionals get to work. The ball is considered the most important and personal piece of equipment for an athlete.
On the approach zone, two rows of dots can be seen. The first row is 15 feet from the foul line (foul line) and the second row is 12 feet. These points will help you determine your starting position. Children need to stand closer to the foul line than adults because their steps are shorter. In any case, it is desirable for the player to stand closer to the foul line. After acquiring some skills, you can move away.
Whatever the run-up distance, do not step over the foul line. Your foot should stop at least a foot from the line. A good position is considered to be with the feet together and with the body slightly tilted forward. This will give you a feeling of free readiness, not tension.
The ball must be held with the right hand (if the player is left-handed, then with the left) from below at a level between the waist and chest, and with the other hand only slightly support it.

  1. Shoulders deploy at right angles to the target.
  2. The free hand supports the ball.
  3. The wrist should not lean back.
  4. The elbow of the hand with the ball is pressed to the thigh.
  5. The knees are slightly bent.
  6. Legs are placed together and directed towards the target.

Rocking, steps and synchronicity.


If you pick up a heavy object such as a bowling ball and do a throwing motion, you will feel the momentum of that motion.
This is the pendulum principle. A good, consistent throw is based on this. If the players do not feel a free source of energy, they are unlikely to be able to throw the ball at all.
In terms of weight, it's best to use a ball that can be freely swung back and forth. If the wrist bends under the weight of the ball, or the player drops it, it means that the ball is too heavy.

Beginners are advised to scatter with four steps. You can add a fifth step later.
Walk the way you walk every day - from heel to toe. Only the last step, which requires sliding, is different from the rest. On the last step, the foot slides forward under the weight of the ball. Then, the weight is transferred back to the heel and acts as a brake. The first step should be the shortest. The last one is the longest, as it includes sliding.
Imagine how the pendulum works - 1-2-3-4, and this will help you keep up with the pace. You need to start walking with the right foot. If you are left-handed, then, respectively, from the left.

Connecting the swing of the ball and the step together

Taken separately, rocking and walking are not difficult physical actions. But it's how they work together that determines whether the run is free or tight. You will need a stable position to throw the ball; also use the momentum of your steps. When throwing the ball, give it the speed you have gained. Thus, a well-timed throw will occur just as the trailing foot stops. How to achieve a throw that shows a good combination of stability and propulsion? To do this, you need to swing as hard as possible on the last step. From this point on, the ball-handling and gliding foot simultaneously move forward. If this happened, then the throw was well timed.
On the first three steps, the ball reaches its highest point on the backswing. This is followed by a forward swing, a slide and a throw. The point is that the ball gets a good momentum for its movement along the track. In professional language, this is called a "push". In the second step, the ball is retracted from the starting position to a distance of 12-18 inches from the body. On the third and fourth steps - preparation for the throw.
The start is the main point in the time sequence. The push should be simple and easy to perform. Even good players can't always tell the time. Take the first step and push at the same time.

Throw and final move

Each player's swing and gait is unique, as is their height, weight, or age. But on the throw, all good players look more or less the same.
Before throwing, the ball passes the ankle of the gliding leg about two inches from it. This position is ideal for throwing the ball in the desired direction. Good timing and proper throw result in a perfect combination of propulsion, body position and balance.
In order for the ball to pass at the level of the ankle, you need to slightly bend the knee on the last step. What at first may seem like an awkward posture, then becomes quite ordinary. In this case, the body also leans forward at an angle of 15-20 degrees. For balance, the middle of the chest should be directly above the knee of the sliding leg.
During the run, the head remains motionless, the gaze is focused on the target. The free hand is laid aside a little and serves for balance.

Throw completion

A purposeful finishing throw is a logical continuation of any movement. Bowling is no exception.
A good player can be easily identified by the way he throws the ball and finishes the shot. After the throw is completed, the player's arm is raised from the ball's release point to shoulder level or higher. The direction of the hand should be strictly forward, and not to the left or right. This movement improves swing function and helps to maintain better balance.

Target and strategy.

If you're going to throw a ball at something, you're usually looking at the target. In baseball, the pitcher looks at the catcher's gloves. The basketball player's target is the basket. But bowling pros never look at the pins!
Let's say that the goal is to knock down certain skittles. But it's better to aim by looking at a specific spot on the lane than at pins 60 feet away.
Arrows or direction indicators are located 4.57 m from the foul line. They just serve as a target indicator. There are seven such arrows. The middle pin is located just in the center of the lane, in line with the main pin. The rest of the arrows are also aligned with their respective pins.
Target selection is the choice of starting position and focal point. The path along which the ball rolls determines the location of the starting position and the aiming point. By using the arrows as guides, your aim will be more accurate.

game angle
The ball must roll at an angle from right to left if the target is a "pocket" between pins 1-3. The left-hander throws the ball at an angle from left to right, aiming at the "pocket" between pins No. 1-2. The angle is very important in the "Strike" because then the ball rolls strictly along a given path, without deviating from the main pin.

If suddenly the ball deviated from the main pin, then the chances of playing Strike are not great. The twirled ball moves more from right to left (for a right-handed player). As a result, the angle will be steeper, and the chances of hitting the "pocket" 1-3 will increase.

There is a saying in bowling: "Hit a Spare and the Strike will come naturally." This is good advice, especially for those new to the game. There are 1023 Spare combinations. But don't worry. Most of them you will never encounter. Whereas there are a dozen "normal" combos that are achieved with the bare minimum of angles and scopes.
Spare's first rule requires simple geometric knowledge. This is the principle of crossing the track. When the pins are on the left side of the lane, the best starting position will be on the right - and vice versa. Practice hitting the Spare using the lane crossing principle. Take pins number 7, 8, 9, 10 as a target. So, there are 5 directions for a successful Spare, and you can make any combination of it by choosing one of these directions.
For example, to knock down the remaining pins number 1-2-4, you need to take the 8th pin as a target, because it is just behind the 2nd, with all the pins in place. To shoot down the 3rd and 6th, you should aim at the 9th. The fifth pin as a target usually results in a Strike.
In order to knock down any pin in the last row, one must follow the third or fourth (middle) arrow or between them. The starting position is different for each throw. You don't need to calculate any formulas to play Spare. Most likely, this is the ability to mentally imagine the cruciform path of the ball and perform the throw as you see it for yourself.

Bowling rules

Of course, practice and experience will improve your results.
Miss is a much bigger challenge. To knock down the remaining pins on a "Miss" you either need to be very accurate or lucky!

Helpful information

Bowling: Aiming Technique

Ball grip

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the grip of the ball. The correct technique is a grip in which three fingers (ring, middle and thumb) are located in 3 holes of the ball. If you take the ball with other fingers, then later the throwing technique and the results in general can suffer greatly.

It must be remembered that your palm, unlike your fingers, must move freely.

The correct position of the fingers and palm will allow you to hold a ball of any size and weight, as well as to make the throw itself correctly, which ultimately leads to better results than with incorrect grips.

Start position

The first step after you have picked up the ball, if you have picked it up correctly, is takeoff run. There is a specially designated area for the run up to the start of the track. The track itself begins with a line that cannot be stepped on, otherwise there will be a penalty and the throw will not be counted.

When taking off, remember that it is necessary to make a throw not exactly near the line, but 20-25 centimeters before it, in order to exclude the possibility of stepping over and receiving a penalty.

Now, after we have decided on how to hold the ball correctly and with some nuances of the run-up, which greatly affect the accuracy of the strike, I would like to pay attention to the aiming process itself.

People are used to aiming in different ways and accordingly have different results. In order to aim, there are small arrows in the bowling alley at a distance of about 5 meters from the beginning of the lane. With the help of these arrows, you can easily direct your throw where you need it. In this case, it is not even necessary to look at the target during the throw, however, many professional players do this). The thing is that aiming at these arrows is more accurate. Aiming at the eye can only be afforded by a professional.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account such a moment: in different bowling clubs, the lanes are not always rubbed the same way, and, accordingly, sliding along them in different clubs is different.

Each time, having come to a new club, an experienced player makes some kind of "calibration" of his shot in order to see how this path affects the accuracy of his throw. This is especially noticeable with twisted impacts. If the lane is rubbed too hard, the ball will roll faster, and vice versa, if the lane is not rubbed very well, the ball will have too much grip on the lane, and twist too much.

To take this feature into account, experienced players before any competition or game with friends, they make a small number of trial, "sighting" throws. First, they throw, aiming at one of the arrows that are drawn on the track, and watch where their ball flies, how much it twists and how much it deviates from its trajectory.

After a few throws, the player already understands how much the track affects the trajectory of his throw and can take it into account in the next game.

Where to aim?

There is usually a lot of controversy and reasoning on this issue, but all players agree on one thing. It is necessary to aim at the first, second, or third pin.

Aiming at one of these pins will give you the opportunity to land a strike, while aiming at the far balls will not.

Where exactly you need to aim depends largely on how you throw the ball. If you're throwing a ball with no spin, it's best to aim for the very first ball. If you use the spin of the ball in your throw, then you can aim at the first ball as well as the second and third.

After gaining some experience in bowling, you yourself will decide exactly where you better aim to knock out more strikes and score more points.

Which side is better to throw?

Bowling - rules for beginners

Depending on which of the balls you intend to hit, you can position yourself to the right, left or center of the lane when making a throw.

If you make a throw without twisting, then you can be either on the right side or in the center and left. From any of these positions, you can aim at the main ball and shoot.

If you like to twist the ball when throwing, then it is better for you to be located on the right side so that it is convenient for you to hit any of the first three pins.

Some players advise to first learn how to knock down all the pins with 2 hits (the so-called Spare), and only then learn how to knock out Strike.

For beginners, this will be more acceptable and easily achievable. Moreover, many professionals advise starting your bowling journey with simple goals. After all, if you want to knock down all the pins at once and you don’t succeed, which is quite logical, then you can be disappointed in yourself or in the game, and simply stop playing.

We hope that our tips will help you learn how to play this wonderful game as soon as possible.

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Throw with spin

The motion dynamics of the twisted ball is conditionally shown in Figures 1-a and 1-b. A correctly twisted ball simultaneously performs translational (Fig. 1-a) and lateral (Fig. 1-b) rotations. The axis depicted in the figures is perpendicular to the track and corresponds to the axis of the ball's translational motion.

Obviously, in order for the spin to constantly provide the desired trajectory of the ball at the end of the track, the player must have very fine control of the ball. This simple truth in the 80s of the XX century prompted ball manufacturers to the idea of ​​fundamentally changing the internal structure of the ball and its surface - so that part of the player's errors would be smoothed out by the ball itself. This is how balls with a complex eccentric core first appeared, and then with a surface interacting with the track at the molecular level (the so-called reactive and proactive balls). Thus, the first thing that should be understood by those who want to learn the technique of spinning the ball is that spinning the ball is effective only when using special balls.

Types of twist

Depending on the angle of the twisting axis relative to the track, there are three main types of twisting: full rolling, small rolling and spinning. This angle obviously affects the circumference of the ball's contact with the track. The length of this circle can be judged by the trace of oil on the ball after the throw:

When using the full rolling technique, the oil trail runs along almost the entire circumference of the ball and is approximately 68 cm.

In the small rolling technique, the trail of oil passes near the finger holes. The figure shows that the length of this track is less and is approximately 60 cm. This technique is considered the most dangerous for pins due to the most aggressive nature of the hook.

When using the spinning technique, the line of interaction of the ball with the track passes along the minimum circle at a large distance from the finger holes.

Throwing styles

In Europe and America, the most common styles are "stroker" and "cranker". The "spinning" type of spin has given its name to the popular Asian "spinner" style, also known as the "helicopter".

Strokers and crankers use full or small roll type twist. These two styles are combined under the name "hooker", since only full or small roling ends with a classic hook. The cranker gives the ball about twice as much spin (500 rpm) as compared to the stroker (300 rpm). Accordingly, the cranker makes an "emotional" attacking throw, and the stroker makes a "calm" strategically calculated throw.

The fundamental difference between spinning is its purpose. This is twisting to give the pins additional dynamic ball energy, while the hookers spin the ball to change its trajectory as it enters the pin pyramid.

Twisting technique

The hooker twist technique does not involve active hand work, contrary to the opinion of uninitiated observers. On the contrary, during the entire throw, from the starting position to the last step, the hand is in a fixed position - the thumb is at 10-11 o'clock relative to the player, the middle and ring fingers are 4-5 o'clock relative to the thumb. For wrist stability, many players use special support - hard gloves.

The secret of the twist is that the thumb leaves the hole in the ball first - a fraction of a second before the middle and ring fingers do. In this case, the hand makes a sharp upward movement - “lifting”. The middle and ring fingers repeat the movement of the hand and, leaving the ball last, give it the necessary rotation around the inclined vertical axis (counterclockwise for the right-hander). What kind of rolling will be - full or small - depends on the position of the hand, the moment of release and the strength of the lifting.

Spinners use a fundamentally different technique - backspin with a brush - and usually choose lighter balls. This style tells the ball to spin around an axis close to vertical, which was the reason for the analogy with the rotation of the blades of a helicopter - a helicopter. The spinning technique involves maximum ball revolutions with minimal deviations from the trajectory and to the greatest extent uses the dynamic energy of the ball, and not its direction.

The main problem with the spinning technique is that it does not guarantee a stable repetition of the behavior of the ball in motion and in contact with the pins. This is due to the fact that light balls are more difficult to control, and as the oil on the trajectory inevitably decreases, the spinning loses energy significantly due to the increasing friction force.

How to spin the ball

The direction of the ball is determined primarily by how and where it was thrown by the hand forward while swinging. But usually the ball has some torsion and "side-spin". The best bowlers intentionally curl the ball from the side. Beginners can do this accidentally and unintentionally. In any case, spin affects the movement of the ball. If the ball rotates clockwise, then it will go from right to left. Left-handers twist the ball clockwise so that it moves from left to right.

How to throw a bowling ball

Bowling balls used to be made of rubber or plastic. These days, polyurethane balls have gained particular popularity. In general, polyurethane balls are easier to spin, which means they spin more and stray less when they hit the pins.

Intentional twisting is a big advantage, but for beginners the main success lies in mastering the sense of rhythm, learning to place a hand to throw the ball with a twist.

Features of throwing a ball with spin

The spin of the ball occurs when it first slides off the thumb, and only then from the other two. As soon as the ball breaks away from the fingers, it begins to rotate. The direction of rotation of the ball is determined by where the thumb was pointing at the moment the ball jumped off the hand. This process takes a fraction of a second.

It is quite natural that the ball flies off the thumb first, since it is shorter than the rest of the fingers.

However, the ball must fit well in the hand, this is very important. Exactly like a good approach to the "foul" line.

To spin the ball, position your thumb so that it points to 10 or 11 o'clock, or 2 or 1 o'clock for left-handers (mentally imagine a clock face. If the thumb points to 12 o'clock (located straight), then the throw will be direct.

With your thumb in the spin throw position, keep your wrist relatively firm throughout the process as the ball leaves your hand. You should feel some pressure or tug on your fingers as the ball leaves your hand. These are the components for twists. The important thing is that learning to throw a spin ball is just as easy as making a deliberate straight throw.

Many players often try to increase their spin and spin power by making a stronger hand action. However, you should not do this at the expense of good technique.

site creation

Observing bowling players, it can be noted that they perform throws using a run-up. But the execution of the throw does not require much effort. Here the decisive role belongs to the technique and accuracy of movements during the execution of the throw.

How the Four-Step Approach Works

The throw, performed in four steps, requires the correct coordination of all parts of the body in each individual step.


For a left-hander, all the movements described below are performed with a mirror opposite.

Step 1

The first movement with the right foot implies the synchronous start of the movement of the ball.

How to throw a bowling ball correctly

It is necessary to bring the projectile forward, so that it is at arm's length when the right heel touches the floor.

Keep your legs together in the starting position. The muscles of the back should be in good shape, the shoulders should be straightened. Focus on the target and take a step with your right foot. The end of the first step is the heel on the floor. Simultaneously with the beginning of the movement of the leg, push the projectile forward with your right hand. The balance of the right arm and leg makes the pushing force stable.

Do not strain your right arm too much and hold the ball in your hand excessively. To unload the right hand, use the left hand for support. Do not feed body after ball. Use the strength of the back muscles to counteract.

With your knees bent, try to walk in a natural way for you. The movement of the first step ends with the position of the right forearm at waist level, parallel to the floor surface. The left hand takes on most of the weight of the projectile.

Step 2

"Swinging the pendulum". Without changing the position of the body at the end of the first step, when the right toe touches the floor, relax the right shoulder. Then there are three options for the movement of the ball down - due to muscle tension, increased movement, slowing down or free natural movement(perfect option).

In continuation of the movement, the left hand is retracted to the side in the direction down and behind the back.


The left hand plays an important role in the second step, since it functions as the axis of oscillation. It is fixed in this position until the end of the full cycle of technical actions when performing a throw.

The position of the back does not change. Shoulders are straightened. Without lowering the head (the gaze is fixed on the target), we touch the floor with the left heel at the moment the projectile is in the lowest position of the arc.

Step 3

The third step is the final one in the movement of the pendulum. The movement continues due to inertia without tension of the right forearm. We begin to feed the right foot forward with the simultaneous movement of the ball in an arc up and back. The third step is preparatory to the decisive launching movement. After touching the floor of the right heel, it is necessary to shift the center of gravity to the toe.

At the same time, the ball with the right hand continues to move backward by inertia. The right heel touches the floor when the maximum position of the projectile behind the back is reached. Here it is also possible to influence the strength of the muscles on the speed of the projectile. But ideally, it is better to leave everything to the force of inertia.

Step 4

The beginning of the fourth step is the extreme upper point of the so-called backwing (the final position of the third step, when the ball is in the outstretched right hand in the position up and back). In the process of sliding on the left foot, you need to release the projectile in a special way. The final step is the result of the correct actions in the previous three steps.

The withdrawal of the ball to the position of the throw is carried out without the application of additional muscle effort. The force of inertia will be enough to give him sufficient speed on the track.

The invariable correct position of the left hand will be the key to the correct throw with the necessary acceleration. The forward tilt of the body should not exceed twenty degrees, which will help the quality of the throw.

When transitioning to a sliding state, it is necessary to free up space for the right hand holding the ball. The ball is released at the completion of the slide without reaching the foul line. Technically, sliding is integral part throw.

When launching a projectile, the weight of the body is transferred to the left leg, ending the movement approximately five centimeters from the line. The function of the right leg is braking. In doing so, it performs an arcing movement to the left, using the toe as a brake shoe.

The convenience of maintaining the finishing position for some time after the throw is evidence of the technically correct execution of the throw.

The release of the ball must be done in a certain order. The thumb is released from the hole first, followed by all the rest smoothly, giving the projectile a rotational movement.

Projectile launch is not the final stage of the throw. The right hand completes the "pendulum" movement, remaining at the top of the trajectory.

How to correctly release the ball on the track

For competent bowlers, the ball release position is almost identical. The projectile is released at the moment when it is in line with the supporting leg when sliding. The distance to the ankle is no more than two inches. This is the ideal position for making an accurate throw. Some leaning forward will help complete the action correctly. Here it is required to bend the knee and move the torso forward until the chest is above the supporting knee when making a throw.

When making the approach, keep your head straight and look straight at the target. Throw your free arm out to the side to maintain balance. Keep your back straight, shoulders back. When throwing from four steps, follow all step-by-step actions exactly. To give the ball acceleration, try to use the pendulum principle and use the force of inertia to throw. With the right combination of tempo and throwing technique, the body performs the function of a “lever”, which is the key to a perfectly executed sports action. At the time of the throw, first release your thumb, and then all the others to give the projectile rotation on the track.

Today we will look at the basic rules of bowling or how to play bowling correctly. We will also talk about the bowling technique that allows you to hit the maximum number of points and pins. How to properly hold and throw a bowling ball

Let's start with the fact that bowling is not such a new activity. In fact, the game has more than 7000 years of history, and the ancient Egyptians were the first to come up with the idea of ​​rolling balls. The baton was picked up by the inhabitants of Polynesia, and only then, about three hundred years BC, the archaic prototype of bowling became almost an obligatory religious ritual. Later, the British, the Dutch, and other European peoples were also fond of bowling. And the notorious Admiral Francis Drake generally preferred to finish the game before repelling the attack of the Spaniards. And even if historians boasted in the retelling of the legend, this does not change the fact that both bowling and its rules have developed a long time ago. So they deserve respect, don't they?

The modern game takes place in comfortable and pleasant conditions. All clubs are equipped according to the same principle, and it will be enough for you to know that exactly 10 pins are always waiting for your hit at the end of the 18-meter lane. Your task is to knock them down with a special ball. With a ball, too, not everything is simple, because they are all different, and you still have to choose your “shell”. All of the same diameter, they differ in weight and color. The lightest ball weighs only 2.5 kg, the heaviest - 7.3 kg, well, different colors indicate this. Bowling balls are not just hard balls, their secret lies in their shifted center of gravity. Due to such a “skew”, not only rolling, but also rotation of the ball around the center and its movement along the correct arc is ensured. Don't be alarmed if bowling tools seem complicated in theory. Skill comes during the game, so let's get down to business.

So, the main task is to score as many points as possible knocking down skittles. The maximum possible number of points for one game is 300. The whole game is divided into ten frames (attempts). At each approach, the player is given the opportunity to throw the ball twice to knock down 10 standing pins, if the pins are knocked down on the first try, then such a throw is called a “strike”. In such a case, the second roll is not made. In each frame, the participant is awarded a number of points equal to the total number of knocked down pins for two throws in this frame.

In other words, each pin knocked down is equal to one point earned.

If the second throw is successful and there are no standing pins left, then such an attempt is called a "closed frame" or "spare" (Spare). For this, the bowler earns ten points plus points for knocking down pins in one first roll of the next frame.

Spare designation

Naturally, starting the next frame, one should strive to knock down all the pins at once, and if this can be achieved, the player receives a “Strike” (Strike), as a result of which the frame ends. For a strike, a person is awarded ten points and another amount of pins knocked down in both throws of the next frame.

Strike designation

The achievement by a player of two or three strikes in a row is called a double or triple strike, respectively. For a doublestrike, the bowler receives twenty points and points for knocking down the pins on the next roll. Triplestrike brings thirty points.

According to bowling rules, the maximum score is three hundred. To achieve this number of points, the player needs to make twelve strikes.

Bowling is popular with men and women of all ages and professions. The goal of the game is to knock down the maximum number of pins with the help of balls. Exists different types bowling: out of 5 and 10 goals. They differ not only in the number of pins, but also in the number of throws in one frame. The most common is the second option. The ball must be directed along a special area without going beyond it (otherwise, no targets will be hit). Safety measures Regardless of the level of the player (beginner or amateur), you should start with a warm-up. Muscles should be warmed up and ready for the upcoming loads. If this is not done, there is a risk of injury. In addition, the following bowling rules must be observed: Since the player is constantly on the move, he must have comfortable non-slip and non-scratching shoes (issued in bowling clubs). If the muscles of the arms are poorly developed, you should not take a ball that is too heavy, otherwise your back will hurt.

People who want to understand how to play bowling correctly often ignore this point, and wake up the next morning in a sick state. It is forbidden to cross the foul line, otherwise the result is not counted. The thing is that before the start of the game, the surface beyond the established boundary is covered with a special substance. If you step over the line, the sole will come into contact with it and become slippery. As a result, serious injury may result.

Those who want to get an answer to the question of how to play bowling correctly should be able to choose the right ball. On each of them there are numbers indicating the weight in pounds (1 unit is equal to 0.45 kilograms). Ideally, the mass of the product should be 1/10 of the player's weight. For children, balls with the number 6-7 are intended. Women and girls - numbers 8-9, and men - from 10 to 16. The weight of the ball should be average for the player: not too light or heavy. In principle, the more the ball weighs, the easier it is to control, which is why professionals prefer them. For unprepared people who dream of understanding how to play bowling correctly, such an experiment will cost a dislocation, sprain or rupture of the ligaments. The next day, the back may ache, especially after drinking alcohol, which does not allow you to feel muscle overload. Standard balls have three holes (slots) designed for the thumb, middle and ring fingers. The large one sinks completely, and the rest only to the second phalanx. The index finger and little finger are freely located on the surface, and the palm lightly touches it. The most important thing is the convenience of a person to hold the object.

In order to learn how to play bowling, you must understand how to throw and how to properly distribute the weight of your body. We hope you already know from numerous films, cartoons and video games that the bowling lane is about 18 meters long, 1.6 meters wide, there are only ten pins, they are numbered and arranged in a triangle shape with four pins on each side . Bowling balls vary in weight - from children's to adult men's. The diameter is the same for everyone - but the weight is different, but not more than 7.258 kg. The whole point and interest of bowling is that if you hit the ball exactly in the middle, you will not be able to demolish all the pins, otherwise it will be absolutely not interesting to play. You need to train for a long time and think with your head in order to shoot down with one blow.

Now let's take a step-by-step look at how to learn how to play bowling if you came to the club for the first time:

First of all, we change into special shoes. It won't scratch the floor like your own shoes can, and it's specially designed for the game as well as possible. It has a slippery sole to allow some slippage on the last step of the shot, and a rubber sole so that by shifting the weight on the heel, you can brake in the blink of an eye and not get a foul due to the footstep.

· now we choose empirically for ourselves a ball - girls take somewhere up to number 10, and men after the tenth number. You can empirically determine the most convenient ball by poking your fingers into the holes - if they do not pass, then you need to choose a larger bowling ball number

We try on the first throw - with a pendulum movement we swing the ball on outstretched hand, feeling its heaviness and inertia

Before throwing, you need to remember that the correct throw in bowling is carried out in four steps. You will have to mentally divide your swing into four stages and perform one of them at each step. On the first - swing back, and on the last - the removal of the ball forward with a straight arm. In this case, the arm must be raised to shoulder level, without bending it at the last moment in the elbow joint.

You can try to explain everything in words for a very long time, but it’s much better to watch how to learn how to play bowling in the video below and clearly see what in question.

A few words should be said about the rules of the game and scoring. If you describe all the nuances of the score in bowling, but you need to write five articles and this will only scare away the beginner from the game. In addition, now all bowling clubs are equipped with lanes with automatic scoring, so you just have to throw the ball and see what score is displayed on the monitor - everything is simple, clear and as convenient as possible. The only thing to remember is that each game consists of ten approaches, which in bowling are called frames.

Your goal for each approach is to knock down all the pins from the first throw (strike), if not, then from the second (spea). If you don’t knock down everything from the second, then the number of pins knocked down is counted for you and the game proceeds to the next frame.

Everything else, for a simple game with friends, you do not need to know, if you get involved, then read a few extended articles on scoring. It is better to spend this time on practicing the movements and on the selection of bowling tactics. After all, in order to knock out a strike, you must aim not at the center of the triangle of pins, but in the area between the first and third pins. Then the blow will start the reaction and each pin affected will knock down the nearest one.

Here is another helpful video for beginners on how to play bowling properly, with an overview of the basics, foot placement, ball selection and bowling tactics.

If you're going to throw a ball at something, you're usually looking at the target. In baseball, the pitcher looks at the catcher's gloves. The basketball player's target is the basket. But bowling pros never look at the pins!

Let's say the goal is to knock down certain skittles. But it's better to aim by looking at a specific spot on the lane than at pins 60 feet away.

Arrows or direction indicators are located 4.57 m from the foul line. They just serve as a target indicator. There are seven such arrows. The middle pin is located just in the center of the lane, in line with the main pin. The rest of the arrows are also aligned with their respective pins.

The choice of the target is the choice of the starting position and focal point. The path along which the ball rolls determines the location of the starting position and the aiming point. By using the arrows as guides, your aim will be more accurate.

The ball must roll at an angle from right to left if the target is a "pocket" between pins 1-3. The left-hander throws the ball at an angle from left to right, aiming at the "pocket" between pins No. 1-2. The angle is very important in "Strike", because then the ball rolls strictly along the given path, without deviating from the main pin.
Why do most experienced players use this technique today? In a nutshell - to counteract the deviation of the ball from the central longitudinal axis of the track. A ball of any weight, according to the law of conservation of momentum, will inevitably deviate from its trajectory immediately after a collision with the first pin. Imagine what kind of obstacle 10 pins with a total weight of about 16 kg turn into.

If suddenly the ball deviated from the main pin, then the chances of playing a Strike are small. The twirled ball moves more from right to left (for a right-handed player). As a result, the angle will be steeper, and the chances of hitting the "pocket" 1-3 will increase.

An old bowling proverb says, "Learn SPARE hits, STRIKE hits will come." This is especially good advice for those who are new to bowling. these hits are designed to knock down all the pins in one frame with two throws. There are approximately 1023 potential combinations of SPARE strikes. Most of these strokes almost never occur. Whereas there are a dozen "normal" combinations that are achieved using a minimum number of angles and scopes.

The main rule is the principle of crossing the track and requires simple geometric knowledge. When the pins are on the left side of the lane, the best starting position will be on the right, and vice versa. Practice hitting the Spare using the lane crossing principle. To perform SPARE strikes, it is necessary to calculate the trajectory of the ball and aim at the pins in the last row (7, 8, 9 and 10). Then the pins in front of them will be knocked down, as if by themselves! To knock down each of the pins 7, 8, 9 and 10 there is a "own" hit with a "own" trajectory. They make up the four main strokes of SPARE using the lane crossing technique. Any combination of strikes that allows you to knock out SPARE can be obtained using the indicated trajectories.

For example, to knock down the remaining pins number 1-2-4, you need to take the 8th pin as a target, because it is just behind the 2nd, with all the pins in place. To shoot down the 3rd and 6th, you should aim at the 9th. The fifth pin as a target usually results in a Strike.

The straight line for hitting any of the pins in the back row must pass through the third or fourth (center) arrow or somewhere in between. The starting position is different for each of the throws. To be successful at SPARE throws, you must be able to mentally draw the path of a ball crossing the lane and shoot exactly along it. Practice and experience will allow you to make these throws more and more successfully every time.

In order to knock down any pin in the last row, one must follow the third or fourth (middle) arrow or between them. The starting position is different for each throw. Of course, practice and experience will improve your results.

Miss is a much bigger challenge. To knock down the remaining pins on a "Miss" you either need to be very accurate or lucky! The strength of a ten-year-old child is enough for a correct throw in bowling.

On the approach zone, two rows of dots (dashed lines) can be seen. The first row is 15 feet (4.5 m) from the foul line (foul line) and the second row is 12 feet (3.6 m). These points will help you determine your starting position (correct starting point for the run-up). Children need to stand closer to the foul line than adults because their steps are shorter. In any case, it is desirable for the player to stand closer to the foul line. After acquiring some skills, you can move away.

Children need to stand closer to the foul line than adults because their steps are shorter. The same can be advised for beginners to feel more comfortable. As you gain confidence and experience, you can lengthen your run as needed.

Whatever the length of the run-up, calculate it so that your last step, along with the slide, ends within 30 cm of the foul line.

Before throwing, try to feel confident and free. Put your feet together and lean forward slightly, relieve tension and feel a state of relaxed readiness!

The ball should be held in front, on the right side of the body, at chest height or slightly below. The line of the shoulders is parallel to the line of the spade (A). The playing hand holds the ball from below, the free hand helps to support the ball (B). Hold the wrist firmly and straight, without tilting back (down) (B). The elbow of the hand holding the ball is pressed to the side (D). Legs together, knees slightly bent (D), feet perpendicular to the foul line or pointing towards the target (E).

Bowling ball throwing combines a number of different techniques merged into a single continuous movement. And it includes target selection, ball swing (swing), run-up (steps), throw (ball launch) and player's actions after the throw.

If you take a fairly heavy object, such as a bowling ball, and try to make a throwing motion from below with your arm, you will notice that the motion itself generates momentum. This is the pendulum principle. It forms the basis of a good and consistent swing. If bowling players didn't have a "free" source of energy, we wouldn't be able to roll the ball down the line at all.

The essence of the "pendulum principle" is that the hand and the ball form a "pendulum", which has the greatest energy at the lowest point of the trajectory. Using this principle, it will be easier for you to make a throw. From the starting position, the ball is first sent forward, then a back swing is made (reverse swing), after which the hand with the ball, like a pendulum, rushes down, and a throw is made. The height of the backswing should be from the level of the belt to the shoulder, the arm is straight.

Regarding the weight of the ball, use a ball that can be rocked back and forth freely and comfortably. The ball is too heavy for you if your wrist sags or the weight of the ball forces your shoulder to drop while swinging. And too light if you feel like you can throw it.

Most players perform a ball throw as if from a running start. It is important to accurately calculate all movements during the approach.

Usually, the run-up of players shooting from four steps begins with the second row of marks. Those who throw from five steps, or take big steps when approaching from four steps, throw from the round marks of the third row. The first row of marks (near the foul line) is a guideline for the direction of the final step when making a throw. You will see other marks in the form of arrows on the path ahead at a distance of 4.5 meters from the foul line. These arrows serve as your target when calculating the ball's trajectory. It is one of these arrows that must be looked at during the throw, and not at the pins themselves.

Emphasis on the left leg, the right leg is relaxed and slightly bent at the knee. The player's gaze is directed to the 2nd - 3rd arrow (the count of the arrows is on the right).

Beginners are advised to use the 4 step approach. Experienced players can add a fifth step. The steps are simple, walking type, in a normal manner - from heel to toe. The first step should be the shortest. The last one, since it involves sliding, should be the longest. In the last step, the player's boot hits the approach zone with the balls of the toes, then makes a sliding motion, and the weight of the body is transferred to the heel to stop.

Take the first step with your right foot and, in order not to stray from the pace, count: "1-2-3-4". In truth, the number of steps itself is not as important as your ability to coordinate movements during the run-up: the swing and steps should merge into a natural, uninterrupted chain of movements. If the number of steps you take allows you to reach maximum result- this is right for you, in spite of any principles.

If we consider each of the actions separately, then the swing of the ball and the steps are not so difficult physical exercises. But how you connect these movements will determine how successful the approach will be. At the moment you release the ball, you need to be in a stable position, but you also need to use the driving force of your steps. You want all of your accumulated speed to be transferred to the ball the moment you let it roll down the lane. Therefore, to release the ball in time means to do it when the slide on the last step comes to an end.

How do you achieve the perfect balance of stability and momentum when you release the ball? By rocking the ball with maximum amplitude, so that it moves back as much as possible on the step preceding the last one. From this position, the sliding leg and the arm swinging the ball move forward together. If you succeeded, then you will achieve the desired effect.

The first three steps are taken while the ball moves back to the maximum swing amplitude point. When you are in the position where the ball starts its downward movement, slide and release the ball. The point is that the ball gets a good momentum for its movement along the track. In bowling, it's push. In the second step, the ball is retracted from the starting position to a distance of 12-18 inches from the body. On the third and fourth steps - preparation for the throw.

The beginning of the approach is the moment for setting the pace of movement. The push should be simple and easy. Even good players can't always time themselves to catch a comfortable pace. Take the first step and push in sync. This sets the momentum for the rest of the approach.

The ball should be released on the last step as it moves past the ankle of the gliding foot. The distance from the ball to the ankle should be 2.5 - 5 cm. This requires a little bend over. In order for the ball to pass at the level of the ankle, you need to slightly bend the knee on the last step. What at first may seem like an awkward posture, then becomes quite ordinary. Tilt your upper body forward 15-20 degrees. For balance at the time of the throw, the middle of the chest should be directly above the knee of the sliding leg. During the approach, keep your head straight, focus on the target. The free hand is laid aside a little and serves for balance.

At the end of the throw, the toe of the left foot is slightly to the left of the central round mark of the first row, and the ball passes along the 2-3 mark-arrow. If you see that your ball is moving to the left when throwing, move starting position slightly to the right and vice versa.

To spin the ball, mentally imagine a clock face and position your thumb so that it points to 10 or 11 o'clock (or 2 or 1 o'clock for lefties). If the thumb points to 12 o'clock (located straight), then the throw will be straight. With your thumb in the spin throw position, keep your wrist relatively firm throughout the process as the ball leaves your hand. You should feel some pressure or tug on your fingers as the ball leaves your hand. These are the components of the twist. Try it and you'll see that it's just as easy to learn how to throw a spin ball as it is to learn how to throw it straight.

It is very important that the ball fits well in the hand. Therefore, be responsible for drilling it. Use only the services of a professional.
To get a good mark, look at the mark! Manufacturers make balls with a complex eccentric core, and with a surface that interacts with the lane at the molecular level (so-called reactive and proactive balls), so that the ball itself smooths out part of the player's errors. Thus, the first thing that should be understood by those who want to learn the technique of spinning the ball is that spinning the ball is effective only when using special balls.

· Before the start of the game, a ball of the required mass is selected. As a general rule, the mass of the ball should be 1/10 of the player's weight. It should be noted that the heavier the ball, the easier it is to control it during the throw.

· An ordinary ball has three holes, which should be taken with the ring, middle and thumb fingers. The thumb passes completely into the hole, and the ring and middle fingers only up to the second phalanx. The index finger and little finger are located freely on the surface of the ball.

· To perform a good throw, you need to take the ball in your right hand, while supporting it with your other hand and lower it down, to the level between the chest and waist. The elbow of the right hand should be pressed to the thigh.

· The game includes ten rounds. In each round, the player makes two throws of the ball, except for the tenth round, which may include three throws: an additional throw is made after knocking out a strike (pins knocked down on the first try) or a spare (pins knocked down in two throws) in the tenth round and counts only for the results of the tenth round.

· If a player fails to knock down all the pins within two ball throws in one round, then the stage remains open.

· Points scored at each stage are taken into account as the sum of knocked down pins and bonuses. In a round in which all the pins were not knocked out, the number of points equals the number of pins knocked out. The player is awarded bonus points if he hits a strike or a spare. For one strike, ten points are awarded and bonuses equal to the number of pins knocked out by the player in two throws. For one spare ten points are awarded and bonuses in the form of the number of pins knocked down by the player in the next throw of the ball.

· The maximum number of points scored in one round is thirty (if the player hits three strikes in a row), and for the entire game - 300 (twelve strikes in a row). In fact, bowling with high scores (more than 200 points) is possible only in the case of several strikes knocked out in a row, which is an indicator of high skill.

· Points are recorded using an automatic system that displays the result of each shot, the final result and other calculations on the monitor screen located above the track.

The first thing when playing bowling is, of course, the correct capture of the ball. Bowling balls come in different weights and holes for them can also be of different sizes. The player must choose a ball for himself in such a way that the grip is comfortable, and the holes correspond to the size of the fingers.

So, the bowling technique is as follows: the ball is captured by the middle, ring and thumb, which are laid in the corresponding holes. In this case, the thumb is laid to the full length, and the middle and ring fingers are only partially inserted. The index finger and little finger are simply placed on the surface of the ball.

The swing before the throw should be carried out without tension, the brush should be practically relaxed. This can only be achieved with the correct selection of the ball.

Each throw is preceded by the player's passage through the approach zone. For convenience, this zone is marked with two rows of points, the first of which is located twelve feet from the foul line, and the second - fifteen. These points allow the player to accurately determine the moment of the throw when approaching the line. For those who do not have much experience, it is advisable to come closer to the foul line, and as the skill grows, the player can send the ball even from afar. In any case, the moment of throwing the ball will be determined by the style of play of a particular person. However, according to the rules of bowling, you certainly must not step over the foul line and stop at least a foot from it. Well, the generally accepted position of the player at the moment of sending the bowling ball is considered such a position when the legs are together, and the body leans forward.

Well, now that we've covered the fundamentals one by one, it's time to put everything together and look at the run-up and message from start to finish to finally understand how to play bowling properly.

First, the ball must be held with one hand. With the second hand, it can only be slightly supported before the swing.

The second, and most difficult, is the run. It will be more convenient for a beginner to take four steps, and as you gain experience, you can add a fifth step to the run. During the first three steps, the hand with the ball is retracted back, a swing occurs, the ball is maximally raised in its rearmost position, and only on the fourth and fifth steps the hand should go forward so that the ball being sent receives maximum speed when it leaves your hand. The last step, at the same time, must be sliding: thanks to the inertia of the ball and your own body, you must slide some distance along the runway.

It is important to achieve synchronism and harmony of all movements during the throw. Your body and the ball in your hand should work as one, like a swinging pendulum. In any case, you need to look at how other, more experienced players do it, words are unlikely to explain the throwing technique to a person who has never seen a bowling game. Of course, your first promises will most likely be unsuccessful and clumsy, but already on the third roll you will master the basic skill and achieve synchronization and smoothness of movements.

So, the main signs of a correct throw according to the rules of the bowling game are a smooth beautiful movement, the absence of tension during the throw. The ball, when you swing your arm forward, must pass on short distance from the ankle, that is, the final phase of the run takes place on half-bent legs. Swing, push, slip, and finally, the release of the ball. The ball moves along the path to its target. After the throw, the working arm continues its movement to the level of the player's eyes. At the same time, it is very important that the swing plane is directed precisely at the frame with pins, after the throw, the freed hand must also pass in the direction of the target, without moving to the right or left. This will help you keep your balance and complete the cycle of your movements in a way that looks beautiful and does not cause you any inconvenience. It is also worth noting that bowling shoes should fit well on the foot and not dangle.

Having explained the theory of the throw, it is worth telling where and how, in fact, this throw is directed. A sent ball should hit pins sixty feet from the foul line, and it would be completely useless to aim at the pins themselves.

The hit of the ball in specific skittles determines the moment of the throw, because, having come off your hand, the ball, of course, rolls along the path, guided solely by the laws of physics, and your will no longer plays any role at all. That is why you should aim at the markers located already behind the foul line. These markers are a series of arrows that point to specific pins.

In order for the throw to be as effective as possible, you must adhere to certain tactics and send the ball, as they say, in place. Of course, in this article it is impossible to summarize all the variety of tricks and nuances used in bowling, and we will consider only the main ones.

To get a strike, you must hit the gap between the first and third pins on the right, or the first and second, respectively, on the left. In this case, the ball must roll along the track at a certain angle, which is set at the time of the throw.

In order to achieve a spare, it is usually necessary to knock out the pins standing on one side of the lane, since the rest have already been knocked down by the first send. And here, too, it is extremely important to throw at an angle so that the ball crosses the path. If the pins are on the left, the ball must be thrown from right to left, if vice versa, then the ball is thrown from left to right. In order for the ball to approach the target as steeply as possible, it is usually given rotation in the horizontal plane, and then the trajectory of its movement turns out to be curvilinear and most advantageous.

The rotation of the ball can be achieved if, when thrown, the thumb leaves its hole later than the others. Moreover, as a rule, the ball twists in the direction where the thumb will look at the moment of separation. Without bowling school training, it will certainly be difficult for a beginner to achieve a correct and predictable twist, but with the growth of your skill you will be able to accurately calculate the trajectory of the ball and spin it exactly as much as the goal requires.
So, remember the basic rules of bowling:

1. Be sure to change your shoes before playing. Replaceable shoes are necessary so as not to scratch the expensive coating of the tracks with soles and heels. The flat rubber sole of these shoes prevents slipping and reduces the risk of an accidental foul (it counts when a player steps over the line at the start of the lane). In addition, this tradition preliminarily tunes in to the game and creates a special atmosphere - all players look like members of a closed club.

2. Choose a ball of suitable weight. Before the start of the game, they all lie on the surface of a special machine, and each member of the team can find a comfortable pair of balls and remember their weight. Tentatively, women are suitable for everything that is less than No. 10, for men - balls from No. 10 and heavier.

3. To capture the ball, insert three fingers of the right hand into its holes: thumb, middle and ring. Do not immerse your fingers completely, let the palm only slightly touch the surface of the ball. This setting of the brush is not accidental: it allows you to control the push and subsequent movement of the ball along the track as best as possible.

4. Now about the track itself. Before it begins, there is the so-called "run-up zone", in which you must be before the start of the throw. The throw line separates this zone from the varnished track itself. Mentally divide the runway into four steps. If they did more and crossed the throw line, they earned a foul, that is, the pins knocked down this time will not be counted.

5. Each step to the line of throw is accompanied by a corresponding movement of the hand with the ball. It goes through the trajectory from the swing back to the push of the projectile with a straight hand along the path.

6. At this point, you must release the ball, which will accelerate towards the pins. The more he hits, the more points you earn. Ideally, all 10 pins are knocked down in one hit, and such a throw is called the term "strike".

7. No matter how many pins you knock down, the game goes to the next player. Everyone in the team has 10 approaches to the track. When all team members have used their approaches, points are counted. This happens automatically and the result will be displayed on the monitor above your track.

By and large, all these rules in practice are mastered faster than the time that you spend reading them. When you come to a bowling club for the first time, do not hesitate to ask more experienced comrades and observe their actions. Try to take steps to the track correctly and repeat the postures of successful players. Over time, you will begin to feel more confident. And when you learn how to properly distribute the center of gravity of your body and the ball, you will stop thinking about the position of your arms and legs before throwing.

And finally - a couple of tips for those aesthetes who want to master not only the technical part of the game. As in any sport, bowling has its own ethical rules. By sticking to them, you will make a positive impression on experienced players and set a good example for newcomers. For starters, remember the so-called "Right Side Rule". It obliges the players to give another advantage to the one on the right. This one on the right, in turn, can return the move to another member of the team with a nod.

The second universal rule is not to interfere with players in adjacent lanes. For example, do not enter the run-up area if you see that a neighbor has begun preparing for a throw. Your movement in the field of peripheral vision can distract the other player and negatively affect the result of his approach. Elementary courtesy and respect for others are as important components of a successful game as polished technique and accurate throws. Do both - and easy strikes for you!

This is one of those games that is gaining more and more fans around the world. But most of those who pick up the ball for the first time do not know how to play bowling. In this article, we will talk about the little secrets of the game that will help even novice bowlers get strikes.

Fundamentals of the basics

The rules of bowling are actually not very complicated. They can be explained even to a child. Ten pins are arranged in the shape of a triangle. They are located almost twenty meters from the place where the ball is thrown from. The goal of the game is to knock down the skittles.

Before moving into the playing area, you need to change into special shoes. After all, there is a special coating on the site, and it is easy to damage it with street shoes. And boots for this sport will allow you to move correctly on the court.

Ball selection and throw

Before you start bowling, it is important to choose the right ball. They differ in weight. The size of the holes is also important. Based on these two characteristics, you can choose balls for children, women and men. In addition, the size of the ball depends on the physical capabilities of the player, his general training.

It is important to note that the fingers should slide out of the holes freely. Otherwise, an easy throw will not work. At the same time, it enters the hole completely, but the other two - only up to the middle of the phalanx. How to play bowling to be winners? Beginners are advised to throw the ball straight, while keeping the thumb at the so-called 12 o'clock.

Here is another secret to a successful throw. You need to look not at the skittles, but at the arrows that are drawn on the track. As a sight, you can select the second label, which is located on the right. Masters are able to throw the ball, twisting it when thrown. But before you can play bowling professionally, you need to learn how to send the ball straight.

It is also important to pay attention to the run-up before the throw. You need to move away from the foul line at such a distance that when you take off, you can take about four steps. At the same time, it starts with the right foot.

Performing a throw

A brief description of the throwing technique in this game is as follows. Feet should be placed side by side, then lean forward a little. The ball is best kept at chest level. Further, the hand in which the ball is located swings like a pendulum - up and forward. In this case, the left hand supports the ball from below. All this is done in the first step. On the second hand goes down. The third is done with the right foot, while the ball is behind, and the body itself leans forward a little.

But the last step is, rather, sliding. Sliding, the ball is thrown onto the track, after bending the left knee. The body leans lower and lower, the left hand helps to maintain balance. The right arm is straight and extended forward.

And one more important point in the question of how to play bowling: do not step over the foul line! After all, all the pins that you knock down by breaking it will not count in the end. The success of the throw is affected not only by the force with which the ball is sent, but also by accuracy.

Those who reach the level of over two hundred points in one game usually acquire their own bowling style.
