How to play Russian checkers rules for beginner children. How to play Russian checkers step by step: rules for beginner children Playing corners on a chessboard

A surprise for those who like to play corners with checkers on chessboard: the famous Russian game received new life in computer version! Now even those who don’t know how to play corners can easily master the rules and organize a personal tournament of champions!

Time to play corners with the computer online: full screen available free version games "Checkers Corners"! Enjoy the advantages without registration: moves are recorded on the chessboard, you can play in Russian and track statistics.

How to play corners with checkers

Here is the classic version of the game corners on a chessboard with 12 checkers. 2 players play: the computer is black, you are white. In the initial position, the opponents' checkers are placed at an angle, diagonally. The main task is to occupy the opposite corner with your checkers. Whoever changes lanes first wins!

According to the rules of the game of classic corners, you can move checkers to an adjacent horizontal or vertical empty cell or jump over a checker, provided that there is free space behind it. So you can jump over two, three or even four pawns, including your own and others.

To make a move, click on the checker; while it is active (highlighted), click on the destination cell. Contrary to the usual standard of a mandatory move in classical checkers, the game of corners does not oblige you to continue multiple races. This is in the player's best interest, but if you miss a good position and stop, the game will treat your decision as strategic.

Corner strategy

  1. Strive to make several jumps in one move - this way the checker will quickly move to the opposite corner. Create conditions for “multi-jump” moves by setting one or more checkers so that you can “jump” over them.
  2. Quickly remove the checkers from your corner, lining them up closer to the center. This creates a barrier that blocks enemy moves. The farther from your home you can place this barrier, the better.
  3. Force your opponent to bypass your barrier to buy time.

The most common trick in checkers corners is to play by symmetrically repeating the opponent's moves in order to play a “draw”. IN online versions game corners black checkers cannot copy more than 10 moves of the opponent.

It is impossible to intentionally leave one or more checkers in your corner; it is obvious that in this case the competition loses its meaning - not a single player achieves the goal.

The game continues until one of the opponents moves all his checkers to the opposite corner of the board. Occupying your opponent's house is a victory!

The game of Corners can be divided into four stages: opening, beginning of the game, middle and building a house. Let's take a closer look at what each stage is.


An opening is a certain combination of moves thought out in advance at the very beginning of the game. Usually the opening consists of 5-7 moves, but it can be 10-15 moves depending on the situation. What should you try to do during the debut? You need to get out of your home as soon as possible large quantity checkers and move them as close as possible to the center of the board, which is the most strategically important place on the playing field. By taking this place first, you will create an obstacle for your opponent. After it becomes impossible to follow smart combinations, the main game begins.

Beginning of the game

Now you will have to carefully think through every move. At this stage, you need to solve the same problems as in the opening: try to bring the checkers that are still in your house to the center of the field, occupy as many squares there as possible and, naturally, prevent the enemy from doing the same. Our advice: place your checkers in such a way that the enemy cannot “jump” over them.

Mid game

In order to play Corners and always win, build the middle of the game correctly. Try to avoid the appearance of empty cells between your checkers and do not let the enemy enter your territory. Your checkers should act as a kind of barrier for your opponent, and if a gap appears in this barrier, try to quickly fill it with another checker. Let the enemy bypass your barrier, and at this time you take the places of his failed checkers. Your checkers should ideally move in a group, do not allow them to “scatter” across the entire field. Most likely, your opponent will also try to take a central position, so you can move a little higher or lower than the center of the field, the main thing is not to “run away”!

Ending the game

The game ends with the construction of a house. You can use different options construction: either immediately move the checkers along the black roads, or first move some of the checkers along the white roads, and then rebuild them onto the upper black one. It all depends on the situation on the playing field.

Those who love the game Corners will definitely enjoy our Free gaming club LuckForFree. Here you will find several varieties of this popular board game.

without registering

The game of checkers corners is one of the popular varieties of this board game. Good way add variety to your gaming life and try to look at checkers differently. Corners are enough old game and its roots go back to the distant past. In Russia, the game of online corners is slightly different from the international version, in our country it is played on a board of 8 by 8 cells, that is, on a regular chess board, but in many other countries online checkers in corners is played on a board of 16 by 16 cells, the rest of the rules are the same.

Rules for online games of corners

Your main task is to move your checkers to the enemy’s side and you need to do this before your opponent. The move can be made in any direction, both backwards, forwards and sideways. You can jump not only over your opponent’s checkers, but also over your own. The one who moves his checkers to the opposite side faster will win, but there are a couple of clarifications about the game.

  • If, after 40 moves, at least one checker remains on its original side or returns there after these same 40 moves, this will lead to the inevitable defeat of the owner of the checker. Why is this necessary? In order to prevent the enemy from stalling the game by preventing him from occupying the desired cell.
  • If you want to get a draw, then you just need to move symmetrically to what your opponent was doing. Thanks to this, you will reduce the game to a draw.

Playing checkers corners will present you with many reasons and game situations that require thought and analysis, so you definitely won’t be bored here. You can and should play checkers online with real opponents, because it is much more interesting than with computer intelligence.

Checkers Corners is, without any doubt, a successful implementation of the board game. Many people like to compete in corners with other players and find out who is stronger. Fortunately, you can play in the gaming club for free and without restrictions.

Game Corners- an ancient Russian desktop logic script in Java for two people. This game with checkers is a derivative of more ancient game halma. The game takes place on a regular chessboard with dimensions of 8 by 8 cells. The house contains checkers; it has the size of a 3 by 4 rectangle.

Rules of the game: Players take turns with their chips. Yours are white checkers. Computer checkers are black. The goal of the game is to move all your game checkers to your opponent's house. That is, you need to be the first to move your checkers to the place of your opponent’s checkers on the squares in the rectangle from e6 to h8 for you. And the computer strives to build its house in a rectangular space from a1 to d3. The winner is the player who can be the first to build his house in the opposite corner of the board. The game has a draw strategy - make symmetrical moves. It is symmetry that cannot transform the corners into rank sports games(chess and checkers).

Each player can only move one (1) checker in one move.

You can make two types of moves: moving your piece one square in any direction or jumping over the pieces to any possible number of cells.

Jumps can be multiple, and you can stop a multiple move at any time. Each jump is performed over one of your own or someone else’s checkers onto an empty cell. You can jump vertically and horizontally.

In order to make a move, click with the mouse on the checker you have chosen, which will make a move (it will turn yellow), and then on the cell where you plan to move. The computer reports its moves and yours, as well as any problems that arise (for example, you are trying to make an illegal move) in a text box under the board. To cancel a move, click on the checker again if you change your mind about moving it.

Game over corners

The game is considered over when the following conditions are met:

1) You win the game if you move all your checkers to your opponent's house before the second opposing side.

2) A player has lost if he has several of his own checkers in his house and has already made more than 40 moves.

3) The player lost if he brought his checker back to his home after 40 moves.

Under the game there is a description, instructions and rules, as well as thematic links to similar materials - we recommend that you read it.

How to play - rules and description

A computer analogue of an interesting board game. The toolkit includes an ordinary chessboard and 24 checkers: 12 white and 12 red. That is, the same set that is used in classic game in "Checkers". Only the layout of the figures and the goal of the game are very different from the last one.

The initial placement of the chips on the board determines the name “Corners”. Look: 12 white checkers and 12 red checkers are tightly placed in opposite corners of the board. One color occupies squares from a1 to d3, the other - from h8 to d6. The goal of the game is to transfer all your checkers to the opponent's corner, and the first one to do this is recognized as the winner. The moves are made alternately. The mechanics of making a move are somewhat different from checkers. The piece here cannot move diagonally, only horizontally or vertically.

You can only move one checker in one move. Since the opponents have the same number of chips, it is logical to assume that the one who goes first will win. But no. The advantage arises from proper use of the mechanism of jumping over other chips. By analogy with eating a piece in regular “Checkers”, a piece here can jump over another one, no matter its own or an opponent’s. The jumped figure remains on the table. The beauty is that you can jump over not only one, but also two, three pieces per turn - as many as possible!

Service information, or rather the game protocol is kept below playing field. So, the checkers are placed, and the computer opponent is ready to play. Try to move your pieces to your opponent's corner before he moves his pieces to yours.

Can download game CORNERS on your computer, it will not take up much space, but think about whether it makes sense to do this, because it is always available here, you just need to open this page.

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