How to defeat the boss in. Bosses in Darkest Dungeon: The Color of Madness - how to win

We have just started playing through the game, but right now we are ready to give a couple of tips on how to defeat the first boss - P.A.X in The Surge, and also share secrets about defeating the second boss - Lu-74 FireBug. Meet our first guide on game The Surge!

How to defeat the first boss in The Surge - P.A.X

P.A.X is the first boss in the game, to defeat it - always be on the side of him and attack his leg to fill the orange bar at the top. Once it's full, P.A.X will fire missiles, at this point stand next to him and they will hit him. Then attack his weak point (2 in front and 1 in back).

This scheme must be repeated twice, there will be no more revelations from the boss. More details in this video:

How to defeat the beetle - Lu-74 FireBug, the second boss in the game The Surge

This boss has 2 forms. The first is when he is in a crab-like state. To defeat him in this stance, you will need to attack his legs after he jumps and falls from the sky. After falling, run to him, perform 1 attack (1 - no more!!).

After you have weakened your legs, the boss will fall to the ground. Attack his fallen leg until it breaks. Continue repeating this pattern until there is a small explosion animation.

After this video, the beetle will turn into a second form, flying around the battle area. He will try to pull you towards him or rotate you with his hands, at these moments you need to stay as far away as possible! Attack while it is recharging, make 1-2 hits and retreat. More details in this video:

Interactive virtual entertainment is gaining more and more popularity every day, capturing an increasingly large audience of fans, and the biggest boom in popularity is in modern times, when games on social networks are in vogue. Yes, there are thousands of them, very different and interesting, but in this article we will analyze the two most popular projects called “Prison” and “Vormix”, or rather, we will analyze how to kill the boss in these games. After all, this is far from an easy task, which requires not only preparation, but also the right social interaction with other players.

Bosses in games

Every game, regardless of whether it is multiplayer, a large project or a simple social browser game, has a so-called boss. And before you find out how to kill the boss, you should first understand what he is. The leader of the virtual space is the most powerful representative, who can be defeated only with great effort. He has an increased survivability rate, has a high level of development, and his strength is capable of destroying everyone in his path. He is usually large, charismatic and practically invulnerable; he can only be defeated with the help of a certain approach and tactics. Fortunately, such methods are easy to find, but difficult to implement, so success directly depends on the user himself. Therefore, to the question of how to kill a boss, you can find a fairly simple answer: you just need to find a certain approach to it.

Boss in Prison

"Tyuryaga" is the most popular multiplayer social game about life in prison. Each user can become a prisoner and try to achieve success, respect and wealth in the colony, observing the rules, laws and listening to their own. The Boss in the "Prison" represents some kind of authority of a particular section of the colony, in addition, the boss himself can be the head of the colony , however, we still need to get to it. There are quite a lot of leaders in this game project, and each has his own unique features. This is where the question arises of how to kill the bosses in the Prison. As it turns out, the secret is quite simple, you just need to interact with all the players who are also trying to achieve something in the game. Help them, respond, communicate, add to your contact list and interact with them. All this will allow you to call them for help in the future. Yes, the boss in this project can only be defeated if you invite a large number of friends with you, who will automatically destroy most of his health. And then it’s up to you, all you have to do is finish him off.

Boss in Wormix

Wormix is ​​the second most popular social multiplayer game in which the user takes command of a squad of worms and tries to prove that he is best player in that virtual world. In principle, each of us has played Worms in the past, and this social game is almost a direct copy of the retro project, however, there is a level of development, tournaments, PvP battles and bosses. The leaders are large opponents with unique abilities and specific tactics. How to kill the boss in Wormix? Everything is quite simple, here too you need to find a certain approach to it. You can oppose him in battle several times, understand the principle of his action, then select certain tactics and weapons for victory. There are also bosses that you need to fight against as part of a squad of players, but everything depends on your group interaction.

Here, in fact, are all the basic recommendations that will help you solve the question of how to kill the boss. But even with these tips, do not forget that the main success of your game is developing your own profile, obtaining the most effective weapons and other elements for successful game. Any additional advice will not be of much help, since everything will gradually come during the game. Believe in yourself, your strengths and don’t forget about all this will allow you to succeed.

As it turns out, there is an easy way to defeat literally any boss in Nioh, regardless of your skill.

The whole secret is to use living weapons fueled by Soulstone (of course, the weapon is fueled by Amrita activated by the Soul Stone, but that’s not the point).

How it works

The point is that while Amrita nourishes living weapon, your character does not take any damage. Therefore, all you have to do is approach the boss, spam attacks with living weapons (triangle + circle on the joystick), and quickly drain his HP, without fear of getting hit back. If you did not manage to destroy the enemy during the duration of one Soulstone, activate the next one. For obvious reasons, no bosses, even doubles, can resist this method.

Each boss usually takes 2-3 Stones.

Where to get Soulstone

You receive Soul Stones regularly as mission rewards, and sometimes Soulstones can be found in loot. Don't waste them on regular mobs, save them for bosses.

To save money, farm mobs before each boss to gain Amrita. When meeting a boss, activate a living weapon, and only when it goes out do you start spending Soul Stones.

How to improve your tactics

For best results, use this build:

  • Attributes: 30 Body (+ to spear damage and health), 25 Magic (very important for the next point), 75 Spirit (useful for living weapons).
  • The most important: Use magic skills Onmyo “Extraction Talisman” + “Pleiades Talisman”. Thanks to this connection, living weapons are recharged with every blow.
  • Other useful magic: Sloth (slows down the enemy by 50%), Carnage (increases your damage), Weakness reduces the enemy's defense), Devigorate (reduces the enemy's defense).
  • Guardian Spirit: Suzaku(+25% Amrita gain while using a living weapon, so recharging is even better).

A spear is best suited for this tactic., since it hits in an area, and there is no need to aim accurately. And don't forget to put Soulstone in your quick access slot for convenience.

Before boss battles, it’s better to save (PS4 Settings > Application Saved Data Management), this way you’ll save your nerves and Soulstone if you don’t manage to defeat the enemy the first time.

A video that clearly shows the process of killing bosses in Nioh

Don’t try to rush into battle at the first suitable opportunity, upgrade your items before the fight with Itu. Before the final battle, upgrade your character in all possible duels, do not be lazy and open the maximum number of chests and booster packs - all these actions together will not only level your strength with the enemy, but will also give you advantages over Itu.

Use combo attacks

Try to take advantage of combo attacks as much as possible, this will cause serious damage to Itu and will not allow you to fully counterattack. Having taken several combined blows, the opponent is unlikely to be able to gather his strength and restore it. The best option to carry out such attacks, these are paired weapons, for example - nunchucks, sabers or shuangou.

Use flanking maneuvers and attack from behind

During battle, Itu often uses a force field effect as protection and restoration of lost health. At the same time, he has to sit down and attacking him head-on will not work. If you come at him from behind, then the protection is not so serious and this can be successfully taken advantage of, causing irreparable damage to him with irrevocable loss of life.

New addition The Color of Madness for Darkest Dungeon added an additional region “Peasant Yard” to the game, in which you can encounter several unique opponents, among which there are both ordinary enemies, for example, farm laborers or a scarecrow, and bosses. While the former are relatively easy to deal with, the latter can cause a lot of problems.

We decided to simplify your task of destroying bosses by writing detailed guide to fight them. This guide will indicate the main weaknesses of these enemies, the most effective tactics battles with them and recommendations for creating optimal parties.


First new boss additions. You will encounter him during one of the initial quests in Peasant Yard. After that, you will be able to meet him in the “Endless Harvest” mode, which takes place in the same location.

  • Health: 143 units
  • Evasion: 14 percent
  • Protection: 20 percent
  • Speed: 5 units
  • Stun Resistance: 95 percent
  • Poison Resistance: 60 percent
  • Bleed Resistance: 220 percent
  • Resistance to negative statuses: 60 percent
  • Resistance to movement: 70 percent

As you can see, this enemy is practically immune to the bleeding effect, so you should focus on trying to poison him, since he has less resistance to this status. By the way, on maximum level Almost all parameters of this boss increase by 25 percent.

Note: The Miller, like many other bosses, can move twice in one turn.

How to defeat Melnik

The Miller is the first more or less powerful enemy you will encounter in new location. As with other bosses in the game, defeating him requires a specific approach. In most cases, the Miller summons one common region enemy each turn. After this, he can perform one of two actions: use the Harvest ability, which deals damage to all characters in the group, or apply a buff to strengthen the summoned creatures.

In addition, the boss is guarded by summoned creatures, meaning they take damage instead of him. When the Miller's health bar reaches 66 percent, he will be able to use a new attack called Harvest, aimed at one hero. Not only does it deal about 15 damage, but it also heals the boss for 20 points.

To win this battle, you need to take at least one hero on your team who can deal great amount damage, for example, Rogue, Mischief, a well-equipped Crusader or Leper. With its help you need to quickly eliminate the summoned creatures. One attack should be enough to destroy these monsters before the Miller strengthens them.

It is also necessary to have a character who can attack enemies from both the first and second positions, for example, the Crusader or the Leper. Thanks to them, you will be able to deal damage not only to summoned monsters, but also to the boss. Poison works great on Miller, as he has low resistance to this effect.

Don't forget to heal your characters during battle. The best choice for this role is the Vestal (Nun), since in most cases the boss deals damage to all heroes, so area healing skills will come in handy. You should also invest in trinkets to increase Evasion, since enemy attacks are not very accurate - your heroes can easily dodge them with 35-40 points in Evasion. Don't worry about Stress - although the battle with the Miller is intense, it only lasts a few turns.

It is necessary to assemble a party that can quickly destroy summoned creatures, deal great damage to the boss and restore lost health from Miller’s AoE attacks. The following heroes will be useful for this:

  • Crusader or Leper in first position. Both heroes will be able to perform well in this battle. As a Crusader, you can use trinkets that increase your character's health and damage. The Leper's accuracy should be increased, since the enemy has a high evasion parameter.
  • The robber or mischief maker is in second position. The first one is great for dealing damage to the boss. However, this character can also be used to inflict damage on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd positions. The mischief maker is aimed at destroying single targets.
  • Vestal is in third position. She happens to be best choice, When we're talking about about healers, since the Miller usually hits all 4 heroes at once, and the nun can heal all characters.
  • The Plague Doctor is in fourth position. This heroine works well against the Miller, as she can poison him or increase the damage dealt by the hero. After this buff, the character will be able to kill summoned creatures with one hit.

Breakaway and Dormant

The second boss has two different forms that have different names: Breakaway and Sleeper. In each form, the monster has a variety of characteristics and types of attacks, so we will study each of them separately.

Breakaway Stats and Resistances

  • Health: 115 units
  • Evasion: 0 percent
  • Protection: 20 percent
  • Speed: 6 units
  • Poison Resistance: 120 percent
  • Bleed Resistance: 240 percent
  • Resistance to negative statuses: 90 percent
  • Resistance to movement: 140 percent

This enemy is practically immune to bleeding. In addition, he has good resistance to poisoning, so focus on dealing normal damage.

Note: This boss makes three moves in one turn, but uses the same attack.

How to defeat the Breakaway

The battle with this boss looks quite unusual, since it does not attack the heroes at all. Instead, he creates 3 crystals every turn (if there are empty positions). These crystals don't attack either - they simply block the path to the Breakaway. However, the boss is able to strengthen these crystals.

The boss has two additional attacks per turn (summoning a crystal does not count). Both of these moves apply buffs to crystals. The first move increases the size of the crystalline object and its characteristics, but it will still not be able to attack you. The second buff is performed only at the end of the turn and allows the crystal to use its only attack - it explodes, causing damage to all characters and applying one of the possible effects to them: bleeding, fear, poisoning, and so on.

Thus, it is necessary to destroy the crystals as quickly as possible so that they do not have time to explode. You will have two full turns to destroy them after the call. The problem is that they are fully healed when the boss applies the buff, so it's worth focusing on those enemies that have already been buffed by the Breakaway. Remember to also attack the boss throughout the battle. After dealing enough damage to him, he will transform into a Sleeper.

Sleeper stats and resistances

  • Health: 225 units
  • Evasion: 0 percent
  • Protection: 30 percent
  • Speed: 6 units
  • Stun Resistance: 140 percent
  • Poison Resistance: 70 percent
  • Bleed Resistance: 140 percent
  • Resistance to negative statuses: 100 percent
  • Resistance to movement: 240 percent

The boss's characteristics have changed - he is now more vulnerable to bleeding and much easier to poison. However, you don't even have to try to use the stun.

Note: The Sleeper, like many other bosses, can move twice in one turn.

How to defeat the Sleeper

The battle with the Sleeper is significantly different from the battle with its previous form. The boss stops summoning creatures. Instead, he will alternate between using two different attacks. Both deal damage to all characters in the party: “The Sleeper Stirs” – deals damage and can inflict “Terror” or “Poison” on heroes; “The Sleeper Awakens” – deals large physical damage and increases stress levels by 15-20 units.

Thus, this battle is a race against time, so you need to try to complete it in 3-4 moves. Otherwise, your heroes will either be seriously injured or their stress level will reach 100 units.

The best solution is to focus on dealing maximum damage. There is no point in trying to stun the enemy, since he has a high resistance to this effect. Be sure to use a hero who can poison enemies. The Vestal Virgin will be useful because she can immediately heal all the heroes in the team.

The boss has two forms, so it would be better to prepare two different groups heroes. But you can’t change characters in the middle of a battle, so it’s worth choosing people who can perform well both in the first phase and in the second:

  • Crusader or Leper in first position. Both heroes will be able to perform well in this battle. As a Crusader, you can use trinkets that increase your character's health and damage. The Leper's accuracy should be improved, as he misses quite often. Both characters are capable of dealing massive damage to single targets, making them an excellent choice for the second phase.
  • The robber or mischief maker is in second position. The first one is great for dealing damage to the boss. However, this character can also be used to inflict damage on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd positions. The mischief maker is aimed at destroying single targets. When the boss turns into a Sleeper, they will be able to inflict significant damage on him and at the same time cause a bleeding effect.
  • Vestal is in third position. She is the best choice when it comes to healers, since the Sleeper usually hits all 4 heroes at once, and the nun can heal all characters. She will be able to knock out extra moves for you.
  • The Plague Doctor is in fourth position. This heroine works well against the Sleeper, as she can poison him or increase the damage dealt by the hero. After this buff the character will be able to kill summoned crystals with one hit.

Something from the distant stars

We are talking about a new moving boss, that is, you can stumble upon it completely by accident. Before this, you will see an icon with a monster on the map not far from the name of one of the areas. This means that the monster is already moving around the location - you just need to go and fight it.

Characteristics and resistance

  • Health: 106 units (enhanced versions: 148 and 191 units)
  • Evasion: 5 percent (enhanced versions: 13.75 and 25 percent)
  • Protection: 0 percent
  • Speed: 2 units (enhanced versions: 3 and 4 units)
  • Stun Resistance: 85 percent (enhanced versions: 105 and 130 percent)
  • Poison Resistance: 40 percent (enhanced versions: 65 and 85 percent)
  • Bleed Resistance: 33 percent (Enhanced Versions: 55 and 78 percent)
  • Resistance to negative statuses: 40 percent (enhanced versions: 60 and 85 percent)
  • Resistance to movement: 25 percent (reinforced versions: 45 and 70 percent)

Once the boss' health drops below 50 percent, he receives a buff that greatly increases his speed, damage, critical damage, and defense. After this, we recommend focusing on dealing damage through bleeding and poisoning.

Note: The boss can move twice in one round. In addition, he has one free move that he can perform at the beginning of the round.

How to defeat Something from Distant Stars

The battle with this boss can be divided into two phases. During the first of these, he will use an attack every round (except the first), which stresses the entire team and results in the creation of a crystal - identical to the one that appears when fighting the Breakaway. The crystal itself is not dangerous, but it can explode after a few turns, causing damage to characters. Therefore, it is worth destroying it as soon as possible, using a hero who can destroy the crystal with one hit.

In addition, the boss is able to perform two more moves in one round, hitting with one of 5 different attacks. Fortunately, none of them are capable of damaging the entire group. However, most of his hits deal massive damage and cause a lot of stress. In addition, this enemy imposes various debuffs on characters. Therefore, it is worth using holy water on each character once every few rounds to restore their parameters.

When a monster's health bar drops below 50 percent, it will buff itself, increasing its damage output and defense. Your normal attacks will deal minimal damage to him as his defense increases to 80 percent. This will begin the second phase of the battle.

Now you should focus your efforts on causing the monster to bleed and poison. Even on high level difficulty, the boss will have slight resistance to these effects. You can also try to parry all the monster’s blows so that he slowly kills himself. But this requires high defense or excellent evasion. You can also try to lower the Thing's defense by piercing it with Piercing (shieldbreaker) or removing it with a Targeted Whistle (trainer).

If you consider that the fight with this boss can be “planned” (using the map and the icon that appears on it), then it will be easy to select the optimal party for it. We advise you to take with you:

  • Crusader or leper on the first line - they can quickly destroy crystals, and also hit two positions at once, causing damage to both the boss and aberrations.
  • Rogue, mischief-maker or shield-breaker - each of them can cause great damage to the boss and crystals, but their advantages will be revealed precisely in the second phase, where you need to apply debuffs to the enemy.
  • Vestal or Occultist in third position. Their main task is treatment. If you want to focus specifically on healing, then take a nun. Although the occultist heals his comrades worse, he can weaken the boss in the second phase.
  • Plague doctor or trainer for the fourth position. The first can cause poisoning on the enemy, and the second can reduce his defense and inflict bleeding.

Of course, characters can be swapped. In addition, no one is stopping you from trying to choose other heroes, for example, the grave thief, who can penetrate the enemy’s armor. We just showed you the best option, which is easiest to deal with Something from Distant Stars.
