Wargaming is deceiving World of tanks players. Wargaming is deceiving World of tanks players When the World of Tanks campaign starts

The World of Tanks development team announced the First Campaign on the Global Map. The campaign is fundamental new format“World War”, which is a sequence of stages, at each of which certain goals are set for the participating clans, for the achievement of which Victory Points are awarded. The clans that score the most points at each stage and in total at the end of all stages of the campaign will be awarded in-game gold, unique medals and a special clan tank M60, which cannot be obtained in any other way.

Regulations for the first stage of the First Campaign

List of key provinces

Province name Region
  • Kinshasa (DR Congo)
  • Southern Kwanza (Angola)
  • Gauteng (South Africa)
  • Karas (Namibia)
  • Tabora (Tanzania)
South Africa
  • Lamutskoe
  • Abyisky ulus
  • Khabarovsk district
  • Tattinsky ulus
  • Bulunsky nasleg
  • Peaceful
  • Neryungri
Siberia and Far East
  • Dornod (Mongolia)
  • Arkhangai (Mongolia)
  • Razavi Khorasan
  • Najaf
  • Bratsky district
  • Sovetsky district
  • Karaganda region
  • Punjab
  • Mangistau region
  • Cape Chelyuskin
  • Norilsk
  • Kuzmovka
Ural and Trans-Urals
  • Arkhangelsk region (east)
  • Tatarstan
  • Stalingrad
  • Southern Finland
  • Kiev region
  • Transylvania
  • Finnmark
  • Stockholm
  • Mazovia
  • Brandenburg
  • Central England
  • Switzerland
Northern Europe
  • Mecca
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Khartoum
East Africa
  • Thrace
  • El Alamein
  • Lazio
  • Castile - La Mancha
  • Mascara
  • An Nugat el Khums
  • West Al Wahat
  • Laayoune
  • Chinguetti
  • Northern Province
  • West Central
  • Bauchi
  • Northern Agadez
  • Oriental
West Africa

13. Each key province during the first stage of the Campaign has a profitability of 6000 and is also marked with a special icon.

14. Automatic accrual of Victory Points is enabled for each subsequent step until the stage is completed. Rules for calculating Victory Points:

    • In case of capturing a regular province, the clan receives 5000 Victory Points.
    • If a key province is captured, the clan receives 15,000 Victory Points.
    • In case of loss of an ordinary province, the clan loses 5000 Victory Points.
    • In case of loss of a key province, the clan loses 15,000 Victory Points.

15. During the first stage, the levels of equipment that is allowed to participate in battles gradually change upward. Level change schedule:

As part of the First Campaign, the number of game servers on which battles will be held will be expanded. You can find out on which server the battle for a given province will take place in the interface Global map.

16. Completion of the first stage of the First Campaign. On June 14, the Global Map is closed to players before the start of the second stage.

17. All clans that owned at least one province during the first stage receive 500 Victory Points, regardless of the number of provinces and the time they were owned.

18. Each player of the clan that has accumulated the maximum number of Victory Points at the end of the first stage is awarded the “Iron and Blood” medal. To receive a medal, the player must fight at least 5 battles as part of the winning clan during the first stage of the First Campaign.

19. Participants of clans included in the TOP 5 by the number of Victory Points that were scored during the first stage of the First Campaign are awarded a special M60 clan tank. To obtain a tank, the player must fight at least 5 battles as part of a clan during the first stage.

A special clan tank will be credited after the end of the First Campaign.

20. Special medals are awarded to clan players who, at the end of the “Land Gatherers” stage, are the owners of certain provinces. To receive a medal, the player must fight at least 5 battles on the Global Map as part of a clan during the first stage of the First Campaign.

Special medals for the Land Gatherers stage

  • The “Amur Tiger” medal is awarded to members of the clan that owns the Khabarovsk region province at the end of the first stage of the First Campaign on the Global Map.
  • The “Master of the Taiga” medal is awarded to members of the clan that owns the Aldan province at the end of the first stage of the First Campaign on the Global Map.
  • The “Lena Gold” medal is awarded to members of the clan that owns the province of the Irkutsk region at the end of the first stage of the First Campaign on the Global Map.
  • The Siberian Lion medal is awarded to members of the clan that owns the province of the Krasnoyarsk region at the end of the first stage of the First Campaign on the Global Map.
  • The “Oil Tycoon” medal is awarded to members of the clan that owns the province of the Tyumen region at the end of the first stage of the First Campaign on the Global Map.
  • The “Don Cossack” medal is awarded to members of the clan that owns the province Rostov region at the end of the first stage of the First Campaign on the Global Map.
  • The Jolly Roger medal is awarded to members of the clan that owns the province of Somaliland at the end of the first stage of the First Campaign on the Global Map.
  • The Libertalia medal is awarded to members of the clan that owns the province of Antananarivo at the end of the first stage of the First Campaign on the Global Map.
  • The “Northern Palmyra” medal is awarded to members of the clan that owns the province Leningrad region at the end of the first stage of the First Campaign on the Global Map.
  • The Zulu Warrior Medal is awarded to members of the clan that owns the province of Eastern Transvaal at the end of the first stage of the First Campaign on the Global Map.
  • The “Homeland of Worthy People” medal is awarded to members of the clan that owns the West-Central province at the end of the first stage of the First Campaign on the Global Map.
  • The Lutetia Medal is awarded to members of the clan that owns the province of Ile-de-France at the end of the first stage of the First Campaign on the Global Map.

The fifth campaign on the Global Map is completed, and we are ready to sum up its results.

Over the course of a month, more than 200,000 players from more than 5,000 clans competed for one of five prize Tier X tanks, camouflage, unique medals and 15,000,000 in-game gold. Campaign winners can already choose one of five tanks to choose from on the Global Map page.

Anyone who does not have time to select a prize tank before December 27, 6:00 (Moscow time) will be awarded a Tier X Chinese tank 121B.

Medals and records of the V campaign

Medal "Golden Sword" for 1st place based on the results of the campaign, the clans of the Interbrigade P_BY] Psihi_BY on the Western Front and on the Eastern Front receive.

Already in the 1st stage of the campaign, these clans seized the leadership and did not relinquish it until the very end.

Medal "Silver Sword" clans on the Western Front and Eastern Front receive 2nd place at the end of the campaign.

Medal "Bronze Sword" clans on the Western Front and Eastern Front receive 3rd place at the end of the campaign.

Order "Epic Win" for a fantastic 50 victories in a row the clan receives .

Medal "Matador" 1st class will be issued to clans that have played at least 20 battles with an 81% win rate.

This medal will be received by 7 clans, and .

In this category best clan- . During the campaign they fought 1387 battles and won 1203 battles.

Medal "Order of the Fighting Bull" 1st class will go to clans that win at least 8 victories in battles that began in the same prime time.

The record holder in this nomination is 70 victories in one prime time (excluding the 15-minute shift)!

Medal "Hero of the Arena" 1st class Received by players who have played 50 or more victorious battles during the V campaign.

The record holders of this nomination are: T_0_R__ with 461 victories , IIomudop_MSK with 437 victories and Sakres_ with 416 victories during the V campaign.

Medal "Picador" 1st class will be received by players who have played at least 5 battles in each stage of the V campaign.

Record holders in this category - barbus2012 with 578 fights, vovakombayner with 575 fights and T_0_R__ with 570 battles during the V campaign.

Three record holders for tanks received per clan:
  • 1st place: . All 100 clan fighters received a prize tank.
  • 2nd place: . The tanks received 99 soldiers.
  • 3rd place: . The clan earned 97 tanks for its fighters.

Congratulations to the winners and runners-up!

Interview with the winners

This is not the first time our questions have been answered CT_ and, founder and commander and permanent coordinator of the clan, respectively, as well as a regular in this column emperer, deputy clan commander Psycho_BY .

Let us recall that it was these fighters who gave interviews following the results of “Birth of the Titans”, emperer was one of the winners of the “Asian Typhoon”, and CT_ we were honored as one of the winners of the Fourth Campaign.

Please introduce yourself and tell us where you are from.

Actually, as always, the most important competitor for us at this event was the “brotherly” clan. Regular top GK, clans like , were not even considered, although at the first stage they tried to keep up.

We didn’t put a spoke in anyone’s wheels; after going through the most inconvenient stage of the campaign for us, it became clear that we would remain top 1. We just played for maximum results.

We did not write off other clans that, without proper attention on our part, could develop success.

You participated in all campaigns on the Civil Code and achieved success everywhere. What's in the regulations Did you particularly like the campaign, and what would you like to change?

CT_: I especially liked the developers’ idea of ​​introducing +15 minutes in the provinces, since you didn’t have to wait 15 minutes for the next battle, and this added dynamics. As well as changing the boundaries of prime time downward. I would like to increase the number of days off: one day seemed to me not enough, the guys did not have time to either rest or replenish their credit reserves. It seems to me that it would be correct to introduce rewards for each stage of the campaign, and not based on the results of all three. And also interest in the fight for 1st place would be fueled by a more significant prize, either in the form real money, or in the form of memorable gifts.

emperer : I was pleased with the rules of the campaign. It partially repeated the regulations of the previous campaign, with the shortcomings taken into account, and modified. I think that this campaign is one of the best organized in the entire period of events. We were pleased with the shift in prime times by +15 minutes (at levels VIII–X).

I wouldn’t change anything in the regulations; in the future I would like to see something new from the developers.

What was the most memorable or impressive thing about the campaign?

emperer : I remember most of all the 1st stage of the campaign - level VI. For our clan, which plays only the absolute format, this is pain and suffering, for the coordinator it is a madhouse, organizing more than 16 battles at one time (taking into account the shift in prime time).

I was impressed by the attitude of the “field” and clan fighters towards the campaign in the absence of funding, especially IIomudop_MSK (top 1 in personal glory points) and 123lgt (top 3 in personal glory points). It is significant that the last battle of “Psychos” was held at 1:48 of the last day, when the issue of taking 1st place had already been decided the day before. The field asked for more fights and played to the maximum of their capabilities, with colossal dedication.

CT_: What impressed me most was the uncompromising struggle for first place on the Eastern Front.

Close New Year, and you have the opportunity to contact all Wo playersrldof Tanks. What would you like to wish them?

emperer : In life, of course, health, mutual understanding, support and well-being in families.

I wish there was more in the game good fights, good squadmates, fair play. ;)

I wish everyone festive mood, laughter, joy, no grief or anxiety! Happy New Year!

CT_: I would like to wish for less conflict situations between players, and for players and developers to find common ground. I would also like to wish that dear users stop using prohibited modifications, and the developers, for their part, make every effort to eradicate this problem. Let the game be fair... Happy New Year everyone!

Many clans are waiting... Many players are preparing their tanks... Second Campaign on the Global Map - new rules, new prizes. What awaits us? Let's find out more precisely.

So, on November 11, 2013, the Second Campaign starts on the global map. Clans and their players will once again have the opportunity to gain the title of the strongest in difficult tactical battles, become owners of a huge prize fund, unique medals and a special clan tank VK 72.01(K). Those who do not want to participate in the Campaign will be able to continue playing standard mode World War. Both GK modes will work in parallel.

In the Second Campaign, the authors slightly changed the scheme for receiving rewards - now rewards are given to each player, regardless of the success of his clan. The clan's position will be determined by the total number of points of its members. Prize fund, which this time amounts to 6.5 million in-game gold, will be divided among the 50 best clans.

In addition, at the first stage, clans will have an exclusive opportunity to fight with the development clan, which will take up defensive positions in the provinces Minsk Region, Leningrad region And Ile-de-France. For defeating the developer clan, players will be awarded special medals.

What are the differences from the Second Campaign?

The Second Campaign will run in parallel with the main actions of the World War on the second Global Map. There will be an opportunity to choose which map to play on!

The Second Campaign, like the First, will be open to all interested clans and will consist of 3 stages. But the concept will change significantly:

  • "The Age of Revolutions". Equipment up to level 6 inclusive takes part in battles.
  • “We’re robbing caravans!”. Equipment up to level 8 inclusive takes part in battles.
  • "Golden fever". Equipment up to level 10 inclusive takes part in battles.

Profitability in the provinces will not change during the entire Second Campaign.

For victory in individual stages of the campaign, in the entire campaign, as well as for successfully completing combat missions, clans will be awarded unique medals and in-game gold. The number of medals has been increased.

At each stage, clans will be given unique tasks. Players will also be able to complete common campaign objectives for additional rewards. Each stage will be separated by a break so that players can rest and prepare for the upcoming battles.

The prize tank will now be given not to the winning clans, but to the players who received the most fame points. Players who entered TOP-30,000 based on the number of Fame Points collected, they will receive a special clan tank as a reward VK 72.01 (K).

The TOP 50 clans that took part in the Campaign will receive in-game gold:

  • 1st place— 1,000,000 gold to the clan treasury,
  • 2nd place— 500,000 gold to the clan treasury,
  • 3rd place— 300,000 gold to the clan treasury,
  • 4th—50th places— 100,000 gold to the clan treasury.

Medals and orders of the Second Campaign.


  • Order of Triumphant, 1st class. All players of the clan that accumulated the most Victory Points during the Second Campaign on the Global Map are awarded.
  • Order of Triumphant, II degree. All players of the clan that takes second place in the number of Victory Points scored during the Second Campaign on the Global Map are awarded.
  • Order of Triumphant, III degree. All players of the clan that took third place in the number of Victory Points scored during the Second Campaign on the Global Map are awarded.

Member of the Second Campaign

  • Medal "Participant of the Second Campaign". All players who have fought at least one battle on the Global Map in each of the three stages Second campaign.


  • I degree. Win 50 or more battles during the Second Campaign.
  • II degree. Win 25-49 battles during the Second Campaign.
  • III degree. Win 10-24 battles during the Second Campaign.
  • IV degree. Win 5-9 battles during the Second Campaign.
  • I degree. Win 20 or more battles in a row during the Second Campaign.
  • II degree. Win 15-19 battles in a row during the Second Campaign.
  • III degree. Win 10-14 battles in a row during the Second Campaign.
  • IV degree. Win 5-9 battles in a row during the Second Campaign.

amphibious assault

  • I degree. Capture 30 or more starting provinces during the Second Campaign.
  • II degree. Capture 20-29 starting provinces during the Second Campaign.
  • III degree. Capture 10-19 starting provinces during the Second Campaign.
  • IV degree. Capture 5-9 starting provinces during the Second Campaign.


A clan can capture the same provinces several times.

  • I degree. Capture 30 or more rebellious provinces during the Second Campaign.
  • II degree. Capture 20-29 rebel provinces during the Second Campaign.
  • III degree. Capture 10-19 rebellious provinces during the Second Campaign.
  • IV degree. Capture 5-9 rebellious provinces during the Second Campaign.

Coastal defense

  • I degree. Defend 20 or more starting provinces during the Second Campaign.
  • II degree. Defend 15-19 starting provinces throughout the Second Campaign.
  • III degree. Defend 10-14 starting provinces throughout the Second Campaign.
  • IV degree. Defend 5-9 starting provinces throughout the Second Campaign.


A clan can defend the same provinces several times.

  • I degree. Defend 20 or more rebel provinces during the Second Campaign.
  • II degree. Defend 15-19 rebellious provinces during the Second Campaign.
  • III degree. Defend 10-14 rebellious provinces during the Second Campaign.
  • IV degree. Defend 5-9 rebellious provinces during the Second Campaign.


A clan can repeatedly destroy the headquarters of the same opponent.

  • I degree. Destroy 15 or more enemy Headquarters during the Second Campaign.
  • II degree. Destroy 10-14 enemy Headquarters during the Second Campaign.
  • III degree. Destroy 5-9 enemy Headquarters during the Second Campaign.
  • IV degree. Destroy 1-4 enemy Headquarters during the Second Campaign.

The Last Frontier

  • I degree. Defend your Bet 15 or more times during the Second Campaign.
  • II degree. Defend your Bet 10-14 times during the Second Campaign.
  • III degree. Defend your Bet 5-9 times during the Second Campaign.
  • IV degree. Defend your Bet 1-4 times during the Second Campaign.

Black pea coats

  • I degree. Capture 5 or more starting provinces within 24 turns during the Second Campaign.
  • II degree. Capture 4 starting provinces within 24 turns during the Second Campaign.
  • III degree. Capture 3 starting provinces within 24 turns during the Second Campaign.
  • IV degree. Capture 2 starting provinces within 24 turns during the Second Campaign.


  • I degree. Capture 5 or more rebellious provinces within 24 turns during the Second Campaign.
  • II degree. Capture 4 rebel provinces within 24 turns during the Second Campaign.
  • III degree. Capture 3 rebel provinces within 24 turns during the Second Campaign.
  • IV degree. Capture 2 rebel provinces within 24 turns during the Second Campaign.


  • I degree. Loot 20 or more provinces during the Second Campaign.
  • II degree. Loot 15-19 provinces during the Second Campaign.
  • III degree. Loot 10-14 provinces during the Second Campaign.
  • IV degree. Loot 5-9 provinces during the Second Campaign.


Technical victories do not count. When participating in a rebellion or landing, only the battle with the owner of the province (final) counts.

  • I degree. Win 10 or more battles within 24 turns during the Second Campaign.
  • II degree. Win 8-9 battles within 24 turns during the Second Campaign.
  • III degree. Win 6-7 battles within 24 turns during the Second Campaign.
  • IV degree. Win 4-5 battles within 24 turns during the Second Campaign.


Awarded to the clan that captured the largest number of starting and rebellious provinces within 24 turns during the Second Campaign. All players of the clan that wins this award receive 60,000 Fame Points.

To receive any of the above medals, as well as Fame Points, the player must be part of the clan that won this medal at the end of the Second Campaign. This means that throughout the entire Campaign you must be in the same clan! If you change clan, you may be left without medals.

Special Objectives of the Second Campaign

During the Second Campaign, clans will also be faced with additional combat missions, for completing which they will be able to receive a significant amount of fame points. To complete such a task, a clan must land in a certain province, and then conduct its Headquarters in another province.

The clan can determine the route for itself independently. The main goal is to start and finish the route in the provinces specified by the task.

But I would like to note that if the clan’s bid is knocked out of the Global Map, then the task will have to start again. It should also be added that the accrual of glory points will be carried out during the summing up of the Second Campaign.

You can find more detailed information on the official website of the World of Tanks game.

So, dear ones, the bacchanalia of the Second Campaign (VC) in World of Tanks has ended one way or another, and the time has come to sit, analyze, and draw some conclusions.

There were, in fact, two goals of the campaign: a clan tank, popularly nicknamed “Tapko-lion”, and a million “gold” to the treasury of the winning clan (the rest, included in the TOP 50, also received a certain amount in game currency). It must be said that most gaming associations soberly assessed their strengths; in addition, having more or less knowledge of clans/alliances on a regular Civil Code, they immediately abandoned the fight for cash prizes. In short, the main goal of everyone who took part in the Second Campaign was a tank VK 72.01(K)

(Clans that did not take part in the infighting and went to the main map to “farm gold” are not considered here).

It must be said that in general the Campaign turned out to be ambiguous, but, of course, much more interesting and lively than the First.

Let's start, as usual, with the positives.

1. The undoubted advantage of this event was the revival of the Civil Code.

Everyone remembers the situation with the First Campaign (PC), when the award of victory points depended on the number of provinces held and their profitability (which also changed dynamically according to algorithms driven by one developer). The top alliances immediately took advantage of the situation, inflated the “bubbles”, and fought almost no battles at the last stage (they certainly didn’t fight among themselves). On the last day, the provinces were transferred to the top clans of the alliances, voila - a tank (M60) was awarded.

The entire VC was built on the principle of “we’ll give you points for the battle.” Alliances played virtually no role; everyone acted for themselves, only slightly coordinating their actions with their allies. This was a unique (at the moment) situation, when the most ordinary clans were on almost equal terms with the top ones. Everyone is against everyone, and everyone is trying to achieve something. Considering that it was planned to distribute 30,000 tanks, almost every clan fighter in the game had a chance to receive it - how everyone took advantage of this chance is another matter. (By the way, after the first two days of battles, when the system of awarding fame points for each battle and the size of these numbers became approximately clear, I calculated that to guarantee getting a tank you need to receive an average of about 1920 per day; this is 4-5 regular battles during landings, or one victorious battle in two days to defend the land).

2. The hidden plus is the clan one. Online activity has increased sharply in active clans. Much more people began to attend training (not to mention landings). Brawlers, lazy people, and slackers showed themselves, thanks to which many managed to clear their ranks of them. New fighters have come to the clans, some of whom will definitely stay, because they have found pleasant groups for themselves. In general, clans as communities have become more united - many in last days dragged their lagging fighters into the TOP 30,000, refusing to participate in battles for their sake. New clans have formed and have a chance to live on.

3. Combat experience. The clan I am a member of always actively fights in the Civil Code. We don’t grab the stars from the sky, but we are confidently holding on to the 320th position. However, our opponents, as a rule, are the same - and we always dreamed of meeting the tops. But it didn’t work out - as fate would have it, our paths did not cross. As part of this campaign, we met with most of them - Sora, Wall, Pathos, Ables, Cheaters, Aces, Fails, Viruses, Psychos, Ends came to our provinces... you can’t remember them all. (I can proudly say that we lost only a couple of fights to this entire serious company). I think many others have the same situation. It is interesting to fight with strong clans, there is always something to learn - and many thanks to the opponents for the battles, and to the developers for the opportunity they provided us.

4. There was no PC bacchanalia with the purchase of tanks different levels every three to four days. Everything is clear, uncomplicated, and quite inexpensive in terms of money.

Now to the unpleasant – the cons.

1. The main disadvantage of VK is unclear conditions. This Wargaming disease has been going on since the First Campaign; shifts in better side There is, but it’s still far from ideal. From the very beginning, there was a complete feeling that only the outline of the Campaign had been formed, and the rules and conditions were being invented “on the fly.” Each new stage appeared additional conditions, which concerned the system of accrual and accounting of fame points. From the point of view of building a clan strategy for the entire Campaign, it was not entirely convenient - it would have been better to announce all the introductory information in advance, before the start of the entire event.

2. Non-operative calculation of fame points (whatever one may say, they are the main prize of the Campaign for 99% of players) - this refers to the awarding of points for completing quests after completing the VC. As a result, some of the fighters who were in border positions simply dropped out of the list of winners.

3. Technical unpreparedness of Wargaming for conducting VC. Everyone remembers the problems that arose in the first three days - people did not have special battles; the result is frantic attempts by developers to somehow solve the problems. Also inconvenient is the “Walk of Fame” - only thanks to third-party modders it became possible to look at the current results of the fighters of your clan as a whole, without going to the page of each of them.

4. The combination of paragraphs 2 and 3 means the results are opaque. If we also remember the obvious injustice (fame points for quests are awarded to all clan players, including twinks and dead souls who have not had a single battle on the main group, which will significantly affect the final table of winners), then this flaw of those responsible becomes obvious persons

Actually, I can draw two conclusions:

The campaign went off with a bang. Taking into account technical problems and organizational shortcomings, the developers for the Second Campaign can be given a solid four. With a minus. There is a lot of work ahead, but it is clear that at least it is being done.

Only the lazy won't get a tank. It was not invented by me, but it was very correctly said.

And finally – Scandals, Intrigues, Investigations.

1. Punishments for fake fights. There are a couple of topics about sanctions for such violations. They passed, in general, quite unnoticed by the gaming community - and there was a complete feeling that this was done on the part of the developers according to the principle “We need to punish someone, let’s kick them.” Let's be honest: a more or less skillful clan, capable of not only taking a landing, but also holding on to it for a couple of days, carried out fixed battles with neighbors in order to farm fame points. ANYONE (with the exception, probably, of Sorov and Pathos, because they were busy fighting for a million). The unsystematic nature of punishments is obvious.

2. . caused a HUGE resonance, but upon closer examination everything is not so clear. Formally, the clan leader did not violate the points referred to by the developers. His actions are not directly prohibited by the User Agreement - and everything that is not prohibited is considered permitted. Problems of shortcomings on the part of the Administration also emerged here. On the other hand, there is a magnificent saying of Catherine the Great: “In addition to the law, there must also be justice.” The clan leader behaved dishonestly towards the other WoT players (in fact, he does not deny the fact itself, which he wrote about in the above topic), and this very justice was somehow restored. However, how to relate to what happened is a personal matter for each of us.

3. In continuation of point 2: two weeks before the start of the Second Campaign, when the ease of obtaining a tank was not yet entirely clear, on the sidelines there was a figure for which the top clans sold places in their ranks. 45,000 gold. The names of the clans were also heard - they, however, are already well-known to everyone. There is no documentary evidence, everything is just in words - but everything was very serious and persistent. The developers could not have known about this or......?

Wargaming management is increasingly deceiving players. The company is increasingly using its capabilities not to improve its games, but solely for the purpose of extorting money from players. Resounding success Online Games World of Tanks attracted huge interest in it. Today it is the clear leader in its segment and the most popular game on the territory of the CIS countries. Every day hundreds of thousands of people take to virtual battlefields and take part in tank battles. Although access to the game is absolutely free, Wargaming offers fans of tank battles quite a lot of different “goodies” for real money. At the same time, many players willingly pay for paid products, including premium accounts, inscriptions and camouflages for cars, game currency, as well as special equipment. It is premium paid tanks that are increasingly frustrating fans of the game.

Latest news from World of Tanks

Wargaming secretly nerfs premium Tanks

The developers never stop telling us that premium technical schools never nerf, because you paid real money for it, we can only attack and nerf upgraded equipment. Recently it turned out that premium vehicles were nerfed secretly from the players (the performance characteristics of the vehicle were reduced, worsening its hidden characteristics, dispersion, turning speed, aiming...). It always seemed to us that they were nerfing it but could not prove it, so one of the English-speaking users “Stolman” found out that the premium tank destroyer strv s1 was secretly lowered in siege mode now there is a message from Anton Pankov “hi ps1, let’s check this is most likely a bug display, thanks for the signal” that, of course, what else could we expect from the developers “of course it’s a bug”, as if it seemed that the premium tank was lowered, but there are proofs. Many users have already been able to check that the update 09 17 to the update 0.9.19 the technical characteristics of the tank changed the turning speed was nerfed by more than 2 times, the time to switch to hiking mode was 1.25 hundredths became 1.3 the difference is 0.05, and also we went for cross-country ability this potential turning speed turning on hard soils and average resistance of the chassis on hard soils. Now it became interesting how the developers will get out of this situation, as far as it became known, we are opening the WOT Express website, many of you are already aware of it and what do we see here? Many players began to demand a refund Money for the money previously spent on buying Swedish Swedish tank in this case, premium tanks level 8 strv s1. I wonder how it will end, I think it will be regretted by those who bought strv s1, I know you will write in the comments that the developers are gone and you will be completely right.

How can wargaming get out of the situation in this case with the fact that they were finally caught with great proof, all the data has been written out, many will already demand a refund, we are monitoring the course of events.

New World of Tanks balancer

New information about the balancer in World of Tanks, as recent tests have shown, the new balancer 0.9.18 World of Tanks does not work correctly. We will conduct a test for a series of 20 battles on different accounts, the test showed that players get to the TOP much less often at a low level on level vehicles, and it was also found that for 20 battles on different vehicles, players get to the bottom of the list or the middle in more than 80% of cases .

Also, the ranking of cards showed an incorrect distribution of duplicate cards, although the situation has changed, as it was in the previous patch 0.9.17, from which we can conclude that the balancer works in a very peculiar and chaotic way. In addition to the fact that the new balancer will throw you into unfavorable teams according to internal server statistics, you will also enjoy not breaking through or hitting the target.

The balancer works in such a way that out of 100% of battles, it is possible that you will get to the TOP no more than 15-20%%, all other battles you will spend at the bottom or in the middle of the list, this is clearly visible for level 6 and 8 vehicles. For a sixth level vehicle, most often getting to the TOP is when the entire team consists of one sixth level; for level 8, the situation is approximately the same. If you start winning, the balancer solves this “problem” very simply and periodically throws you into a team where the statistics of the players on your team are lower than the opposing team. You can observe this simply by installing the XVM mod.

Personal reserves

Using personal reserves is just another deception.

It has been noticed that the use of personal combat reserves in World of Tanks reduces the ability of players to fully participate in combat operations; each activation of combat reserves leads to a decrease in the dynamic characteristics of any tank in battle, which was established by a special mod that determines the characteristics of military equipment directly when the player enters battle . As the test showed, on average, the percentage change of 10% of the characteristics of accuracy and aiming, dispersion on the move, as well as hit accuracy with full aiming and some other parameters decreased when using reserves.

As soon as you think that Wargaming has given you another opportunity to earn combat experience or silver for free, you are greatly mistaken, since each use of your personal reserve reduces the characteristics of your equipment in battle.

You will use combat reserves and the statistics of your victories will begin to decrease; if you build a basic graph and analyze the statistics of victories over several days with combat reserves turned on and without combat reserves, you will see that when using combat reserves the statistics of victories on tanks is significantly lower than without them included. As a conclusion, this means only one thing: when using personal combat reserves in World of Tanks, an artificial problem is created for you so that you cannot create conditions for yourself under which your tank gains the maximum amount of experience or earns a large amount of silver, since this is primarily unprofitable for Wargaming company, where the main goal is to make money from players.

In order to create a visible atmosphere of sporting interest and a competitive moment in the game, advertising methods and paid bloggers who stream on YouTube are used. Attraction sports teams which, through sponsorship, create a certain illusion of equality of all players and the possibility of using tanks in the game, but as practice has shown, all this is a deception, which is only another proof of Wargaming’s dishonesty towards all players.

As a result, all of the above clearly shows that the Wargaming company is not interested in fair battles, the only goal of the Wargaming company is to pump money out of players by any means.

Deliberate scam

Since the recent launch of the World of Tanks game in the community, rumors have begun to circulate about a scam by Wargaming net aimed at programming battle leaks. The essence of the claims lies in the disturbed balance of the game, which causes deliberate and systematic loss of battles regardless of the skill level of the players.

On our website we decided to make an article about fraud in the game World of Tanks. The well-known Patent of Victor Kisly, of course, says nothing about getting a player into an obviously losing battle, or about nerfing equipment that constantly wins. The Patent only mentions a table of battle levels for vehicles and the conditions under which a player gets to a certain level of battles on a specific tank.

One of the bloggers who makes videos on the game and posts them on YouTube dedicated a whole series of videos to this problem. The Buzz Bees channel and its creator urge everyone to temporarily refrain from purchasing premium equipment and generally refrain from making any monetary investments in the game. The reason for his displeasure was the regular “nerfs” of premium vehicles. The essence of the claims comes down to the fact that World of Tanks developers regularly deceive players who invest their own money, reducing the technical characteristics of not only simple tanks, but also those that can only be obtained for money.

The parameters of all cars in the game changed constantly. This is due to the constant addition of new nations, development branches and individual vehicles. However, for a very long time, premium paid tanks were untouchable. Now the creators of the game have taken on them too. In almost every patch, several new samples of exclusive equipment are released. Moreover, in order to force players to buy it, the developers are gradually making the tanks that players already have less competitive. Their speed decreases, their armor deteriorates, and their maneuverability disappears. Accustomed to punching through all opponents, the player suddenly discovers that his aim is off, and the fired shells more and more often fall into the milk. Moreover, all these troubles instantly disappear when you buy a fresh “prem”. But he also begins to “get sick” after one or two latest updates. The blogger sees this as the company's dishonesty and calls on all fans of the game to ignore all paid offers from Wargaming until the developers pay attention to the problem and offer a solution that would suit everyone.

World of Tanks or something Wargaming lies to players while earning millions from them

To make money from a game, it must be popular. And any game can become such only in one case: players must believe that something depends on them. If for some reason the opposite happens, then any game is practically doomed. After a series of revealing publications in the Western gaming press regarding the technologies on which World of Tanks is based, its popularity has decreased significantly. For the CIS countries, this scandal passed almost unnoticed. Everyone here is accustomed to believing that the serious difference between the number of players on European, American and Russian servers is explained solely by the fact that they there do not understand anything about real tanks and real armored prowess. But it is not so. The reasons are different.

Patent of Victor Kisly

Soon after the launch, a number of publications posted it on their websites detailed description the so-called “Kisly patent”. Its author, Victor Kisly, is one of the founders of the company. It was he who developed the technology for “maintaining interest in the game,” which the company still uses successfully. The essence of the “Kisly patent” is quite simple. All players must win and lose regularly to keep everyone interested. high level. A special technology has been created for this. The system automatically assigns players a special coefficient from 0 to 2. The size of this coefficient depends on the number of victories won in battles. If you become too successful and start winning constantly, the system will automatically begin to lower the characteristics of your equipment.

World of Tanks random rules stipulate that a number of important game indicators can fluctuate significantly. Among them:

Scatter when shooting;

Amount of one-time damage;

Possibility of rebound;

Possibility of causing critical damage;

Damage to internal modules;

The ability to penetrate enemy armor and so on.

Balancerbattles in World of tanks

However, fans of World of Tanks increasingly began to notice that a series of victories is inevitably replaced by a series of losses. Many people have a logical question: if the outcome of random battles is 99% predetermined, how can it be lost? How do you assemble a team that has a 99% chance of losing? Even despite FBR plus or minus 25%. How then can Wargaming program the drain?

Attentive WOT players note the two most obvious ways.

The first method of draining in World of Tanks relates to maps, respawns and modes chosen by the player. The Patent states that for each level of combat equipment and for each tank a certain percentage of victories is stored. The balancer is supposedly only responsible for forming teams and choosing a map, after which he sends both teams into battle. He is led by him game server, i.e. the same FBR plus or minus 25%. Therefore, if a weak team, which according to all forecasts is obliged to lose the battle, suddenly begins to actively resist and win, the notorious FBR begins to prevent it from achieving victory by all means.

The second of them directly concerns the balance of teams. This does not mean the total difference in strength points between teams, but the ratio of vehicle types. For example, two teams fight in the Encounter mode. One team is equipped mainly with mid-tier tanks, tanks and a couple heavy tanks. The enemy team has mostly heavy weapons. If in this situation it occupies a common base, then it will be very difficult for a team with medium tanks to fight such an enemy. Accordingly, the probability of coordinated actions of a random team and subsequent victory tends to zero.

Main rules of the World of Tanks balancer

Everyone who connects to World server of Tanks is assigned a certain status, not only to his account, but also to all your equipment in the hangar; naive people think that the balancer distributes them only when entering battle - this is not so! As soon as you enter the game, the balancer knows which range of maps and in which team, based on weight and statistics, determine your any tank when entering the battle.

World of Tanks first battle rule

As is known on different maps the same tank has a different percentage of victories. All maps are divided into two groups for each of your and only your tank in the hangar, the first group is a group of maps on which you have a higher percentage of victories on this tank, in the second where the percentage is lower. When entering the first battle, the balancer places you on a map where your influence on the game will be below average for this type of vehicle.

Did you think that Wargaming would give you two, three or five times the experience for free?

Rule of winning on one tank

Account-wide winning rule


Skill balancing rule

The rule for influencing the battle by technology level

It is generally accepted that all this is regulated by the almighty VBR or the Great Belarusian Random. However, in reality, everything does not happen entirely by chance. So, if some players win too often, while others lose too often, the system independently begins to adjust all the indicators of their technique. The level of one-time damage, for example, may differ by +/- 25%. All other significant indicators fluctuate approximately in the same range. For "too" successful players everything “suddenly” becomes unlucky and now a level ten tank destroyer inconceivably cannot hit or penetrate an obviously weaker enemy. The shells end up in the milk or just knock off the tracks of even the lightest and most defenseless tanks, without causing them the required damage. Crooked opponents, on the contrary, begin to hit the desired pixel quickly. Moreover, without fail producing devastating fires and destroying the internal modules of your tank. Let's add to this that the system also independently distributes participants, placing them in the TOP or at the bottom of the list in battle. It turns out that from abilities or skills World players of Tanks depends quite a bit. Everyone will receive their share of victories from the good developers. The main thing is not to forget to donate and pay for premium equipment, preferential accounts and other goodies provided for by the “Kisly patent”.

Taking advantage of the popularity of the World of tanks game and the desire of players to get unique content, scammers are trying to defraud users of money. Find out about all the possible tricks of attackers. One of the popular scams associated with World game of Tanks are offers to buy bonuses and invite codes necessary to obtain in-game property, including those that cannot be purchased with in-game gold.

Invite code

Invitation code – entered only when creating an account.

Bonus code – can be entered at any time during the game.

Ways to receive official bonus codes:

1) At events organized by Wargaming;

2) Together with official goods of the company and its partners;

3) On the official website during promotions.

Any other method of acquiring bonus codes is a form of fraud.

Options for fraudulent offers:

Bonus code

1) Offers to buy bonus codes that make it possible to purchase equipment that cannot be purchased with in-game gold.

Such codes can only be distributed by Warganing and its official partners, and the number of these bonus codes is negligible, so it is unlikely that you will be offered a real code. It is worth buying such codes only if it is possible to activate it immediately, with the seller.

2) Sites selling bonus codes.

In order for the site’s activities to look convincing, comments are published on it confirming that all codes are working. Naturally, they were left by the attackers themselves.

3) Fraudsters pose as partners or employees of Wargaming, or they convince.

First of all, it is worth wondering, if the seller is indeed one of the representatives of Wargaming, why he is selling codes, and not distributing them as a bonus for purchasing their products, or for participating in an event organized by them.
