Lesson notes for the senior (preparatory) group in the children's department of a psychiatric hospital. Summary of a creative game lesson plan (middle group) on the topic Summary of a creative game in the senior group

Syaileva Svetlana Petrovna
Martyshkina Galina Ivanovna
Shchekanova Elena Alexandrovna

Educator, ANO DO "Planet of Childhood "Lada", Kindergarten No. 192 "Rucheyok", Togliatti, Samara region

Educator, ANO DO "Planet of Childhood "Lada", Kindergarten No. 192 "Rucheyok", Togliatti, Samara region

Syaileva S.P., Martyshkina G.I., Shchekanova E.A. Summary of creative plot- role playing game using B. Zhitkov’s work of art “On an Ice Floe” in the senior group // Sovushka. 2018. N1(11)..07.2019).

Order No. 57074

Target: creating conditions for active, creative play activities.

Program content:

  • Encourage children to play games based on works, respond emotionally to what they perceive, and display phenomena of social life in play;
  • create conditions for the child to demonstrate adequate self-esteem of his own specific achievements in gaming activities;
  • provide the child with the right to choose a role and game attributes, taking into account the individual characteristics and preferences of children;
  • promote the development of joint role-play with peers, continue to teach planning joint activities, taking into account the interests and opinion of the partner,
  • create a developing subject environment, stimulate development dialogical speech, communication culture;
  • understand an imaginary situation and act in accordance with it;
  • to develop interest in professions in the navy;
  • foster friendly relationships between children through play.


  1. Attributes for the play areas: furniture from the group, steering wheel, binoculars, telescope, map, headphones, cap for the captain, caps for the radio operator, mechanics, cap for the navigator, caps, collars for sailors, cap for the cook, robe, for the waiter: apron , dishes, replicas of food, fruits, vegetables, souvenirs, cameras, computer, fishing rods, fish, buckets, globe, lifebuoy, anchor, compass, tickets, medical kit, robe, apron, control panel, computer, pencil, walkie-talkie, ladder, signal flags, “tablets” - Morse code, buoys: white and red.
  2. TCO: tape recorder (disc with a recording of the sound of the sea.
  3. Information and directional signs: ship "Russia"; dining room "Gourmand"; "Honey. paragraph"

Game roles and actions:

Captain- leads the ship, keeps order on the ship, gives commands during the voyage, gives instructions to other crew members, announces excursions.

Navigator- monitors the sailing route and stands at the helm.

Sailors- carry out the captain’s commands (clean up the deck, help passengers during boarding, etc.)

Radio operator gets in touch with other ships, with the dispatch service on shore. Sends weather reports. Sends radiograms. Sends a signal or some kind of message. Sends a telegram home

Doctor- provides assistance to crew members and treats those who are sick during the voyage

Cook- prepares lunch.

Waiter- takes (deliveries) orders from visitors and

Mechanic- monitors the serviceability of the ship.

Rfish - They “cut” ice holes (indicated by circles of thread), take fishing rods, imitate fishing, and prepare fish soup.

Preliminary work:

Examination of photographs, illustrations, pictures depicting various ships.

Reading the story “On the Ice Floe” by B. Zhitkov:

Analysis of a work of art;

Isolation of heroes;

Designation of the storyline;

Coming up with a new continuation of the plot with familiar characters;

Introduction of new characters into a new plot.

Construction of ships from various building materials and paper.

Writing stories on the topic: “What if I went on a trip”

Reading books and looking at illustrations about river inhabitants and animals.

Joint production of game attributes with parents.

Introduction to Morse code, flag code, and buoys.

Travel games on the map “Get a route”, “I want to go...”

Progress of the game:

Guys, today we will play. Let's look at the markers and say what roles will we have in the game? What duties do they perform?

(Children: captain - the commander of the ship, keeps order on the ship, navigator - leads the ship, sailors - wash the deck, study military maritime affairs, radio operator - transmits signals from his ship to the ground and other ships, doctor - monitors the health of sailors, cook - prepares food for the entire crew, the mechanic - monitors the serviceability of the ship.)

While playing, you must remember and strictly follow the rules of safe behavior. Let's remember and name them:

Play together, don't fight

Negotiate quietly and without quarrels

Listen to each other

To help each other

Now, using markers, you will determine who will be who in the game, and the place where you will play. For your workplace, you can use items that are in storage units.

And the crew needs to choose a name for their ship. (I offer children blanks with the names of ships, among which children choose one of the names and attach it to the ship)

(After choosing roles, children put on costumes, select required material for your gaming places)

Captain (spyglass, control panel, computer)

Navigator (map, pencil, binoculars, steering wheel)

Radio operator (headphones, walkie-talkie)

Cook, waiter (set of dishes, food, apron, cap)

Doctor (medical gown + cap, medical kit)

Fishermen (fishing rods, buckets, placeholders to indicate a fire, fish, telephones, flashlights, binoculars)

Captain- Attention attention! - The crew should take their places on the ice drift. Raise anchor! Full speed ahead!

(music “Sound of the Sea” plays). Children each play their own role.

Navigator - There is to raise the anchor! There's full speed ahead!

TOcaptain- Attention attention! The crew should have their health checked by the ship's doctor. There is a canteen “Lakomka” on the ice drift, anyone who wants can have lunch...

Fishermen - So, fishermen, we are going fishing. We've arrived. Let's go fishing. (“They cut” ice holes, catch fish, have a casual conversation: “Did you catch a fish? What will you do with it?”, etc.)

Hey, fishermen, it’s already dark, should we go home or stay the night? The weather is good, we'll catch more fish.

Well, okay, we'll stay the night. Let's have dinner and catch some more fish.

Friends, friends, trouble. We are being carried out to the open sea. What will we do, how will we be saved? (children's suggestions: call the rescue service, make a mast with red (or any) fabric, a scarf, watch with binoculars...)

Independent play activities of children.

Plot development options:

- a rescue expedition is floating on an ice floe;

- an ice floe floated onto an uninhabited island;

- the connection in the control room has gone bad;

- meeting with a whale, with a polar bear;

- strong hurricane;

- magical transformation of an ice floe;

- ice floe - traveler.

Situation: “A storm is approaching”

Radio operator - Welcome, welcome! Captain of the ship “Smile” Receive the next radiogram:

A storm is coming! You need to land in the nearest safe place and wait out the storm. As we understand, welcome!

Captain - Radio operator, I understand!

Radio operator - Welcome, welcome! Captain of the ship "Smile" the storm is over, you can return to the ship.

Situation: “Hole on the ship”

Captain - Mechanic, welcome, welcome! Do you hear something hitting the side of our ship? What could it be? What if we hit a reef? Check quickly to see if there is a leak?

Mechanic-Now everything is in order, we can move on.

Situation: “The captain got sick or...”

Dispatcher:- Attention, attention, radio operator of the ice drift "Russia", accept the radio telegram: the fishermen were carried away into the open sea, urgently tell the captain to organize the rescue of the fishermen.

Captain- Navigator! Set a course to save the fishermen!

Stop the car! Throw away the ladder! Lifeboats! Start rescuing the fishermen! (children “rescue” the fishermen, take them to the doctor, feed them in the canteen, offer them a rest...)

Dispatcher- Attention attention! Dear travelers! Soon it will be dark, it’s time for us to return home, to the port “Rucheyok”. We invite everyone on deck.

Captain- Navigator! Set course for the port “Rucheek”. Left hand drive! Full speed ahead!

Navigator-There is a left-hand drive! Full speed ahead!

Navigator- Comrade, captain, the port “Rucheyok” appeared on the horizon.

Captain- Stop, car! Drop anchor!

Boatswain- There is an anchor to drop!

Captain- Throw away the ladder!

Dispatcher- Thank you everyone, it was so much fun, we didn’t even notice how we swam to the kindergarten. You played great today! And they were excellent rescuers and fishermen.

(the teacher sums up the game, how brave and attentive the captain was, and the cook cooked so deliciously, etc., what did we see during the trip? What did you do while sailing? Where did you go? What did you like about the trip? What difficulties did you face today? Where would you like to go next time?).

Drawing up a plan - a summary of a theatrical game with children of senior preschool age.

Theatrical game

based on the Russian folk tale "Teremok"

in the senior group

Theatrical games are an important means of comprehensive education of a preschool child. Participation in theatrical productions enriches children with new, joyful impressions, promotes memory development, and expansion of vocabulary. Fairy tales serve as the first lesson of morality and ethics for children. In them, good always triumphs over evil. This sets the child up for an optimistic perception of life, develops positive character traits and social behavior skills.


To introduce children to the art of theater, to involve them in a game based on the familiar fairy tale “Teremok”.


Learn to perform simple performances, get into character;

Use expressive means to embody the image: intonation, facial expressions, gesture.

Encourage interaction with scene partners.

To develop children's interest in theatrical play.

Preparing for the theatrical game:

Reading the fairy tale “Teremok”, looking at the illustrations, playing the game “Assemble a fairy tale using a chain of pictures “Teremok”, watching the cartoon of the same name, talking with children about the theater, individual work on fulfilling the role, actions in accordance with the text.

Equipment :

The stage is equipped with a forest clearing, a model of a mansion, costumes for each character in the fairy tale (hats and masks), chairs for spectators, tickets.

Roles :

Grandmother - storyteller (teacher)

The mouse is a bitch

Frog - frog

Bunny - runaway

Fox - sister

Top - gray barrel

Mishka - bear



Progress of the game .

The teacher tells the children how she went to the theater and liked it there. She involves children in conversation: in the theater there are cashiers, ticket takers, actors, and decorators. Invites children to play theater. Together with the children, they determine the place where the stage will be, choose a familiar fairy tale, and assign roles: actors, cashier, spectators. For the first game, the actors are chosen to be those who can best perform the role and will be a model for others. The rest of the guys are still spectators (they buy a ticket, take seats in the “auditorium”, sit quietly, and applaud the actors at the end of the performance). The teacher reminds the child actors that they will be included in the game as the tale progresses, and begins to tell, since the role of the Grandmother-storyteller belongs to the teacher.

Grandmother storyteller :

There is a tower-house in a field, it is not low, not high, not high. Here a mouse runs across the field, sees a little house and knocks

Little mouse: Who lives in the little house?

Does anyone live in a low place?

Grandmother story: No one answered the mouse, she went into the little mansion and began to live there. There is a little mansion in a field, it’s not low, it’s not high, it’s not high, a frog is jumping across the field, it sees the little house and knocks

Frog frog: Who lives in the little house?

Does anyone live in a low place?

Little mouse: It's me, little mouse, and who are you?

frog : I am a frog frog

Little mouse : Come live with me

Grandmother storyteller : They began to live together.

There is a little mansion in the field, it’s not low, not high, not high. Here is a bunny running across the field, he saw a small house and knocked

Runner Bunny : Who lives in the little house?

Does anyone live in a low place?

Little mouse : It's me, little mouse

frog : It's me, frog frog

Together : Who are you?

Runner Bunny : And I'm a runaway bunny

Together : Come live with us

Grandmother story: The three of them began to live together.

There is a tower-house in a field, it is not low, not high, not high. A little fox is running across the field, sees a little house and knocks

Foxy sister : Who lives in the little house?

Does anyone live in a low place?

Little mouse: It's me, little mouse

frog : It's me, frog frog

Runner Bunny: And I'm a runaway bunny

Together: And who are you?

Foxy sister: And I'm a fox-sister

Together: Come live with us

Grandmother storyteller : The four of them began to live. There is a little mansion in the field, it’s not low, not high, not high. Here is a gray wolf running across the field, he saw a small house and knocked

Top-gray barrel : Who lives in the little house?

Does anyone live in a low place?

Little mouse: It's me, little mouse

frog : It's me, frog frog

Runner Bunny : And I'm a runaway bunny

Foxy sister : And I'm a fox-sister

Together: And who are you?

Top-gray barrel : And I'm a gray top

Together: Come live with us

Grandmother storyteller : The five of them began to live. There is a teremok-teremok in the field. He is not short, not high, not tall. There's a little bear walking across the field, he saw a little house and knocked

Teddy bear : Who lives in the little house?

Does anyone live in a low place?

Little mouse : It's me, little mouse

frog : It's me, frog frog

Runner Bunny : And I'm a runaway bunny

Foxy sister : And I'm a fox-sister

Top-gray barrel: and I'm a gray top

Together : And who are you?

Teddy bear : And I'm a bear, I can sing songs. Let me live with you.

Together : You won't fit in.

Teddy bear : And I'm on the edge

Together e: Well, come in

Grandmother storyteller : The little bear climbed into the tower, the tower shook and crackled - just before the animals managed to escape into the forest.

After the performance, the actors bow and the audience clap their hands.

The teacher and children exchange impressions.

List of used literature

    Aleshina N.V. Familiarization of preschoolers with the environment and social reality. M.: TsGI, 2003.

    Davydova V. Through the game to the socialization of the individual. // Education of schoolchildren, 2001. No. 9. P.30.

    Childhood: Program for the development and education of children in kindergarten. / Ed. T.I.Babaeva, Z.A. Mikhailova, L.M. Gurovich. Ed. 3rd. St. Petersburg: Childhood - press, 2012.

    Preschool pedagogy. Tutorial./ Comp. S.A. Kozlova, T.A. Kulikova. M.: Academy, 2000.

    Mikhailenko N., Korotkova N. The role of play in organizing a child’s behavior.// Preschool education. 1986. No. 9. P. 56-60.

    Mikhailenko N. Pedagogical problems of leadership and game management.// Preschool education. 1983. No. 12. P. 17-20.

    Developing social confidence in preschoolers. A manual for preschool teachers. institutions. M.: Humanite. ed. VLADOS Center, 2003.

    Makhaneva M. D. “Theatrical classes in kindergarten” M: Creative Center “Sphere”, 2004.

    Shchetkin A.V. “Theatrical activities in kindergarten” M: “Mosaic-synthesis”, 2007.

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1 Municipal preschool educational institution general developmental kindergarten 60 “Kolobok” Abstract creative play with the use of art therapy techniques "Cheerful Kittens" (within the framework of the RMO for teachers and music directors on the topic "Modern approaches to the artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education" from the city) Educator: Zimina I.V., highest qualification. category Voskresensk, 2016

2 Summary of a creative game using art therapy techniques “Funny Kittens” Tasks: art therapy techniques, work with makeup; literary devices; show the benefits of teamwork using unconventional drawing techniques (finger painting); Equipment: illustrations of cats, makeup and cotton swabs, makeup remover wipes; toys: a large dog, a mouse with a thread tied to it, a mink basket for the mouse; for drawing: “aquarium” background for group work, sponges, gouache in red, yellow, blue colors; wet wipes, towels; audio recording: “Dance of kittens”, “Lullaby”; treat "fish" cookies... the teacher gathers the children around him on the carpet and invites the children to guess the riddle: The tail is fluffy and the mustache is nothing more beautiful than beauty. The paws are soft pillows, the ears are raised up. Well, think a little. Did you guess it? It's a cat. (slide1) Finger game“I’ll tell you about the cat.” (slide 2) Place your palm, stretch your hand forward, palm up. I'll tell you about the cat. Stroke the palm with the other hand. Shall we count fingers? They move their fingers. One two three four five! Bend your fingers one by one. Let's count fingers! They clench their fingers into a fist and unclench them. Here is a fist, clench your fingers into a fist. And here is the palm. Unclench them. A cat sat on your palm! Place the fingers of the second hand on the palm. And sneaks away slowly, “Running” their fingers along And sneaks away slowly. hand to shoulder. Apparently, a mouse lives there! They hide the hand of the other hand (P. Pikulev) in the armpit. Who is this who greets the cat? (slide 3) Who is this who greets the mother with the ringing song “meow-meow”?

3 How thin is the voice? This is a red-haired one. (kitty). (S. Eremeev) Do you want to know how a mother cat teaches her kittens? Then we will turn: I into a mother cat, and you into my obedient, smart, cheerful kittens. The teacher, using makeup in front of the mirror, draws on his nose and mustache with a cotton swab. Invites the children to do the same. Here we are, kittens! All day long the mother cat teaches the kittens, And each kitten, like the mother, has a mustache. Kitten (child's name) is the whitest, the bravest, the cleanest, the fastest, the fluffiest, the most clawed, the most mustachioed, the most striped! Etc. (praise everyone.) Mother cat pats everyone on the head. 2. gathers the children in a circle. - My kittens love to jump, run, and play. Rhythmic game “Tsapki” (Kartushina M. Yu.) Pussy played with her paws, clapping her hands. Pussy clapped her paws: with her palms on her knees, Tsapa-tsapa-tsapa, claws Tsapa-tsapa-tsapa clapping again on the knees. Tsap! They quickly hide their hands behind their backs. 3. Guess the riddle: There is a football match under the table. The cat is very quick, he kicks a ball made of thread with his paw. This ball is called a bun. Clew! Look, kittens, how many multi-colored balls and threads I have in my basket. All the threads are mixed up. Help me find a thread for each ball. Kitten Tanya, what color is your thread? What color is kitten Sasha’s thread? (Ask each child.)

4 Game Match by color (there should be 1 more balls than children). Children look for a ball that matches their thread and wind it around the ball. (Fig. 1) Well done, kittens, your paws are very dexterous, you quickly unraveled the threads and wound up the balls. Musical and didactic game for the development of pitch hearing “Cat and Kitten” (kartushina M. Yu.) ;. (Slide 4) On the window-window The projector shows a window. The mother cat sat down, and a cat appeared in the window. She sat down, sat, and the children sang a song. She sang a song: Meow! They sing sounds in a low register, pointing with their hands below. And the kitten heard, appears on the projector and quickly ran to his mother. Kitty. He looked at the cat, The children were singing a song. He sang in a thin voice: Meow! Sing in a high register, showing the melody. Guys, look: the cat is sick. Let's feel sorry for her. (Slide 5) Body massage “The pussy is sick” The pussy is sick, They stroke the chest and stomach. Little white kitty, The kitty's head hurts, They stroke the head with movements - Oh, how it hurts! forehead to the back of the head. The kitty's little paw hurts, they stroke their hands one at a time. Oh, how it hurts! from hand to shoulder. The kitty's leg hurts. They stroke her legs from bottom to top. Oh, how it hurts! (A. Anufrieva) The kids came and began to treat the little kitty and give her milk to drink. Guys, how does a cat lap milk? Let's show (improvisation) 4. Draws the children's attention to a large colorful box. Look, kittens, what a beautiful box! I wonder what's in it? Let's take a look! What is this? (Takes out instruments for a noise orchestra.) These are cat musical instruments, they rustle, make noise, rattle, gurgle (demonstrates each instrument, the children listen to its sound.)

5 Do you want to play them? Let's arrange a big cat orchestra, choose any instrument (there are 1 more instruments than children). We start playing when the music starts. Noise orchestra (audio recording Merry Mouse). -What wonderful music we made! All my kittens tried very hard! 5. brings children to the tables for visual activities. - Guess another riddle: There is a glass pond on the table, fish live in it. (Aquarium.) All cats love to watch the fish in the aquarium: they swim, dive up and down - Look, kittens, how big the aquarium the children have drawn. (Shows a large sheet of paper with a picture of an aquarium as a background for group work.) What is in this aquarium? (Water, algae, pebbles, snails.) What's missing? (Fish.) The children tried so hard to draw an aquarium, but they didn’t have time to draw the fish, so they went for a walk. Do kittens like to draw? My kittens love to paint, not with a brush, but with their paw. Do you want me to teach you? Demonstration of the image method: I apply my palm with fingers folded together to a sponge soaked in paint, and then apply it to the aquarium. It turned out to be a fish. Children's work. Help if necessary. Those who have already drawn fish help the teacher draw an eye with their finger. Consider the aquarium - How many beautiful fish live in our aquarium! They are all bright, elegant, colorful! Our fish swim all over the aquarium and hide in the algae. Although all cats love to eat fish, we will not eat our own fish. We will admire them! Kittens wash their paws (in bowls of water). All the kittens washed their paws: That's it, that's it! They washed their ears, they washed their bellies: That's it, that's it! And then they got tired, fell asleep sweetly: Like this, like this!.(slide 9)

6 Result: Cute kittens! You have learned a lot today. What did we do? (Danced, played, drew) What did you like? (Children's statements.) I also liked being a cat mom and playing with you. Let me take a photo of you for memory. And these are your photographs (gives the children calendars with pictures of kittens, calling each kitten by name). Transformation into children: remove makeup using wet wipes.

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Children with behavioral disorders and intellectual disabilities often do not know how to interact correctly both with each other and with adults. These children often do not have the opportunity to express themselves correctly, to be active, to be independent. They do not have communication skills in various life situations, they often do not trust adults. Adults must teach them all this.

And you can teach a child, interest him, and attract attention only through a game, where an adult becomes on the same level as a child, where they can feel like partners, where a child can even help an adult and thereby learn to trust him.

Topic: “Creative play as a system of relationships between adults and children”

Tasks :

  • Develop confidence in yourself and your capabilities;
  • Develop activity, initiative, independence;
  • Build the child’s trust in an adult as a partner in non-situational communication;
  • Develop feelings of empathy, better understanding of yourself and others;
  • Improving communication skills in various life situations;
  • Strengthen children in the position of creator and creator.

Progress of the lesson:

Speech therapist: - Guys, today I suggest not just doing something interesting, but playing a game.

Let's play...

The speech therapist’s speech is interrupted by a teacher who has entered the group:

Educator: - Sorry for interrupting you, but I have stalemate. I urgently need to leave in 10 minutes, and there is no one to leave the small children with. Help me please!

Speech therapist: - L.N., you go now, get ready, and we will come to you in 10 minutes.

The speech therapist addresses the children:

Guys, how can we help? Do you think we can be of any help? Let's sit down and think about how we can solve this problem.

Children's answers, their wishes, doubts.

Speech therapist: - The problem is solved by going to their group and keeping the children occupied with something until the teacher comes.

What can we do to keep them busy?

Children's answers.

Speech therapist: - Let's remember what games you played when you were little?

Children's answers (presumably):

We must give them toys;

Build a house from cubes;

Show the fairy tale “Teremok”, “Kolobok”;

Sing them songs; etc.

Speech therapist: - Good! Just great! You offered a very good entertainment program. But there is one problem that still puzzles me. The fact is that in this group the children are small, vulnerable, and fearful. If we all go together, we can create noise and confusion, thereby frightening the children. Let's think about who we will send to help small children?

Children's answers:

Speech therapist: I suggest that you approach the election of candidates very carefully; they should be attentive, caring, patient, be able to calm and caress the child.

Elections of candidates for the rescue team are taking place.

Speech therapist: - Guys, you won’t remain indifferent either. After all, you know how little children love to receive gifts, and we just learned how to make souvenirs - funny dolls and amulets. I suggest that those remaining make such souvenirs and give them to the kids. Do you agree? Do you want to do this?

Speech therapist: - So, we have gathered 2 teams of rescuers. While the first attracts and calms, the second prepares gifts for them and I am sure that when the teacher comes to the group, the children will not even notice his absence.

The teacher stays with the second team, and the speech therapist goes with the first team to the younger group.

Progress of the lesson in the younger group:


Let's get acquainted.

The speech therapist offers children to organize the game individually or with a group of children.

Independent activity of children.

After 15 minutes, the children of the second team join the first group and give souvenirs.

Kolesnikova T.V.,
speech therapist




Michurinsk, Tambov region



Conducted by a teacher

Remneva Olga Mikhailovna


TARGET: Formation gaming skills, providing creative play

Development of activity and confidence in one’s actions.

TASKS: Develop children's communicative speech skills;

Introduce and consolidate new words in speech: badge, journalist,

photojournalist, artist-designer, editor.

Expand children's ideas about professional activities

newspaper editorial office.

Strengthen children's knowledge about the specifics of diverse people

professions in kindergarten.

Activate cognitive interest.

Foster respect for the work of adults and the need to work.


Reading "Who to be?" V. Mayakovsky.

Children's games: “Find out by description”, “Who needs what”, “Riddles”.

We memorized the songs “Fairytale Country”.


Model of the sun with rays.

Photos of employees kindergarten.

The name of the newspaper.

Toy computers.

Badges, microphone.


(Children come in and say hello)

Educator: Hello guys. What are those signs on your chest?

Reb. Today we are not just guys, today we are employees of the newspaper. These are badges. A badge is a person’s business card. We invited you to our editorial office. Let's get acquainted.

(one by one)


I am _______________________________ artist - designer

I am _______________________________ newspaper correspondent

I am _______________________________ newspaper correspondent

Guess who I am.

I'll direct my glass eye

I'll click once - we remember you!

Yes, I'm a photojournalist.

I am ________________________________assistant editor

I am ________________________________ newspaper correspondent

Reb. Olga Mikhailovna, let’s make you the editor-in-chief.

Educator: Okay I agree. Dear colleagues, please take your seats. This year we published a newspaper (name).

Today I propose to dedicate the second issue of the newspaper to our kindergarten and the people who work in it. Tell me, who works in the kindergarten? (answers) What will we call our newspaper? Your suggestions.

Reb. Let's call the newspaper “Our Fairy Tale”.

Educator: Our photojournalists worked hard and prepared photos of our employees. Let's start designing the newspaper.

(I open the name of the newspaper)

A long time ago, a kindergarten appeared in our city (what?) Michurinsk. And what did it become called? (Fairy tale). Let's denote our Fairy Tale by the model of the sun. (place the sun on the board). The sun is something unusual. Yes, he has a baby face.

Educator: Because in our kindergarten center there are always children. There are many competent, intelligent, creative teachers who take care of children, so what kind of life will you have?

Children take turns: So that life is joyful, happy, calm, interesting, wonderful, friendly, beautiful. (at this time the rays are laid out on the board towards the sun)

Educator: That's how many people give away the warmth of their hands every day in kindergarten. Who is the most important person in our kindergarten?

Reb. Elena Viktorovna. She's the director. Elena Viktorovna, please give an interview to our newspaper. Do you like working in a kindergarten? Thanks for the interesting story.

Educator: We place a photo of Elena Viktorovna in the center of the sun. Dear employees, who else would you like to tell us about?

Reb. I want to talk about our teachers. Alexandra Vasilievna and Olga MSikhailovna work with us. They greet us every day with a smile and take care of us. They teach us to be kind and brave. They are like mothers to us. We sometimes disobey them, but we love them and want to always be with them. (put the photo on the board)

Reb. Everyone got quiet

We listened in the garden,

How nicely you sing!

Who taught us to sing songs?

Of course Victoria Vasilievna.

Educator: What is Victoria Vasilievna's job?

Reb. She works as a music director. She teaches us to dance and sing. She is beautiful, kind, intelligent. (put the photo on the board).

Reb. And I want to talk about physical education worker Ekaterina Viktorovna. She teaches us to run, be resilient, and not get sick. She is young, athletic, slim and kind. We want to play with her, she knows a lot of games. (put the photo on the board)

Educator: Attention! Attention! We begin industrial gymnastics.

Get ready to warm up!

Spin left and right

Count the turns

One-two-three, don't lag behind

(torso rotation to the right and left)

We begin to squat -

One two three four five.

The one who does the warm-up

Maybe we should dance the lezginka.


Now let's raise our hands

And let's drop them with a jerk,

It's like we're jumping off a cliff

Spring sunny day.

(arms above your head and lower sharply down).

And now walking in place,

Left, right, stop once or twice.

(walking in place)

We'll sit on chairs together,

Will get down to business again.

Reb. I, an artist-designer, want to talk about Iraida Alekseevna. She taught me how to draw beautifully and mix paints. She is our master - “golden hands”. Iraida Alekseevna is a diligent and intelligent woman.

(put the photo on the board)

Educator: We didn’t talk about some people in the kindergarten.

Reb. Olga Mikhailovna, but we don’t have time to tell you about many employees.

Professions in kindergarten are different.

They are all very important:

And a cook, and a nanny, a psychologist and a speech therapist.

Without a carpenter and a janitor, there is no kindergarten.

Educator: Colleagues, we will tell you about them in the next issue of the newspaper.

Reb. We haven’t talked about the guys in our group yet. We are older, smart, and they follow our example. And we will place our group here. Here is our friendly team.

Educator: Are you happy with what you did? Me too. The newspaper turned out to be bright and interesting. Now it can be sent to the printing house. And now I ask the entire creative team to sing the anthem of our kindergarten. It is called “Fairytale Country” (they perform a song)

(call the teacher on the phone)

Educator: Hello! Yes. We'll be there now. Sorry, dear guests, we are being called to another task. Work is work.
