Lair of the Blackwing walkthrough. Decks for all bosses

Complexity: easy-medium
Progress: 7/8
Valuable rewards:

How to login
We fly to Black Mountain (east of Stormwind, on the border of the Searing Steppes and the Burning Gorge). We enter from any direction (from the south a large bridge leads directly to the gate, from the north a small path leads to the gate). Inside, in the upper part, we are looking for a balcony, behind which we can see a portal and a corridor to the right. We go into the corridor. When the task is completed, all you have to do is go to the end of the corridor and click on the sphere. The first time you have to turn left and go down a little. We find the Quartermaster from the Legion of the Severed Shield, kill him, pick up the letter and get the task. We return to the portal and enter Blackrock Spire.
The task requires you to kill the last boss. We go forward, go upstairs and go through the door on the left. In this room you need to kill all the mobs in the niches in order for the door to open further. In the next room, click on the stone circle in front of the boss; when the orcs standing around are activated, kill them and press circle again. After a while the boss will activate. We kill him and go into the next room. If you wish, here you can make the achievement [Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!] (and get the Jenkins title): to do this you need to walk on eggs until a large crowd of dragons gathers behind you, then kill them all at once.
We go up the stairs and follow the route on this map. When you jump down into the stadium, Nefarian will begin his speech, after which the gate will rise and packs of mobs will come out. You shouldn't go into the gate, just kill the mobs until Chief Rend Blackhand appears on the dragon (he walks very slowly). We kill him and move on along the route. After killing the last boss, click on the sphere to complete the task. Now you can go back a little and go up into the portal.

A map of the zone with bosses marked can be found.

1. Razor Death Indomitable:
It is impossible to kill the first boss alone due to non-standard mechanics, without using a bug (a video of the bug can be found). The bug can be used by those who have the opportunity to jump onto one of the balconies on the sides of the room: hunters, possibly warriors. Engineers can try to do this with [Extreme Jet Boots], but due to the 5 minute cooldown, the boss may not survive.
This boss can be killed fairly with the help of absolutely any player who can enter the dungeon (level 55+ required), this can be easily done in 2 windows if you have a second account. Under no circumstances should you hit the boss: if he dies while there are still eggs left, he explodes and everyone dies (the kill does not count).
You kill Gretok the Regulator and his retinue, at this time another player stands under the platform and clicks on the sphere. He needs to destroy all the eggs in the room using the boss ability on button 4. No other abilities should be used. Soon hells will begin to appear, your task is to collect them and kill them. When they hit the player controlling the boss, the control time is greatly reduced, and it may not be enough until the debuff wears off from the player, preventing him from controlling the boss again. This is not very scary, but if at this moment the boss disorients you and runs to kill another player, it will be unpleasant. Healing abilities are very useful here, as they create aggro across the room. Paladins, for example, can simply use [Divine Storm] .
When all the eggs are destroyed, all hell breaks loose and all that remains is to kill the boss.
Sometimes after successfully killing a boss, a bug occurs and hells start appearing again. In this case, you should exit the dungeon and wait 15 minutes before moving on.

2. Vaelastrasz the Vicious:
Shortly after the fight begins, he uses the [Burning Adrenaline] ability, which doubles your damage but kills you after 20 seconds. The boss has 990k health, and the boss's total health is 3.3m, so finishing abilities will become available very soon after the start of the battle. You will also be given a buff that quickly restores resources, which makes it even easier for classes that do not use mana.
If you can't manage to kill the boss in time, you can skip it.

Walking up the stairs, you soon arrive in a room filled with traps and dragons. According to good standards, a robber should disarm traps, but if you are not one, you will have to go this way, at a very low speed. After going through this and the next room, we come to the next boss.

3. Dragon Leader Slashing Scourge:
Nothing complicated, just stand with your back to the door so he doesn't push you back into the traps.

In the following rooms there will be many packs of trash with draconians, warlocks, spellbinders and technicians. Spellbinders are immune to magic, so try to avoid these packs if you're a caster (or bring a high-damage staff). Technicians sometimes drop [Elementium Ingot]. You also need to collect [Sand of Time] from mobs - you will need about 10 pieces for the penultimate boss.

4. Firebelly:
It is better to kill him quickly, because the damage you receive will constantly increase.

5. Chernoskal:
This boss will often place a debuff on you that will heal the boss when he hits you. Therefore, you need to either kill him very quickly (for which you need pretty good equipment), or avoid his attacks in various ways. For example, when dodging and dodging, it is not healed, so it might be a little easier for tanks here (if there was enough damage). Also, the boss is not healed if all the damage has been absorbed, so Priests or Death Knights (Blood) will have an easier time here.

6. Flamegor:
No special features.

7. Chromaggus:
To activate the boss, you need to press the lever at the end of the room.
This boss has much higher health than the previous ones and deals significantly more damage.
Firstly, his ability is constantly changing, increasing the damage from one school of magic, and greatly reducing the damage from others. Damage from light magic will always be reduced, which is unpleasant.
Secondly, he will use different breaths, which will increase the damage you take, but there is nothing you can do about it.
Thirdly, and most importantly, he will place one of five debuffs on you. If you get all 5, the boss will subdue you for 5 minutes (and, of course, reset your health).
[Warlock: bronze]: periodically stuns; can and should be removed using [Sand of Time].
[Warlock: Green]: reduces received healing by 50%, poison. If you don't have the ability to remove poisons, or if you don't have enough healing because of it, you can get some [Underdeveloped Poison Gland] from Blackrock Spire - it disappears after an hour, so you need to hurry.
[Warlock Tribe: Black]: Increases fire damage taken by 100%, curse.
[Warlock Tribe: Blue]: slows down movement and spell casting, magic.
[Warlock Tribe: Red]: causes damage, disease. A lot of stacks are applied at once, it’s easier not to remove them (especially since Priests and Paladins can remove other debuffs).

7. Nefarian:
An easy but interesting boss. To start the battle, you should talk to him on the throne. Low level characters can hide behind the throne to avoid damage from [Shadow Flame]. They can also be killed at the beginning of the battle, as hells are sometimes subdued, which leads to the battle being reset, after which you have to wait 15 minutes until the boss appears again.
At the beginning of the battle, crowds of draconians will appear from two doors until 42 of them are killed. Then you should finish off the remaining draconians and go meet the boss.
Of all the abilities, the only one worth noting is class summoning, which has a different effect depending on which class was summoned (if you are alone, your class will be called all the time):
Death Knight: Forces you to use [Death Grip] on other players.
Paladin: Periodically forces you to use [Hand of Protection] on Nefarian.
Warrior: Forces you into [Berserker Stance] and increases damage taken by 30%.
Hunter: instantly breaks the used ranged weapon; It is necessary to switch weapons in advance.
Robber: Teleports all robbers in front of him and [Paralyzes] them.
Shaman: Creates enhanced versions of totems that buff Nefarian and deal damage to players.
Warlock: calls 2

In the hall with the first boss:

To the left of the entrance there is a sphere on the pedestal. with its help you will control Razor Death. We approach and kill those who get in the way.
Phase 1: 1 person stays on or under the platform and controls the boss. Being under control as a boss, we break eggs (button 4, if I'm not mistaken)
1 dpser (preferably with AoE) stands next to him and makes sure that mobs do not jump on him - because they disrupt control.
The rest run around, kill other mobs, and help remove aggro from the controller.
ATTENTION: in the intervals between controls, the boss will spread to the players. It is important NOT to kill him, otherwise he will one-shot everyone.
Phase 1 ends once all the eggs are broken. In phase 2 we kill the boss, in principle at 80t it is not a particular problem.

Along the way, we inspect all the mobs and collect sand from them. It is advisable for all members of the group to collect a lot of sand. I would say that 10 pieces of sand is the minimum that EVERY party member should have. better 2-3 times more in case of wipes.

Next boss is Vael (Valestrasz or something like that)

The most important thing that you probably need to know about him, and what you need to be prepared for, is that part of the raid on this boss is guaranteed to die. In any situation by class and equipment. So grit your teeth and warn the players in advance not to pour.
And you die because the boss disables his ability: Boiling Adrenaline. The ability can be cast at any distance. The nasty thing about this ability is that it ticks for 20 seconds. During this time, your DPS increases significantly, including virtually no CD for shots. But after 20 seconds, it will one-shot you, while causing damage to others within about 30m.
In addition, he hangs this nasty thing with a frequency of 15 seconds on any member of the raid and after 45 seconds on the mt.
When passing the boss, it is good to have fire resistance, since adrenaline is not his only attack. They say he has blind spots in his back legs (stick to your butt, guys), but he can also swing his tail.
Thus, the tactics can be expressed almost as “all in DPS”. Especially if you are not going to go with 10+ players.
The four of us made it (a druid in the DD, a pal tank, a priestess in the DD, and me for a snack). Since there were relatively few of us, turning on the distance 28 command allowed us to disperse around the room so that when the adrenaline ended, we would not run away from each other and would not be hit by damage at the moment of death.

Next we see halls with dragons and suppression devices.
The devices are these nasty pillars that are placed around the room and over a certain period of time debuff you, significantly slowing you down. including movement.
This is where the horns, which can remove traps, would help us.
However, slowly but surely the rooms are traversed like this. We move, aoe, we move, we heal. The main thing is not to run away, walk in a crowd and keep up. Since the dragons constantly appear, it is impossible to simply clear the room.
When you climb to the second floor, you discover that all the way to the boss, these same devices are still there. Having suppressed obscene impulses, we walk towards the left wall.
ATTENTION: the left “wall” has no wall at all, there is neither a curb nor balconies, so if you run too fast you can fall into the middle of the previous room. Livestock for breakfast.
Having made your way closely along the walls, you will find that in the boss’s corner the suppression does not work, so you can hit him calmly. Quite easy to kill. It should be taken into account that the boss has an ability to reduce aggro (deaders can make life easier for tanks by knocking down their aggro), and the boss also pushes away from himself (don’t run into suppressors

We go further, but not very far. Because the next boss is almost immediately in the corridor. Clear the packs - make your life easier and save your nerves.
And then we beat the boss. He also has a knock-back and an ability to reduce aggro. But overall it’s also nothing critical.

On a hill there are 2 dragons nearby. In principle, the tactics with them are exactly the same as with the previous one. Knockbacks, lower aggro. Perhaps it is worth emphasizing that you should not stand on the stairs “smoking” in front of the dragonets, since they “patrol” a small area and can aggro when the raid has relaxed.
I advise you to beat them one at a time and take them to the walls.
The left one (which is on the left) periodically throws a curse that heals the boss if the target takes damage. So tanks don't forget to change.

Next behind bars sits Chromaggus. We pull the lever and this beast begins the fight.
In general, the boss throws a stun, but if the tanks work well, this is not critical.
It's much worse that he throws 2 debuffs and 2 aspects. The actions of these debuffs themselves at level 80 are not critical (the effects are described in detail in the links above).
BUT. each of them has its own color. Every time a player has ALL the colors, the player undergoes a “mutation” for 5 minutes. the boss controls him. The mutation doesn't go astray, so it's 99% a wipe.
Therefore, the main task here is to remove these dirty tricks: curses, illnesses, poisons, etc. It is here that it is important that there are two people removing states - our priest could not remove them from himself, he recruited, mutated and carried out the raid.
Separately, I will say that each “dirty trick” has its own color: blue, red, black and green, as I understand these can be removed by players. Yellow, also known as “Bronze”, can only be removed with (sort of) sand that you so carefully collected. it (the debuff) falls quite often, so you need a lot of sand.

Well, the last step is Nefarion. We talk to him
The battle takes place in 3 phases.
1. The boss wanders around the raid, sometimes uses mind control, is invulnerable to damage, and mobs run towards you. Mobs of different colors. The color determines what they resist, but at 80 such details are imho uncritical (and are described in detail in the links above). we smash 40+ bosses, phase 2 begins
2. This pest turns into a dragon. And once every 30 seconds he throws a class call on someone (the effects of communism from the link above)
* Druids turn into cats and forcefully remain as cats during a call.
* For the Khanty, all equipped bows, guns, and crossbows break at 0.
* Mages begin to cast polymorph on everyone within range.
* All priests when casting hang an unpleasant DoT that stacks many, many times. Renew and PVS work as expected.
* Pals cast protection on Nef.
* All the horns teleport before Nathanya’s clear eyes and freeze in place.
* All wars are forced into a berse stance, plus they receive an additional 30% damage.
* Each lock heals two infernals. They are immune to fire.
3. At 20% HP, Nefarian resuscitates the dragons you kill. aoe. we finish off

Blackwing Lair is the penultimate part of the Blackrock Mountain adventure. In this wing you will find as many as four bosses with a whole set of unique abilities and cards. But don't worry, we will describe each of them in detail, tell you what their weaknesses are and provide several deck options to easily complete each of them.

Razordeath Indomitable

The first person to meet you in the fourth wing of the Black Mountain adventure will be Razordeath the Indomitable. His hero's power - Nest - summons a Corrupted Egg onto the battlefield. This ability also gives one health indicator to those eggs that have already been summoned. At first, this boss's ability may be considered harmless, but after the Corrupted Egg's health reaches four points, it will hatch into a [Chromatic Dragon] with stats of 7/3. You wouldn’t consider him harmless at all.

Battledeath has two unique cards - Corrupted Egg and [Chromatic Dragon].

Deck of Death Razor the Indomitable

  • Frostwolf Fighter x2
  • Evil Taskmaster x2
  • Dragon's Breath x2
  • Wonderful Dragon x2
  • Wolf Rider x2
  • Azure Dragon x1
  • Blackwing Destroyer x2
  • Fiery heart x2
  • Damage x2
  • Blackwing Technician x2
  • Draconid Destroyer x2
  • Dragon Consort x1
  • Bloodlust x2
  • Hungry dragon x2
  • Twilight Whelp x2
  • Volcanic dragon x2

Game strategy against Razordeath the Indomitable

Priest and Warrior are the two classes that are easy and simple to use against Razor Death in normal game mode. The game strategy is quite straightforward: use the Silence and Mass Dispel spells on unhatched Corrupted Eggs to neutralize the threat from these creatures. Moreover, the last spell should not be cast immediately - but only after there are about four eggs on the table. You can also steal one of the eggs with cards like Shadow Priestess and Mental Technician, and then raise its health with Temple Fighter, Power Word: Shield or Divine Spirit - then [Chromatic Dragon] will be in your ranks. Also include Shadow Word: Death and Experienced Hunter in your deck - they will help you deal with hatched dragons, and Shadow Word: Pain can be spent on Corrupted Egg without regret.

The Warrior will also look great in a confrontation with the Indomitable. Warrior class mass spells (Whirlwind

and the death rattle of the Death Bite weapon) will help not only destroy all eggs, but also give buffs to your creatures (Enraged Worgen, Grim Regular, Enraged Berserker). And by including Servant of Pain and Battle Fury in the deck, you neutralize the lack of cards.

Warlock Basic Deck vs Razordeath the Indomitable

Priest deck against Razordeath the Indomitable


As a reward for defeating the first boss of Blackwing Lair, you will receive 2 copies of the rare class card Retribution.

Vaelastrasz the Vicious

This is the second boss of the penultimate part of the Black Mountain adventure. His hero power - Soul of Red Dragons - gives two cards from the deck to both the boss himself and his opponent. Due to the fact that this ability is free, it is applied automatically at the beginning of each turn. This boss has one unique card - Burning Adrenaline.

Vaelastrasz the Corrupted Deck

  • Goblin Sapper x2
  • Twilight Dragon x2
  • Volcanic dragon x2
  • Fire giant x2
  • Clockwork Giant x2
  • Closeness to nature x2
  • Arcane arrows x2
  • Dragon's Breath x2
  • Gathering x2
  • Fire imp x2
  • Damage x2
  • Merciless explosion x2
  • Inner Rage x2
  • Burning adrenaline x4

Game strategy against Vaelastrasz the Corrupt

When playing against Valestrasz, you will be amazed at how effectively he uses his Hero Power. Having cards like Twilight Drake, Goblin Minesweeper, and Clockwork Giant will allow him to play strong minions early in the game, while Affinity with Nature will overload your hand with cards. He will also try to seize total control on the board, killing many of your creatures in one turn, and then playing the cheaper Volcanic Dragon and Dragon's Breath. He will keep his deck away from exhaustion with a spell like Gathering.

The most favorable classes for fighting Vaelastrasz are the Warlock and the Rogue. The first has cards whose battle cry will help to cope with an oversaturated hand (Soulburn, Doomguard), as well as play creatures that are not inferior in power to the creatures of the Corrupted. In addition to all of the above, Gul'dan has a number of excellent removal spells (Hellfire, Soulburn, Shadow Bolt, Corruption and Sacrificial Pact) that will help get rid of the threat from the opponent. Be sure to include a number of provocateurs in your deck - they can soak up a lot of damage.

Roga will also look great against Valestrasz. Cast Gathering on the enemy Clockwork Giant - this way your deck will not lag behind your opponent's deck in terms of depletion rate. The Vanish and Stun spells will also work well - if the circumstances are successful, you can try to burn the enemy a few good cards, and the Elimination, Preparation and Backstab spells will help cope with the remaining threat from the Vicious.

Basic Rogue deck vs. Vaelastrasz the Corrupted

Cheap Druid deck against Vaelastrasze the Corrupted


After defeating Vaelastrasz the Corrupt, you will receive 2 copies of the rare class card Mage Firestarter.


The penultimate boss of the penultimate wing of the Black Mountain adventure is the great Chromaggus. His Hero Power - Dragon Magic - allows the boss to place one of the Dragon Magic cards into your hand. All of these cards will have negative consequences for you, so the player will have to spend one mana crystal each turn to get rid of these cards. Chromaggus has two unique cards - Flaming Heart and Chromatic Dragonhawk, but this does not count the cards from the Magic of Dragons series: Magic of Red Dragons, Magic of Green Dragons, Magic of Blue Dragons, Magic of Black Dragons and Magic of Bronze Dragons.

Chromaggus Deck

  • Bite x2
  • Claw x2
  • Wildness x2
  • Swipe x2
  • Dragon's Breath x2
  • Dragon Consort x2
  • Blackwing Technician x2
  • Draconid Destroyer x2
  • Wonderful Dragon x2
  • Hungry dragon x2
  • Twilight Dragon x2
  • Furious Pyromancer x2
  • Chromatic Dragonhawk x4
  • Fiery heart x2

Game strategy against Chromaggus

Chromaggus is a very unpleasant opponent, and all because of his hero power. Not only will you have to spend mana at the beginning of each turn to rid your hand of Dragon Magic cards (although Green Dragon Magic and Red Dragon Magic can be ignored in the early stages of the game), but he can also cast Chromatic Dragonhawk, which can be played under the spells may backfire on you. Moreover, Chromaggus has 4 copies of the last card.

Paladin will look good against Chromaggus, especially if you include cards like Emperor Thaurissan and Kel'Thuzad in his deck. Especially if you play them together. While the former will help you make Dragon Magic spells cheaper and allow you to get rid of them for free, the latter will give you a numerical advantage on the board.

The Priest will also be a good choice in the battle against Chromaggus. Using his combinations with Divine Spirit, Inner Fire, Well of Light and Spawn of Light, you will give your opponent a lot of trouble, since he does not have any creatures or spells in his deck that can impose the effect of silence.

Warlock is another class that can work well under Chromaggus. By including cards like Soulburn and Doomguard in your deck, you can easily get rid of cards that the boss puts in your hand. However, here you need to either have some kind of luck or not have any other cards in your hand.

Basic Priest deck against Chromaggus

Druid deck against Chromaggus


Two copies of the neutral card Hungry Dragon are the reward for completing the third boss of Blackwing Lair.

Lord Victor Nefari

Lord Victor Nefari is the fourth boss of the fourth wing of the Blackrock Mountain adventure. Despite the fact that you will start the battle with Lord Victor, you will have to fight against Nefarian, who will replace the hero after using his hero power - True Form. Nefarian's hero power, Wild Magic, allows him to gain a random class spell from his opponent's hero after using this ability. Both abilities cost just one mana crystal. Moreover, it should be noted that after Nefarian appears, all ten mana crystals will be available to him at once, he will also receive 10 units of armor and 2 additional cards.

Starting on the third turn, Ragnaros will grant the player one of the following cards: DIE INSECT!, Living Lava, Son of Flame, and Whirling Ash, which will be chosen at random.

Lord Victor Nefaria Deck

  • Blackwing Destroyer x2
  • Blackwing Technician x2
  • Dragonhawk sorcerer x2
  • Draconid Destroyer x2
  • Wonderful Dragon x2
  • Hungry dragon x2
  • Twilight Dragon x2
  • Volcanic dragon x2
  • Bite x2
  • Claw x2
  • Dragon's Breath x2
  • Dragon Consort x2
  • Twilight Whelp x2
  • Cleave x2
  • Tail strike x2

Strategy for playing against Nefarian

Despite such a huge advantage as 10 mana crystals from the very beginning of the game, as well as a large amount of armor and the unique power of the hero Nefarian, defeating him still turns out to be a difficult but doable task. After holding out for 2 turns, Ragnaros will come to your aid and at the beginning of each turn he will sponsor you with one random one of the four cards listed above. Using them, you will struggle, but you will still be able to hold out until you have enough mana to turn the game in your favor.

Since Nefarian has 10 mana from the start of the game, he will quickly exhaust his hand and will only rely on using his opponent's class spells. Because of this, by holding out early in the game and allowing your opponent's side of the board to fill up with minions, you can quickly deal with them using cards like Flash Bomb or combining Equality with Consecration or Vicious Pyromancer. Next, start loading your board with strong creatures and supporting them with Ragnaros' spells, and defeating Nefarian won't take long.

Basic Mage deck vs Lord Victor Nefaria

Cheap Paladin deck against Lord Victor Nefaria


Your reward for defeating Nefarian will be two copies of the Shaman Fireguard Destroyer class card. And for completing Blackwing Lair you will receive the legendary Chromaggus card.

One of the most famous raid dungeons in Warcraft for a group of forty level sixty players. Once the characters start getting dressed, the question of how to get to Blackwing Lair becomes pressing. No less popular is also the search for tactics of different bosses, of which there are nine in this place. Let's look at all this in more detail.


Finding it is quite easy if you know where to look. We are interested in the location “Smoldering Steppes” or “Burning Gorge”. Here is the huge Black Mountain. There are entrances to several dungeons, and it's easy to get lost.

The easiest way to enter is to take the road from the south. When you cross the bridge, go inside. Here you will need to find a balcony with a portal. To the right of the teleport there will be a corridor. At its end is the entrance to Blackwing Lair.

However, this will only work if you have already completed the task to open access. Otherwise, you will have to return and run around looking for the character who starts the quest.

The other way is through the upper part of Blackrock Spire.

Access task

So, earlier we talked about where Blackwing Lair is. So, to take the quest you need to turn left on the balcony, not right.

We are interested in the character “The Quartermaster of the Legion of the Shattered Shield.” After you kill him, you can find a letter. It is the beginning of a chain of tasks.
The first is called "Rend Blackhand's Order." Then we return to our balcony and follow further to the right. The goal is to kill the final boss in a raid dungeon.

So, we figured out where “Blackwing Lair” was and took on the task. How to complete it faster? After entering, we go up the corridor and turn into the left door. Here it will be necessary to completely clear all the niches. Only after complete elimination will the next door open.

It was here that one of the players became famous at the beginning of the Warcraft era. You can easily get the title "Jenkis" by completing the achievement "Lerooooooy!" All that is needed for this is to run over the eggs from which the dragons hatch. We collect more of them and kill them quickly. In 15 seconds you need to kill 50 flying lizards.
We go up and, going clockwise around the northwestern sector of the dungeon, we will find ourselves at the stadium. Here you will see the final boss. He talks for a long time, so you have to wait.

A crowd of monsters begins to emerge from the gate. We destroy them on the surface without going inside. Next, a knight, Chief Blackhand, will appear riding a dragon. He moves very slowly, so killing him will not be difficult.

The passage to the final boss is open. We eliminate him and activate the sphere to complete the task. All. You now have access to Blackwing Lair. You already know where the entrance is.


The first, but quite difficult boss. Without bugs and cheats, it is impossible to defeat him alone. Only hunters and warriors equipped with small arms will be able to take advantage of the flaw.

Tactics are divided into two parts. In the first phase, one person needs to activate the sphere, thereby taking control of the boss’s mind. Next, click only on the “4” button, which will allow you to quickly destroy the eggs in the room. As long as at least one remains intact, the second part will not begin.

While one player is busy shooting eggs, others must protect him. Periodically, up to twelve monsters will appear in the corners and attack the controller. They are divided into dragons, magicians and knights. Try to quickly destroy the wizards, as they can break control, and the boss will fall on the character near the sphere.

Also in the first phase, Razor Death must survive in any case.

The second part begins after the last egg is destroyed. Now the monsters don’t appear in the corners, and we are concentrating all our efforts on the boss.

By the way, there may be a bug - after killing Razor Death, the monsters will start running again. In this case, you need to leave the dungeon and return in 10-15 minutes. Just don't update it, otherwise you'll have to do everything again.


The next boss looks like a sleeping dragon. You can take the quest “Nefarius Corrupted” from him. This must be done before the first attack on him, otherwise you will have to enter the updated dungeon again.

A special feature of this character is the “Burning Adrenaline” ability, which he assigns to players at the beginning of the battle. The gist of it is this. You only have 20 seconds to destroy it. At this time, all attack abilities will be significantly increased, and the resource will be restored faster.

After the specified period, everyone will die if you do not kill the boss. By the way, he has 3 million 300 thousand health units. So if there are several players dressed in a full T10 set, passing is quite possible.

Vaelastrasz is not the character for whom people ask how to get to Blackwing Lair. If your group fails to kill it in time, it is quite possible to miss the dragon.

Behind it there will be a room in which there are many traps on the floor. The robber's defusing skill will come in handy here, otherwise progress will be slow.

Intermediate bosses

It's easy to kill the Striking Scourge, just stand with your back to the entrance to the room, otherwise it will push you back into the traps.

After passing it, we will meet many weak monsters. Of particular interest are the techniques (they drop ingots). You also need to collect 10 particles of “Sand of Time”, which will be useful on Nefarian.

We destroy the Firemaw as quickly as possible, as it goes into a rage and causes enormous damage.

Try to install addons with dungeon routes. If you figure out how to get to Blackwing Lair, the rest will be easy.

Blackrocks are most easily killed by priests or death knights.


To start the battle, you will need to pull the lever, which is located at the back wall of the room.

One of the most difficult and powerful bosses. He has a lot of health, and he hits very hard.

The main “beauty” is that Chromaggus has five abilities, which he uses periodically.

Bronze Warlock stuns, but can be removed with the Sand of Time.
Green - poisons and reduces the effectiveness of treatment by half.
Black - increases damage from fire magic by 100 percent.
Blue - greatly slows down running and casting spells.
Red is a disease. Of all the above, the last one deals the least damage, so we pay more attention to the others.


The most interesting character in the Blackwing Lair dungeon. How to get there is shown on the map.

During the battle, Nefarian begins to play around and give out unpleasant but fun goodies to the players. Each class has its own.

Mages will periodically experience the effect of random transformation.
Death knights - grab comrades with a whip. The Warlock will suddenly summon two Infernals who will help the boss. When this spell is triggered, the hunter's ranged weapons are broken. So don’t yawn, change the set on time.
The robber generally begins to do mischief. He attracts the rest of the class and paralyzes him. The warrior fights in a berserker stance, and the paladin places a hand of protection on the dragon.

In addition, when Nefarian has a fifth of his health left, he will revive the skeletons in the room. Use an area attack, otherwise the magicians will quickly die.

So, we learned how to get into Blackwing Lair and got acquainted with the tactics. There's only one question left.

How to farm

The first question is why? Is it worth running into a level sixty dungeon if there is something more interesting? It turns out that this is not an acquired taste. Moreover, you need to know where “Blackwing Lair” is located and complete the entry task.

What will we get? We will be able to collect two legendary weapons - the one-handed sword “Thunder Fury” for a tank (level 60-70) and the two-handed crushing “Sulfuras”. All classes can complete tasks for these items, and only those who have the appropriate skills can wear them.

It is also possible to collect “Elementium Ore” for a quest or to sell at an auction. Those who like transmog will have the opportunity to show off in the T2 set.

What does it take to run fast? Three leveled up characters can easily master Blackwing Lair. The passage will not take much time.

The best classes are paladin, druid, rogue, hunter. The rest are also quite easy to farm. Everything will depend on direct hands and experience of playing in a group, as well as knowledge of the tactics of different bosses. The recommended equipment for a passage with three or four characters is a full set of T10.

Having trouble with the heroic difficulty of Blackwing Lair? We've put together a few decks to help you overcome this problem! These decks are used for Heroic difficulty, but can also be used against Normal bosses just as effectively.

Walkthrough of Razordeath the Indomitable on Heroic mode

  • Razor Death The Indomitable has 30 health and 15 armor on Heroic difficulty.
  • He starts with a Corrupted Egg on his desk.
  • Throughout the fight, your goal will be to prevent the boss from activating his eggs on the table. Otherwise, the eggs will hatch into Chromatic Dragons.
  • Various cheap creatures will help you deal with the eggs. You will also need some other removal for the rest of the boss' creatures.
  • The boss also has Bloodlust in his deck, which can be disastrous if used even on multiple creatures.

Decks for completing Razordeath the Indomitable

Valestrasz the Corrupted Heroic Walkthrough

  • Vaelastrasz the Corrupted has 30 health and 15 armor on Heroic difficulty.
  • The fight with Valestrasz will take place at a very fast pace due to the boss ability, which gives 3 cards to both the player and the boss.
  • You will start receiving damage from fatigue already on turn 7, considering that the boss did not use Affinity to Nature.
  • One of the easiest ways to defeat Valestrasz is to use a mill deck.
  • A cheap and aggressive deck is also a smart choice here, as you'll be able to fill the board with everything you got from the boss ability.

Decks for passing Vaelastrasz the Corrupted

Chromaggus Walkthrough on Heroic Mode

  • Chromaggus has 60 health but no armor on Heroic difficulty.
  • Each turn you will receive one Dragon Magic card. The card will have a negative effect.
    • The first five will always appear in the same order: Green, Red, Blue, Bronze and Black.
    • After the first five dragon magics, the next ones will be completely random.
  • His chromatic dragons can grow to enormous sizes if you cast too many spells. Silence in this case is quite a useful thing, but it would be best to get rid of them right away with the help of your creatures.
    • Silence will be more useful against his 8+ Twilight Dragons, which he likes to put on the board.
  • This fight is quite easy to win using a cheating combination against the AI ​​- put Kel'Thuzad on the table and then just hide him behind taunts.
  • Alexstrasza also has a place in this boss fight if your deck allows you to survive until you can cast it.

Decks for passing Chromaggus

Walkthrough of Lord Victor Nefaria on Heroic Mode
