Mission Windy Peak in Skyrim. Windy Peak

There is a huge chance that during the first playthrough of the game "Skyrim" the player will have many questions caused by various kinds riddles. Thus, the quest with the golden claw confused many, but this article is intended to explain to everyone how to open the door with the golden claw in Skyrim.

golden claw

The golden claw is an object whose shape resembles the clawed paw of a dragon, which is probably why it was named so. On the inside of the “paw” there are symbols depicting animals that the ancient Nords worshiped: a moth, a bear and an owl. In its essence, it is nothing more than the key to the doors to the Hall of Legends. There are eight in total in Skyrim dragon claws: ruby, sapphire, glass, ebony, coral, bone, diamond and actually gold. Each of the claws is a quest item and is used to open doors.

Initially, this claw was found by the owner of the Riverwood Merchant, but shortly before the main character appeared there, the shop was robbed and the claw itself was stolen. Lucan Valery (owner of the Riverwood Merchant) or his sister (if Lucan Valery is already dead by then) will tell you where the golden claw is in Skyrim. You should look for it at Windy Peak, the entrance to it is guarded by three bandits who pose no danger to the main character.

You can find out where the golden claw is in Skyrim completely by accident. To do this, just go through the Windy Peak location.

Windy Peak

Windy Peak is a temple standing alone high on a hill, you can find it either completely by accident while traveling around the world, or while passing storyline. On the road there are two groups of hostile bandits, which you can bypass if you wish, this will not affect the course of the quest. After you find the temple on top of the cliff, kill the bandits guarding the entrance, then enter the temple. At the very beginning of the location you will meet several bandits. With a high stealth skill, you can overhear a conversation between two bandits; they are talking about how to open a door with a golden claw in Skyrim. Afterwards, you should kill the bandits and move on. As you progress, opponents will only become more dangerous and stronger.

There are two puzzles in Windy Peak. In the first, you need to place the rotating stone figures in the correct sequence: snake, snake, fish (from left to right), then you need to pull the lever and the door will open. So far this does not answer the question of how to open a door with a golden claw in Skyrim. Proceed further, killing spiders and draugr along the way. Sometimes the passages will be covered with cobwebs, just attack them with your weapon in order to get through.

In the room with the large spider you will find a bandit wrapped in a web. First kill the spider and then free the bandit. He will try to run away from you, if he succeeds, go further and in the next room you will find his corpse, he still will not tell you how to open the door with a golden claw in Skyrim. Deal with the draugr who did you a favor and search the bandit. You will find a golden claw from him, which you will need next.

Hall of Legends

In order to enter the Hall of Legends, you need to open the puzzle door using the dragon claw. The puzzle is essentially similar to the one at the beginning. Only instead of stones there is a door with three circles on which animals are depicted. You just need to place them in the correct order. The correct location, as well as the answer to the question of how to open a door with a golden claw in Skyrim, are indicated on back side claw Just arrange them in the order they appear on the claw: bear, moth, owl. After you open the door, go into the room and go to the dragon wall. After this, the Lord of the Draugr will awaken behind you. Kill him and take the dragon stone from his body, it will be useful in the quest "Windy Peak".

Windy Peak(orig. Bleak Falls Barrow) - quest of the main storyline in the game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

Brief walkthrough

  1. Talk to Farengar.
  2. Take Dragon stone from the ruins of the temple.
  3. Take the stone to Farengar.
Note: Dragonstone can be obtained without a quest from Farengar if you complete the quest “The Golden Claw” for Lucan Valery before heading to Whiterun. This will allow you to immediately move on to the next quest in Whiterun.


This quest is given by Farengar Secret Fire, a magician at the court of Jarl Balgruuf the Elder in Whiterun. It is part of the main storyline. The magician asks to get the Dragon Stone, and also reports that it is located in the ancient Nordic ruins called Windy Peak.

The ruins are located high in the mountains, south of Whiterun, and to get to them, you will have to overcome a fairly high rise where the bandits have settled. They are scattered along the path up to the temple itself. It is worth noting that if you approach the ruins from Whiterun, and not Riverwood, then you will encounter only three bandits, two of them will be archers. After making sure that all the bandits are dead, you can go into the temple. There are several more bandits inside. It will be interesting to overhear their conversation (they talk about the Golden Claw, which recently disappeared from a merchant from Riverwood), but you can deal with them right away.

As you move further, a puzzle with columns awaits the hero. To solve it, you need to unfold the stones in this order: snake - snake - whale (the clue can be found on the signs on the wall above the grate, one of them fell to the floor). After installing the columns in correct position you need to press the lever.

Warning-icon Important: the wrong combination will activate a trap that shoots poison arrows.

After the passage is open, the hero will be able to follow further along the spiral staircase, killing three skeevers along the way. A room awaits him below, the entrance to which is covered with cobwebs. Having cleared the passage from the cobwebs, the hero enters the hall. A giant spider will immediately descend from above, which poses a great danger to a low-level character. Behind the spider, in the passage, hangs a Dunmer caught in a web and asks to be freed. After killing the spider, you need to talk to Arvel the Swift, who promises the Golden Claw in exchange for salvation. Once the hero frees him, Arvel escapes with the claw.

There are two options here

Word of Power on the wall in Windy Peak
  1. Catch up and kill Arvel, take the claw and diary from his body. In this case, the draugr, which will definitely be encountered ahead, will not be disturbed and there is a chance to sneak past them or destroy them before they awaken, if the protagonist has developed stealth skills.
  2. Let the cunning Dunmer escape, who will have to deal with the crowd of awakened undead. Perhaps he will kill one of the draugr, but in the end he will die at the hands of the rest of the temple's inhabitants or by falling into the first trap.

Continuing further, the hero will meet many draugr, which will have to be destroyed. Eventually the path will lead to a sealed door, which can only be opened by typing the correct combination on the rotating rings. In Arvel's diary it is written that the answer to the riddle can be found if you carefully examine the Golden Claw. And indeed, the combination for opening the door is carved on one of the faces of this object. Opening the door, inside you can see a large burial hall with a Wall of Words, on which the Word of Power is written.

As soon as the hero studies it, a leveled draugr boss will awaken from the sarcophagus at the Wall. He is the main goal of the quest, since it is he who has the Dragon Stone, which Farengar needs so much. By killing a draugr who actively uses the mind and has a weapon enchanted for cold damage, the hero can take the stone and return to Dragonsreach. To do this, it is not necessary to go back through all the winding corridors of the temple - the short path to the exit is at the top of the stairs. By turning the handle, you can lower the wall blocking the passage. By the way, after completing the quest, if you have the appropriate task, the claw can be returned back to the store, as its owner asked.


As a reward, the hero will receive from Jarl Balgruuf a piece of armor, the type and enchantment of which depend on the character's level. The jarl will also allow the protagonist to purchase a house within the city.

Next begins the quest “Dragon in the Sky”.


  • There may be a bug when, after killing a draugr boss, his corpse cannot be searched, which makes it impossible to complete the quest, since it is impossible to pick up the Dragon Stone. This problem occurs when the hero is hidden while reading the Word of Power on the Wall, or has escaped before being discovered by the draugr.
    • Solution 1: change location and return back. Sometimes it is necessary to level up the player's character and return only after that.
    • Solution 2: load an early save and let the draugr discover the main character.
    • Solution 3: save in a separate slot and immediately load this save. Sometimes this is enough to take the stone.
    • Solution 4 PC : Select the corpse of the draugr in the console by left-clicking on it, and first enter resurrect and then kill. After this, the corpse should be available for search.
  • During the first puzzle, the pillars may get stuck and not rotate.
    • Solution: change of location and return.

Quest stages

To go to a specific stage of the quest, enter in the console:

Setstage MQ103 stage

where the stage parameter is a number, the stage of the quest (all stages are listed below).

Windy Peak (ID: MQ103)
StageDiary entry
10 Jarl Balgruuf thinks that I can help Farengar, his court magician, in some matter related to dragons.
(Objective 10): Talk to Farengar.
50 Farengar Secret Fire, the court magician of Jarl Balgruuf, asked me to obtain the Dragonstone from the Windy Peak Temple - a stone tablet on which the ancient burial places of dragons are indicated. He hopes that this will allow him to understand how and why dragons are returning to Tamriel.
(Goal 50): Take the Dragonstone.
180 (Objective 80): Take the Dragonstone to Farengar
190 Farengar Secret Fire, the court magician of Jarl Balgruuf, asked me to obtain the Dragonstone from the Windy Peak Temple - a stone tablet on which the ancient burial places of dragons are indicated. He hopes that this will allow him to understand how and why dragons are returning to Tamriel. My success pleased him, and he promised that the earl would reward me for my efforts.
The stage indicated in green corresponds to the successful completion of the quest, and in red - its failure.
The following stages have been omitted as they have no description or meaning: 0, 1, 5, 8, 15, 20, 55, 60, 80, 90, 100, 182, 185, 200.


  • Not all quest stages may appear in the quest log. Which of them will appear and which will not depend on how you complete the quest.
  • Stages are not always displayed sequentially. As a rule, this happens if the quest has several possible endings, and also if some of the quest stages can be completed in any order.
  • If a stage is marked green, that is, as the end of a quest, then this means that the quest disappears from the list of active quests in the log, but new entries associated with the quest may still appear in the quest log.

Start the quest “Windy Peak. We can say that this quest is one of the initial ones: you are sent to warn Jarl Balgruuf in Whiterun. When you deliver the message, the jarl will ask you to speak with Farengar Secret Fire, his court magician. Farengar will explain to you that he is looking for the Dragonstone and will direct you to Windy Peak. Thus, a marker will appear on the map, following which you will come to Windy Peak.

  • If you have already completed the Golden Claw quest, you may find that the Dragonstone is already in your inventory, since this quest will take you along the same path as the Windy Peak quest. You won't be able to sell or drop the Dragonstone from your inventory, so it will definitely remain with you until you give it to Farengar at the end of the quest “Windy Peak”.

Reach Windy Peak. The fastest way to Windy Peak is to go south from Whiterun. You will need to find a path from the northern slope of the mountain that leads all the way to Windy Peak; there are fewer dangers on this path. The most common path players take from Riverwood involves crossing a bridge north of the village and then turning northwest, following the winding path that leads to the peak. However, on this path you will meet aggressive forest animals (most often wolves) and several bandits near an abandoned tower.

  • Be careful when approaching the peak, as you will encounter half a dozen bandits at the entrance. In the open space of this location, enemy archers will have a great opportunity to fill you with arrows, so engage in battle near the columns that will cover you while you deal with the bandits in close combat.
  • Enter Windy Peak. When you go down into the mound for the first time, you will notice that there are a lot of human remains and skeevers around. Sneak further and you'll hear bandits discussing someone named Arvel, who ran off with some kind of golden claw. If you haven’t started the “Golden Claw” quest yet, it will start right now. Kill the bandits and move deeper into the mound.

    Solve the column puzzle. As you move forward, you will eventually encounter a bandit with a torch who runs into a room with a puzzle inside. Let him pull the lever and he will die from the darts of the triggered trap. Now go forward and study the symbols around (one on the ground, two on the wall). Pay attention to the animals that are depicted on the columns and turn them with the desired pattern towards you. From left to right, these symbols should appear as follows: snake-snake-whale. Pull all the necessary levers and continue on your way.

    • Be careful when you go down the spiral staircase, because skeevers will start running out at you. Stay at the top of the stairs so they can't surround you and you can kill one skeever at a time.
  • Kill the giant spider. After some time, you will find yourself in a place covered in cobwebs, while someone will call for help. Carefully walk deeper into the room. You will see that someone is caught in a web. A frost spider will come down from above, which you will need to fight. Kill the spider and talk to the trapped man, who turns out to be Arvel the Swift.

    • If you are having trouble fighting the spider, retreat through the front door of the room. The spider will not be able to get through this door. Heal yourself using spells or long-range weapons and kill the spider from afar. Remember that the spider can still hit you with venom. Dodge when the spider stands up on its hind legs, as this means it is about to spit venom at you.
  • Free Arvel the Swift. Talk to Arvel to question him about the location of the claw, and he will agree to show you how everything works in exchange for you freeing him. Using melee weapons or magic, destroy the web that binds his hands and feet. Arvel will fall down and then quickly run deeper into the mound, trying to escape from you. He will be cut down by a restless draugr or run into a wall of spikes by stepping on a trap slab. Kill the draugr and search Arvel's body to collect the Golden Claw. Once you have the claw, go deeper into the mound, avoiding the traps and killing the draugr.

    Enter the sanctuary. You will soon find yourself in front of a closed door with stone rings rotating around the keyhole. Open your inventory, select the Golden Claw and examine it. Turn it so that the claw is facing you and study the symbols that are depicted on it: bear-moth-owl. Turn the rings around the keyhole to make this combination and the door will open, revealing the entrance to the Wind Peak Shrine.

    Take the Dragon Stone. Upon entering the sanctuary, you will find yourself in a spacious room with waterfalls and a protruding wall with strange symbols inscribed on it. You will hear voices that will get louder as you go towards the wall. When you get close to the wall, the screen will darken and one word on the wall will glow bright white, and thus you will learn the Word of Power from the Word Wall. Once you learn the Word of Power, the sarcophagus behind you will open and a high-level draugr boss will emerge from it. Kill this draugr, and then search the body - there you will find the Dragon Stone.

    Walkthrough 88668
    November 19, 2011 0:13

    Sets the task: Farengar

    Locality: Windy Peak

    Reward: Absent

    After completing the previous task, Jarl Whiterun will invite you to go with him to the local magician - Farengar. According to the magician, he is the only one here in Whiterun. Since we talked about the dragon, then Farengar will tell us about a certain dragon stone. This stone can be found in the temple on top of the mountain - Windy Peak. Head there. Along the way you will meet bandits - defeating them will not be a problem. Come inside. Make your way through the corpses of bandits you left behind (who were still alive before your arrival), avoid traps and solve riddles.

    Snake, Snake and Fish - this is the solution to the riddle of the first door

    When you solve the first puzzle, you will encounter the draugr for the first time. These are ancient Nords who were buried in the depths of the mountains Skyrim. Kill them and move on. Sooner or later you will come across a room entangled in cobwebs and a voice calling you for help. As you get closer, a huge wounded spider will jump down on top of you, which you will need to kill in order to continue on your way.

    Save dark elf, and he’s trying to escape from you?! You catch up with him and kill him. Take it away golden claw, which is necessary to complete the task "Golden Claw". Let's move on. We come across a door, with strange symbols. Open the menu and look at the order of the pictures and turn the mechanisms on the door (if you don’t turn it on, then do it from top to bottom - bear, dragonfly and owl). When you're done, place the claw on the door (in the special slot). Move on.

    Inside you will see a large burial hall and the first (if you only follow story task) a wall of dragons with words of power written on it. When you get closer to the treasure near the wall, a high-level draugr will rise from its grave. Kill him, because it is from him that you can take the dragon stone that you need so much Farengar. We take the stone and return to it. The task is completed.

    -1) (_uWnd.alert("You have already rated this material!","Error",(w:270,h:60,t:8000));$("#rating_os").css("cursor", "help").attr("title","You have already rated this material");$("#rating_os").attr("id","rating_dis");) else (_uWnd.alert("Thank you for your rating !","You've done your job",(w:270,h:60,t:8000));var rating = parseInt($("#rating_p").html());rating = rating + 1;$ ("#rating_p").html(rating);$("#rating_os").css("cursor","help").attr("title","You have already rated this material");$("# rating_os").attr("id","rating_dis");)));"> I like 35
  • Previous quest: Before the storm
  • Next quest: Dragon in the sky
  • Related quest: golden claw
  • Reward: Thane of Whiterun, opportunity to buy "House of Warm Winds", leveled item
  • ID: MQ103
  • Required item: Dragon stone FormID: 000ad06f or 000df202
  • Reward Spell: Fire Damage
  • Complexity: Average
  • Windy Peak

    Brief walkthrough

    Reverse side with inscription in dragon language

    1. Talk to Farengar
    2. Take the Dragonstone from the mound
    3. Take the stone to Farengar

    Complete walkthrough

    Dragon stone. Front side.


    • Dragonstone can be obtained without the quest from Farengar Secret Fire if you complete the quest The Golden Claw for Lucan Valery before going to Whiterun. This allows you to immediately move on to the next quest. However, it is impossible to pick up only a claw from the mound.
    • The dragon stone contains an inscription in the dragon language, a decoding of the text is given.


    • If you approach Wind Peak from the side of the mountain above, or you jump up behind the entrance, you may end up on the openings in the roof and visually float in the air. It's possible the holes are glass skylights, but that's doubtful.
    • There may be a bug when, after killing a Draug boss, it is not registered by the game as a container, which makes it impossible to complete the quest, since you cannot pick up the Dragon Stone. Bethesda technical support advised in this case to leave this part of the dungeon, increase your level and return to the search for the Dragonstone. This problem occurs when you are hidden while reading a word on the wall. Loading an early save and letting the draugr detect you solves the problem. Simply save to a new file after killing the Draug Lord, and then load it. The boss will become "lootable" again. PC users can resurrect and kill him again through the console. Then you can take the Dragon Stone from the draugr's body.
    • A bug with the draugr corpse not being identified as a container may occur between the first and second riddle doors, but this will not affect the ability to complete the quest.
    • During the first puzzle, the pillars may get stuck and not rotate. To fix the bug, exit and re-enter the room.

    Quest stages

    Windy Peak (MQ103)
    Stage Completing the task Journal entry
    Jarl Balgruuf thinks that I can help Farengar, his court magician, in some matter related to dragons.

    (Stage): Talk to Farengar.

    Farengar Secret Fire, the court magician of Jarl Balgruuf, asked me to obtain the Dragonstone from the Windy Peak Temple - a stone tablet on which the ancient burial places of dragons are indicated. He hopes that this will allow him to understand how and why dragons are returning to Tamriel.

    (Stage): Pick up the Dragon Stone.

    (Stage): Take the Dragonstone to Farengar.
    190 Farengar Secret Fire, the court magician of Jarl Balgruuf, asked me to obtain the Dragonstone from the Windy Peak Temple - a stone tablet on which the ancient burial places of dragons are indicated. He hopes that this will allow him to understand how and why dragons are returning to Tamriel. My success pleased him, and he promised that the earl would reward me for my efforts.
    • The following empty quest stages were not listed in the table: 0, 1, 5, 8, 15, 20, 55, 60, 90, 100, 180, 182, 185, 200


    • Any text within angle brackets (for example, ) is a parameter set by the Radiant Quest engine that will be assigned a value when a quest is received.
    • Not all of the specified entries may appear in the game log: which entries appear and which do not depend on how the task is completed.
    • The stages are not always listed in the order in which the task is completed. This typically occurs with tasks that have multiple possible outcomes or where certain tasks can be completed in a random order.
    • If an entry is marked as " Completing the task", this means that the task is removed from the list of active ones, but new records of the stages of execution of this task can continue to be added to the log.
    • When playing on a personal computer, you can use the console to advance the task by entering the command setstage MQ103 stage, where stage is the number of the stage to which you want to go. However, it is not possible to move on to uncompleted (i.e., skipped) quest stages. However, using the resetquest MQ103 console command, you can reset the quest stage.