My home of warm winds. Interesting features and fun ways to have fun in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim The voice of Paarthurnax and Mario is the same person

Almost five years after its first release, the gigantic, amazing Skyrim created waves of pleasure that we still happily ride today. Its world remains one of the most detailed and meticulously crafted in video games, its AI systems making you feel connected to the characters and their real-life wants and needs.

The mighty Dovahkiin entices you to go on an adventure, because he is the only one capable of competing with the characters of Tolkien himself.

Yes, this is a truly powerful development team that was able to be the first to create a game with its own “dragon language”, not to mention sophisticated methods of execution and murder. They've bolstered this with patches that give us extra bells and whistles, and an endless quest log that keeps you playing for days before you realize you've been drawn into this world. In 2015 Bethesda trying to promote"Fallout 4"

, and there's no mention of Skyrim II/Elder Scrolls VI yet. However, there are many stories about The Elder Scrolls Skyrim that are worth telling you.

10. The Skyrim theme was sung by 30 people at the same time, and the song was overdubbed three times

Powerful, epic, inviting to battle and daring, the theme of Skyrim sounds as if an entire army of warriors is roaring in the vocals.

In fact, 30 people sang the main vocals, then this recording was overdubbed two more times, creating the effect of a huge squad of fighters preparing for battle.

9. Paarthurnax and Mario were voiced by the same person

Charles Martinet, responsible for Mario's shrill "It's Me!" voice, also voiced the powerful and divine Paarthurnax for Bethesda.

Unfortunately, when you encounter an ancient dragon, you won't hear him say "It's me, Paarthurnax!", but you will now look at him differently.

8. The language “Fus Ro Dah” was invented by Adam Adamovich, who died in 2012

The creator of some of Bethesda's most celebrated work as a concept artist, including Fallout 3, Adam passed away in 2012. But his work will be remembered not only for the visual styles for Fallout 3 and Skyrim, but also for the Draconic writing.

Does everyone have a tattoo that says "Fus Ro Dah"? Then you have Adamowicz to thank.

Before Bethesda took home its "Coolest Developers Ever" award again in 2015 (thanks to loyal fans who sent thousands of bottle caps of a free copy of Fallout 4), they first decided to honor the couple who named their child after Skyrim hero on the day of release.

Yes, Dovahkiin Tom Kellermeyer was born on 11/11/11, his parents are Eric and Megan. And Bethesda offered free games for life to those who named their child that. They were also given a whole mountain of accessories, which they are still collecting.

6. Skyrim has 70 actors who recorded more than 60 thousand lines of dialogue

To give life to heroes, you need to spend a lot of time. Many other developers, when it comes to lines, simply repeat existing lines from many characters. But Skyrim excelled in this regard.

They hired over 70 actors to record various lines, resulting in the game having over 60,000 lines in total, including repetitions of the iconic "I took an arrow to the knee" line.

5. Voice of Winnie the Pooh and Taz (from Looney Tunes) in the game

Another moment that proves how brilliant and versatile the actor's voice can be. Jim Cummings owns not only the pleasant voice of Winnie the Pooh from the cartoon, but also the insanely waving tongue of the Tasmanian Devil (Taz). It was he who voiced many of the old characters in Skyrim that can be found in the game.

4. Skyrim's Map Isn't Actually Bethesda's Biggest

While the level of detail and precision in Skyrim is unparalleled, Bethesda already outdid itself in 1996 when measured by square miles in the game world.

Their second creation, " The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall" covers 62,394 square miles, 4,000 times larger than Skyrim.

3. We Almost Got Game of Thrones

Even before the HBO series aired, its creators thought it would be a good idea to tie the episodes into the game.

Todd Howard mentioned that the team decided to adapt their material to fit their style, but then refused, although they fully believed in Skyrim. They decided that they could create/continue their mythology. Todd said they were "close" to getting it right. Ultimately, we should be glad that the creators decided to stick to their style.

2. Emil Pagliarulo wrote the famous phrase “I took an arrow to the knee”

The now legendary phrase “I used to, but then I took an arrow to the knee” was taken from the novel “The Name of the Wind” by Patrick Rothfuss.

But Kotaku, in an interview with Todd Howard, revealed that the line was written by Pagliarulo to make the guards feel more human.

1. Skyrim is the only Western game to score all 40 points in Famitsu

Eastern markets are considered incredibly unresponsive to Western game design. That's why Xbox never caught on with them, and shooters there are considered a young market. This is also why, even though The Elder Scrolls games are the best RPGs, they don't compare to Dragon Quest, Monster Hunter or Final Fantasy” when it comes to sales.

Yet these cultural differences could not withstand the authority of Skyrim, and such a famous magazine as Famitsu (a Japanese gaming magazine) awarded it a full 40/40, placing Skyrim on par with " The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time", " Metal Gear Solid" and "Dragon Quest IX".

How many hours have you played Skyrim? Leave your comments below! And also don’t forget to share the article with your friends!

Dovahkiin is a real person. Seriously.

Almost five years since its release, an outstanding, mind-blowing Skyrim game brought players so much pleasure that we continue to enjoy it to this day. Its world remains one of the most thoughtful and developed in the universe of video games, its systems artificial intelligence seriously make you believe that the characters, whose lines are amazingly intertwined with each other, are real people, with their own desires and needs, and the feeling when you go on a journey playing as the mighty Dovahkiin can only be compared with the emotions from reading the best works Tolkien himself.

A truly remarkable development team that was the first to conceptualize a game with its own "dragon language" and fewer bloody combat scenes, spice it all up with patches that give players more extra moves, and create a quest log so extensive that it will keep you playing for days before you You will have time to understand what has sucked you into your head.

In 2015, Bethesda studio is seriously busy promoting Fallout 4, and this means that Skyrim II/Elder Scrolls VI will not be released anytime soon. However, this will not stop us from turning around and taking another look at a game that has become one of the best in history and about which many interesting facts have accumulated.

10. The Skyrim theme song is a track with the voices of 30 people...

Musical theme Skyrim is a track with the voices of 30 people singing at the same time, overdubbed three times.

Majestic, epic, and a cry for battle, Skyrim's theme sounds as if an entire army of warriors were performing the lead vocals.

In fact, the master recording included the voices of 30 people and was later overdubbed two more times, creating the effect of a choir of an entire legion of warriors ready for battle.

9. The voice of Paarthurnax and Mario are the same person

Charles Martinet, the man behind Mario's catchphrase "That's me!" (English: “It’s a’me!”), is the same actor that Bethesda brought in to voice the powerful god-like Paarthurnax.

Unfortunately (but, in general, for obvious reasons), the game did not have the dragon’s greeting phrase “It’s me, Paarthurnax!” (English: “It’s a’me, Parthunaax!”) when you finally get to meet him, but you will never be able to look at this dragon the same way again.

8. The creator of the Fus Ro Dah language, Adam Adamovich, died in 2012.

Adam, who was responsible for many of Bethesda's outstanding concepts, including Fallout 3, sadly passed away in 2012. However, he will be remembered not only as the creator of the unique visual styles of Fallout 3 and Skyrim, but also as the man who developed the alphabet for the iconic "language of dragons."

Do you have a "Fus Ro Dah" tongue tattoo? Thank Adamovich for this.

7. A real child named Dovahkiin

Bethesda Studios has given a lifetime opportunity to play for free to a child named Dovahkiin.

Even before Bethesda got its title " Best Developer of all time" in 2015, the studio guaranteed a fan who sent thousands of bottle caps a free game in Fallout 4, and also awarded the opportunity free game a couple who named their child Dovahkiin on the day the game was released.

Yes, Dovahkiin Kellermayer was born on November 11, 2011, and his parents Eric and Megan were awarded the lifelong rights to the game and still continue to receive gifts from Bethesda studio.

6. The Skyrim voice team consisted of 70 actors...

Skyrim's voice acting team consisted of 70 actors who recorded a total of over 60,000 lines of dialogue.

Creating new worlds is hard work, but while players are used to the fact that in games from other developers, dialogue usually comes down to repeating the same phrases, in Skyrim everything is completely different.

The studio hired 70 voice actors to ensure there was enough variety in the recordings, and eventually more than 60,000 phrases were recorded, including the legendary "I took an arrow to the knee" (pun: literally - "My knee was pierced by an arrow", figuratively - " I changed my mind"), which can be heard in the game performed by dozens of different voices.

5. In the game you can hear the voice of Winnie the Pooh and the Tasmanian Devil

This is another confirmation of the amazing talent of voice actors to impersonate. Jim Cummings gave the voices not only to Winnie the Pooh, but also to the crazy Tasmanian Devil from the popular cartoon. In addition, he also owns the voices of many of the older characters from Skyrim whom you meet along the way.

4. Skyrim's map isn't actually the biggest Bethesda map has created.

While the detail and precision of Skyrim's world is second to none, the studio had already outdone itself once in 1996 when it comes to the overall size of the game world.

The map of their second game, The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall, ranks 62394 square miles(100413 sq. km), which is 4000 times more than Skyrim world. This is certainly impressive, but is there an Easter egg with a hanging Luke Skywalker in the world of TES II? Most likely no.

3. We almost got Game of Thrones instead of Skyrim

Even before the airing of the HBO series, known for its naturalistic nature, its creators seriously considered the idea of ​​​​creating a game based on it.

In an interview with EGMi, Todd Howard talked about how the studio team tried to adapt the material to their style, but the idea was ultimately rejected as the studio firmly believed in the success of Skyrim, primarily due to the ability to create characters and mythology independently. Howard emphasized that at some point they were almost ready to take on the Game of Thrones project. Thank God, the intuition did not let the developers down.

2. Emil Pagliarulo coined the famous phrase about the arrow in the knee

In theory, the now-iconic line, “I used to [put add backstory], but then an arrow hit me in the knee,” was taken from Patrick Rothfuss’s novel The Name of the Wind.

However, the Kotaku blog, in an interview with director Todd Howard, managed to find out that the phrase was invented by Pagliarulo in order to give the guards human characteristics and reflect the interests of your game character and the time in which he lives.

1. Skyrim received a record 40 points in a review by Famitsu magazine

Skyrim is the only Western game that managed to get the maximum 40 points in Famitsu magazine's review. Eastern markets are known for their rejection of Western game design. For this reason, Xbox could not understand why shooters in the East are still gaining popularity, and games from The Elder Scrolls line, being record holders in Western markets, cannot even come close to comparable in sales to Dragon Quest, Monster Hunter or Final Fantasy.
However, even cultural differences did not become an obstacle for Skyrim, and the authoritative Japanese magazine Famitsu awarded the game an honorable 40 out of 40 points, putting it on par with such games as Ocarina of Time, Metal Gear Solid and Dragon Quest IX.

Perhaps one of the most fun and interesting quests in Skyrim is “An Unforgettable Night.” Well, judge for yourself: in what other task can you see Dovahkiin suffering from a hangover and risking his life for the sake of a goat? Sounds intriguing, doesn't it? However, you shouldn’t get ahead of yourself. Next you will learn about where to get “ An unforgettable night"in Skyrim.

Drinking won't do you any good

As soon as your hero reaches level 14, in the tavern that is closest to him at that moment, a very unusual character- an alcoholic magician named Sam Geven. He will invite you to compete in drinking alcohol and promises to give you his staff if you can drink it.

Well, the idea is very tempting. Agree to Sam's offer and have a drink with him. And then one more, and another, and another... At some point, Dovahkiin’s eyes will darken, and he will no longer control himself. This is where it actually begins Skyrim quest"An unforgettable night."

Cleaning the temple

As soon as the hero, suffering from a headache, opens his eyes, some screaming woman will immediately attack him. Judging by Senna’s clothes (that’s the name of this “sweet” woman), she is a priestess, and you are in the temple of Dibella, located in Markarth. And how did you get here?

Senna, having calmed down a little, will tell the hero that yesterday, being in an inadequate state, he burst into the temple with his friend. Sam was eventually able to leave on his own feet, but Dovahkiin was not so persistent and fell asleep right on the floor. Unfortunately, the priestess refuses to tell any details until the hero eliminates the consequences of yesterday's brawl.

Well, let's start cleaning. To do this, simply pick up several items lying on the floor: two bottles of wine, a giant's finger and a note from Sam. Once you're done, talk to Senna again. The priestess, having changed her anger to mercy, will tell you that yesterday you mentioned Rorikstead, which means that the next stage of the quest “An Unforgettable Night” in Skyrim will be this city.

Goat rescue

So, trying to find Sam, you arrived in Rorikstead. Almost immediately Ennis will approach you and, just like Senna before, will attack you with complaints. It turns out that yesterday you stole a goat from a guy and then sold it to a giant who lives near the city. Ennis won't tell you anything else until you return his horned pet.

Head southeast of Rorikstead and begin the rescue mission. The giant will not want to part with the animal peacefully, so you will have to kill it. After this, take the goat to Ennis, who, to celebrate, will show Dovahkiin a note covered in ale. After reading the message, you will learn that you owe money to a certain Isolde from Whiterun. You will have to visit her further.

Search for the ring

Isolde will report that yesterday the Dovahkiin told her about his intention to marry the beauty living in the Witch's Fog Grove. The girl was so moved by the hero’s story that she agreed to lend him an engagement ring. Hence the promissory note. Promise Isolde that you will return the ring, and then head into the grove in search of the beloved you remember nothing about.

  • Attention bug: “A Night to Remember” in Skyrim will freeze if you visit the grove and receive the ring before talking to Isolde.

Upon arrival, you will find that the Witch's Mist lives up to its name. The grove is quite creepy, and even some old hag is rushing towards you as fast as she can. Oh no! Yes, this is the mysterious beloved Dovahkiin! Not accepting refusal, the “beauty” will attack the hero, so you can safely kill her. Pick up the ring from the corpse and take it to Isolde, who, having lamented a little about the deception, will tell you that the wedding ceremony should have taken place in Morvunskar. This is where you will need to go if you want to complete the “A Night to Remember” quest in Skyrim.


The location is inhabited by black magicians, sorcerers and other necromancers who are not at all happy with an uninvited guest. Move into the courtyard of Fort Morvunskar, systematically exterminating the local inhabitants. Then enter the building and go down to the lower floors until you find yourself in a spacious room with a throne. A portal will open which you need to enter.

You have teleported to the Hearths of Pleasure. Following the only path, you will eventually meet Sam, who will reveal his true appearance to you. In fact, he is not a drunkard at all, but a real Daedric prince Sanguine, who decided to play a trick on Dovahkiin. However, don’t rush to get angry about this. Sanguine will appreciate the hero's resourcefulness, give him his staff, and then teleport him back to the tavern where your adventures began.

For those who like to cheat

It's possible to instantly jump to the end of the A Night to Remember quest in Skyrim, and the console will help you pull off this trick. To do this, simply open it, and then enter the command setstage DA14 200. This will show a record of completing the task in your diary, and the corresponding reward will appear in your inventory.

However, those who have never performed “An Unforgettable Night” are not recommended to use this trick. Because of this, you will deprive yourself of the pleasure of participating in one of the funniest stories ever to take place in the vastness of Skyrim.

My house warm winds

4 days, 27 backups, and finally, it’s ready... There’s still cleaning ahead in Tes5Edit, if after that the House of Warm Winds doesn’t work, I won’t care.

A lot of screenshots...

What annoys me about Skyrim houses are... barrels. Where does such a strange object come from in the house, and in such an insane quantity? I could understand one barrel of water and a small one with Nordic honey, a barrel of flour in a farmhouse... But there are thousands of them! Cleaned everything out. I just took it outside the walls - I don’t know any other way.

Here is a housecarl's corner with a book of income and expenses. In fact, the housecarl has a lot to do: he needs to buy food, pay for the stables and fodder for the horses, make sure that there are always new horseshoes, oil for lamps and other equipment for the campaign... The Dovahkiin certainly has no time to do this. Lido-os! Come here!

Another Skyrim misunderstanding is specifically about the House of Warm Winds. It contains all the furniture that is in the game: straw beds of the poor, bedside tables and tables of the rich, middle-class furniture. I just want to ask Proventus, where did he communize all this in order to sell it to Dovahkiin? I tried to put the furniture in some order...

Disgusting square shadows - “artifacts”. I managed to get rid of them everywhere except the lobby... I found a wonderful unblinking light source without shadows, if anyone needs it, I’ll write to you, now I don’t want to climb into the whale again.

Dovahkiin does not hide his religious and political views...

For some reason I didn’t want to tinker too much with the table. And it’s too early to throw feasts. Dovahkiin is no longer a beggar, but he still has a lot of money

It’s annoying that food is always just lying on the shelves, without plates or baskets. So, do pigs live in Skyrim? I left room for the wines that the Dovahkiin will bring - I love the process of dragging trash into the house.

Dovahkiin's room

The former alchemy laboratory had increased slightly in size, as had Lydia's room above it. There was 1 “square” of the floor, I made 2. Navmesh my relatives, I touched them - and the game began to crash when entering the house. Glory to backups...

Empty - I have mods with treasures and shells, I need a place for them

Traditional juniper oil

What does my Dovahkiin do?

Well, at the moment he fulfills the duties of Thane of Whiterun, chasing away bandits and helping the townspeople. On the table are Balgruuf's decrees, notes, important papers and diaries found in gangster dens. And also a book about Riften.

However, not everyone likes my hero who causes good and does good. Several times already, Dovahkiin has encountered hired killers with orders to eliminate him. Dovahkiin collects information about the Dark Brotherhood - he doesn’t like that someone is hunting him. As a result, the Thieves Guild and the Maven family also came into view...

It all started... how long have you been suffering there? Ay, it doesn’t matter,” making sure that all attention was focused on him, Sheogorath began to speak. “It was then that the Dwemer, who had multiplied in the Outer World, like all of you in your native land and who had polluted it just as much, decided to return to Nirn. But I wonder how this could happen? - Morrowind is no longer suitable for life even underground, and Skyrim is completely populated by people! Falmer are not a problem, getting rid of them is a piece of cake. But the warriors... Yes,” the Daedric prince rubbed his gray beard, “even though the Dwemer knew that they were much more developed than the pitiful people and their numbers were much greater..., but they decided to go a different way. “Throw everyone onto our shoulders,” Victory sighed sadly. Sheogorath nodded: “Yeah.” Everyone who may pose at least some danger: Companions - go to America, Winterholdts - to Finland, Thieves Guild - to Italy, They scattered them all over the planet, and threw another half of Tamriel into Africa. They planned to throw Dovahkiin into a mental hospital, but they missed a little... - A little?! - to put it mildly, Victory was surprised. - There is a psychiatric hospital at the other end of the city! - Especially the source of magic: if it remains on, then all of you will take a breath, as if from a gas turned on. Still, magic is poisonous for you... - The network... human things... transmission of information and magic... - Sasha repeated the most memorable moments and thought quickly. - Exactly! - She slammed her fist into her palm. - Internet! It is everywhere, enveloping the whole world. I don’t know anymore how they do all this through electromagnetic waves... “And I like this little one,” Sheogorath seemed to say to himself, “she will definitely infuriate Hermaeus Mora.” So, in order to stop the spread of zombies - let's call it that - and magic, you need to turn off the Internet for a while. If just one distribution point fails, the entire system will collapse. But just one house or area will not be enough... - Are you going to deprive an entire city of the Internet?! - Maria realized what was happening, clutching her phone to herself. - How cruel you are. The Dark Brotherhood outstretched arm
