Dovahkiin's cookbook or what to do if you've been shot in the knee. Dovahkiin's cookbook or what to do if you've been shot in the knee Skyrim mod for new food recipes

Description and instructions


The mod adds food, water and sleep needs to Skyrim for your hero. With this mod you will need to eat (2-3 times a day, it really depends on the food), drink water and sleep. The degree of thirst, fatigue and hunger can be seen in the section " Active Effects", which is in the inventory with magic.
P.S. At start new game Your hunger and thirst levels will be randomized to add a little spice to your start to the game. You can find out the degree of thirst, hunger or fatigue by the icon, and of course, by the text, see the icons in the screenshot

Update: 1.601
- The most important thing is that all the information in the “Help” section in the MSM menu has been updated, re-read everything again
- Buffs/debuffs (positive and negative effects) with this mod are now temporarily disabled during skirmishes
- Made minor adjustments to prevent "no gold" with "Companions purchasing food" option enabled
- Waterskins now have a new appearance: high polygonal meshes and high textures, made especially for iNeed by volvaga0.
- Display of wineskins: wineskins will now be visible on NPCs, provided that they are wineskins in the inventory and have a free slot of 49.
- Dangerous diseases: potions to cure diseases no longer exist in the game. They were replaced with different potions, for each disease separately. Finding the right potion to cure a disease will now be a challenge, temple priests are more valuable NPCs since they can still cure all diseases in one place. Potions to cure diseases from the Dragonborn DLC can now only be found on Solstheim. The Dragonborn DLC is now a requirement if you have the Dangerous Diseases option enabled.
- Sit Hotkey: Press the assigned key to sit anywhere. When you hold down this key, companions will also sit down if the option for needs for companions is enabled in the MSM menu. You need to jump to exit the animation.
- Sitting in a chair or using a hotkey and then turning on "Standby" for 2 hours will reduce fatigue. However, if you ride in a carriage, it will not be as effective as sleeping.
- Companion needs have been divided into two options. Default: Companions will actually consume food items and receive effects (such as health regeneration). "Eat/Drink" sound effects will play when this happens. Simulation: Instead of actually consuming food, food items will be removed from the companion's inventory. Companions will not receive effects from food and there will be no sound effects.
- Vampires now have 3 options to choose from. Lethal: Regular food, feeding and Blood Potions will reduce hunger/thirst. Sleeping, feeding and Blood Potions will reduce fatigue. Hybrid: Thirst/hunger not affected. Fatigue is slowly creeping in. Sleeping, feeding and Blood Potions will reduce fatigue. Pure: Only feeding and Blood Potions will reduce hunger/thirst/fatigue. Only vampire companions will consume food regularly if the Lethal option is selected.
- Water barrels: can now be made/purchased. They work the same way as Water Barrels, but they are much smaller in size.
- Alcohol dehydration: Drinking alcohol will reduce your thirst temporarily, but will also cause your thirst to increase faster over the next two hours. Disabled by default.
- Valuable crops: Added some missing crops. You can now toggle this on/off feature via dialogue with the farmer in case you want to harvest and then sell the crop to the farmer. If you feel that you should have ownership of some of the crops, place a "Water Barrel" next to the crops and eventually they will be yours.
- Eat Hotkey: Holding this key currently changes the priority when selecting food items (for example, if you selected "Most Effective First", holding the key will select the "Less Effective First" food first).
- Hotkey "Drink": Drinking from inventory and filling vessels have been separated. Press this key to automatically drink a drink from your inventory. Hold this key to refill waterskins from ponds or waterfall bases. If there are no empty vessels to refill, you will drink from a water source. Holding this key near small snowdrifts will allow you to collect "snow".
- Hotkeys "Check needs/Switch widgets": When you hold these keys, the status of your inventory will now be checked using text.
- Soups have been divided into their own categories and will now provide an easy thirst quencher.
- Water barrels, kegs and buckets can now be further adjusted via the menu that appears after placing these vessels.
- Buying food for companions now includes the function of replenishing wineskins.
- Now if you are drunk, you can trip and fall.
- Added options for further customizing food spoilage.
- Rotting stomach now has a chance to influence disease resistance.
- Now the effects of curing disease from other mods should cure diseases from this iNeed mod.
- When checking the amount of food on companions using a hotkey, it now displays the amount of raw meat on the elf companion if the "Cannibalism" option is enabled.
- Empty wineskins should now work correctly with companions if you have the EFF mod installed.
- Fixed a bug where the wait for a disease to cure took much longer than expected.
- If you have the "Holidays" mod installed and the "Dangerous Diseases" option is enabled or installed, priests in temples will heal for free or at a reduced cost on certain days of the year, during holidays.
- Fixed some problems with werewolves and raw food.

Mod features

Notifications:(3 different options)
* Widget: Three icons that show your hunger, thirst and fatigue levels, can be shaped by two different styles and can be shown anywhere on your screen. Requires SkyUI and SKSE
* Sounds: Stomach rumbling, coughing and yawning will play more often as you become hungrier/thirstier/tired. If you hear male sounds playing instead of female sounds after a new save, simply make another save and restart Skyrim.
*Text: Messages in 1st person view will appear in the upper left corner detailing your current state. You will not feel the negative effects as long as you are not "hungry/thirsty/tired". Disabled by default if SkyUI is installed

GG needs

The more hearty food, the more saturation it is likely to impart. Water and alcohol will suppress your thirst. Water can be carried in wineskins, which can be crafted at a tanning stand, purchased from tavern owners or goods merchants, and can sometimes be found from NPCs. They can be filled using the following method when empty:
1.Buy from the tavern owner
2.Buy from any random traveler with a filled waterskin in their inventory (requires Wet and Cold mod)
3.Take it from the NPCs you have become friendly with in the interior.
4.Craft in a pot for cooking when you are away from the city (1 wood or 2 coal)
5.Collect from any standing bucket or kettle in the open state when it rains or make a well bucket in the forge and place it anywhere
6.Fill from any open wells or water barrel. Water barrels can be crafted at a forge or purchased from goods merchants. They will never disappear unless dismantled, so feel free to display these barrels outside your home or for your favorite NPC
7.Fill up at the foot of the waterfalls using the "Drink" hotkey
8.Collecting snow: snow “portions” can be collected from small snowdrifts or snow mounds using the “Drink” hotkey. Snow can be consumed as food to quench your thirst, but it will make you a little hungry. "Snow" can also be melted in digesters and refilled in empty wineskins, the snow will melt and disappear from your inventory. If you have the Wet and Cold mod installed, the time it takes for the snow to melt will depend on your location, that is, in warm locations the snow will melt in your inventory, and in cold locations it will remain for a long time.

- Automation: You'll have access to a food and drink hotkey that will select the most efficient items in your inventory to consume everything with just one click and/or simply let the mod automate your food and drink while you simply keep your inventory stocked
- Positive and negative effects: You will receive small bonuses for maintaining the proper level of each of your needs and three increasing levels of negative effects if you do not. You cannot die from neglecting your needs (unless allowed) and there are no penalties for gluttony/overdrinking/waking up

- Combat Requirements: Combat will slightly increase your needs (primarily fatigue) over time

- Animations: Eating or drinking will play directly after eating or drinking, regardless of whether you are in 1st or 3rd person view. Can be allowed for followers if their needs are activated

- Cannibalism: You have the opportunity to choose cannibalism if you or your followers are wood elves or have the Ring of Namira equipped

- Dangerous diseases: By default this option is disabled. All diseases in Skyrim will cause a fever that will randomly progress through 4 stages. If the "Death" option is enabled in the MSM menu and you are in the last stage, your statistics will degrade every hour until death occurs

- Alcohol/Skooma: If you drink an alcoholic drink 3 times in a row, within 120 seconds, you will have blurred vision. Skooma will produce rapid stamina regeneration, but will have a long-term negative effect affecting magic and spells

- Food spoilage: disabled by default. Food will spoil over time (with some random variability), the percentage of spoilage will be displayed next to the name of the food in your inventory. Consuming X% of food will provide X% of the initial nutritional value of your needs. Heavier foods tend to spoil faster than lighter foods, with the exception of raw meat, which spoils faster. Once food reaches 0%, it will become inedible and cannot be cooked. 100% fresh, raw meat can be preserved with piles of salt by clicking on the meat in your inventory. Salty raw meat can be safely eaten and will provide some satiety, but it will also make you thirstier.

NPC Needs

* Eating with Companions: When you sit down and eat, companions will also start eating/drinking with you, provided they can sit somewhere nearby. Companions will stop eating after 60 seconds or if you move far enough away. No actual food or drink is consumed by them.
* Companion Needs: Disabled by default. Companions will automatically consume food and drink at an even rate, provided they have food and drink in their inventory. companions will receive the effects of food or drink in the same way as you. Maintaining/neglecting their needs will have positive or negative effects on them as well as on you.
* Horse needs: disabled by default. If you have a horse and stand in front of it, you will be able to feed it to give it small bonus to regeneration of resistance. There are no penalties for not feeding your horse as he will probably feed himself while you are away!
* Companion Food Purchasing: Your companions will automatically purchase previously eaten food items from towns and taverns, provided their supplies are low and they have enough gold.

Food and food

The food that was in barrels and bags was greatly reduced in supply, and the supply of salt was increased. - All food and drinks prices have been increased. Their weights have also increased to give you a general idea of ​​how saturation will occur.
- Price and weight changes - disabled by default and require SKSE

Werewolves and vampires

Vampires will not need food or water and will tire much more slowly. However, they will also replenish this much more slowly when they sleep.
- Werewolves gain temporary immunity from hunger, thirst and fatigue while in beast form, but will feel more tired after returning to human form, werewolves can feed and lower their hunger and thirst stage

Dangerous diseases:(optional)

All non-transformative diseases will be more unique, more difficult to cure, and disease progression will occur through 4 deadly stages at random intervals. If you don't rest, you will receive an additional negative effect. Altars no longer heal you. Instead, you must pay the priest or use a "Potion of Cure Disease". These methods will not work all the time. As the severity of the disease increases, the chances of a cure will decrease and become more expensive (in the case of treatment by priests). If you are cured, you may not know it, even hours later, until the disease begins to regress back down. There will be no notifications about progression or cure; this is a deliberate step by the author to create an imitation of the real progression of diseases in the game. Requires the optional Dangerous Diseases module.

- This mod should be compatible with almost everything
- The mod is compatible with everyone water mods, no patches required
- Using the iHUD mod, widgets will be on/off when using a button involves hotkey. If necessary, you can always see widgets by enabling the option in the iHUD settings.
- Supports Dawnguard, Hearthfire, Dragonborn, Falskaar, Cooking Expanded, Hunterborn, Babettes Feast (patched versions), Improved Fish, Herbal Tea, Be a Milk Drinker, Drinking Fountains of Skyrim, Realistic Wildlife Loot and Recipes, skyBirds and Requiem without the need for additional plugins
- Compatible with the mod "Open Cities Skyrim", "Expanded Towns and Cities", "Phitts Alchemy and Food Overhaul", "Nernies City and Village Expansion", "Drinking Fountains"

Installation:(only manually)

1. Open the “main mod” folder and place the Data folder from the archive in the game folder (not Data in Data), confirm merging folders and files and activate in the launcher
2. If you want hardcore and the diseases are actually dangerous, then install the optional module “Dangerous diseases”

Like 14

Hi all!
As promised, I’m posting another mod for Skyrim. I warn you right away, despite its apparent simplicity and obviousness, this mod, unlike my previous one (which I riveted in 8 minutes), required serious mental effort from me, and most importantly, probably at least a week to prepare.
So, a little digression.
I play with fairly strong gameplay relancers (mostly of my own production). My character is having an extremely hard time. Banks fly away at once, potions are very expensive, and therefore my character does not disdain cooking. And why not, because the developers added this feature to us, and also scattered fruits, vegetables, and meat everywhere. The only problem is: food is already poorly nutritious, and what’s more, the higher the level of your hero and his enemies, the less sense there is in food and, therefore, the less desire to cook something. Other mod makers have tried to solve this “problem” many times. There are at least a dozen cooking mods on the Nexus. All these mods themselves are quite interesting, some of them added new food products and new recipes, others added additional (unusual) properties to the products, thereby duplicating Alchemy. I tried all these mods, but I didn’t find the MAIN MAIN thing in them, namely, in almost all mods, cheating and not so much, there was no difference in the development of your character. This PROBLEM existed in the original cooking, making Alchemical Potions We developed our Alchemy skill, but devoting a lot of time to cooking did not receive any development and no benefits. Disorder. I took someone else’s mod as a basis (though there was nothing left of it and made my own vision of the COOKING process.


And so, this mod adds 7 (seven) volumes of Culinary Encyclopedias to the world of the Skyrim game. Each of them is an exact copy of the book Unusual Taste (Author Gourmet). I didn't create any new books because this book is perfect for my idea. So, out of these 7 (seven) books, 3 books add additional power to each recipe existing in the game. Different recipes require different books, for example Volume 1 for Vegetable Soup is useless, but Volume 3 is just right, and vice versa, for Boiled Beef you need Volume 1, etc. Those. There are 7 books, but only 3 are useful for each individual recipe.

How it works:
Here you don’t have a single volume in your inventory, in this case you can cook, for example, “Apple Pie”, which will restore 20 health, if you have the required volume (one) in your inventory, the manufacturing recipe will automatically be replaced with “Apple Pie ( according to recipe 1 category)", which will restore 40 health. 2 (two) volumes will replace your recipe with “Apple pie (according to recipe 2 cat.)”, this is already 60 health. 3 (three) volumes will make a recipe of category 3, it will increase the properties of food by 4 times, i.e. The pie will restore 80 health. That's how it works. If you have the necessary books, one recipe is replaced by another.

FOR BALANCE, all 7 volumes of Culinary Encyclopedias have been added to the Tier Lists of Merchants. This means that, from time to time, these books will appear for sale at one or another merchant throughout Skyrim, and their appearance is strictly regulated according to the level of your hero, i.e. Until level 13, you won’t even theoretically be able to collect all 7 volumes.

As I said, different recipes require different books. But, if you can buy all 7 volumes (they must be in your inventory), then in the Heavenly Forge it will be possible to collect the GREATEST CULINARY ENCYCLOPEDIA, which will give all (!!!) food another level of readiness, i.e. all your, by that time already “category 3” recipes for “Culinary Recipes”, for example “Apple Pie (Cooking)”, which will already restore 100 health.

In addition to the mod itself, I corrected something in the names of the original items, for example, now different (even externally) bottles of wine have their own name “Red” or “White”, now in addition to “Bread” there is “Piece of Bread”.
Since I initially made my mod based on the Cooking Recipes Pack mod from the author Wolferoo, I allowed myself to take a couple of models and recipes from it for my mod, for example, the recipe for Flour and Sugar (naturally, they don’t rock volumes, but for what I’m super -sugar?)
I also increased the product requirements for almost all complex recipes.

OH I WROTE A LOT, it’s easier to try my mod once, it’s worth it. This is essentially another QUEST. Now your level 30 hero will not be ashamed of the fact that he is the GREATEST COOKER.


Copy the contents of the archive to the Skyrim/Data folder, connect the .esp file in the launcher.

A few words about the game editor SkyEdit, I don’t know when the original editor from the developers will be released, but the self-made SkyEdit is simply beautiful, convenient and extremely logical.


The mod update is solely due to the fact that I made a mod on . And in that fashion key point is that alcohol, during its negative impact on the speed of the reserve of strength, removes penalties from Fatigue from the character. There was immediately a need for drinks that would remove this fine for as long as possible. That's why I added recipes for improved alcoholic drinks to the game. Now, if you have any volume of the Culinary Encyclopedia in your inventory, you can brew “Strong Ale” with the help of sugar if you have a standard alcoholic drink, for example “Ale”. This “mutter” has 2 times higher properties than the original Ale, and naturally with it you will be 2 times longer without “Fatigue”. When the Great Encyclopedia appears in your inventory, then along with “Strong Ale” you will be able to make “Strong Ale” or “Strong Mead” or “Strong Wine”, etc. This mash will easily relieve you of fatigue for several hours. In addition, without prescriptions, I increased the duration of action of the original alcoholic drinks. Happy mead making!



This plugin adds to the game great amount new recipes, as well as dishes that can be prepared.
Now the cooking process will become much more fun and healthy.

- 80+ new recipes;
- 60+ new dishes;
- 4 esp files, varying in difficulty level;
- making flour and sugar that can be used in recipes;
- more powerful dishes in terms of the effect of restoring health/magic/strength;
- dishes that provide a bonus to skills and regeneration with a long-lasting effect;
- dishes that give instant bonuses, which will allow non-alchemists to no longer depend on potions;
- new textures;
- recipes for cannibals;
- the ability to milk cows and goats to obtain milk.

Below is a list of recipes contained in specific esp with a certain level of difficulty.

Simple recipes (Wolfs_Simple_Recipes.esp):
- baked potato;
- selected black heather honey;
- fried leeks;
- Bee Honey;
- honey with juniper berries;
- a piece of goat cheese;
- a piece of Eidar cheese.
Recipes for pieces of cheese will only appear in the menu if you have a circle of cheese in your inventory.
A recipe for honey with juniper berries will appear on the menu if you have juniper berries.

Recipes with bonuses (Wolfs_Buff_Recipes.esp):
- fly agaric sauté ( Two-handed weapon);
- fish head soup ( recovery);
- origma poached egg ( one-handed weapon);
- elf salad ( shooting);
- baked skeever ( light armor );
- fried whitefish ( heavy armor);
- chopped mushrooms ( destruction);
- witchcraft baking ( witchcraft);
- stuffed corollas ( blocking);
- sushi ( change);
- pickled flakes ( illusion);
- mushroom kabob ( breaking);
- rum from the river bottom ( pickpocketing);
- blackened fierce mushrooms ( blacksmith craft);
- fish fingers ( secrecy);
- field salad ( eloquence);
- snow berry jelly ( enchantment);
- egg white omelette ( invisibility);
- jam from the giant's finger ( carry weight);
- draugr porridge ( one-handed weapon, stamina regeneration);
- spicy mixture ( hacking, pickpocketing and stealth);
- mushroom soup ( illusion, conjuration and magic regeneration);
- sorcerer's stew ( destruction, magic regeneration);
- Ysgramor's delicacy ( two-handed weapon, stamina regeneration);
- boiled carrots ( night vision);
- caviar ( water breathing);
- black sacrament ( stealth, one-handed weapon, shooting) - for cannibals.
Only those recipes with bonuses for which you have spent at least one skill point in the perk tree will appear in the cooking menu.

Recipes of medium complexity (Wolfs_Intermediate_Recipes.esp):
- tomato juice (magic restoration);
- mashed potatoes (restoration of health);
- beef jerky/venison jerky/horker jerky ( health recovery);
- apple cider ( restoration of magic);
- cheese bread ( health recovery);
- goat meat with lavender ( restoration of health and strength);
- fried chicken salad ( );
- human stew ( ) - for cannibals;
- fried human heart ( restoration and regeneration of health and strength) - for cannibals;
- stuffed human skull ( restoration and regeneration of health and strength) - for cannibals;
- oyster soup ( restoration of health, magic and strength reserves).

Complex Recipes (Wolfs_Advanced_Recipes.esp):
- flour;
- sugar;
- fried salmon ( health recovery);
- noodles with Eidar cheese ( health recovery);
- spaghetti ( health recovery);
- sugar cookies ( );
- bread;
- blue mountain flower lollipop ( health increase and regeneration);
- red mountain flower lollipop ( increase and regeneration of magic);
- purple mountain flower lollipop ( increase and regeneration of reserves of strength);
- red apple charlotte ( health recovery);
- green apple charlotte ( restoration of strength reserve);
- candied falmer ear ( regeneration of health, magic and stamina) - for cannibals;
- chicken noodle soup ( restoration of magic and strength reserves);
- pheasant stew ( magicka and stamina regeneration);
- stewed rabbit meat ( health regeneration);
- minestrone ( recoveryhealth);
- tortilla;
- fried chicken rolls ( restoration of strength reserve);
- vegetable rolls ( increase in strength reserve);
- salmon rolls ( stamina regeneration);
- quesadilla with cheese ( health recovery);
- quesadilla with venison ( increase in health);
- quesadilla with horker meat ( magic regeneration);
- cotton candy from cotton grass ( restoration of magic);
- broth le Manifique ( health and stamina regeneration);
- soufflé "Sunshine" ( health and magic regeneration);
- milk;
- a circle of goat cheese;
- a circle of Eidar cheese.
Complex recipes are distinguished by the fact that they require a multi-step cooking process (for example, to prepare the main dish you first need to make flour or sugar).
Cooking for cannibals will become available to you after completing the same quest, which allows you to eat corpses (look for details in the txt file "Recipes for Cannibals (spoiler)").

Warning: The mod is designed for immersion. No hotkeys, no spells, no "easy" paths. If you are for realism without simplification and respect old school cooking ( Arx Fatalis), a mod for you. If you prefer to play without any hassles, don't waste your time.

Cook ANYWHERE, ANYWHERE, using existing kitchen utensils in the game

So how do you cook food in harsh conditions outside your home or camp? To cook you will need a pan, a knife and a fire spell.

Video instruction/demonstration:

As pans will fit:
- Kazan
- Any cast iron pan
- Dwemer bowl

As knife will fit:
- Regular knife
- Dwemer knife
- Any dagger (must be picked up before cooking)

General instructions:
1) Find a knife or take a dagger in your hand
2) Throw away the pan and heat it with any fire spell (Wall of Fire heats faster and holds heat longer)
3) When the pan is hot enough, a recommendation to hide the weapon will appear.
4) After you remove your hands, the character will sit next to the pan and the standard cooking menu will appear
5) Saucepan COOLING DOWN with time. In general, you have a LIMITED amount of time to prepare multiple meals. After this, the menu will disappear and the item will have to be heated again.

The player can heat pots using a torch and fuel (no spells). To do this, you will need to place the pot next to a fire or firewood and attack it with a torch.


Additional factors and nuances:
- A hot pan causes health damage when you try to take it into your inventory. You can cool it down using cold spells. Gauntlets reduce damage.
- Place some wood next to the pan to heat faster and cook longer (one log is consumed after each cooking session)
- Look for campfires, forges, fireplaces and other sources of fire to heat faster and cook without interruptions (the pan does not cool down while it is near the fire)

- Weather play a serious role. In cold or rainy conditions, the pot will take longer to heat and the item will cool faster. Also, cold weather ALWAYS requires fuel (you won't be able to cook with spells alone)

- Pan size affects how long it will retain heat. For example, a small saucepan with a handle cools down faster than a cauldron.

Known Issues: If the animation gets stuck, try jumping and/or picking up another weapon/spell.

Copy esp/bsa to Skyrim/Data folder

Remove esp/bsa from Skyrim folders/Data

Does not require SKSE

It just so happens that I don’t like summer, so in the midst of it, a desperate thought came to me to arrange a month of the north for myself. This could not help but affect my progress in the culinary field, so I finally decided to bring to life my long-standing idea of ​​​​preparing a full meal from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

I would like to immediately make a reservation that I remember the results of the vote in the Telegram chat, preparations for the implementation of the winning idea are in full swing. In the meantime, I offer you a set of equally tasty and much healthier treats!

So, for those who, by a strange coincidence, are not closely familiar with the game, a little explanatory information. In the fifth part of TES, events unfold in Skyrim, the northern province of the empire. The climate here is cold and harsh, most of the country is covered with snow, and the terrain is quite mountainous. The lowlands of Skyrim are mostly windswept, swampy areas. But there are also relatively warm areas, and a large number of rivers provide high humidity. In villages in these areas you can often find beds of potatoes, cabbage and leeks.

This brief excursion into geography was needed in order to form an idea of ​​what products are available in Skyrim.

It is important to note that Skyrim is not isolated from other provinces of the empire. In cities and on highways you can often meet traders and travelers from, for example, hot Elsweyr. So sometimes recipes contain products that are not native to the territories of Skyrim, but could be supplied from outside.

Tomatoes and chicken eggs, in the caves there are various mushrooms. The rivers are full of fish, and a variety of grasses grow along the roads and on the plains. Well, with the addition of Hearthfire, the list of products has been replenished with flour, milk, and butter that are valuable for the baking process.

Due to the fact that the game has a cooking system, the recipes for many dishes are already written out to one degree or another. Skyrim provides the player with a number of raw ingredients, a number of prepared foods that can be purchased, found, or stolen, and a number of dishes that can becook it yourself. To arrangea complete themed lunch, you will have to use products from each of these categories.

After scouring numerous sites devoted to detailed analysis of the TES series, and spending an absurd number of hours in the kitchen of Dragonsreach, I sketched out a sample menu. And when controversial issues arose, she let her friends (who had to eat it all) make a choice. I shift the blame for the fact that this article does not contain recipes for mammoth steak and fried skeever skin to these very friends.

The final menu looked like this:
First: tomato soup, garlic bread.
Second: salmon steak, baked potato, fried leek.
Third: sweet roll, puff pastry with lavender, nuts in honey.
Drinks: ale, honey.
Additionally: goat and Eidar cheeses, red apples, bread.

As you can see, there are no recipes from the in-game cookbook “Unusual Taste”. I wanted to cook only what my character could eat in the game itself. Maybe I’ll implement them another time.

First - Tomato soup

A puree soup that can be prepared in a cauldron in the game. Restores 10 health and 10 stamina!

Recipe from the game:
Tomato - 1 piece;
Salt - 1 piece;
Garlic - 1 piece;
Leek - 1 pc.

Note: I will be preparing the tomato soup as it appears in the Hearthfire expansion.

So, to prepare tomato soup according to Skyrim for four people,

go there I don’t know where and bring it:

tomato - 1.5 kg
garlic - 1 large head
leeks - 5 pieces (you need a young, thin onion)
potatoes - 1-2 tubers
chicken breast - 1 piece (for broth)
oil - 200 ml (actually I used olive oil C:)
"elf's ear" - a few sprigs (okay, it was green basil)
frosty miriam (thyme)

  • Wash the tomatoes and cut them in half.
  • Place on a baking sheet, sprinkle with thyme, salt and pepper, add basil leaves and some crushed garlic. Drizzle a few tablespoons of oil on top.
  • Bake in the oven at 190°C for 20-30 minutes.
  • Boil the chicken breast in a small amount of salted water.
  • Peel, cut into pieces and boil the potatoes.
  • Crush the remaining garlic and chop the leeks.
  • In a saucepan, fry leeks with garlic and thyme in the remaining oil.
  • After the baked tomatoes have cooled, it is advisable to remove the peel from them - it will come off very easily.
  • Add baked tomatoes, potatoes and chicken broth (no more than 300 ml) to the saucepan with the leeks.
  • Keep on fire for a few minutes, then chop in any way convenient for you, such as an immersion blender, and serve.

Note: Since the Hearthfire expansion in Skyrim introduces the ability to use an oven, I have decided that using an oven in the recipe is generally acceptable. Of course, this soup can be prepared by simply boiling the tomatoes in a saucepan, but then the taste will not be as rich. It would be fine to sell in a tavern for 2 septims, but such soup would not be allowed on Jarl Balgruuf’s table.

First - Garlic Bread (Hearthfire)

Restores 1 health unit and cures diseases. Can be cooked in the oven in the game.
It looks like two rather thick and slightly browned slices of light bread with a dark crust. Small pieces of garlic are scattered on the surface.

Recipe from the game:
Bread - 1 pc.
Garlic - 1 pc.
Oil - 1 pc.

Recipe adapted from wikiHow.

bread - half a loaf

void salt (ground black pepper)

Go there I don’t know where and do:

  • First, you need to make garlic butter.
  • Crush some of the garlic (or grind it in a blender). The amount of garlic depends on your tastes, I used 1 tablespoon of crushed garlic.
  • Mix crushed garlic with butter.
  • Cut a few cloves of garlic into small pieces, but do not crush them - we use them for decoration.
  • Cut the bread into slices 2 cm wide, brush both sides with garlic oil, sprinkle with small pieces of garlic and fold them together, as if reassembling them into a loaf.
  • Grease the resulting loaf with the remaining garlic butter on top and sides, wrap tightly in foil and bake at 175°C for 20-30 minutes.
  • If you want each loaf to have a beautiful blush, then wrap the slices in foil two at a time, rather than all together.

Second - Salmon steak

Restores 5 health units, can be cooked on the hearth in the game.
It looks like a rectangular piece of salmon fillet, golden and slightly browned, perhaps sprinkled with pepper.

Recipe from the game:
salmon - 1 pc.
salt - 1 pc.

Go there I don’t know where and bring:

salmon (I had 770 g for 4 people)
fire salt (coarse Himalayan salt, coarse sea salt is also ideal, but in general you can use any)
void salt (ground black pepper)

Go there I don’t know where and do:

  • Wash and remove bones from the salmon fillet and dry.
  • Cut into rectangular pieces of the size you need, rub with salt and pepper to taste.
  • Heat a clean frying pan over high heat (no need to add oil), place a piece of fillet on it, skin side down, and fry, first pressing with a spatula or hands, for 4.5 minutes. Then turn over and fry for another 2-3 minutes (depending on thickness).

Second - Baked Potatoes

Restores 10 health units, cannot be cooked in the game.
It looks like a large oblong potato with its skin on, cut in half and browned on top, which makes me think there is oil.

Go there I don’t know where and bring:

potatoes - 10-12 tubers
butter (butter, softened) - 50 g
garlic - to taste

Go there I don’t know where and do:

  • Mix butter with crushed garlic to make garlic butter.
  • Wash and dry the potatoes, cut in half.
  • Sprinkle each half with salt and brush the cut with garlic butter.
  • Bake in the oven at 180°C for 30-40 minutes.

By the way, it is believed that baked potatoes go very well with leeks and fire salt.

Second - Fried leeks

Restores 6 health units, cannot be cooked in the game.
It looks like halves of young leeks fried in oil. Leaves are trimmed.

Recipe adapted from wikiHow.

Go there I don’t know where and bring:

leeks - 4 young thin specimens
garlic - 1-2 cloves
oil - 2 tbsp. l.

Go there I don’t know where and do:

  • Wash the leeks, cut off the stems at the point where the leaves begin to diverge and the leek itself turns dark green.
  • Cut the stems in half lengthwise.
  • Melt the butter in a frying pan over medium heat.
  • Add finely chopped or crushed garlic.
  • Add salt and fry the leeks for a couple of minutes on both sides.

Third - Nuts in honey

Restores 5 health units. Can't cook. Moreover, it is impossible to find anything similar to nuts in the game. However, careful googling showed that walnuts in such a climate can bear fruit, albeit sparingly.
They look like three different-sized balls of nuts strung on a wooden stick.

Go there I don’t know where and bring:

For two servings:
nuts (walnuts) - 20 pcs.
bee honey - 70 gr.
moon sugar - 2 tbsp. (25 ml.)
wooden skewers - 2 pcs.

Go there I don’t know where and do:

  • Grind the nuts by hand or with a blender.
  • Heat honey in a saucepan.
  • Add sugar and cook, stirring constantly, until thick foam forms.
  • You can check readiness by dipping a match; the honey mixture should harden around the match, like caramel. If you overheat honey and sugar, the caramel will turn out hard.
  • Pour the still hot mixture over the nuts and mix well.
  • Wet your hands cold water and form the nuts into balls.
  • Place the balls in the freezer for 5 minutes. If you're in Skyrim, you can just put them outside.
  • Thread the nut balls onto wooden skewers, three per stick, and return to the freezer for another five minutes.

Note: if you don't want to bother with caramelization, you can simply pour honey into the chopped nuts in a ratio of 2 to 1, and add a little lemon zest. For ideal results, leave the mixture in the refrigerator for 1-2 days, stirring it a couple of times a day. The result will be a very healthy (if you believe the old Nordic grandmothers) and incredibly tasty treat, but it won’t stick on sticks - you’ll have to eat it with spoons.

Third - Sweet roll

Restores 5 health units.
Hearthfire finally has the long-awaited ability to bake a sweet roll.
In the game it is quite large. This screenshot gives a very clear idea of ​​the size of the sweet roll (beware, shock content).

Recipe from the game:
Salt – 2 pcs.
Bag of flour – 1 pc.
Oil – 1 pc.
Chicken egg – 1 pc.
Jug of milk – 1 pc.

For years I tried to understand why baba is called a sweet roll and decide what shape it should be made. I looked at models from Oblivion, Skyrim and TESO, looked at dozens of implementations (most often people simply bake a cupcake in a mold with a hole in the middle). But then I discovered the most canonical recipe - I have no idea how it didn’t catch my eye before - here in this video on the UK Bethesda Softworks channel.

I don’t know what came first - a strange model for a roll or this recipe, but it still brought clarity. I tried to make rolls in full accordance with the video, but final version Still, I made some amendments. So below is an adapted sweet roll recipe based on Bourke Street Bakery's recipe for Bethesda.

More like sweet troll AMIRITE

Below is a recipe for making a Skyrim sweet roll the size of a human head. But nothing prevents you from using it for baking small rolls - as you wish.

Go there I don’t know where and bring:

salt - 0.5 tbsp. l.
a bag of flour (a standard bag in Skyrim contains 680 grams of flour)
butter (room temperature) - 270 g
chicken egg - 3 pcs
a jug of milk (with 200 ml milk to be exact)
moon sugar (brown) - 85 ml (7 tbsp)
Namira rot, or dry active yeast - 20 g

For the glaze:
troll fat (cream cheese) - 100 gr
butter (butter, softened) - 70 g
moon sugar (crushed into powder) - 100 g

Go there I don’t know where and do:

  • In a deep bowl, mix yeast with two tablespoons of sugar and pour in warm milk. Cover and leave in a warm place for 15 minutes to allow the yeast to activate.
  • Mix all the remaining dry ingredients together, add oil and puree (by hand or with a blender).
  • Then add the beaten eggs and yeast mixture.
  • Knead the dough with your hands for about ten minutes so that the yeast is evenly distributed.
  • Roll the dough into a sausage, then roll it into a ring, securing the edges together.
  • Place in a large, deep round pan with a hole in the middle.
  • Bake for 40-50 minutes at 150°C. Small rolls will bake faster, in 20-30 minutes.

Note: It's best to use a pan with a hole in the middle, but if you don't have one, you can roll the baking parchment into a tube and then place the tube in the middle of the resulting ring of dough. The tube should be filled with something heat-resistant - for example, beans. This is necessary so that the dough does not close when rising, and so that the final product still has a hole in the middle - like a model in Skyrim.

Note: To make several small sweet rolls, simply divide the dough into equal parts and work with them. You can use a muffin tin. It took me three times less ingredients for six small rolls.

Third - Lavender Puff (Hearthfire)

Restores 5 health units, increases your magic reserve by 10 units for a minute and gives 10% magic resistance. In the game it can be cooked in the oven.

Recipe from the game:
Moon sugar - 1 piece;
Bag of flour - 1 pc;
Snow berries - 2 pcs;
Lavender - 1 pc.

  • Bring cranberries and sugar to a boil.
  • Stir in starch and cook over low heat until thickened.
  • Add lavender and stir.
  • Roll out the puff pastry (roll in one direction only). until it is about half a centimeter thick.
  • Cut into 6 equal squares.
  • Spoon an equal amount of cranberry-lavender filling onto each square.
  • First fasten some opposite corners together, then the other.
  • Brush the top with melted butter or beaten egg.
  • Bake at 180°C for 30 minutes.


The model of bread seems to have been copied from an ordinary store-bought loaf, so finding it was not a problem. Just like the search for red apples.

I chose cheeses that were as similar as possible to the models in the game. Goat cheese itself is quite light in color (unlike goat cheese in Skyrim). The one I have is one year old, the darkest version I could find.
I used Roquefort as the Eydar cheese - light and blue.

Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to make honey myself (it would take at least a week), and my friends were a little scared by the prospect of dying from poisoning. I think I’ll experiment with this someday and try to get as close as possible to the description of the drink from the Black Heather meadery. In the meantime, we were content with purchased nutritious honey (we sell this kind, both bottled in supermarkets and on tap) and ale.

Now you know what to do if Mara suddenly blesses you with an arrow in the knee and you urgently have to prepare home-cooked food for your spouse. As for the dinner I arranged, everyone was terribly happy and terribly full. Well, or they lied to me because they were scared when they saw me wrap the leftover cheese in a note from the Dark Brotherhood.

P.S. Thanks to @Starkiller564 for helping me with the artwork while his cousin was fighting S's dragons.
