Chess is the best defense. Sicilian Defense: Dragon Variation

By revising closed variation against the Sicilian Defense, one cannot fail to mention ex-Champions Vasily Smyslov and Boris Spassky. Each had their own playing style and contributed greatly to the opening theory of this variation.

1.e4 c5 2.Nc3 Nc6 3.g3 g6 4.Bg2 Bg7 5.d3 d6

Spassky's play was more aggressive. He often played early f4 followed by Nf3, while Smyslov was more cautious and preferred to develop his pieces - Be3, Qd2 followed by Nge2.

These chess players achieved great success in this opening. There are many brilliant victories in their career, which can inspire many to play 2. Nc3. However, the closed line against the Sicilian Defense has almost completely disappeared in top-level tournaments. The days of its maximum popularity are long gone and apparently this is due to the trends in chess openings.

In the end, this is a solid variation that leads to a difficult and positional fight. So why isn't it played?

Fun fact: current Champion World chess champion Magnus Carsen successfully used it in two games - against Vallejo (2697) and Wojtaszek (2735).

Note: To improve your game, you need to not only study the opening, but also focus on positional understanding and endgame play. If you want to play endings well, I suggest checking out where we study a lot of common endings. After studying these materials, you will no longer have to guess about the winning approach. You will simply apply a refined technique:

This option is a frequent guest among club players and children's chess. It is generally unpleasant for Blacks because Sicilians spend most of their time studying the main lines. According to the closed version, they do not have deep knowledge, but only some general understanding.

In this article we bring to your attention interesting option for black against the main line of the closed Sicilian. After the following initial moves:

1.e4 c5 2.Nc3 Nc6 3.g3 g6 4.Bg2 Bg7 5.d3 d6 6.f4

We propose a move 6…f5!?

Typically this is played with 6...e6 followed by Nge7, 6...e5 or 6...Nf6, but this move was first played by Larsen (according to MegaBase2018) and it actually looks good.

The early move f5 weakens the position a little, that's true. But it also has several positive aspects:

  • Black slows down the attack on the kingside by blocking the f4 pawn;
  • Create tension in the center;
  • They have the ability to play on both flanks.

The move 6...f5 was played by Larsen against Smyslov in 1958 during the Chess Olympiad. White won then, but Black's play was not the best. This often happens with new ideas; they need further testing and development.

Grandmasters Pal Benko (USA) and Oscar Panno (ARG) 10 years later showed the right way for Black in this position. Mikhail Botvinnik and David Bronstein believed that this move was worth considering and should be tried at least once.

We will look at a game between Orestes Rodríguez and Oscar Panno. In it you will see two main ideas of Black:

  • Kh8 to free up the g8 square for the bishop
  • b6, to support the c5 pawn and maintain a stable center.

An excellent show by Mikhail Botvinnik, who dominated his opponent throughout the entire game and did not allow counterplay. Black took the initiative and in the closed position controlled the only open line.

Interesting fact: in this game Black wins by penetrating the open A and H files with his rooks.

We decided to include a fairly fresh game with a strong GM for 2600. Although this is a blitz game, it shows the game that Black can get in the middlegame.

Note: Debut is undoubtedly a very important part of chess. If you want to improve your chess level, you must have a clear study plan. If you strive to sharply increase your chess level, then you need to systematically work on all elements of the game:

  • Tactics
  • Positional play
  • Attack Skills
  • Endgame technique
  • Analysis classic games
  • Psychological preparation
  • And much more

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We continue the theme of “moose paths”, along which whites avoid well-developed options. Today on the agenda is the Sicilian Defense, Alapina Variation.

What kind of system is this?

The Alapin variant or system appears on the board when White is after 1.e4 c5 play 2.с3

The variant appeared on the chess scene in earnest at the end of the nineteenth century. At one of the tournaments in 1898, a Russian chess player played this way in several games. Semyon Alapin. This order of moves is associated with his name.

Alapin was not a theorist, but he was the first to pay serious attention to this move. Subsequently, significant contributions to the theory of variation were made by Tartakower.

Among his contemporaries I would like to mention the grandmaster Evgenia Sveshnikova , who conducted an in-depth analysis of the option and even wrote a book.

Key ideas:

Black's first move in the Sicilian 1…s5 prevents white pawns from capturing the center by moving 2.d4.

However, whites do not have to give up this idea so easily. Move 2.с3 this makes it clear: the next move will be d2-d4.

If the blacks ignore this threat, for example by choosing 2…g6 or 2…b6, 2…d6, - they are renting out the center. This way of playing is possible, but in this edition White's center is very stable, which by default gives him an advantage.

It is appropriate to compare Alapin's variant with 1.е4 e5 2.с3.

With this order of moves, Black responds 2…Nf6, attacking a pawn e4 and taking advantage of the fact that it is blocked. In Alapin's version 2…Nf6 White can play e4-e5. This is one of the two main continuations of the option.

Basic options

Let's look at the most logical and frequent answers from Black:

2…d6, 2…e6, 3…d5, 3…Nf6

Other moves are less common.

2… d6

3.d4 Kf6

Taking advantage of the fact that the field c3 inaccessible to the knight, black attacks the pawn e4.

The simplest thing for whites is 4.Bd3

For example:

With White's advantage. Karpov – Yu.Polgar , Monte Carlo, 1994

For example:

There were also 4.dc what black should play for 4…Ks6!

For example:

And Black is close to victory. Kharlov-Smirin, Oviedo, 1993


This move is used by players who are not averse to playing defense after the almost obligatory:

This results in a closed version of the French Defense, which most Sicilian players do not like.


3.ed Q:d5 4.d4

Now Black has two main options:

A) Immediate pawn attack d4

For example:

White has a slight advantage.

B) Fight for central points d5 And e4, often creating an isolated pawn for White.

For example:

And blacks are close to equality.

Stevich – Topalov , Khanty-Mansiysk, 2007


This move is by far the most popular for Black.

Black attacks the pawn.


The only opportunity to fight for an opening advantage.

Protecting a pawn is unlikely to give an advantage. For example:

Black has a comfortable game.

After 3.е5 Nd5

Black's knight is located on d5 more stable than in , where White can capture the center without losing time:

In the Alapin variant, whites are not provided with such a comort and they prefer other plans.

Most common 4.Nf3 and 4.d4


White is in no hurry to move d4, and sometimes they don’t do it at all.

For example:

With White's advantage. Shirov - Topalov, Bastiat, 2003.


A natural and principled move.

With the initiative for White's pawn.

Kamsky – Grischuk , Moscow, 2008.

With more than sufficient compensation for White's pawn.

Adams - Valenzuela. Bled , 2002

If the option is with the move 2…Nf6 seems interesting to you, you can read a whole book about it. Author E.E. Sveshnikov. You can download Here


Alapin's option is quite correct and in an interesting way fighting for advantage against the Sicilian defense.

Allowing, just like the one we looked at a little earlier, to bypass theoretical disputes in the main variants of the Sicilian. "Alapin" is not as popular as the same Rossolimo system, but it is quite a good option.

The Alapin variant is used by leading chess players: Nakamura, Ivanchuk, Mamedyarov, Radjabov, Adams. Previously – Karpov . This means that you can and should play it, provided that you like the positions that arise.

Common mistakes and pitfalls

White wins. Blacks looked at a fairly typical "poke" e6, typical for such positions.

And White wins. Black fell behind in development and fell under the “dead” link.

And again "poke" e6 poses difficult problems for blacks that they have not dealt with.

Approximate games

Nakamura - Nepomniachtchi , Baku, 2015, 1:0

Kamsky - Mamedyarov , Moscow, 2008, 0:1

Wang Hao - Hill, Abu Dhabi, 2016, 1:0

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There is a very interesting opening in chess - the King's Indian Defense. This beginning is half-closed. It provides White with the opportunity to form a strong center in order to actively involve the flanks. By exchanging pawns in the middle of the board, good prospects for piece play remain. As for Black, he is able to successfully apply pressure directly along half-open files.

Many chess players have been testing various opening variations for a long time. Domestic players also made a certain contribution to the development of the system, among whom the most notable are: Anatoly Karpov, Alexander Alekhine and Lev Polugaevsky. In practice, only a few options have come into active use.

The usual classics

In this case, White starts the game according to all the canons of the genre. They form an expanded center of pawns, while actively developing the pieces located on the king's side. This is done to carry out short castling. Tension in the middle of the board makes it difficult for the opponent to develop a flank with the queen and protects against possible counterplay.

Ideally, the King's Indian Defense for White involves the complete completion of development on the part of the king. Attacks are built from the flank where the queen is located. The black pieces still have several opportunities to use counterplay. If necessary, the former can resort to all sorts of deviations, but they do not pose such difficulties for the opponent as the classical system.

When using modern formations, they usually prepare for a very difficult game. Each side is required to be active and make the most accurate moves possible. As a rule, the one who achieves victory is the one who finds the enemy’s weaknesses on one flank, while neutralizing the threats on the other.

Saemisch system

One of the most dangerous is the King's Indian defense for black, when the game is based on white's attack in the center using counterattacks, usually carried out after castling. This is primarily due to the fact that it is possible to save tempo to create a quick offensive. One of the most flexible defense methods is one that allows you to develop the knight on square c6. Black pieces in this case, under certain circumstances, can counterattack with pawns. Whites have to limit themselves calm game with a short castling or an offensive with pawns. In both cases, Black still has excellent chances to develop counterplay.

Averbakh system

There is a King's Indian defense aimed at suppressing the black counter-offensive. Advancement is carried out on cells f7 - f5 and e7 - e5. It should be noted that White's development strategy is mainly designed for the exchange of heavy pieces. The emerging structure of pawns and freedom in the central part promise White the best chances in the final stage.

The best play option for Black may be to quickly undermine White directly in the middle of the field. Only the high activity of the pieces in combination with tactical techniques allows them to maintain some balance within such a game.

King's Indian Defense with four pawns

This variation can bring a significant advantage to the white pieces in chessboard. However, this strategy also has disadvantages. The line of pawns restricts the movement of the bishops. In addition, it takes time to build the central barrier. Black can quickly deploy his own forces at this time. The King's Indian Defense used in this execution forces White to reinforce the center with other pieces. Black strives to provoke a clash in the near future, since he has an advantage in development. In practice, it becomes noticeable that hitting white in the middle is quite effective.

Variation with the development of the bishop on g2

This system is quite dangerous and difficult to master, just like the King’s Indian defense in Saemisch chess. However, it is distinguished by its versatility. With the help of the flanking efforts of the bishop, pressure is exerted on the central part playing field. The aim is precisely on the queenside. The position of the king is strengthened after short castling.

As a contrast, Black can use the Yugoslav variation, which implies active game on the flanks with a sufficiently fortified center. The final result will largely depend on whether White will be able to competently use the relatively passive position of the black knight on the queen's side.

Final part

Above we discussed the ways in which the King's Indian defense can be constructed. In fact, not all options are listed, but only the most promising of them. It is also worth highlighting the Makogonov system, in which White tries to limit the potential opportunities of Black on the kingside, while preserving interesting prospects on the opposite side of the chessboard.

Good afternoon, dear friend!

There are variations in chess that have become something of a brand over time. Partly due to its popularity, partly to its sonorous name. Sometimes thanks to its “prickliness”. A striking example of such a “toothy” option can easily be considered “dragon”. So, today on the agenda is the Sicilian Defense, Dragon Variation.

What is the dragon variant?

The Dragon Variation is one of the ramifications of the Sicilian Defense. It is characterized by a double-edged game with mutual chances.

Basic position of the dragon variant:

The identifying mark of the dragon variant is the fianchetta of the dark-squared bishop.

The essence of counterplay for Black: they apply pressure along the h8-a1 diagonal and along the C file. In the case of long castling for White, an attack on the king on the queenside.

White is trying to strengthen his position in the center and use the operational space on the king's side to attack. An important task is to neutralize the g7 bishop, which is achieved:

  • exchanging for a dark-squared bishop on the h6 square
  • strengthening the knight's position on d4
  • less often - by covering the large diagonal with the move e4-e5.

A little history

The history of the appearance of the name is interesting. The authorship is attributed to the Russian chess player Fedor Duz-Khotimirsky. He was interested in astronomy and one day, while looking at the starry sky, he noticed the external similarity of the constellation Draco and the configuration of the pawns h7 g6 f7 e7 and d6.

Thus, with the light hand of the Russian master astronomer, the “birth” of the chess “dragon” took place.

Basic options

In terms of the richness of ideas and ramifications, the dragon is one of the most difficult openings. Including its current state. The author of these lines is far from the idea of ​​embracing the immensity, and I will introduce you to the main current options:

A) Main dragon


6… Bg7 7.f3 Rauser Attack.

White has the initiative, but Black also has counterplay.

Another way of counterplay for Black is associated with the move h7-h5. Example in the next batch:

Anand-Kasparov New York 1995

6.Ce2. Classic version

White castles short and takes the game into a positional direction.

Example option:

White is a little better.


Response fianchetto

There is an approximate equality on the board.

6. f4

Black has sufficient counterplay.

B) Early dragon

Black refrains from moving d7-d6 and immediately fianchettas the bishop.


Black has full play for the pawn. This variation demonstrates the idea of ​​the early dragon - to carry out a d7-d5 explosion without losing tempo on the move d7-d6.

5.с4 Maroczy System

More fundamental compared to 5.Ks3. It completely stops the counterplay associated with the move d7-d5

White's position is freer, but Black's position is quite strong.

Common mistakes

1. Inattention to the order of moves

White doesn't pay attention to the fact that Black has already castled instead of d6. In this case, the order of moves changes everything. After 8... Qb6 White is already broke. At the very least they lose a pawn. In the absence of black castling, White has the move Nf5, and in this position the g7 bishop is protected.

2.Pattern game

White made “program moves,” apparently forgetting that one should keep one’s ears sharp in a dragon. Both for blacks and for whites.


As you can see, the draconian elephant is capable of such surprises.

What is good and what is bad about “dragon”?

First the pros:

  1. White must play accurately. Including move order. By playing the dragon with White anyhow, you can very quickly not only lose the advantage of the performance, but also easily get “worse”.
  2. White must play carefully. The dragon's potential includes various tactical strikes. Knight d4, pawn e4. They need an eye and an eye. The bishop on g7 sits in ambush and constantly “shines through” the center.

I can tell you for myself: playing dragon is easy with inexperienced chess players. Usually you can easily not only equalize, but also get a better game with Black.

I would consider the disadvantages of the dragon:

  1. Whites have enough big choice what to play. Black can only choose to play either an early dragon or a regular one with the move d6. White has a choice of continuations in both branches.
  2. At proper game White should still gain an advantage.

For example, when playing an early dragon, I can't avoid Maroczy's system. And this is such a fuss for black that you’ll think ten times about whether it’s worth getting into it.

Approximate games

Ivanchuk-Hodgson, Amsterdam 1998

Spassky-Miles, Bugoino 1978

Adams – Topalov, Wijk aan Zee 1996

In general, the author's verdict is this: The Dragon Variation is a completely correct opening. He entered and enters debut repertoire world champions. Botvinnik, Fischer, Kasparov, Kramnik - I assume you know these names. Isn't this a sign of a debut's quality?

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A popular opening in chess, which is formed as a result of the initial move e4-c5, is called the Sicilian Defense. With this method of play, chess becomes a real battlefield. From the very first minutes, the player strives for an asymmetrical position in order to enter into an unequal fight and, subsequently, win the championship. This is why all chess fans, from beginners to masters, fell in love with the Sicilian Defense. Chess can be played in such a “defense” using many new and varied schemes.

Sicilian in the open

This is a system of moves in which players fight for the center of the board. They use the moves Kg1-F3 and d2-d4. The game, with this opening, is considered one of the most important. The opponent may behave differently.

1.e4 c5 2. Kf3 d6 3. d4 cd 4. K:d4 Kf6 5. Kc3 g6.

The name of the method comes from the location of the black pieces d6, e7, f7, g6, h7. This diagram on the board is very reminiscent of a dragon. Black positions the dark-squared bishop on a large diagonal, from where it will attack the opponents' central and queensides. In this case, White castles on the long side, and the opponents castle on the short side. The opponents begin to mutually attack the king, using the principle of a quick attack.

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Young dragon – option for black

1.E4 c5 2. Kf3 x6 3. d4 cd 4. Kd4 g6

Black is trying to move to d7-d5, this happens in one step. This tactic narrows the probability of White winning if he needs to castling to the long side. But in this variation, White has the opportunity to play 5. C4, move on to setting up TN Maroczy, in the hope of defeating Black in an equal fight, trying to gain an advantage in space. The Sicilian defense in chess, when used, will lead the team to victory.

Sicilian Gambit – option for White

White on the second move can play the pawn b2 to b4. Such a move in chess world accept is considered incorrect and is rarely used during a fair game of chess. The Sicilian defense for Black is carried out by repelling the attack. As a result, the team is left with an extra pawn.

Sveshnikovsky version

In this case, Black should stick to an active central attack. White will exploit his opponent's weakness on d6 and d5. A typical way out of this situation in this variation: 6. Kdb5 d6 7. Cg5 a6 8. Ka3 b5 9. Kd5 Be7. The game of black pawns is very risky; this mechanism is also actively used during professional chess games.

1.e4 c5 2. Kf3 Kc6 3. d4 cd 4. Kd4 e5

Very similar to the previous version. The black player begins active actions much earlier than planned. The knight on g8 must be moved to e7. But the absence of this piece on c3 allows the enemy to move the pawn to c4 - as a result, they will have better control of the central rank.

If you have just started learning to play chess, you can watch a video of the Sicilian Defense.

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