Skyrim mod for your clan of bandits. Organized Crime of Skyrim: OBIS - Organized Bandits In Skyrim

Hi all.

Updated. The mod moved from version 1.502 to 1.61C.
Updated to 1.63.
Updated to version 2.01.
Updated to version 2.02

There are too many changes to list them all. You can look at the original page. To update from an old version, delete the old files and install the mod again - this will get rid of all the problems.

OBIS is a mod for Skyrim that adds new bandits throughout the game world without sacrificing performance. The new bandits are divided into many different types, which will make each new bandit encounter interesting and challenging. All bandits are balanced and have both strengths and weaknesses. You can read more about the new bandits in the “Book of Bandits”, which you can find in the world (the book remains in English)

2,500 new bandits, all with different faces, so you won't see the same face twice.
None of the bandits just graze and are included in the level sheets. So, if there is supposed to be a bandit in a certain place, then he will be there.
-A total of 57 types of bandits that will make every encounter tactically diverse.
-Completely redesigned bandit revival system.
-Setting through the MCM menu will allow you to select the number of bandits in one place.
-If you have a bashed patch that affects high-level enemies or bandits, then OBIS should work fine if it is closer to the bottom in the load order (I also recommend pushing it into the bashed patch).
-207 unique named bandits from whom you can remove expensive rings for sale (there is even a dialogue with the sale of these rings, but I didn’t understand who this dialogue was with).
-The names of ordinary bandits have also been changed so that you can understand their class - archer, warrior, mage (why?)
-Special bandit shields. Can be found among bandits of the corresponding groups. There are light and heavy versions of shields.
-The bandits wear hats and face masks from the FACE MASKS OF SKYRIM mod by volvaga0.
-Each bandit has a unique name (thank you), with a difference for women (generally thank you), etc.
-Armor is now randomized, bandits wear different armor.

Bandit patrols:
-Additional bandit spawn points appear in bandit-controlled areas.
-The opportunity to meet bandits in the wild.
-Bandits will attack cities.

-Most non-hostile animals will be replaced with bandits.
-Same as in Bandit Patrols.

OBIS-no new bandits:
-Randomizes vanilla bandits like those from OBIS.
-Extremely unstable, use at your own risk.

Requirements: SKSE, SkyUI, latest game or legendary edition, Dawnguard, Dragonborn.

Installation: Standard. Place the files in the Data folder, connect the mod in the launcher. OBIS - OBIS itself, required to be installed. AltStartLiveAnotherLife-DG-Faction Patch is a patch for the Live Another Life mod if you decide to start the game as a bandit. Bandit Patrols - described above. Bandit Patrols - SUPER BANDIT HELL EDITION- described above. IA7 AND CLOAKS patch - compatibility patch with the mod of the same name, put it at the end of the download. Main File - No NEW bandits - described above, also note that this option is no longer being developed. SUPER BANDIT HELL EDITION SIC AND MOMOD— version of patrols for mods of the same name.


What could be scarier and more dangerous than evil itself? Only organized and conscious evil! Evil, actively cooperating with evil, which uses several more carriers of vice in the wings, who in turn... Ugh, yes, this is a whole devilish web... Meanwhile, it has entangled the vastness of Skyrim... After all, one and a half thousand have been parachuted into its vastness centers of evil - seasoned bandits who crave the realization of their extremely bad intentions. These re-tse-de are united into various groups (gangs), which makes them a much more formidable force.... It's almost a mafia!

The mod adds 1600 bandits to the game, who are grouped into gangs. The mod does not affect the performance of the game; criminals are contained exclusively in level sheets. A description of the bandits can be read in
The Book of Bandits, which can be purchased from merchants. The mod combines well with other mods that change bandits, but it is advisable to place it as low as possible on the load list.

Copy the contents of the archive to the skyrim\data folder, activate in the launcher




OBIS is a modification that adds over 2,500 bandits to Skyrim without affecting performance. These bandits are divided into a large number of different gangs, which will make clashes with them much more exciting and interesting. All bandits are balanced and have both strengths and weaknesses that players must exploit to win.

Mod includes:

About 2500+ new bandits with different appearances, you are unlikely to see the same face twice

All these bandits are registered only in leveled lists. So if there should be a bandit in some place, he will be there - and only there. NO IMPACT ON PERFORMANCE

A total of 57 different types of bandits have been added, which will make every encounter with them varied in terms of tactics

The bandit spawn system has been completely redesigned, now it will randomize the types of bandits that spawn in camps. Only affects random bandits, not those chatting with each other

If you create a Bashed Patch with mods that buff enemies, the mod will work with them in perfect harmony

207 bandits with unique names from whom you can remove expensive rings for sale

Regular bandits now have names that indicate which group they belong to and what rank they have in it, as well as their type.

Certain gangs will have shields created specifically for them.

Bandits can have headdresses and masks from the FACE MASKS OF SKYRIM mod

The armor is randomized, ordinary bandits can wear pieces of armor from different sets, for example, some from light and some from heavy

Bandits will also have a chance to drop a book that describes their types

Translation update:
The translation for the SE version has been completely reworked - the names of the bandits have been brought to a single format, some gangs have received new names, many female characters will have ranks and titles corresponding to their gender.

Standard - unpack the archive into the Data folder and connect esp in the game, or install the modification using your favorite modification manager

This mod adds patrols of various major factions to the vastness of Skyrim, from the Stormcloaks and Imperials to the Silver Hand and Werewolves, from Vampires and Dawnguard to travelers, traders and bandits.
The mod is designed to slightly diversify and enliven the world around Skyrim.

More details:
- While traveling through the expanses of Skyrim, you will see random battles between factions; you will be hunted by both mercenaries and Vampires.
- Groups of travelers and traders have also been added, which will appear in various places, etc. All NPCs will respawn, except traveling merchants, but they can only be killed by the player.
- The mod is fully functional, patrols consist of almost all major factions in all DLC, including Stormcloaks, Thalmor, Imperials, Dawnguard, Travelers, Traders, Bandits, Skaal, Redoran, Reavers and Rieklings. Currently, the mod also includes Combat Battle Zones with the capture of forts.
- The mod does not use scripts. You can install and uninstall the mod without fear.
- The mod can be placed anywhere in your mod order.
- NPCs for Civil War have been added only to Skyrim and will attack the player if he belongs to the enemy faction.
- Dawnguard factions were only added to Skyrim, Dragonborn factions were only added to the island of Solstheim to be consistent with the original game.
- There are no vampires in this version of the mod.

- Dragonborn -
This plugin will add robbers, guards, Skaal Hunters and Rieklings in Solstheim.

- Random events -
Random events add factions of Poachers, Robbers and Wild Dogs

- Civil War -
The Civil War plugin adds Stormcloaks and Imperial patrols to Skyrim using vanilla NPCs to be as friendly as possible. They will continue patrolling after completing the Civil War quest.

- Battles/battles -
Adds medium-sized battles to up to 6 (for now) locations in Skyrim. When the battle is over, the winning factions will march to the nearest Fort and either fortify or capture it. When the defeated faction recovers, the fight will resume again. This part of the mod was added by request or personal preference, since the Warzones mod is no longer updated. It was never my intention to compete with him.

- Bandits -
The bandit plugin adds groups of bandits who travel from a bandit "camp" to another bandit "camp", but they will choose different routes each time.

- Travelers -
The Travelers plugin adds groups of citizens and merchants. Current groups of travelers consist of a merchant, his/her mercenaries, and a commoner. They travel to all capitals except Dawnstar and Winterhold. Once they arrive in town, they will go to an inn or bar where they will sit, interact, and continue trading with the player until the next day. They can be found on the roads, just like any other npc.

- New Factions -
New Factions currently adds two new friendly factions to the game. Witch Hunters, they are the enemies of all necromancers and the Dragon Cult, they are the enemies of the Dragonborn and everyone who is against Dragons

- Mercenaries -
Adds Mercenaries to some locations in Skyrim. If you have wealth, they will find you. If you can't defeat them, you'll have to give up or pay a fine. It's best to run.

If anyone from this mod dies, they will soon appear after 10 in-game days.
How it works: For any area, the player must not enter the area for a specified period of time (10 in-game days in this case). Every time a player enters the zone, the respawn is reset.
Respawning means that 10 in-game days must pass for the location to update.

Civil War Patrols and Battles:

- After the Civil War questline is completed, Civil War patrols and NPCs participating in the battles of the losing faction (including the Thalmor) will be completely disabled.
- Until you complete the Civil War quest, battles and patrols will respawn indefinitely.
- Destroying the remaining military camps of the losing faction will disable all patrols and NPCs participating in the battles of the winning faction, whose side you switched to. So, if you want the Civil War to end completely, you now have the opportunity to do this by destroying enemy camps.
- All battles have been moved to forts that were used during the Civil War to avoid bugs with NavMesh paths. (NPCs will no longer be stacked in one place, on rocks, on top of each other on roads, etc.)
- New battles are located in Forts Amol, Dunstad, Greenwall, Neugrad, Snowhawk and Sungard.
- The battles at the Vaynon Stones between the Thalmor and the Stormcloaks have been temporarily removed.
- Stormcloaks will no longer respawn with mages.
- Stormcloaks will take much less damage when used in combination with AI combat mods.
- Victory in Civil War battles from the mod will now depend on the type of unit respawn.

Without Civil War Patrols:
- All bandits in this mod have been replaced by an equal number of guards belonging to the respective possessions. This mod no longer contains bandits of any type.
- Guard patrols can recognize NPCs from this mod participating in the Civil War as their enemy and will help the faction of their city that is currently an ally.
- Patrol guards will also change to NPCs participating in the Civil War during the Civil War quest. For example, in the game, Whiterun guards are usually yellow, but if Whiterun is taken over by the Stormcloaks, all Whiterun guards will become Stormcloak soldiers.
- Dawnguard patrols will now only exist after completing the Dawnguard quest line. (There will be no more Dawnguard patrols from the start of the game.) Note: One Dawnguard will respawn to attack you if you are a vampire in the vanilla game.
- Traveling merchants now have much less inventory and specialize in specific goods. They will still buy whatever you want to sell, unlike specialty shops, since they are traveling merchants.
- Both NPCs that accompany traveling merchants are equipped with combat gear for protection, but mainly so that they can be easily distinguished from merchants.
- All NPC caravanners can now only be killed by the player, as they no longer respawn. They also don't have any loot when they die.

- Maximum simplicity and purity, makes this mod compatible with all mods at the moment.
- Compatible with the "Open cities" mod.
- Not compatible with "Man Those Borders SSE".

- Skyrim SE and higher

*Via NMM/

So, this mod, which I called “Gangs of Skyrim,” does a lot... Where to start? Didn't it bother you that the bandits, being numerically the strongest faction, do almost nothing? By joining forces, they could seize power in 2-3 hours. And nothing seems to prevent them from uniting... Can you name the leader of the bandits by name, besides Hyvor? Me not. Well, this mod explains it. Power among the bandits has long been divided into several hefty gangs and they don’t like upstarts, but they don’t mind chopping off a couple of caves from their neighbors. Yes, yes, bandits are real groups with their own rules of behavior, choice of candidates, passion for weapons and magic...

OBIS is a mod for Skyrim that adds new bandits throughout the game world without sacrificing performance. The new bandits are divided into many different types, which will make each new bandit encounter interesting and challenging. All bandits are balanced and have both strengths and weaknesses. You can read more about the new bandits in the “Book of Bandits”, which you can find in the world (the book remains in English, there is too much text)


- Added “Update 2.02” via additional link (only the OBIS.esp file for the main mod), fixed problems with names and compounds for some random bosses. If you already have version 2.01 installed, then just download this “Update 2.02” and replace the OBIS.esp file, if this is your first time downloading the mod, then you need to download the mod version 2.01 from the main link, install and then download the “Update” 2.02" and replace the OBIS.esp file
- Corrected typos in some group names
- The book is still not translated, I don’t have time for it, and no one wants to help with the translation, I’ve already asked many times...

- There are too many changes to describe them all. You can look at the original page. To update from an old version, delete the old files and install the mod again, this will eliminate all problems. The scripts in the new version are not changed, so you can install the new version over the previous one by replacing the files, but delete one file OBISDB-FaceMasksFix.esp
- Added a bunch of new NPCs and various gang formations (in total, about 900 new NPCs were added)
- Fixed some bugs with bandits (no more crashes)
- Fixed bugs with level 2 bandits
- OBISDB-FaceMasksFix.esp is no longer required
- Balanced the health of many bandits
- Improved variety of weapons for bandits / Compatibility with other mods
- Fixed bugs with the respawn of some bandits
- Randomized most of the bandit leaders who spawn in most of the bandit hideouts
- Added 2 new pets (frost spiders and trolls)
- Adjusted behavior of bandit trained bears and sabertooths, now more aggressive
- Increased variety of regular bandits
- Restructured bandit tier lists to be more compatible with other mods (Requires Bash Patch for full compatibility with other mods)
- Fixed a huge number of errors

More details:
- 2500 new bandits, all with different faces, so you won't see the same face twice.
- None of the bandits graze just like that and are included in the level sheets. So, if there is supposed to be a bandit in a certain place, then he will be there.
- A total of 57 types of bandits that will make each encounter tactically diverse...Have you seen how Dovahkiin is killed with a dagger from stealth mode? Welcome to the real world.
- Completely redesigned bandit revival system.
- Setting through the MCM menu will allow you to select the number of bandits in one place.
- If you have a bashed patch that affects high-level enemies or bandits, then OBIS should work fine if it is closer to the bottom in the load order (I also recommend pushing it into the bashed patch).
- 207 unique named bandits from whom you can remove expensive rings for sale (there is even a dialogue with the sale of these rings, but I didn’t understand who this dialogue was with)
- The names of ordinary bandits have also been changed so that you can understand their class - archer, warrior, mage (why?)
- Special bandit shields. Can be found among bandits of the corresponding groups. There are light and heavy versions of shields.
- The bandits wear hats and face masks from the FACE MASKS OF SKYRIM mod by volvaga0.
- Each bandit has a unique name (thank you), with a difference for women (generally thank you), etc.
- Armor is now randomized, bandits wear different armor.
- 13 (more) Bandit gang clans with their own emblems, contingent, tactics and level of coolness.
- Bandit patrols, attacking, robbing, killing and raping everything in their path.
- Capture cities, forts, caves and villages by bandits (yes!)
- Some new potions/weapons and other crap, improved AI (intelligence), tactical detours, well-coordinated teamwork and a whole feminist gang of “Women of the Hammer”. Yes, this is really a global mod.
- All bandits are registered in level sheets.

From the translator:
- A few words about translation: about two thousand names, things, titles and other things... 100% I messed up somewhere. If you notice, please tell me.

- Skyrim LE
- DLC Dragonborn optional (archived patch)
- SKSE 1.07.03
- SkyUI 4.1 and higher

- The author says that the mod is compatible with everything possible. User experiences confirm the correctness of his words. All mods for leveled weapons/armor/spells (such as Swords of Jaisus or Roman armor) will also be available to new bandits.

When upgrading from version 1.63 to 2.02:
- Be sure to disable and delete the OBISDB-FaceMasksFix.esp file if present
- Install new version

Bandit patrols module:
- Additional bandit spawn points appear in bandit-controlled areas.
- Opportunity to meet bandits in the wild.
- Bandits will attack cities.

Module SUPER BANDIT HELL EDITION (Bandit patrols):
- Most non-hostile animals will be replaced with bandits
- Same as in Bandit patrols

OBIS-no new bandits module:
- Randomizes vanilla bandits like those from OBIS
- Extremely unstable, use at your own risk

Installation: (only manually, the archive will not be installed through the NMM manager)
Place the files in the Data folder, connect the mod in the launcher or mod manager
1. The OBIS folder is the basis, it is MANDATORY to install!!! The OBISDB.esp file is for Dragonborn
2. The Bandit patrols folder is the most delicious, because it is responsible for patrols and invasions (description above)
3. Folder Bandit Patrols - SUPER BANDIT HELL EDITION - test for strength of nerves. Even in the outhouse crevice there will be three or four mugworts, on a stump instead of a rabbit there will be a mugwort, and generally everywhere
4. Folder IA7 AND CLOAKS patch - compatibility patch for the mods "Immersive Armors 7.1" and "Cloaks of Skyrim", put at the end of the download in the launcher or mod manager
5. Folder AltStartLiveAnotherLife-DG-Faction Patch - patch for the mod "Alternative Start/Live Another Life"
6. Folder Bandit Patrol for Momod and SIC - patches for SIC and monster mod, respectively
7. Main File folder - No NEW bandits - described above, please also note that this option is no longer being developed

For mod changes to take effect, you need:
- New game or clean save, at least 10 game days so that all mod assets are distributed throughout the entire game map (you can’t scroll through time, sleep endlessly for 10 days or wait, you just need to play as usual, all mod changes will be applied themselves).
