The forest what to do with the bodies. The Forest: How to find your son, or the eternal question of the game

What do you need to know to survive? How to survive at least 10 days?

Thanks for the article M1nzZze How to survive? (Start)

First of all, after respawning, we should search the plane. This food will be enough for us for the near future (2-3 days). Then you should pick up the ax kindly left by our “friends” the cannibals. (I don’t think it was he who was so unlucky as a victim during the crash).
Then we go out and look around, if there is no one, then we should smash our suitcases nearby and profit from something tasty. Otherwise, try to carefully escape into the forest so that the cannibals do not notice you.

And then, regardless of your spawn, we need to make an effort to survive. Why independently? Because the plane will crash in a randomly generated place in the forest. As the developers wrote, the inhabitants of the forest are not very fond of water, so this would be an ideal place to hide from them. I was lucky to respawn near the shore, I built a hut on a small island, and these sneaks, despite the water, ran up to me and “hit me in the head with a stone.” Maybe it's alpha, maybe I'm so lucky

And then we go into the forest. I prefer to first go into the forest so far that the plane is visible. (Since I play at 640x480 at minimum settings, due to lags, this distance may fluctuate for you). We leave and chop everything we see. We need logs, stones and twigs. You should build a canopy tent (2nd option), it does not require a lot of resources and it will serve you well. Next you should make a fire. I prefer to make the latter, from stones, it burns longer. After that we admire our wonderful home. Do not forget that we are in the forest and several (all) cannibals want to feast on us. We build traps around the radius of our home for the first time. If you're lucky, you'll catch a cannibal or a cannibal, put them into spare parts for a statue of limbs 😉 If not, you'll collect forest tribute, in the form of a rabbit or lizard. Made? Great!

I am hungry…

Yes, we need to eat! It happens to everyone? I ran out of candy bars yesterday, my stomach is growling, what should I do? Look for a sharpened stick near the lake, of course. It's great for hunting! Of course, you can use the good old axe. We chop rabbits, chop lizards, tear off their skins... Romance! We put the removed lizard skins on ourselves as armor. And we roast the carcass on our stone fire. You should also not forget about berries and mushrooms. You can read about them in the survival guide (key “B”).
You can also warm up and dry yourself by the fire, but don’t get too close to it, otherwise the cannibals will feast on fried humans at night.

Cannibals have spotted me! Ahhh! (Salt)

Don’t worry, my young “forester”. The trick is that if you have a place to sleep in. Just run to him while you are being attacked\\splashed with saliva\\caused damage\\cursed by these same cannibals all over your family. Did you come running? Great! Press Z faster. Did you sleep? Disappeared? Strange? No, my friend, nothing strange, this is alpha). Haven't disappeared? Press Z again. Repeat ad infinitum!

Let's summarize

Now you know how to survive in the forest, collect, kill, build! Noticed - run - sleep. And so on in a circle. Then we set up housing a little further and further, going deeper into the forest. Happy loot and good hunting everyone. Let the cannibal go around your house.
Thanks to all!

Hello guys! On the plane we take an ax and grab everything that is on the plane. Then you need to remove all the contents from the luggage using a hatchet. We need to look around and understand where we are, look for the mountain with our eyes and run in the opposite direction, along the way we collect blue berries, stones, sticks, and break all the luggage that we come across, in (1-3) minutes you will be on the shore, your next task will be feather mining. Seagulls drop 5 pieces each, we need 30-40, the more the better, but time is running out, after you collect feathers, run towards the mountain and look for a quiet, calm place. If you haven’t found a beach, then don’t waste your time, run to the mountain and look for a suitable place to spend the night, kill all the animals on the way, except for deer, it’s hard to keep up with them, from monitor lizards, collect skin and meat, a maximum of 3 pieces of meat of each type. (skin can be used as protection, by going into the inventory and clicking on the skin you will put it on, max. 10) During the search, you can loot the Aboriginal camps, in my experience, on the first day the camps are empty. If you meet a naked-ass, you have a choice - Run or fight; in daylight you can defeat a whole group of naked-assed, which is much more difficult to do at night. If you run away, it’s not a fact that they won’t find you, you’ll only gain a couple of minutes. If you kill, then the chances that you will not be tracked down in the coming days will increase. Here is a map, maybe you can find your way around it (white circles mark possible places where you appear at the beginning). The map in the current version is a little different, but you can find your way around it.
You can use interactive map, it is very comfortable.
Good places to stay on the first day
-In the lowlands
- far from bodies of water
-far from the aboriginal camps
-among the dense trees
After you have found a place to survive the first night, open the book (on B) and build the very first hut and a small fire. Leaves can be collected from bushes by breaking them. All is ready? Good night.

Getting settled

And so, in the morning we get up, eat and run towards the mountain, you must cross the river separating the islands. After we moved, we are looking for a place for our future home.
There must be a place
- not far from bodies of water
- bushes with berries nearby
-possibly on the river
-in a lowland (never on a hill!)
-There should be a lot of trees nearby.
You can build a tree house, it doesn't take long to build, but I prefer a regular hut (89 logs). It is advisable to make a means for transporting logs. It can transport 7 logs, this will speed up the process significantly. If you are harassed by naked-assed people, go ahead and build a tree house. If everything goes smoothly and by the end of 2 days you have built half of the hut, don’t stop. By nightfall, build a hut so you can sleep until the morning. Don't forget about food, fry animals, and eat berries. Your luggage supplies (snacks and soda) should be enough for a couple of days, this will be enough to complete the house. And so by the middle of the third day you should finish building the hut, and if you built a tree house, then even earlier.
The next stage, long and tedious, is building a fence. It is a must if you want to survive until 10 at night. What should the fence be like? Not too long, covering useful resources. Here is one of the variations of building a house and a fence:

Eat great amount variations of building a safe house, it all depends on your imagination. You must finish the fence by the fifth day; its construction will take many times longer than building a house, but if the natives do not disturb you too much, then you will be able to finish it earlier.
Now that everything is on the ointment, you make warehouses for meat or a smokehouse * - by hanging any raw meat on it, it will be ready to eat in a day. Naturally, the fire can be placed in the house, storage of sticks, stones, at your request.

Foraging for food

Now that you have a roof over your head and cannibals behind the wall, you should think about stocking up on food. From two hare skins you can make a bag with which you can collect berries. We take the bag in our hands and collect all the berries, even the poisonous ones are suitable for food, you can eat them, but not a lot, they will not cause you colossal damage, but will quench your hunger and thirst. Find a spear and be able to fish, a simple wooden spear can be found in small bodies of water, it looks like an ordinary stick stuck in the water. Fish cannot be found in all bodies of water; very often they are found in small bodies of water or in lakes. To catch a fish, approach it point-blank, the fish is not afraid of humans, you can even run along it, it will be fine
fuck, and stick your spear into her side. Then place m in your inventory (maximum 3 pieces). Build a bow (stick+rope+rag) and arrows (stick + 5 feathers). It is easy to shoot deer with a bow, and the skin can be worn as clothing (protection from the cold, does not provide armor). You can collect herbs and make medicines and energy mixes from them.
You can also find mushrooms. We eat them on the spot. Water can be obtained in a fairly simple way
We kill a turtle, we get a shell (to kill it, hit it in the head), open your miracle book (B) craft a filter, it looks like a shell on legs, and put this herata in a body of water, not the sea, in 1-1.5 days there will be water . Don't forget that you can quench your thirst with berries.
Traps for naked assholes, and for animals, this is all for gays, we will kill like men with our hands and axes XY!

If you're a really smart guy, you can dismember the corpses of aborigines and eat their limbs,
smoked or fried, this is the norm!

Features of naked-assed

The intelligence of the natives is well thought out in the game. They call for help, drag away the wounded, and run in horror when the leader dies (sometimes). Females sometimes run away when a man dies, scouts will report you to the camp, and soon a larger detachment will come to storm your ass. After building intimidating structures, some natives will be afraid of you, while others will aggressively attack you. This will all help you in a fight. I wrote briefly, the most important things, see other guides for details.

Useful tips and facts

Don't make noise in the forest, otherwise you will attract attention.
-Don't make big fires.
-Combine lizard skin with leaves and get protection + bonus to camouflage.
-Prepare as much food as possible, after 10 am mutants will come out of the caves.
-There is powerful equipment (katana, golden axe, flashlight, etc.) most of which are in caves, going there is dangerous, where to find something specifically, look in other guides or on the Internet.
-Physics in the game allows you to carry 2 logs in your hands, and push 7 more logs in a sled.
- A sparrow sat on the hand - there were natives nearby, I don’t know, it also sat down in peace, but there were no natives.
-Canibalism is not a bad way to survive, but when consuming aboriginal carcasses for food, an infection enters the bloodstream.
-When you are beaten for the first time, they will not kill you, but will take you to a cave from which you can escape. The second time you will be killed, and it's game over.
-You can be found anywhere, enemies will spawn not far from you ((((sad truth((
You can’t hide from them, but the fact is that they simply won’t notice your shelter, so always be lower than the grass, quieter than water.
-If you have met the aborigines, and they have not attacked for several days, then they are preparing a major attack, get ready!

Thanks guys! If you have any questions, what to find where, write, I will answer everything. I was too lazy to put all this into the guide. If you notice any mistakes, sorry, I’m not attentive, I have cerebral palsy. Well good luck to you there.

So, let's begin. There is a lot in the game that is incomprehensible to beginners, and I decided that I will not show everything from personal experience, giving examples from my first hours of playing, but as a teacher, I will teach and teach. You want to learn, and you will feel my first impressions yourself. So. ..You are flying on a plane and suddenly it falls and then, when you come to your senses, you see an incomprehensible blue creature that looks like a person. The first thought is an Indian, but this is an aborigine (although there is not much difference), but the point is that he takes your son (or brother) and you, having lost your feelings from worry for your little son (or little brother), fall asleep again and, having come to your senses again, you can already walk. Having felt freedom, you can begin to pick up the ax, but you just need to approach it and it will take it on its own. For some reason, everyone always teaches - the MOST important thing is not to jump out of the plane, but to collect everything in it. This is not true, no, of course it’s good to collect everything, but there is only food there, and the pedometer, which you initially mistake for a phone, is not needed at all, and if you jumped out, it does not mean that everything is lost. Well, here you are in nature. Still, eat on the plane. And you think - where to go??? I won’t be able to answer exactly, because the plane falls in different ways. But I would advise going to the shore (or beach) because that’s where all the newbies survive. The natives are your enemies if anything, and there are few of them on the beach. They only often pass in crowds (with Alpha 0.06) next to him and if you hide, nothing will happen. So you have found the shore (in the second chapter I will throw off the map of the first island, and if they add a second island to alpha 0.09, then that too). It is better to live next to a tent (don't forget a sharpened stick nearby) or near rocks. The second option is safer. You can hide in them. At the very beginning, mark all future buildings (mark them using a survival book - by default “and”). It’s better to mark the house right away - that is, build a hut or a wooden hut, but it is advisable to mark a big house (a big house is no different from a barn, but they won’t get you in it, and in a barn the door falls off (for now) and through the textures they will kill you .) Do not start construction right away! First, collect resources (stones, sticks, and preferably find fabric in suitcases (they can be broken with an ax or other weapon), as well as leaves by chopping bushes. Don’t rush to eat them when you see berries. You can only eat those that are drawn in the “Book of Survival.” Place a large fire near the house. Mark storage areas (preferably 2 sticks, 1 stone, 2 logs). When you see the aborigines, hide. They are attracted by your fire and sounds. You can fry food on the fire (fish - you can push it on a sharp stick , a rabbit - can be caught with a trap and a monitor lizard - can be chopped). Wear monitor lizard skin and use it as armor. Just in case, you can build a signal marker. By the end of the day, according to my instructions, you should have food (meat or fish), a fire, leaves for it (100 somewhere), outlines for future construction, the remains of stones and sticks. Preferably a torch (more on crafting later). A hut, spend the night in it, thereby saving yourself and being saved just in case. If you chose a normal, inconspicuous place for a hut, then you should not be touched. If there is a tribe of aborigines on the beach in the morning, wait for them to leave. Enter the battle only if you are sure that there are 1-3 of them and there are no more in the area. And only with a torch or molotov. Try not to run into them all day. Look for resources, replenish and build storage, build a couple of walls (spiked or not) so that they can’t get through, but so that you can enter. You can fence the whole space with walls and put one with a door, surrounding everything standing fires (if so, then you don’t even need a house). The house takes a long time to build. First, collect firewood, filling all storage areas. Then gradually cut down trees and carry logs. If it is dangerous to sleep at night and there is nothing to do, then you can chop down the plants and trees growing nearby. At night it is better not to encounter the natives, as they may call for help from the nearby crowd. A good tactic is to stock up on Molotovs and throw a couple of them at the army, trying to set fire to as many as possible. Please note that the player throws the cocktail far and therefore calculate everything in advance. It is recommended to hold RMB during the battle, thereby reflecting some blows. And then hit yourself without stopping. Well, just survive. Then everything depends on you - become richer and stronger, try to hide, collect resources and most importantly - survive. Sooner or later, you will get rich and will be able to kill them like flies, you will be able to go to the cave yourself (this is the place where you are taken after death and in which there are wombs) and you, the only drawback of the game, will get bored. There is no plot, no goal, just survive and survive, but everything is still ahead. The developers are making the project better and better, and most importantly, they don’t forget it, they do everything on time. And most importantly, multiplayer and a plot will appear, but in the meantime, learn to survive and prepare for multiplayer?! In the meantime, here are the crafts, as I promised: Cloth + stick = torchStone + stick = stone ax Bottle of alcohol + cloth = Molotov cocktail 5 feathers + stick = arrows (4 pieces) Coins + board + bottle of alcohol = explosive Stick + cloth + rope = bow Skull + stick = club Ax + cloth = ax tied with cloth Ax tied with cloth + alcohol = an ax that can be set on fire. That's all for now.

Geography of the game

And so, so far there is only one island in the game, but it is not small and it would be useful to know where to find certain resources and things, where to build a house and survive. The map is simply necessary, and here it is: Don’t be too surprised. This is a hand-drawn map, but in some parts it’s more convenient for me, since it was made more accurately than others and not by someone else, but by the developers, so you can trust it, but here’s the second option: Well, in general there should be two islands and here’s an approximate map of two islands (second island on the right and not there yet): The map is quite diverse. Here you have a thick one dark forest and lakes with rivers and fields with plains and most importantly - the shore. I repeat that this is the safest place. But there you can only find a sharp point. a stick (as next to any pond) and most importantly - a lot of suitcases that spawn every game day. That is, a lot of tissue, bottles, painkillers, candy bars and of course everyone’s “favorite” tennis balls that are not needed for anything. Let's move on to the caves. These are rather unpleasant places with buggy textures and an abundance of monsters, and here is an approximate map of the caves so that when you get there for the first time, you can find a way out: But it’s better not to get there, and once you get there, grab the ropes hanging from the ceiling. They are needed for onions. Since there are animals in the game, the developers decided to create their habitats. As I said, take care a good place not only because of safety and suitcases, but also because many animals (rabbits, monitor lizards) crawl there, especially near the rock and forest. But the raccoons added in alpha 0.07 can so far only be seen near a large lake, like most other animals, because there are a lot of spawners there and therefore if you are not afraid of bumping into the aborigines who have a camp nearby, then it is better to live there. There are a lot of trees nearby and you won’t have to drag them for a long time, unlike the beach, where you constantly have to drag logs to the site of the house and building a large house is not difficult, but time-consuming. Aboriginal camps, like the tents of people who have lived for a couple of days, are quite common, but the chance of finding something truly valuable is very small. You can occasionally find a board or rope near or in an Aboriginal camp, as in a cave. But mostly you have to cheat. The rocket launcher can now only be found in a cave, or in the front of the plane (it should be somewhere on the island). Well, now I hope that it will become easier for you to survive if you have a map, but remember “to survive you need to understand the nature of the forest and its inhabitants,” but for now that’s all. Will I add more when adding a second island? For now, let’s talk about the animal world, which is quite well thought out here and is constantly being enriched. Most likely, the first one you will see is either: HARE, a peaceful mob that can be found in the forest near dense trees. Can be caught by hand and caged, used for frying and eating. The skin disappears to an unknown place and perhaps soon a replacement will be found for it. Moves quickly. And perhaps: VARAN (Lizard) A peaceful mob, sometimes found on the shore, often in the forest. Able to crawl through trees and, like all animals, can run through textures and under water. The skin can be used as armor (1 piece - 2 strips of protection), fry and eat meat. It does not run very fast. There are also decorative ones: 1. Starfish So far only decoration. Not used in crafting, purely for decoration purposes. 2. Spider If you look closely, you can see it on the rocks, ground and in caves. Again, decor. 3. Seagulls and sparrows have recently become very useful as informants about the coming of the aborigines. Feathers are used for arrows (can be obtained by killing, sometimes they fall out on their own) 4. Turtles Can be found near the shore, where their spawner is. You can kill, but nothing can be done with the corpse. 5. Frog Can be seen on the ground and near ponds. Used as decoration. I would like to add two more types of animals and they will be ready soon (or rather, screenshots of them). Would you like to work as a photographer yourself? .And here they are: Raccoon. Added to alpha 0.07 and so far it is only as decoration. Can be killed, but it's a pity. Ground turtleAdded to alpha 0.07. It lives near a large lake and, when killed, hides in its shell, preventing it from being collected. So far only as decoration. DeerAdded to alpha 0.0.8. So far only as decoration. There is good animation and sounds, you can kill, but there is no point.

Secrets and bugs.

Well, now we have moved on to the section which, it seems to me, will change every alpha, because the developers do not sleep, but fix some bugs with each version, but still, at the moment it is still alpha and so let’s get started: 1. There is a golden ax in the game, which does not yet have a texture. Can be found next to a rock on the beach: 2. In the game, some items can be picked up and thrown away -G and if they hang in the air, they can be taken endlessly. (with fish fixed) 3. You can run endlessly. We run, press the space bar, release shift and the energy will be restored a little.4. The game has stealth elements. You can sneak up on an aborigine from behind and kill him with one hit. It's really hard to sneak up without him noticing you. 5. You can use battle tactics against two enemies. Press RMB and when the enemy opens for a strike, we hit without stopping. Affects two enemies.6. You can avoid the blow and make one hit the other and a battle will break out between the aborigines7. You can climb up the tree by pressing spacebar.8. In the caves you can fall under the map.9. When you shoot a monitor lizard or a hare with a flare gun, they begin to reproduce.10. At the signal pistols before alpha 0.07 had endless cartridges. 11. If you drink before going to bed, you will wake up not early in the morning, but in the afternoon. 12. In the game you can make friends with the natives, or rather with one group of them. If a leader comes to you (that is, he walks, not runs), then he wants peace with you and will not beat you, like everyone else with him.13.If you smear yourself in the mud, you will be less noticeable.14.You can make a completely safe house: 1) Knock down the door using a bug and set up a fire. Exit through the window. 2) Place 3 large totems or 5-7 small ones near the house. 3) Place several standing fires nearby. 4) And for a complete set - several traps. 15. VERY useful secret. Many people want a peaceful mode in the game, but for this it is not necessary to download mods, but simply enter “veganmode” in the main menu and all enemies will disappear. The next time you start it will be back to normal mode. 16. Animals can get stuck in textures or in the legs of GG17. If you place 2 suitcases next to each other, or even 3, you can open them with one blow.18. GG's inventory may include items located on the ground19. Doors of some buildings are falling off20. When cutting down a tree, all axes cause the same damage and cut down the tree in 16 hits21. When you put one rabbit in a cage next to it, another one will spawn (it’s easy to fill)22. Sharks in the game can now be moved and sometimes they get bugs23. If you fall from a height, you can fall into a cave24. In the game, when built, light buildings turn over and take off25. In the game, only a large fire and a small one provide warmth (a standing fire and the others do not provide) 26. If you get into the water, the cold disappears. 27. Trees have bad physics (like feathers), so first cut down half the forest, and then collect the logs - bad idea. The logs will roll away and also get into the textures.28.Sometimes seagulls caught in a fire catch fire and do not allow the fire to go out29. The pebbles in the game have physics and models very similar to tennis balls30. Trees bend like rubber when they fall. There is a lake in the game that you can fall into32. Queens can get stuck in rock textures, and so can ordinary natives (personal experience)33. There are bugs when you swim34. There are also a lot of bugs with water at certain graphics settings, and sometimes they develop into these. 35. If a seagull lands on your hand, there are aborigines nearby. 36. If you shoot a lot from a rocket launcher at a wooden hut, then logs will fly out of it.

I had a wonderful life safety teacher at school. She taught me how to determine the direction of the world by the moss on the trees, how to make a dwelling when there is an impassable thicket around; how to find food for yourself... I managed to put some things into practice, once I got lost with a full box of mushrooms in the forest.

But many years later, after playing alpha, I realized that this is not the same.

Lesson #1: Don't leave things unattended

You are not alone. Even in outer space you are not alone - let alone on a huge island. If you go even a little deeper into the thicket, you will find crowds of rabbits and lizards around you. They crawl through trees and get underfoot. They step into snares and traps, they themselves go under the ax and even climb into the fire of your fire. But don't let them fool you! If you gape, your life will hang by a thread: you threw a raw carcass on the fire, but an evil animal has already dragged it away - to eat it or, what the hell, bury it. In any case, lunch cannot be returned. That's an extra half minute of cooking!

One - there is food, two - there is no food. It's nice to know that a couple of laws of nature are already working in the alpha version.

But there is no end to the work. The birds do not react to the murdered friend and even fly to sit astride her.

Lesson #2: Finish what you start quickly

Cruel world The Forest doesn't know half measures. Do you want to light a fire, build a hut or set a trap? Go to the survival guide, select the desired item - and first of all, put its layout. Then you will carry everything you need to him.

The future camp is shining. But for now this is just a mirage, and in order to bring it to life, half the island will have to be cut down. But it is necessary to build a camp. This is the only way to save, and ideally - good protection from uninvited guests.

And it's very convenient. However, no matter how much you insert boards into the fence, until it is assembled, it does not exist. Even the inserted boards can be passed safely, which the owners of the island will be happy to take advantage of.

We cut trees by hand. If it is thick, there will be a lot of logs. Thin - a lot of branches. And there are trees that cannot be cut down. Apparently, they are there for beauty. I carry everything I have with me. The capacity of the backpack is impressive, but you still have to carry the logs in your hands.

Lesson #3: Beware of the locals, they don't like you

They really love it. But not in its raw form - which automatically leads to conflict. Cannibals are the main and at the moment almost the only problem in The Forest. Do you want them not to find you? You can hide in some miniature cave, swim to a broken yacht, or wall yourself up within four walls. Otherwise, you will have to greet guests.

If your main problem on land is people, then in the water there are toothy sharks kindly waiting for you. The best tactic against them is to stay away.

Local people are walking in small groups three or four individuals each. But the longer you sit in one place, the more often they will visit you. Don't be surprised if you see about twelve hungry savages in one frame, say, in the dead of night. If you manage to survive such an invasion, then the entire coast will be littered with bodies - but do not think that this will scare away the others.

A sleeping structure helps you stay awake and get enough sleep. But savages can always interrupt a ward’s sleep. At first, this is almost inevitable.

Lesson #4: Take advantage of your opponent's stupidity

A long stay on the island leaves its mark on a person. Firstly, the island people are shortsighted. Their vision is so poor that during the day they will only see you at point blank range. And the rumor is so lousy that they can pass by while you are cutting down a thick tree.

At such moments it seems as if the savages are completely harmless. Seems.

Perhaps the excess human meat in the diet is to blame. However healthy image life makes cannibals incredibly tenacious. A blow to the head with an ax is not an argument for them - the blow will take a long and tedious time. And at any moment the thug can take off and disappear into the thicket of the forest. It's not easy to catch up with the scoundrel. And who knows whether he will return or not! Most likely he will return. It is possible that even with friends.

The reaction speed of the locals is so-so. If you constantly weave around them and hit them non-stop with an axe, sooner or later you will fall. But he will not die immediately; first he will writhe in agony.

The intelligence of the local population is generally ambiguous. Having received a blow to the forehead, they keep their distance, try to come to your rear, and wait for an opportune moment. At the same time, the psyche of cannibals leaves much to be desired. Like the little children from Lord of the Flies, savages place their heads on pikes everywhere, and in battle they can, carried away, run straight into a burning fire. They also love to rest their heads against the fence - it looks especially pathetic when the holopod tries to escape. It hits the wall like a moth hits a window pane.

At one point, two suspicious individuals simply came out of the forest to say hello. They were not embarrassed by the structures made from the bodies of their predecessors: the guests walked around me in circles, glaring at me. I didn’t know how to react to this, so I just kicked them with my fellow tribesman’s foot.

Lesson #5: Don't eat everything.

Rabbits and lizards are, of course, nutritious. Chocolate bars and other junk food from chests that fell from the sky too. They take up space in the stomach and restore energy (drinks do not clog the stomach). Good food can also replenish your health, and reptile skins are used for clothing and provide additional protection from savage axes. There are also mushrooms and berries in the game, both healthy and poisonous. It is not difficult to distinguish one from the other - “bad” berries will clog your stomach, but will take away your health. And the hero will unequivocally gasp.

And something you can’t eat in principle. The hero will not dare to put raw meat in his mouth. The corpses of birds, sharks and turtles should not be touched at all. But the most questions are raised by the mortal bodies of people. Completely inedible. Why? Not quite clear. They look quite delicious!

However, bodies can be dismembered and limbs can be used as weapons or decoration.

An inedible dead shark crushed the unfortunate seagull. It is impossible to eat the way to her salvation. Even these delicious starfish are inedible.

Lesson #6: Don't be too afraid of hunger

You can not hold a crumb in your mouth for at least two weeks - and you will survive everything. Well, yes, you can’t swing an ax on an empty stomach, and you can’t run away or fight off cannibals. But you are not in danger of starvation. Perhaps the fresh sea air is so beneficial that it can feed and, most importantly, give water to the newly minted Robinson Crusoe. After all, water is not needed here at all. It would seem that the main concern of the islander is to establish supplies of fresh food, otherwise hello, dehydration! But no, all this is nonsense, rabbits with berries are enough for us.

To temporarily replenish energy, you can turn on the audio player. Upbeat music will provide several minutes of vigorous activity. In the thicket of the forest, the animal itself climbs into its mouth. But if you set up camp on the beach, hunger can become a problem: you won’t be able to catch fish.

Lesson #7: Don't be afraid to die

Once you stumble, get burned, or take second place in a duel with a savage, your life will not end there. Wherever you die, they will find you and drag you to the nearest cave, and there are many of them on the island. Why - history is silent. But you can get out of the cave and run away wherever you look. True, the number will not work the second time - “you survived N days.”

No pauses. Pressed Esc and went for a snack? They will find you, and you will return to the cave. You and the company can form - and just move once again. TO such Life safety does not prepare us. True, this Silent Hill monster does not show aggression. Maybe they haven't finished it yet.

* * *

The game is still in alpha stage (0.03), and a lot can change in the coming months. If the developers try, The Forest will not have a price. In the meantime, too many elements are either missing, unfinished, or working with flaws. There is no real need to protect yourself from cold and dirt (they promise infectious diseases), but the savages climb even too persistently, and you spend most of the time in the dark.

The next update will be released very soon. So let's see how many new rules will be brought to the ill-fated island!

At the very beginning of the game you are in a destroyed plane. First of all, gather all the supplies nearby. Open closed suitcases with an ax blow. By collecting everything, you will have enough supplies to survive the first few days.

The next thing to do is to build a shelter in which you can not only hide from aggressive natives, but also save the game. For the first time, the “Hunting Shelter” is suitable. Under no circumstances do you make a “Temporary Shelter”! It will disappear after the first use. Next we will tell you how to build in this game.

Construction Basics

To get started, press B and the survival guide will open, where the first nine tabs are responsible for construction. Having selected the desired structure, click on it and select where you want to place it. Construction works like this: you mine resources, bring them to the structure and add them using the E button until it is built.

For a hunting shelter you will need logs, sticks and leaves. For logs, cut down trees. If you can't fell the tree, use the ax on the other side. For sticks you need bushes with a thin trunk or totems. Leaves are obtained by cutting down bushes with an axe.

Once you've built a shelter, you can start saving and resting in it. Try to delay going to bed until it's completely dark so you can wake up during daylight hours, when it's easier to explore the area.

How to get a card

The map is located in a cave in the central Aboriginal village. It’s not easy to get there blindly, but there is one extremely simple way! You must meet some natives and let them kill you. Instead of dying, your character will be taken to a cave with a map. It also contains many other useful things. Most importantly, do not go too deep, as you may run into other natives and mutants. It is better to immediately find a cable to the exit of the cave. It is located not far from your place of imprisonment. By the way, when you get out, explore the Aboriginal village. You can find a bunch of useful items in it.

How to find cool weapons

"Modern Ax" is one of best weapons in Game. You can find it not far from the place where you found the map. You will need to climb into another cave. But getting to the weapon will not be difficult. First, go to this place on the map:

Nearby there will be a small Aboriginal settlement near the lake. If you go from the lake beyond the settlement, there you will find a cave, the entrance to which is through a narrow gap in the rock. Be careful - you can get lost here and meet a couple of natives, but they are quite weak in one-on-one combat. You can make a club from a skull and a stick using crafting. We will talk about the process of creating items later.

So, when you climb into the cave, go constantly along the right wall until you find a way down. If you find a miner's helmet along the way, consider that you are going in the right direction. The descent will be very deep, but you will find a valuable storage facility, where the “Modern Ax” lies.

Location of the descent on the cave map

How to craft items

To craft something, you must go to your inventory (I button). Next, select any item - if it has a “Combine” button, you can make something out of it. Click on it, after which the item will appear in the crafting window. Hover your mouse over the gear showing what else you will need, add the missing parts and click the “make” button.

Place to build a shelter

There are also abandoned containers on the shore, next to which turtles live. We will tell you why they are so important in the section on obtaining food and water.

How to get food and water?

Food is obtained through lost supplies and hunting animals and natives. Hunting is not an easy task, especially if your character is extremely hungry. But it’s not for nothing that we talked about turtles. The thing is that they are very slow, and essentially you just need to go to the containers and kill a couple. In addition, they drop the shell needed to create “water collectors.”

We advise you to install them at once, and several at once! At least three pieces. The fact is that they will be replenished from rains, and this event can occur quite rarely. Several collections will provide you with a supply of water until the next rains, which is why the products in your inventory will be used less often to quench your thirst. Alcohol will be needed to improve weapons, and soda will be needed for trips to complex caves, where extra water is essential.

But if you have severe problems with water, you can break totems, which with some probability will drop alcohol. More food can be found in suitcases scattered throughout the island and in Aboriginal villages.

You can also drink water in small ponds. You can't go to the sea or the big lake in the center. Just go to the pond, and when the drink icon appears, press E. But keep in mind that the water is dirty and you will get poisoned, although this is not fatal. If you find a saucepan, you can fill it with water, which you can boil over a fire. To fill the pan, go to the pond and when the icon appears, press C.

Let's talk a little about hunting. You can get meat and skins from it. A good starting method of hunting is throwing a spear, which is easily made from two sticks. But hitting a target is not so easy, especially something like hares or lizards. But there are a few guidelines for javelin throwing. Take a look at the screenshot below:

This is roughly how you should aim. That is, your target should be slightly to the right and above your index finger. Try to practice throwing a spear - soon you will be able to hit even small animals often.

When you fry the meat, wait for it to cook. If you overcook the meat, it will do little to satisfy your hunger. Typically it will take about 30-40 seconds to cook.
