A basic guide to the minimap, or how to use the navigator. How to make a large map in minecraft Minimap for your friends open a large map

Dear users, modifications for obtaining a mini map with the ability to place marks, receive data without reconnaissance, as well as setting an auto point of death are described below. Thanks to these mods, you can easily find a village or easily find a way out of a dungeon.

How to make a map in Minecraft without mods

IN standard version Minecraft has a map, but it's not very convenient to use. When you create it, you appear in the middle of the map, and when you start moving, the map fills up.

Recipe: (compass + 8 sheets of paper)

For the card to be filled, you need to hold it in your hands. There are several card sizes. The smaller its scale, the longer it will take you to fill it, and the more it will be able to display. But keep in mind that the smaller the map, the smaller all the objects displayed on it. To reduce its scale, you need to put the map on a workbench and surround it with sheets of paper.

By the way, there is a small bug here. If the map does not reduce its scale after such manipulation, you need to re-enter the game.

An attempt to reduce the scale of an already explored map - bad idea. When you zoom out, everything you have scouted will disappear.

It’s convenient that the map can be copied, especially when playing multiplayer. To copy, place your card and an empty card in the crafting slot.

All players who have a copy of your card will appear as a yellow dot on it.

And if you place the map in a frame and hang it at home, the location of the frame with the map will appear on your map as a green dot. This will help mark your home, or other places you need.

Minimap for Minecraft using mods

But it’s much more convenient to use cards from modifications! They do not require crafting. You just need to install the MapWriter or Rei's Minimap mod and enjoy all the amenities!


In the MapWriter mod, pressing the M key opens a full-size map. You can easily change its scale with the mouse wheel and move around it, as well as place name tags in any place by pressing RMB. You can sort the same tags into groups. Switching between groups is done using the space bar.

And in mode single player with cheats enabled, or when playing on a server with administrator rights, you can select a mark and press the T button to teleport to it. There is also a function for this mod automatic installation marker at the place of your death. In addition, throughout the game you can see a mini-map displayed as a circle in the top corner of the screen.

Rei's Minimap

Rei's Minimap mod is in no way inferior to MapWriter. The only thing is that there is no way to move around the map with the mouse, and you can only change the scale with the keys.

Labels can be set by pressing the C key. You can give it a name and choose a color to display it. It will appear as a dot in your field of view and on the map when you press X. The map will also show the distance you are from the marker.

This mod also has the function of appearing a mark at the place of your death.


Paper map or modifications? You decide. However, sometimes it is better to have a map and know the way home than to get lost in the dark running away from zombies and creepers.

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The map in the game Minecraft is the most important item for navigating the game world.

Thanks to the map, you can understand where you are and where the necessary buildings, rivers, mountains and biomes are located.

But after making a map, novice players see only a small section of the area, which shows the nearest trees and rivers.

And many gamers at this moment are wondering whether such a possibility exists at all.

The answer is yes, it’s possible in Minecraft. do large map , which can show many kilometers around, and in this article we will describe in detail how to scarf it.

Regular card

Before you start make a big map need to craft a small one with a coverage size of 128 by 128 blocks.

1. First, you will need to find sugar cane that can be used to make paper. To do this, open the workbench panel and place three reeds in the middle row. In total, you will need eight papers to create a map.

2. Also, to create a map you need one compass, you can make it from four ingots and one red dust arranged in the following order:

— In the top row there is an iron ingot in the middle;

- In the middle row iron ingots on the sides and red dust in the middle.

- In the bottom row the same as in the top.

  • In addition, a compass can be bought in the village from the librarian for 10 emeralds.

3. Now you can start creating a map, to make it, open the workbench and place the compass in the center, and eight papers around it.

Having made a map, open it by pressing RMB, the surface of the game world will automatically be outlined on paper.

Craft a large map

So, having made a small map, you can start craft big having a size of 256×256 blocks.

To do this, open the workbench and place the card in the center and eight papers around it.

As a result, an additional unfilled space will appear on the map.

To completely complete the map, go to unfilled areas and the image will appear automatically.

The maximum map size is 2048x2048 blocks, this is quite enough to see entire islands and continents.

Now you know, how to make a big map in minecraft. Also, to save paper and effort, you can simply clone (redraw) the map.

To redraw, open the workbench and place a filled card in the middle and an empty one on the side.

By the way, the map can be hung on the wall using a frame.

The mini-map allows allies to coordinate their actions, as well as receive up-to-date information about opponents.

The size of the square on the mini-map changes dynamically depending on the size of the game map.

Allied tanks are marked in green, enemy tanks are marked in red (lilac in color blind mode). The vehicle marker on the mini-map corresponds to the accepted symbols:

To make interaction with allies easier, the player can draw their attention to a certain square of the map. To do this you need to hold down the key Ctrl on the keyboard, left-click on the required square on the mini-map. After this, the selected square will be highlighted along the contour, and the message will be displayed in the team chat: “Attention to square D7!”

In case of filing quick command(in the “Help needed” screenshot) an indicator of the given command will be displayed above the vehicle.

To increase/decrease the mini-map, use the keys Increase size / Reduce size(default keys = /). The mini-map can also be hidden (by pressing M).

In update 9.5 we expanded functionality mini maps.


  • camera direction beam;
  • firing sector (only for self-propelled guns);
  • displaying tank names;
  • displaying the location of the last “light” of the tank.

How to enable these features

  1. Circle of vision (green) - shows the value of your vehicle’s visibility, taking into account the skills of the crew, as well as the installed equipment.
  2. Maximum visibility (white) - shows the maximum visibility of vehicles in the game. Radius maximum visibility cannot exceed 445 meters.
  3. Drawing circle (yellow) - shows the maximum distance at which allied and enemy vehicles will be displayed.

The tank's field of view displayed on the minimap depends on any factors affecting the field of view ( Coated optics or Stereo Trumpet, the degree of proficiency of the crew in the main specialty and skills/skills, equipment, shell shock of the crew, etc.) and changes dynamically during the battle depending on the circumstances. The circles for maximum visibility and drawing of equipment are static, that is, they do not change.

In the game settings, the ability to disable the display of viewing and drawing circles has been added. To do this, you need to select the view indicators on the mini-map that suit you on the “Game” tab.

Greetings to all players, I decided to write this guide due to the fact that most beginners do not know how to navigate by coordinates. This guide does not claim to be complete “From A to Z”, the main goal is to teach players how to place marks on the map, I will also consider some settings.

First, open the map menu by pressing the key M on keyboard.
The following window opens:

Let's set hotkeys so that every time you view/change the list of points you don't have to open the menu and don't perform unnecessary actions.
In the menu window, select Keyconfig and set hotkeys for the Set Waypoint and Waypoint List actions.

Now it’s time to create a point, they’re just asking me to come in.

Press the hotkey that we set for the “Place a dot” action.
The following window opens:

Enter the Waypoint name, X, Y and Z coordinates; if desired, you can select the color of the pointer. Useful if you have a lot of marks.

I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that when creating a point, the current coordinates are inserted into the coordinate fields, which is very convenient if you need to remember the current location (for example, you found a gold deposit, but you don’t have a suitable pickaxe with you, you are afraid to simply “lose” it later) this place)

The point is set, we see the marker on the map and terrain. It also shows how many meters (blocks) are left to reach it (in a straight line).

If you want to delete or disable the display of a point on the map, go to the list of points ( hotkey, which you have set for this, or through the menu).
I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the lists of points for the Nether and the Overworld are different; you can select a specific list at the top of the window using the arrow keys.

In order to disable the display of a point on the map, switch “ON/OFF” for the desired points. In order to delete a point completely, click “Remove”, mark the desired points by analogy and click “Remove”.

We’ve sorted out the points, now I’d like to point out a few settings and useful features:

Full map (Key X default) - show large map
Function "Death Point" (In the menu) - automatically saves the place of death, in which case you can quickly run and pick up things after respawning.
Function "Update Check" (In the menu) - check for updates.
Setting "Auto Update Check" (In the menu) - automatically checks for updates. I recommend not turning it off.
Setting "Map Shape" (Menu -> Minimap Options) - Allows you to select the shape of the map. Square/round.
Setting "Map Position" (Menu -> Minimap Options) - Allows you to select the position of the map on the screen.
"Map Scale" setting (Menu -> Minimap Options) - Allows you to select the map size.
Setting "Map Opacity" (Menu -> Minimap Options) - Allows you to adjust the degree of transparency of the map.
Setting "Show Coordinates" (Menu -> Minimap Options) - Displays current coordinates under the map. Two types, one with accuracy up to one block (Type1), the second with high accuracy (Type2). I recommend simplified (Type2) because... excessive precision is not required in most cases.
Setting "Show MenuKey" (Menu -> Minimap Options) - Displaying text Menu: "X" key under the map. I recommend turning it off.

I’m not going to describe all the settings, because... this makes no sense, because most settings only concern appearance cards. It’s faster to master them at random and customize them for yourself.
I apologize for the too "abstruse" writing style. Sound criticism is welcome.
I thank the moderator small_ball for his help.
