Hero type games 3. Games like Heroes of Might and Magic

Heroes of Might and Magic is a game that has become one of the most popular in its time. Magical journeys through a fantasy world and turn-based battles with armies of monsters - gamers were delighted. But did this project have competitors that could give players no less pleasure? Of course! Today we will talk about games similar to the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic. These will be classic fantasy with turn-based battles, where the main character needs to be upgraded and surrounded by loyal fighters. Let's get to the review!

Disciples Series - Sacred Lands

List similar games Let's start with a very popular series of games, too, dedicated to adventure heroes in the fictional world of Nevendaar. Here you will have a chance to take part in the classic turn-based confrontation between good and evil. The setting is made in the style of a traditional magic kingdom, which is constantly attacked by the forces of darkness.

Immediately after the start of the campaign, the game will prompt you to choose the class of the future ruler of your faction. He might be:
- supreme magician;
- military leader;
- head of the guild.

Each class offers special bonuses for which you will have to hone your passing style. You will improve your capital, thereby gaining access to cool troops and new features. At the same time, you will have to learn new spells that can be used on the strategic map. Heroes resting during construction will in the future go on a journey through the lands of the kingdom, while leading squads of warriors. With their help, you can scout the area, attack enemies, rob resources and gain new territories under control. Resources for construction are especially important, because without them, the possessions will not develop, and your army will not be able to withstand the ever-increasing creatures of the demonic world.

Unusual was the decision to destroy the balance in the game. It is simply not here, because the races (dwarves, defenders of the Empire, the undead and the Legion of the Damned) are almost completely different from each other. One could say that the lack of balance harms the gameplay, but in fact it creates a lot of opportunities, tactical and strategic. Use the advantages and features of your race, competently managing the city and troops. Deprive the enemy of his strengths during the fight. Form a full-fledged development strategy for many moves ahead and stick to it.

The Age of Wonders series is a veteran of the genre

The first part of the series came out in 1999. Since then, the games have developed significantly, and the latest Age of Wonders 3 has become fully three-dimensional and has acquired many interesting gameplay features.

The project is very similar to the Heroes of Might and Magic, especially the setting and the ability to travel as a hero through huge locations, occasionally fighting in turn-based mode. It makes no sense to talk about the old parts - the third contains all their advantages and many more new ones. So, a lot of magical damage appeared, like massive spells from archdruids and theocrats. Also, the player is allowed to choose a specialization - he can become an adept of the elements, construction, research and destruction. There is also the opportunity to play for the classes typical for role-playing toys - from a military leader to a magician.

Fights are like in Heroes of Might and Magic, but in addition you can attack the enemy from the flanks and use advanced unit skills.

Eador Series - Magic War

This game is slightly similar to Heroes of Might and Magic, because apart from the concept they have nothing in common. Unlike the hero's journey through fairy lands, here you need to develop cities and fight the forces of darkness for every piece of available territory. During the battle, the projects have a little more similarity - turn-based battles are interesting due to the variety of units and their abilities. The story campaign in Eador is almost absent - there is only a preface and a task to become the most powerful in the world.


Surely everyone is familiar with the game Heroes of Might and Magic, as it is the best tactical, turn-based online strategy. Of the features of this game, you can highlight the graphics, the ability to buy any army, and most importantly, show your leadership qualities and become the best strategist. If you like to think through every time new strategy, depending on the troops and want to plunge into new stories, games like heroes of might and magic will satisfy your needs.

Games like heroes of might and magic

1. "Disciples 3: Renaissance"

Surrounded the boss

The third part fantasy game"Disciples 3: Renaissance" is very reminiscent of Heroes of Might and magic. At the beginning of the game, you will be asked to make a choice and decide which race you want to play. It depends on this choice which troops will treat you better, and accordingly they will be ready to die for you. You can choose humans, elves or demons. An important difference between Disciples and heroes of might and magic is that what you put on yourself will immediately appear on your character, so you can dress him up as a grim assassin or make a monk out of him. Since these games are similar, you will have to upgrade your character and learn new abilities, which are not so few. If you get tired of going through the company with one hero, you can start playing with another at any time and enjoy a completely different storyline.

2. "King's Bounty"

Fight with a simple mob

The similarity of this game with Heroes of Might and Magic is that you will also travel on a horse. In this game, you will not need to capture cities, develop them, wait until the end of the week to hire another batch of troops. In "King's Bounty" you will travel through huge map, which will change each time you move to another location. Since any path will be open to you, you can get anywhere, only the enemies will be incredibly strong. To gradually progress through the game plot, you will have to download your hero and, of course, dress him up. In order to hire troops, you will need authority, which increases with each level. Unlike heroes of might and magic, you will have to run around the map and look for the strongest troops when you run out of them. If in heroes of might and magic you could simply return to the city and replenish supplies, in King’s Bounty you first need to think about what strategy you plan to fight with, and only then go in search of the army you need. At the beginning of the game it will be easy to find enemies that suit your level, but then you have to work hard to kill simple monsters blocking the passage.

3. " "

This is not even the limit of development

In this online game, the main goal is to develop your city. You start almost as a native, but as the city develops and learns new technologies, you develop and gradually turn into modern people. Depending on how developed your city is, you will be able to hire an army to attack your neighbors or perform story missions. Battles in " " are similar to battles in heroes of might and magic, since you will also see a grid of moves where a particular army can reach in one turn. Since this is an online game, you can face off against your neighbors or friends, but be prepared that if you lose troops, it may take you all day to rebuild them. If you get tired of completing quests or attacking your neighbors, you can always join a guild and help your comrades develop their city or participate in guild wars. If you show yourself well, you can boast of your place in the online table, if, of course, you will occupy a leading position.

four. " "

One of Greece's options

In Grepolis Online, just like in Heroes of Might and Magic, you will hire mythical creatures to fight for your honor. You will also have to build a city, but not many, and focus your attention on only one. You will need to extract resources so that the construction does not stop. Naturally, resources will not be enough, so you can hire strong fighters, try to earn some resources by robbing your neighbors. Be careful, because if you accidentally attack the wrong guild, you will be revenged for a long time and will not be allowed to collect resources, constantly robbing you. Of course, you can also join a strong guild, but then you will be attacked by hostile guilds. In any case, before the start of hostilities, you need to properly protect your city and hire strong fighters who can defend the siege, and also serve you faithfully in battle. The essence of this Online Games() is to get to the top and enter into best guild or lead your own.

five. " "

Everyone you can hire if you upgrade your city

Like in Heroes of Might and Magic in Rise of Heroes you will need to develop your city if you want your opponents to fear you and not attack you. Since this is an online game (), you will have to complete simple tasks for which you can get a rare reward, rather than delve into the plot. In addition to the usual quests, it will be possible to engage in robbery or, on the contrary, make friends and create a guild. To diversify the gameplay, you can capture small villages so that they bring you resources for building and hiring new recruits. Just like in Heroes of Might and Magic, you will have to upgrade your character, earn achievements, equip him, learn new abilities, as a firm hand or a powerful spell can change the course of events and tip the scales in your favor during a difficult battle.

6. " "

pumped town

At the beginning of the game, you will be given a small piece of land, which in skillful hands can turn into a whole kingdom. (). As in Heroes of Might and Magic, you will need to first upset the city so that you can defend yourself and recruit troops. At first, you will have to build mining facilities that will consistently bring resources for construction. After you understand the basics, you can try to attack someone and show your ingenuity by surprising everyone with an unusual strategy. If in Heroes of Might and Magic you hired fighters for gold, and sometimes resources were required, in " The Settlers Online" you will need to stock up on beer, as it is a kind of currency. Well, after hiring warriors, you can join a guild or remain a lone warrior who raids and is content with little.

In this collection we collect games similar to Heroes of Might and Magic. the series already has 7 full-fledged parts and a myriad of add-ons, but for some this is not enough. Key Features cycle - turn-based battles of the armies of fabulous creatures on the fields "in a box", was copied by the developers long before the release of the epochal Heroes 3, so it's not at all difficult to find similar projects.


Single heavyweights

King`s Bounty: The Dark Side

The King`s Bounty series appeared even before the Heroes, but for many reasons it could not get out of the shadow of the "little brother". The Dark Side is the last part of the cycle in which all the main characters are villains. The game uses classical scheme turn-based battles (there can be 5 types of creatures in an army), and pleases with an abundance of non-linear quests and nice graphics.

Age of Wonders 3

This strategy is mandatory for anyone who wants to download games like Heroes of Might and Magic. Created at the intersection of two genres (turn-based and 4X-strategy), this game offers a rich strategy mode in the spirit of Civilization and no less intense battles on a tactical map. Capture cities, upgrade commanders and be especially careful during sieges - the mechanics of the game is such that armies of neighboring hexes can participate in one battle, which results in real battles.

Disciples: Rebirth

After a frankly unsuccessful, many fans buried the famous series, but Studio did a miracle and showed the world a seriously redesigned version with great design. Yes, many will not like the truncated strategic mode and frankly weak sound, but the authors have proposed a good replacement: solid tactical battles with an interception system, an interesting story campaign and a well-knit multiplayer with the ability to control neutral troops. If you like Heroes and gothic environments, then this game is for you.

Browser experiments

Might & Magic Heroes Online

Compared to single projects, online games in the spirit of Heroes are not so rare. Heroes Online is a product of the German branch, that is, the game is made soundly and in style is very close to the classic series. The same turn-based battles, the same squad collecting, the same leveling of heroes, but now with the ability to joint passage quests and .

Heroes of War and Money

Judging by the mechanics of battles, this project is the same Heroes 5. The graphics in the game are made in Flash, so don't expect any special beauty from it. But there are 2v2 and even 3v3 fights, a system for repairing and improving artifacts, a built-in Arcomage mini-game and the ability to reset skill points. And here you can rob caravans, hunt, fish and work.

different world

If you are looking for games similar to Heroes and at the same time, then this project is for you. The simple graphics here hide the complex mechanics of turn-based battles, a deep leveling system, light and dark clans, and most importantly, the ability to fight other players without leaving the box office. A great project for fans of thoughtful gameplay.

Other games:

  • Disciples
  • King's Bounty
  • Age of Wonders
  • Dominions
  • Greed Corp
  • Eador. Creation
  • Demiurges

Hero games continue to come out, but the best, according to generally accepted opinion, are the very third ones, recognized as classics of turn-based strategies.

This collection contains MMO games similar to Heroes of Might and Magic in style, idea and gameplay.

1. My Lands is one of the first browsers with money withdrawal

According to the developers, over 6 years after the launch, the players of "" earned more than $ 2.7 million. For this fact alone, the game is forgiven for minor shortcomings like ancient graphics and automatic fights.

Send a caravan to explore, invest all the money in an unsuccessful trade mission, spend a week of time searching for black gold deposits - yes, the game still looks original, and, surprisingly, continues to fully function.

2. Forge of Empires - from the Stone Age to the present day

The main feature of "" is a smooth transition from era to era with a change in the uniforms of units and the style of buildings, new daily and story quests and long production chains.

An absolute classic without deviations from style and innovations with a picture that was pleasant for its time, interesting tasks and simple unpretentious fights.

3. Heroes of War and Money - cheap, cheerful and very familiar

Of course, the project of Russian developers is far behind its competitors in terms of picture quality, but give credit to "" - they have been afloat for almost 10 years, continuing to update and somehow keep a stable online.

The game is aimed at owners of weak office computers and slow modem Internet, but the rest can still be interesting thanks to unusual massive turn-based battles.

4. Heroes of Magic - stylish cartoon graphics and anime characters

The beautiful oriental toy "" was localized by the famous publisher Esprit Games. The game attracts with a nice picture, simple gameplay and a successful mixture of tactics, strategy and RPG.

Nothing unusual, just a high-quality oriental timekiller with a well-known gameplay and memorable cute characters.

5. Nords: Heroes of the North - Vikings vs. the Snow Queen

The battles in the browser "" are under the complete control of the computer, but, thanks to the stylish graphics, it is a pleasure to watch them, and the unhurried development of the city and excellent humor at every step fully explain the popularity of the project.

The game is similar to the "Heroes" only in the development of the village and the general conscientious approach, but it's still worth a look. Fights of brave kings for mushroom farms and advice from the brave sang along - that's another sight.

6. Elvenar - fantasy world from InnoGames

The fantasy browser "" captivates with a beautiful interactive picture and an irreconcilable war of two factions. Humans develop weapons and technology, elves emphasize magic and nature, and the play style for each of them varies significantly.

Quick entry, user-friendly interface, unpretentious gameplay and a great picture - all the signs of a modern browser are on the face, albeit very beautiful, but not particularly prominent next to similar projects.

7. Wars of thrones - a new life of the famous strategy

The game "" is reborn for the third time, changing the graphics and engine, but remaining unchanged in the gameplay. And really, why make changes to something that works so well?

The game is very interesting in terms of a variety of development paths, a well-thought-out economy and social interactions, but it is demanding in terms of online time and investments.

8. Heroes at War - an interesting strategy from the creators of "Feudal"

In the browser "" the player develops not one castle, but as many as 9 settlements with the capital at the head. And this is 9 times more worries, armies and conflicts with unfriendly neighbors!

Features of Heroes at War

1 The development of the settlement, the accumulation of resources and the placement of farms with barracks.
2 Four types of units, siege engines and scouts that get information about the enemy.
3 Semi-automatic battles with the use of siege weapons, demolition of walls and robbery.
4 Development of the hero, giving him weapons and armor, killing and capturing an enemy character.
5 The clan leader gets the right to impose taxes on the rest, own lands, titles and laws.

Plus a high-quality picture and a version for mobile devices, which is noteworthy, released much earlier than the computer one.

The games in this collection are very different from each other, but are united by a strong strategic component, interesting gameplay and general similarity with the cult series "Heroes of Might and Magic".

Our latest selection includes games similar to Heroes of Might and Magic. This fantasy turn-based strategy series with RPG elements conquered millions of gamers around the world. It includes seven projects, but for fans of "Heroes" it does not end there. Game studios have been inspired by Heroes of Might and Magic III and other games in the series, and then created their own similar projects. This top is made up of them.

4. King's Bounty Series

Back in 1990, New World Computing released the direct predecessor of their popular Heroes of Might and Magic series of games called King's Bounty. The main game designer of the project was John Van Canegem. He also created the world of Heroes of Might and Magic. It was turn based game in a fantasy universe with role-playing elements.

Here, as in "Heroes", gamers need to create a hero, recruit an army, develop cities, move around the map and go through numerous dungeons, as well as defeat enemies, collect resources and find treasures. In the presence of a huge book of spells, pumping the hero and taking care of his equipment.

But there are differences between the series of games. For example, King's Bounty is more focused on military tactics, and not the development of the kingdom and cities, because here it is impossible to improve the captured settlements. In King's Bounty, the player only has one hero, while in Heroes of Might and Magic there can be up to eight.

In 2007, the Russian company "1C" bought the rights to the King's Bounty trademark. In the same year, Katauri Interactive began developing King's Bounty. The Legend of the Knight. The project was released in 2008, received good feedback players and critics, and also changed the picture of the world - the King's Bounty universe has become more juicy, bright and saturated. Subsequent additions to The Legend of the Knight and other games in the series were also released by various Russian studios.

3. Series Disciples

The first game in the famous turn-based strategy series with RPG elements, Disciples: Sacred Lands, was released in 1999. The series includes 9 games and add-ons to them, and the latest Disciples III: Reincarnation (an improved DLC for the third part with extended campaigns) was released back in 2012.

The events of all games take place in the atmospheric, magical and sinister world of Nevendaar (aka the Sacred Lands). First, the player chooses the class of the main character, and only then develops the capital, acquires an army and auxiliary heroes, captures new lands and resources, and, when necessary, fights in the classic turn-based mode, like in Heroes.

2. Age of Wonders series

Triumph Studios has released a series of turn-based strategy and Heroes-like games called Age of Wonders. These include Age of Wonders (1999), Age of Wonders 2: The Wizard's Throne (2002), Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic (2003), and Age of Wonders 3 (2014). The latter also absorbed the achievements of the Civilization series of games, and we talked about it in another collection.

The main and similar to the "Heroes of Might and Magic" game chips are global spells, pumping troops, large armies with different types of warriors, a wide range of skills, as well as controlling several heroes at the same time.

1. Eador Series

The turn-based fantasy strategy series Eador is run by Snowbird Games. This includes Eador projects. Genesis (2009), Eador: Masters of the Broken World (2013) and Eador. Empire (2017). These projects are based on a series Civilization games and Heroes of Might and Magic.

In the world of Eador, the player assumes the role of Lord of one of the many fragments into which the earth was divided after the catastrophe. Over time, each such site turns into a separate world. The task of the gamer is to fight the creatures inhabiting the fragments, gods and other rulers in order to become the sole ruler of Eador. The games focus on the role-playing component, so in addition to expanding territories and developing troops, a lot of attention needs to be paid to the hero.

Heroes of war and money

In 2007, a group of Heroes of Might and Magic 5 fans decided to create their own browser version of the game. The project was called "Heroes of War and Money" and released online in the same 2007.

In Heroes of War and Money, the player is allowed to create 3 characters. Next, he needs to choose one of 10 guilds (a local variation of the character's professions), as well as one of three factions, which determines the hero's available skills. In the presence of quests, trade, city development, PVP battles, tournaments and global wars.

Star Warsman

Star Wars is a browser-based space strategy MMO developed by the Antarex group. The project is a classic economic strategy, where the player needs to manage the planet, provide it with resources, develop colonies, create armies, and also study six local technologies.

In Star Wars, gamers have access to PVE missions and global story missions. For fans of PVP, there are attacks on the planets of other players, as well as clan wars. From the "Heroes" there is a familiar turn-based combat system, with various spells and many types of units.

Forge of Empires

My Lands

The main features of the multiplayer browser-based military-economic strategy My Lands are the development of the kingdom, the training and pumping of the army, the economy and diplomatic relations, as well as the extraction of a local resource called the Black Pearl. Most of these characteristics apply to the Heroes of Might and Magic series of games as well.

Until the beginning of 2017, it was even possible to withdraw real money from the game, but then this possibility was covered. Still, My Lands will appeal to fans of Heroes for its fantasy style, deep economics, and emphasis on urban development.

One thousand