The use of information and communication technologies in teaching chess. Project “Chess for preschool children” Passport of the project “Chess for preschool children”

Infocommunication educational resources
for training social pedagogues-organizers chess work at RGSU

Mikhailova I. V. ( [email protected])

Russian State Social University, Moscow

The Moscow government, recognizing the principle of equal opportunities in education for children and youth with disabilities, declared 2009 the Year of Equal Opportunities and set teaching staff the task of developing a system of measures to implement this principle. We emphasize that the use of chess as a learning model can become one of the innovative approaches to solving the problem of social adaptation and rehabilitation of disabled children, since in chess the result is determined by the abstract-logical beating of an opponent, and not by the physical activity of the individual. This is why chess as a sport is so popular among disabled people.

However, the integration of people with disabilities into the educational chess environment is complicated by a number of obstacles of varying scale and nature. In particular, there is a big problem with the movement of such people to participate in chess events. Technical and hygienic requirements are sharply increasing. Specific modification of the workplace is required. Thus, when playing chess, it is often difficult for disabled people to physically make and record a move. There is also a personnel problem - in many regions of Russia there is an acute shortage of social chess teachers who understand the specifics of the mental states of such people and know how to individualize training.

In order to overcome these difficulties, employees of the Department of Pedagogy and Organization of Chess Work at the Russian State Social University designed and conducted an initial testing of distance learning chess for disabled people, based on the use of chess computer programs and chess resources on the Internet. Let's consider distance and traditional forms of teaching the basics of adaptive chess sports to people with disabilities.

The learning process can be carried out under the guidance of a teacher according to generally accepted methods, used, for example, on the basis of the Moscow special boarding school No. 31; or carried out remotely - using specially developed chess computer programs and telecommunications tools using an experimental methodology on the basis of the International Center for Chess Education (ICSE), created on the initiative of the rector of the RGSU, President of the Moscow Chess Federation V. I. Zhukov. The International Center for Children's Education has powerful material and technical equipment, personnel, information and software, and is ready to coordinate work on the integration of Russian children with disabilities into the world community through information and communication resources of chess. The center has 4 tournament halls for holding chess competitions, a computer class with 20 workstations connected to the Internet, a lecture hall with a demonstration screen and electronic chess boards, a specialized chess library, office space, and a power supply unit.

It can be assumed that every personal computer with installed chess programs, tools for working with Internet chess resources and electronic chess databases has the functions of an artificial teacher assistant. Let us note that the main principles of this form of training are the organization of independent cognitive activity of chess players in a developed learning environment based on computer and telecommunication technologies, and prompt communication between the coach-teacher and the student using telecommunications tools.

It is the combined action of infocommunication components that can be considered as the action of an “artificial” assistant (AI) of a social teacher-organizer of chess work. Didactic infocommunication teaching aids in chess can be classified according to their functional purpose (the nature of the educational tasks being solved). The main didactic information and communication tools for teaching chess are:

information retrieval system (IRS) – function of searching and providing information;

educational and methodological complexes (UMC) – a function of electronic teaching;

chess computer programs (CP) and electronic textbooks (TE) - a function of a chess game, a chess problem book and a textbook;

chess information, training and gaming Internet portals that perform the above functions in real time.

Let us consider the existing objects for the implementation of chess didactic infocommunication tools using specific examples. IPS Chess Assistant (IPS SA) is a multifunctional system for working and analyzing chess games, with game training. Therefore, in the process of performing at the World Chess Olympiads and other tournaments of adaptive chess sports of the highest achievements great importance has use in the preparation of an information retrieval function that forms an information retrieval system - IPS SA. Compared to debut reference books, the speed of information processing when used increases not even tens, but hundreds of times.

Let us note that the main information educational resources, regardless of the type of distance educational technology used, are educational and methodological complexes that provide effective training for chess players. The following principles of the conceptual framework of teaching materials have been identified. This is the principle of prompt feedback inherent in all computer programs and programming of individualized training. The most popular are the educational complex “Chess elective at school”, created by employees of the department of pedagogy and organization of chess work of the Russian State University of Social Sciences and the educational complex “Chess University”, which have a high level of methodological, information and educational materials. To train blind and visually impaired chess players, the educational educational complex “Chess elective” was voiced in MP3 format.

Training programs, consisting of game and educational CPs, involve the assimilation of new information. The main function of the CP is to develop chess skills and abilities in all aspects of chess improvement. A variety of chess educational material is well selected and systematized in such educational chess programs oh, like: “Encyclopedia of the Middlegame” (I, II, III); “Chess Strategy”, “Studies for Practitioners”, “Encyclopedia of Opening Errors”, CT-ART 3.0 (chess tactics training program). The main function of gaming computer programs is to act as a sparring partner. In addition, chess players successfully use game CPs during training to analyze critical positions at all stages of a chess game. Among the leading chess game programs, “Rybka”, “Deer Fritz”, “Junior”, “Chess Tiger” stand out.

Leading trainers and teachers use proprietary teaching materials in training their students. In our case, the ES “Thinking in Schemes” (3) was developed and tested. The need to create an electronic database on the “Thinking in Schemes” strategy was dictated by the fact that the strategic thinking of “artificial” intelligence, implemented through the work of educational and gaming computer chess programs, turned out to be ineffective for the development of strategic thinking of a young chess player. Therefore, more than 500 examples from the practice of “natural” intelligence were structured, when the strategic thinking of world chess champions is used as a reference model in the training of a chess player.

An important factor that optimizes the training of chess players and expands its capabilities is the use of Internet chess resources. They consist of gaming, information and training portals. Among the gaming portals, ICC [domain name –], Playchess and “Chess Planet” stand out. Powerful information resource The Internet that formed the virtual educational chess environment of RGSU was the website of our department, created last year by the teaching staff and students.

The formation of a theoretical concept and a practical model for the use of adaptive chess training and education allows for the targeted development of a complex of special knowledge, vitally and professionally necessary skills and abilities, and the formation of a conscious attitude towards one’s strengths and abilities. The study of the phenomenon of chess as a means and mechanism for the integration of children with disabilities, carried out at the Moscow Center for Educational Education of the Russian State University of Social Sciences, and the development on this basis of practical recommendations makes it possible not declaratively, but to actually solve many specific problems of the formation of activity competencies in this group of people.

The use of information and communication resources of chess in the process of updating the intellectual potential of children with disabilities creates more favorable integration opportunities for the practical implementation of the principle of equal opportunities in accordance with the World Program of Action for Persons with Disabilities. The use of global information, training and gaming chess portals makes it possible to attract highly qualified coaching staff and sparring partners to train disabled chess players in remote areas of Russia. We emphasize that software tools become valuable elements of the process of training chess players only when they are used in close connection with the methodological support of training - the use of information and communication technologies. The choice of specific didactic means used in the process of training and performance of athletes depends not so much on the material equipment of children's sports schools and other chess educational institutions with computers and software, but, first of all, on the use of carefully developed and precisely calibrated innovative teaching and educational methods.

Playing chess develops the skill of self-organization, the ability to navigate in a rapidly changing situation, a sense of responsibility for the decision made, and orients the student to work and his own efforts. Like no other game, chess uses modern information and communication technologies.



Teaching primary schoolchildren to play chess using computer technology (additional education).

In the conditions of our life, parents strive to give their child as much quality knowledge and skills as possible, to develop him comprehensively. There is no need to talk about the benefits of playing chess for the development of memory, logical thinking, and creative potential. Playing chess develops the skill of self-organization, the ability to navigate in a rapidly changing situation, a sense of responsibility for the decision made, and orients the student to work and his own efforts. Like no other game, chess uses modern information and communication technologies.

The principles underlying the additional education program - developmental education, individualization and differentiation of learning, clarity, accessibility of information, sequence - from simple to complex, introduction of a game element into the learning process - are mandatory attributes of each lesson. The independence and activity of each student is stimulated; they are offered tasks aimed at developing memory, attention and logical thinking. Using a computer is considered not as an end in itself, but as a way to enhance the creative development of the individual.

We believe that it is pedagogically appropriate to include teaching chess and computer technology in primary school. Since, the inclusion of computer training programs in the learning process of primary schoolchildren allows increasing the effectiveness of learning. Computer programs for young children are, first of all, educational games in which visual images are actively used (to form abstract concepts and skills), as well as active forms of work of the child himself, as in primary school game uniform activity is leading and is of great importance for children. Computer educational programs, providing management of educational activities, serve as a tool for the cognitive development of children.

We should not forget about the importance of chess in development creativity students. The game of chess in general and playing chess with a PC in particular, as well as numerous exercises in solving chess problems, develop students' logical thinking. The ability to set a goal, solve a given problem, isolating the main thing and abstracting from the secondary, making decisions both on the basis of accurate calculations and on the basis of intuitive heuristic decisions - qualities that are most successfully developed through serious chess training.

The study of methods and techniques of chess fighting essentially represents one of the sides of the multifaceted process of comprehending the truth. Enriched with new acquired knowledge, children set higher personal goals, improving the results of their performances in competitions, increasing their chess qualifications (ranks).

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes


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I have always had pessimistic views about the use of sports gaming skills in life situations. What can they give us for life, besides gambling? Let's take chess, for example. A very complex game consisting of manipulating wooden conventional figures depending on their functional features. For what?

Having been preoccupied with this question for quite some time, I found the answer to my question. It was enough to immerse yourself in the historical chess information space and everything became extremely clear.

The history of chess begins more than one and a half thousand years ago. The name symbolically consists of two roots: checkmate and checkmate, which means: the ruler has died. Speaking about chess, we do not find anything mysterious and surprising in this, except for the famous chess grandmasters Kasparov and Karpov. The chess field itself and the pieces standing on it can tell extraordinary stories that remain somewhere in the shadows of the players. But, nevertheless, chess is considered a mystery of humanity, since in ancient times it was used as diagnostics and predictions. The secret of the mysterious system of this game, with a rather intriguing name, belonged only to ancient emperors, sages and magicians. With the help of chess, these sages close to the emperor predicted the outcome of battles and negotiations. It was they who diagnosed the tactics in conducting court events. The chessboard was large, reminiscent of a battlefield. The emperor spent hours at the chessboard, even alone, playing in turns with white and black pieces. Now all this is available to every person. The main condition is to learn the rules of the game and master the features of each of the six pieces.

If you look at a person’s life as a whole, you will notice that it resembles a chessboard on which subjects - the main and not so important ones - perform actions in order to ensure for themselves and their country, as they say now, a place in the sun.

On the chessboard, as on a field of action, a complete picture is visible: who is who, the clear structured handwriting of the strategist who controls all the pieces is visible. As a teacher, I was very interested in this, dare I say it, masterpiece game, completely reminiscent of life. I never knew how to play chess. But, having become interested, she presented the teacher’s work system through the prism of a chess game.

What did this give me? Firstly, I was clearly able to associate chess pieces with the forms of my own activity regarding the formation of functional literacy in students through critical thinking strategies. It determined the hierarchy of the system of chess pieces: the viability of which leading figures directly depends on the functionality of others, whose status is an order of magnitude lower. Secondly, by associating the educational system with the chess game, I found that the rules of the chess game helped me assess the influence of the teacher’s work system on the solution of the final result as a whole. Thirdly, a representative sample of figures showed how justified tactical actions are in relation to effectiveness. Fourthly, both chess and pedagogy are sciences that study the patterns of transmission social experience, aimed at the development and formation of an intellectual, harmonious human personality.

One can endlessly list the points of contact between the chess game and the teacher’s work system. But, you should always remember that every science has a strict concept, and transferring one to another is strictly prohibited. You can only look at one subject through the prism of another and, noting the winning positions, apply it without violating scientific concepts. Thus, this once again proves the positivity of the integration of education and science, as a necessary condition for lifelong learning, contributing not only to raising the prestige of the teacher, but also to the formation of a functionally literate personality of the student.

In my system of working to develop functional literacy through critical thinking strategies, I imagine my own activities through the prism of a chess game.

Chess science presents six unique types of pieces. Each figure has its own unique name. Each of them is endowed with certain functionality. They differ in power impact force and are tied to a specific situation on the chess field. There are pieces that the strategist sacrifices to obtain a positive result. When forces clash, the strategist is given the opportunity to exchange pieces to achieve victory.

The teacher himself acts as a strategist:

Deeply proficient in pedagogical science, with the skill of process management (in this case, learning),

Moral and ethical principles,

Able to establish partnerships with all participants in the educational process,

Possessing an arsenal of modern pedagogical tools in the context of TRKM,

Able to evaluate the rationality of certain tactical steps in relation to the result.

If we interpret the roles of chess pieces and introduce positive aspects into teaching practice, it may look something like this. We will present the functional capabilities of chess pieces in a hierarchical order: from the highest rank to the lowest.

The chess piece - the King - is the most important figure. According to the rules, you can’t play without him, you can’t beat him. The king can move to any adjacent square next to him in any direction (horizontally, diagonally or vertically), but only if this field is not attacked by enemy pieces or occupied by his own. The king hits in the same way as he moves, that is, he can eat any enemy piece standing nearby (if it is not protected). If we transfer functional advantages to the pedagogical paradigm, then innovation and the implementation of engineering in any educational process can play the role of king. In practice, it looks like this: the ongoing injection of innovations when faced with another technology, previously tested, either eliminates it due to loss of relevance, or integrates it with innovations, using it as a “scaffolding” (according to Mercer) for adapting the introduced innovations.

Another chess piece is the strongest - the Queen - is a commander, a general of the chess army. Therefore, he must be protected so that he is not simply beaten. The queen moves both like a bishop and a rook, and can move along diagonals, verticals and horizontals on any number of squares. Carry out a strike in the same way. The functional role of the Queen on the pedagogical field is played by resource provision pedagogical process in general, including technical resources. It is the resource provision vertically and diagonally (the system of educational, educational and additional education) that can ensure the high-quality implementation of innovations to improve the quality of school educational services. Like the Queen, resource provision must be protected and not wasted on trifles so that it does not lose its capabilities. In other words, it is necessary to teach participants in the educational process to use resources in such a way as to achieve maximum effect with a minimum of costs.

And now the next chess piece enters the chess field - the rook - the second most powerful piece from the queen, moves vertically and horizontally on which it is located, and the integration of educational subjects appears on the pedagogical field in the functional capabilities of the rook (intra-subject - integration of the thematic range within one educational areas, interdisciplinary – integration of the thematic range of several educational areas, transdisciplinary – integration of educational and educational + additional education integration) through the implementation of projects. The projects are distinguished by their diversity: a lesson-case, a country of author's fairy tales, pedagogical workshops, a search for truth, business games, case betting, open space technologies and more. The teacher can create his own projects and involve students in them based on their individual and age characteristics. Thus, participants in the educational process will travel on a boat, developing personal potential in relation to various educational trajectories, integrating common themes of various subject areas.

The bishop is a long-range piece, like the rook and queen. The obvious disadvantage of the elephant is that it can only move on squares of one color. On the pedagogical field, these functions will be valuable in distributing the potential of students, that is, forming groups of students to work in the classroom, taking into account their motivational needs, interested in independently searching and displaying knowledge. Group rotation may look like this: pairs /leader + 1/, small groups /leader + 2/, large groups /moderator + leader + time manager + 3/. With proper distribution, the result will exceed your expectations.

The most unusual figure is the Horse. He moves in the letter "G": two fields vertically and one horizontally, or vice versa - two fields horizontally and one vertically. He is very strong in closed positions (when the pawns of both sides are against each other), since he is the only piece that can jump over obstacles in its path. It is this function that a teaching and learning assessment system can play in the educational process. Assessment of achievements can be direct (horizontal) - summative (expressed as a specific point on a five-point system), or vertical - formative (not expressed as a specific point). Here for the teacher there is a wide range of assessment, the value of which is an “outside” view - an independent assessment: mutual assessment of classmates, self-assessment, teacher assessment. In order for the assessment to be objective, the teacher prepares assessment sheets indicating descriptors, according to which the assessment itself and mutual assessment will be objective and reasoned. Thus, the horse’s function of “jumping” will be justified for the teacher in assessment taking into account the “look from the outside.”

Well, the lowest rank in chess is the Pawn. In chess it is not customary to call it a piece, but masters call the pawn “the soul of the chess game” because of its importance on the playing field. It protects and supports the main figures. In the future, if successful, it turns into any strong figure. Here the words of Suvorov come to mind: “The bad soldier is the one who does not dream of becoming a general.” Healthy ambitions have always ensured a breakthrough in any area of ​​human development. Therefore, on the pedagogical field, the functional affiliation of Pawn refers to a teacher of a new formation, who has experienced reframing, who understands that the new world, the new school needs a new teacher who is capable of creating a comfortable atmosphere of innovative education. Support and development of innovative practices in educational organizations is a necessary postulate of a modern school. The implementers of engineering are teachers of a new formation, whose activities take place in a strictly measured system: in the classroom, within the school, in the development of professional network communities. This is the only way to take education to a new level.

There are only six pieces on the chess field - king, queen, rook, knight, bishop, pawn. And what complex problems they are able to solve on the chess field! We have a lot to learn from them. By adopting the system of interaction of pieces on a chessboard and transferring their conceptual foundations to the field of pedagogical practice, one can come to the creation of a new education system. It is enough just to constructively set priorities and distribute functional responsibilities.

Returning to the mode of the education system, moving away from interpreted associations chess world, it should be concluded that the driving forces of the pedagogical process have always been contradictions that have had a beneficial effect on the development of any educational direction.

We, local teachers, are creating new systems for introducing State educational standards into the practice of teaching and learning. All this is so that our graduates will not only be in demand specialists in the labor market in the future, be able to extract the necessary information on their own and use it in life situations, but also be mobile in matters of re-profiling their profession. After all, the world does not stand still. Today, teachers, doctors, builders, engineers, designers, etc. are in demand. Who will be in demand tomorrow?! Nobody knows this... But we are sure that our children will be ready for this! Because we use a non-standard approach to solving the problems of modern education.

By creating our own system, we are not trying, as they say now, to “reinvent the wheel” a second time. We use the baggage of ideas that is the global heritage of humanity. Only we apply these ideas not in their pure form, but through a certain prism, interpreting, conventionally designating aspects of the system itself, finding common points of contact. And to use the unique invention of human thought - chess - in solving pedagogical problems is another invention of human thought for the benefit of humanity.

Creative aspects of SHIP and GSP. Combinations, combinational thinking

and combination vision

(The text was originally intended for teachers)

The definition of a mating combination in terms of arrow theory was given above.Combination- is the fruit of pure creativity, intuitive insight,supported by logical calculation. In the broad sense of the word, a chess combination is a kind of burst or geyser of information that dramatically changes the flow of the game, the direction and speed of information flows. At the moment of combination, the system abruptly goes out of balance.

By definition, a SHIP is an essentially nonequilibrium system. Apart from draws, all other games are nonequilibrium information process, the result of which is determined by stronger logic and a sports component: who is faster, tougher, braver or more careful, etc.

Creativity in SHIP is directly related to combinational thinking, combinational vision.

Chess combination and position variability are inversely proportional.

Conclusion 43. If before the start of the combination the variability of the partners’ positions was significantly greater than one, then from the moment the combination begins the variability drops sharply. The variability of the passive side, the partner on whom the experiment is being conducted, decreases especially sharply. He has little choice: to go in a given direction or in one of two or three directions (options). But the result, no matter what direction he moves, is a foregone conclusion: the situation will deteriorate to the point of checkmate.

That is, due to the certainty of the result of the combination, the variability in the choice of options for the victim of the combination is practically no more than one.

Just as Rodin extracted “The Thinker” from a block of stone, so a chess player creates a combination from many options: a piece product of creative thinking!

The combination is always accompanied by an unexpected change in the logical algorithm. Combination logic is paradoxical logic: ALPAR or ALCOMB. As noted above, ALPAR cancels all other algorithms, since this level of logic is the highest in the field of human thinking.

At its core, combinational logic is logic of creativity, logic of intuition. It does not rely on a count of options, but looks for a central paradoxical idea. Only after the idea is found does the counting algorithm or ALGARM come into force.

Definition 42. Figuratively speaking, we can call combinational logic a kind of human combination vision. The ability to think combinationally, to build paradoxical options, relying on intuition and instincts, is given to man by nature.

Children mainly use this type of thinking. Analytical thinking develops gradually, following the development of logical thinking. That is why a child from 6 to 10 years old (the age limits are indicated conventionally) easily adapts to SHIP and is able to defeat adults without any age allowances.The development of combinational vision means the development of intuition, her highestlevel, that is, the spiritual mind.

It was proven above that chess is a figurative game. Visual images formed using the theory of arrows and signs of combination facilitate the work of combinational thinking.The variability of SHIP is almost endless, so repeating ourselves, we can say: “ “Chess is like a sea: from which a mosquito can drink and an elephant can swim.”. The truth of this statement has been proven above, and life again and again confirms the wisdom of the Hindus. And this will be so for many billions of years, at least 100000000000000000000 years.

Chess develops willpower and shapesstrong character, subject to systematic training.

Chess - as an intellectual sport

The need for the existence of sports naturally follows from the nature of man himself and society, outside of which a person cannot exist by definition. The progress of mankind at all times is due to the basic creative ability of man: the ability to understand the world around us and to self-knowledge. Theoretically, absolute truth is not achievable; it can be approached to one degree or another. The sporting principle is inherent in nature itself and in each individual as a part of nature - there is no limit, but everyone can be the first to reach one or another level in the countless number of processes of interaction between the human psyche and his body with the outside world.

Definition 43. Sport is a human gaming activity with the goal of achieving the highest possible result. The natural need of a person to know the limits of his body and spirit in the processes of interaction with nature and his own kind gives rise to all existing varieties of sports and will create many more. Ultimately, the main conductor in all sports is human psyche, since not a single muscle will flinch unless there is a corresponding nerve signal.

Conclusion 44. Consequently, this or that sport develops a set of certain personality qualities , developing the human psyche. Therefore, it is quite natural to classify everything sport games according to the degree of workload of a person’s psyche. The more loaded a person’s psyche is - all its levels in a particular sport, the greater the range of abilities required from a person, the higher the class of the sport.

According to my classification /1,2/, all sports, taking into account the three-level structure of the human psyche, are divided into six classes. Sixth grade, for example, involves the use of all three levels of the psyche - instincts, intellect, intuition. I include volleyball, hockey, tennis, chess, etc. in this class.

True, chess, in addition to everyday intuition, requires the use of its highest level - the intuition of the unknown. A successful society is developed by the activities of healthy, active individuals leading a healthy lifestyle. The importance of sports in creating a healthy lifestyle cannot be overestimated. Each sport develops certain qualities of the human personality and body, creates the need for self-development and a healthy lifestyle. Sports play a particularly huge role in the lives of the younger generation during school. Physical sports purposefully develop functionality body and those psychological personality traits (character) that allow you to more effectively achieve physical results. For example, swimming primarily develops those muscle groups in the body that allow you to swim faster. Endurance, not brute physical strength, strong character and leadership qualities are the main psychological qualities of a swimmer. A weightlifter, in addition to a strong character and endurance, must have highly developed muscles of the legs, arms, torso, a healthy heart and lungs. Each physical sport has its own set of demands on the physical capabilities of the body and spirit.

Conclusion 45. Naturally, objective criteria for assessing an athlete’s condition are directly related to the characteristic physiological and psychological qualities that a given sport requires of the athlete’s personality.

Naturally, the ratio of the degree of development of personality components: body and spirit in various sports does not coincide. A weightlifter will not swim faster than a swimmer, or will not be able to play football professionally, a chess master will not compete in speed with a cyclist, and a cyclist will not even think of competing with a weightlifter, etc. and so on.

Conclusion 46. Co Actually, chess is an intellectual sport. What they have in common with sports is enormous willpower, mental performance, athletic stubbornness in achieving a goal, that is, a sports character. The second common sports component is the limited time of the competitive process, especially in active chess. The role of the body in chess is very limited and does not play a special role in the competitive process. It is not the muscles that compete, but the psyche that lives in the body.

Indeed, the rules of FIDE (the international chess organization) do not impose any physiological restrictions on the state of a chess player’s body. That is, both a physically healthy person and any person with disabilities are allowed to participate in the competitive process. The only and natural limitation is mental capacity, the ability for highly intellectual activity. True, this unspoken restriction is not at all necessary, since such a person will not get far in the competitive process.

For example, Dmitry Usoltsev, a graduate of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of TSU, candidate master of sports in chess. It never occurred to anyone to force him to do push-ups, jump, pull-ups, etc., in order to determine his intellectual abilities in such a strange way. Because he has suffered from severe coordination and speech impairment since childhood. Despite these physical limitations, he is an athlete of great caliber: not every healthy chess player is able to compete on an equal basis with him in intellectual - intuitive activity - the game of chess!

According to the same international FIDE rules, the only objective criterion for the progress of any chess player, regardless of country of residence, is the sports rank. The rank (4, 3, 2, 1, kms, FIDE master, international master, grandmaster) is assigned based on the results of the competition. As far as I know, physical condition is assessed in the same way in other sports.

Apparently, there is a need to revise the criteria for assessing the intellectual state of a chess player through squats, jumps and pull-ups. Why duplicate the physical education teacher and do not your job.

I propose to measure the initial and final state of students by intellectual parameters, and not by parameters of the state of the body. This is the specificity of chess as a sport!

Psychological characteristics of the thinking of children before adolescence.

Game moment of chess and chess lesson techniques

Play activity - natural environmenthuman habitat.

Due to the infinity of manifestations of the surrounding world, includingthe person himself, the psyche and its instrument - the brain, initiallyfocused on interaction with practically infinite and simply infinite systems. Both real and ideal nature and their combinations.

The human psyche, normally, always strives and is ready to interact with infinite systems.As noted above, a person frombirth is adapted to interact with infinite systems. And inconditions of excess or lack of information, make the right decisions.

Consequence. Thus, a person, due to the structure of his brain and structurepsyche of the ki using it is initially adapted and ready for play andplay activity, because:

Definition 45. Game, play activityperson - this is the interaction of the psyche with someor an infinite or practically infinite system (systems) -material or ideal character - within the limits (rules), withthe goal of achieving a certain result (intermediate orfinite) in a limited time.

The entire set of games that fall under this definition formspeculiar game space. The classification of games and gaming activities was made in /1/.Since the world around us and man himself represent endlessand practically infinite systems, then almost any activityhuman beings, including professional ones, are to one degree or another “doomed” to bear a playful connotation: the vector-variational nature of information processing . That is, during the game, gaming activity, a person mustindependently obtain the necessary information and use it toachieving the final goal.

In essence, a game is a model of a life situation : achieving a goal based on one’s abilities and capabilities within the framework of rules, morality and law.And, on the contrary - “ is a game, and people in it- actors! That is,the pattern is confirmed diffuseness human boundaries activities.

Conclusion 47. IN In the context of this concept, the desire of the child (student) and the teacher himself for gaming activities and games is easily understandable. This is normal, naturalhuman condition. The opposite is more likely a pathology.It is well known that the learning process occurs most effectively inform of play, play activity, since it activates the entire volumethe human psyche, all its spheres. Obtained independently during the gameinformation (not chewed and ready for use) passes through allthree levels of the psyche and is forever fixed in it.

How consequence from the above: GAME ACTIVITY, GAME- this is the most natural(close to human nature) way of existence and development PSYCHES (soul), its components:INSTINCTIVE MIND,INTELLECTUAL MIND, INTUITION(spiritualmind).

In conclusion, it should be noted that the well-known truth is thatmental activity of the childfrom birth to 10-12 years, figurative, sensory thinking dominates (the right hemisphere of the brain).

Conclusion 48. Therefore, chess teaching methods and lesson methods should reflect game moment chess Teaching chess should not be reduced to the usual, traditional study of the material, like lessons in mathematics, history, etc. Game methods for conducting a chess lesson are definitely needed. New information must be generated during the game, in the thinking field of the chess space. Information processed by Gorynych’s logical algorithm will naturally turn into knowledge. Excessive information will simply be eliminated and will not burden the student’s psyche.

That is, if the information being studied is understood, then it is immediately applied in practice and, thereby, is consolidated and transformed into active knowledge. This property of self-consistency of studied information and practice is the highlight that distinguishes a chess lesson from a regular school lesson.

Under the influence of modern school programs, by the end of adolescenceperiod, an asymmetry of mental activity (soul) is formed in favor ofleft hemisphere of the brain, abstract and logical thinking. That iscreativity is infringed, the principle of harmonious development is violated personality.

Natural method of teaching chess. The two captains method.

Objective recording and control of student activity

The lesson is conducted using a demonstration board. The technique is based on a well-known feature of the child’s psyche: the process of perception, information processing and decision-making in children under the age of 12 mainly occurs when the right hemisphere of the brain is more active than the left, which is responsible for a person’s analytical abilities. This means that the learning process must be organized in the form of a game using supporting images: visual, sound, emotional and any other containing meaningful, logical filling. The second component of the methodology must take into account the internal nature of the chess game. At its core, a chess game is a struggle, a competition between two individuals in order to achieve a better result. (Result - intellectual victory or draw)

The rivalry between two personalities manifests itself on different levels. In the sports plane, and this is character, strong-willed qualities. In the intellectual component of the psyche - the accuracy and depth of calculation of options, analysis of the priority of immediate and distant tasks and, in fact, making the final decision - chess move. In the creative sphere - non-standardism, flight of fancy, depth of foresight (intuition). That is, chess will require all three levels of the human psyche, and therefore develop all abilities associated with healthy instincts, intelligence and intuition!

A school lesson, in its structure and method of presenting information, is a more collective process than an individual one. Usually the whole class studies one single fragment, for example, the rule for adding integers, or the rule for writing feminine nouns in the third person. The variability of information is almost always equal to one, creativity is reduced to a comparative function: does the rule apply or not? The game of chess, by its nature, is an individual activity, with variability.obviously greater than one.

According to chess rules, only the player makes decisions and moves. Hints excluded. There is a contradiction: a chess lesson should cover all students at the same time and at the same time be individual in nature. Let's call this contradiction, by analogy with philosophy, the main one and try to solve it. Below we propose a methodology for conducting a chess lesson, which largely removes the main contradiction.

Objective control and recording of activity and discipline.

To effectively monitor the activity and discipline of students, a table for recording answers and discipline is offered that is open to public viewing. Each student, by analogy with chess coordinates, is assigned his own coordinate. Verticals are drawn on the board with chalk: A, B, C, D, E, F . And the rows are horizontal 1,2,3,4,5. The intersection of verticals and horizontals forms cells, for example, Vitya Karpov sitting on vertical C in the 3rd row corresponds to cell C3. + and - are entered in these cells for each student answer. Pluses can be fat and thick or small and skinny. The same applies to the cons. All student activities during the lesson are recorded in the accounting table. For a move that is correct in form but stupid in content, the student receives both + and -. For a strong and logical move, a two or three + is given. Typically, three pluses equals a five, and two equals a four. At the discretion of the teacher, it is allowed to accumulate + during two lessons. For violation of discipline, X marks are given. Two x means one task in one turn, at the expense of the student’s personal time. Three x - two tasks. Five x - a diary entry and three tasks. Problems are solved during recess. The democratic and open nature of the procedure for recording answers increases the interest and activity of students.

The two captains method or the natural method of a chess lesson (1)

The class is divided into two teams: the white king's team ( row A, B, C) and the black king's team (row D, E, F ). Team captains are selected from among those who know how to play. Responsibilities of team captains: captains do 1,5,10, etc. moves. The captains lead their “chess ships”, i.e. they plot the course and give general commands to their subordinates. For example, a move with a pawn, rook, knight, bishop, queen, king. Where exactly and which of the named pieces to make a move, if there are more than one, is determined by the student called by the captain himself. The captain gives an assessment of the move, the teacher approves the assessment and enters it in the student’s cell in the form of + or -. For violation of discipline, captains give x to their (sailors). The results are calculated five minutes before the end of the lesson in the form of the sum of points for captured pieces or checkmate to the king if they managed to checkmate. In individual cells, either a score or the resulting + or - of varying degrees of fat content is given.

Two captains techniqueallows you to “kill” several birds with one stone at the same time. The first “hare” that plays a dominant role in a chess lesson is discipline and concentration of each student’s attention on the events taking place on the demonstration board. The competitive, playful nature of the lesson forces you to obey the interests of the team.

The second point: the energy and motivation of students is directed inside the educational process - towards each other. The teacher plays the role of an “arbitration court”: he gives grades, comments and directs the course of the lesson in the right direction. The game, command aspect of a chess lesson increases individual responsibility to the collective (team), forces the student to follow the game, try to find a smart move in advance. The assessment of the captain and team members is much more meaningful to the child than the assessment of an adult teacher, who is psychologically perceived as an external superstructure over the children's team - not an obligatory detail within the game.

If the teacher has successfully chosen captains who enjoy authority among the teams, then the chess lesson fits well within the framework of the game and obeys only the rules of the chess game. The entire lesson is based on chess images, on the principle of anthropomorphism of the chess game.

Chess pieces are chess men who, like humans, have arms and legs, represented by arrows. The king is your life. He has eight symmetrical short arrows (arms matching legs). Explanation: the legs walk, and the hands grab (pierce with arrows) and remove other people's pieces from the board. The king looks like a hedgehog. Your life: one and only, so it must be protected by all figures with all your might. The image of the queen is a super hedgehog or a porcupine or a bomb exploding in all directions. The image of the horse is an octopus with eight curved tentacles. The image of the rook is a tank with four arrow cannons. The image of an elephant is a sniper with four rifles - arrows. The pawn image is a wizard with one leg and two arrow arms. All chess pieces, except the pawn, are symmetrical with respect to the chessboard.

Thus, all chess pieces, in addition to their specific appearance, have their own symmetrical set of arrows (arms and legs), except for the asymmetrical pawn. It is necessary to constantly explain to students that these arrows are invisible, imaginary, but they really work (pierce)! To “see” them initially requires increased attentiveness. A check to the king is a prick of the king with any arrow from someone else's piece, except for an arrow from someone else's king. Kings do not go into check and therefore do not meet.

Checkmate is a king in check, caught in a cell formed from other people's arrows and one's own pieces. Figuratively speaking, checkmate is a prison or a net for the king! Within these images, the main goal of a chess game is to be the first to put someone else's king in a prison, cage or net. (Punish the invader who encroaches on your chess kingdom.) On average, 30 seconds are allotted for one move. During the lesson, each student makes two or three moves at the board. A position corresponding to the topic of the lesson is placed on the demonstration board. For example, consider the opening theme: development, castling, capturing the center. At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher voices the topic in the form of a sound image: the tiger formula is RPA (development, castling, attack). Introduces images: bedroom for figures - starting position. Royal fortress, castle for the king (castling). Capturing the center - who is the king of the hill: the one who captured the center with pieces first.

The first moves of the opening before castling, for example, the Italian game, are written on the board. The captains call their “sailors”, who make moves according to the notes on the board. After playing the opening according to the recording, the game continues independently, according to the method described above. Moves can be made with or without recording. If a move is made with a note, then a mark is also given for it in the student’s cell. If there are errors in the students’ thoughts, the teacher examines the move in more detail and focuses on the cause of the error.

I recommend this technique at first to make learning easier. chess game. Glue arrows (arms and legs) onto the figures, which speeds up the assimilation of the properties of the figures and connects the visual channel. It's very technological to use cocktail straws to depict a set of arrows. Preparatory operations for the lesson. 1. Draw a table with individual cells. 2. Write the first five to six correct moves, including castling, on the board from any game. 3. Draw figures with arrows and their costs on the board. 4. Write the chess alphabet and Russian pronunciation on the board. Write the definition of check for the king and the definition of checkmate for the king. Students must take notes in their notebooks.

Modification of the two captains method (2)

The teacher serves as the captain and team, the class is the second team. An essential point of the lesson in this modification: the teacher speaks out loud all his thoughts associated with each of his and the class’s moves. That is, the teacher plays openly and sets standards of thinking: an objective assessment of the information contained in the position. Making a responsible decision based on the analysis. Assessment of position variability and selection of the optimal option. That is, the teacher during open game through various positions, moves and options, introduces new information that is self-consistent with the logic of the game. This information is immediately tested in practice and consolidated.

In turn, the student is also obliged to express out loud all his thoughts related to the decision (move) made. The student speaks the thoughts first, and then the teacher reads the thoughts by position and compares them with the student’s thoughts. It is advisable to use figurative language with elements of humor.

This method of conducting a lesson clearly corresponds to the ideal ladder of knowledge and is even somewhat more perfect. Since the amount of information studied is always self-consistent with practice: the amount of information that is introduced is the amount that is absorbed. Recently, I have been using a more effective method of conducting a chess lesson, which allows me to more fully cover the entire class. Each student answers at the board 3 to 5 times during the lesson. Accordingly, it is impossible to obtain a resulting negative assessment.

Methodology for conducting a chess lesson in primary school.

Brainstorming method (3)

Chess in its essence exactly repeats the process of searching for truth in science. Any chess plan invented speculatively (theoretically) is verified practically in the form of a move or a chain of moves. It’s the same in science: the truth of a theory is verified by practice (experiment). The technique of brainstorming a problem is widely known in the scientific community. Let me remind you of the essence of the method: a problem is posed for a team of researchers. Everyone offers some idea. Ideas are not criticized. After accumulating options, ideas are discussed and a collective solution is developed.

I suggest something similar when teaching a chess lesson. Unlike the two-captain method, each team is divided into groups of two to four people each, depending on the size of the class. The smaller the class, the fewer students in the group. The order in which groups go to the demonstration board is established in advance. The first group of the white king comes to the board at the same time and makes a decision (searches for the necessary move) collectively. All thoughts, suggestions and possible options are allowed to be discussed out loud. When a decision is made, one of the group must give a reasoned explanation for this move.

Voice all possible thoughts related to this move. The rest of the group must agree with this move or offer their own reasonable option. The final decision is made by voting. The teacher motivatedly evaluates the decision (move) made and gives + or - or +, --. A move is considered made if someone from the group makes a move and writes it down on the board. The rule is followed: if you take it, go. It is advisable to record the move on the board. The teacher evaluates the proposed options and puts (+) or (-) in the individual cells of the students. Then another group from the black king’s team comes out and looks for a counter move. Then the cycle repeats. Victory is awarded to the team that either checkmate or earn more points (the total value of the removed pieces).

Psychological aspects of the technique. Working in a group mobilizes the student, increases motivation and responsibility, and awakens a sense of rivalry and competition. The intensity of student questioning increases significantly. Despite the inevitable errors, the number of (+) outweighs the (-) and all students receive positive marks. Preparatory operations for the lesson. 1. Draw a table with individual cells. 2. Write the first five to six correct moves, including castling, on the board from any game. 3. Draw figures with arrows and their costs on the board. 4. Write the chess alphabet and Russian pronunciation on the board. Write the definition of check for the king and the definition of checkmate for the king. Students must take notes in their notebooks.

Modification of the brainstorming method (4)

The entire class represents one team and is also divided into groups. The second team is the teacher. Each group makes a decision using brainstorming, as described above in technique (3). The teacher makes a decision openly and expresses out loud all his thoughts related to his own and others’ moves. That is, all participants reflect out loud and take into account the thoughts they hear when making the final decision (move). All other attributes are the same as in method (3)

Game with a real partner (5)

If the class is divided into two groups of up to 14 people, then in the fourth quarter you can conduct a lesson using chessboards - one for each desk. For example, the topic is written on the board: Italian Party. 1. e 4, e 5. 2. Kf 3, Kf 6. 3. Cc 4, Cc 5. 4. 0-0, Kf 6. 5. d 4, Kd 4. 6. Ke 5, 0-0 7. Ce 3, d 5...Then the game continues on its own. (+) and (-) are entered into the table for recording answers for the placement of pieces, for correctly made moves according to the record. The one who checkmates is placed in a square (5+), the loser (4). If checkmate is not achieved, then victory is awarded based on the sum of points for the pieces taken. Wrong moves are marked with (-). The game follows the rules: if you touch a piece, move. He tore his hand away from the piece - the move was made. If you take on someone else's piece, you are obliged to beat it. The king is not beaten, the king does not go into check - he is not a “suicide”. There should be basic information on the board or poster.

The technique can be used in two versions: 1) with recording of moves in a notebook. This option is more controlled and provides more discipline than the second. But the game is not brought to its logical conclusion. 2) Without recording moves: worse discipline, but more practice and emotions.

Italian party . 1. e 4, e 5 2. Kf 3, Kc 6 3. Cc 4, Cc 5 4. 0-0, Kf 6 5. d 4, Kd 4 6. Ke 5, 0-0 7. Ce 3, d 5 ….

Russian Party. 1. e 4, e 5 2. Kf3, Kf6 3.Ke5, d6; 4. Kf3, Ke4 5. d4, d5; 6. Cd3, Ce7; 7. 0-0, Kc6

Spanishthe consignment. 1. e4, e5; 2. Kf3, Kc6; 3. Bb5, a6; 4.Ca4, Kf6; 5. 0-0, Ce 7; 6; Le1, b 5; 7. Cb 3, 0-0

The selected beginning is used throughout the entire academic quarter or two. This technique allows you to avoid inevitable and uncontrollable chaos when playing independently from the first moves and unobtrusively teaches you how to start correctly.

Game lesson in the form of a session (6)

This form of lesson delivery is convenient when the class size is no more than 10-12 people.

The session is given by the teacher on ten to twelve boards, with a handicap possible. A teacher, if he has sufficient professional chess knowledge, is like a tuning fork and sets the correct “sound” of the game. Sets a living example of logical thinking and decision making. The beginning of the game before castling is conducted thematically: according to the record. For example, Italian party, Russian, etc. The game follows the rules of chess: take it - move.

The main point: all participants justify their move out loud, including the teacher. The teacher is allowed to tactfully criticize the student's move, showing variability and the strongest move. The same is allowed to students if they wish.

The current assessment of the game moves, in agreement with the teacher, is carried out by the students themselves, noting + and - in their notebooks for each move, at the moment the teacher approaches. Since there are always more than ten moves, the score is always positive. Minuses are given for hints.

Session modification: two students play against the teacher on each board at the same time.

They, as in the brainstorming technique, can discuss a possible move together. This technique can be used when the class is large.

Accommodative properties of SHIP : conclusions (5), definitions (11) and (12) protect any SHIP visitor, including students, from any type of overload - physiological, informational, creative and others. The chess space is self-consistent with the load: a beginner to master chess does not require the experience, logic and intensity of thinking of a grandmaster. If the personal base is zero, then the level of play and the mental load are also low. That is, with the growth of the capabilities of the psyche and the body, intellectual and creative loads grow proportionally. The main specificity of chess is the game moment, the creative and intellectual competition of two individuals. The main thing in the game is to play by the rules and achieve results. If the game is torn into separate components, then the integrity of perception and game incentives will disappear. A child is always ready to play - that is his nature. Therefore, the lesson must be built in the form of a game. Whole information in the form of a single image or system of images is perceived and remembered by the child’s psyche in a more complete volume and with better quality. If you spread out basic information - the properties of the pieces and the goal of the game - over many lessons (one lesson per week), it is easy to lose the meaning and interest in playing chess. In my opinion, it is necessary to provide information in complete blocks, even if its volume contains the topics of several lessons. Each lesson should have information about the properties of pieces - best on a poster or on the board, the concept of checkmate to the king, chess alphabet. This basic information is repeated throughout the school year in every lesson and is therefore involuntarily remembered and used by students. Individual moments of a chess game, for example, the beginning of the game: (opening) or the end (various types) of checkmate, can be played in the form of a game. A starting position is placed on the demonstration board and a lesson is taught using the methods below. During the game there are always many training positions that are commented on by the rules from the grandmaster's block. To eliminate chaos at the beginning of the game, you need to play the beginning of the game before castling the king according to the record. For example, the beginning Italian party until turn 7. The game then continues on its own. The required minimum of different principles is given below.

Development of logic and reflection using brainstorming

As is known /16/ one of the main tasks of the primary and secondary education system is the development of logic and relatedher reflections of the child’s thinking.In SHIP, reflection is one of the main tools for checking the truth of a decision.Reflection is feedback at all stages of the information chess algorithm: did I carry out the analysis correctly? Have you considered all the options? What if he goes like this?Is there time for additional verification?If time is short, you need to play by intuition.And a highly qualified chess player has a huge number of such things:the pattern of strategy and tactics changes dynamically and unpredictably.

Comparing the above five methods of conducting a chess lesson, for the maximum possibility of developing student reflection, we can make

Conclusion 49. The first three techniques are directly related to reflection and, therefore, contribute to its development. The second and third methods correspond to the maximum development of reflection. If you use speaking your thoughts out loud, then all methods to one degree or another develop reflection and the logical thinking associated with it.

Other chess techniques

Chess universal education shook up the whole of pedagogical Russia. Discussions, searches, experiments, strategies for the development of chess education, scientific and methodological justification and provision of chess and chess education for all, methodological literature, textbooks, training and payment of personnel and much more that worries the citizens of Caissa spilled out onto the pages of the press and on the Internet. And this is good! The water will boil away, the steam will leave, but the porridge will remain.

Basically, the discussion unfolded in several directions.

Form of presentation of the studied material. A) In the package of a regular lesson, with the analysis of chess into its constituent elements and their separate study. The essence of the game with this approach completely disappears. Chess, as an intellectual game bound by self-consistent laws of logic, from which it is impossible to remove at least one element without damaging it, falls apart into separate parts and turns into a didactic construction set.

Second direction B) Adheres to the organization of a chess lesson in line with the logic of the game, like the famous teacher A. Sukhomlinsky, who experimentally used chess to develop logic and culture of thinking in his own school. C) The third direction is devoted to the evidence base of the need and usefulness of introducing chess education in schools. Understanding the pedagogical possibilities of chess, connections with other subjects and searching for the rank of chess in the hierarchical series of school disciplines.

Well, everyone who cares has the right to defend their vision of chess. SHIP is so multifaceted that there are enough faces for everyone. All that remains is to study all the facets and synthesize them into a single whole: the pedagogical possibilities of the chess information space. Personally, I adhere to the second and third directions (B, C).

Opportunities for a child in SHIP

Only in A SHIP child can compete on an equal footing with an adult without any age discounts. The child, with the help of the teacher, understandsthe main thing and I am convinced from my own experience: achieving any goalIt's possible if you work hard enough. That any action is necessary first think about (analyze), only then develop and make a decision for which he himself will be responsible. What is he, child?differs from an adult only in size and experience, that he is in no wayworse and can further defeat an adult (mom, dad, high school student, etc.)

In that meaning e self-affirming moment SHIP surpasses anyanother type of child's activity. Usually the child plays a subordinate, a followerrole - especially in school life. In SHIP, he can play the role of a leader, regardless of age. You should see how they treat my youngest sonhigh school students and adults - with respect, envy and some apprehension.How the junior high school students rejoice at their first self-affirming victories!Chess has no age limits. Chess shapehealthy lifestyle for schoolchildren and any person. Chess is all-weather andall-season. Chess is the least expensive sport.

And finally, Chess is a powerful pedagogical means for the harmonious development of a child’s personalityGenerally speaking, the concept of harmony in SHIPis fundamental.

Basically, to achieve the final goalit is enough to understand what it is harmonious position and strive for it.Let us remember the “lyricist” A. Alekhine and the “physicist” M. Botvinnik. To my students forStrong-willed, athletic qualities, I advise you to go in for sports. Exactly like this

CHESS IS ARCHITECHNOLOGICAL! THE CHESS COURSE CAN BE DIVIDED INTO SEPARATE MODULES, DESIGNED FOR A YEAR, TWO, ... ELEVEN YEARS, all my life andFor example, modulefourth category is designed for one academic year. Their role is especially greatearly stages of child development(from 5 years and older).

Potential pedagogicalpossibilities of chess, taking into account Russia's 43rd place in Europe in terms of school level education is huge!

Psychological characteristics of gifted children.

SHIP is like a litmus test for creativity

Children don't think like adults. Their thinking is mainly based on images and feelings. Abstract-logical, analytical thinking has not yet been formed in them. Actually, the education system is engaged in the development of intellectual thinking and its attributes: logic, analysis and synthesis. There are no special disciplines for the development of intuitive thinking and are not provided for.Watching the development 5-8 letok, I noticed a characteristic featureof this age: not suppressed intuitive mind, liberation andthe speed (impulsivity) of the child’s thought processes.It is important to note that this applies specifically to its highest level -intuition of the unknown, responsible for creative processes.Decision making at this age occurs almostinstantly, in the form of an impulse. (Impulsivity of thinking) Moreover, not the worst option is chosen(vector) from many possible ones. And impulsiveness is preciselyconfirmation of the work of the psyche on an instinctive and intuitive level.

Conclusion 50. The main natural tool of a child’s thinking is intuition. And instincts that ensure the safety of the body. Moreover, the better developed intuition, the faster and more professionally the child masters SHIP. There are known cases of fulfilling the grandmaster norm at twelve and a half years. Ethat patterndoes not apply to all individuals in this group, it is still necessary to take into accountnatural predisposition, talent.This group of children must be treated with particular caution: crush God's gift (intuition- its highest level) tedious rules of analysis andsynthesis, deduction and induction.

These children must be introduced into the adult world of rational activity (intellect) based solely on brightimages that carry the maximum information load. That is, through creative thinking, with which intuition is associated, unobtrusively stimulate the intellectual mind,food for which will be provided by the meaning of the new content of images.It is these considerations that form the basis for the development of allchess modules, including the SHIP support image module.

Conclusion 51. As shown above, SHIP belongs to the family of creative intellectual games. Therefore, the manifestation of chess abilities by a child means that he has a creative beginning, the presence of intuitive abilities. Consequently, SHIP is a kind of litmus test for a person’s creative abilities.

Opportunities for an adult in SHIP

An adult differs from a child only in percentages: how much percentage of the child’s soul remains in him? As you know, there is some truth in every joke. Generally speaking, body size and muscle volume do not determine creative abilities. Abilities are the sphere of the psyche. Hawking, a famous theoretical physicist, moves only one finger of his right hand. With the help of a computer mouse and his creative abilities, he learns the secrets of the Universe, creates theories and generates new knowledge. His authority in the world of science is indisputable. There are many similar examples in the history of mankind when a person, despite his weak body, reaches the heights of the spirit!

Power and accommodation properties of SHIP( conclusions 8, definitions 16 and 17) Without any restrictions, they allow you to express and develop your creative potential. Both natural and newly acquired. Moreover, there is no upper limit for the manifestation of these abilities in SHIP. More precisely, there is practically no existence that follows from definition 16.

Actually, thanks to the accommodative properties of SHIP and the use of three-level logic in this space, the enormous pedagogical possibilities of SHIP are explained.

Age is rather an inertial, inhibiting factor in the process of self-improvement of one’s own psyche. The burden of habits on an adult is much greater than that of a child. Adult

I am my own teacher to the extent of my own development. A child needs a guide, a mentor.

Compatibility of SHIP with other types of creative activities

I don’t know a single area of ​​human life that would not becompatible with chess. Everything that develops a sense of beauty and harmonyenriches chess. And vice versa.Generally speaking, the concept of harmony in SHIPis fundamental. Basically, to achieve the final goalIt is enough to understand what a harmonious position is and strive for it.Let us remember the “lyricist” A. Alekhine and the “physicist” M. Botvinnik.

Chess has left a noticeable mark on world culture. Famous composers, musicians, scientists and writers, politicians and other representatives of various artistic movements loved chess and achieved a significant level in it. Probably, the deep understanding of harmony in all spheres of creativity has the same roots. To my students forTo improve your chess level, I recommend reading science fiction,fiction. Drawing, singing- everything that develops imagination, imaginative thinking and a sense of beauty. For increaseStrong-willed, athletic qualities, I advise you to go in for sports.

Exactly like this comprehensively developed children achieve great success in chess and in life!


The almost endless creative potential and variability of SHIP is the best guarantee of the inexhaustibility of chess in the present and future. The millennia-long history of this wise game further confirms this thesis.
