Munchkin together. Frequently asked questions about the board game “Munchkin”

The board game “Munchkin” is a card-based role-playing game in the fantasy genre. Classic Munchkin loved by many board game fans, and the additions will dilute the games with new emotions. Having understood all the rules and nuances, everyone will be ready to go into the dungeon, kill monsters, take possession of treasures and have fun in a small company. The game is intended for participants from 12 years old, but the game can last from 30 minutes to several hours, depending on the experience and perseverance of the players.

Difficulty level: average

Number of players: 2-8

Develops skills: attentiveness, communication skills, cunning

What's included?

The contents of the Munchkin game are not so diverse and include the following components:

  • Door cards – 95 pcs.;
  • Treasure cards – 73 pcs.;
  • cube;
  • brochure with the rules of the game.

Who will like it?

The card game “Munchkin” has gathered a considerable audience of fans of this board game. For those who have never played it, it will definitely be a revelation.

  • The game is ideal for fans of card and role-playing entertainment.
  • It will be an original gift for a gambling addict who doesn’t know how to surprise his friends when they meet.
  • Strategy fans will like it.
  • For those looking for a fun tabletop for parties and events.

So many different cards!

Indeed, a player who sees so many cards with different names at once may get confused. However, they are all connected to each other by certain groups. “Classes”, “races”, “monsters”, “clothes” and other “treasures” are hidden here. Information about all cards in order can be found below. Munchkin is a confusing and ambiguous game, but gradually everyone will be able to understand the actions of the cards and begin to use them wisely.

Level counter

The easiest way to keep track of your levels is to get a piece of paper or a notepad and keep notes by hand. Owners of smartphones and other gadgets with operating systems IOS and Android will appreciate a specially designed free application that provides a level counter. To do this, in the search column you need to enter “Munchkin level counter”, which translated from English means “Munchkin. Level Counter”, after which players will be able to enjoy simple data tracking for all participants.


In the Munchkin game, items are those cards that are introduced into the game by placing them on the table in front of you. This card is also found more often in treasure decks, which have a gold value in the bottom corner.

Depending on which character the participant comes across, he can wear a certain number of clothes. These include smut, shoes, armor and weapons that take up or two hands. A participant in the game can also use additional items, for example, spiked knees. It does not say what part of the munchkin's body they occupy.

You cannot exchange, play from your hand, sell, or steal items during a battle or washout. Those that cannot help at the moment or that cannot be worn are placed on the table in a special way - horizontally.

During the game, a player can only own one large item, unless he is a Dwarf. The rules of the game prohibit you from discarding it to play for a friend. The first big item must be sold, lost due to lewdness or a curse, exchanged with a rival, or discarded to activate the properties of races and classes.

Sea lion

Participants will not encounter the term “Seal Sea lion” in original version The Munchkin games, however, will definitely encounter him in the Munchkin Apocalypse edition, in which players must survive the End of the World. Sivuchati – new dangers. Some game events are forced to pluck sea lion, which accelerates the end of the world. Steller sea lions include the cards “Shoot Sparrow”, “You won’t believe it - I found it!” and “Reel in your fishing rods.”

Monster Cards

In Munchkin, monsters play a key role, because only by winning battles with them can you move from one level to another (with the exception of the coveted “Get a Level” card). The player will definitely encounter monsters in the game in the deck of doors. If a participant pulls out a monster during the door opening phase, then he immediately enters into battle with it. A monster obtained in another way (during distribution, for example) goes directly into the participant’s hand. In this situation, the player can fight the enemy in the trouble phase or plant a monster for the opponent’s fight in tandem with the “Stray Beast”.

Strengthening monsters

Although the name contains the word “strengthening,” cards in the Munchkin game can also reduce the capabilities of monsters. They change the number of treasures that the character who wins the battle will take. Each participant decides for himself how many amplifiers to use in a given battle.

Amplifiers that are played on one monster add up. In a battle where a character fights several monsters at once, the owner of the amplifier indicates which specific monster his card is aimed at.

Exception: if in the game “Munchkin” the monster is played “ Ugly couple", the amplifiers that influence it act on both the monster and the "other half".


These are the same as the Anded group of monsters. These include the Star Vampire or the Star Munchkin. Undead can be played from hand in a battle where there is another Undead, without using the “Stray Beast” card. If you have a card that turns a monster into an undead, you can play it together with any monster.

How to play a treasure card?

It's no secret that in Munchkin treasures are divided into two types: permanent and temporary influence. If a participant is not in the battle stage with a monster, he has the right to use an arbitrary treasure card at the time of his turn.

How to use treasures?

Most treasures are clothes, then the more clothes a character can wear (for this, of course, you should carefully read the information on the card to see whether a particular class and race can wear a certain item), the more likely it is that the Munchkin player "will be able to defeat a stronger monster.

Here it is - a deck for real fighters, harsh dungeon cleaners. Pathetic speeches? Roleplaying a character? Internal logic of the world? Who are you giving brains to? You and I know why normal people come to RPGs - we come to level up, kill monsters and prove that we are cooler here. We are munchkins and this is our deck.

Well, here we go!

A good man, Steve Jackson, came up with the idea, and the artist John Kovalik created stunning illustrations for the deck, which was supposed to very harshly parody all the cliches of MTG, AD&D and RPGs in general, and as a result became an independent super-popular game. Do these words mean anything to you? Well, to hell with them! To play Munchkin, you don't need to study the intricacies of elven psychology and immerse yourself in roleplaying a medieval magician. It’s enough just to have cards, a company of 3-6 people and the desire to have a fun, reckless and mean evening.

The eternal warrior with a chainsaw goes to battle

In each deck, two types of cards await you: Dungeons (aka Doors - the door, by the way, is drawn on them) and Treasures (on the back of which, who would have thought, they are drawn). Divide the deck into these two piles and get started. On your turn, you enter the Dungeon - that is, you take a card with a picture of a Door and follow its instructions. There you may meet:

  • Races and classes for character modification;
  • Bonuses or curses that can be used in one way or another;
  • Level rise maps;
  • Monsters that you have to fight, comparing their power with your own. By the way, there is a very important point here: any player can get into any fight, so even if you are two points superior to the monster, it doesn’t mean anything. As does the fact that he is 5 points higher than you!
  • Well, and - not always, but only in those cases if it developed from a previous situation in the Dungeon - you can get a Treasure card from the second pile.

One, two, three, four... ten!

This mantra lives in the head of every Munchkin, and it is this that determines the goal of the game - to reach the 10th, the coolest level, before others. Then only mountains will be higher than you, and not all of them. What? Oh, well, we’ll make scrambled eggs out of eggs, no one will guess that this is against the rules.

By the way, about the rules

They are Munchkin's biggest joke. The fact is that they can not only be violated - they are inherently contradictory. And the opportunity to read the game is built on the inconsistency of the rules. The creators are honest guys! — they themselves write that the rules of the cards may contradict the rules of the booklet, and then everything depends on your diplomacy and logic. You can help other players, pretend that you are helping, but in fact cold-bloodedly plunge them into the abyss of lowering their level, you can take advantage of unforeseen opportunities, just remember: the last word, as it is written in the rules, belongs to the owner of the deck. And these are not exactly the conditions of the game - it’s just that if he doesn’t like something, he will collect his cards and leave, leaving you with your nose and excessively bloated, dissatisfied with... well, let's say, conceit.

And there are a lot of cards here!

Really. After all, in front of you is the very first basic set, and over the 12 years of its existence, more than ten expansions and independent sequels have already been released. They can be changed, mixed, mixed in parts, mixed unexpectedly, and even given as a gift. Because so many people play Munchkin.

Among the players:

  • MTG fans tired of the game's excessive pretentiousness;
  • Fans of fun computer RPGs who are tired of excessive monitor flickering;
  • True munchkins, bullies, careerists, ambitious and unprincipled, inventive, impudent and absolutely unrestrained - people who have finally found a game to their liking.


  • 95 door cards;
  • 73 treasure maps;
  • Cube;
  • Rules;
  • Box.


    Munchkin! - basic version

    Munchkin 2 Wild Ax - add-on

    Munchkin 3. Clergy errors - addition

    Munchkin 4. Craving for a horse - addition

    Munchkin 5. Pathfinders - expansion

    Munchkin 6. Crazy Dungeons - Addition

    Munchkin Cthulhu

    Munchkin Super - can be used as a standalone game or as an add-on

    Munchkin Fu - can be used as a standalone game or as an add-on

    Pirate Munchkin - can be used as a standalone game or as an add-on

    Munchkin Star - can be used as a standalone game or as an add-on

    Munchkin with an action figure! - original English version

    Munchkin Quest - difficult version with different rules

“Many people consider this game a card classic. Well deserved! One of popular games, which has great amount independent additions that can be mixed! 
The zombie apocalypse?! Pfft, easy!  Star Cthulhu?! As easy as pie!  Vampire West?! Wrap two!  Every time the game is on in a new way. A large number of monster cards that need to be defeated and more
more cards

treasures that must be obtained faster and more than your opponents. 

The big plus in Munchkin is communication. You can ask for help if you can’t cope on your own, but will they give it to you just like that? You can trade treasures for victory. You can collude with someone and start killing another player!  A very lively game. » 

Olya, seller in Nizhny Novgorod According to reviews about board game

"Munchkin", we can come to the conclusion that this is a funny game-legend that will provide a charge of good mood and brighten up your time with friends. If you are too honest and noble, a serious and suspicious person who does not understand jokes, then you should not play the Munchkin card game, as you will not really like it.

First you need to figure out what is included in it and how to play this card game. The box contains two decks of cards: a Treasure deck (73 cards) and a Door deck (92 cards), as well as game cube and rules. First you need to thoroughly mix both decks. The only negative, judging by the reviews of the game "Munchkin", that you may notice is that you need to find something to indicate the level of your character (buttons, change, chips,

From three to six people can take part in the game, you just need to decide in any way who will start the game. Then four cards from the “Treasure” and “Door” decks that will be in your hand are dealt. If a player wants to receive a bonus or benefits that are described on the cards, they must be placed on the table.

Cards can be of the following types:

  • races (elf, dwarf, halfling, half-blood);
  • class (cleric, wizard, thief, warrior);
  • items that have a cost, which is indicated on the map in the lower right corner and measured in gold, while the place where this item can be put on is marked in the lower left corner;
  • curses played against you or other players.

Cards that are in a player's hand are not active in the game. At the end of each turn, a player can hold up to five cards.

Phases of the game "Munchkin"

After the player has played cards from his hand and laid out class and race cards and put on items, he proceeds to the first phase of the board card game. In total, there are 3 phases in the game: we knock down the door, look for trouble and clean the pockets of bounty.

"We're kicking down the door"

Yours gaming adventure begins with knocking down doors - to do this you need to take the top “Doors” card. What could be hiding behind these cards? The following may be waiting for us outside the door:

  • curse cards that work instantly on your hero;
  • monsters that you will have to fight to gain levels and treasures;
  • other cards that can be played immediately or taken into your hand.

When you reveal the top Doors card, you must immediately place it on the table so that all players can see it. If it is a curse card, it immediately affects your hero and is discarded face up. The player then moves on to the second phase. In case it is a monster card, you will have to fight it. To do this, you need strength, which consists of your level, cards in your hand with different bonuses, and your hero’s clothes. When in total all this gives you more strength than the strength of the monster itself, then you have won and are rewarded with treasure and a level. But if the monster is stronger than you, then you can ask your friends for help for a certain part of the treasure. And then, together, you will defeat the monster.

If you see that your friends are defeating a monster, don’t worry, you can use cards directly from your hand during the battle at any time. These cards can help both the monster and the hero in battle. Such cards increase the strength and power of monsters and are used without receiving treasure or losing a level (or even several).

According to reviews about card game“Munchkin”, many fans of this board game highlight the main feature, which is that participants are allowed to cheat and deceive others, unless, of course, friends notice.

You will not be able to advance to the next phase until the battle is completed. If you fail to convince your friends to help you, then there is nothing left to do but quickly run away from the monster. If you don't have any cards that give a flush bonus, then your fate will be decided by dice. You get five or six - you managed to escape, less - the monster does obscenity to your hero according to its taste (described on the card). If it is said in obscenity that you are dying, then your adventure friends will take your property from you. You will only have your class, race and level (if, of course, you had them).

If you get any other card except monsters and curses, then you can immediately use it or take it into your hands.

“Looking for trouble” and “cleaning up holes”

In the event that you still do not meet the monster behind the door, you can play it from your hand and fight it normal rules. But only if you are sure that you can defeat him. If there are no monsters in your hand, then all that remains is to clean the holes. To do this, you need to take a card from the “Doors” deck into your hand without showing it to your opponents. And finally, you can move on to the next phase.

"From generosity"

At the end of a player's turn, he must have no more than five cards in his hands. When the number exceeds this maximum, then you need to either play these cards or give the extra ones to another player with the lowest level.

There are times when several players have the status of the weakest. Then you need to divide the extra cards between them according to your personal preference. But if your hero is the lowest level, simply discard the extra cards. If you have less than five cards, then simply pass the turn to the next player, but before that you can also discard cards in order to gain a level by selling your treasures (the cost of the level is 1000 gold). But there is an exception: level 10 cannot be obtained at any cost of your treasures.

That's it, now you can pass the move to the next player.

Before the next player moves on to the first phase, he can negotiate with another player and exchange items. You can also discard a class card at any time during the game if you are not happy with it or want to change your class.

Now, after studying all the reviews and rules of the Munchkin game, you are definitely ready to go into the dungeon to kill monsters, grab all the treasures and have fun with your friends.

"Munchkin Deluxe"

According to reviews of the game "Munchkin Deluxe", we can conclude that this game has many positive aspects and surprises:

  1. Firstly, the design is very colorful.
  2. Secondly, a small playing field with cells from 1 to 10 has been added to the game, with which it is convenient to monitor the level of your hero.
  3. Thirdly, small figures (in the form of munchkins) are included to move around the field.
  4. And lastly - six added additional cards, indicating the gender of your character.

Judging by the reviews of the game "Munchkin Deluxe", we can say that it is simply updated version previous game, which can be a wonderful gift for a board game lover, adding to his board game collection. But otherwise, many people think that the Munchkin Deluxe game is the same as the previous (old) version of the Munchkin game.

The game box contains colorfully designed game elements, a large field, simplified but entertaining game rules - all this awaits inquisitive young adventurers.

The game takes quite a long time. This is achieved due to the fact that there are a lot of treasure maps in the game, namely 70 pieces. And by the time you take all the cards in your hands, a whole hour will pass. According to many reviews of the board game “Munchkin. Drag the Treasures”, the rules of this game are quite simple, and therefore children will easily understand their essence and quickly get involved in the gameplay.

Game contents

After purchasing the game “Munchkin. Drag the Treasures” you need to study the contents: 96 cards of various “Monsters” and “Treasures”, two dice (with their help they determine how many squares the hero moves), the playing field and the rules of the game. This exciting board game can be played by two to six people (accordingly, the game contains a maximum of six munchkin tokens).

Purpose of the game

The game ends only when the most last card. After this, all players count the value of all their treasures in their hand in “gold”, which is indicated on the cards in the lower right corner. The player with the highest total treasure value becomes the winner.

Rules of the game

At the beginning of the game, players lay out the playing field itself and choose their munchkins. Then you must shuffle the “Monster” and “Treasure” cards and place them on the playing field. After this, players take three treasure cards and place their munchkins on the entrance square, which is located in the center playing field. Treasures in this game are temporary and permanent. Permanent (items) need to be laid out in front of you, they give a bonus as long as they are on the table, and there can be a maximum of two such treasures. Temporary or one-time help in the battle with monsters or perform other various useful actions. When a card has been used, it is discarded.

According to reviews about Hobby game world "Munchkin. Drag the Treasures”, your time will fly by, as it is very fun and dynamic to play. Courage, ingenuity, as well as luck and the help of real friends will help you defeat all the monsters, gain real wealth and, most importantly, win in this interesting game.

Munchkin is a role-playing game in form, a parody in content. When created, the game was aimed at a youth audience familiar with role-playing games. However, you can play Munchkin at any age.

The game is best played with a group of three to six people. Two people can play for learning purposes only. Larger companies are technically possible, but what more quantity players, the less often they will be able to make a move.

The goal of the game is to reach level ten - the main character stat in the game. Everyone starts from the first, and then everyone increases their levels by fighting monsters or using special cards.

There are two decks for the game - “dungeons” and “treasures”, and a six-sided die. A turn consists of four phases - opening the door to the dungeon, that is, taking a card from the corresponding deck, then acting on the instructions on the card, then, if you are lucky, receiving a reward in the form of treasures, cards from the second deck, and after that, if necessary, getting rid from extra cards.

The player's cards are in his hand - in stock, and can be partially laid out on the playing table - then they are valid in the game. On maps from the “dungeon” you may find: monsters. The main way to level up is by winning a battle with a monster; curses and bonuses, for immediate or later use in the game; races and classes for character use; cards that have a positive effect on the character's level.

Fighting a monster involves comparing the levels of the monster and the player. The player can raise his effective level due to “clothes”, as well as one-time bonuses. If the player cannot exceed the monster's level, he must attempt to escape (get away) by rolling a die. If he fails, he is subject to the "indecencies" described on the monster's card, ranging from the loss of some or all of his items to death (since the game is a parody of D&D, death results in the loss of one turn and all cards while maintaining the level, race and class). If the player wins, he receives a level (or two, depending on the number of monsters and the description of their cards), as well as one or more treasures - cards from the corresponding deck.

The main feature is that during the “battle” other players can either help or hinder the player fighting the monster. Moreover, only one can help, and then for selfish purposes - for example, for treasures - and everyone else can interfere. The higher the level of the fighting player, the greater the temptation to prevent him from rising even higher in order to prevent him from winning.

Another feature of the game is the encouragement of dishonest play: unselfish help, assistance in battle in order to prevent a partner from raising the level (“befriending” the monster). Game cards allow you to make tricky combinations. IN official rules it is stated that in the event of a conflict situation not described in the rules, the dispute is resolved by a loud squabble between the players, with the owner of the deck having the last word (the rule “The owner of the deck is always right”).


  • 168 cards;
  • cube;
  • rules of the game.

The board game Munchkin was created as a parody of the RPG ( role-playing games). It's okay if you've never heard of them - there are enough jokes in the game for everyone! :) After all, the main thing is to get together as a group of friends and dive into dungeons, where all sorts of funny and scary monsters are found, curses await around every corner, and players who previously pretended to be good friends are just waiting to trip you up and steal your stolen treasures... What awaits you? And how to play it? You have never seen so many cards before! Don't panic - the main thing is to open the door to the dungeon... ;)

So, you start the Munchkin game as a person without any profession with the first level. Sad? It's okay - perhaps already at the first step you will have the opportunity to acquire a profession - a thief or a warrior? Or maybe a cleric? Or a wizard? Wow! Tremble, Unimaginable Horrors waiting around the corner!

Well, here, of course, it would be nice to change your human race to something tricky: to become a long-legged and cunning elf or a hardy gnome, or a savvy halfling...

And put on the appropriate armor: sandals-protectors from spells, a bandana, probably, knee pads of charm for lovely ladies - and no one will be able to refuse you;) And you should take a formidable weapon in your hands: a knee hammer, a napalm staff or a combat stepladder - especially for halflings so that you can get to an enemy of any level;)

So what's behind the door? Monsters varying degrees intimidation - from grass in a pot and a snotty nose (which you can probably easily deal with) to dancing skeletons and lawyers in the company of a plutonium dragon... In addition to powerful armor, a variety of small gadgets will help you overcome this horror - a desired ring or a potion of coolness... And, of course , friends will definitely help... only as a reward for your help they will try to grab all the treasures that rightfully belong to you! Hehe, well, we'll see who has who...

Make your way through the dungeon, beat monsters, throw curses at other players, and collect items. Make your way through the dungeon, beat monsters, throw curses at other players, and collect items.

Some items can only be worn by a character of a certain class, for example, only a Wizard. Some items can only be worn by a character of a certain class, for example, only a Wizard.

Overall, the Munchkin board game is for fun companies with the right sense of humor- after all, all these nightmares are make-believe! We advise parents to be careful, lest after the game your children start using various tricky words like “armorer” and “smut”. And so, the game Munchkin is very exciting, forcing you to come up with ingenious multi-step operations: “he has me, and he then, and here and there” and negotiate with other players about mutual assistance - after all, it is often impossible to defeat the monster alone.

Munchkins, look at the cards - how can you resist! :)
