Walkthroughs of the game last half of darkness. Walkthrough for the game Last Half of Darkness: Beyond the Spirit's Eye

The game has a non-linear plot, so where you start the tasks does not matter.

The game starts immediately. We're in the dungeon. Just don't ask me where exactly. We look around. We see a sheet with a diagram, remember it. We look into the niche. We see circles and a keyhole. We're trying to do something. No. Stuck. Clearly, this needs to be opened. How? Let's go ahead. We see that some ghost is putting down a key. We take the key and return to the niche. We take out the key and insert it. Before we start, look at the hole where the key is inserted. There are three points. Let's remember the instruction sheet. Double-click on the arrow key. The arrow is at the lowest point. We start with the circle at the very bottom. Click on it 15 times. Again, press the key twice, the arrow is on the dot in the middle. Click on the second circle, on the right, at the top, 2 times. Again, press the key twice, the arrow is at the top point. Click on the last circle 9 times. A hole opens. We go down, get into the boat, watch the video. We get out of the boat. We click on the door. Let's go in. We look at the room. Let's look at everything we can. We go behind the curtain-door. We see either a witch or a living skeleton. We ask her all the questions. At least something has become clearer. We need to find an ancient artifact. Why we need it, and what the hell we are doing here, we were never told. Well, it is not necessary! Let's go back to the door. Didn't come out? Well, this is not a passing yard for you! We approach a small table with a Uinji board on it. You need to insert some letters. And if they don’t let you out, what do we demand first? Right! "Let me out." Click on the letters. The door is open. We go out and get into the boat and watch the video.

Marcos House

We get out of the boat. For those who like to be afraid to put on headphones and turn up the volume, but turn off the lights. For those who don’t like to be afraid, don’t do anything! Just valerian.

We leave, we go to the right. We came. Cemetery (closed for now), crypt, courtyard. And here is the house. Let's go there. We look around in the hallway. There's a letter on the shelf. Let's read. Let's go forward. We look around. The elevator doesn't work. We leave and go to the second floor (the entrance is in the same place where we found the letter). On the left, near the bedside table with a flower, is the door to the bathroom. We take the key from the bathroom, turn it, look at the sink and try to open the taps. Did you want to wash off the sweat? Well, that's unlikely. We go to the glass doors and go down into a small courtyard. Examine the fountain. There's something lying there. No, we don't know that yet. We return to the bathroom, and from there we go up to the third floor. We go straight to the hall. We stand rooted to the spot, but what should we do?! We don’t want us to be caught like this, by the legs, and with our heads on the floor?! Well, we won’t go there….brrr. Let's go into the room on the left. We approach the closet. Well, everything is wrong here! Some kind of mechanism. While we close the locker, we look out the window, and soooo... We leave the room. We go up to the third floor. Babaam! They threw a box at us! We are not afraid, and we boldly take it. This is a puzzle. We cannot open it (well, you understand, this is temporary). We go into the room to the left and examine the bedside table. We take the message in the second box and read it. We go to the table, examine the eye, go out and immediately go through the door to the right. The door is slammed behind us and we are trapped. They slip a note under the door. This evil spirit also writes poetry. They give it! We read about weights. It’s clear, we’ll decide everything now. We look around, approach the statue, and pull the chain hanging from its mouth. (Do you have to come up with something like that?! Like a cistern!) The passage is open. We pass and see on the right something similar to a door. Let's open it, here are the weights. Task for kindergarten. Your task: reposition the weights so that on each chain there is a set of weights five, seven and nine. You can do this: 559.775 997. A secret entrance opens. We look at the closet. We take a watch from there and look at a book about planets. It is advisable to write down the order of the planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. We turn around, look at the bed and under...well, those are the times! You had to lie on the bed, not under (what kind of people?!). Oh, the credits are simply touching: The bed looks comfortable. And the corpse under the bed? Personally, it’s not convenient for me. We look at the dressing table. We open the drawer and take a quarter from there. Let's go out. Oh how! It turns out that we left the room where the corpse was dragged. Where is the corpse? What is being done? What is being done?

We rise again to the third floor. We go along the corridor and go into the second door on the right. We look at the dressing table and take a test tube from the drawer. We look at the screen and remove the hanger from it. On the left side of the shelves we take the reel for the tape recorder. We go out into the corridor. We go to the end and enter the large hall-hall. We put on the reel and listen to the recording. Marcos is a killer. Well, are you feeling better? I don't.

We go down to the first floor

We go into the corridor on the left. We pass and see notes on the wall on the left, we read and remember. We go through the doors, look at the ball and go out into the courtyard. We go to the barn and take the ladder from there. We go up the stairs, we see a crystal ball, we look. How long will they continue to scare us? We move on (not forgetting to inspect everything). We approach some table, and there’s a Ouija board again! How many of them have they been stationed here? And they don’t even let you play!

We talk with the doctor’s daughter (did he sew her mouth shut? From a surgeon!). We go out into the street and turn right, here we see a statue of a woman, we look at the pedestal, uffff, it’s a ghost again! We talk with her, asking her questions. We go back, but don’t turn, but enter the yard and look at the sewer grate. Lock. Okay, let's put it aside for now. We go back, there are two doors in the arch, one is locked with an electronic key, and even with a fingerprint. We turn around and go through another door. This is the house of Tia, the ghost girl. We look at the huge clock. We open them and take away the map-plan of the village. Now you can click on any house and immediately get into it. We go to the hall-arch of the first floor further. We hear our name, but are we afraid? Let's celebrate! Having woken up (fainted, what?), we find ourselves on the bed, in Tia’s bedroom, is she warning us or scaring us? We look at the box on the table and read. So now it’s clear what the closed door with the fingerprint is. This is her father's laboratory.

Let's go to the bar. Near the entrance, we see garbage containers, let's look into the trash, why not dig around?! We read the newspaper. This is how we learn about 20 people killed in 10 days. What's going on here?! We go into the bar, look at the table on the right, and take matches from it. We turn left. The door is closed, we look behind the bar, ahaaaa, there’s a corkscrew, and a rat that’s drunk to death. We take the corkscrew, move away and look at the wall on the left. There's a big bottle, and there's a ship in the bottle. Come on, come on... there's a key there! We open the cork with a corkscrew, use the hanger on the bottle and take out the key. We open the previously locked door with the key. We look around, remove the cover from some kind of apparatus. Let's look at him. We need to insert 50 cents, but we only have 25. That means it’s too early. We look at the shelf on the left, there is a box there and nothing is visible. We take matches and use them on the box. We take a screwdriver there. We go out and head straight to the cemetery.


We unlock the gate with the key and see the well. Wasn't this what Tia was talking about? We turn the handle of the well, the rope lowers to the middle. We go to the church, since the main entrance is closed, we go around it. We see the extension, open it and take the hammer. We go around completely, we see the organ, but it does not work, there is no video. We go to the gazebo, look at the hatch, and open it. Well, hello to you! Certainly! What kind of water will there be anywhere here?! There is no piece of pipe. We go back to the well, turn onto the path, go to the guardhouse. We go in and go up, look at the barrel, there is a plug there. We take a hammer and knock out the plug. Let's look into the barrel. Well, here she is, our beautiful Tia, lying in brine, and even with beads. We take them and leave here nafik.

We go through the arch, turn and we are at the shipyard. We look into the barrels, lighting matches, we see a door in the middle, in the passage, to the left. We go in, look around, the metal cabinet is closed with a rusty bolt, we turn around and look at the table, someone really likes fish. We look at the box, not far from the stairs, and take a jar from it. We go up to the office. We check the basket, taking out the torn leaves from it. Let's put it in our inventory ( right click mice). Moisten with blood? A woman? Lips? Well, it's begun! We take a fire extinguisher. We look at the boxes, they are jammed. We use a screwdriver on them. We read about a fire extinguisher. Great! We'll freeze everything here now.

Map on the wall.

Let's look at the table. We take the magazine from the table. We write down the names of the ships and the time of arrival. Then we take the letters with which they are indicated on the map and substitute them for the names of the ships.

This is what we got: E,C,F,A,D,B. Is this the clue to the code in Marcos's closet? We'll check later. We go down and go to the metal cabinet. We use a fire extinguisher on it and hit the bolt with a hammer. We take the pliers from the closet. Well, that's it! Now we'll reveal everything here!

Marcos' house. Second run

We went to the bedroom, on the second floor, the door on the left, where there was a closet with stuffing. We set the lever to the following letters: “E, C, F, A, D, B.” The entrance opens, we take the musical roller from the chest.

We go down to the first floor. Now that we have a screwdriver, let's go fix the elevator. Unscrew the panel where the button is. We number the contacts. The top one will be No. 1, but we will move counterclockwise, as if from the left. The contact in the middle will only indicate to us the required bolt, a spark comes from it, it shows the order that we need to repeat, and so on five times. Here are all five combinations (for the less keen-eyed). 1,3,4. 1,1,3,4. 3,1,1,3,4. 2,3,1,1,3,4. 3,2,3,1,1,3,4. By pressing the button we immediately go down.

Secret wing of the Marcos house

We are in the kitchen, looking at the utensil drawer, taking a knife from it (why are there fish skeletons everywhere?). Open the refrigerator and take the frozen finger out of it. We go to the sink and open the tap. Bah! Yes, there is water, and boiling water! We put a frozen finger there. We take away the defrosted finger. We turn left, take an empty bottle in the utility room, and go down to the basement. We look into the barrel with a lit match. Ahaaa! Here's the second coin! There is a barrel to your right, place a bottle next to it, pour wine and leave the basement. We return to the room, examine the fireplace, and the statue on the right. We take a bottle of wine and apply it to the woman’s lips (remember the poem in the note from the office). The fireplace grate is open, we take the paper from there. We look at the symbols in the inventory. We find out that the puzzle is hidden in Tia's necklace. We go upstairs and go to the bar. Let's throw coins into the machine!

Vending machine in a bar

We go into the pantry and throw two coins into the game box, look up at the “UP” button. Click on it and take the prediction. We read the prediction and understand that we need the Marcos coin that Tia spoke about.

Tia's father's laboratory

We go into the dark arch and again through the arch into the door on the right. We apply the frostbitten finger, (and what kind of work is this?) We go in. We look around, take the test tube from the inventory and use it directly on the table. The task is to make the blue and gray-blue cells turn green. How to do it? yes simple. We connect blue cells with blue-gray ones. Voila! The test tube is full. We leave and go to the courtyard where we saw the sewer grate.

In the sewer. Behind the Marcos coin

We go to the courtyard with a sewer grate. We use the pliers on the castle, use the ladder on the well and go down. We use pliers again, but this time for ventilation (as I say, let’s crush everything here with these pliers). Ready! We enter and look at the wreckage, take the cart and take the magnet with the cart. We go straight at the fork to the right, take the bucket. We return to the fork and go left, there will be a crack on the left, look into it. We see the rope that we have lowered, we tie a bucket and put a magnet in it. Here is the coin at the bottom of the bucket, all that remains is to lift the bucket from the well. We return to the fork and take a piece of pipe on the rails. That's all for now. We rise from the well and go to the cemetery. We turn the handle of the well twice, take the coin from the bottom of the bucket. We go to the church, go into the doorway, where the organ is. We insert a music video and take the book. Don’t forget to immediately read and examine everything you find. We go to the gazebo, open the hatch and install the pipe, unscrewing the valve, another secret passage will open.

Feather in the fountain

We go down into the sewer again and go to the right at the fork. We got into the cart and... we creaked. We've arrived. Let's look at the valves. But we have a good memory and remember that only the upper and lower valves need to be turned. Now, turning to the wall with boarded boards, we will use a hammer on them. We leave and go up to the second floor to the bathroom, and go out through the glass door and go down. We look at the fountain, we drained the water from it! And for this we don’t have anything, but a feather, really, not a firebird.

Mini games

Wingee board. Watch, necklace and box with a puzzle.

We look in the inventory at the predictions through the Marcos coin. We see the word “key”, key means. We go to the fortune teller's house, where we saw this board. The task is to find this word 9 times. A word will pop up on the right if you find it. After the sixth word, the game is automatically counted. You don’t have to do anything further; she will find the other three herself. At the end of the game we take the key.

Now the clock. We take the hanger and use it in the inventory on the box. We take out the handle from there.

We use the handle on the cube. A devil will jump out from there. Right-click on the cube.

This is a stapler. Very similar to tag. The game is only two levels and simple. At the end of the game you will receive a metal snowflake star with a depression in the middle.

Tia's necklace. Click on the toy necklace in your inventory. This is a pyramid

it contains cells with the signs of the planets. Let's start with the very first, upper left cell and set: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. The pyramid pendant will open, and we take the green stone from there.
Tia statue

In the inventory we connect the green stone with a strange star decoration. On the pedestal we insert it into the groove, and her eye opened (inspired by). We take the bloody stone.

Crypts, skulls, levers

Go to the cemetery, go in, but then don’t go into the gate, but look to the left, there will be an “entrance to the stairs” (opened new location). We rise and see a recess in the slab. We insert Marcos’ coin into this slot and see how the coffin, in the crypt nearby, opens a secret passage. We go down and go into the crypt, to the left of the stairs. We look at the one-eyed skull (meh, nothing like that, cool). We take a knife and open the canned food in the inventory (don’t forget to right-click on the can again), take out the fish eye from there and insert it (one might say, give it away) into the eye socket. Well, we also give him a pen... of course.

A video plays showing the sphere in Marcos's house lighting up green light.

We run to it and click on it. We remember a combination of four characters. Black ball, crescent, sun and cross. We run back to the crypt, but now we go down. There is a grate and levers on the wall. Let's open the cover under the levers, enter the symbols: Black ball - pressed the button, entered the crescent, pressed the button again, etc. We recall the note from the bedside table in Marcos's house: The first to the very bottom, the second do not touch, the third to the very top. Well, what are we reading? Go do it!

Secret Dungeon

We go underground and find a laboratory. Let's look at the resonant device. We combine the test tube with the red stone in the inventory and insert it into the slot. Let's go to the computer. We unlock the keyboard with a beautiful key that we won at a fortune teller’s house. The empty slot is located to the right of the computer. We activate the keyboard, three lines appear at the bottom: 1. Voltage (such and such), 2. Temperature (such and such) 3. The current strength is 0. Here it is empty and we need to find it. But now I’ll tell you how.

Remember, at the very beginning of the game you had a book and a magazine in your inventory? Certainly! You couldn't view them right away. So now, sign up and go to the desktop and click on the game shortcut with the right mouse button. There is an “Open folder” file (F). Click and look for the manual folder. It contains the journal of Dr. Benzor, Tia's father. Read it. At the very end there is a temperature table, and you have 2 numbers on your computer. For example, your numbers: Voltage 8, temperature 5. Look at the table - 696. Let's go to the game. We go back to the computer in the game and write in Latin letters amps = 696. Now you have another number. But know that the numbers change, so sign up!

Further. We write directly on the computer: program 23, enable (Enter). The countdown starts. We automatically have a wonderful eye in our hands and run out of the tunnel. Ah, that’s not where it happened! And here you need to decide to whom you will give the EYE OF THE SPIRIT. Zosim, I say goodbye to you, and you watch the video.

This page provides general information about the game Last Half of Darkness: Society of the Serpent Moon. As information about the project becomes available, on this page you can find news, videos, screenshots, wallpapers, art, interviews with developers, articles, previews, reviews, tips for passing and much more. You may have come to this page because you want to download Last Half of Darkness: Society of the Serpent Moon torrent without registration or download Last Half of Darkness: Society of the Serpent Moon for free at high speed. The Gamer-Info portal provides information about games, and you can find links to free downloads of Last Half of Darkness: Society of the Serpent Moon on other resources. Help others learn more about the project, leave a review about Last Half of Darkness: Society of the Serpent Moon, rate it, or simply share the game page on social networks.

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You can also find walkthrough Last Half of Darkness: Society of the Serpent Moon, which will help save nerves and time in search of the right switch or key hidden in the depths of locations. The walkthrough will also be useful for those who like to find all the secrets and collect achievements. If the game is in English, and you don’t speak it well, then you will need the opportunity to download the Russian language version of Last Half of Darkness: Society of the Serpent Moon for free without registration. Russifiers for some games contain Russian voice acting, but in most cases these are just subtitles. The pages of our portal also contain codes for game Last Half of Darkness: Society of the Serpent Moon, helping you overcome even the most difficult bosses.

If you have problems launching or operating normally Last Half of Darkness: Society of the Serpent Moon on PC, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with possible solutions to the problems encountered in a special guide. You can also view the detailed system requirements of Last Half of Darkness: Society of the Serpent Moon and related information on a separate page.

The game is non-linear.
Interface: in the upper right corner of the screen - exit to the menu, at the bottom of the screen - inventory. Some items can be viewed by right-clicking on them.
Interact with an object - the cursor turns red.
Take a closer look - the cursor takes the shape of a purple eye.
At the very beginning of the game you will find a map, thanks to which you can automatically navigate around the location.
Collect gold coins (there are 25 of them).

1. Underwater labyrinth.

From the boat, go into the passage to the left. On the left there will be a dark passage to the left, go along it and take gold coin from a vase standing on the porch. Walk forward past the vase and see what is in the thicket in front of you. Go back to the fork and take the nails from the boards that block the passage.

Return to the boat - behind it there is a skull, next to which there is a cable. From the boat, turn right and go forward. A room with three vases will appear in front of you. Break one of them and take the hook.
Step into the bright passage, there is another fork in front of you.

Turn left into the light passage and pick up the notebook near the skeleton. Open it in your inventory and take the card. Continue forward to the pool. There is a lever on the right wall. Click on it and it will release the water in the pool. Pick up two gold coins from the bottom of the pond.

Return to the fork and try to go into the dark passage. Return to the hall with the vases and turn right into the dark passage. The first puzzle is on the pedestal.
You need to light four red lights in the corners of the square by inserting nails into the holes. The pressing combination is indicated in the notebook: 2 - 5 - 7, 14 - 10 - 4, 9 - 1 -6, 11 - 3 - 8. After you light the light bulb, you need to take out the nails and use them for the next combination. When all four lights are lit, the center light will flash and you will see that a secret passage has opened.
Go forward, you need to go down into the well. In your inventory, combine the hook with the cable and throw it into the opening.

2. House, cemetery and pier.

In front of you is a cemetery. Go left into the crypt - there is a puzzle here that cannot be solved yet. If you go forward, there will be another crypt on the right, which is closed. To the left is a gazebo with another puzzle. Go forward and get two gold coins from the open grave.

Return to the fork and click on the sign to the right. If you go right from it, you will come to the pier; if you step forward from the sign, a gate will appear in front of you.
There is a mailbox hanging at the gate, open it and read the letter from the coroner, in which he writes about a corpse with gouged out eyes and ancient stone on his chest.
Go into the house. Go down to the right. Here you can go into the garden, to the right, or up the stairs to the second floor.

Go up and left. This is the living room, and in the next room sits the Strange Man. He says that this is the house of a doctor who found an ancient box, but how to open it is unknown. The Strange Man wants to drink, but he has run out of wine. Go to the table and try to take the box - the Strange Man will show you a huge cleaver in response.
Go downstairs and go right - this is the dining room, behind it is the kitchen.
Take a bottle of wine from the refrigerator. There is a shelf with bottles above the front door; look at them and take away the olive oil. Remove the bag of cereal from the shelf with the doors. Check the taps - only hot water flows. You can’t just give the wine to the Strange Man; you need to find a way to distract him.
Return to the hall and turn around. In front of you is a staircase to the top. Go up there, next to the door under the picture on the table there is another gold coin.
Enter the door on the right - this is the bathroom. There is an empty bottle of sleeping pills in the sink. There is no water flowing from the taps - apparently, the tablets spilled into the drain and remained there. You need to find pliers somewhere to unscrew the pipe and check. Above the bathtub hangs a shelf on which lie 12 gold coins. Look into the bathtub and take the towel. Look around dark corners.
Go out into the garden, go around the house, and on the right you will see a hatch to the basement. Go down into it, but the path into the depths of the room is blocked by a grate with a lock. Return to the entrance to the house. There are pipes to the left of the entrance. Turn the valve and return to the basement - steam has begun to pour out of the pipe and you need to plug the pipe with something. Use a towel and the grate will rise.

In the basement, open the desk drawer and take the rusty pliers; in your inventory, lubricate them with olive oil. Look into two glasses with brushes - in one of them there is a coin, in the other there is glue. Study the instructions for assembling the cylinders, which hang above the table. Pick up a wooden bucket. Return to the bathroom, open the drawer under the sink and use pliers to unscrew the drain. Take the sleeping pills from it and add it to the wine in your inventory, give the bottle to the Strange Man.
Exit the room and follow the corridor to the right. There is an empty room with a TV. Look at it closer - the toggle switch is missing. Take the box from the table and open it: inside there is a broken toggle switch. In the dark left corner there is another table on which there is a program guide, in which two programs of Channel 7 are highlighted in yellow. In your inventory, glue the broken toggle switch from the TV, put it in place and turn on the TV. Click the switches until you find channel 7. Click on the TV screen and you will see the inscription: “Setup”. Move the antenna's antennae until the image of a cereal box appears on the screen. After the video, the Internet site address will appear: “www.chembioscereal.com”.
Return to the living room - the Strange Man is already sleeping, and take the box. Look at it in your inventory - it shows three symbols.
Return to the corridor near the bathroom and go into the room on the left - this is the library. Go to the bookshelves and look at two books - tear out a page from one of them and take the semicircular key, in the other read about the golden idol of the ancients, which is encrusted with rubies and lies in the grave of Emperor Zohir on the Isle of the Dead.
There is a portrait hanging on the left wall. Under it there is a well where you need to insert a semicircular key - you will open the secret door.
Go inside. There is a table on the right against the wall, open its drawer and take the handle for the cylinder. Read the book about Zohir's tomb and magic stones, which lies in the bookcase.
Return to the library and enter the right doorway - there is another corridor with a locked door. We need to look for the key.
To do this, go to the hall. On the left is the door to the toilet. Take the key from the box on the table, open the locked door and go inside. There is a scroll in the closet that tells you how to open the puzzle in the crypt.

Look at the newspaper clippings on the wall and take the cylinder cover from the cabinet.
Go to the crypt (go back to the fork in the three roads and turn left - see fig.*) and solve the puzzle on the pedestal. You need to swap small and large chips (this is indicated on the hint from the scroll in the library). The puzzle is randomly generated, there is no progression.
When all the small tokens are in the outer circle, the crypt wall will move to the side. Now at any time you can enter the secret door by clicking on the pedestal.
Go inside and look at the boy statue on the right, take the cylinder from the hiding place in the pedestal.
In inventory, combine the lid, cylinder and handle. Go ahead and insert the finished cylinder into the hole on the wall. Turn it and the wall will move to the side.
Go there and look at the valves. Twist them and gas will start flowing into the oven - you need a lighter to light it.
To get to the pier, you need to turn right from the gate. You cannot cross the bridge because there is not enough board. Take two steps back and click on the cemetery fence to turn left. You will see another pier with a board on it.

Go to the pier, throw the board over and get into the boat. You will meet a local resident who will not allow you to escape from here, and will sail away in it himself.
Take two gold coins from the barrel on the edge of the pier.

Go to the fishing tackle warehouse. There is an iron cabinet with three buttons, but it is not yet clear in what order to press them.
Now explore the house. To the right of the door are two barrels and a trash can. Take out the pieces of cardboard. In the inventory, look at the bag of cereal and turn it back - the wall is cut out here and you can get a wrapped prize. Unwrap the package and take out the magnifying glass.
Look at the pieces of cardboard in your inventory through a magnifying glass and complete the mosaic. Several letters are cut out of cardboard. Apparently the pieces of cardboard found were from the back of a cereal box.

Series Last Half of Darkness- an honorable relic of the adventure genre. The first part was published in 1990, that is, 18 (!) years ago. Since then, all games under this brand have been characterized by three features. Firstly, they are still made by one person and the steamship William Robert Fisher, and secondly, the project consistently ignores all fashion trends and technological advances, remaining a defiantly old-fashioned quest. Finally, thirdly, it’s really scary here.

We know from the recent Scratch. Accurate work with sound, gloomy interiors of abandoned crypts, plus surprisingly effective animation electrify the gaming space cleaner than in Penumbra. Fischer seems to build up the tension ad infinitum, and at some point an innocent rustle in the corner can cause a premature stutter or a funny nervous tic.

All this is true for the last part for today. Last Half of Darkness: Beyond the Spirit's Eye. Chronologically it is a continuation of the previous one Shadows of the Servants: we play as the same stranger who dealt with the shadows in New Orleans. This time the path lies to the city of Shadowcrest, to the homeland of Captain Marcos Fernando, who imprudently brought an ancient artifact to his native land. The city was immediately cursed and attacked by dark forces. However, contrary to expectations, we are greeted not by crowds of aggressively minded carrion, but by gloomy desolation.

The air in empty crypts, abandoned houses, bars and shops sparkles with tension. It feels like death, mysticism and their personal representatives are somewhere nearby. Doors creak otherworldly, the wind howls, stairwells and corridors turn significantly black. Periodically, two unblinking eyes light up in the darkness, a sad zombie falls out from under the bed, and someone invisible drags a corpse along the corridor: we see only the legs disappearing into the doorway dark room. And, of course, the game takes advantage of our innate curiosity: it throws up motionless figures that certainly sit with their backs to you. You, of course, come up, click on the character with the mouse, after which you let out a long squeal, and the hero on the other side of the screen loses consciousness.

In addition, from time to time you will enter into dialogues with statues (!), which seem to have stepped off the cover of the band’s latest album Cannibal Corpse.

* * *

The obligatory quest exercises don't interfere with the story at all. All riddles are included in the story in the most logical way. Collecting and using objects is diluted with puzzles and mini-games to varying degrees difficulties. No one is going to please the player: puzzles, like in the good old days, force you to naturally take a notebook, write and draw. But - no tension or far-fetchedness: more than once or twice this game will allow you to experience a feeling of deep satisfaction from the fact that you yourself, with the help of your own brain, have found a solution.

The problems of Last Half of Darkness lie where its strengths lie. This is an old-fashioned, bordering on archaic, work. The game is completely immune to everything that happens with the genre, interactive entertainment and modern technology. William Robert Fisher and his assistants in charge of sound are still working wonders: using almost sheer enthusiasm, they release surprisingly atmospheric, fascinating horror quests of frightening power. But just like ten years ago, these games require far more emotional effort and concentration from you than any modern representative of the genre. This is a real underground: before entering, you must give Fischer a lot of credit, turn on your imagination, turn off the lights and, preferably, banish all unnecessary sounds from the apartment. And if everything works out, it will be the beginning of a good friendship.

Replay value - no

Cool story - yes

Originality - no

Easy to learn - yes

Meeting expectations: 90%

Gameplay: 7.0

Graphic arts: 5.0

Sound and music: 7.0

Interface and control: 6.0

Did you wait? An old-fashioned horror quest that practices artistic chair bouncing and a variety of mental exercises.

Jonathan Moon receives a letter from his wife, who disappeared a year ago. Following the information from the letter, he goes to a secluded mansion where an ancient occult ceremony is taking place. The gates to another world open - the blasphemous, vicious lands of Lusst'ghaa.

Below is described complete walkthrough Lust for Darkness, including all the secrets and riddles.

This page describes the prologue in Lust for Darkness. You will play as Amanda and your task is to escape the prison.

There is a box on the nearby table. Take it in your hands and then open it - first you need to open the lock and then open the box. Inside you will find a key - take it. There is also a letter on the table. You can read it to know more about storyline games.

Move to the right until you see the figure shown in the screenshot above. She's harmless and you don't need to worry about it - just use the door on the right.

Follow the path until you reach the wine cellar. Use the nearby ladder here.

Go up the stairs until you reach the room visible in the picture above.

You can look around the room and see some interactive items, but if you want to move the story forward, grab the figurine in the picture (it's on the table on the left side of the bed). After this you will see a scene and the prologue will end.

You will now control Jonathan, Amanda's husband. At this stage you are in the house.

You start the game in Jonathan's room - leave the room and look around the house until the phone rings. It is located in the living room at the bottom of the house. Pick up the phone - no one will answer, but after a minute the phone will ring again. This time you will hear a crash and then a knock on the door.

The entrance door will be located to the right of the telephone. The house will be thrown letter- Lift it up and remove the contents. This is a message from Amanda- it turns out that she remains at the Yelverton estate.

Now you must find the indicated estate. To do this, return to the room where you started the game. Use your laptop and then launch your internet browser. On the map, click on the green dots until you find the location of the Yelverton estate.

Now you need to find the car keys - they are on the kitchen table. After getting up, go into the garage (it is located near the front door), and then go to the car. You will see a loading screen and be transported to a new location.

This time you will go to the garden of the Yelverton estate, and your task will be to find a way to get inside.

How to get to the estate?

You start the game on the street, next to the Yelverton estate. From the street, turn right and follow the road until you see the wall shown in the picture above.

You need to find the entrance to the estate. To this end, following along the wall, you will soon find the damaged part of the wall visible in the picture. Use it and enter the garden.

Getting a disguise

You will come to a parking lot. Beware because there are occultists here - if you are spotted the game will be interrupted and you will be returned to the last one control point. To avoid detection, move stealthily, hide behind cars and other objects, and keep a close eye on your opponents. Move towards the road visible in the picture above (where there are two lanterns) - you need to find some information from Amanda.

At the end of the road, turn left and then immediately right. Beware of the guard - leave only when he is not looking in your direction.

You will reach the location shown in the screenshot above. Watch out for the guard, and when the opportunity arises, go to the left side of the statue.

You will find here message from Amanda , mask And clothes. Read the letter and then change clothes - thanks to this you can freely move between the occultists.

Where is the invitation to the estate?

The invitation is in one of the cars in the parking lot where you started exploring the garden. Thanks to camouflage, you can get there without any problems. You can accept the invitation without any consequences - you can do this even in front of a guard.

Now there is nothing else to go to the main entrance of the estate. From the car park, follow the road with the two lights again, but this time turn right at the end. You will see a building (in the image above) - head towards it. You will see the main entrance and a guard in front of it. Approaching him will automatically trigger a prompt scene. Then use the door - you will be taken inside the estate.

This time you will be taken to the Yelverton estate and get more information about Amanda and the mysterious cult.

Find Amanda's room

You will start the game in a room with waiting guests. Go up the stairs visible in the screenshot above.

Note- It is better not to pick up items near guests - you may be detected, and the game will return you to the last checkpoint.

On the first floor, follow the left hallway until you reach the room visible in the image above. You can look around here and, for example, try to open another door. One of the occultists should then appear behind you and inform you that the ceremony will begin shortly. You may leave the room.

The mystery in Amanda's room

As you leave the room, you will see a woman in a white dress - follow her until you reach Amanda's room.

On the table by the bed is box. The opening requires the appropriate arrangement of three circles. They must be laid so that the symbols are like in the image above.

Inside you will find a letter from Amanda- read it and leave the room.

Cultist ceremony

As you leave the room, you will see an alarming situation. Enter the room with the glowing statue and roots - all objects will slowly disappear.

You can already get to the ceremony - the entrance is located next to the place where you started exploring the location. At the beginning, turn left and follow the possible path until you hit the stairs. Head up and down the hallway until you find the room visible in the image above.

In the room, take the figurine on the table. When you return the figurine, you will see a short scene, and then you will move on to the next stage of the game.

In this part you will see another dimension for the first time, meet your first enemy and receive a very useful mask.

Another dimension

You start the game in the place where you finished the previous stage. Exit the room and follow the corridor until you reach the portal shown in the screenshot above. Activate it - you will move to another dimension.

Go into the only corridor and walk until you reach the room with the lever visible in the above screenshot. Activate it to open the passage. Move further along the corridor.

Riddle with a closed passage

Soon you will reach the room in the screenshot above. Immediately look to the right - there is a part of the mechanism necessary to open the next passage. A total of four parts are needed.

The second part is to the right of the closed door.

The third part is nearby.

In turn, you will find the last part to the left of the closed passage. Having all the pieces, you can go into the closed passage and activate them. The character will place the elements into the mechanism, but you still need to organize it accordingly.

You can rotate the three parts - you must arrange them like in the picture above. When you do this, the passage will be open.

Getting a mask

The only possible way is to go up. Here you will find a mask, thanks to which you will begin to see more in the dimension. After putting on the mask, you will see, for example, a bridge or a transition to another room.

Note- You cannot wear the mask for too long, you will return to the last checkpoint, so use it only when necessary.

After putting on the mask, you will see a bridge behind you - go across it and follow the corridor.

You will be taken to the room in the image above. Put your mask back on and you will see a red passage that will lead you to the next part of the place.

Move forward, but be careful because an enemy will jump out at you. You have to escape to the previous room before it, so don't forget to wear a mask (without a mask you won't see the red passage). If the enemy hits you, you will lose and you will be transferred to the previous checkpoint.

Going to the previous room will cause the enemy to "reset" and return to the original location. Now you can use stealth and stick to the right side of the room, moving around the enemy. Hide behind pillars to avoid detection.

Keeping to the right side of the room, head towards the portal in the image above. Activate it - you will go to the Yelverton estate.

We have reached the fifth level of Lust for Darkness. Once again you find yourself in the Yelverton estate and your main goal is to get to the room with the crown symbol.

You start the game on the top floor of a mansion. There will be a door next to you - open it and go down. Skip the cultist and reach the room shown in the image above. Here you will find a room with a crown symbol. Go to the door.

How to get to the room with the crown symbol?

Now you need to find a way to get into the room with the crown symbol. Turn away from the door and go to the door to the dining room. You will enter the kitchen. Then use the door to the pantry, which is located on the left side of the kitchen.

You will be locked in by one of the cultists and must find a way out. On the closet you will find a box with combination lock. Pick it up - code - 413 (located on the back). Enter the code into the lock.

Return to the room where the entrance to the room with the crown symbol is located. It turns out that the door to another room is open. Enter it and then use the portal.

You find yourself in another dimension. There are no enemies here, so you can safely move along the corridor until you reach the exit portal. Take advantage of it.

The portal will take you to a room with a crown symbol. On the child's desk you will find the key to the exit, but before you leave the room, look at the photo of the child. On the back of the photo there is a map with recorded sounds - take it with you.

Learn the piano

Go back upstairs to where you started the game. Go to the piano and activate them. Go to the piano and activate it. Now you need to play the melody. Press in sequence: F, D#, G#, C#, C, E, F2. He will open a secret room behind you - enter it.

In the middle, pay attention to the map in the chamber - after examining it, you will see a scene and end this part of the game.

This time you will be taken to a dimension Lusst"ghaa, and your task is to get out of here.

Meeting the enemy

First, go to the door visible in the image above - you'll need to wear a mask to go through it.

Once you reach the location in the picture above, go to the right corridor. At the end you will find a passage. You have to open it, but be careful because there is an enemy right behind it.

Run into the left corridor and then follow the passage that has just opened.

Run until you reach the room visible in the above image (with the head statues). The enemy no longer enters here.

How to open a closed passage?

In the next room you will find a closed passage. To open it, you need to adjust the connections accordingly - to do this, rotate the dials and arrange the connections in the same way as in the screenshot above.

Follow the path until you reach the switch shown in the above screenshot. Launch it - thanks to this, the platform will reach you, on which you can get to the next part of the location.

Riddle with pictures

After exiting the platform, you will reach a ladder. From time to time you will find places where you can rotate symbols and create pictures. If you don't do this, the stairs will continue forever.

First of all, you need to create an image of the character.

In the second there is an image of a tree.

And in the third are the above symbols.

Only after placing three corresponding pictures will you see the above location. Put on your mask and enter the corridor. Follow the path until you reach a portal - use it.

Again, you'll reach the Yelverton estate, but be careful because you no longer have a mask protecting you from the cultists - you don't have to completely hide from them, but you can't get too close.

Leave the room and wait until the nearby occultists finish their conversation and leave the place.

After the cultists leave, use the double doors - they lead outside. You should go to the door on the other side (like the image above). To do this you need to avoid visible cultists - go down the stairs on the left and go to next stairs, right behind the cultists.

You will find yourself in a corridor with several rooms - go to the last one (the rest are closed anyway). There is a dead cultist here - take the mask from him.

Now go back outside, use the main entrance and go up the stairs. Run to the elevator.

You are in a room with a portal - use it to go to measurement Lusst"ghaa. Then follow the corridor. At the end, put on the mask and enter the passage to proceed to the final stage of the game.

You start the game at Lusst"ghaa dimension, where you will meet Willard.

Secret bridges and blocked passage

First, follow the corridor until you reach a room with a closed passage. Use the switch from the above screenshot and then insert it into the slot in the center of the room. Use the switch that will open the passage. Go to the next location.

Cross the bridge and follow the corridor until you reach the location shown in the screenshot above. Here, put on your mask to see the secret bridge leading to the platform.

The nearby levers are used to move the small platform - place it as shown in the picture (when using the mask, another bridge appears).

After crossing the bridge, you will reach the location in the screenshot above. Switch is used to open the door, but you can't just walk towards the exit. You must go behind the first left pillar and then go to the right side and exit the wall. Otherwise the transition will close.

Meeting with Willard

You will find the child in the room and Willard will appear there - you must escape from him. Move into the corridor with the red stripes and then activate the switch shown in the image above. This will create a floor for you to run across.

You will come to a room with the above pillars. Willard will now begin to use spells that will destroy the blocked passage. You have to run from Willard in such a way that he casts transition spells - he needs to do this twice.

When the passage is destroyed, run into the corridor and activate the nearby switch, but do not enter open door, just turn left.

You will reach a dead end, but Willard will be attacked after a while. Activate the nearby switch and enter the elevator.

Getting a new mask

You will reach the platform location you used before. Put on your mask and rearrange the smaller platforms so that you can see more bridges.

After crossing the last bridge, you will find yourself in the place that is visible in the screenshot above. The main road leads straight, but first you must turn right and take a new mask from there. Put it on and follow the main road (if you don't wear the mask then you will be attacked).

The mask can be removed indoors in the image above. Now you must find three switches to get out of here.

The first switch is located just after entering the room, and two more switches in the area are locked. With switches, place them in the empty slots. This will open a passage and you will see a portal to the Yelverton estate. Remember, however, to put your mask back on, otherwise you will be attacked.

Amanda's Rescue

You will find yourself back in the mansion and exactly in the area of ​​the room with the crown symbol. Go to the above stairs (where you played the piano), but go down this time.

You will end up in the prison that you saw in the prologue of the game.

Follow the corridor until you reach Amanda's cell (it's lit). As you approach her, Willard appears. You will see a short scene.

Break through Willard's body and head to the last room in the corridor. There, in the box, you will find the key to Amanda's cell. Return to it - you will see a scene.

At the end you will find another small fragment of the game in the house Jonathan And Amanda. First go up and then go down. The lights have gone out - enter the room shown in the picture above. Read the letter lying there, then follow the candles. You will see the final stage of the game. You've just completed Lust for Darkness.
