System of games for carrying out on a tourist trip. Tourist game for younger schoolchildren

“A clever tourist” (relay game)

1. Put on a backpack.

2. Running with a backpack between the cubes like a snake.

3. Run to the flag and bring it to the next player (he leaves the flag at the finish line).

“Who is faster” (relay game)

1. Jumping on two legs to the line (bump) with a ball in your hands.

2. Passing the ball from behind the head with both hands to the next player.

"Tourist obstacles"1. Jumping from hoop to hoop (distance between hoops - 30 cm) - “bumps”. 2. Climbing into the last hoop from the bottom up - “between the branches.” 3.Run in a straight line to the flag (10 m). 4. Running in the opposite direction in a snake between the hoops - “bushes”.

"Swamp" The teacher divides the group into two teams. Branches mark the beginning and end of the “swamp”. Team captains are given devices for crossing the “swamp” (these can be circles with a diameter of no more than 30 cm, two circles per team). At the teacher’s signal, the captains begin to move, shifting the circles one by one from place to place, crossing the “swamp” through them without touching the ground with their feet. Having finished the crossing, they quickly return to the start to transfer the circles. The team that finishes the relay first and does not fall into the “swamp” wins.

"Get your friends drunk" Task: carry a flask of water for friends without spilling a drop through obstacles. 1. Run along the bench (“on the bridge”). 2. Running between the pins (“trees”) like a snake. 3. Run in a straight line, passing the flask to the next player. “Pack your backpack” The group is divided into two or three teams and lines up on the starting line in two or three columns. At the start, things are placed (mat, jacket, flask, bowler hat, sneakers, mug, etc.), which must be placed in a backpack located 15-20 m from the players. The number of items must correspond to the number of participants in the game. Players are given the opportunity to look at things and agree on the sequence of packing the backpack. At the teacher’s signal, the captains run up to the backpack and put into it the item taken from the start that is most suitable for starting packing. Then they return to the start and pass the baton to the next player by touching their hand. So, in turn, each player continues to pack their backpack for the hike. The last player in the team, having completed packing, brings the backpack to the start. The team that packs the backpack correctly and quickly wins (together with the children, the teacher checks both backpacks and analyzes mistakes).

"Get in the cart" The group is divided into two teams. Each forms a circle with a diameter of 8-10 m. A “basket” (an open backpack suspended on pegs) is installed in the center of the circle. Team members receive 6-8 tennis balls (pebbles, cones). Within a set time (2-3 minutes), without leaving your place, you need to throw all the balls into the “basket”. After this time, the teams count the balls in the “basket”. The team that has the most goals scored in the basket wins.

“Guess” Various tourists came to the tourist rally: hikers, water tourists, cyclists, motorcycle tourists, etc. (they are portrayed by children). At the teacher’s signal, they go to the middle of the site and imitate the actions of their heroes according to the accepted role. The judge (driver) must find out which tourists have come to the rally. The player who most accurately and expressively fulfills his role becomes the driver.

Game option: children are divided into four groups: skiers, water boaters, motorcycle tourists, cyclists. The teacher shows a card depicting one (or two) types of tourism. Players performing the corresponding role go to the middle of the court and imitate the actions of their heroes. Games to consolidate children's knowledge about tourism

"Think and Guess"(board game) Children are offered an illustration depicting a tourist with a backpack and various items(tourist equipment, first aid kit, toys, dishes and other camping and non-camping equipment). From this variety of items, you need to choose those that can be useful on a hike and are convenient to carry in a backpack. The one who successfully completes the task wins.

"Who is faster" (board game) Children are offered a terrain plan with three different routes converging at one point (clearing), three chips and a cube. Three players take part in the game at the same time. The winner is the one who “arrives” first at the clearing, guided by the signs placed along the route and observing the rules of conduct for tourists. Option: the game can be organized on the sports ground during a walk.

"Be careful"Children are given cards depicting one or another type of tourism. The teacher has large illustrations with various camping equipment. Showing them to the children one by one, the teacher suggests finding a card with the corresponding type of tourism. For example, a paddle - water tourism, a helmet - mountain tourism, a bicycle - cycling, etc. Whoever completes the task correctly and quickly gets a chip. The one who collects the most chips wins.

"Nature Experts" The teacher has cards with pictures of poisonous and edible mushrooms and berries; flowers and animals listed in the Red Book. Showing the drawings, he invites the children to name the plant (animal, mushroom, etc.) and tell everything they know about it. For the best story, the child receives a chip. The title of expert and the corresponding badge is given to the one who collects the most chips.

"Make no mistake" Children stand in a circle, the teacher is in the center. Throwing a ball to the children one by one, he names the type of tourism or some piece of tourist equipment - the children continue the list they started. If a player does not catch the ball or is unable to respond quickly, he is out of the game. Then the role of driver is played by the child who completed the task best.

"Let's determine the weather" The teacher names the signs (folk signs), the children determine what kind of weather they indicate. Cumulus clouds increase in size in the evening. Swifts fly high. The sun sets into a cloud. Red dawn in the morning and evening. In the evening there is a strip of clear sky in the west, the sun sets in a cloudless sky. In the evening it becomes warmer than in the morning. In the evening (and at night) there is fog. Game option: the teacher shows illustrations of a sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy, frosty day. Children should name as many signs as possible indicating good and bad days.

Examples of some outdoor tourism games-competitions that can be held at tourist rallies

Crossing the "swamp"

Competitions in crossing a simulated swamp will not only develop in children such physical qualities as dexterity, a sense of balance, flexibility, but will also give them an initial understanding and some skill in the technique of crossing and tactics for overcoming swampy terrain.

Both individual and team championships can be held.

Three options are practiced:

  • on “fascinations” (on “bear paws”);
  • along the “bumps”;
  • along the “gati” (on a flooring made of poles).

Option 1 – by “fascinators”.

Each participant has two fascinki - planks (plywood) slightly larger than the size of a foot (shoe sole). If the competition is held indoors, you can use cardboard or even just sheets of paper instead of boards.

Having stood in a line at the start line (near the wall of the corridor with their backs to it) with an interval of at least a meter from each other, the participants, at the judge’s command “March!” Place one plank on the floor in front of you, stand on it with one foot and, standing on it, place the second plank towards the finish line. Standing on it with the other foot, they lift the first fascia, shift it forward, take the next step, etc. Everyone has the same task - to reach the finish line as quickly as possible - step with both feet beyond the finish line (touch the opposite wall with your hand). Whoever completes the task faster than others will be the winner. The remaining places are determined according to the finishing time of each, if it was timed using a stopwatch.

  1. When balancing on one leg when shifting planks, you cannot touch the “swamp” with the other leg or hands - the floor, earth, asphalt. For such a touch, the judge awards the participant penalty points (seconds).
  2. It is forbidden to move the planks through the “swamp” by sliding. Each one must be picked up by hand and transferred to a new place by air.

Option 2 – along the “bumps”.

Participants are divided into teams of 3–5 people. Their task is to quickly pass a “swampy” area 10–15 m wide, jumping from “bump” to “bump” and without touching the surface of the “swamp” with their feet.

7–10 “bumps”, forming a slightly zigzag “path through the swamp”, are located from one another at different distances of about 100–150 cm. On the floor, on asphalt, they can simply be drawn with chalk, and in the meadow they should be marked with bright rings connected from ropes, or made in the form of squares of plywood, which are nailed to the ground each with one long nail (hairpin with a head). The size of each “bump” is 30–40 cm, so that the participant can step on it with both feet.

Teams start in turn, by lot, at the judge’s signal “March!” If you make two or three “paths through the swamp,” then several teams can compete at the same time, which will add excitement. The order of movement of the members of each team is determined by the last participant at the moment when he steps from the last “bump” with both feet onto the “shore” - beyond the boundary line of the “swamp”.

The competition can be complicated by introducing the requirement to transport cargo along a “path” through a “swamp”: several heavy backpacks with equipment, pots filled with water, a burning candle (torch).

  1. Participants should not step on the “swamp”, i.e. between the bumps. For each such violation, the judge awards the team penalty seconds.
  2. It is prohibited for two participants to be on the same “bump” at the same time. For violation there is a fine.

If items of equipment fall into the “swamp”, water spills from the pots, or if a candle goes out while crossing the “path”, the team also receives a fine.

Option 3 – along the “gati” of poles.

In this version, competitions are best held in the lap of nature and only as team competitions. The team consists of 3–5 people. The task is the same - to pass the “swampy” section from the start line to the finish line (from flag to flag) as quickly as possible. But this time the transition is made on a homemade flooring of poles, a set of which must be prepared at the start. Each pole should be about two meters long and 5–10 cm thick. The total length of the set of poles should be slightly less than twice the width of the “swamp”.

The one who goes first in the team takes two poles and places them on the “swamp” parallel to one another in the direction of the finish, and then walks forward along them. The second participant, moving behind him along the already laid poles, hands two more poles into the hands of the first. The guide places the second pair of poles further, and the rest of the participants move behind him, passing new poles forward. The one who closes the chain must collect the vacated poles behind him and pass them forward or carry them with him.

Having passed the entire “swampy” area, the team puts all the poles in a stack on the shore, and the judge times the finish time. The winner is the team that passed the “swamp” through the girders faster than others (taking into account the penalty time).

  1. The main thing is similar to rule No. 1 of the previous options.
  2. When passing poles to each other, it is allowed to use them for support during the moments of movement; it is also allowed to stretch them along the surface of the “swamp” by sliding (dragging).

Walk on the log

If you come across a fallen tree while hiking, you can practice your balance.

If a tree has sharp protruding branches or lies across a deep ravine, then passing through it poses an increased danger, and you should not train on it without insurance. While resting on a trunk lying directly on the ground, you can play games with climbing over it (if the trunk is thick enough) and walking along the trunk without a load, with a backpack on your shoulders, with a pot or mug filled with water.

Each participant in turn rises and walks along the trunk to the end and jumps off it to the ground. You can enter additional condition– turn 180° at the end of the log and walk in the opposite direction, squat in the middle of the path, sit astride the trunk and stand again without touching the ground, etc.

The exercise should not be performed at speed, but the leader, together with the other guys (the panel of judges), must give each person a score for the quality of performance, taking into account the following indicators:

by quality of movement:

  • calm, without tension – 2 points;
  • tense, uncertain – 1 point;

by time:

  • normal – 5 points;
  • a little slow – 4 points;
  • very slowly, with delays – 1–3 points;
  • a little hasty – 4 points;
  • very hastily, with jogs – 1–3 points;

to maintain balance:

  • without violations – 5 points;
  • with slight imbalances – 3–4 points;
  • with major violations – 1–2 points;
  • premature dismount, fall – 0 points.

In addition, additional points can be given if the participant does not spill water from the pot while passing the log; for turning, squatting, jumping, dismounting, etc.

Dodgers (pendulum crossing)

The game trains dexterity and hand strength. It is held in the forest, in the park. On level ground, a strong rope is thrown onto a thick horizontal tree branch located at a height of at least 4–5 m. Its ends are tied. On the ground under the rope, two parallel planks (colored cords) indicate the distance of the crossing - the “bank of the stream”.

They play one person at a time. Everyone needs to stand on the right bank near the bar, cling to the rope with their hands, group themselves, move their body across the stream with a pendulum and lower themselves behind the bar (cord), indicating the “left bank.”

When all participants complete the task, you can move the boundaries of the “banks” 10–12 cm further from the plane of the rope - make the “stream” wider and start the competition again.

  1. For each touch of the “stream surface” with the body, the participant is eliminated from the game, and for “getting his clothes wet” he receives a penalty point. But by agreement, it is possible to allow the exercise to be completed in three attempts, and only after three failures does the tourist “drown”.
  2. The winner at the “crossing” will be the one who never “got wet” in the “stream”.

Crossing backpacks (pendulum with stop)

It is convenient to hold competitions in a meadow or on a sandy area. They help children learn rope skills.

Equipment: a pointed pole 3–5 m long with a spear at the upper end (it is desirable that the spear be made of three knots not located in the same plane); a thick rope five times the length of the pole; a backpack filled with conventional tourist equipment; carabiner or cord.

Two parallel lines are marked on the site, indicating the “river banks”. The distance between them should be slightly less than twice the length of the pole, and in the middle between the “shores” you need to find or dig a small (15–20 cm deep) hole into which the pole is inserted with the sharp end. The middle of the rope is attached to the pole at the fork of the branches with a knot. On the outer side of the “bank” lines, on a perpendicular passing through the hole, two small fliers 0.5 m high are driven in, on which the upper part of the pole will rest.

The team consists of two people who stand on different banks of the flyers. The first one has a backpack and a carabiner (rep cord), and a pendulum pole is tilted towards him and placed in a flyer. At the judge’s command “Start!” he must secure the backpack to the pole's spear using a carabiner or cord. After this, the second team member lifts the pole with the backpack by the rope, and when he takes a vertical position, the first, using his end of the rope, lowers the pole towards the second and, slowing down, tries to accurately place it in the flyer on the opposite “shore”.

The judge marks the finish time at the moment when the second participant unhooks the backpack from the spears and puts it on the ground (or puts it on his shoulders).

Then the second team performs, followed by the rest.

The winner is determined by the time spent.

  1. Participants are not allowed to step their feet beyond the “shore” line, but they can move along it to the sides.
  2. At the moment of raising and lowering the pole with a backpack, participants can act either with the help of a rope or simply with their hands (more complex version competitions, the latter may be prohibited).
  3. If a pole or backpack falls, the team is eliminated from the game.

Running through the forest

This exercise trains dexterity, eye, and develops a sense of space. It can be carried out in a light forest or in a forest clearing, but it can also be done in urban conditions - in a school yard, on a sports ground or even in a gym: the main thing is that there are two or three high and strong supports (trees, poles) on which you can pull the rope.

Equipment: between two or three trees at a height of at least 2 meters, a strong long rope is stretched not very tightly, onto which wooden slats (sticks, branches) are hung with the help of loops or wire hooks so that they do not reach the ground a little and do not slid along the rope to the side when it bends under the load. The distance between hanging slats should be from 0.5 to 1 m. The number of slats depends on the length of the main rope (10–20–30 m). Between some adjacent slats, ribbons (cords) are hung at chest level or above the knees, as if blocking the passage.

The task of each participant is to run as quickly as possible in a zigzag between the slats so as not to touch any of them, so that none of them sway. In those transitions between slats where ribbons are hung, participants will either have to bend down, crawling under the ribbon, or step over the ribbons without touching them.

The exercise can be made more difficult if you put a backpack with a small load on your shoulders, take a ball, a bowler hat or a mug of water, or a lit candle in one hand.

The winners are determined by the time they complete the exercise, taking into account penalty seconds. The size of the fine for each violation: swinging a rod, catching a ribbon, dropping a ball, spilling water, a candle going out - must be agreed upon in advance.

Through the "forest windbreak"

Imitating overcoming a forest area with a windbreak gives a useful load to the muscles of the thigh and lower leg, and will allow you to train dexterity, eye, coordination of movements - qualities necessary for tourists, pedestrians and skiers.

The exercise can be performed in the gym using two gymnastic benches, and in the forest between two tree trunks lying parallel on the ground. You can create a completely artificial distance using ropes, dry tree branches and other available materials.

A section of the trail 10–20 m long must be blocked off with transverse crossbars made of slats, sticks or ropes, located within a step from each other and raised above the trail by 25–40 cm (below the knees) or 45–60 cm (above the knees). Tourists must take turns to overcome this section of the trail, whoever is faster, stepping over the crossbars and without knocking over any of them with their feet or losing their balance.

The results are assessed using stopwatch readings.

More complicated options: walking in forward and reverse directions, with a backpack on your shoulders, with a pot of water in your hand.

  1. If a participant knocks down at least one crossbar, he is eliminated from the competition. You can agree on a three-try system.


The game is played in the forest. It trains observation, the ability to act collectively and overcome natural obstacles. The participants of the game are divided into two equal teams of 5–10 people. Each team selects a captain who will decide issues of tactics and interaction between team members.

Equipment. It is necessary to prepare in advance pieces of paper of two different colors cut into small squares (do not use green), which must be scattered in the forest along two different routes from one starting point to the general finishing point. The number of pieces of paper of each color depends on the length of the route. If, for example, the routes for the game are 500 m long and marked on average every 5 m, then, accordingly, 100 of them should be prepared.

In addition, you need to prepare a bright flag (pennant, ribbon, etc.) for the finish.

While the teams are busy doing something in the clearing near the start, the leader and assistant go off to mark the first route. They move, weaving, making their way through dense thickets, descending into ravines, climbing over fallen trees and leaving their pieces of paper on branches and the ground after an equal number of steps. The assistant then remains at the finish line, setting it up by attaching a flag to a tree branch at a height of 2–3 m, and then camouflages himself nearby. The leader goes back from the finish to the start, along a new route, laying out and hanging markings of the second color on the trees.

The routes should be located so that from the start the teams diverge in different directions from each other, and then walk parallel towards the finish.

The teams start at the same time. The route option is played by lot - who gets which color. The task of each team is to get to the finish line faster in order to capture the flag, finding and collecting as many markings of their color along the way.

The team chooses its own search tactics. You can, for example, move in a chain or line to quickly detect pieces of paper; You can send patrols (scouts) ahead, who will not collect the papers themselves, but will strive to quickly reach the finish line and remove the flag from the tree.

The scoring of each piece of paper (marking) and the finishing flag must be agreed upon in advance. His score should be equal to half the total points for all paper stamps of the same color.

The team that scores the most points wins.

A more complicated version of the game for older schoolchildren can be created not only by lengthening the routes, but also by constructing routes in the shape of a figure eight, or by making pre-agreed breaks in the markings on the routes - places where the markings will have to be looked for within a radius of 20–30 or 50 m .

You should not hide paper stamps so that they are not visible at all (under roots, in moss, hollows, piles of brushwood), as this will lead to a long delay in the game.

Cross of "caterpillars"

This fun competition can be held on a sandy beach, on an area covered with loose sand, or on a flat, clean meadow. It trains coordination of movements, develops flexibility, strengthens the back and abdominal muscles.

Equipment: a circle with a radius of 5–10 m is drawn in the sand using a rope, in the center of which a prize is placed - a bowl of sweets, nuts, apples, etc. The top of the prize is covered with a napkin. And in the meadow, using a cord or steps, you can measure several equal radii from the center (according to the number of participants) and mark their ends with branches and flags.

Participants lie on their stomachs starting position- behind the circle at different points, each with his head towards the center of the circle. The referee's assistants tie their hands behind their backs and their feet at the ankles. After the command “March!” everyone rushes to the center to grab the prize. Everyone strives to reach the center before others, and the one who “arrived” first must grab the napkin with his teeth and throw it to the side.

  1. Any method of movement is allowed: rolling from side to side, on the side, pushing off the ground with your knees, somersaulting, jumping on your knees or feet, etc.
  2. It is not allowed to knock (throw) the bowl out of place with your body.

Water carriers

These climbing and running competitions train agility, strength, coordination and speed endurance. Competitions should be held on the banks of a stream, river, lake, sea, where there is a fairly high and steep bank slope (cliff, dune, sand quarry wall). They are held between teams of three to seven people. There can be several teams. It all depends on the terrain conditions and the availability of equipment.

Empty buckets are placed on the upper edge of the coastal slope according to the number of participating teams. The teams line up next to their buckets, with each participant holding a mug or a pot. The total volume of dishes must be the same for all teams.

At the signal “March!” everyone quickly goes down, scoops up water from the river in mugs and goes up to pour it into their buckets. Then they run down again for water. The team that fills its bucket to the set mark the fastest wins. The referee must monitor the filling of the buckets.

  1. It is prohibited to pass mugs and pots of water along the chain; each team member must carry his own mug of water to the bucket himself.
  2. The choice of lifting path for the participants is determined by the captain of each team. It is prohibited to block the passage, push the enemy, or knock the mug of water out of his hands.

Tourist relay race

One of the options for holding a sports festival for teenagers.

Tourist stages

1. Start. Equipment check

The team starts in 10 minutes. The judges check the necessary equipment, knowledge of safety rules in the forest and issue a map with a drawn distance and ZMK.

2. Bivouac, packing a backpack, setting up a tent

During the stage, the team independently distributes responsibilities for packing the backpack, removing and installing the tent. To pack the backpack, you must select the most necessary (at the discretion of the participants) items from among those provided by the judges and place them correctly in the backpack. For example: you must take a sleeping bag and a mat; they fit under your back, but you do not need to take a hairdryer, iron and large pillow. The pre-installed tent must be removed and replaced. The tent is placed on 2 poles and 10 pegs. The number of participants in this stage is determined by the team itself. When removing the tent, the judge checks the team’s organization during installation, correctness and speed (except for children 9-10 years old, where speed is not the main thing). Let us clarify: the tent, backpack and all items for packing the backpack are for the judges; teams do not bring or take them away.

3. Parallel crossing

This is a technically difficult stage, since you have to overcome an obstacle without special equipment (without organizing self-insurance), so it should not be very long, about 8–10 m on a flat surface and not very high from the ground (the lower railings are at a height of 0.7– 1 m and the top railing is at chest level). The participant’s task is to cross the parallel crossing to the other side. You need to move with side steps, standing on the lower railing rope, holding onto the upper one. The judge (physical instructor) must insure each participant. The results of the team consisting of five boys and five girls in the squad are taken into account. They are given penalty points and are assessed by judges at the stage. Completion of the stage by the remaining participants is not mandatory, but is recommended. At this stage, penalties are possible: two on the rope, stepping over the control line (jumped from the railing without entering the safe zone), fall (legs fell off the railing, and the participant was hanging only by his hands).

4. Log with railings

It is advisable to make the log over which the railing is up to 5–7 m long. Participants take turns walking along it, holding onto the railing rope. The task of the participants, their number, insurance, judging - as at the “Parallel crossing” stage.

5. Topography, local history, azimuth

To determine the top signs, the team is given five or more cards with signs. It is advisable to entrust the task to two or three participants from the squad. Two more go to determine the azimuth. If for some reason a team does not have a compass, a judge's compass must be present at the stage. The remaining participants answer questions about local history to the judge. When creating assignments, you should definitely take into account the age capabilities of the children.

6. Transportation of the victim

The team at the stage carries out the tasks of the judge to provide first aid and transports the victim. A judge from the school's medical staff should be assigned to this stage. Typically, the following conditional injuries are offered for assistance: broken limbs, spinal injuries, bleeding, wound treatment. After applying a bandage or splint, the victim is transported on a stretcher made from improvised means (poles and jackets). When planning to carry a victim, you should consider going through this stage on terrain with uneven terrain in order to develop carrying skills in any conditions. While the boys carry the victim along the indicated route, the girls answer the judge’s questions about first aid.

7. Path (overcoming the “swampy” area using treasures made of poles)

A team of four boys and four girls needs to walk through a “swampy” area using a set of poles. The boundaries of the site are marked. At this stage, up to 5–6 supports are installed, simulating hummocks and dry islands. The team is given 8 poles. The distance between the supports is 2.5 m, the length of the poles is up to 3 m. Participants can pass through the wetland, stepping only on the supports or the poles laid on these supports. There can be no more than two participants on one support. The judges give penalty points for stepping into the danger zone or falling into a “swamp.”

A team of five boys and five girls overcomes a conditional obstacle using the “pendulum” method. A conditional blockage is made through a small ditch, the boundaries are marked. You should find a place where you can secure the rope at the top. To make it easier to grip the rope, knots are tied on it at different heights for children of different ages. Possible penalties: stepping beyond the control line, stalling - touching the ground with both feet in the danger zone.

At the finish line, the team hands over its card and the score card, in which the judges indicate the number of penalty points at each stage. The chief secretary immediately calculates the penalty points and keeps a preliminary protocol, promptly announcing the competition leaders over the loudspeaker. The final protocol is posted after all results have been calculated and verified. The winners are awarded at the camp assembly. When preparing and organizing competitions, one must remember that the event should solve problems aimed not only at gaining knowledge, skills in tourist all-around and the necessary tourist skills, but also at nurturing moral and volitional qualities and improving health, developing skills healthy image life. Only such joint work of children and counselors can help achieve their goals for the education and health of children.

Games on a tourist theme. Senior preparatory group

A series of games on a tourism theme for older preschoolers

The material will be useful for kindergarten teachers, seniors and preparatory groups. These games are intended for individual and group lessons with children preschool age. The proposed games increase children's interest in tourism, contribute to a quick acquaintance with the rules of behavior in nature, types of tourism, and much more.
Game: "We're going on a hike"
Target: introduce this type of recreation as hiking, tell children what they can do on a hike. Develop and enrich children's vocabulary: Words are objects: tourist, tent, bowler hat, backpack, compass, foam. Words - actions: hike, halt, gather, overcome.
Material: game layout "Tourist's Corner"
Content: The teacher invites the children to look at the model, tells the children about the type of recreation - tourism, introduces the children to the types of tourism, tells the children about the rules of behavior in nature. The children are given little people and the game begins.

Game "Name and Tell"
Target: Teach children to recognize medicinal plants and mushrooms: edible and poisonous, growing in their native area. Teach correctly, collect plants without harming the environment.
Material: Cards with medicinal and poisonous plants, edible and poisonous mushrooms.
Game content: Cards with images of medicinal plants or mushrooms are laid out on the table. Children take turns taking one picture at a time, name what is depicted and tell about the plant: medicinal, edible or poisonous. How is it used by humans?

Game “Types of tourism. "Guess and Tell"

Target: To consolidate knowledge about the types of tourism.
Material: Cards depicting different types of tourism.
Content: Cards depicting different types of tourism are laid out on the table. The child takes any card, names the type of tourism and tells what he knows about this type of tourism.

A game: Game-training"We're going on a hike."
Target: Creating a psychological mood for children the new kind activities. Know how to choose the right things for a tourist.
Material: Things a tourist needs on a hike: a pot, a backpack, a bowl, a spoon, a tent, a flashlight, a knife, a hatchet, a guitar, toys, a ball, a hair dryer, a tape recorder, etc.
Content: The child must choose from the things offered to him those that he will need on the hike.
Game "Name it correctly."
Target: Reinforce the concept of topographical signs from meaning. Identify topographical signs on the plan. Be able to make maps and diagrams of a hiking trip.
Material: Maps, area plans, cards with topographic signs.
Content: On the table there are cards with topographical signs and pictures of what these signs represent. The child is asked to take any sign, name it and find a picture corresponding to this sign.

Game “What will happen if...?”
Target: Reinforce the rules of behavior in nature. Know what needs to be done in order to protect, preserve and enhance nature. Develop the ability to draw conclusions and inferences.
Material: Cards "Rules of behavior in nature."
Content: There are cards on the table that depict signs of behavior in nature. The teacher sets a situation for discussion with the children, from which the children come to the conclusion that it is necessary to protect nature. For example: what happens if a child throws a cola can into the river? What about two, three children? What if one family brings an armful of snowdrops from the forest? What about two, three? Similarly - about loud music in the forest, about a fire, about a broken branch, about a caught butterfly, about a ruined nest, etc.

Game: "Green Pharmacy".
Target: Fix the names of medicinal plants and their beneficial properties.
Material: Pictures with medicinal plants
Content: Children are divided into 2 teams. One team has illustrations depicting medicinal plants: plantain, nettle, sage, chamomile, dandelion, etc. Another has pictures: a cut finger, a child with a bandaged throat, with a thermometer, dandelion salad, nettle cabbage soup, etc. At the teacher’s command, children from teams find each other, become pairs and explain their choice. For example: plantain is applied to a wound, cabbage soup is cooked from nettles, etc.
Game: “Light a fire”
Target: know and distinguish between types of fire, be able to build a fire.
Material: bars for laying out a fire, cards with types of fire.
Content: The teacher brings a box to the group and says that the box contains cards with different types fires and small blocks (logs for laying out a fire). Children must name the type of fire and build a fire.

I will be very pleased if my material is useful to someone in their work! Thank you for your attention!

Quiz participants: students of tourist associations of the first year of study.

Purpose of the competition: To conduct an intermediate control of the knowledge and skills acquired by participants of tourist associations in the classroom.

Equipment and materials: easels with a poster with a riddle and a table of results, marker, envelopes with cards “Personal and group equipment”; cards with words related to tourism for the game “Understand Me”; error-related tourist nodes; cards with the names of fires - nodya, well, cannon, taiga, star; sets of brushwood according to the number of teams; food products sealed in plastic film and numbered (semolina, buckwheat, starch, barley, salt, sugar, etc.). Participant cards, sheets of paper with pens for the “Let's Cook Lunch” competition; jars according to the number of teams with mixed seeds (beans, sunflower and watermelon seeds). Props for staging homework (prepared by each team); stopwatch; diplomas for all teams, medals for the winners; chips for drawing teams. Tape recorder for musical arrangement of competitions.

2 weeks before the quiz, the participating teams are given the following task:

  • colorfully depict on paper one of the laws of tourists (the list is attached).
  • dramatize one of the tourist laws.
  • learn a tourist song.

A tourist quiz can be held in a hall decorated with posters and photographs on a tourist theme. On one of the walls there are posters with the laws of young tourists - the homework of the teams.

Tourist quiz participants: 4-5 teams.

The number of guys in a team is from 4 to 7.


Presenter: Teams of young tourists gathered here to take part in the tourist quiz “Zadorinka”, to show their skills and abilities that they acquired in classes at the associations of our station.

The quiz consists of the following competitions:

1. Tourist.

2. Culinary.

3. Competition of tourist riddles.

4. Competition for the best dramatization.

5. Tourist drawing.

6. Psychological competition.

7. Marching song.

These competitions will be judged by a jury consisting of...

I ask the team captains to come to the jury table for the draw.

After the draw, the presenter announces the order of performance of the teams.

Host: So, the first competition is a tourist one. This competition includes 4 tasks. The highest score for each task is 5 points. The maximum score for the entire competition is 20 points.

First task: Game “tourist equipment”. During this game, teams will show their knowledge of personal and group equipment for tourists.

Explanation of the game: Each team is given an envelope with the tourist's equipment on the front side. The envelope contains cards with the names and images of personal and group equipment. The envelopes come with two pockets with the inscriptions “personal equipment” and “group equipment”. (The explanation is accompanied by a demonstration.) The players’ task is to separate personal equipment from group equipment in 1 minute by placing the cards in the appropriate pockets and the pockets in an envelope.

The teams are given envelopes and the time is noted. After completing the task, the envelopes are collected on the jury table, where they sum up the results. At this time, another task is taking place.

Presenter: the next task of the tourist competition is the game “Understand Me”.

Explanation of the game: on the jury table there are cards with words related to tourism written on the back. These are singular nouns. One of the team members must use facial expressions and gestures to show the other team the word he has chosen, without pronouncing it.

Both the actions of the demonstrator and the speed and correctness of the team’s response will be evaluated.

The highest score for the indicator is 2.5 points.

The highest score of a participating team is 2.5 points.

As a result, the highest score for this competition was 5 points.

As the game progresses, the jury evaluates the players.

Leading: The “Knot” task will reveal your skills and knowledge in tying tourist knots.

Explanation of the task: Teams are given connected tourist nodes and their name is told. In one minute you need to find an error in them, show it and correct it.

Teams perform in accordance with the draw.

After completing the task, the Presenter presents the word to the jury to announce the results of the tourism competition.

Presenter: The final task of the tourist competition: “Bonfires”.

Explanation of the task: Teams draw a card with the name of the fire and in one minute they need to add up the chosen type of fire from the proposed sticks of different diameters and explain its purpose.

The brushwood kits are the same for all teams.

The speed and correctness of actions are assessed.

Presenter: The second competition of our game is Culinary. A tourist cannot do without food on any trip. Before going on a hike, a tourist should learn the basics of camp cooking. And now you will show your skills in this area. The competition consists of three tasks. For the first two tasks, the highest score is 5 points. For the third task - 4 points. The maximum score for the entire competition is 14 points.

The first task of this competition will show whether you know cereals and food products.

Explanation of the task: on the table, which stands in the center of the hall, there are numbered plastic bags (you can take about five) with a set of various cereals. Each team selects one participant who must identify and write down the number and name of the corresponding product on an individual card. The finished cards are handed over to the jury. The winner is the team whose member quickly and accurately signs the names of the products.

Host: The second task of this competition is “Let's prepare lunch.”

Teams receive a sheet with a new task. In two minutes, the guys must write the name of the products that are usually consumed on hikes and create a menu for lunch from these products.

The completed task is handed over to the jury.

Presenter: In previous tasks, young tourists identified food products, compiled a lunch menu, but during the cooking process a problem occurred: the cereals were mixed. The task is to separate these cereals from one another.

Teams receive a jar in which three ingredients are mixed. (You can use beans, sunflower seeds and watermelon)

Whoever separates the seeds faster will receive the highest score of 4 points.

After completing the task, the Presenter gives the floor to the jury to announce the results of the culinary competition.

Presenter: It’s time for the competition of tourist riddles.

The highest score for this competition is awarded and announced based on the number of riddles participating in the competition. For each correctly guessed answer - 1 point.

The first task for all teams is a riddle poster (an easel with a poster is brought out).

The task of the team members is to answer the facilitator’s questions. To answer a question you must raise your hand. Shouts from the spot are not taken into account. The responder must explain the answer.

Questions for the riddle poster (photo attached).

  1. How many tourists live in the camp?
  2. When did they come here?
  3. How far is it from the camp to the nearest village?
  4. Where does the wind blow from: from the north or from the south?
  5. What time of day is it now?
  6. Where did Sasha go?
  7. Who was on duty yesterday?
  8. What day is it today and what month?

After the teams answer, the leader asks riddles to each team; the remaining teams must remain silent, since their answer will not be counted, and only if the team answers incorrectly, the answer of other teams can be accepted. In this case, the team that answers gets one more point.

So, a riddle for the first team:

Wherever you are,
If only you got lost,
He will show you a friend,
The path to the north and south. (Compass)

Riddle for the second team:

He helped us at the rest stop,
I cooked the soup, baked the potatoes,
It's good for hiking
You can't take it with you. (Bonfire)

Riddle for the third team:

He is with you and with me
Walked in forest stitches
Hiking friend behind you
On belts with buckles. (Backpack)

Riddle for the fourth team:

The arrow swings back and forth
He will show us north and south without difficulty. (Compass)

Riddles for all teams. Those who know the answer raise their hand:

  1. He will curl up like a cat,
  2. And it will stretch as long as the path. (Rope)

  3. Downhill - horses,
  4. There are pieces of wood up the hill. (Skis)

  5. Who walks the night and walks the day,
  6. Not knowing what laziness is? (Watch)

  7. What will be born from water,
    Are you afraid of water? (Salt)

At the end of the competition, the jury announces the teams' results.

Leading. The fourth competition of our game is a dramatization of the laws of young tourists.

This was homework for the teams. In the process of preparing this competition, the children were able to realize their creative abilities.

The following laws will be staged...

(The presenter will first find out this from the teams). Teams perform in order of priority. The jury evaluates the completeness of the disclosure of the law and the artistry of the speakers.

At the end of the competition, the results are summed up. (You can invite the teams to evaluate the staging of other teams themselves on a 5-point scale)

Presenter: The tourist drawing competition is a little similar to the previous one, this is also homework, but this time the guys tried their hand at paper, drawing the laws of young tourists.

I ask one of the team members to come up to the poster and protect it.

Posters are defended on a first-come, first-served basis.

At the end of the competition, the jury sums up the results.

Leading: Psychological competition will show us how cohesive a team you are. Teams receive a kit large cards, on which one of the laws of tourists is written. Each card has one or two words. Team members take one card each and line up with them so that the jury and other teams can read this sentence.

The main criterion when evaluating this competition is the psychological compatibility of the guys, how they interact when completing the task.

The speed and correctness of execution are also taken into account.

Presenter: The camping tourist song competition concludes our game “Zadorinki”.

The highest score is 5 points.

At a rest stop, tourists love to sing songs around the fire. And we will listen and appreciate these songs, imagining ourselves near a warming fire.

Teams perform in order of priority.

Please, first team...

After performing the competition songs, the presenter invites all teams to perform Oleg Mityaev’s song “Bending the Yellow Guitar.”

The floor is given to the jury to sum up the final results and announce the winners of the quiz.

Presenter: All teams performed well, showing their tourism skills. For those who didn't make it to victory, don't be upset. We have an Olympic principle: the main thing is not victory, the main thing is participation!

All participants are awarded memorable diplomas. And the winners receive homemade medals.

Laws of young tourists.

  1. You cannot understand the meaning of tourism while sitting at home.
  2. If you go on a hike, don’t be afraid; if you’re afraid, don’t go.
  3. Only bad tourists have a bad trip.
  4. On a hike, seven do not wait for one.
  5. If you are tired, help a friend and you will feel better.
  6. Don’t take a backpack that’s too heavy on your hike; your friends will have to carry it.
  7. Don’t take herring with you, it’s better to eat a pinch of salt.
  8. Rain is not a hindrance for tourists.
  9. No matter how small the remaining piece of bread is, during the campaign it is divided among everyone.
  10. No matter how difficult it is on the way, follow our law - do not squeak!
  11. The one who walks will master the road.
  12. A tourist is someone who brings good to people.

Riddle poster

Tourist hubs

1a – straight, 1b – reef,

1c – counter, 1d – weaving,

2a – academic, 2b – clew,

2c – front clevis, 3a – conductor,

3b – figure eight, 3c – bowline.

Types of fires

Dulenin S.N. physical education teacher

KSU "Secondary School No. 35"

Outdoor games on a hiking trip

The proposed games, without requiring complex equipment and special playgrounds, help the teacher develop in children the ability to correctly estimate time intervals, determine distances, develop a quick reaction, observation and organization, and provide leisure and help to increase the emotional mood of young tourists. Game rules may vary depending on conditions.

Gyre – The children walk along the steam path at a calm pace.

At the leader’s signal, the last pair accelerates their pace, trying to overtake the guys in front and stand at the head of the formation. The game continues until all pairs complete the task. The game can also be played when the guys walk in single file. If the column is stretched out, you are allowed to run ahead of it.

Fast walkers – The starting line is marked on the ground, and the finishing landmark is outlined. At the signal, everyone starts walking, trying to reach the finish line as quickly as possible. The winner is the one who, without breaking the rules (without running), is the first to reach the finish line.

Who is more observant? “The guys are given a task: to walk a certain part of the way in silence, carefully look around, trying to see and remember everything. The most observant one wins - the one who managed to remember the most details.

How many steps!- The children are invited to choose a tree and try to determine by eye how many steps there are to it. The distance is then measured in steps. The winner is the one who named the number of steps closest to the correct one.

Volleyball- A rope is stretched between the trees at a height of 2 m. Serves as a ball balloon or an inflatable ball to which a little water is added. This makes it a little heavier, and the direction of the ball's flight, thanks to the moving center of gravity, becomes unexpected for the players. The ball is hit as in normal game in volleyball. Everyone is trying to throw him to the side of their opponents. Without letting the ball fall on your side.

"Put in cart" . A mushroom basket is hung from a tree branch and swung. The players stand at a distance of 4 meters from the basket and throw some small objects into it: one is pebbles, another is acorns, the third is cones, etc. When the basket stops swinging, the game ends. The contents of the basket are counted, and the winner is declared the one who managed to throw in the most items.

"Pebbles." The players sit on the ground in a circle, each with five pebbles. The guys perform the following tasks:

    Take five pebbles in your hand, throw one, quickly put the rest on the ground and have time to catch the thrown pebble with the same hand.

    Throw three pebbles in your hand and catch them, first taking the remaining two from the ground.

    Throw four pebbles and catch them, after taking one.

    There are five stones in the hand. Hold one with your thumb, throw the rest and catch it, after placing the fifth pebble on the ground.

    Throw five pebbles up and catch them.

The one who completes the most tasks correctly wins.

"Look and Remember" . The guys are divided into two teams and sit with their backs to each other. In 5-7 minutes they must remember in detail everything they see in front of them. Then the teams switch places and ask each other questions about what they saw. The team that shows the most observation wins.

"Come back on time!" . The leader lines up the guys in a line, then invites them to disperse and return in exactly 5 minutes. Using a clock, he records the time it took each player to get back into action and announces the results. The game is repeated 2-3 times. You can do it differently: give everyone a note that says in how many minutes he should return.

"Invisible". Children sit in a circle, in the center of which is a blindfolded driver. The one of the players whom the leader points out begins to carefully approach the driver. The driver, having heard rustling or footsteps, must point with his hand in the direction where these sounds are coming from. If he points in the right direction the first time, the unlucky “invisible man” will have to change it. If not, the movement towards the driver continues. The winner is the one who managed to get close to the driver and touch his shoulder.

“Pull in a circle.” A ball is placed on the backpack. 5-6 people, holding hands, stand in a circle around the backpack. Using various movements, without releasing their hands, everyone tries to force their partner to knock down the ball with any part of the body. The player who hits the ball is out of the game.

Semey, 2014-2015 academic year
