What is the mafia game? Mafia - rules and description of the game

You have gathered in a large and noisy group, but you don’t know what to do with yourself (there are no more topics for conversation, and there’s no food left), then I suggest you play the good old “Mafia”... What, you don’t know what it is?! And you don’t even know how to play mafia?

What is “Mafia” and what do you eat it with?

"Mafia" is a unique psychological role-playing game with a detective plot. If you have always admired Sherlock Holmes or Miss Marple, then you have a great chance to try yourself in this role - you need to expose the insidious “mafiosi”. However, do not forget that you yourself can play the role of the mafia! In this case, you will need to stock up on cunning and resourcefulness, and also use all your acting skills: to confuse your tracks, accuse the innocent, build false logical chains, convince and in every possible way divert suspicion from yourself - get ready, you will have to play the role of a “wolf in sheep’s clothing” "

Number of players

You shouldn’t limit yourself and force yourself into a certain framework, because this game can be played by from 5 to 20 people, because this is one of those games where a large number of players makes the game more interesting!


There are many characters in Mafia, but most of them are... additional heroes, the standard “set” includes: Mafia, Sheriff (or Commissioner), Doctor, Civilians.

Mafia. There may be 1, 2 or 3 characters. Her mission: to destroy all civilians, deflecting suspicion from herself and protecting her accomplices.

Sheriff. One of a kind character. There is only one Sheriff card. The role of the Sheriff is to “check” the players, which the leader helps to carry out.

Doctor. Also a one-of-a-kind character - there cannot be more than one Doctor in one game. As the character's name implies, the Doctor heals those who have been "shot".

Civilians. Quantity is not limited. They are trying to figure out the Mafia.

What you will need to play

Don’t worry too much, either an ordinary deck of cards or a piece of paper and a pen will help you out, with the help of which you will “create” your characters.

Traditionally the Mafia is designated higher cards black - two black aces, or two Jokers, if you so choose. Civilians are “indicated” by small red cards: 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. The Sheriff is the red king, the Doctor is the red queen. Cards for the remaining (additional) characters are chosen by agreement.

If you have already picked up paper and a pen, then cut it into identical pieces, the size of a card, and write down each intended role in LARGE (it is permissible to write only the first letters): M - mafia, D - doctor, etc.

Rules of the game

  • cards or pieces of paper should be without any special identification marks (so that no one can remember that the card with a bent corner, for example, has the role of Sheriff);
  • Each player is dealt 1 card, which he looks at and keeps, placing it in front of him, face down. During the game, cards are not revealed (only in case of “killing” a character);
  • do not forget that there must be a presenter who will take responsibility for the pronunciation of key phrases and the course of the game;
  • The game is played honestly: without peeking or hints. However, it is not prohibited to bluff;
  • The Sheriff, the Doctor and other characters (except the Mafia) are considered Civilians;
  • if two characters remain: Civilian and Mafia, then a draw is declared;
  • the number of days and nights varies;
  • The doctor can heal himself 1 time during the entire game;
  • the “corpses” have no voice, however, the peaceful corpses have the last word - if desired, they make a guess as to who the Mafia is;
  • if there are no more than 8 players, you need to create 2 Mafia cards, from 8 and above - 3. Or use additional characters;
  • if the player was killed twice (by the Killer and the Mafia), then the Doctor who treated him heals him completely - there are no “Zombies” here.

Progress of the game

Presenter: “Night is coming... The city is sleeping” - all players close their eyes.

“The Mafia wakes up and gets acquainted” - the characters with the Mafia card open their eyes and look at each other, wink at each other... In general, they try to signal each other as quietly as possible.

“The mafia met. The mafia closes its eyes. Morning comes. The whole city is waking up” - all players open their eyes.

Now comes the most difficult and at the same time the most interesting point games: players build theories and assumptions, trying to figure out the Mafia. Naturally, any excuses and tricks are used: “He was moving when the Mafia woke up,” “He is smiling,” “He is not behaving like that,” and so on. Naturally, the Mafia, the Sheriff and the Doctor, will try to avert suspicion from themselves: the Mafia will blame the Civilians, the Doctor and the Sheriff, most often, remain silent, so as not to be killed on the first round for their long tongue.

After the debate, the players begin to vote for who they consider to be the Mafia (the Mafia votes against the Peaceful). With the voice of the majority, they kill the character, he reveals the card - and then the shouts begin: “We killed Mirny! Who suggested voting for him? It was he? Or is he?..”

The presenter calms everyone down with his catchphrase: “Night is coming...”
On the second night, the Mafia, the Doctor and the Sheriff wake up. The Mafia kills, the Doctor treats the one he considers “killed,” and the Sheriff “guesses” the Mafia. This is done like this: the Sheriff points his finger at any player, and the presenter either nods affirmatively or shakes his head negatively - in this way, the Sheriff checks the citizens and finds out who to turn the townspeople against. Both the Mafia and the Doctor act in exactly the same way, that is, they show someone to kill or treat.

The presenter announces: “The whole city is waking up. Today someone was killed, but he was cured (if they weren’t cured, they simply say that they were killed, but who was treated is kept silent).”

The series of days and nights is repeated until someone wins: the Mafia or the Civilians.

Tricks and Tricks

1) In order not to lose a player by transferring the role of the leader to him, you should do this: the first night is led by anyone, the second - by the one who was killed during the day;

2) It has been empirically proven that the person who gets the Mafia card three times in a row will most likely get it the fourth time... Well, the fifth time it will certainly be the same!

3) Make 1 more card than there are participants in the game. Distribute all the cards and set the remaining ones aside, face down. This way you won’t know which character doesn’t exist: 2 mafia or 3, whether there is a Doctor or not...

Additional characters:

Killer- Peaceful resident. He wakes up from the second night and kills any player at his discretion.

Young woman prostitute - Peaceful resident. He wakes up from the second night and deprives any character of words and voice.

Snitch- Peaceful resident. Wakes up on the first night after the Mafia and looks at the Mafia's raised hands. The Mafia does not know who the Informer is, and the Informer must convince the Peaceful to vote against the “mafia” player. Then everything goes according to the script.

Bus driver- Peaceful. Unique character, which allows you to further bluff and confuse the Mafia's tracks. If the Driver is killed, the entire city dies (all characters without exception) or a draw is declared.

Rules of the Mafia game. How to play mafia. Characters

The rules of playing mafia in our Moscow club are “urban”

Although the game "Mafia" is far from new, it has by no means lost its attractiveness and sharpness, so there is still nothing better for a pleasant and fun time in the company of friends or family circle simply doesn't exist!

The rules of the game are quite simple, and it is best for beginners to delve into them during the process, but for those who play Mafia for the first time, we will be happy to introduce it to its essence.

General concepts of the Mafia game. Characters

So, the most important nuance is that although “Mafia” requires the presence of cards, it is not a card game. With the help of cards, the roles of each participant are only determined. Now let's get started:

  1. Participants are divided into two teams, between which the fight takes place:
  • on “red” - civilians, which include:

Ordinary citizens of the city;

Commissioner or Sheriff;

A maniac if he suddenly ends up on the Reds team.

  • and “black” - mafia:

Mafia leader, Don;

Subordinates, minions of the Don.

The game is designed for 11 people, of which 3 members of the Mafia (including Don), 5 Civilians, 1 Maniac, 1 Commissioner and 1 Doctor.

The mafia game involves two phases:

  1. Daytime.
  2. Night.

During the day the Mafia sleeps, civilians are awake, at night it’s the other way around. Civilians are sleeping, they should not know who is who in this game, but the Mafia and the Don are waking up, as well as the Commissioner, the Maniac and the Doctor or Doctor. The Mafia's task is to eliminate civilians, thereby gaining a numerical advantage. Residents can be eliminated either at night, by “killing” them, or during the day, by voting.

Game ends:

  • victory of the Mafia, if there are as many peaceful citizens at the table as there are Mafia members;
  • victory for Civilians - if all the mafiosi are destroyed to one.

How to play mafia

The game begins with the night phase.

The city is sleeping, everyone is covering their faces with masks (after all, you remember, civilians should never guess who is playing what role). The mafia leader deals the cards face down and wakes up each of the participants in turn to familiarize them with the role. You can also choose a card yourself.

When the cards are dealt, the Leader says the phrase: “The Mafia is waking up!”, after which Don and his henchmen must “wake up”. Next, the Leader asks Don to identify himself - after this phrase, Don must exclusively show himself to his “subordinates” by signs.

After the Mafia awakens, it’s the Sheriff’s turn (the Host says the standard phrase: “The Sheriff is waking up”), then it’s the Maniac’s turn.

As for the Maniac, if there are more than 10 players, the Maniac has the right to self-determination. Namely, he decides for himself which team to play for, the “red” or the “black”. If he plays for the Mafia, the mafioso becomes one more participant, but at the same time the Maniac does not know the mafioso by sight, and always “wakes up” separately. Thus, when the Presenter wakes up the Maniac, he asks him a question: “Maniac for civilians?” The Maniac expresses agreement or disagreement with a characteristic movement of his head, without uttering a word.

After the Maniac wakes up, the presenter wakes up the Doctor.

Moreover, everyone, having become familiar with their role, “falls asleep” again.

This is where the first “night” ended. Its purpose is to distribute leading roles between the participants in the game and to introduce the Leader to them. Everyone who did not get one of the roles described above are Civilians who continue to sleep.

The presenter “wakes up” the city with the words: “Good morning! The city is waking up!”, after which all the characters take off their masks. Next, everyone must introduce themselves. The presentation begins with the Presenter’s phrase: “We are discussing player number 1,” pointing to the participant. The participant, in turn, must say “red” or “black” without naming his role. At the same time, the task of the Maniac and all the mafiosi is to disguise themselves, that is, not to give away that they are “black”; in particular, the positive participants - the Commissioner, the Doctor and the Maniac - should not guess about the real “alignments” if he chose the side of civilians. They, in turn, should not “expose themselves” to the Mafia, otherwise they will quickly be “removed.”

The introduction takes no more than a minute, and each player can make up any story about himself, for example, who he works in the city.

After the daytime phase of introduction and introduction, night comes again, as announced by the Presenter, saying the phrase: “The city is falling asleep!”

Night two.

  1. The presenter wakes up the mafia, including Don. The awakened mafia begins to select a victim, pointing fingers at it to the leader or showing the number of the player who has become a target. If there is disagreement in the ranks of the Mafia regarding the candidate for the role of the victim, the final word remains with the Don, since he can know which of the players is the Commissioner. We will tell you further how he learned this information.
  1. The rank-and-file mafiosi fall asleep, but Don stays awake. He is looking for the Commissioner, relying on his own intuition and assumptions; for confirmation, Don points his finger at the suspect. If the Don is right, and this player is actually the Commissioner, the Host should nod affirmatively, if not, then nod.
  1. The Mafia and Don are sleeping, the Commissioner wakes up and must find the Mafioso. The sheriff player has the right to one “shot” or he can check a participant whom he suspects of being involved in a mafia clan by pointing him out to the Leader. The presenter, depending on the real state of affairs, should either nod positively or negatively or shake his head. If the Commissioner decides to “shoot”, he must show a bent index finger as if he was pressing the trigger, and then show the number of the victim player with his fingers.

ATTENTION! How to play mafia as a sheriff.

  • You should not shoot without checking, since the suspect may turn out to be an ordinary citizen, so it is better to check on the first night, and shoot the next;
  • if the Commissioner hits a Maniac player, the test result will be negative, even if this participant plays for the “blacks”
  1. The sheriff fell asleep. It's time for Maniac to wake up. According to the rules, he must shoot at any participant, showing him to the Leader. Here events develop in two directions:
  • if the Maniac is a positive participant, his shot must be aimed at one of the mafiosi, whom the Maniac can choose, guided only by his own guesses, no check is provided;
  • if the Maniac is “black,” that means he must “remove” someone peaceful without ending up in the mafia.
  1. Everyone is sleeping again. The Doctor wakes up. Its function is to treat wounded participants, of whom there can be a maximum of three (if a mafioso, Maniac and Commissioner shot at night). The leader points out the wounded to the doctor, and the doctor, since he is for the peaceful inhabitants, according to his suspicions, chooses from among the wounded the one he will save. During the night, only one of the wounded can become such a lucky person; if he is shot at for the second time in the game, he no longer has a chance to survive. This also applies to the Doctor. Moreover, when a participant who has already been saved is chosen as a target for the second time, the Leader, with a gesture of crossing his arms, makes it clear that the participant will no longer be able to be saved.

ATTENTION! How to play mafia as a doctor or doctor.

  • if they were shot twice during the night and in the morning the city residents find out that mafiosi have been killed, the one whom the Doctor saves is no longer “black”, this is very important for the townspeople, and the Doctor reports this;
  1. The presenter wakes up the city. The players “wake up” and take off their masks. The Presenter then reports on those killed during the night. The numbers of the participants named by the Leader must leave the gaming table. If the deceased is a doctor, a townsman or a maniac playing on the “red” team, he makes a farewell speech, which may contain suspicions regarding other participants, denunciation of the mafioso and proposals for holding a vote against the most suspicious of the players. If the “killed” is a Commissioner, a mafioso or a maniac playing for the “black” team, he has no right to a farewell speech.
  1. Discussion. During the day phase, participants express their suspicions in order to quickly identify the Mafia and put to a vote the names of the most suspicious members of the opposing team. The mafia, in turn, pretending to be ordinary citizens, is trying to put a civilian to vote and denigrate him. While the main circle is going on, each participant has the right to an additional word, which can be voiced after completing the main circle. Also, while making a speech, the player can ask a question to one of the participants, saying the phrase: “Question to participant No...”, to interrupt the answer to the question, just say: “Thank you.”
  1. After the discussion, the townspeople begin voting, since for peaceful citizens this is the only way to defeat the mafiosi. Voting goes like this:
  • The presenter says the number of the participant for whom you are voting, before the moment when the presenter says “thank you,” you must put your hand on the table with your thumb raised up; if you do not have time, your vote is not counted and you will have to vote for another participant;
  • participant who has large quantity votes, has the right to an acquittal speech (takes no more than a minute), after which a second vote is possible; if the vote is again not in favor of this participant, he is forced to leave the game, revealing his card.

If this participant is a townsman, a Doctor or a good Maniac, he makes a farewell speech (as in the case of “murder”), the members of the mafia clan, the Commissioner and the black Maniac leave the game in silence.

If, according to the voting results, both participants have the same number of votes, they have the right to be acquitted, after which voting is held again. The one with more votes against leaves. If again both the same participants receive the same number of votes, it is a "Car Crash", followed by a third vote for both players to either leave the game or remain. They do not take part in voting.

  1. Night falls again and everyone falls asleep. The actions are repeated from the beginning (see section “Night two”, p. 1). This happens until one of the teams wins: the “red” win if the last Mafia member or the “black” Maniac drops out of the game, the “black” win if the number of citizens is equal to the number of the Mafia. If the Mafia has all dropped out, but the black Maniac remains in the game, they play until he leaves the table.

How to play the game.

In our club everything is built on mutual respect for each other, therefore:

  • everyone speaks when he is given the floor, without interrupting others or interjecting at the wrong time; which participant should speak is determined by the Presenter;
  • one participant speaks - others listen to him, no one makes noise, and they do not all speak together, organizing a “bazaar”;
  • The time for each speech is limited - 1 minute, and is controlled by the Presenter, who in 10 seconds. before the allotted minute expires, warns: “Time.” The speaker should indicate the end of the speech by saying “Thank you.”
  • The use of obscene language and phrases that may be regarded as an insult by other players is prohibited, for which the offending participant receives a reprimand or is eliminated from the game;
  • It is forbidden to use the words “100%”, “I swear”, as well as to mention God, the Devil in any form, otherwise the offender will receive a reprimand;
  • a reprimand is received by a participant who began to speak out at the wrong time, at the same time as another participant or at night when everyone should be sleeping.

So, 3 comments - and you are deprived of the floor during the discussion, 4 comments - you are out of the game.

Also, the administration of our club has the right to remove from the club a participant who causes inconvenience to other club members by his behavior, as well as for other reasons incompatible with the rules of the club.

All of the above regulations and rules are classics, but at the discretion of the Host, and also depending on the age, number of participants and for other reasons, they can be adjusted.

That's all about the rules and essence of the mafia game. Now you know how to play the mafia, you can join exciting game, which will not leave you indifferent. And don't forget to invite your friends!

Rule number one: The leader is always right.


A mafia appears in a peaceful city, and honest residents can no longer sleep peacefully: they need to figure out who is who and drive out the entire mafia in order to escape. If they fail to do this, the mafia will take over the city and the civilians will be doomed.

Progress of the game

The game is divided into two periods: day and night. All players participate in the daytime discussion - calculating the mafia, and at night everyone “falls asleep” (puts on masks). At the leader’s command, individual characters “wake up” at night and perform their role functions. Roles are assigned using cards that are dealt at the beginning of the game. There are many roles, as well as Mafia rules; in each specific case, the presenter will help you figure them out.

When the night ends, the day's discussion begins: civilians try to figure out who the mafia is, and the mafia poses as honest citizens and carefully influences the city to vote against the innocent. The discussion can use provocations, intuition, logical arguments and other techniques to reveal the true intentions of the interlocutor. The more active the discussion, the greater the chance for civilians to expose the criminals and save the city.

Access is denied!

Main deck

Black camp (mafia)


The goal of the mafia is to exterminate all civilians, or at least remain with them in equal numbers. During the day, the mafia pretends to be honest citizens, and at night, the mafiosi carefully wake up and together choose a victim to “shoot.” Representatives of the mafia can only communicate with gestures so that they are not heard by other players. The mafia representatives show the number of the selected victim to the presenter and fall asleep again.

Money-mani-mani-mani everyone goes to the “godmother”

Mafia Don

It fulfills two purposes: firstly, it makes the final decision if the mafia cannot come to an agreement in the process of choosing a victim, and, secondly, it wakes up separately from its charges and tries to identify the commissar - the leader of the civilians. Every night, the don points the host to the player he considers to be the commissioner, and receives either a negative or a positive answer. If the don identifies the commissioner, he tries to convince the city to kick out this player during the day, or shoots him the next night along with the mafia.

Red Camp (Peaceful City)


They are the majority, but they don't know who is who. At night, peaceful townspeople do not wake up; they only participate in daytime discussions, trying to identify the mafia.

Isn't this a casting?


Authorized representative of a peaceful city. He wakes up in his turn and checks any player for belonging to the mafia. The commissioner does not shoot, he can only get an answer from the host whether this or that player is a mafia. If the commissioner identifies the mafia, during the day he needs, without revealing his role, to convince the city to kick out this player.


Has the ability to heal city residents. Every night the doctor tries to guess who the mafia shot at and points out this player to the host. If the doctor guessed right and “cured” the mafia victim, the city wakes up without losses (or with less losses).

The Doctor cannot heal the same player two nights in a row. The doctor can only heal himself once per game.

5 more minutes and my shift will be over

In addition to the black and red camps, there is also a gray one - these are characters who play for themselves.

Gray camp


His goal is to be left alone with a civilian. The maniac wakes up at night and chooses a victim. It could be any character: a civilian, a mafia, or another representative of the gray camp. A maniac has two features: his victim cannot be cured by a doctor, and if the maniac is checked by a commissar, the presenter tells him that he is a civilian.

I've been grating on him for a while now

Extra deck

Black camp (mafia)


At night he wakes up two times: the first - as part of the mafia to choose a victim; the second - separately, to “block” someone. The mistress points at one of the players at random, and if he has an active role (for example, doctor, maniac, journalist), he will not be able to perform it that night. A doctor will not be able to treat, a maniac will not be able to shoot, a journalist will not be able to conduct checks. The main goal of the mistress is to get to the commissioner, doctor or other representative of the red camp in order to undermine their activity against the mafia. Just like the doctor, the mistress cannot point to the same player two nights in a row.

In the children's Mafia, the role is introduced with the consent of the parents, or is replaced by another character.

Nothing personal, just love

Red Camp (Peaceful City)


An armed representative of a peaceful city. At night, the sheriff wakes up and randomly shoots one of the players. The sheriff's goal is to get into the mafia, maniac or other enemy of the red camp. If the sheriff hits a civilian, the next morning he leaves the game just like a victim of a mafia or a maniac.

Justice is for everyone


Wakes up at night and checks any two players to see if they belong to the same or different camps. The journalist shows the presenter two numbers, and he answers with gestures whether the selected players are on the same or different teams. In this case, the color of the teams is not named. For example, if a journalist pointed to a doctor and a mafia don, the presenter will answer that they belong to different camps. If it’s for a commissar and a civilian, then go to one. Representatives of the gray camp will always be on different teams with other characters.

Who's next for the interview?


Spy of a peaceful city. He plays for the red camp, but at the same time wakes up at night with the mafia. The lunatic's goal is to carefully convey information to civilians about who the mafia is, without giving himself away.


Wakes up at night and provides an “alibi” for one of the players. Whoever the lawyer points to receives immunity during the day's voting. For example, if at night a lawyer pointed out a maniac, and during the day the majority voted against this player, the presenter announces that the execution will not take place, since the player has immunity. The host reveals this information only after voting. As a result, the character remains in the game, and the city goes into the night without carrying out the day's execution.

A lawyer cannot defend the same player two nights in a row and has no right to provide an alibi for himself.

Gray Camp (characters who play as themselves)


At first he acts on the side of the peaceful camp: he identifies the mafia and is active only during the day. But as soon as the entire mafia leaves the city, the werewolf takes its place and begins to wake up at night to exterminate civilians. The werewolf wins if he is left alone with the peaceful one.

Zhora, is that you?


Plays for civilians until any shooting role (representative of a mafia clan, sheriff or maniac) leaves the city. As soon as the first shooting character leaves the game, the student takes his place and takes over all the role functions of the “teacher”. The student wins as part of the camp to which he defected.

Survival Exam


He wakes up last and points at any player. If someone shot at the mirror that night (no matter who exactly or how many shots were fired), then the bullet “goes” to the player chosen by the mirror. If the mirror was not attacked, or the doctor cured it, then the mirror is not dangerous for the player to whom it points. Just like other active roles, the mirror can be blocked by the mistress. In this case, the mirror will not be able to redirect the strike. The mirror wins if it is left alone with the shooting role.

The role of the leader in the game

The presenter not only explains how to play Mafia, but also models the course of the game, monitors the development of the plot and discipline, which is an important component gameplay. For example, during personal statements from each player, other participants should not break silence or actively gesticulate.

In addition, it is the host who lays the foundation of the “city” whose inhabitants you want to be, and ensures your smooth immersion into the atmosphere of the game. Leading Mafias in St. Petersburg and Moscow are at your service.

Types of Mafia:

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The site wishes you an unforgettable experience!

If you haven't found the answer to your question about the rules of the game, ask it in the comments.

Playing Mafia with cards is a fun activity for both adults and children. This one is simple team game allows players to develop their imagination, teaches them to speak beautifully and sharpens the gift of persuasion, and also trains their memory. Mafia - calm and fun game which is suitable for big company. The rule here is that the more players there are, the more interesting the game becomes. The optimal number of players for the Mafia is 8-16 people.

Preparation in the game

Before the game starts, cards are prepared (you can purchase ready-made cards"Mafia", print out the pictures for the Mafia yourself or use regular playing cards). Using cards, all players are divided into roles. It's more interesting to play with special cards created for this game. You can download pictures for the cards and print them on a printer - Card templates for the game MAFIA

If you have regular deck playing cards, then the roles are distributed as follows:

  • red - townspeople (aka civilians),
  • blacks are mafia,
  • picture cards - additional statuses (for example, the queen of spades is a courtesan, the king of clubs is a commissar, the king of spades is a maniac, the king of hearts is a doctor.)

Players who have never played Mafia should become familiar with the roles before playing and understand what each character does and how.

Players shuffle the cards and deal them out. Each player receives a card face down. Players look at their cards but do not show them to others. Each player must clearly know his role and not get confused. The card can be attached to clothing with a clothespin or simply put in your pocket.

So let's look at the main roles and remember what they can and can't do.

The main roles of players in the game Mafia

Leading- the only player who shows his card to the others. This man knows everything about everyone in the city. He plays the game.

Peaceful townspeople- ordinary residents of a virtual city who sleep at night (sleep honestly, without peeking!), and during the day they vote (put in prison) the player who, in their opinion, is a mafioso.

Mafia- players who choose and kill the chosen victim at night, and during the day try to disguise themselves as peaceful townspeople.

Sheriff (Commissioner)- there can only be one sheriff in the game. His job is to check the players at night.

Doctor (doctor, healer)- the doctor also works at night and can only save one city resident.

Courtesan- takes one of the players for the whole night and thereby saves him from being killed. True, if the mafia chose her as a victim, then her loved one also dies with her.

Maniac- seeks to kill everyone and remain the only resident in the city.

Rules for playing Mafia with cards

After the cards have been dealt, the presenter, who has received his card, shows it to the other players and prepares a small piece of paper and a pencil. The leader will count the dead and announce the verdict to the rest of the townspeople. The leader of the game must be honest.

First night

On the first night, the host gets to know the teams and finds out who is the mafia, who is the civilians, who is the doctor, the maniac, etc.

The host announces to the players:

Night. The townspeople are sleeping, the mafia is waking up.

Those players who received a civilian, doctor, courtesan or sheriff card do not open their eyes. “Mafia” opens its eyes and gets acquainted (without sound, players find each other only by looking, townspeople should not know who is who!!!). The presenter writes down the mafia players on his piece of paper. Of course, he doesn’t allow any of the players to look at this sheet.

Next, the presenter orders the mafia to sleep, and orders the sheriff to wake up and writes him down on his “black list.” So, on the first night, the host recognizes all the players one by one: the mafia, the sheriff, the doctor, the courtesan, the maniac and civilians.

First day

The presenter announces:

Day! The city is waking up.

All players open their eyes. The townspeople are given a head start on the first day. The mafia had not yet killed anyone, but already on the first day the peaceful townspeople suspected something was wrong (the rustling noises at night gave them alarming thoughts - the mafia was operating in the city!).

On the first day, city residents must put one player in prison, recognizing him as a mafioso. The player is selected by general decision or by vote. Naturally, the mafia is trying with all its might to imprison a civilian. Once a player is selected, he is eliminated from the game and shows his card. The townspeople will find out who they imprisoned.

Second night

The presenter announces:

The city is sleeping, the mafia is waking up!

The mafia opens its eyes and identifies its victim as silently as possible. The presenter writes down in a notebook who the mafia killed. Then, in turn, all the acting roles (sheriff, doctor, etc.) wake up. Each role must perform its function:

  • The sheriff checks the player. Pointing his eyes at one of the players, he asks the leading mafia whether this is it. The presenter must nod to let the sheriff know whether it is the mafia or not. During the day, the sheriff must persuade the vote to kill the mafia, but this player cannot shout “I am the sheriff and I know everyone.” He himself is afraid of the mafia, and the mafia, as soon as they guess who the sheriff is in the city, will immediately knock him down.
  • The doctor points at one of the players and saves him. The presenter writes down the “treated” person. I think there is no need to explain that the doctor treats the players at random, because he doesn’t know who is who and who was killed by the mafia that night. Also, the doctor cannot treat one player 2 nights in a row. The doctor also cannot treat himself 2 nights in a row.
  • The courtesan looks at the player, whom she takes with her to the brothel that night. This player, if chosen by the mafia, remains alive (after all, he was not at home at night). The trouble is that if the mafia killed a courtesan at night, then her visitor also dies, there is no need for mafia witnesses!
  • The maniac simply kills whoever he likes. Well, what to take from a maniac!

All players who were treated, were with a courtesan, fell into the clutches of a maniac, etc. The presenter writes it down so as not to get confused.

After all the players have played their roles, the city wakes up.

Second day

After a long, eventful night, the host announces:

Second day, the townspeople wake up.

Everyone opens their eyes and the presenter calls the one who did not wake up:

At night there was a murder in our city. So-and-so is killed (the player shows his card to others and leaves the game).

So that it would not be very offensive, and the game would be more fun, the murdered man tells with taste how he was hit (you can come up with something fun and funny. For example, death occurred because I was forced to eat 25 plates of semolina porridge:)

If the player chosen by the mafia was saved by a doctor or courtesan, the host announces “The murder did not occur.”

The day continues with a discussion and the lynching of one of the players.

Board game Mafia rules

Sami rules card game in "Mafia"» are easy to remember, and by introducing additional roles the level of complexity varies.

Terms used in the game:

  1. Killed– a participant with this status shows a character card. Then he does not cast his vote, does not express suspicion until the end of the game.
  2. Executed– status after voting during the day. The player, after acquiring status, opens a role. Does not discuss or speak with surviving candidates for the role of the criminal.
  3. Alibi– the status of participants, which can be obtained due to certain abilities of the characters. The participant endowed with status does not know that he is endowed with it. After this, the player does not have the right to be excluded from the party by voting for one day.
  4. Shot– it is inflicted by criminals with a deadly weapon, after which the “killed” status applies.
  5. Examination- An effect that gives some characters the ability to know what type of role the selected player belongs to.
  6. Treatment– the Doctor’s ability to prevent the selected player from dying when shot by a mafioso on the same night.


  1. Prohibited autopsy of a character if he was not voted out and eliminated during the day's voting. However, the rules do not prohibit convincing players during a discussion that a participant has a particular role. Trying on the commissar’s tactics, there is a chance you won’t wake up the next day, because the mafia is ready at any moment to get rid of the inspector and the annoying policeman who doesn’t allow you to live in peace.
  2. Players who leave the game overnight or during the day voting must silently watch the party without giving any hint about the real criminals or other characters. Emotions should also not be read, otherwise the game will be considered a failure.
  3. Leading does not speak directly with members of a criminal group or with the commissioner. The skills of speaking “into the void” will come in handy so as not to recognize in which part of the circle the killers and other players are sitting, in particular those who wake up separately and play alone.
  4. Players are placed before the start of the game in the most comfortable way so as not to make attention-grabbing sounds or squeaks. This may lead to a suspicious player being put to a vote, and it will be a shame if he turns out to be a peaceful citizen.
  5. Play fair, without peeking at the roles at night. After all, the main thing here is to identify the psychology of the participant, look at the game in the team, win people’s trust and develop your own strategy in the game “Mafia” , and not just win.
  6. The game is more exciting if the leader not only follows all the rules, but also makes original stories and the circumstances of the characters' murders.
  7. It's important to follow character distribution table depending on the number of players. Each policy brochure contains this information. Accordingly, you should not introduce all the roles into a game of 10 people, this will lead to loss of interest.

Some modifications of the Mafia game are possible, not prohibited by the rules, which are suitable for various cases and the number of players.

  • « Openly" The presenter shows the cards of the eliminated players, and also the next day talks about the actions of the characters, who was treated, with whom the Mistress remained.
  • « On an extra hand" Initially, during preparation, an extra card is placed into the game than the number of players. This keeps the company intrigued until the very end, but then there will be no more than two criminals.
  • « Without a Leader" This option is for those whose number of players is not too large, but still want to play. The party moves like this: The leader receives a card with a role, falls asleep at night and has the right to vote during the day. At the same time, he still announces the numbers of the players, controlling the progress of the murder. Objects like toothpicks and matches will be used here. Before night falls, participants place their hand in such a way that each character can easily touch it. Criminals touch selected targets with a toothpick at night, and the toothpick remembers who interacted. When the day comes, everyone announces whether he is alive or already dead, without going into the details of death. After the first victim, the victim replaces the director of the game.
  • « Together" Two-player games are popular, and trust and intuition definitely come in handy here. For the party you will need three cards with two civilians and one criminal. No night and murders, the action takes place during the day. It will be necessary to understand which of the participants is the mafia or the gangster card lies in the third card.
  • « Name in blood" After the Leader announces someone killed at night, he has the right to say the name of the alleged mafioso. The name does not have to be left, but if it is named, this fact is taken into account in the voting.
  • « Ripe mafia» used by experienced participants. Criminals agree on subsequent murders 3-4 turns in advance, and do not wake up later. Gangsters, from memory, give the Leader a sign during a murder, indicating a shot. If one player from the crime clan misses, then the murder of the victim will not take place.
  • « Mayor of the city" involves choosing a mayor before the start of the game. When voting, his choice doubles his vote; when this character is killed, a new one is elected. If during re-election the choice is divided, then the procedure is carried out on another day.
  • « Three-way game"represents the presence of three clans: "peaceful citizens", "Mafia" and "Yakudz".

Victory conditions for character categories

  1. Peaceful townspeople(and the other roles that represent the residents) win when there is not a single criminal from the mafia clan left among the participants.
  2. (this includes the Yakuza, Mafia and Mafia Don) wins when their number becomes the same as the number of citizens.
  3. Maniac wins when left alone with a peaceful character. If the mafia and the maniac remain among the participants on the decisive morning, then the mafioso will win, since he kills first at night.

The game ends as soon as one of these conditions is met.

Warnings, the observance of which is an integral part of the competent conduct of the game:

  • Out-of-order remarks are not allowed. Respect other players who build a logical chain.
  • After making statements, end the monologue with the phrase “Thank you.”
  • Do not insult opponents who do not agree with your opinion or consider you suspicious.
  • Do not ignore the Leader's warnings.
  • Do not make any extraneous sounds that interfere with the game.
  • Do not change your voice after the Leader accepts the previous one. This will attract suspicions that are not really necessary.
  • Do not hint to others that you came across a card from the previous game. It will ruin the game.

Tricks that experienced players resort to:

  1. Without revealing the card, you are allowed to impersonate any character. Sometimes the Commissioner checks on a citizen, hints that he pointed him out to the Leader last night, and the civilian begins to cover for the cop, taking over his role. In this case, the operational mafia kills a citizen, and the Commissioner has the opportunity to check another participant. This scheme has helped and fooled criminals more than once.
  2. Remember who the murdered citizen was against. Often this is simple revenge.
  3. If the votes are divided equally, the player who was just killed decides which of the two players will leave the party.

Preparing for the game

Before the start of the game, they are placed on a short distance in a circle to see each other. It is important to make sure that during night manipulations there will be no noise that will make the character suspicious.

Maps for "Mafia" are distributed from the number of players: criminals require less than 1/3 and a little more than 2/3 of peaceful characters. The Commissioner is among honest players. If there are many participants, it is recommended to introduce additional roles: commissioner, yakuza, doctor and others. The exact ratio of characters is given in the brochure with the rules of the game, and below are examples with a combination of participants:

  • 3-5: mafia, doctor, prostitute and townspeople. It is advisable to select the “Without leader” modification. The use of other characters is not recommended.
  • 6-8: a mafia couple, a doctor, a prostitute, a commissioner and townspeople.
  • 9-10: three mafias, a doctor, a prostitute, a commissioner and townspeople.
  • 11-14: four mafias, a doctor, a prostitute, a commissioner and townspeople.
  • 13 or more: the number of mafias is calculated by the number of players divided by three, doctor, prostitute, commissioner and civilians.

Dating night

The first night after receiving the roles - dating night for one or more Mafia clans. After the phrase " the city falls asleep, the mafia wakes up"All the characters in this role open their eyes to find out who is who, with whom to negotiate the murder and who should be acquitted in the day's vote. At this time, the Leader remembers the mafioso’s face in order to later use this information when checking the commissioner. When playing a game with additional roles, you don’t have to wake up the others, each of them plays alone, and you can see the characters the next night when performing actions.

The first day

The presenter announces morning comes. The first day after the mafia met is one of the difficult ones, because there was no murder, and any participant seems suspicious. At such moments, it is important to observe the reactions of the characters, whether anyone exchanges glances and whether small groups for the subsequent “draining” of players. Already at this stage, several suspicious people are selected, and then listen to what they say at the stage of statements.

At this moment, the mafioso makes a lot of efforts not to arouse suspicion and to quietly blend into the crowd. Next, the Host asks if everyone has decided on the choice of participant to put up for voting. Voting is the most important stage in building the game; all active players choose a suspicious player, and the one who has more suspicions leaves the party. Gives the card to the Leader without making guesses. After this, it is time for the criminals to continue the game.

An interesting feature of the rules of the “Mafia” game: if during the first day only one candidate is put up for voting, then the Court is not held, and all participants remain alive, after which they fall asleep and allow the mafiosi to carry out their planned murders. On the second and subsequent days the rule does not apply, even if only one person is nominated again, the selected candidate will leave the game. This often happens if a player was too active at night and attracted attention.

Night one and subsequent

The night after receiving the role cards, the mafiosi wake up and meet their accomplices. Further after the words “ the city falls asleep, the mafia clan wakes up“The killers open their eyes and consult about the next shot. They should also be attentive during the day, listening to the statements of citizens in order to make guesses about the commissioner. In addition to simple murder, on subsequent nights the mafia is assigned the task of determining “ cop"before he exposes the members of the criminal gang.

First to wake up Prostitute, if this role participates in the party. She points to " client”, which will be powerless the next day. Next, the mafiosi awaken and choose one victim. If the gangsters point to different players, one of them will have to agree with the accomplice. There is a canonical version of the game, when on the first night the mafia immediately agrees on subsequent murders. Afterwards they do not wake up, and the Host calls the number of each player clockwise. The gangsters on the selected player give a sign who they decided to kill, but if someone from the clan missed, then there will be no death. After the choice is made Commissioner. Last to wake up Doctor, which sometimes decides the outcome of the night.

Second day

The second day of "Mafia" begins with the announcement by the Presenter killed players. After this, they leave the game and do not take part in further discussions. At this moment, the rest look closely at the emotions of their opponents, since they are the ones who often give away the killer. Next, each participant expresses his own suspicions, and if confident, nominates the player to vote, having previously substantiated his point of view.

The commissioner also speaks out if he has identified the mafia, or to dispel suspicions over the innocent. So, one after another, the players reason and give new reasons for questioning. After the discussion, the Leader announces a vote, calling each mafia participant in a circle. The rest who want to vote for this or that player, hearing his name, raise their hand for him, thereby forming a vote. The player with the most votes leaves the game by revealing a card. If the number of remaining players is such that the mafiosi and civilians are equal in number, then the mafia wins. In other cases, the game continues until nightfall.

Night of fate

Depending on the number of participants, the night of fate occurs at different times. This is usually the night in which the outcome of the game is decided. Usually, with only one mafia remaining, the fateful night will be with four players. The next day, only three survivors will remain, and choosing the culprit will not be easy. You can't trust anyone in Mafia! Gangsters try to avert suspicion from themselves, but not to overdo it, because every word accidentally spoken will work against him. Players representing civilians should not forget the strange actions during the day and night, then it will be easier to choose.

Who survived and won

By removing the last mafioso from the party, the peaceful players become winners. On the final day, after the last killed is announced, the remaining three players choose the most suspicious one. At more The mafia wins the votes of a civilian, and only by choosing a gangster do the townspeople have a chance to win in the “Mafia”.
