Life of a wolf 6 in minecraft. How to tame a dog in Minecraft, and what you need for it

You travel through the world of Minecraft in splendid isolation. At some moments it is pleasant and convenient, but over time it gets boring, and you already want to get company. Naturally, you can move to a multiplayer server and play with other gamers, but not everyone wants this specifically. If you have no intention of ending with single player and start a multiplayer game, then you better think about getting a pet. In this game you can tame different animals, so you won’t have any problems with the choice. Most interesting option, most likely, is a wolf. Many people ask the not entirely correct question: “How to tame a dog in Minecraft?” In fact, there are no dogs in this game, there are only wolves, and you will tame them. But if you are confused by a tamed wolf, then you can call it a dog.

Where can I find a wolf?

If you want to find out how to tame a dog in Minecraft, then you will have to solve one of the not so simple tasks of finding its location. As everyone knows very well, mobs and animals in the game do not spawn in random locations - rather, they are created at random points in specific locations. This means that if a mob's habitat is desert, then you are unlikely to find it in the forest. The same applies to wolves - they can only be found in the taiga or forest. Moreover, they are not generated by themselves - in certain moment the game checks to see if there is a player in the above locations, and then spawns one or more wolves no further than twenty-four blocks away from him.

So, how to tame a dog in Minecraft? You have already taken the first step - you have found a wolf, your material for further work. More precisely, you learned where these animals are found, as well as the principle of their generation in the world. You need to use it in order to tame the wolf and make it a dog.

Taming the Wolf

If you are trying to find out how to tame a dog in Minecraft, then you need to know what kind of pet you will make. When you decide to go, take as many bones as possible, as well as provisions, because it may take you several days to succeed. You need to build yourself a secluded shelter in the middle of the forest or taiga, where you can sleep peacefully. Given that you know that wolves will spawn near the player, you can only wait for the moment when the game checks whether you are in the right location. Naturally, there will be no notification, so you need to always remain on guard - check the area around you. There may already be wolves there that you can tame. It looks very expensive and not an easy task, but remember that in Minecraft a dog is one of the best pets that will bring you a lot of benefits. Therefore, having found a lone wolf, approach it slowly so as not to accidentally scare or anger it, and give it a bone. The amount of food that will appease an animal and make it yours is completely random, so don’t stop trying.

How a wolf becomes a dog

It is impossible not to notice how a wild wolf turns into one. You know how to make a dog in Minecraft, but what changes will happen to the wolf? First of all, you will see that the animal is crouched - this is the first indicator that the taming was successful. But a much more noticeable feature is the collar. It appears around the wolf's neck, thus making it your pet dog. The collar is originally red, but you can recolor it at any time to suit your tastes. Of course, the taming process may seem quite complicated, but at the same time it is very interesting. If you still don’t want to mess around for so long, then you can install a dog mod on your Minecraft client, which will add ready-made pets of different breeds.

How to use a dog?

You've tamed a wolf and turned it into your pet, but how to use it? Of course, he will become a wonderful and faithful companion for you, with whom it will be much more fun to travel. But still, the dog also has a practical use - it deals good damage and will protect you to the last. That's why dogs make excellent bodyguards, and that's why it's recommended to have several pets at once to create a miniature canine army.

Well, my personal opinion is the cat and dog These are two good animals that always help out, so today we’ll start talking about the wolf! I hope that this article will be useful not only for beginners, but also for avid players!

Well, let's get started! The wolf is a friendly creature from the dog family. If you hit the wolf, he will run after you with red eyes (with very red eyes! Even if you play on the computer for 48 hours straight, your eyes will still be far from the eyes of an angry dog). Wolves live mainly in forests and winter biomes, with very few exceptions. But you definitely won’t find this animal in the jungle! For now, you can only see this mob on PC, since it was not added in version 0.8.0 (for Android). By the way, I almost forgot, you can always read the review of version 0.8.0 on our website! In pocket minecraft it is possible that the wolf will appear in version 0.9.0, which will be released in at least six months. It’s pointless to kill wolves, because they don’t drop drops, and in general, a dog is best friend Minecraft man!

I want to add one more thing - a wolf, unlike a sheep, will not abandon you like the last one... (an unfriendly beast). If you tame it, the dog (after taming, it would be incorrect to call a tamed wolf a wolf) will not leave you until it dies. Your pet will love you and hit anyone you hit or who hit you, but will not attack anyone you hit with a bow. It is worth paying attention to the fact that a tamed wolf is stronger than a wild one, and the latter has much less lives. In the first image you can see an untamed wolf, in the second a dog.

There are not many differences, only the collar and tail. Many people ask: How to tame a wolf in minecraft? It's pretty simple! First, you will have to find a skeleton - a drinking buddy who will be defeated by you. We take his drop (in this case we are only interested in the bones). Next we are looking for a dog. Found it? As a rule, wolves are not found alone, so if you come across a pack, be careful! Once you accidentally hit at least one individual, that’s it! You will need to run away with your heels sparkling! Approach one of the mobs and click right click mouse over the wolf until it becomes “yours,” that is, until a red collar appears on it. Now you can safely tell your friends that you trained a wolf in minecraft, yes, by the way, now he will listen to you. After taming, the dog can be planted by right-clicking on it.

Let's move on to reproduction. The process itself is the same as for other mobs. The wolves poke their faces, after which the baby crawls out. To force wolves to perform the muzzle-poking ritual ( breed wolves), you need to click the meat (any) on two adjacent parents.

This concludes the description of the dog. Beaver and wolf to everyone!

Are you lonely in the game? Looking for a companion? And as everyone knows, the dog is the best domesticated animal by man. Then this article will help you figure out where to find and how to tame wolf minecraft.

Taming a wild animal in Minecraft is not difficult, but there are wolf minecraft in versions: 1.8.2, 1.8.1, 1.8, 1.7.10, 1.7.9, 1.7.5, 1.6.4, 1.5.2.

Where does it live? wolf minecraft?

If you find yourself in a biome of forest, taiga, snowy taiga or mega-taiga, then there you will definitely meet such a mob as wolf minecraft. But how to understand where the wolf is? Easy, look for traces of wool, wolves eat sheep, leaving traces of wool.

Don't forget to listen, because they are not difficult to hear, they roam in packs and make various sounds of barking, etc.

Why do we need wolf minecraft?

When you tame him, he will become a dog and you will understand everything. He is a wonderful companion, protects his owner and goes with you everywhere. But wild, he is dangerous, more further.

How to tame wolf minecraft?

Just like when taming other animals found in Minecraft (,), you need a taming item, for a wolf it’s a tasty, juicy one. But one may not be enough, one wolf can trample one bone and become a friend, or it can kill a dozen.

How to understand what wolf minecraft tamed?

You gave him bones, as soon as he becomes your friend, life hearts will appear above him and he will no longer eat bones. But the most important thing is that wolf minecraft get a red collar, but it can be repainted.

Treating our tamed wolf minecraft

Is your faithful companion behaving strangely? Don't forget that he also has lives, and they can decrease. If your wolf-dog If he starts whining or walks with his tail hanging down, then he needs to be fed, no matter raw or cooked.

They eat only from your hands, feel free to take the meat and feed the Misha with the right button, the only catch is that if you miss, you will eat the meat yourself, and your wolf minecraft so you will remain hungry.

Facts about wolf minecraft

  • not that useful, gets boring quickly
  • if you hit a wild wolf, it will attack you
  • if you hit your friend-player's wolf, he will attack too
  • it could be that someone hit your wolf and it turned wild (its eyes turned red)
  • a little can be controlled wolf minecraft: by right-clicking on him you can make him sit, and the second option is to follow you everywhere
  • attack hostile mobs, but alas, except for creepers
  • can fall into lava, all sorts of crevices
  • wolf minecraft may interfere with you when getting wood or something else.
  • if you feed even wild wolves meat, they can reproduce

How else to find wolf minecraft?

The wolf can be summoned with a special summon egg, but they are available in

But there is also a team /summon Wolf you need to enter it for those who don’t know:

  • Press the "t" key
  • Write /summon Wolf
  • Press ENTER

There are three types of wolves: wild, hostile and tamed. Found in forests and taiga.

A wild wolf has white fur, a drooping tail, and normal eyes with black pupils. It can be tamed and domesticated by luring it with a bone or meat. The wild wolf indicates its interest in the treat by tilting its head. At the same time, if he is offended or accidentally hit with a weapon, he can be quite aggressive, angry and vengeful. Wild wolves always travel in packs of four.

The hostile wolf is distinguished by red eyes, bristling fur and a tail sticking out straight. He growls constantly. Wild and tamed wolves become hostile if the player offends them. A wild hostile wolf attacks all players and mobs within its radius of visibility. A tamed hostile wolf attacks everyone except its owner.

A tamed wild wolf becomes a dog. This makes his look look more friendly and an orange collar appears on him; the tail of such a wolf rises high. After taming, it becomes much more resilient and stronger than its wild counterpart. Can follow the owner's command to “sit” and “teleport” if not sitting or tied.

Attacks all mobs that try to attack the player. It is tamed with bones or meat, but after domestication it does not eat bones and feeds exclusively on meat and fish. The player constantly needs to monitor the health of his pet. The condition of a wolf is determined by its tail: the higher the tail, the healthier it is. You can strengthen his health with food.

The number of tamed individuals per owner in “” is not limited. If a player has two or more wolves, he can breed them, thus replenishing his pack.

The collar is an indicator that the wolf has been tamed. He will protect the player from enemy attacks and attack other mobs that the player damaged in close combat. Wolves will not attack those mobs that you shot with a bow, as well as creepers. But if a skeleton hits you, the wolf will attack it. Also, wolves will not attack others when they are sitting. From a sitting position, they will only attack those mobs that caused you damage, and only if this happened within 16 blocks of them. The position of a wolf's tail indicates its health level: the higher it is, the more health the wolf has, and vice versa. To increase the wolf's health, you can feed it raw or fried pork (which can also be used for bait), as well as (from version Beta 1.8) rotten flesh. Wolves can eat other foods, but only pork and chicken (mostly fried) will replenish their health. They cannot climb ladders, but they can teleport to the player if he moves a certain distance away from them, is not swimming in water, and if the wolf is not in a sitting position or in a minecart. In rare cases, wolves can duplicate themselves when teleporting. If the player injures himself with his own arrow, the tamed wolf will begin to attack the player, even if he is in a sitting position.

To find wolves, make a small house in the middle of the forest or taiga and sleep in it for several nights. Wolves only spawn at a distance of 24 blocks from the player. Thus, if the player spends enough time near a potential wolf spawn location, there is a fairly high chance of encountering them. There should also be several burning torches near their spawn location. It was also noticed that 2 wolves can have offspring!



Tame wolves are very valuable mobs because they can attack in groups the same target that the player previously damaged, but with some special features. A wolf, until it kills its target, will not stop attacking it, even if the player is attacking another, and it will never attack a creeper. Also, if a tamed wolf attacks an Edge wanderer, he does not disappear. With the help of 2-3 tame wolves you can hunt them without fear. A sitting wolf will not engage in combat.

Tame wolves will turn their heads towards the player and whine if they have meat or bone in their hands, just like wild wolves.

Wolves can attack other wolves, as well as residents.

Wild wolves can spawns on difficulty level Peaceful and can attack the player if he provokes them to do so. If you change the difficulty level to Peaceful, tamed wolves will not disappear from the game.


The wolf's health level is indicated by its tail; The angle between his back legs and tail indicates his health level (100° means 100% health, 50° means 50% health, horizontal means 90% health). Tame wolves will whine if their health is low. A wolf's health can be restored by giving it raw or roasted pork, raw or roasted chicken, raw or roasted beef, or rotten flesh. All types of food restore wolves the same amount of health. Thus, it is more profitable to feed the wolves with uncooked food, or better yet, rotten flesh, which, unlike the player, does not cause indigestion in the wolves.


Tame wolves will follow the player, exploring the surroundings along the way. They will try different ways get to the player, not just in a straight line towards him, like other mobs. They can pass through open doors but only when they jump in an attempt to get through them, or if another mob pushes them there (they can also be lured with meat). This way, wolves can fit through holes that are 1x1 blocks in size. To achieve their goal, wolves can avoid obstacles. Tame wolves cannot climb ladders.

Tame wolves can teleport to the player if he moves a long distance away from them (which happens very often). The distance between the player and his tame wolf when it teleports to the player is approximately 32 blocks. Wolf teleportation can be used to place it in a place inaccessible to the player (for example, under ice), which will lead to the death of the wolf. Wolf teleportation in the game may not occur, or may not occur correctly, if the player is submerged in water more than 1 block deep. They will also not be able to move near the player if he is standing on the ice, but they will move to the location closest to the player where there is no ice.

Wolves Not Avoid contact with lava, cacti, or fire, which can easily lead to their death if the wolf follows the player through dangerous terrain.

When you press RMB on a wolf, it will take a sitting position. The wolf can get out of this position if it is surrounded by water, or if it or its owner is damaged.


    Wolf shakes himself off after swimming in the water

    Hostile wolf

    A tame wolf looks at food

    4 wolves follow the player

    Since the wolf has a collar, why not put him on a leash?

    Wolves have colored collars.


  • Before 1.0.0, if you sleep with the door open and a tamed wolf sits next to you, then the hostile mob will not interrupt your sleep. That is, the wolf plays the role of a guard.
  • Tamed wolves do not trample wheat. Also, the sounds of their footsteps are much quieter than those of other mobs.
  • If the player hooks a wolf with a fishing rod, the wolf will become hostile to him and begin attacking him, despite the fact that the fishing rod does no damage.
  • When the wolf attacks a large slug (2x2x2), he simply pushes it forward.
  • Wolves are the first tamable mobs in the game.
  • Wolves are the first mobs with a sitting animation.
  • Wolves have trouble passing through single and double open doors. Instead of passing, they look for a path to the player around the door and if they do not find it, they will teleport to him.
  • If a player attacks another player in SMP, his tame wolf will also attack him.
  • Wolves are the only mobs that can be hostile to the player on difficulty level Peaceful, except for the edge dragon and iron golem.
  • Wolves have brown spots on their fur. When the wolf is hostile, these spots become darker, and when it is tame, they become lighter.
  • If you start attacking any mob and give an order to a tame wolf, which is also heading to attack this mob, then the wolf will attack it in a sitting position.
  • If the player is in a boat, then his tame wolf will push it, similar to how he behaves on land.
  • If the player is in his house, then when his wolf teleports to him, he can end up in the roof of the house, which will begin to cause damage to him.
  • Very often, when teleporting, wolves end up in liquids. Therefore, if the player is underground, then the chance that his wolf will end up in lava is very high. Therefore, it is not recommended to explore caves with a wolf.
  • Tamed wolves can be bred with any type of meat (raw or roasted chicken, raw or roasted beef, raw or roasted pork, or rotten flesh).
  • If a player spawns in the forest, then wolves (from 5 to 35) will begin to appear near the player.
  • As of version 12w34a, the collar of a tamed wolf can be painted.
  • In 12w40a/12w40b, the wet wolf, under the effect of an invisibility potion, experiences serious texture problems. It can take on the texture of a cow, an octopus, blocks, an item sprite (items.png), and possibly anything.
  • Since version 1.4.2 a bug with wolves and ocelots appeared. When a player appears in a habitat, all nearby mobs are teleported to the player as if they were tamed. At the same time, the ocelots continue to run away, and the wolves do not protect you from attacks. If you attack a wolf, the whole pack will attack you. When a player dies, mobs disappear.
  • A bug with tamed wolves was noticed. When the wolf is in a standing position, it can fall through the floor. If you, for example, have a two-story house, and if the wolf is standing on the second floor, a bug may occur - the wolf will fall through the floor to the first floor and quickly move back to the second (and if you approach him at the moment when he is on the first floor, his head will be lowered, i.e. he will believe that he is on the second floor and therefore looks down at you). If you plant a wolf, the bug will stop.
  • A very large pack of wolves can kill a Wither.

