"Stalker: Spatial Anomaly": walkthrough. Mod "Spatial anomaly"

Introductory Movie

Chapter 1: No Way Out

Important! All useful information, associated with quests, is located after the text description of the passage on it.
1. After introductory video we see an unknown in a raincoat, we wake up.
2. We talk with Fierce, we find out what happened to us, we receive a signal for help, we go with the Mosquito to the Cutter, to destroy the zombies.
3. We clean the territory from zombies, we find a sheet of one of the zombies, read it.
4. We leave with the Mosquito to the base.
5. We tell Fierce about the zombies, the controller appears, we kill him, we talk about the controller's account with Fierce.
6. From the dialogue we learn that we have already met with the controller, so he managed to almost take control of everyone except us, on the advice of Fierce we go to bed.
7. Waking up, we hear the sound of blades, we go to the clearing, we see a helicopter, which after a while falls, we go to the crash site.
8. We approach the crash site, find Sergeant Oleinik, give the first-aid kit, bring to the camp. After talking with the soldier, we go to the Fierce.
9. After the conversation, we go to Dubolom, we find out that we have already met with him earlier, we go to kill the boars in order to cook ourselves food from their meat. We kill the wild boar, cut off the meat, cook over the fire, take a piece to Dubolom.
10. We approach the Snake, after talking with him, we agree to help him, we accompany him during the search for an anomalous plant to purify water. We return to the base, if the water runs out, we turn to him.
11. We approach the Cutter to thank for the rescue, ask about the place where he found us, go there to check everything again. After searching, we go to speak with Lyuty, as agreed.
12. After talking with the Fierce, we get the task to find the Scavenger.
13. We talk with the guys from the camp, we get tasks (images with the places of objects below): Mosquito asks to find cartridges for the SVD, Sledgehammer needs to find fuel for the generator, Markus asks to find the Twist artifact. Leaving the camp, we hear the thoughts of the protagonist, talking about the teleports with which you can find the Scavenger.

Scavenger Swag

14. We find the teleport we need on the edge of the location, next to the tank

15. We find the corpse of the Scavenger, we read the records in his PDA, we find his cache, we leave with the help of the teleport.

16. We tell him about the information read from the PDA, we get tasks to find the scavenger swag and decoder. We go to Dubolom and the military man.
17. The soldier asks to find two coils of wire and a battery for the transmitter, and Dubolom asks for help in killing the chimera, we are waiting at 2 am.
18. We hand over items for additional. quests.
19. We leave at 2 am to the bunker together with Dubolom, kill the chimera, return to the base, talk to him, go to Markus.
Attention! If no artifact has been found for Marcus up to this point, the quest will fail.
20. We talk with Markus, we get a task to search for the missing person - Shells.
21. We find the scavenger's cache, return to the Fierce, wait for the Screw to be able to crack the container-box.
22. In the basement in the center of the location we find the ghost Sleeper, take and read the note, drink vodka from the table.
23. We find ourselves in the basement, we reach the end, a zombie shell appears, we kill him, take the token, talk to the Hermit, return to Marcus.
24. After talking with Markus, we receive an SOS message, we go to the place.
25. We talk with Murad, we bring him to the camp.
26. We go find out what is there with the container-box of the Scavenger, choose the right one, go to the Fierce.
27. We talk with Fierce, we go to Murad for details, we get a battery from him, we go to Markus.

Copper wire for Oleinik

28. Before that, we collect two coils of copper wire and hand over everything, we are waiting for a message from the military, but for now we talk with Markus.

29. We leave with the Serpent and the Sledgehammer to kill the flesh, after we return to Marcus, he is not in his place, we go to ask the Fierce information. At the same time we ask the military about the radio transmitter.
30. After talking with Fierce, we run to the last place of the signal of the PDA Markus. We lose consciousness.
31. We find ourselves in some cave next to Markus, we meet Stronglav.


32. There are two options: either we sit quietly until Stronglava disappears, and after that we calmly leave the hole or shoot at him, after which two bloodsuckers appear, kill them and also leave the hole, there is no difference in the future. To get out of the hole, you need to find a decoder device in the cache.

33. Coming out of the hole, we meet the Obscurantist, this is where the first chapter ends, the memories begin.

Old-timers of "Stalker" have long known about the wonderful mod "Spatial Anomaly" (update 4), which you can download on this page. During the first passage of the modification, the player may have difficulties finding some quest items and characters, because new, hitherto unknown quests and locations have been added to the mod. Let's try to highlight the most difficult moments during the passage of this wonderful mod.

Question... Where to find the quirk artifact?
Answer... The twist lies in the anomaly near the tank, by the fence.

Question... Can't find Cutter's radio station!
Answer... Do not worry and move further along the plot, you will receive the radio station as you progress.

Question... Cartridges for sniper rifle SVD where to look?
Answer... UAZs are scattered along the road. Look for rifle cartridges in one of the UAZ vehicles on the floor.

Question... Can't find a stalker named Scavenger?
Answer... Look carefully for the teleport anomaly near the tank, you need to jump into it. The anomaly is located just between the large and small trees.

Question... I ransacked everything, but I can't find the Scavenger's swag!
Answer... See screenshot. We must go in the direction of the legs of the Scavenger's corpse, there is a bag in the grass.

Question... How to get out of Stronghead's lair?
Answer... Look for the bag behind the crane, there is a decoder.

Question... Where does a stalker named Gilza live?
Answer... He sits in the basement at night, come there late at night.

Question... How to feed the Oakbreaker, how to prepare food for him?
Answer... We shoot boars. We approach the corpses, there is (but not always!) The inscription "Cut off the meat." Then we go to the fire and cook the meat.

Question... Where to find the notebook on the Zohan's quest?
Answer... Look for the notebook under the tree near the fire.

Question... Where are the tools for rough work?
Answer... We are looking for tools in the Cordon, in the house where we saved the Fox in original game"The shadow of Chernobyl".

Question... How do I find tools for fine work?
Answer... Near the tunnel in dark valley, on top of one of the boxes are tools.

Question... Where can I find calibration tools?
Answer... They can be found on the roof of a derailed diesel locomotive.

Question... Where to look for evidence at the factory?
Answer... We look at the workbench-table, which is rotated 90 degrees. Screenshot to help.

Question... Where does the stalker Lefty live?
Answer... We are looking for him at a metallurgical plant in the farthest workshop.

Question... I want to find both Whirlwind machines!
Answer... We talk with all the stalkers at the base who have a dialogue about the machines. Then we approach the cage with the imprisoned bandit, we communicate with him.

Question... How do I find the entrance to Lab X-7?
Answer... There is a sealed trapdoor near a large pile of debris.

Question... Where is the exit from the X-7 laboratory?
Answer... We communicate with the Fierce, and then we jump into a large hole in the concrete floor.

Video from full passage mod "Spatial anomaly" see here:

For many computer games users release special modifications that modify this project in one way or another. Mods can change appearance games, some of its functions, tasks in it, objects, characters and much more. It all depends on what goal the creator of the mod sets for himself. It is hardly possible to find a game to which more modifications would be made in the post-Soviet space than to "Stalker". This project turned out to be so successful, as well as so accessible in terms of changes, that fans have already written dozens of modifications, each of which is better than the other. Some of them change the storyline, some just add new ones side quests, others offer you a richer assortment of items and weapons. In general, if you want to get new impressions from "Stalker", then you will have plenty to choose from. But now we will talk about a specific modification - "Stalker: Spatial Anomaly". Completing this mod will not take you very long compared to the original game, but you will get a lot of pleasure from the process.

Original game

In the original Stalker game, you had to play the role of one of the stalkers, who had to unravel the secret of the Zone while simultaneously completing other tasks, saving your friends, neutralizing enemies, and much more. We can say that the original is not much like the "Stalker: Spatial Anomaly" mod. The passage is very different, and the differences are not only in duration, but also in the very essence of the game, gameplay, even in locations. So don't think that this mod is cosmetic or just adds a couple of weapons - in fact, it is new game, new story line, which you will definitely be interested to go through, its quality is beyond doubt. However, like the quality of the Spatial Anomaly itself, the passage of which will be described below.

What has changed in fashion?

As mentioned earlier, the changes have affected almost all aspects, so you will see something completely new in front of you, built on the basis of the game you are familiar with. The most important thing that has changed is the storyline, it has become completely new in the Stalker: Spatial Anomaly mod. The passage will now take you only a few hours, since there are only sixteen quests in the game. But at the same time, we can safely say that these moments will be incredibly exciting, and let it be better to have several hours of concentrated pleasure than more than one day of drawn-out and boring gameplay. It is also worth noting the change in the situation - almost all the old locations remained in the game, but nothing special happens on them. For you, two game locations are important, which have been replaced with completely new ones, representing the very Spatial Anomaly that you will have to deal with. It is on this that the passage of the game "Stalker: Spatial Anomaly" will be built.

The beginning of the passage

So, in this modification you play the role of a mercenary, nicknamed the Beast, who finds himself in the center of an incomprehensible Spatial Anomaly, from which he, naturally, cannot wait to get out. But to do this, of course, is not as easy as we would like, otherwise the passage of the game "Stalker: Spatial Anomaly" would be very short. In parallel, you will have to perform many different actions that will affect the success of your task, so try to do everything as carefully and efficiently as possible. This Stalker Mod is made in a classic style, that is, the genre of the game remains stealth-action, and you will have to act as stealthily and silently as possible. It will not do without direct fights in open combat, but here everything will depend on your skills in handling the virtual weapons of this world.

Quests to help stalkers

So, the passage of this Stalker Mod consists of activating and completing certain quests, of which, as mentioned earlier, there are only sixteen in the game. Most of them are activated when you meet one of the stalkers, who were also not lucky enough to be inside the anomaly. Your task is to help them, on which the passage of most of the game is based. You meet a stalker, communicate with him, receive certain information and instructions, follow them and return to the character, helping him to leave the anomaly. Of course, all this is not done with good intentions - for completing you receive a reward that will help you further progress on the path to unraveling the secrets of the anomaly. Modification "Stalker: Call of Pripyat. Spatial Anomaly", however, does not limit you to one type of tasks.

Quests to find the truth

If there are more tasks in the game, according to the plot of which you need to help other stalkers, then the quests in which you need to unravel the secrets of Anomaly are much more important. In the game "Stalker", the "Spatial Anomaly" mod focuses your attention on them, since they constitute the main skeleton of the modification. After completing one task, you will receive a tip on another, but you will only get to it after you help one or two stalkers get out. As a result, the modification turns out to be quite linear, since it is limited by a clear order of quests and two locations, but at the same time it does not become less fun. Especially if it is one of latest versions"Stalker: Sniper. Spatial Anomaly". However, even she is not the last - the creators reported that the final version of the modification will be released in early 2015, so fans can only wait impatiently.

Gameplay changes

Naturally, in such a small modification it was difficult to change much in the gameplay. But the creators still managed to add a very nice and original function - the Beast's diary. Now the main character after each meeting with a stalker or solved riddles, Anomalies writes down his own impressions in his diary. And it's very interesting to read. And given the fact that due to the form of presentation, information acquires a certain dynamism and a sense of player involvement, it turns out very good function that clearly would have been greeted with warmth by the players in the original project.

Small size fashion

Many players point to the small size of the modification and say that it should not be taken seriously. How could it be good modification with a new storyline and unique locations fit into less than fifty megabytes of disk space? But the low weight is only a plus, since thanks to it there are practically no crashes in the game, it is maximally optimized and stable. Well, all the content fits quite well in the specified amount of space.
