Opening your own quest - a successful business plan. How to organize a quest for a birthday from start to finish - guide-instructions for How to come up with tasks for a quest

A quest is a game consisting of several tasks (levels) united by one storyline. Each completed level provides a key (hint) to the next task or overall goal.

As a rule, there can be 7 - 10 such levels, but there may be fewer, or there may be more, depending on their complexity and the age of the players. The main thing is that the quest does not get boring for its participants, so its duration usually takes no more than 1.5 - 2 hours.

Advantages of the quest at home:

1) Easily accessible props - you can use everything you have in the house.

2) Minimum costs

3) You don't need to go anywhere.

4) One person or several teams can play, if the size of the room allows.

Step-by-step instructions "How to make a quest at home?"

Step 1. Come up with a plot for the quest at home: script and game mechanism

You can play around the holiday itself, as well as your favorite films or cartoons. Thus, you can congratulate the birthday person, make an offer, surprise and entertain guests, and conduct a ransom.

Particular attention should be paid to the spectacular finale. Possible options for ending the scenario:

Find a gift or ring;

Solve a crime, find a treasure, save a princess from a terrible dragon - any plot of your favorite fairy tales.

Open the room with the bride;

Save the birthday cake from being captured by monsters;

Sometimes the desired ending can lead to a plot idea.

Step 2. Create assignments

For example, tasks could be:

Decipher messages and codes;

Apply props in a special way;

Solve puzzles, rebuses, riddles;

Remember some joyful moments in life.

For example, the easiest way to play the game is to place small notes with hints around the apartment. In each note you need to guess the place where to look for the next note, and at the end - the final super prize (gift, key, magic sword, etc., depending on the plot).

Below you can watch a video review of the clue for finding the cache from the quest "Fairyland".

Participants need to hold the card over the candle so that the black paint disappears, revealing the name of the place where the magic potion ingredient is hidden.

Step 3. Prepare the necessary props

Following the script, you need to prepare in advance everything you need to carry it out, put the clues in their places, and hide the surprise for the ending.

You can send themed invitations to players in advance to not only invite them, but also set them up for the upcoming adventure.

In order not to get confused and miss anything, it is better to lay out the clues in the order in which they are mentioned in the script. It is best to write down this sequence, as well as the correct answers.

Ready-made sets and scenarios

You can purchase ready-made quests with the necessary tasks, materials and detailed instructions on our website. All that remains is to carefully hide everything and enjoy the game.

When do you plan children's party, the easiest option is to contact people who professionally organize holidays. They will offer you a lot of options, various types of entertainment, among which quests are especially popular today.

Quest- this is a chain of tasks connected to each other by some topic or common goal.

It is not surprising that children are delighted with quests, because they so love to solve mysteries, go to the goal and receive such a coveted prize as a result.

But to arrange an exciting quest, you don’t have to contact anyone. Using ingenuity and imagination, any parent can write a script for their own special quest, which will be compiled taking into account the hobbies and interests of your child. And such a quest will be even more valuable, because you have put your soul into it, and even more interesting, because who, if not you, knows how to interest your own child.

To create a scenario, you will need tasks for a quest for children. Let's look at different options for children's tasks, by putting them together, you can create your own unique scenario.

To read it, you need to do certain things with it. Examples of such a letter:

  • inscription with milk. Appears when heated. To do this you will need matches or a lighter, so this task should not be given to children. But even if you are doing a quest for schoolchildren, at this stage it is advisable for the participation or at least the presence of an adult for safety reasons.
  • wax candle or chalk. The paper with the hint must be painted over with a pencil so that the inscription appears. An excellent safe option for the task.
  • pressed inscription. We take two sheets of paper, place them on a soft surface and write the message so that it is imprinted on the bottom sheet. This will be our secret letter. To read the inscription, it must be painted over, just like in the previous version.


You can easily compose it yourself. For example, the answer to the next stage will be the word “sun”. For each letter of the word we come up with another word: the letter “C” is a dog, etc. Moreover, this may not necessarily be the first letter of the word. Then we select a leading question or riddle for each word. The answers are entered into the cells and the result is a clue word in one of the columns. We paint it some color. An example of such a crossword puzzle can be found here.

Hidden clue

For this type of task, you will need a container with sand, any cereal or pasta, in which a capsule with a hint is hidden. You can also use a bucket of water.

Such tasks are more suitable for a quest that takes place in nature.

You can hide the clue not in a container, but in a certain area. It could be some bushes or thick grass.


One or more questions, after solving which, participants receive a hint. It is advisable that the quiz questions be united by one topic. These can be phrases from fairy tales, from which you need to guess the fairy tale itself.

More quiz options:

  • we take several objects or pictures, we need to guess which movie or cartoon these objects are from;
  • Geographic quiz - guess countries, cities;
  • quiz with questions about animals, birds or insects;
  • a quiz with questions about household appliances or any items used in everyday life.

If the quest is carried out with schoolchildren, the quiz can be dedicated to any subject that they study at school. In this case, the task will be not only exciting, but also useful.


More suitable for nature, but can also be organized at home. On the street, it could be stretched ropes that you need to crawl between, or a tunnel made of branches - this must be determined by the availability of materials.

At home, you can use a special children's tunnel or stretch tape between the walls in the hallway.


It can be either in prose or in poetic form. The answer is the key to the next task.

To complicate the task, write the riddle backwards - then the children will have to try to read it, and then only guess.


We depict the key word using a rebus. You can choose a ready-made rebus, or you can come up with one yourself.


We first print a word or picture on paper, glue the paper onto thick cardboard and cut it into pieces. The child's task is to put the puzzle together to get a clue.

Word encrypted using phone buttons

Phone buttons have letters, which means each letter in a word can be represented by a number. But each number corresponds to several letters, which complicates the task. Such tasks are suitable for schoolchildren; children may not be able to cope with them.

Word encrypted with icons

Each letter of the alphabet is indicated by some kind of sign - a circle, a square, an asterisk. Children are given a code of signs and an alphabet with symbols. Their task is to pick up the letters and solve the word as quickly as possible.

find 10 differences

A well-known childhood pastime is to compare two pictures and find the differences. It could well be made a task for children's quest. Looking for differences as a team is much more fun and interesting.

Relay races

This is a component of a quest in nature. There are a lot of relay variations. You can come up with your own, stylizing it to match the theme of the quest. For example, if the quest is dedicated to the New Year, then instead of a ball, children can pass each other a toy snowman or Santa Claus’s bag with gifts.

Who's the odd one out here?

Children are given a few words or pictures. Their task is to determine which object or word is superfluous. The extra word will be the key to the next stage. An option with a complication - we make each word a riddle or a rebus, then the children first need to unravel the words, and then look for the odd one among them.

Do the math

We prepare cards with hints in advance, on each card there is a word and a number. To find out which word is the key, you need to count something. You can count steps in the entrance, benches or trees on the street, windows in the house, etc. Let's complicate the task - you need to count several objects, then add these numbers to get the key.

Find the right box

You need to prepare several identical boxes, one of which contains a key or a word. The participants' task is to open all the boxes. The option is more complicated - we put a key in each, but only one of them fits the lock, or we put a piece of paper in each, but only one of them has a hint.

Mirror reflection

We write a word or riddle in a mirror image. Participants must guess for themselves that they need to use a mirror to read. By the way, the mirror can also be hidden, thereby making the task even more interesting.

General assignment rules

Here we have selected only the main variants of tasks, you can take them as a basis or come up with your own, but you must follow several rules:

  • All tasks should not be dangerous. You cannot force a child to swim across a river or light a fire;
  • the problems must be age-appropriate for the participants to actually solve them. But at the same time, they should not be too simple;
  • the stages of the quest should be united by one theme, smoothly transition into each other, and be built in a logical chain;
  • at the end there should be a prize waiting for the participants, and it should be such that no one is offended. If the game is a team game, then the prize should be for the whole team. If desired, you can give small prizes at each stage of the passage.

We hope that our tips will help you and you will organize your own original and exciting children's quest!

The main advantage of business activities related to quest projects is high level profitability and good prospects for further development. The target audience is people under 35 years of age who prefer to relax actively and unconventionally. And there are many of them! How to open your own quest? What needs to be considered in a business plan for successful activities? Let's consider all the nuances of organizing the quest.

Analysis of quest business - assessment of opportunities

When starting to organize quests, it is necessary to take into account the influence of various factors:

  • External - unchangeable. They can be seen as a threat that is avoided, or as an opportunity that should be immediately pursued:
Possibilities Threats
Low competition market Constant monitoring of demand for one or another type of scenario for timely replacement of an “obsolete” project
New ideas attract consumers Sometimes it is difficult to determine customer preferences
Relatively low start-up costs Demand appears spasmodically, it depends on holidays, weekends, seasons, the beginning of the academic session, as well as its end, and so on.
Free flight of creative thought, you can develop completely new ideas, there are almost no restrictions It is possible that regulations will be introduced at the state level in relation to this business.
Free entry into the market The level of purchasing power determines the demand for quests
Attractive ROI Conducting potentially dangerous quests requires ensuring safety measures for clients
  • Domestic – depending on the organizational approach, that is, on the businessman himself. There are some nuances here:

The sequence of actions when implementing a quest project consists of three main steps:

  • Correct selection of premises.
  • Script development.
  • Unmistakably selected and arranged scenery.

Consumers are attracted by a fascinating plot and high-quality implementation of the conceived idea.

Organizing quests legally - necessary documents

The package of documents in the business in question is not the largest:

  1. will be quite enough for legal work.
  2. Choosing a simplified taxation system will greatly facilitate relations with the tax authorities.
  3. It is necessary to have an agreement with the landlord.
  4. You can avoid buying a cash register if the entrepreneur opens a bank account, that is, payment for services will be accepted by bank transfer.

Don't forget about the safety briefing, which ends with the signatures of the players. The execution of such a document means that clients are warned about possible risk factors. In this option, all responsibility is shifted to the quest participants, although it is recommended to avoid risky elements in the game.

The choice of quest format determines the location of the room

It is important for a future businessman to choose the quest format and only after that look for a suitable premises or do without it:

Type of quest Where is it held? Concept Note
Finding a way out – players need to go outside the room by solving a series of problems Rented rooms in anti-cafes and so on. You can agree on mutually beneficial conditions to get rid of the costs of renting space Appropriate equipment is required to conduct intellectual competitions and immersion in alternative reality It is advisable to find a place with high traffic volumes
City quest In any area of ​​the city or other locality A game with a distribution of roles in the spirit of a detective story or with solving a mystery, searching for a villain, and a similar scenario. As an entourage, abandoned buildings, streets of city outskirts, landfills Great dependence on weather conditions
Children's quest Rented premises in shopping centers and other buildings in areas with good foot traffic Option for family fun or peer groups Estimated age of participants 6-7 years or more
Quest with a trip to nature Any terrain that meets the playing conditions is suitable It is carried out without special equipment with the participation of 2-4 people. All you need is costumes and a captivating plot. Features increased safety requirements

Thus, the operation of a quest room is impossible without a decent premises with proper repairs. It is also important to take into account good transport accessibility. Organization role playing games, as a rule, is carried out in an anti-cafe, where a large number of people come. This is a kind of toy library. But for city, search, and away quests (for example, for a wedding celebration or corporate event) no room required.

Scenario for a quest - rules for creating it

To begin with, a topic is selected. In this matter, they rely on the interests of the target audience. Children under 7 years old are interested in the adventures of fairy-tale heroes. Older players are attracted to pirate themes; those over 20 like to unravel detective mysteries, and so on. It is important to study the demand. What computer games Are young people interested? What is important to transfer into reality? A unique scenario is one of the most important elements for attracting customers.

The game mechanism can be changed, but there are unchanged components:

It is believed that organizing quests requires, first of all, imagination, logic and
creative thinking. Without this there really is nowhere. But it is worth remembering that in order
in order to get a good result in the end, it will take more than one day of fruitful
work, a creative team and the help of professional organizers.
Below are some basic tips for those who decide to create a quest on their own.

1. Choose a location. Remember that if this is a public park or
a crowded place, that is, there is a possibility that your idea may be violated, even
understanding this. For example, a clue that you hid in a tree may
easily carried away by the wind or people passing by.
Advice: it is best to use enclosed spaces, be it an apartment or a garage
or Personal Area in the office. The main thing is that access to it should be minimal
number of strangers.

2. Work hard to create a script that is interesting. On the same topic
There are no restrictions for you - choose your favorite book, cartoon, TV series or
develop your idea. Make it interesting for everyone involved.
Tip: when choosing tasks, remember who they are primarily aimed at.
Don't let kids decide complex tasks, and ask adults to sort
balls by color

3. Time planning. You need to know how long your
quest. This shouldn't be a 5-10 minute event, but it's not worth it either.
set aside the whole day.
Advice: there is no need to load the quest with a large number of lengthy tasks, because
As a rule, participants get bored of them very quickly.

4. Interesting props. Remember that you will need to play up the theme according to
which will be the quest and every little thing will help create an unusual atmosphere and
completely transport participants to another world.
Tip: you don’t have to buy expensive decorative items. Look what you have
lying around in the closet, garage, ask your loved ones for help, walk around

5. Take friends as your helpers. Although you can cope with everything alone
affairs that will befall you during the preparation of the quest, but much
It will be more pleasant to divide all the tasks between your team.
Advice: remember that not only friends can help, but also grandparents who
They know a lot of games and tasks from their childhood.

6. Don't forget about small gifts. You have no restrictions in this. Not
it is important what it will be: sweets, symbolic surprises, certificates or
Advice: the main thing that your participants should receive is unforgettable emotions and

7. Use the help of specialists. Even if you decided on your own
prepare and organize the quest, do not forget to first look at
professional quest rooms where you can see and understand everything
own experience. And you can do this at the address: st. Geroev Truda, 7, shopping center
"Caravan", 2nd floor.
Tip: Or call us and we will be happy to make all your dreams come true

The quest room has some special features.

No matter where

Since people purposefully go to a quest from an advertisement or from a website by appointment, it does not matter for the quest where exactly the entrance is located (like, say, to a store). If the entrance to it is from the yard or somewhere on the edge of the house (for example, in the basement / ground floor) - this is even good, as it allows you to choose the most profitable room for rent.

For two quests you will need about 100 sq. meters. For four 180–200 sq. meters, depending on the layout. There is no point in taking one quest small room, since you will spend a lot of money, since in any case you need to make a waiting room and a leader’s room, which can be used for several quests at once.

It is much more effective to immediately invest in a room for several quests, even if you do one first, thereby you will have:

  1. Firstly, savings in rental rates (a square meter will be cheaper), square meters (the total areas will “work” for several quests at once).
  2. Secondly, savings on personnel (fewer employees will be required than if the quests are in different places), savings on repairs (you won’t have to build the same thing twice).

Basement/basement spaces with a minimum rental rate are very suitable. But keep in mind that a destroyed basement will require either large investments or a specific theme (horror films). And children's / family quests (and, in general, all quests) require a clean / good room - it will be more pleasant for the players to come to you.

Be more serious with rent

Rent is the only significant fixed expense, so it's important to control it. Since opening a quest takes time, you can (and should) ask for a vacation for construction. Also transfer part of the costs to the landlord (related to pipes, toilets, ventilation, heating - those that improve the premises and will remain with the landlord forever)

It is more profitable to place several quests in one location, this way you save on:

  • Rental rate per square meter;
  • Arrangement of the area (repair);
  • Square meters (one entrance group, toilet, leader’s room - all this for several quests);
  • Salary: one person can simultaneously conduct several quests. During the day, one person is enough for several quests, the staff helps each other, while one collects, others meet clients and tell the legend.
  • Other expenses: internet, receptionist, cleaning - divided among all quests.


At the moment, even if the area is large (3-5 quests), one unpromoted quest with average profitability, with fierce competition, can cover the current rental costs, so the second quest will cover salaries, advertising and operating expenses, and subsequent will bring net profit. This is at the start of a business.

The area per quest is usually about 30–40 square meters. meters, maybe larger 60–70 sq. meters. Minimum quest - 25 sq. meters. If there is a scary but large room, you can implement a performance (quest with an actor from 150 sq. meters), which can be opened quickly enough with small investments, but this is a horror film and with an actor, due to this a wow effect is achieved.

A good option is a quest for two, it can be implemented on 10 square meters. meters - this is a prison cell or an elevator, or “buried alive”, or a laboratory (in breaking bad style).

Among the new formats, it is now profitable to open “Hide and Seek in the Dark”. A minimum of cash investment is required, and construction can be completed in three to four weeks. The format is ideal for family visits, children's birthdays, team building events, and large groups. Unlike a quest, it can be completed many times. Over the past few months, we have opened 9 hide and seek and 9 more are being built across Russia.

Some other features to look out for when searching for premises:

  1. Room layout. It is necessary to make the most efficient use of space. If the toilet will be located at the other end of the room, then keep in mind that there must be a connection to it Free access, which can “eat” squares that could go on quests.
  2. Ceiling height. Low ceilings will put pressure and do not allow the installation of additional engineering. High ceilings (3–4 square meters) require significant effort and resources to use.
  3. Humidity, traces of flooding, accidents (especially in the basement). Sewage is very common problem, there must be a check valve to prevent “breakthroughs” of the toilet. If it is not there, you need to supply it at the landlord's expense.
  4. Ability to work evenings, nights and weekends. If you have a basement, it is better to have non-residential premises above you, otherwise playing games in the evening hours may be limited. With neighbors “above”, games must end before 10–12 pm.

Stage two - choosing a scenario

Your city influences the strategy for opening quests.

Main factors:

  1. Population
  2. Competitors

Depending on the population, we distinguish two types: million-plus cities and small cities. A separate conversation - the capitals (Moscow and St. Petersburg).

We classify all cities with a population of less than 500 thousand as small towns and recommend starting with opening quests based on adapted scenarios. These scenarios are optimized for opening without experience in quests or even entrepreneurship, they open in the shortest possible time and involve a minimum number of specialists (engineers / prop makers), the cost of their implementation is from 350 thousand rubles. But in case of strong competition, you can immediately start with environmental and engineering quests.

The quest industry is already three years old and the level of competition at the moment leaves virtually no opportunity to open a quality quest on your own. Previously, it was possible to make simple repairs, hide notes, keys and lock people up. Now everything has changed.

Creating a script and adapting it to reality requires time and significant investment. The value of the scenario tends to zero, since the main importance is set of items, engineering, and the implementation of riddles. It is on this component of the quest that most of the time and money is spent. This is where the quest opening stage is where the maximum value from the franchise is achieved. It will protect you from mistakes and help you save time and money at every stage from selecting a room to opening the quest.

The third stage - advertising and attracting customers

For many, at this stage, franchise assistance ends with the provision of a reservation system on the website. We went further by creating a marketing agency for quests: our staff includes specialists in Yandex.Direct, Google Adwords, VKontakte targeting, a copywriter, an email specialist, and content specialists.

We understand that traffic is one of the most important stages, so a designer and a programmer work on website conversions, we have written our own analytics system.

Since most clients call rather than sign up on the website (up to 90% in the regions), we are the only ones who have introduced a single call center for all our partners, which provides daily online service from morning to night, without holidays and weekends.

To improve the quality of processing applications, we were forced to write a separate one for processing applications with elements of tips, since it is very difficult to remember 150 quests in 40 cities, but with such a system, information on each reservation, for each client, for each quest is presented conveniently to increase the number of entries .

The introduction of a call center shows an increase in bookings by 30% due to the quality of application processing, scripts and the application processing system.

Types of advertising

We divide advertising into two categories: online advertising and offline advertising in the city. We provide detailed information about offline advertising in the training. But we take care of setting up and maintaining online advertising. This is contextual advertising in search engines: Yandex and Google. Social networks: VKontakte (targeting), Instagram (again, we won’t list the rest, but there are significantly more sources of Internet traffic than just search networks).
