Guild guide darkness reborn. Review of the game Darkness reborn, Dark Avenger II, a beautiful hurricane slasher MMORPG on Android

A few days ago there was a release Darkness games Reborn from the development studio Gamevil (colleagues of Com2Us, for those in the know). What is the game like? This is a mmorpg slasher game with a third-person view, with several character classes, various ammunition, a crafting system, pvp battles, guilds and much more. Detailed review in the spread, plus a paragraph for those currently playing Summoners War (both games have a lot in common). The game also fully supports the Russian language out of the box.

Immediately after starting the game, we are offered to go through the level by controlling a pumped-up character of level 30 and fight the dragon (Boss). Here I would like to recall a series of races Need for Speed ​​for PC, where we were also given a powerful car at the start in which we had to complete one race in order to join the plot. After which they sat down in a stock car, which does not go more than 100 km/h, and progress began. It’s the same here: first we play as a powerful character, get acquainted with the game, and only then create our own.

Please note: Most screenshots will be on English language, but now the game is completely Russified.

There are currently two character classes available: Warrior and Kunoichi (Ninja). According to the general role-playing canons, the Warrior here is average with balanced attack and defense, and the Kunoichi has increased attack, but a low level of defense. Many say that in the PvP arena Warriors show better results than Kunoichi, but even if this is the case now, then of course the balance will be corrected with updates. If you absolutely don't care who you play, I suggest evaluating two big arguments in favor of Kunoichi in the picture below:

There is one more important point that we will mention right away. The kunoichi can go through story locations faster due to higher damage, but at the same time does not always withstand the damage of the final bosses. The warrior, on the other hand, slowly and diligently scatters enemies, spending more time, but with guarantee. Or you have to buy HP and MP potions (for regular currency, not donations).

Let's take a quick look at the interface main window (screenshot above). This is the main city where you can move around, but you cannot enter the buildings. And it’s not necessary, everything you need is on the screen: store, inventory, skills, world map, PvP fights, etc. The main currency in the game is gold. Donation currency is SOLs (crystals). As usual, you can buy a lot of things with crystals that you can't buy with gold. But nevertheless, it can be knocked out! The game also has such an indicator as energy. It is spent for completing locations. For PvP fights there is a type of energy called “arena tickets”. If the initial maximum energy is 25 units, then the maximum for tickets is 10. Both are replenished over time, or for crystals.

Battle interface

Two-finger control: use the left joystick to move the character, use the right joystick to attack and use skills. In one fight, only 4 skills are available to us, but this does not mean at all that there are only 4 of them in the game. The remaining skills can be found in the corresponding menu and rearranged there: some are suitable for PvP, others for PvE. The blue glow around the character is rage mode. When we land consecutive series of blows in a row, the rage bar is filled. When it is at maximum, a corresponding button appears, upon pressing which this mode is activated. Fury increases damage dealt and attack speed. And at the moment of activation, the hero becomes invulnerable for some time ~0.5 seconds. This can be used at the moment when we are attacked by a powerful enemy and there is no other way to dodge. But this is already from the category of “Game Tips” :)

The game has an automatic battle mode. We select a location, go in, press the “Auto” button at the top of the screen and our hero/heroine goes off to kill opponents on her own. Sometimes he has to help: sometimes you get distracted for a couple of minutes, and the character stubbornly runs into the wall. But let's chalk this up to errors in the early version. Autoboy is a useful and convenient thing: go to a location, press “auto” and go about your business for 3-4 minutes. And so on until the energy runs out.

At the start we are not sent to do whatever we want, on the contrary: we go through a short training course where we are shown the basics of the game. How to fight, how to use equipment and other points. This character teaches us:

In addition, on each loading screen there are various kinds tips. There are not many of them, but at the start of the game they are useful:

Let's take a look at the character skill system

We have already said that in battle the player has four skill slots. But there are much more skills themselves. Firstly, they are divided into active and passive:

Secondly, skills are divided into groups for each slot, respectively, for a total of 6 skills are available for one slot, which open as your character levels up. There are only 16 passive skills. There is also a Hero tab, but there is nothing there yet.

Skills have one problem related to donation and my personal opinion is that it shouldn’t be like this. The point is: each of the passive skills can be improved up to 10 times. And if active skills can be improved either for gold or for crystals throughout, then passive skills after the 4th level are improved only for crystals. The cost is not high, for example, for an increase to the 5th level they ask for 5 crystals, to the 6th - 10, 7 - 15 crystals, and so on. It’s not high, not in the sense of “buy $10 worth of crystals once and you’ll have enough for all your skills,” but in relation to how you earn crystals in the game. For example, 10 crystals are given out for completing daily quests, and crystals are also sometimes given out for various achievements. And the game also has a roulette wheel, which you can spin once a day and also have the opportunity to get crystals. But nevertheless, I personally think that this is “redneck”, if I may. Let's hope that the developers will come to their senses about this.

Now let's take a closer look at the inventory and ammunition:

Looking at the screenshot above, you can see that Darkness Reborn is not limited to just weapons and armor. Gloves, boots, helmets, rings, amulets - there is a wide variety. In addition, items according to their uniqueness are divided into ordinary, magical, rare, unique and legendary. The higher the degree, the better the item and the harder it is to find. There are also enough characteristics in the game:

In addition to the standard attack and defense, Darkness Reborn has elemental parameters, such as fire, ice, poison and lightning damage. Of course, protection from these parameters is also divided into elements.

I would like to say a special thank you for the thoughtful and convenient equipment. When you open it after 5-10 visits to locations in a row, quite a lot of found ammunition accumulates there. And next to each item either red numbers with an arrow or green ones are displayed. Red ones show how much weaker the item found is than the one the character is currently wearing. Green is the opposite: it indicates that the thing is stronger. This is convenient because you don’t need to compare all the ammunition with each other. The inscription “GS” next to each item means Gear Score: ammunition points, the purpose of which is to indicate the approximate strength of the item. For example, a sword with GS10 will be an order of magnitude stronger than a sword with GS2. But these designations are conditional, so it is impossible to judge only by them.

Each item can be improved by reforging unnecessary ammunition. The more things we reforge, the higher the level of improved ammunition will be (but its limit is always limited), and, accordingly, the characteristics. As the game progresses, you may come across things with slots. You can insert gems into them, also increasing the characteristics (hello Diablo). Darkness Reborn also boasts a crafting system. Resources are mined in “Rifts,” special locations that open for a short period of time when completing regular instances on higher difficulty. Yes, each location has several difficulty levels, three to be exact. Higher difficulty - more experience and a better reward.

PvP battles in Darkness Reborn

Battles in the arena are divided into four types: fights with bots, your own game (fights with friends), individual rating (fights with random opponents and allies) and battles between guilds:

The first three types of battles take place in 3vs3 mode. Three players on each side enter a small arena and fight for 3 minutes. Victory can be achieved earlier if one of the teams scores the required number of points. I have not yet been able to take part in guild battles:

Crystals are given as a reward for winning battles with bots. For battles with players, a rating is awarded, and a reward is given based on its value. By the way, in the arena there are restrictions on the use of skills, or rather, you cannot use the 4th slot, which contains the Ultimate skill (Ulta, if anyone is more familiar). This is correct: otherwise the battles would either be too fast or too unclear, since each ult is a rainbow explosion on the display of your device. Speaking of explosions and other heavy effects: In the settings you can lower the graphics level, to improve the performance of your device.

Darkness Reborn as a whole

It is an interesting and promising game. These usually develop at an accelerated pace: developers add new classes, ammunition and others gaming aspects. And the balance must be closely monitored. Due to the energy system, Darkness Reborn does not require much time, and there is also auto-combat. PvP fights are just as interesting, and the variety of skills gives rise to a variety of combat tactics. If the developers correct the misunderstanding with leveling up passive skills for crystals, then we can say that the game is not demanding when it comes to donating. Players who give money for the opportunity to be at the top of the ratings will be found everywhere and always. But the rating system itself implies that “paid players” will fight among themselves in the first positions of the ratings, and F2P players will be in the middle of the rating and, again, battles will take place with the same players. Although in the first days of release it is difficult to talk about specific things.

Separately worth noting the importance of the social component of the game. The friend system in the game is not just a list of unknown people, on the contrary: you need to add active and competent players there. Because you can enter the arena with friends, which means that you can agree on battle tactics in advance. With guilds the situation is repeated - leaders can discuss a strategy in advance, and those who do not adhere to it can be excluded.

If you have time and desire to play

Then I propose to gather in this VKontakte group (links to the application on Google Play and AppStore are there):

If we have an active roster, we can explore the world of Darkness Reborn together. Plus, further materials and articles will be published in this group. There it will be possible to agree on tactics and create guilds, and then we’ll show the Germans and Americans what we are capable of :) If necessary, it will be possible to create a section on our forum, including a closed one.

Bonus for those who play Summoners War

You have already noticed that these two games have a lot in common. This is understandable, both publishing studios are one whole, hence the similarities. The fundamental difference in the games is that SW is turn-based, while in DR fights take place in real time. The setting in both games is also different, but this can be seen from the screenshots. Let's briefly go over the general points:

  • The best part is that both games use same Hive accounts. If you created or linked an account in SW, then you can also use it in DR.
  • The energy system that is spent during fights. For daily login to the game you get additional energy, which can remain in the chest for up to 7 days. For example, you can save it on weekdays, and on the weekends have a serious race through the dungeons;
  • The arena ticket system is similar to the wings in SW. The accumulated maximum is the same in both cases - 10 pieces.
  • Roulette. Just like in SW, you can spin for free once a day;
  • Locations: different difficulties and various drops. Entering higher difficulties costs more mana; We’ll also add auto combat here;
  • Rifts are the equivalent of Secret Dungeons. They open for a short period of time, but you can come here directly with friends and clear them shoulder to shoulder;
  • Increasing the level of ammunition (sharpening) is similar to feeding donors to the main one. We pour unnecessary items into the main one, increasing its characteristics;
  • Rating tables reset every two weeks. A reward is issued along with the reset;
  • The same system of events and notifications: in DR we click on the “notifications” button and the already familiar window with events opens;
  • Friendship points. In DR, you can use them to buy boxes, which, when opened, drop random ammunition. You can also buy energy here with these points! This is not the case in SW.

These general points may help those who are new to Summoners War to master the game. Darkness Reborn will help pass the time while energy accumulates in SW. Or vice versa :)

In general, I don’t really like slasher films, that is, games where you need to stupidly run and kill everyone, and tasks, dialogues and atmosphere fade into the background. Especially a purely linear one, where there is no world as such, but if there is a system of mission-locations through which you need to go, kill everyone and get your profit.

And even more so when this type is widely available on mobile platforms...

On the one hand, I understand how they need to be played on mobile phones, that is, smartphones and tablets.

You hold the phone with both hands like a joystick, one finger sets the direction, and with a finger or several of the other hand you frantically press attack skills and auto-attacks.

But it’s still damn inconvenient, even a five-inch phone screen in this section seems small, and your hands get tired pretty quickly. Of course, there is an option to adapt a special gamepad to the phone that implements control buttons, but I don’t have one, and I’m not going to buy one.

Regarding specifically darkness reborn, in this regard, I can say that almost everything has been done for ease of control - the most important thing is that there is no fixed circle - a joystick, sliding along which we set the movement. When I first saw such a circle, and in a regular MMORPG, I cursed for about a minute. That is, there is a circle, but it is not fixed, that is, you just need to move your finger along the left side of the screen, and then the character will move where we lead him. This is as convenient as such control can be. Regarding the right side - everything is standard - hit the skill buttons with your fingers or the large circle of a standard attack and you will be happy.

Review of the game Darkness Reborn

In the first lines of the review itself, I would like to say that the game is incredibly beautiful and technical. Looking at such a miracle of graphics and animation on the screen, motherfucker, mobile phone, you understand that the 21st century has been going on for a long time and progress in the entertainment industry is taking leaps and bounds. It would seem that it’s been a long time since we played a linaga like the first chronicles on a large computer and were surprised at the coolness of the graphics, although there were protruding pixels and artifacts all around, the textures weren’t all that good, and so on, and now bam and a realistic character model runs around on a small screen, waving a spear or a sword , while kicking his legs and leaving beautiful marks from his swings, or casts some crazy animated things that make his opponents fall to the ground.

At the same time, what’s cool is that the battle is really fast, this kind of concrete action, when our hero enters into battle simultaneously with a dozen different opponents - panthers, goblins, toads, minotaurs, and you have to press all the buttons to chop them down as quickly as possible, but at the same time avoid getting hit by arrows and poisonous spit as much as possible.

At the same time, there are bosses that take a little trouble to defeat.

What is typical is that if the first missions are completed without any problems at all, then the further you go, the more difficult it becomes. But there’s some kind of abrupt break - freebie-freebie-freebie, and then bam and you’re lying there, and I don’t know how to pass the level without a rebirth sphere, which is supposed to be paid.

But there is a way out - to drag out those missions that you have already completed, again and again, in order to gain more levels and clothes, improve your skills, dress according to your level and bend everyone.

However, you can not only sit in groups, you can also go to the rift with someone, where resources and experience also drop; in the future, RB and dungeons for joint passage will also open.

And most importantly, there is an arena where you can play PVP with players like you, including the opportunity to beat up foreigners.

Character development, item system

Firstly, we have the opportunity to simultaneously develop and complete missions with several characters.

Each of them has their own skills. Skills need to be learned for gold according to the level, for sols you can learn immediately (imbalance), but in total you can take four skills from four branches into battle at the same time + a basic strike that does not require mana in battle. There are also passive skills that are learned according to the same principle.

But the main thing, of course, is that our Chuchmek needs to be dressed. A lot of clothes fall in battles, although most are scoundrels.

The gradation is as always - gray for throwing away, green - garbage, blue - good for the first time, purple - good, orange legendary... your division, yes, it's a bender!

But the orange ones can only be obtained from the Republic of Belarus, or for donating sols, and sometimes they can be found for crafting in the forge, but to craft them, you need a lot of stones, which are mined in different locations - the Republic of Belarus, the rift, the arena. That is, as usual - either pay, or wait until you are lucky, or farm-farm-farm, again waiting until you are lucky to wait for orange at the forge.

In addition, each item can be improved using other equipment. But at first it doesn’t make sense - you grow up quickly, so you should start the first sharpenings at least from level 15, and better yet even later, but it depends on patience, I’m not very patient, and the first sharpenings are cheap.

Summary, review

A good game, perhaps it will live on my phone, and when I have the desire to kill everyone, I will go into it and let off steam. Conditionally, of course, because when it doesn’t work out, the boiling point only rises, and I’m not too crazy in life, so I’ll just leave this game for a special mood. Moreover, this is a really high-quality and beautiful product that is pleasant to play. And yes, the game asks for money, but as I understand from the sensations, you can play without money, and even pretend to be something in pvp.

ZY I found here in one public page how to get a lot of sol without donating - get to at least level 50, but it’s tedious, but you want both this and that, but what can you do.
Let's proceed directly to obtaining sol.
When you get 30lvl. You are given the right to purchase/hire a relatively new character - a demon hunter (hunt), the cost of hiring is 100k gold or per sol.
So, we level up 2 side players to level 30, put on blue gear (for starters) and farm the arena. It is advisable to increase it to 3%; for this we will be given 175 sol. Plus, you can join a guild, they also give sols for its rating. ( By the way, now there is also a sorceress, so you can farm with three characters at once)
So, here is a list of the main sol receipts.
In a week, playing with 3 characters, we can get:
1. Arena (175 x 3) = 525sol. 2. Arena (guild) = 300sol. 3. Daily quests(70 x 3) = 210sol. so in general you can play.

Become a real hero in the dynamic action RPG Darkness Reborn! Choose from five heroes - a mighty warrior, an agile kunoichi, a charming sorceress, a cold-blooded demon hunter or a furious savage - and go through an epic and exciting adventure! Only you can determine the fate of this world - win dark knights and demonic dragons to bring light back to this world! A fascinating plot and attractive characters will definitely be remembered by you and you will want to return to it more than once. amazing world Darkness Reborn on PC and Mac! But this game is attractive not only for its plot - it is thought out to the smallest detail game mechanics will allow you to create unique hero and equip it with unique equipment, which, in turn, will allow you to create your own unique playstyle. Chop monsters left and right, shoot them from afar, poison them with poisons or destroy them with one powerful spell - the choice is yours! Well, having passed the most interesting story campaign, you will be able to test your strength in the PvP arena and clash in battle with thousands of other players! Create the strongest hero and win in Darkness Reborn!
