Hello Neighbor Games. Hello neighbor games New Hello neighbor games

As we know, the most difficult thing is to maintain kind and friendly feelings towards the person with whom we live next to and see every day. Even if such people live across the wall from you, sometimes there still comes a moment when you just want to kill them, or at least annoy them a little. To avoid doing anything bad to your neighbors real life, we invite you to relieve stress and tension in games How to annoy your neighbor. These games on our website can serve you as a sedative, or a storehouse of ideas for mocking your real neighbors. But we still do not advise you to use the experience that you gain in games, especially in relation to living people.

Oh, these neighbors!

When very noisy people live next door, they sometimes irritate us too much. One morning they turn on the drill, another they play the piano, and at night their cat purrs loudly. If small children live nearby, then it’s even worse, because there’s constant stomping, screaming, crying, laughing, and so on. Deaf old neighbors are also not the best gift, because they always have the radio and TV turned on at full power. Usually, all these “joys” happen when we most want to sleep.

But the situation could turn out completely differently, and now you will find yourself that noisy guy who loves listening to loud music. Imagine that you are once again enjoying your favorite hard rock song, and then the hated pensioner neighbor starts knocking on the radiators. How often she loves to do this and scold you every time she meets you at the entrance! In this case, you need to wean her from using constant scandals as entertainment.

How to survive in such situations?

How to get at your neighbor so that he understands that he can no longer live next to you? Teach him a lesson so that he understands that it is better for him to be friends with you than to be at enmity. And in order to practice and be confident in your abilities, we recommend that you gain experience from online games How to Annoy Your Neighbor. These games will be useful not only for those who are preparing a secret attack on their neighbor, but also for those who are real quiet in life, but really want to relieve the simmering tension. Sometimes these games present too cruel methods of dealing with hated neighbors, so we do not recommend using them in life, otherwise the offenders will end up in the hospital at best, and you will end up in prison.

Expert review

Who at all times is rightfully considered a professional in matters of pestering neighbors? Of course, these are those who study in a student dormitory. The conditions there are even much worse than in your home. Residents in dormitories are with their neighbors not just behind a wall, but in the same room. The issue of disliking your roommate becomes extremely acute very quickly in dorms. It is in such places that all bullying is extremely sophisticated and almost ingenious, because, no matter how cruel they may be, in the end both the offender and the victim remain friends.

If the girls living in a student dormitory have rules of survival that are not so cruel, then the boys there have them just like that! But if you are one of the freshmen, then you will have to go through all the circles of hell. But, by the way, this greatly strengthens you and makes you more resilient and resistant to further life difficulties.

If you are not subjected to any bullying either from neighboring students or from neighbors in a residential building, then turn on the games How to Annoy a Neighbor just to have a lot of fun. The control rules are simple, everything will be written when instructions for performing the next dirty tricks appear. The fact that you'll have a lot of fun and won't harm anyone is probably the biggest reason why you'll enjoy these games. You have the right to choose who you want to bully. This could be an old lady, an entrepreneur, a student or other neighbors. It’s also good that you can continue to do your dirty trick at any time, even if you had to end it at the most inopportune moment. Neighbors everywhere are equally annoying, regardless of whether they are real or not!

The game Neighbors from Hell (in Russian - How to get your neighbor) is popular all over the world. It belongs to the arcade genre. The main task of the main character is revenge on his neighbor. He needs to find certain objects hidden throughout the house and use them to annoy his enemy.
This game is very popular because each of us encounters our neighbors several times a day. Some are quiet and calm, while others don’t need a reason to scream and ruin the mood. This game will help you let off steam and not completely quarrel with your neighbors. On our website you can download the complete collection of this game completely free of charge and without registration.
Your neighbors don't let you sleep on your only day off? They constantly scream, do repairs without a break, and their children pester you with their constant stomping? Don't despair, start the game on our website "How to get your neighbor?" and you will receive moral satisfaction from mocking your neighbor.
Negative energy should not be kept to yourself; you need to get rid of it. Otherwise, it can develop into stress. As soon as you notice that everything is starting to irritate you, then immediately turn on one of the games “How to annoy your neighbor” on our website. You won’t even notice how your anger will instantly go away, and uncontrollable laughter will take its place. With our games you will see that life will become much more fun and easier.

Various variations of the game "How to get your neighbor"

On our website there are several versions of the game - for a personal computer and consoles. They have their own characteristics, which we will now deal with.

Game "How to annoy your neighbor" for computer (PC)

The computer version is considered one of the full versions of the game. It contains 3 seasons. The first season has 6 episodes, the second and third have 4 episodes each. There are 14 unique episodes in total, with different tasks and difficulty levels.
The main character of the game, whom you will control, is called Woody. Each time he will quietly enter the house and look for necessary items for maximum mischief. Remember that actions played in the game should under no circumstances be repeated in real life. Firstly, it is illegal to enter someone else's home, and at best you will get off with a fine. Secondly, if your neighbors do such dirty tricks, they can cause you physical harm. Therefore, we strongly recommend letting off steam in our game.
In the first episode, Woody has access to the following locations: hall, bathroom, living room and kitchen. At this stage, actions take place only in these places. In the second episode, a balcony and a bedroom are added to the already open locations. And in the third episode you gain access to the basement and personal account neighbor And so with each episode the situation will expand, and it will become increasingly difficult for you not to be caught by your neighbor. With each episode, the tasks and levels will become harder and harder. Therefore, the game will not seem monotonous to you.

How to get this neighbor?

Virtual spectators will watch your every action. They will applaud you after every successfully performed dirty trick. They will also evaluate the entire level. To get the highest score, you need to complete tasks one by one so that your neighbor's rage does not have time to cool down. And remember, you cannot catch the eye of the enemy. If he notices you, you will be beaten and the level will end.
At higher levels, your neighbor will have pets (dog, parrot). Remember that they can give a signal to their owner and he will instantly come running to the noise. The developers recommend that in order to remain unnoticed in the presence of pets, you need to tiptoe through. To remain unnoticed by your neighbor, you can hide in a closet, under the bed and in other places where he does not look. You can also distract your neighbor from his affairs with the help special items(home phone, dog whistle). Be smart, use your imagination and then your results will be maximum.
After each completed episode, viewers will give you a statuette. It can be gold, bronze or silver, depending on how the viewer reacted to your actions.

Console version of the game

The main difference between the console version and the computer version is the number of episodes. If in the PC version there were 14 episodes, then in this version there are already 26. Of course, this variation also has a minus - there is no viewer rating. However, the neighbor's anger scale plays a big role. Her role has increased significantly. If a neighbor noticed you in some way, the anger scale is instantly reset to zero and you will no longer be able to score the maximum score for the episode. The console version is also good because it contains mini-games. Which are not included in the plot of the game itself, but are directly related to it. By playing the mini-game you can start the car, pick the lock and perform other various tasks.

The main characters and minor characters of the game "How to Annoy Your Neighbor"

There are a small number of heroes in this game. However, each of them is unique and charismatic in their own way.
Woody - main character, which you control. His task different ways to annoy your neighbor for all the bullying he caused. And to make the revenge even brighter, Woody invited a film crew to capture all the dirty tricks.
Mr. Rottweiler is Woody's neighbor. An angry, grumpy neighbor who loves to quarrel.
Piggy, the dog, and the parrot Chili are the pets of a grumpy neighbor. In the game they can give a signal to the owner.
Joe is a fictional character who acts as a director on Woody's show.

Survival Instructions

If you're grumpy evil neighbors who are trying to get into trouble with you. Then this is a game especially for you. We do not recommend repeating all the dirty tricks in real life. Unfortunately, this can end sadly. At best, your neighbors will call the police, and at worst, you may end up with bruises. With the help of the game you can free yourself from the anger that overwhelms you. You just have to imagine that your nasty neighbor is in the place of the virtual neighbor and the anger will instantly go away.
Who do you think is the best at making fun of their neighbors? Of course, these are senior students who live in a dormitory. It is they who have to see dozens of their neighbors every day who are constantly making noise, shouting, laughing. It is in the dorm that the most hilarious bullying of neighbors occurs.
If you have never been to a hostel, then believe me that every day passes like the well-known April Fool's Day. Constant jokes, harmless mockery. If a freshman moves into a dormitory with little knowledge of jokes, then he leaves with a large baggage of various jokes and jokes. It is possible that the developers of the game “How to Annoy Your Neighbor” themselves went through this. After all, it seems that it is impossible to come up with such ingenious mockeries on your own.
These games can easily be classified as anti-stress games. After all, with the help of them, you can easily let off your steam and take your mind off dark thoughts. If your neighbors are annoying you, but you can’t even say a word against them, then this game is especially for you. The main thing is to imagine your real neighbor instead of a virtual one. And if you don’t have problems with your neighbors, you’ll still like it. This type of game is great for raising your spirits.

Has it ever happened that waking up on Saturday or Sunday morning was unpleasant? This is where ideas on how to get to your neighbors come in handy. It’s better to wake up to the smell of aromatic coffee and birds singing outside the window than to the sound of a drill or a rumbling melody from behind the wall. It's a pity, but the second option is more common. Or in the evening after a hard day, the family from above throws up a scandal with breaking dishes and fights, or maybe teenagers start a crowded party or play games on the console until sunrise.

And sometimes the old lady downstairs starts knocking on the radiators and swearing because your friends are constantly visiting you or forcing you to turn down the volume on the TV. Some people like to start fights over any reason. They poison the existence of everyone they can reach.

We get our neighbor in Neighbors from Hell

Let's begin the secret operation. After the global troubles that were prepared for the scoundrels behind the wall full version In the game How to Get Your Neighbor, everyone will think about the fact that it is necessary to be on friendly terms with you, rather than having one of your enemies. You can achieve everything you dreamed about in reality thanks to the simulator. This is an attempt to keep the nerves in reality. Here you can indulge in hooliganism without worrying about punishment at all. Virtual space gives you a chance to throw negativity into fun territory and calm down a little.

How to pester your neighbor is an excellent app for peace-loving and calm citizens. There are video games on the Internet in which the pros show what dirty tricks you can do using all the functionality of this entertainment. Bloggers post on their channels the most interesting and funny moments from the game. Remember: what you do here is unacceptable in everyday life. For such pranks you can easily end up in jail with a decent sentence. Games are designed to relieve negative emotions and relax.

Professionals in their field

Young students have always irritated the older generation. Their behavior and habit of gathering in groups irritates grannies and infuriates decent married couples. The guys are crowded on campus and huddled in small dorm rooms. You have to put up with those who share the room with you. This causes internal resentment and anger to accumulate.

Jokes on classmates and teachers are sometimes very angry and cruel, which leads to numerous conflicts. During the years of study you can acquire not only technical and useful knowledge, but also learn to survive. Every university student knows how to pester a neighbor. The student period is remembered by practical jokes and jokes.

Go into the game and try which method suits you best and how to get your neighbor so that he dreams of moving to another apartment. Neighbors from Hell is easy to play. Each episode is unique and always looks like a small separate story. Bring the poor guy to a nervous breakdown and relieve the tension.

The game How to Get Your Neighbor distracts you from real circumstances for a long time. Just transfer all the aggression to the drawn character and imagine your avid enemy in his place. If you want to play the game without the Internet, we recommend downloading it to your computer or Android phone.

Each of us has neighbors whom we meet in the elevator or on the staircase, greet them warmly and ask how things are going. And great happiness if you have a good relationship with them, and there is no reason for anger or concern. If you are unlucky, and the inhabitants behind the wall only cause anger and irritation, all you have to do is download the game How to Annoy Your Neighbor and dream of thoroughly annoying these nasty little people.

The game How to annoy your neighbor - these are the most ingenious and sophisticated methods of virtual revenge that you can come up with and carry out in hopeless situation. If your neighbor loves to work as a hammer drill, sings karaoke with abandon, or regularly rearranges furniture, there is only one thing left to do - make his life as unbearable as yours. For this, the game developers came up with a lot interesting ways: throw rotten eggs or aluminum frying pans at your neighbor, throw firecrackers through his window, cut off his hands with a chainsaw or hit him on the head with a cast-iron sledgehammer.

Mini-games How to annoy your neighbor are very fun and exciting, they perfectly relieve stress and allow you to throw out accumulated irritation. Download them to your browser, play and cheer yourself up!

Not every person is lucky enough to live next to prosperous people behind the wall. To the character Hello Neighbor no luck at all. Before he had time to really settle into the new house, where he had recently moved in the hope of starting new life in a small town where nothing much happens, he encounters real danger living in the next house.

In principle, the cause of all unfortunate events in games is the hero himself and is to blame due to excessive curiosity and the terrible habit of sticking his nose into other people's business. After observing for several days, the ward discovers that the neighbor is overly protective of the entrance to the basement. The boy could not cope with the bad feeling and interest, and under the cover of darkness he sneaks into the mansion.

Now, to complete Hello Neighbor, you need to explore all the rooms and corridors to find traces of the crime. It is incredibly difficult to do this when the obsessive sniffling of the enemy is following you everywhere. Reveal all the secrets of the maniac in order to educate and protect residents from upcoming murders.

Dangerous trip to visit

The game begins with infiltration of the killer's estate located across the street. Luckily, the front door is unlocked and he can get inside without any problems. However, in the other room you can hear the owner’s heavy breathing, which means he didn’t go anywhere, and will find you at any moment if you don’t behave quietly and as carefully as possible.

If you naively expect that after discovering Hello Neighbor in games, you will be offered a cup of delicious tea or coffee, accompanied by friendly gatherings, then you are deeply mistaken. As soon as the murderer catches up with you, he will try to hit you with a shovel, and then dismember him into pieces using a powerful chainsaw.

You must play carefully so as not to die at the hands of a madman. Leave no traces to avoid giving away your presence. If a Hello Neighbor player has been spotted and the thug is purposefully heading towards you, try to distract his attention with improvised objects; they can be moved, picked up and even thrown at the approaching villain.

Take everything into account and take advantage of all the benefits and features in Hello Neighbor if you get caught. Basically, there are no specific rules for overcoming episodes in games; the result depends entirely on ingenuity and ingenuity.

Your neighbor is watching you!

Don't expect that in Hello Neighbor you will encounter a clumsy computer bot that is unable to adequately respond to what is happening. Here the enemy is a full-fledged artificial intelligence, who adapts to the style and tries to hinder you. It remembers actions, draws conclusions, and next time it will know where you can hide in games and what to do when you approach. Remember that if he makes a mistake once, it won’t happen again. Playing Hello Neighbor while competing with a cunning and quick-witted opponent is incredibly difficult.

To reach the treasured closet in Hello Neighbor and find out what is hidden inside, the gamer must demonstrate superhuman efforts and abilities. It is possible that some areas in the games will have to be visited more than once.

Come up with an ingenious plan to outsmart your super neighbor, who is programmed to learn from his mistakes. In the alpha version, we are pleased not only with excellent gameplay, but also with high-quality drawing and eerie atmospheric voice acting.

Are you ready to risk your health in the games Hello Neighbor and get evidence that can prove the guilt of a madman in order to put him behind bars or in a mental hospital for a long time? Then feel free to launch the cool flash drive and start playing.
