Rules of the main varieties of the game of dominoes. How to play dominoes: basic rules and recommendations Rules for playing cross dominoes if blocked

Dominoes are extremely popular in Russia: both older and younger generations can spend hours playing this game; This is explained by the fact that its rules are simple to the point of impossibility. However, this ease of learning and the game process in general is partly the reason that approximately half of the opponents often do not know how to count points in dominoes and how to identify winners and losers, respectively. In dominoes, points are calculated in accordance with the playing pieces - stones (they can also be called dominoes), since they have a certain number of dots on them (a dot corresponds to one point scored).

However, unlike the vast majority board games in dominoes you need to score the least number of points in the standings, that is, getting rid of the “highest” stones is the primary task of any player. At the end of the next game, the number of dots on all the stones remaining in the hands is summed up and written down in a notebook. Usually the game is played when someone reaches 101 points, and the loser gets the nickname "Goat". Further, the course of the game depends on the participants: for example, in the rules of classic dominoes, after this the score of all players is reset to zero, and the game begins again. However, in a “yard” domino, a situation is possible when only one player remains (that is, the second and third are also eliminated upon reaching 101 points).

The rules of the game boil down to the following: 7 stones are dealt to all participants (therefore the number of players is limited to four opponents), after which a “bazaar” can be formed - a separate pile of stones, which up to certain moment remains inviolable. The first player to go is the one who has a “double” on his hands (the same number of dots are on both the left and right sides of the domino) with a value of 1:1. If none of the players has such a chip, then any other similar double stone should be used. The following players must place the stones one next to the other with the corresponding points in order to form a long string of chips (its figure is not limited by anything and can be either straight or broken). If there is no domino required for a move, the player must go to the market to select a random tile. If the chosen one is also not suitable, you need to take the second, third, and so on.

You can end the game with a “fish”, that is, artificially create conditions under which none of the players can put a domino on the table, although they have a certain number of stones in their hands. This situation is likely when on both sides of the string of tiles there are stones turned in the same number (for example, 3), and the remaining five dominoes have already been used. Even if it is obvious that a fish has been placed, the player whose turn it is to place the chip on the table undertakes to take the entire market. The meaning of this ending is that at this end of the game, the total number of points of all players is recorded to the participant who has the largest number of them in his hands. Thus, the rules create the possibility of a quick end to the game by the participant who has a bad “hand” at the beginning of the game.

In dominoes, double dice 6:6 and 0:0 are considered special: if at the end of the game a participant has only one stone with a given value left, then in the first case he gets 50 points, in the second - 25. Moreover, if someone finishes the game with these chips, then all losers are credited with the specified number of players on top in addition to those already available. In some varieties, a 1:1 die conventionally means 15 points.

The question of how many points are played in dominoes is quite debatable, since the upper limit is usually set empirically, it all depends on the intensity of the game and the skill of its individual participants. It often happens that the established limit of 101 points is reached in two or three games, and then the game is played in sets; It’s not uncommon, especially for beginners, when players are awarded no more than 5-10 points for one game (this is explained by the fact that amateurs are more inclined to discard nominally large chips).

Domino– the game is gambling, fun, but at the same time, winning in it depends not only on luck. There are several tips you can use to increase your chances of winning. So let's try to figure this out amazing game– domino!
First. Number of bones. There are always 28 of them. There are 7 bones of the same suit. For example, 0-0; 0-1; 0-2; 0-3; 0-4; 0-5; 0-6. Knowing these numbers, it is easy to calculate and estimate how many of these or those dice are in the hands of your opponent or opponents. Thanks to your attentiveness and ability to quickly calculate the possible options for your opponents to have bones, this is the main path to success.
Second. If you are playing “goat”, where the loser is the player who has scored the most points based on the results of all hands, then one of the most acceptable game tactics will be “minimalism” tactics. Those. You should try to get rid of the bones first big amount points.
Third. Remember that according to the theory of probability, the theory of random numbers, Newton's second law and simply by definition, whoever puts out the domino first will be the first to finish. Provided that he never missed his turn. Therefore, you need to strive to give your opponents a ride and not let yourself and your partner get a ride.
Fourth. There are seven doubles in the game of dominoes. The great snipe is certainly not a joker, but it’s also a cool thing. When you have a great snipe, and you don’t know which way to go, leave everything as it is. There is such a concept as “to retreat” or “to move away”. That is, your problem becomes your opponent's problem. But beware! You need to double up on time. Otherwise, your hollow may be cut off. That is, close the fifth domino before you have time to “move away.” In this situation, you will not be able to cum. In dominoes this word has a less sinister meaning than in life. But it’s also a very unpleasant thing. But what’s nice is cutting off a double to your opponent. Try it sometime.
Fifth. You can finish the game beautifully different ways. But there is only one way to end the game when the players have a bunch of dominoes in their hands - make a fish. A fish is when there are dominoes with the same number of dots at both ends of the snake, but the players do not have a single domino with the same number of dots left in their hands. Difficult. Understand. I'll try it on my fingers. Let's say there are threes on the edges of the snake. That is, to continue the game you need to score a three. But no one can do this, since all three, all seven, have already come out. At this moment, some freak (as if no one sees without him) screams FISH. This means that all players count how many points they have in their hands. And the pair whose opponents gain more points.
These are not all possible tips on domino game tactics. If you have your own additions, leave them in the comments!

Previously, neighbors often spent their evenings in their yards playing dominoes. Today this game is with simple rules became less popular. It’s been a long time since we’ve heard shouts of excitement from the yard, and many people don’t even know what dominoes look like. However, in hobby clubs you can still find avid players who bang their knuckles on the table, organizing entire tournaments.

The history of dominoes

The board game called Dominoes originated in China around the second century AD. Earlier, the game of dice came to this country from India, which became the prototype of dominoes.

Interesting! If the name of the game is translated from French, it means the priest’s winter clothes, which were white on the inside and black on the front.

The domino tile looks like a rectangle. Its length is equal to its width multiplied by two. The domino piece is divided into two parts, each of which has dots from one to six. However, the halves of some rectangles do not have such marks.

Previously, domino bones were made of ordinary or ivory or stone. However, these materials are quite expensive. To make the game accessible to poorer sections of the population, dice began to be made of plastic, metal or wood.

A standard domino set contains 28 dice. Some hold 32 dominoes, including doubles (dominoes with the same value on both halves).

Classic rules of the game of dominoes

You can play with two, three or four players. The rules of the game of dominoes in the classic version involve dealing 7 dominoes per hand for two or 5 for three or four players.

The first move rightfully belongs to the one who has the double 6-6. Other players must attach other “stones” to this die, which have the values ​​6. In the case when the double 6-6 does not fall to anyone, the game begins with other dominoes with the values ​​5-5, 4-4 and others. If none of the players has doubles, the dice with the highest value starts moving.

In general terms, the principle of the game is to place dominoes with the same values ​​next to each other. If you don’t have such “stones” in your hands, you need to get them from the remaining bones or skip a move.

The game of dominoes ends when one player runs out of dice. After this, each participant counts the points on the “stones” remaining in their hands. The winner receives the sum of all points. If one of the players ends up with a 0-0 double, it is equivalent to 25 points.

On a note! Another way to complete a domino game is to make a fish. This is a situation when each player has dice in their hands, but there is nothing to make a move with. In this case, the winner is the one with the fewest points. He receives the difference in the points of the other players.

Play dominoes classical rules quite simple and interesting. The overall winner of the tournament is the player who scores 100 points in the total of all rounds.

Not only adults, but also children can play dominoes. Moreover, the rules remain unchanged. There is a special children's domino, on the dominoes of which, instead of dots, various colored pictures are depicted. These can be animals, letters, numbers and all kinds of objects.


"Goat" is the most famous game in dominoes, which also has simple rules. Often they try to play it with four people (in pairs), but two and three players are also allowed. Each participant is given 7 dice. If less than 4 people take part in the game, the remaining dominoes form a “bazaar”. If there are five or more doubles per player, a mulligan occurs.

The player with the lowest value domino begins to play (double 1-1 and so on). When playing dominoes, the same rules apply as in the classic version - dominoes are applied with the same values ​​to each other.

If the player does not have a dice that can continue the game, he will have to "go to the market." There, bones are chosen at random, turned upside down, until the one you need is found. When one player runs out of dominoes, the game round is over.

After this, points are calculated. You can open an account only when you have a total of 13 points or more. The participant who scores 101 points in all rounds will be considered a loser. It is he who receives the title of “Goat”.

During the game of “Goat” “two on two”, according to the rules, the points of both losing players are summed up.

On a note! If one participant has a large number of points left in his hands, but his partner is the first to get rid of all the dominoes, these values ​​are not taken into account and are lost. This player is also considered the winner in this case.

Do not forget that according to the rules of the game “Goat”, “fish” is also allowed. The player who makes it must pay attention to the number of dice his partner has. After the fish, points are counted for all participants. The winners are the couple who scored the least points in total.

Video: how to play dominoes correctly?

Thus, playing dominoes is exciting and interesting. In addition to the game of “Goat” and according to the classical rules, there are other varieties of it. For example, “Donkey”, “General” and others. True, they are less known. Each company has the right to independently decide by what rules to play dominoes. They can even be invented by the participants themselves. The main thing is that the evening is fun and interesting.

On a note! Before proceeding directly to the process of playing dominoes, it is advisable to first discuss the rules and also record them on paper.

Today it is possible to play dominoes via the Internet with virtual or real participants. Regardless of how the game is played, you will be able to have a good time with friends or just acquaintances.

To better familiarize yourself with the rules and understand how to play dominoes correctly and win, videos are presented.

Learning to play the classic goat dominoes is not as difficult as it might seem. All you need to do is read in detail the rules of the game for beginners that are written here. The instructions with the rules are illustrated with photo examples, so the rules are much easier to understand. After reading this article you will not have any questions “How to play board dominoes?”

How many bones should there be in a domino set?

The number of tiles in one set of dominoes should be 28 pieces. IN Chinese dominoes There are more bones, and in a classic domino there are exactly 28 pieces of dominoes in a box. By the way, many people mistakenly ask how many chips, dominoes are in a set; the correct name is bones, stones, or just dominoes.

These are paired dice with the same number of dots on both sides; in a set of 28 double dice there should be 7 pieces: 0–0, 1–1, 2–2, 3–3, 4–4, 5–5, 6–6.

How many doubles in dominoes - 7 pieces.

How to play dominoes goat

We figured out what doubles are in dominoes and how many dominoes there should be to play “Goat” (28 pieces). Let's proceed directly to how to play dominoes goat.

1 Mixing the bones
We pour the dice onto the table so that the points (dots) on the dice are not visible. Mix the bones well, now this pile of stones is called “Bazaar”.

2 Let's take dominoes
Then the players take turns taking dice from the Bazaar, you need to take them so that other players do not see the numbers (dots) on your dominoes.

How many dominoes should be distributed per player?
Depends on how many people will play, a maximum of 4 players.

  • 2 players - take 7 dice each;
  • 3–4 players - take 5 dice each;

Bazaar- these are the closed extra dominoes that remain after all the players have picked up the dominoes. When there is nothing to go around, players from the Bazaar pick up dominoes.

After everyone has picked up the dominoes, the game begins.

3 First move
The first stone in the center of the table is placed by the player who has a double with fewer points in his hand, 0–0, 1–1, 2–2, and so on. If no one has duplicates, it is placed simple bone with a lower number of points, for example, 0–1, 0–2 and so on. In the example, two players had the smallest die for the number of points turned out to be 2-2.

4 Second move
After the first player, the rest place their dice in turn. If a player has several domino options for walking, for example, 2-6 and 2-3, he decides which tile to place. In the example, the second player played stone 2-6.

5 What to do when you can't walk?
It's your turn to place the tile on the table, and you don't have a suitable domino in your hands. Then the player searches the “Bazaar” for suitable dominoes. The player takes each open stone from the “Bazaar” into his hand.

5 End of the game
The game ends when one of the players runs out of dice or when a “Fish” is obtained. All other players with dice in their hands begin to count the points.


Before the game starts, players agree on how many points they will play in dominoes, for example, 300 points. This means that the one who scores 300 points first will win. After each game played, the winner gets points from the stones that were left in the hands of the losing players.

Which die gives how many points?

  • Dummy or empty-empty (0–0) - counted as 25 points;
  • Dice 6–6 - count as 50 points;
  • All other stones give as many points as there are points on them. For example, a 1–4 die is 5 points, a 6–4 die is 10 points, a 3–5 is 8 points, etc.

What does fish mean in dominoes?

Sometimes in dominoes a situation arises that none of the players have a stone in their hands that can be placed to continue the game and the Bazaar has run out of dice to pick up, such a situation called Fish in Dominoes.

What is a dummy and empty empty in dominoes?

Zero, dummy, empty, bald, naked is what the 0-0 stone is called, it is a bone on which there are no points (dots).

If you have reached this part of the article, then you have read all the rules on how to play tabletop dominoes. To consolidate and understand everything that is written in this article, try playing the dominoes below. And remember never say chips, the correct words would be bones, stones or dominoes :)

You have reached the end of the page, which means that you have read all the rules of the game of dominoes and it is time for you to consolidate your knowledge in the game against real opponents.

Rules of the game of dominoes

Domino game has gained enormous popularity and is popular throughout the territory former USSR. Classic domino tournaments were held in almost every yard. There were also regional and city competitions held at the official level. Many people loved to play dominoes, and the game itself survived all the hardships, leaving us unchanged.

Today, classic dominoes are sold with almost unchanged rules. Playing it is always interesting and fun, especially in the company of friends. The game has not lost its relevance over these several generations and still evokes great delight and a genuine sense of excitement.

Even though the rules of dominoes are quite simple and have not changed for the last 50 years, not many people know how to play this classic board game correctly.

Classic domino includes 28 dominoes with two sides and 7 doubles from 0-0 to 6-6 The dominoes are turned face down and kneaded on the table. After this, each player collects 7 dominoes for themselves if they are playing together and 5 dominoes if they are playing with three or four players. The game starts with the lowest double (0-0, 1-1), etc.

If none of the players have doubles in their hands, then the highest dominoes 5-6 play, etc. The second player must place a domino with numbers that match the numbers on one of the sides of the laid out domino. For example, 2 to 2, 6 to 6, etc. The stroke is transmitted clockwise. If the player does not have such a domino, then he goes “to the market” and collects dominoes until he has a domino with the required number.

The bazaar is all the mixed dominoes remaining from the first distribution. The player picks up dominoes from the market if he has nothing to move on his hand. If there are no dominoes left in the bazaar, and the player has nothing to buy, he misses his turn. You cannot skip a move if there is a suitable domino on your hand.

The player who gets rid of all the dominoes first is declared “out”. He earned no penalties this round. All other players who still have dominoes in their hands count the number of penalty points. In this case, a 0-0 double counts as 10 points. The remaining dominoes are counted at face value. Each player records the number of points in a special table. The game is played to 100 or 150 points. The player with the fewest penalty points at the end of the game wins.

As you can see, the rules of the game of dominoes are quite simple and can be explained in 5 minutes.
