Walkthrough of side missions of the game Batman: Arkham Knight. Horizon Zero Dawn guide - where to look for fuel cells and how to get to the Ancient Arsenal Where is the hole frieze batman arkham city

How to find a badger's hole? We will talk about this in this article.

The badger hunting season will open soon. Usually, when you hear the words “badger hunting,” what immediately comes to mind are dachshunds, Jagdterriers, hunters with shovels, or a hunter with a husky (we won’t consider traps and the like, that’s another hunt). But there is another very interesting and entertaining hunt - burrow hunting. I think it will be of great interest to an amateur hunter, especially a beginner. Especially the process of searching for holes. How to find a badger hole will be described in this article.

How to find a badger hole. A very difficult task for a hunter without a dog. Finding a hole by following the tracks is almost impossible, since it occurs mainly in the autumn months, when there is no snow cover. Even after seeing a badger, it is problematic to determine the location of the animal’s lair... Although traces of the badger’s presence in the lands can be found everywhere: these are excavated nests of earthen bees and dug up anthills. It is easy to determine the work of a badger: at the scene of the “crime” there remains an almost cylindrical hole with smooth edges. Often such pits can be found when picking berries and mushrooms. And it’s better to remember where you met them.

In practice, for a hunter without a dog, there are 2 surefire ways to find badger holes.

Simple. Ask local residents or hunters where there are badger holes. If no one is engaged in badger hunting, then you will be given a place with great pleasure.

Difficult. Figure it out yourself. In fact, it is not that complicated, but it is quite energy-consuming. I will write about him.

So. Let's start with the proposed hunting location, more precisely, with the hunting ground (or you have already found the hunting grounds, see above). To search for a badger, it is better to choose a farm with forests into which ravines protrude. They will help us with this (and in many ways on this hunt) topographic maps, preferably large scale, like the General Staff ones. Everyone’s favorite Google maps and others are small helpers in our business. In the article I am talking about central Russia, so there are no problems with finding a suitable site: this relief is characteristic of almost its entire area.

Why with small forests and ravines? You can narrow the search by adding one more link - a stream or spring. Such conditions are the most favorable for the life of a badger; it is this combination that allows it to find maximum food in a short time, the animal’s course is reduced. And, as you know, a holy place is never empty.

Yes, the badger is found in other places, but it can be more difficult to spot. Getting around multi-kilometer field ravines is much more difficult than 2-3 small ravines protruding into the forest for a maximum of half a kilometer. The word “small” does not always mean “easy to master”: sometimes these ravines seem to have been chopped with an axe. But it is in them that the badger in our area likes to stay.

We have identified the proposed search locations, this is how they look on topographic maps.

How to find a badger hole

How to find a badger hole

Now begins the most energy-consuming part. You will need to tear yourself away from the monitor and the soft chair and go around the planned ravines. As I warned in advance, this is a difficult task. Usually the most difficult thing is the first reconnaissance, when the badger settlements are unknown. I note that for a successful hunt, the more settlements and holes you know, the better. Reconnaissance always takes place in the summer, since it is undesirable to waste precious time in the already short hunting season (let me remind you that badger hunting is open from August 15 to October 31). During the summer season, you can find a sufficient number of hunting sites, equip them if necessary, and create a picture of the movement of badgers. I will be guided by the fact that we are doing the first exploration, i.e. we are getting acquainted with the land.

So, we have defined the search area. Next, we print out the map or use special programs and upload the map to a smartphone or navigator (it’s still better to have a printout and a compass with you, electronics sometimes break down). From the equipment we will need: a knife, a rope of 10 meters, wading or waterproof boots (necessarily with a good tread!), insect repellent, a flask with water. It is very good to have an anti-encephalitis suit. It is necessary to have binoculars, you can use any if reconnaissance is carried out during the day. If the goal is to detect a badger, then it is better to take high-aperture binoculars. The ravines are usually very overgrown, so even on a sunny, clear day, light can hardly penetrate the treetops. Eight-power binoculars are enough for your eyes.

Now we have arrived at our intended goal. Our ravine presents something like this.

How to find a badger hole

How to find a badger hole

It is advisable to go through it all. But if you don’t have enough time, you can use the following tactics: we find the junction of ravines, branches or branches and search them, and also do not forget about the places where the ravine exits the forest. As an example, I marked the most advantageous places for searching on the map with red circles.

How to find a badger hole

We begin to search the ravine from the mouth upward. If the slopes of the ravine are clearly visible, you can walk along the bottom, be sure to examine every path that approaches the water - this could be the path of a badger; it always approaches the water in the same place. If it is not possible to walk along the bottom, you need to walk along the slope, below the shore, and you also need to inspect the terraces. If the vegetation allows, you can inspect the opposite slope and, in general, all interesting areas with binoculars. I also take photographs of hard-to-reach places: sometimes, thanks to these photographs, I find holes. We must pass the ravine from both banks!

In this photo, a ray of sun in the center attracted attention; when approaching, there was a hole nearby. Unfortunately, the photo is only from a phone.

How to find a badger hole

We move carefully along the ravine. Sometimes the holes are on very steep slopes (photo above), and getting down to them is not an easy task. If you are not confident in your climbing abilities and skills, it is better to use a rope. Fortifications are usually located either on the shore or on terraces.

Using the example of a map indicating the possible locations of the settlement and following search tactics, a settlement with 18 burrows was discovered in just over an hour. During 2 weeks of searching, 5 residential settlements were discovered. Considering that the search was carried out in two farms “blindly” only using maps, without the help of local hunters and only in the morning hours, this is a very good result. For each exit, it was possible to discover one ancient settlement. I planned my outings in the morning for two reasons: sometimes you can meet a late badger and it is more or less cool in the morning. Sometimes it was the heat that was responsible for stopping searches in highly branched deep ravines.

Location of the settlement on the topographic map.

How to find a badger hole

The settlement itself represents a site on the bank of a ravine (photo below). If you walk along the bottom and don’t know what the badger’s path to the water is, you can safely pass by even such a large “town.” Therefore, I always try to walk on the slopes just below the shore, even if this is a more difficult and slower process.

Great! We found the holes! It remains to be seen whether they are residential or not. A packed path near the hole and water, and a toilet can tell us about this. Fortifications are rarely empty, and badgers may come to individual burrows from time to time. It is advisable to smell the holes. If there is a strong smell coming from the hole, then most likely it is occupied by a fox. Also, the capture of a hole by a fox is evidenced by all sorts of waste from its vital activity.

Next, you need to find the most advantageous location for an ambush. It is advisable to notice several areas depending on the prevailing wind direction (the so-called wind rose, it can be found on the Internet for different cities). In some burrows it is possible to arrange a hideout from the opposite bank (usually such burrows are found at the beginning of the ravine). If it is impossible to arrange a place on the ground, the option of arranging a perch on a tree is likely. Happy hunting!

Augmented Reality Training

You can take on the mission before your first trip to the Steel Mill, or later during the campaign. To complete this mission, you need to complete two sets of sliding exercises in the Industrial District. After completing the mission, you will receive a Grapnel Boost Upgrade and a Trophy.

Remote Hideaway

You can take on the mission after interrogating Mayor Quincy Sharp. The mission is that you need to talk to the undercover cops in the Iceberg Lounge (located in the museum). Upon completion, you will receive a Min Detonator Upgrade. You won’t be able to get into this “club” just like that, the door will be closed. However, there is an escape route - the northern part of the museum, a double door. You need to knock on it.

Hot & Cold

This mission can be taken during the second visit to the Combine. To start the task, talk to Harley. You will need to find the boiler room where the new gadget is located. They will be Freeze Blast Grenades. To get into the room, use REC to open the eastern door in Loading Bay. Hack the console in the next room and continue further to the Boiler Room. Clear the area along the way and at the end there will be grenades waiting for you.

Arkham Assault

This mission is available in various locations. Typically, completing a mission requires rescuing prisoners and hostages. You don't have to take this mission, but the location will be marked on the map so you might want to return. There is no reward for this mission... other than the personal satisfaction of doing a good job.

Fragile Alliance

The mission can be taken after the events in the court, when you enter Arkham City for the first time. You will receive a message about a smoke signal on the roof of a building in the eastern area. The place is not difficult to find. This is a toy factory. Going inside we talk to Bane. The mission objective is simple - destroy six containers throughout the city. As a reward you will receive the Bane Trophy. All containers will be marked on the map. To destroy them you need to use explosive gel. Container #1 Near the Museum. Container #2 Near the Steel Mill. Container #3 Found during your first visit to the Metro Station. Container #4 After freezing Mr. Freeze, look for the container in Pingwan's War Room in his museum. Container #5 Southern part of the Wonder Tower Foundation in Wonder City. Container #6 Returning to the Joker's lair for the formula, you will see a container next to the back door.

Through the Looking Glass

The mission is available after rescuing Vicky Vale from a sniper. Having done this, you will receive a message from Alfred, he will say that the medicine has been delivered. You need to take the medicine, but it turns out that it is a trap. Beat the bullies so that the Mad Hatter escapes. This will give you the Hatter Trophy.

Heart of Ice

We receive a mission before the second trip to the Combine. The task is to find Freeze's wife, Nora. She was kidnapped by the Joker's bullies. He will mark the place where she was captured - in a building near the industrial area. We take the boat and head towards the docks. You should find a breakable wall. Small puzzle: use a blast of cold to create an ice block. Stand on it. Next, spray the gel. Inside we stun the enemies and Nora is saved. We return to Frieze and receive the Trophy.

Cold Call Killer

It is necessary to stop Zsasz from killing random targets in Arkham City. Throughout the city you will hear the sound of a ringing phone. At this moment, use Detective mode to determine the location of the phone. Pick up the phone and get this mission. Zsasz has taken several innocent people hostage and plans to kill them if Batman doesn't get to the next phone. After fixing the next phone, a timer appears and the distance to the place. Get there and pick up the phone. Here you can track Zsaas's location. Full detection may require reaching one or two more phones. Having triangulated the location, we go into the building. I won't spoil it. You'll figure it out for yourself. When you reach Zsasz, you will receive a Trophy.

Enigma Conundrum

The mission can be accepted after receiving a signal from the medical team. The task will be to find and rescue Riddler's hostages. You can get a Trophy for the mission. There are many Riddler trophies hidden throughout AC to find. When each is found, a riddle will appear that must be solved to save the hostages. Full list locations will come later. The first hostages can be saved in the Court. After rescuing them, you learn that Riddler has a wide network of informants throughout the city. They will be highlighted in green on the map. By interrogating them you will receive the location of the trophies. Each riddle you find will lead to a puzzle shelter. The last three will require Line Launcher. So don't forget to open it. After clearing all five shelters you will reach the Riddler.

Mystery Stalker – Watcher in the Wings

The mission is available after opening the entire Arkham City. The task is to find Azrael. You will receive a Trophy as a reward. This guy will be watching you from the roofs of buildings. To catch him, you need to find four symbols that will lead you to the Mysterious Pursuer. The trick is that they need to be opened in sequence. Symbol #1 South of the courthouse. roof over the square. Symbol #2 On top of the Ferris Wheel in the Industrial District. You can only find it after visiting the Joker Combine. Symbol #3 Roof northwest of The Bowery. You can get here only after rescuing Mayor Sharp. Symbol #4 Roof to the west of the police building. Available after rescuing Vicki Vale. Put all the symbols together to solve the puzzle. Scan the fifth symbol and you will complete the mission. Next is the map.

(click on map to enlarge)

Shot in the dark the Dark– Deadshot)

Available after completing the Combine for the first time. The task is to find the sniper. Having completed the mission, we receive the Deadshot trophy. It all starts in Amusement Mile next to the GCR tower south of the police station. Talk to the political prisoner and while he is giving information, he will be hit by a bullet. Enter Detective mode and examine the pipe where the bullet is stuck. The trajectory will lead to the Industrial District. Here, examine the place in search of the cartridge case. This is Deadshot's bullet. The second victim is located in the Park north of the Church. Uses Detective mode again. This will lead you to the third victim. Following your investigation, you will find several subway maintenance hatches. You will have to find out for yourself where exactly it is located. Next, we use the cryptographer on Deadshot’s PDA and find out who will be the last victim. You will only have three minutes to save this target. I won't reveal the details. Map to help. (click on map to enlarge)

Search for the Thief (Identity Thief)

Find the victim's body east of Bowery Station. Scan it to determine the cause of death, in particular the head. Scan blood stains to determine who saw the victim last. The path will lead to a political prisoner who will claim that the man you are looking for is Bruce Wayne. The second victim is south of the Court, next to the Hotel. Scan the body and knife. The prints indicate that the knife belongs to Bruce. The third victim is in the alley south of ACE Chemicals. We check the body again, in particular the left foot. Trace the path to the alley where the criminal washes his hands. Interrogate him and find out that it was Bruce (o_O) who told him to drag the body away. He will open the pseudo-Wayne location. Head east from the courthouse, next to the Cat's apartment. Next we find the door to the shelter. We listen to the magazine to find out who our criminal is. Hack the console with the Cryptographer to release their trap.

Like 32

The Ancient Arsenal quest is one of the most interesting and useful side quests in Horizon Zero Dawn. As a reward for completing it, you will receive the Shield Weaver costume. For our taste, this best armor in Game. She protects Aloy with a force field that absorbs all incoming damage until the charge runs out. You will receive this quest when you find the first fuel cell or the bunker itself with ancient armor. I must say that getting it is much easier than doing it.

Where can I find all the fuel cells in Horizon Zero Dawn?

There are a total of 5 fuel cells in the game, which you will encounter during your passage. story missions. Some of them are easy to miss, but don't worry about it. You can always come back for them later. If you die, you'll have to go get the fuel cell again. It is not saved in your inventory instantly, you need to get to the checkpoint. Keep this in mind. All items are marked with a bright green icon, so you are unlikely to view them when you are nearby. The first two elements are used to open the door. Three more are needed to unlock the armor device itself.

First fuel cell

It is located in the Great Mother location and is available during the mission "Womb of the Mountain". It is very important not to miss it during this quest, since after leaving the area the gate with access to this location will be blocked and will open the next time only towards the end of the game, after completing the mission “Heart of the Nora”.

This fuel cell is easy to find if you know where to look. Therefore, first of all, get to the Aloy mark shown in the screenshot below. Directly in front of you will be a door with a switch. We open it and go forward. We also open the next door and find ourselves in a large room. Here we need to turn right and run into a door with a lock that we cannot open.

However, if you look around, you will notice a large niche on the left with candles inside. Climb into it and move forward along the shaft until you come across a fuel cell.

Second fuel cell

This element can be found in the ruins that Aloy climbed as a child. IN childhood You won't be able to pick it up, so you'll have to come back later. Get to the green marker and look around. The entrance to the ruins is a hole in the ground. Carefully go down.

Getting through the ruins is easy enough that it's unlikely you'll get lost. Basically you need to get to the mark shown in the screenshot below. There you will see a room in front of you, the entrance to which is blocked by pointed rock formations. Break them apart with your spear and you will find the second fuel cell.

Third fuel cell

To find the next fuel cell in Horizon Zero Dawn, you'll have to play through the story. We need the mission Master's Limit. Don't forget to come back to this guide when you get there. During this mission you will have to climb a very tall building. At some point the game will tell you something like: "Find Faro's office to get more information about Dr. Sobek."

At this moment, you need to turn around and find a wall behind you that you can climb up. Go all the way and the fuel cell will be waiting for you on the ground right at the very top of the tower (12th floor).

Fourth fuel cell

This element can be found during the mission "Treasure of Death" in the catacombs.

First, get to the mark on the third level, shown in the screenshot below. There will be a locked door in front of you. To unlock it, you need to go left and jump down. There you will find three twist lock puzzles. Near each there is a cabinet in which the solution to the problem is hidden. Just scan it. Two puzzles are located on the level below the door, and another one is on the same level. When you solve all three, the door on top will open and you will receive your fuel cell.

Fifth fuel cell

The last fuel cell in Horizon Zero Dawn can be found during the mission "Fallen Mountain" in the GAIA Prime location.

Reach the location on the third level marked in the screenshot below. There will be a place in front of you from which you need to climb down the rope. Instead, turn left and carefully climb down the mountainside. There you will see the entrance to the cave. At the very end the last element will be waiting for you.

Soon after starting her journey, Aloy will come across a Forerunner bunker, located very close to the lands of the Nora tribe. Inside the bunker, behind a powerful door, there is some kind of armor that looks very attractive from afar.



Soon after starting her journey, Aloy will come across a Forerunner bunker, located very close to the lands of the Nora tribe. Inside the bunker, behind a powerful door, there is some kind of armor that looks very attractive from afar.

This is the Shield Weaver, in fact - the most best equipment in Game. How to get there? To open the sealed bunker door and obtain the Shield Weaver you will need to find five fuel cells scattered throughout game world.

Below we will tell you where to look for fuel cells and how to solve puzzles during the search and in the Ancient Arsenal.

Fuel Cell #1 - Mother's Heart (Mother's Womb quest)

Aloy will find the very first fuel cell even before the full release. open world. After Initiation, our heroine will find herself in the Heart of the Mother, the sacred place of the Nora tribe and the abode of the Matriarchs.

Getting out of bed, Aloy will successively walk through several rooms and in one of them she will come across a sealed door that cannot be opened. Look around - nearby there will be a ventilation shaft decorated with burning candles. You should go there.

After going through the shaft, you will find yourself behind a locked door. Look on the floor next to the candles and the wall block with a mysterious purpose - there is a fuel cell here.

Important: if you do not pick up this fuel cell now, you will be able to get to this location again only at the later stages of the game, after completing the quest “The Heart of Nora”.

Fuel Cell #2 - Ruins

Aloy has been to these ruins before - she fell through here as a child. After completing the Initiation, it is worth remembering your childhood and returning here again to pick up the second fuel cell.

The entrance to the ruins looks like this, jump boldly.

You need the first level of the ruins, the lower right area highlighted in purple on the map. There is a door here that Aloy will open with her spear.

After going through the door, go up the stairs and turn right - Aloy couldn’t get through these stalactites in her youth, but now she has an argument. Take out the spear again and break the stalactites - the path is clear, all that remains is to take the fuel element lying on the table.

Fuel Cell #3 - Master's Limit (Master's Limit quest)

Let's head north. During the Master's Reach story quest, Aloy explores the giant Forerunner ruins. There is another fuel cell hidden on the twelfth level of the ruins.

You need to not only climb to the top level of the ruins, but also climb a little higher. Climb along the surviving part of the building until you find yourself on a small platform open to all the winds.

This is where the third fuel cell lies. All that's left is to go down.

Fuel cell No. 4 - Treasure of Death (quest Treasure of Death)

This fuel cell is also hidden in the northern part of the map, but it is much closer to the lands of the Nora tribe. Aloy will also come here during the story mission.

To get to the element, Aloy needs to restore power to the sealed door located on the third level of the location.

To do this, you need to solve a small puzzle - on the level below the door there are two blocks of four regulators.

First, let's deal with the left block of regulators. The first regulator should “look” up, the second “to the right”, the third “to the left”, the fourth “down”.

Let's move on to the right block. You do not touch the first two regulators, the third and fourth regulators should look “down”.

We go up one level - here is last block regulators The correct order is: up, down, left, right.

If you do everything correctly, all the controls will change color to turquoise, and the power supply is restored. Climb back to the door and open it - here is another fuel cell.

Fuel Cell #5 - GAIA Prime (Fallen Mountain mission)

Finally, the last fuel cell - and again story task. Aloy travels to the ruins of GAIA Prime.

Be especially careful when you reach the third level. At some point, in front of Aloy there will be an attractive abyss into which you can descend on a rope - you should go there No need.

It's better to turn left and explore the hidden cave, you can get into it if you carefully go down the mountainside.

Go inside and go forward to the very end. In the last room on the right there will be a shelf with the last fuel cell on it. You did it!

Making our way to the Ancient Arsenal

All that remains is to return to the Ancient Arsenal and receive a well-deserved reward. You remember the coordinates of the arsenal, right? If not, here's the map.

Go down and insert fuel cells into the empty cells. The regulators have lit up, now you need to solve the puzzle to open the door.

The first regulator should look up, the second to the right, the third down, the fourth to the left, the fifth up. It's ready, the door is open - but it's not over yet.

Now you need to unlock the armor mounts - another regulator puzzle where the remaining fuel cells will come in handy. Here the first regulator should look to the right, the second to the left, the third up, the fourth to the right, the fifth to the left.

Finally, after all this torment, you have taken possession of the ancient armor. This is the Shield Weaver, a very cool piece of equipment that makes Aloy virtually invulnerable for a while.

The main thing is to carefully monitor the color of the armor: if it flickers white, then everything is in order. If it's red, there is no more protection. Tags: Horizon: Zero Dawn , Games , Guide
