Passage of Ys Origin, items, equipment, secrets of Ys Origin. Guide to the latest update MU Origin Origin secrets

MU Origin has received a huge new update, providing players with a ton of cool new stuff. Seek out new adventures in the Ragnarok Arena Mode, explore the new pet skill system, or seek repentance for your sins in the new Guild Temple. There are many things to explore. What to expect in the new update and some tips to help you get started can be found below.

Become the best competitor in Ragnarok

This new high stakes arena, Ragnarok, is hitting the best players across all servers in Server Arena 100 as you try to see who's really best player in Game. Experienced warriors can come together to fight in a series of rounds until the best of the best remains. These epic battles take place every month from the 10th to the 16th, from 15:30 to 16:30 during a seven-day event. The winning player receives a title each month, MU Origin No. 1. For those who want to try their luck, keep these helpful tips in mind:

  • Enter the "Event" menu, select "Server Event", and then click "Ragnarok".
  • If you don't want to compete and have four rebirths or more, you can bet on other participating warriors once the competition narrows down to 16 participants. You can get Ragnarok points by betting on the winner.
  • Players also gain Ragnarok points for simply participating in these matches, either winning or losing. Use them in the shop to buy exclusive items.

Bring your pets into battle with you

If you've ever wanted to bring your cute and cuddly pets onto yours, or if you want to turn them into fearsome, fighting beasts, the new pet ability system is definitely a welcome addition. An evolution of the base pet system, the Pet skill allows you to teach your pets new abilities, up to a maximum of four, depending on their level. You can access this new system at level 6 Rebirth 80 after completing the Just War quest and when your pet reaches level 30.

  • A new skill slot is unlocked at levels 30, 40, 50, and 60, up to a maximum of four.
  • You can use Elemental Stones to upgrade these abilities, but the cost will increase depending on how many upgrades you do.
  • You are able to get a special skill if you have enough epic skills.

Guild Temple

Guild players now have even more reason to celebrate the addition of the Guild Temple. This new system provides additional buffs to players based on your Guild level and the amount of gold currently available. Here's how you can make the most of the Guild Temple:

  • To access the Guild Temple, go to the "Guild" menu and click "Guild Temple".
  • The maximum level of the Temple is limited by the current level of your Guild.
  • The player must use guild contributions to level up Temples.
  • If all Guild Temples are on the same level, you will receive an additional buff.

There are some really big changes in MU Origin, but with this trusty guide, you're well equipped to take on these new challenges. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned veteran, this exciting new update has the ability to engage all players.

M.U.Origin- MMORPG game developed by Webzen Inc. It is essentially a conversion of the popular computer game MU Online with mechanics adapted to the specifics of . The player enters a fantasy universe torn apart by a war between the forces of good and evil. Players start the battle by choosing one of three character classes that differ in abilities and items used on the battlefield. Gameplay focused on exploring, completing various quests and fighting enemies in real time. Heroes can also interact with each other through trading and combat within the competitive PvP module.


Once upon a time, in a time lost in history, there was a legendary land called Ys. It was a paradise that received indescribable glory and prosperity thanks to the Twin Goddesses and six great Priests. Thanks to the item called the "Black Pearl", which was very treasured by the Goddesses, the people of these lands were blessed with countless blessings. One of which was the ability to "magic", which allowed to perform miracles. This ability could be enhanced by the silver metal "Cleria".

Thanks to magic and the earth itself, people could live forever in prosperity, but one day a terrible thing happened ... Without warning, hordes of demons appeared and attacked the lands of Ys. In the blink of an eye, they swept over all the lands, but people managed to hide inside the Temple of Solomon, where the Goddesses lived. Many were horrified by this calamity, and so a decision was made. The Goddesses and the Six Priests, with the help of the power of the "Black Pearl", lifted the Solomon Temple into the heavens, away from the chaos that was happening on earth.

But the demons did not hesitate long. A huge black tower rose above the ground, and flocks of winged creatures appeared in the sky. The devastation was carried from the surface of the earth into the air. And in the midst of this hellish mess, another terrible event occurred that could shake the very foundation of the existence of the lands of Ys. The goddesses who have always been the basis of the existence of Ys have disappeared.

Six Priests took over the situation. Among the best, two search parties of Knights and Mages were formed. They were sent back to earth, hoping to find the missing deities before it was too late...

Actually, we will have to manage one of the members of these search parties, exploring the black tower floor by floor, in search of the disappeared goddesses.

One of them, Yunika Tova, is the daughter of the valiant commander of the holy knights, who died in battle with the demons, at the moment when the Temple of Solomon was lifted into the sky, remaining in the barrage detachment. She never possessed magic, but because of her devotion to the Goddesses who cared for her, she chose the fate of a knight for herself, becoming a rookie there.

The second character is Hugo Fact. The son of the priest Kane Fact and his heir in the future. Very gifted in a magical sense, he was always surrounded by care and attention. His father had placed his hopes in him. Hugo also has an older brother, who was an idol for him, and whom he followed everywhere, even though he did not like it. But the brother disappeared during the catastrophe, remaining in the barrage detachment, at the time of the ascension of the temple. Everyone thought he was dead...



At the beginning, we will be asked to choose for whom we will still play: for Yuniku, who is a member of the squad of knights, or for Hugo, from the squad of magicians.

Yunika uses melee weapons in combat, which means getting close to an enemy to kill them. Although melee combat has a plus, since the attacked enemy falls into a stupor for some time after receiving damage and cannot move. (Killing enemies with melee is much easier than Hugo's ranged attacks.) Her movement speed is faster than Hugo's. Techniques are designed mainly for attack and do not affect very large areas, but they are quickly performed. Special Strike - Multiple circular attacks with forward movement, which allows you to repeatedly damage many enemies in one hit.

Hugo, on the other hand, uses ranged attacks, firing three magical bolts at a very high speed at a time. Three charges will allow you to hit several nearby targets at once or one several times. At the same time, the damage is practically no different from other characters. But there is a minus - his magic charges cannot stun attacked enemies, which makes killing tenacious or fast monsters extremely difficult. Skills are mostly defensive and their effect lasts for a long time. (In my opinion, his kit is the most effective and powerful.) He moves extremely slowly, and if played after Unika, it will be especially noticeable. The special hit is also ranged, but rarely can hit more than one target, it is only useful against especially tenacious enemies or bosses, as it reduces their defense (like the special move of other characters, they just don't need it so much).

The plot for these two characters is very similar, and differs in most cases only where the events take place. key points, in which this character will take part, and which will be decided thanks to his actions. It does not affect the outcome of the game. Although it is desirable to go through both plots before starting the third one. Since in each of them events will be covered from slightly different sides. And more details will be revealed.

in the tower

Actually, from the very beginning of the game, the hero goes to the tower in search of the goddesses, where he will spend all his time, without showing a desire (without getting the opportunity) to get out of it. All events take place exclusively on the floors of this tower. As a result, you need to reach the top, where the final battle will take place.

At the beginning, they will show the main actions in the game. You will need to defeat several enemies. After that, you will be given a teleporter, shown how to use it, and sent to the study of all subsequent floors.

The teleport sends the hero from anywhere (except boss fights, for some functional reasons), to the chosen location with the save statue unlocked during the playthrough.

The statue itself, in addition to the save function, allows the character to learn additional amplifying properties for a certain amount of SP, which fall out of all enemies in the form of crystals. They mainly deal with increasing the number of uses of magical techniques, as well as increasing resistance to status deviations, which are not many. There is a strange possibility to increase the protection power of equipment by 1 unit. Despite the fact that the value of protection in the status is in the tens, such a plus is practically useless.

In the process of passing the tower, there will be obstacles, which will help to pass, found not so long ago before, objects or skills obtained from special ancient relics. Common items basically need to be used in the right place by highlighting it in the item menu or by selecting the appropriate line in the item menu. Although there are some items that are not so easy to guess about the place of use. Skills themselves have features that will help you overcome certain places in the game. So the skill of the air element helps to move far through the air; the element of lightning will help break through cracked walls or kill armored enemies to go further; and the element of fire will help light the extinguished torches, which, when lit, open the passage further.


As already mentioned, when finding ancient artifacts in the story, the character will receive a skill from each of them. From the fan, the skill of the air element is given, from the hammer - the skill of the lightning element, and from the sword - the fire element. These skills can be strengthened with the help of gems corresponding to the element, which can be found during the passage. For air it is an emerald, for lightning it is topaz, and for fire it is a ruby.

There are 4 skill levels in total. At the second level (by finding one gem), the ability to use an enhanced version of the skill is unlocked. To activate it, you must hold the skill activation button for a while until a glow appears around the character. This version of the skill is very different from the normal one, in some cases changing the way it works altogether. Also, for characters of the Fukt family, charged skills will become even more powerful when the Boost mode is activated. The remaining two levels of skills only increase their damage, without affecting the properties in any way.

Despite the fact that these artifacts are common for everyone and give skills of the same elementalities, the techniques received for each character are individual and differ in properties.

Yunica(Boost mode does not affect the effect):

  • Air- A spinning blow with spinning aerial blades, dashing forward if movement direction is pressed.

    An extremely effective technique that allows you to inflict massive damage on a crowd of enemies, simultaneously crushing them with weapons.

    The enhanced version extends the rotation time of the blades around the heroine. Like a shield, it knocks back and damages enemies. The amplification is of little use, since repeated use of the normal version gives a similar effect.

  • Lightning- Hitting the ground with an ax that causes an explosion in a small radius. Only useful against armored enemies or those vulnerable to the lightning element. In other cases, the skill is too weak, and the radius is small. Can damage even flying enemies when applied from the ground.

    The enhanced version increases the blast radius. But it's still useless.

  • Fire- Junika trades her ax for a fiery sword left over from her father. It is slower, but much stronger than her axe. In addition, it has attacks in a semicircle, which allows you to hit enemies in a large radius and range from yourself.

    Skill - shoot through the entire screen with a fiery clot that repeatedly hits all enemies encountered on the flight path. Due to a flaw, this technique can be performed simultaneously with a normal attack by pressing both buttons. In this case, the speed of damage becomes huge, and since the mana consumption of the skill is small, this technique can always be used.

    The enhanced version replaces the blob with a huge phoenix that flies farther than usual and, due to its size, can sweep almost all the enemies on the screen with it. Killing skill for any simple enemy, only bosses don't feel the difference.

Hugo(Boost amplifies the effect):

  • Air- Creates a shield around him that absorbs any damage. Has a small radius, lasts about 5 seconds. If the enemy just touches the shield (not attacking), it will take minor damage and be knocked back a bit. A very useful skill in almost any situation. Absorbs almost the entire mana bar. So it won't work often. Unless, of course, you charge it every time you use it.

    The enhanced version is capable of holding back two enemy attacks, but the shield has a larger radius, making it more likely to be hit.

    In Boost mode, the enhanced version holds three attacks.

  • Lightning - One Eye of Fact turns into a mine that explodes 1.5 seconds after being placed. Has a good damage radius. Hits enemies multiple times until they are pushed out of the blast area. You can put 2 mines at a time (left completely without fire support). After the detonation, the Eye returns to the hero.

    A very effective skill that helps get rid of pursuers, or push enemies around Hugo.

    The enhanced version takes both Eyes, which combine into one huge mine. It has a very large radius and does not push enemies back as much, allowing it to deal more damage. The main plus is that this mine detonates at the request of the hero, just press the skill button again and it will explode. At the same time, the waiting time before the explosion is twice as long as usual. An extremely effective skill.

    In Boost mode, the empowered explosion has an even larger radius, since all 4 Eyes are used, and visually it turns black instead of yellow. Spectacular and deadly.

  • Fire - Both eyes ignite with fire and begin to rotate around the hero. Since both eyes cannot shoot at this time, a ranged attack during the use of this skill is ineffective. It is mainly used to push a crowd of enemies. Similar to a shield, but does not absorb damage, and knocks enemies back anyway. Where an ordinary air shield is powerless, you can try this one. (For example, it is useful against cockroaches.)

    The enhanced version is significantly different from the regular one. When rotated, the Eyes will release a continuous jet of flame that hits the floor of the screen forward and hits anyone who gets under it. The downside is that the damage is almost equal to the strength of a normal attack, and the damage is dealt with almost the same intensity. Therefore, it can only be useful against enemies vulnerable to fire. In other cases, a normal attack will be enough. Although these currents pass through enemies and obstacles such as walls, they can sometimes come in handy.

    In Boost mode, from doubling the number of Eyes to four, there are also four streams of fire, which doubles the intensity. But after all, a normal attack in this mode also uses 4 Eyes, so the usefulness is doubtful.

Boost Mode

At the very beginning of the game, we will be shown how to activate it. During the activated mode, the corresponding scale will slowly empty, and when it runs out, the character will return to its original state.

For each hero, the mode has its own effect. For some it's defensive, for others it's offensive. So for Unika, it reduces damage by half and halves the mana cost of using skills. For Hugo, on the contrary, it doubles his offensive power, adding two more Eyes of Fact, and also reduces the skill cost by half. Additionally improves the effect of enhanced skills.

The Boost bar accumulates when using skills or attacking enemies, when taking damage, or simply attacking the air in front of you (very little). You can speed up the accumulation of the scale with the help of the corresponding improvement.

Towards the end of the game, the hero will be given the opportunity to use a super move while the Boost mode is activated. This skill completely consumes all remaining Boost gauge, but it doesn't matter how full it is at the time of activation. Therefore, it is quite possible to first get everything that is possible from the Boost mode itself, and in the last seconds to activate super kick.

It is also different for every hero. Some are attacking, some are defensive. Unika, having a defensive Boost type, receives an attacking super blow - she hits the ground with an ax, from which a very large circle with 4 giant spikes around the perimeter appears around her. Any enemy that is in the circle will receive multiple huge damage. The effect is similar to the Hugo mine.

Hugo will have an invulnerability shield. Outwardly, it looks like an air shield, but it has a black color and 4 spikes rotating around the perimeter of the ball. Absorbs any amount of damage, and inflicts significant damage to all who touch it. It lasts just like a regular shield.


On the screen you can see:


Five items are available in the menu: Equipment, Inventory, Load Save, Options and Encyclopedia.

In Equipment you can see current level weapons and armor, choose the one you need from the available ones, since most armor and boots have special properties that give certain bonuses. You can switch the active skill from the available ones, if it is suddenly so impatient. Well, choose the appropriate accessory for the situation, since in some places it is necessary to use a particular one.

The inventory contains everything that was once found in the process of passing. There are various kinds of keys to doors and boss gates, and key items that, like equipment, are highlighted with a frame to activate or use through the item menu.

In the load menu item, you can select any game save without leaving the main menu.

In the options are all the settings of the game. Similar to what is in the main menu.

The encyclopedia collects information about all the characters encountered by the heroes and defeated monsters and bosses. For monsters and bosses, their characteristics are not opened all at once. To open everything, you will have to destroy each more than a dozen times. Also in this menu item there is a collection of all control tips for the current character, almost all of them have their own.

Game progress bonuses

If you go through one of the first two plots, the following will be available:

  • Time Attack mode - this character's battle with any of the bosses for a while;
  • Story mode for the third character Toula Fact

If you go through all three plots for all three characters, you will get:

  • Arena mode - battle with crowds of enemies from a certain area in the tower.
  • Bonus Shop - here you can buy new levels for the arena, as well as unlock Extra modes for all three characters (where some properties of the characters and their skills are changed). Plus, when the add-on is loaded, you can unlock, but only for bonus modes, a character from other Ys games - Adol.
  • Extra Sp at the start new game. The number depends on the number of stories already completed. For each passage they give an additional 10,000 Sp. Those. initially it is 30 thousand for three passages and +10,000 for each subsequent one.

If you go through all three extra modes, then for a big price in the store you can buy an elite boss with whom you can fight.

And if you go through the extra mode with the Nightmare difficulty for Unika, or go through all other difficulties in this mode, except for the Nightmare, then in the store for a huge price it will be possible to buy a school suit for Yunika, though it does not give anything but a new appearance.

Total Fact

The third plot opens after passing any of the first two.

Here we play as Toal Fact, Hugo's older brother. He was not able to achieve the great skill in magic that his father hoped so much for, because of which he was greatly disappointed in him, and then forgotten by him. The father turned all his attention to the gifted Hugo. Toal decided to devote himself to the path of a knight, where he achieved great success, eventually becoming the captain of the holy knights.

Toal always understood that he would never reach the capabilities of his brother, but at the same time he wanted his father to love him as much. But he knew that this would never happen.

As a knight, he was appointed bodyguard of the Goddesses, one of whom he later fell in love with.

At the time of the attack of demons, he remained in the barrage detachment when the Temple of Solomon was raised to heaven. After that, everyone considered him to have died heroically. But as it turned out, which was discovered by the search party, Toal is alive, but has defected to the side of the enemy and has now become a demon that impedes the search for the Goddesses.

What prompted him to such a thing and why he does all this will be told in this storyline.

Here we are already playing on the side of the enemy, let the monster enemies remain the same, under the pretext that they do not care who they attack, but the boss characters have now become from the “good” side of the conflict. Save statues will no longer turn into goddess statues, but will not lose their functionality.

In general, this plot is the most important, there will be answers to many questions, the motives of the villains will be shown, and we will see the true enemy, because of which the disaster occurred.

Toal is a very fast character, but with a small attack zone where he uses his claws, which does not prevent him from shredding everything around. He, like Yunika, puts the enemy into a stupor with his attack, which is very useful, especially when combined with a quick attack. His movement speed is the highest among all heroes. The techniques are mostly of little use, except for the very first wind skill, thanks to which you can shred crowds of enemies using just two buttons. Special reception - tackle. Quite fast and can hit multiple enemies in one line.

Actually, he can (Boost affects the effect):

  • Air- Instant movement for a short distance, which allows you to dodge any attack or quickly approach the enemy.

    An extremely useful skill. Very cheap in terms of MP costs. Indispensable in the fight against almost all bosses and simple enemies. If you do not press the direction button while using the skill, then Toal will choose the closest target for himself, to which he will move behind his back. This allows you to easily dodge attacks and instantly move between enemies, shredding them continuously. Killer skill.

    The enhanced version doubles the distance. Useful only when overcoming wide holes. Useless in combat.

    In Boost mode, a geyser of energy will appear at the start of the movement, damaging enemies. In the enhanced version, geysers will spawn along the entire travel path.

  • Lightning- Slow electric shock to the enemy. Most often hits one target, and Toal moves very slowly. This makes the skill very weak. Its only use is to kill armored enemies.

    The enhanced version creates a small blast of electricity that allows you to hit more enemies, but is still generally useless.

    Boost mode is given to him not immediately, but the effect of it is much more significant. Like everyone else, damage taken is halved. The damage from attacks and skills is increased, and the skills themselves improve their properties. Well, it is written that in this state he is able to overcome magical barriers, but such ones still need to be found.

    The super hit of this mode, which is given towards the end of the story, is especially useful and powerful. Toal releases a stream of energy that causes multiple damage to all caught in it. And most importantly, this flow can be directed in any direction, which makes this super blow the most destructive.

    Also, Toul has a slightly different set of accessories, some of which simply increase the characteristics, but in general, everything remains the same as the other heroes had.

    Despite the fact that when choosing a hero it is written - only for experts, playing for Toal is much easier than for any other character. The only thing is that some obstacles or rooms have changed a little, but in general they have not become more difficult.


    The game is made on the engine that was used in the previous parts of the series. Despite this, everything on the screen looks nice and clear. All objects are drawn in detail and do not cause any complaints, only on a special note. big plans with large objects, you can see the seams connecting the texture planes.

    The characters are made in a “heady” style (I don’t know how to call it correctly), their emotions are visible, the movements are all smooth, not jerky. Of course, it didn’t work out so well with monsters, but there are so many of them that you don’t have time to peer at them. But the guardian bosses are just grandiose. Almost everyone occupies almost the entire screen, moves with the whole body, and not, as is usually the case, only with some parts. Each part of it looks high quality, without seams and similar irregularities, just a feast for the eyes.

    In the dialogues, you can see a portrait of the character drawn by the artist, and at the first meeting with someone, they show a picture almost in full screen.

    All plot inserts are also made in the form of alternating pictures, very beautifully drawn, and their alternation sometimes resembles animation, it seems that the picture has begun to move.

    Sound and music

    The music in the game is pleasant, unobtrusive, does not distract from the game process. But I didn't find anything memorable about it either. just good musical accompaniment, well suited for events on the screen.

    The sound is not so good. Basically, it will be the clang of your weapons and the screams of dying monsters. There is nothing else there.

    The game has voice over text. At the very beginning of the game, the introductory text is read in French like this sexually arousing voice that I even ... But that's not the point. You will not hear human speech anywhere else in the game.


    beautiful exciting game, which you will want to go through more than once or even three times. Good graphics, nice music, an exciting process of exploring the tower, a lot of bonuses for completing the game... It is a must to play it.

Items are listed in the order in which they were received. In addition to numerous items (Celceta Medicine, Cleria Ore, etc.), all their locations are indicated there at once.

Battle Ax

First weapon

Starting Equipment

Leather Armor

First armor

Starting Equipment


Turns demon statues into goddess statues (save points). Also used to teleport between previously opened statues

Get at the very beginning of the game

Lila Shell


Get at the very beginning of the game

Celceta Medicine

Increases maximum HP

2) 8F - underwater

3) 12F - at the very top of The Devil's Corridor

4) 13F - next to the torch

5) 14F - straight away from the save, then to the right (double jump required)

6) 14F - in the room with monsters with bombs, after meeting Rhea

7) mirror maze (The Space of Illusion). Mirrors, from start: left, right, left, far

8) 24 after the mirror maze

blue sky wings

Unlocks green magic

Get almost at the very beginning of the game

Roda Fruit

Give the critters Roo for a reward

2) 8F - under water, in a room where water flows are blown away

3) 10F - when you see a red circle on the floor, put on the Mask of Eyes , go to the other side of the bridge and press the button

4) 14F - directly from the save, then to the left

5) 18F - after opening a round hole, jump there

6) 22F - jumping over the opening to the right

Increases the level of green magic

3) 14F - to the right of a large slippery sloping intersection

Blue Moon Carving

Opens a passage

1) 4F - from Roo when you give Roda Fruit

2) 1F - from Rico

3) 14F - to the left of a large slippery sloping intersection

4) 20F - to the right of the save, shrimp cave

5) mirror maze (The Space of Illusion). Mirrors, from start: left, right, left, near

Mask of Eyes

Allows you to see invisible passages and bridges

4F - in the chest, after the fight with the first boss

Bronze Key

Opens the door

Blue Necklace

Allows you to overcome the suction trap

4F - by Rico

Leather Boots

First boots

Beast Medallion

Opens the door to the boss

Silver Bracelet

Opens fast run(Dash)

Ring Mail

Second armor

Water Dragon's Scale

Allows you to stay underwater for a long time

Hard Leg Guards

Second boots

8F - under water, in a room where water currents are blown away

Thunderhead Warhammer

Unlocks yellow magic that can break cracked walls and destroy armored monsters

8F - under water, in a room where water currents are blown away (go down and to the left)

1) 8F - from Roo when you give Roda Fruit

2) 11F - room with many platforms and torches

3) 18F - room with poisonous red goo

Worm Medallion

Opens the door to the boss

8F - underwater, in a large room with spikes and armored monsters; find behind a cracked wall (break with yellow magic)

Red Moon Carving

Opens a passage

Half plate

Third armor

11F - in a room with many platforms and torches

Silver Harmonica

Removes harmful sound in The Devil's Corridor (after you recognize the melody from Roo)

11F - from Fina

Phoenix Sword

Second weapon for Unika and also unlocks red magic

11F - after meeting with Fina


1) 11F - in front of The Devil's Corridor

2) 14F - when you get the Gold Bracelet, there will be a ramp on the left. You have to jump on the ledge while you roll down

Spirit Cape

Restores HP while standing still

Leg Guard

Third boots

12F - in a room with green circles on the floor (those that throw you into the air)

Cryptid Medallion

Opens the door to the boss

13F - after lighting 4 torches

Evil Ring

Opens the door to Rado's Annex. To do this, you need to charge the ring by killing the red skeletons that live below Rado's Annex. To open the door, you must first equip the Blue Necklace

14F - to the left of the save (for the bridge to appear, you need to put on the Mask of Eyes)

Marble Key

Opens the door

14F - to the left of the save, below

Gold Bracelet

Adds a double jump

14F - after you deal with a horde of monsters with bombs

Sylph Boots

Fourth boots, reduce the effect of quicksand

14F - from Roo. To the right of the save, then to the right (double jump required)

Allows you to finally kill skeletons and other evil spirits

14F - from Rhea

Opens the door

Rado Annex (behind the devil-faced door)


fourth armor

14F - Behind the door opened by Amber Key

Weed Medallion

Opens the door to the boss

Earth Dragon's Claws

Allows you to not slip

14F - centered from a large sloping intersection, and then down

V Assassin's Creed Origins a lot of abilities that you can pump as you progress through the game. But what are the best abilities to choose at the very beginning of the game? This is exactly what our Assassin's Creed Origins guide will tell you.

How to get a high level fast

Assassin's Creed Origins very extensive game, with a bunch of new features. And compared to previous games in the series, Assassin's Creed Origins has a large number of abilities that are not so easy to figure out. Therefore, we have prepared this Assassin's Creed Origins guide, in which we will tell you what abilities and skills you need to download at the very beginning games.

The abilities below in Assassin's Creed Origins need to be unlocked as quickly as possible. Getting them at the very beginning of the Origins passage will allow you to get the maximum level faster in the future or make it easier for you to destroy enemies:

What skills to choose?

Below we wrote out the best skills and abilities in Assassin's Creed Origins:

Assassination XP - Use an assassination to get an XP bonus (for example, when you are behind an enemy or jumping on them from a rooftop). You can get these bonuses even before you get the hidden blade (same goes for the ability below).

Stealth Kill Streak - You gain an XP bonus by completing a kill streak. Remember to remain inconspicuous, which means you should avoid open conflicts.

Headshot XP - You get more XP for stealth kills with a bow. Use this weapon when you can't get close to the enemy or when it's too dangerous to do so. Don't forget to use a bow, which allows you to accurately aim at the enemies' heads.

Regeneration - Your health bar can slowly regenerate during fights. A very useful upgrade, especially during longer battles when you need to regenerate health points after a heavy enemy attack or wait for a good moment to weaken it.

Charge Heavy Attack - You unlock a more powerful version of the heavy attack. This ability is useful in fights during which you face enemies hiding behind shields (you can fight them from the very beginning of the game).

Dawn & Dusk - You gain access to a meditation that speeds up time. Changing the time of day is very useful, because it is easier to penetrate forts and other places occupied by enemies when night falls. Many enemies sleep during this time, which means you can reach the mission objectives faster or kill "defenseless" guards easily.

Sleep Darts - Darts are one of the tools (gadgets) available in the game and they are the best choice for players who prefer to stay in the background. You can use them to neutralize guards or hostile animals. The duration of the tranquilizer is limited, but it is enough to get rid of the enemy or move on to the next task of the mission.

In Game dragon age: Origins secrets different kind can greatly help in the passage and pumping of your character. RPG projects often have hidden secrets that are not easy to discover even with careful research. To find out the most useful of them, you should read this material.

Events in Ostagar

The first secrets in Dragon Age: Origins can be found already in the first stages of the passage, namely after arriving in Ostagar. Here the player is advised to go to the infirmary, where one of the prisoners will be. He will ask the protagonist for a favor, and as a reward he will give out the key to the chest, which is located near the pacified magician. There are useful things inside. The messenger elf is standing near the kennel and you should definitely talk to him. In the dialogue there will be an option with persuasion (deception), which will lead to the fact that the guy will give the main character a beautiful sword. At first, this weapon deals decent damage. If the main character is a swordsman, then it is better to leave him to yourself, otherwise Alistair should be provided with such a sword.

Superman and a little trick

If the player does not know how to defeat a squad of stronger opponents in Dragon Age: Origins, and it is simply necessary to go further, then you should use a little trick. To do this, there must be a robber in the squad and the enemies should not notice the squad of the main character. The user takes control of a character of this classification, turns on invisibility and sneaks behind the backs of unsuspecting enemies. You need to move as far as possible so that the squad completely disappears from your eyes. Then you can turn off invisibility, and allies from the group will suddenly appear behind you. In this way, unnecessary skirmishes can sometimes be avoided. Another interesting secret in Dragon Age (and even a reference) is a conversation between two elderly people who can meet anywhere. They actively discuss the fact that a child has landed from the sky, and this is a direct allusion to Superman. The player will also have useful information about where exactly he fell, or about finding other meteorites. Only there you can get special ore and forge a unique sword.

Traveling in Orzammar

Secrets in Dragon Age: Origins are worth knowing for players, because they can bring a large amount of gold or useful items. A particularly large number of them are associated with Orzammar - the kingdom of the dwarves. Here, at the first meeting with Gavorn, you can steal a good shield from him. You can also repeat this trick during the subsequent conversation in the castle. There is an arena in the city where you can agree to fight with the best team. The player must spend about five fights, after which, as a prize, you can get a ring for the blood mage. On the other hand, if the team does not have a character of this specialization, then you can go here only for fun. When going to Orzammar in Dragon Age, you should be prepared to search for all the information about the dwarves. This includes pages of the codex, inscriptions under the statues, notes, books and more. If collect complete collection, then you should head to the Council building, but turn left at the entrance. Here, an excellent artifact will be given out for the work, which will be useful in future adventures.

Sword and armor

The secrets of the game Dragon Age: Origins, which are associated with Orzammar, do not end there. In the throne room, the player can get an excellent one that will suit a warrior with a certain specialization. First you need to put two of your partners on the plates with indicators under the statue to the right of the throne. Another one should go to the entrance to a special square. After that, the player will be able to interact with the throne. You should first prepare, because after that you have to fight with a powerful dragon. The prize for the victory will be the same two-handed sword. If you wish to receive good armor the player should only go to the Keep of the Guardians when they reach level 18 and not before. This content is from an add-on that allows you to get useful things, including dragon armor. Only after pumping to this stage, decent ammunition will begin to fall on the location. It is noteworthy that the items found completely depend on the level at which the player decided to clear the Guardian Fortress.

Decent money making

In the wonderful masterpiece of the gaming industry Dragon Age: Origins, secrets and tricks will help not only with things, but also with money, if you use your resources correctly. The first way to earn decent money opens even with an early visit to Lorraine. A character named Allison will ask you to make traps for him, but the rogue can create them endlessly. She will accept them each time, rewarding her with 50 silver coins and 100 experience points. Making two dozen visits is worth the effort. A similar technique works in Denerim. The user must go to the Thedas Curiosity store to buy a recipe for a strong lyrium potion for a decent amount. The team should have an herbalist who can cook it. You can stock up on lyrium in the tower of magicians, and in the tavern you can take other materials. After that you can create great amount bubbles, which are sold by 20 silver coins. Profit will be felt only when investing about 50 gold coins in the business.

Plot trick and another sword

In Dragon Age: Origins Dragonblood Secrets, the book is an item that can be given as a gift to Wynn for 10 Favors. It can also be given to other members of the squad, but the increase in friendship will then be half as much. This information is not so important compared to how the story tells how to defeat the demon of Idleness in the Shadow. This strong adversary, which is difficult to fight, but you can simplify such a task. Initially, in battle, you should take the form of a golem and fight until a third of your health remains. Next, the player must transform into a fiery spirit, and then back into a stone fighter. In this case, health is fully restored. The operation can be done several times until the end. If you collect all the notes in the elven ruins, Orzammar and near the urn with sacred ashes, then the task "Challenge Hexgant" will appear. Main character must go with his allies to the specified point, where the user will have to fight, in which the prize will be a solid one-handed sword.

Often, players also have difficulties with how to pass this or that moment in Dragon Age: Origins. Such problems are often associated with improper pumping of their associates and even the main character. The developers have created an extensive character development system in which you can easily choose skills that are attractive at first glance, but useless in practice. For example, the last talent in the templar tree works much better in terms of stunning than the knight. The situation is similar with combat mages, who at first glance need to pump magical energy and damage. In fact, they just need to be dressed in armor with maximum level stamina, and they will be able to wreak havoc on any battlefield. The dog, in terms of causing damage, is not the best ally, but on each map it will help in the search for a treasure with useful items.

Latest Tricks

Secrets in Dragon Age: Origins should be known in order to navigate well in storylines and always make the right decisions. For example, the player can save Howe's son, and he will agree to thank him. At the same time, you should ask for the highest amount of remuneration, since the father will be grateful in any case and will support the protagonist on future advice. There are many ways to get useful items for yourself and your companions in this vast world. So, when talking with the elven master Varathorn, if you have the proper level of Diplomacy or Cunning, you can easily persuade him to make not only armor, but also a bow. Missions from Master Ignacio are best completed at later levels so that the reward is appropriate. The same applies to the Marjoline Quest, which will give Leliana. The tower of the circle is better to pass initially. This will greatly help in pumping the central character, which will greatly help in the future in difficult skirmishes and the battle with the last boss.
