Secrets and codes: Codes for the game BioShock Infinite. BioShock Infinite

In the beginning of the game, among the carnival games where you first get the Possession Vigor, the Vidi Vici Vigor machine shows Bucking Bronco (4) for sale, which is left over from the earlier E3 build of the game, in which Vigor bottles would give you a certain number of charges.

Secret Background Music [edit]

During the seemingly music-less stretches of BioShock Infinite, an extremely slowed-down song is played in the background noise. When sped up, voices can be heard on this mysterious musical track.

1999 Mode [edit]

Input the following code to unlock 1999 Mode:

  • PC: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Cancel key, Confirm key (Keyboard/Mouse)
  • Xbox 360: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A
  • PlayStation 3: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Circle, X

Effects [edit]

  • Reduced player respawn points
  • Reduced ammo
  • Enemies inflict greater damage
  • Player has reduced and faster-depleting health
  • If the player does not have at least $100 when they die, they will be returned to the main menu
  • The player cannot use the In-Game hint feature

Wrench from BioShock

The Wrench, your trusty weapon in the original BioShock, can be found in BioShock Infinite. It"s located just after acquiring the Murder of Crows Vigor, sitting next to a piece of Gear. The Wrench can also be seen on the First Lady Airship in which Elizabeth uses to attack Booker.

Pistol in the Baby Carriage

At the beginning of Battleship Bay, after waking up, and walking through the first hallway, you can find pistol ammo in a baby carriage. This is a reference to the original BioShock when you find the pistol in a baby carriage.

There is also a Hand Cannon in a baby carriage next to a dead woman in Emporia, a reference to the revolver in the original. This can be found by a locked shop in a fire, between Memorial Garden and Market District, near where the secret song on this level is.

Secret Song Covers

BioShock Infinite contains a number of anachronistic song covers like "God Only Knows" by the Beach Boys, "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" by Cyndi Lauper and "Fortunate Son" by Creedence Clearwater Revival.

  • See full article on Secret Cover Songs in Official Soundtrack

There is a sequence where booker plays guitar and elizabeth sings the song.the song is "will the circle be unbroken" and it happens in the shantytown"s graveyard shift bar.owner might get hostile if you tried to access the room with guitar.this is the same song showed in the end credits played by the booker and elizabeth"s voice actors.

there is also a scene which occurs in the tear when you turn out to be a martyr and are in shantytown.near graveyard shift bar few vox populis are taking photos with a dead handyman.

BioShock Development Reference

When Elizabeth enters the Duke and Dimwit game room in Battleship Bay, she talks about the latest version of the game being "delayed three times". This is a self-reference to the game itself, which was delayed three times.

Saltonstall Reference [edit]

Saltonstall was a figure in BioShock Infinite"s who was running for political office. While he doesn"t appear in the final game, you can hear a NPC talk about him right when Booker gets to New Eden Square.

He is again referenced after the Vox Populi takes over Columbia. Booker and Elizabeth discover a wall covered in scalps labeled with the names of prominent members of the city, including Saltonstall. While he is never seen in-game, he surely met a grisly death at the hands of the Vox.

Lutece Twins Easter Egg [edit]

Right after Booker first sees the Monument Island statue and receives the telegram from Lutece, approach the telescope to the left and look through it. Toward the bottom left you will see the twins, Robert juggling and Rosalind watching. Exit the telescope and they are nowhere to be seen. Re-Enter the Telescope and they are still gone.

Another easter egg can be seen with the Rosalind statue towards the beginning of the game. When you first look up at it, it appears to look like a tear that Elizabeth can bring forth, but it changes on its own and becomes Robert.

Revival Scene [edit]

When Elizabeth revives Booker, she holds a needle and injects him with a substance, in a similar way to how the little sisters in Bioshock remove ADAM.

Original Bioshock Reference [edit]

At the beginning of the game the man who baptizes you, Preacher Whitting, echoes the phrase "Is it someone new?", the same phrase mentioned by a Splicer at the beginning of the original Bioshock.

Reference to Bryce DeWitt: Theoretical Physicist

Booker DeWitt's name is a reference to theoretical physicist Bryce Dewitt. Bryce Dewitt was an adherent to the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics and advanced the formulation of Hugh Everett's Many Worlds Theory.

The Looking Glass Keycode

There is only one door with a number lock in the entire game - the code is 0451. This code was the number to the offices of Looking Glass Studios, who created System Shock and Thief, as a reference to Fahrenheit 451. It can be found in games that share the Looking Glass style of game design, usually as the first key code in the game. Recent titles that have used the code include Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Dishonored, and Bioshock.

Disneyland Reference [edit]

If you look at the map after getting off the skyline before going into the "Hall of Heroes" it is similar to a map of Disney Land.


Star Wars Reference [edit]

Look for a poster when making it to "the girl in the monument". Keep your eyes peeled for a Star Wars reference to Revenge of the Jedi; this was the title on the very first Star Wars Episode VI poster before it was decided that the word revenge was not appropriate. Also listen for a peculiar song just before hand in the room with the giant speakers.

Booker then mutters the line, "This job is getting worse all the time", a reference to Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back.

"I Married A Communist" Reference[edit]

When you first get to Columbia, right after the quartet singing “God Only Knows” you come upon a square with two children playing and a man and woman talking. The man is requesting the woman to keep "that kind of talk hushed up because it draws attention." The woman then replies: "Oh come now, don"t turn into some Finkton radical on me, I don"t want to be a character out of "I Married A Vox Populi," now do I?" This is a reference to the 1949 film "I married a Communist". The Vox are based on Communist ideals.

Original Bioshock Little Sister/Big Daddy Reference[edit]

During the scene when Daisy Fitzroy is holding the young boy hostage, Booker helps Elizabeth into a vent just as the Big Daddies help Little Sisters into the vents in the original Bioshock.

Surprise Cameo [edit]

This Easter egg occurs at the end of the game and is thus hidden behind spoiler tags on this page.

At the end of the game when you see lots of Elizabeths, One of them has the body shape of the first trailer for the game

Extra Scene After Credits [edit]

After beating the game, waiting until the credits end will allow you to explore Booker's room and get an extra scene.

Animal (Cat,Wolf,Unicorn) sketches/doodling in concrete steps outside Lighthouses, Easter Eggs.[edit]

I did not notice this until the end of the game when you are back at the multiple Lighthouses. I was looking around for any other Easter Eggs and I came across what looks like a Cat face of some sort drawn into the concrete step landing outside the Lighthouse door. I started looking at it closer and realized there are several drawings that you really have to pay attention to or they will just look like scratches in the concrete. To me there are specific Animal types but you can look for yourselves and see what each looks like to you.

Voxophone References To Rapture Universe [edit]

There are at least two voxophones that make references to the universe in which Rapture exists.

The first one entitled "A Child Needs a Protector" is by Jeremiah Fink and describes a glimpse he has gotten of a Big Daddy and Little Sister:"

"These holes have shown me yet another wonder! Though, I"ve yet to see the application for it. They illuminate a merger of machine and man that is somehow the lesser, yet the greater, of both parties! The process seems to be irreversible. Perhaps, though, Comstock will have some need of this kind of thing to keep watch in that tower he is building."

The comment about the "lesser, yet the greater, of both parties!" is referencing the fact that Big Daddies are the more physically imposing protectors of the Little Sisters who have a much greater overall importance to the world of Rapture as they are the harvesters of Adam.

"The second voxophone is entitled "Out of Thin Air" and is also by Jeremiah Fink. This is an admittedly more veiled reference to Tennenbaum in Rapture whom Fink has been observing:"

"Dear brother, these holes in the thin air continue to pay dividends. I know not which musician you borrow your notes from, but if he has half the genius of the biologist I now observe, well...then you are to be the Mozart of Columbia" "

Given the contents of these Voxophones, it would appear that the technology of the Handymen and Songbird was "created" by borrowing/plagiarizing the technology of Rapture. Furthermore, Jeremiah's brother Albert is shown to have plagarized music from other times/universes which explains the anachronistic presence of songs such as "God Only Knows" by the Beach Boys.

2013. This game has amazing graphics, original and interesting story, as well as convenient gameplay. Of course, the developers could not leave fans without continuing the adventures of the main characters and released an add-on called BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea, the passage of which will be discussed further.


The game consists of two separate parts, and thanks to them we will again dive under the water and find ourselves in the city of Rapture, so beloved by fans. But with us will be the same Booker DeWitt and Elizabeth, familiar from original game BioShock Infinite. The time to complete the first part is about two hours, the second will take about five. The add-on is a direct continuation of the game and tells about another parallel world in which our couple will visit.

Second part BioShock games Infinite, the complete walkthrough of which is in front of you, has many secrets and hidden places. The developers themselves say that the first addition was invented for exploration and adventure. The second part of the journey focuses on puzzles familiar from the game BioShock Infinite. Walking through it in Russian will help you avoid getting confused and losing something important.

The events of the 1st addition will develop in the underwater Rapture during its heyday, a few days before its complete fall. Booker and Elizabeth will meet in another reality, because their destinies are connected in either world. In the second part we will visit Paris, where Elizabeth dreamed of going in the original BioShock Infinite.

Walkthrough. Part 1

Our adventure will begin with detective agency, in which Booker works, we will play for him. One day a young girl turns to him for help, and since this is one of the parallel realities, our couple does not remember anything about their previous adventures and begins their acquaintance anew. Elizabeth needs to find out about the fate of a girl named Sally, information about which the local artist Cohen has. But getting to him is not so easy, because this lover of chic and shocking invites only selected people to his parties. And in order to get to Sander Cohen's house, the main characters need to go to local stores in search of a party mask - it is this that is a kind of pass. It will not be difficult to complete the mission - while the charming Elizabeth is fooling the sellers, you can safely go to the back rooms and take a good look at them. There are only three stores in the area, and the mask will only appear in the last one. No matter what order you search them, you will have to visit them all in order to continue Burial at Sea.

Artist Party

Having grabbed a mask, we go to a closed club. It will be easy to recognize by its bright sign and living sculptures at the entrance. Having looked at the sights (and they are worth a look), we will continue to play through the game BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea. We go straight along the corridor and find a staircase leading down. We go down and find ourselves on a very unpleasant scene with the participation of an artist.

He agrees to provide us with the necessary information only in exchange for a small favor. Now we have to portray a dancing couple, posing for a madman. But this will only be a bait: while dancing, our heroes will fall into a trap. But still, the artist will say, before deafening us, that the girl is in the stationery department of the local department store.

Smuggler Fontaine

Bound and stunned, our heroes end up where they wanted - to Fontaine's department store. After your release, you have to go through a difficult path, fighting off mutant people who have gone crazy from consuming plasmids, in order to find the girl Sally. Move from one room to another, clearing all opponents, and do not forget to use Elizabeth's help. Some locations are quite easy to get through, others will make you sweat.

It is not necessary to go straight through the rooms, sometimes it is worth using tactics hidden passage- this will save a lot of time. Hide behind cover, sneak up from behind or shoot at everything that moves - the player himself has the right to decide which passage to choose in BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea.

Lost girl

In the department store building you just need to follow the sign. We will find Sally in the store's pipeline. But in order to lure her out, you will need to heat up the pipes, leaving one cold one, along which the girl will move. But almost getting her hands on you, Sally will call Big Daddy. You should prepare for a difficult battle, because in order to defeat this brute you will have to work hard. During the battle, it is better to stay away from Daddy, but do not stand still and constantly move. There will be no shortage of ammunition, because your faithful companion Elizabeth will always replenish your ammunition. Big Daddy has a lot of health, and it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to kill this boss the first time.

After you win, go back to the pipe and pull out the girl. But at this moment Elizabeth will ask you to let Sally go. Now Booker’s nose will bleed, and inappropriately he will remember all his previous adventures in other parallel worlds, and he will want to ask Elizabeth for forgiveness. But he will not be able to do this. The flooding memories will dull his vigilance, and he will die from Big Daddy's drill. Such a sad ending awaits us after the end of the game.

Addition. Part two

Now we have to play as the charming Elizabeth. It should be mentioned that the further passage of BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea is focused on stealth. So we move silently, hide in ambushes and destroy enemies by sneaking up from behind. Our main character's dream came true - she ended up in Paris. Wander around the city and talk to people. When you get bored, go down to the river and try to approach Sally. At this moment the girl will run, and we need to rush after her. At the same time, the weather will change, it will become cloudy, the wind will rise, and people will disappear somewhere. Sally will also disappear, and in her place will be a ball that will fly up to the door. Go inside, after the nightmare video, Elizabeth will find herself next to Booker and Atlas.

After the dialogue, you need to take the doll's head and leave the toy department. We climb over the fence and go down, removing the debris that interferes with our journey. Then another terrible video awaits us, after which we will find ourselves in a boat. Go back and pull the lever, now go down and, silently approaching, kill the enemy. This can be done if you do not step on broken glass. Go to the next room and jump into the ventilation passage. If you hook the hook onto the rope, you can collect all the coins and health. Then use the “C” key to silently land on the floor and kill another enemy. After watching the next video, open the lock and move forward. Near the huge door, pick up a crossbow and quietly, one by one, kill your opponents.

Another meeting with Booker

To continue Infinite: Burial at Sea, our heroine needs to get inside the Silver Fin restaurant. This can be done using a master key purchased at the store. If there is no cash, then return to the place from which you came and find a door behind which you will have to kill one enemy. There you will find three master keys. Open the lock, but remember that another mutant is waiting behind the door, and you should enter carefully.

Move on and quietly destroy the next enemy. After which we will meet Booker again and talk with him. We go forward, killing a mutant woman along the way. Now we have to open another lock, and we will need to do this without clicking on To do this, avoid hitting the blue font. To distract the mutants, you need to shoot at the left window, and then quickly run to the elevator.

When you see the guitarist, use hypnosis and set him on Big Daddy. While the fight continues, run forward using the hooks to fast travel. You won’t be able to get into the restaurant through the main entrance, but you can go through the next door and there you will find secrets hidden in this room: behind the cabinet that needs to be moved aside, there will be a secret hatch into the ventilation shaft. We boldly climb inside and disarm the trap using two master keys. If they are not there, then you can quickly run past the mechanism, which is very difficult to do, or use the “Hypnotist” and calmly move on through the BioShock Infinite add-on.

Walkthrough. Secrets of the Lutesov machine

Now you need to repair the found device, and for this you need a special plasmid. The arrow will lead to the goal, but Elizabeth will be trapped. After talking on the radio with Suchong, we dial the code, and we have the opportunity to complete the tasks necessary to start the machine. We find the right part plasmid and again we go for the arrow. Below we find a freezing elixir, as well as a message that will open three more additional tasks.

We go back and meet Big Daddy in the large hall. We go around it on the left side and go into the room, where the second message awaits us. In the safe, which can only be opened with five master keys, there is a power-up plasmid. We follow the arrow again, collecting food and coins along the way. Take the elevator up, but remember that there are many enemies ahead. You can defeat them using the Hypnotist plasmid. This location is rich in modifications and various plasmids, so it’s worth exploring the surrounding area. Since there are not very many opponents in the location, you can slowly search for food, upgrades and ammunition - this will greatly facilitate your passage in the future. The goal of our task - a CO2 absorber - is located in a capsule in the middle of the room near a pillar with the number 3 on it; you can get there using a hook. All that remains is to return and repair the car. Pull the lever and go into the resulting gap - everything is so reminiscent of the original BioShock Infinite. This part will end with another video.

Fink's laboratory

After watching, we begin to carefully move forward. We find a ventilation hole, climb inside and, having advanced a little, climb out. Ahead of us is a meeting with four not very strong opponents. If you are confident in your abilities and have a lot of cartridges in your pockets, then you can enter into an open confrontation. But it is better to remove your opponents silently, one by one. Next we find the entrance to the office of the Fink Empire, inside there is one enemy who can be killed unnoticed from behind. We go downstairs, where we find a mechanism, but to start it, you need a key. You can find it if you go open door and go downstairs. Now we turn the hand on the clock to the word Work - the elevator door will open, which we enter without fear and go down.

Now you need to be as careful as possible, try not to get too close to the windows - otherwise your opponents will notice you. If you go into the right door, you can find a vending machine and replenish your supplies there. We go further following the arrow, trying to explore all the rooms to find food, money and plasmids. There won't be many enemies in this location, and finding the hair won't be difficult. Now we return back to the gap and quickly get rid of several opponents. We enter into dialogue with the District, after which there will only be a minute left for preparation. During this time, try to search everything around in search of plasmids and health, because you will have a serious battle with many enemies. The most effective in this situation will be “Santa Claus”. After victory, you can continue your journey through the expansion to BioShock Infinite.

Walkthrough. The final

Having finished the battle, we go to Fontaine’s office, to do this we follow the arrow. Along the way we will encounter a fairly large number of enemies, and to deal with them, it is better to use hidden combat tactics, because Elizabeth does not have that much ammunition. Sneak up from behind, hide behind covers and use skills. Having reached the goal, place the quantum particle in the device, after which another video will start, probably the most difficult in the entire game, and it is better not for the faint of heart to watch it.

All that remains is to find the “ace in the hole” in order to return Sally, the girl we are looking for. It will be difficult to do this, but it is possible. We follow the arrow and in one of the rooms we find a wounded Big Daddy. Now we need to move it, but Elizabeth is a fragile girl, and she will not be able to do this. We go back and read the note hanging on the wall, and another one lying on the table. We take them and return to the room with Daddy and the girls. It turns out that the only way to fix the monster is by injecting Adam, and you have to persuade the girls to help the Iron Guard, and then move on. In one of the rooms we watch the murder of Dr. Suchong, after which we find the code to launch the device on the table, go to Atlas and give the note. All that remains is to watch the video and find out the sad ending of this story. This concludes our walkthrough of BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea. Congratulations!

Despite the fact that Burial at Sea lacks BioShock Infinite's signature “Battle in the Clouds,” the playthrough still turned out to be quite atmospheric, completely immersing you in this fictional underwater world. This game is worth playing not only for fans of the series, but also for gamers who like to play games with an intricate and interesting plot.

To open difficulty level 1999 in the game "BioShock Infinite" using the keyboard and mouse, click:

[Up] (2), [Down] (2), [Left], [Right], [Left], [Right], [Cancel Button], [Confirm Button]. In the PC version of the game, the cancel and confirm buttons are: and .

Secrets for the game BioShock Infinite

How to get endless money and master keys?

Money makes it much easier to complete the game (especially in the “1999” mode), you can use it to buy weapons and energy drinks or pay for respawn (in the “1999” mode the game will end if there is not enough money for respawn (rebirth)). And master keys are needed when collecting objects (some of the items are behind closed doors); about 30 master keys should be enough.

In the location "Return to the Hall of Heroes" we use hypnosis on the vending machine on the left side after leaving the "Hall of Heroes". We use the right sky rail until we reach a platform with several enemies (you can kill them, they will not respawn). We jump down and pick up the master key from the wooden box under the stairs. We return to the “Hall of Heroes” to replenish our salt supplies (if necessary). We go back out and repeat everything again.

In the "Ticket" building located behind the exit from "Soldier's Field", there are three cash registers - two behind the doors, first you need to use a master key on them! The machines give out up to 40 “silver eagles” and are updated/reborn each time after leaving and returning to a given section of the game.

Additional to the game BioShock Infinite you can see codes for games

Come on, come on. Even on PS3 there is little soap. At the time this amazed me. There is almost no soap how is that possible?! The characters are unclear, especially since the middle of the game you already guess who Booker’s girlfriend is. But the environment in the game is very well thought out: every poster, every sign, every overheard dialogue, every charade of the Lutes like a piece big puzzle peace. And in reality, then gradually everything builds up into a whole picture. What you can clap for and give a standing ovation for is the amazing detailing game world Bioshock Infinite.

The game has been in development since 2007. During this time they had a lot of time to cut down what they wanted.

The first and second Bioshocks generally ran in 1080p on PS3, but Infinite was too large-scale game, the maximum they could get was 720 rubles.

This is not a corridor shooter. There are downloads, but you can freely move around the location and return to the very beginning of the location and run through it again in search of secrets as many times as you like. At least you ran from the beginning of the level to the end and then went back again. The game allowed this. Checkpoints did not block the passed location. Likewise, even after loading, you could simply go back out the door and run around the location that you had just cleared. The city is free to explore. Only story locations They still have limitations that are trivially related to Elizabeth’s portal power.

This is an automatic sign of quality - in 80 percent of cases, porting a multi-platform game to a console is outsourced

A port does not have to be worse than the version developed from scratch. A good port and indistinguishable from one. Look, for example, the first Fable (perfect controls for mouse and keyboard) and the same remake (they completely screwed everything up)

Outsourcing no guarantee of failure

In house development quality guarantee? What kind of idyll is this? In any case, this is no longer the original version, so it doesn’t matter who made it.

The game has been in development since 2007. During this time they had a lot of time to cut down what they wanted.

Yeah, and FF XV is 12 years old. Just because development started in 2007 doesn't mean it was done every day before release.

This is not a corridor shooter. There are downloads, but you can freely move around the location and return to the very beginning of the location and run through it again in search of secrets as many times as you like. At least you ran from the beginning of the level to the end and then went back again. The game allowed this.

As in the first Doom and many other places. There is a path to the end of the level, there are a couple of forks. Free exploration in a shooter this is for example the city from Wolfenstein 2009.

Likewise, even after loading, you could just go back out the door and run around the location you just cleared

It's not like this everywhere

Dameon, Doom and Infinite cannot be compared. The technological gap is too big. You are now philosophizing and just searching similar games. You can cite a million games with similar roaming around locations as an example. If you look at it in a modern way, then Infinite's graphonium is outdated. Even Devil May Edge reboot has better graphics. Even Watch Dogs. Although they all came out in the same year. But that year it didn't make much of a difference. Now we can philosophize and say “the graphic is so-so.” But it didn't matter then. We then simply admired the game and that’s all. The game is excellent, no amount of graffiti will change that.

Doom and Infinite cannot be compared

Who will stop me?))

The technological gap is too big

It was about game design. In Duma, you can also go back through the location and look for secrets.

The game is excellent, no amount of graffiti will change that.

The game is shit, both within the series and in the action genre. And neither here nor in the Steam reviews did I see a single adequate argument against

I’ll add a little of my own to this srach.

I didn't like the game because:

There are quite a few holes in the plot and the actions of the characters cannot be called adequate. Having the opportunity to go to any reality with the ability to find all the necessary conditions there, the heroes aimlessly jump into other worlds and hope for the best.

Elizabeth. She was promised as a very cool and useful companion with unique skills, who would help the main character here and there and develop during the game. We were also told that she would not be a doll, but would always comment on everything and do many other things that were useless from a gameplay point of view, but very atmospheric. But we only got a doll that speaks strictly certain phrases in strictly certain places, a portable station of first aid kits and cartridges from TF2, and a master key (which also cannot do anything on its own).

Lvl design. Invisible walls in a AAA corridor shooter? Seriously? (I note that apart from this, the design of the weapon is not bad).

Weapon. It's sad. It's not fun to shoot. There is almost no variety. I replaced one of the initial rifles with a new one in the second half of the game, simply because the cartridges were no longer falling on it.

-"Magic". It looks cool, but I haven’t found an adequate use for it. On the highest difficulty, it is easier to shoot everyone with a firearm than to use magic. Yes, even hand-to-hand combat has proven to be more effective than magic. This didn’t happen in previous parts! =D

Enemies. Three and a half cripples and a bunch of skins for them. It is VERY interesting to meet new opponents who are actually just repainted old ones.

City. We were shown a flying city, but, in fact, only at the beginning did we feel the atmosphere of a city in the sky. In previous parts, almost the entire environment (including sounds) said that the city was under water and, in any inconvenient case, was ready to fall under enormous pressure. Here we only occasionally feel that the city is really floating, and we are not fighting on the next skyscrapers.

Yes, the game is not bad. But from an AAA shooter you expect something more than dull shootouts on a slightly less dull plot.

And yes, everyone’s favorite Eliabeth is still a useless doll compared to Elika, who appeared in 2008. You should be ashamed.

On the contrary, I shook all the fluff and plasmids. It was cool to get married. But I played it on Hard. I didn’t take any chances with the 1999 Mode that opened after the first playthrough; it’s already completely hardcore.

Plasmids have always helped me. On hard the PPC of some armored enemies and all sorts of snipers is simply not easy to reach. Well, during large-scale firefights, riding on rails, throwing plasmids into the crowd is the most profitable tactic.

Elizabeth didn’t really impress me and I don’t know why she has such a fan club and a lot of porn. But in the game I was struck by her change in appearance at the moment of their reunification. Well, the character is basically alive. Especially all sorts of hidden Easter eggs when she sings or plays there.

And all these jokes with portals were just like a background for me, part of the game. Naturally, I understood that a girl who had been locked up all her life couldn’t immediately become a superhero, so I didn’t ask much of these tricks.

And someone was not turned off by the Prince of 2008, in order to directly see how empty these two characters in the game are? It's funny... NO!

This is a fairy tale first and foremost. Of course, WW fans don’t like it, but I don’t like that a beautiful story with the atmosphere of 1001 Nights was turned into a bloody slasher with dismemberment.

So yes, 2008's Prince is one of my favorite games in the series. I like WW it’s a wonderful game that I’ve happily replayed more than a dozen times, but I can’t put it on a par with tSoT, the original prince duology and the 2008 game because of the atmosphere.

I only remember collecting spheres, the game was so deep.

The taste and color, as they say. I love plot twists like those at the end of the game.

Although the character archetypes are stereotyped, they do not cause rejection. On the contrary, it was interesting for me to watch them, even taking into account the lack of intrigue in the plot as such.

since it is no different from hard

Like this? There is also a big difference in terms of damage, damage, and efficiency of plasmids.

You deal 60% damage

You take 170% damage

$50 costs one res

5 seconds shield regeneration delay time

3 seconds shield regeneration

1999 Mode

You deal 50% damage

You take 200% damage

$100 costs one res

6 seconds shield regeneration delay

4 seconds shield regeneration

Just think about it: 100 Bucks for one RES! Twice as much as on hard. You deal damage like crazy, but you get 30 percent more damage than on hard. For about two thirds of the game you are simply trying to survive, and only then, when you have at least some spare cache and enough ammo, does it become easier to play.

Well, this chip is like a control finisher for this difficulty level:

In other words, you can go through a ton of story, but if you don't have 100 bucks when you die, all your progress will just go down the drain. Zilch and no. Vigor is not automatically restored. For half the game, the only cures you can find are apples and bread. You need to buy first aid kits.

No, my psyche is not ready for this yet.

Locked chest on the Rooftops of Comstock Center

Tonic, salt.
You can get into this apartment only by breaking a window on the roof, or through the balcony. Next to the chest there is a voicephone, from which we learn that the chest was stolen from the Temple. This means that the key to the chest is also there, or rather, on the altar.

The “Voice of the People” cache in the “Hall of Heroes”

Tonic, grenade launcher, master key, a couple of shotguns, salts, first aid kit.
This is a code on the wall of the toilet, for which you need to find a key book, with which Elizabeth can decipher the inscription.
The photo clue is lying almost under your feet, all that remains is to find the cannon (it’s in the building opposite) and the hat (in the next toilet). Use the cylinder to open the cache.

"Voice of the People" cache on "Tshaniya Square"

Tonic, set of master keys, card case, Vivian Monroe voicephone.
When you are on “Thoring Square”, turn right - you will see a door with the sign “Closed”. Inside you will again encounter encryption, the key to which is in the Good Hour club. But before you figure out this encryption, you will need to go to a gunsmith. That's how it's meant to be!
You will find the encryption key in the basement of the club.

Locked chest in the Bull Yard

Once in the Slums, look into the local bar, where, going down to the basement, you will see the key to the chest on the barrels. Now go to the police warehouse and go up to the second floor. In the far booth of the central room there is a chest waiting for you.

Locked room at the Salty Oyster Bar

Plasmid “Reflector” (without going into this room, you will receive this plasmid a little later), tonic, master keys, Lutes voicephone.
This quest will begin only after you find the voicephone in the bookstore. And you will find a bookstore in the “Port of Prosperity”, on the way to Comstock’s house. The main landmark is a bridge stretched above the ceiling (two more snipers are sitting on it).
It is important! Don't go through the turnstiles behind the bridge if you haven't figured out the cache yet - there will be no way back!
From the bridge we turn left, break open the door to the store and go down to the ground floor. Below you will find the voicephone of a certain Ronald Frank, from whom “his little girl” was kidnapped. They keep her in a locked room at the Salty Oyster bar. The room opens with a button under the bar counter.

"Voice of the People" cache in the "Bank of the Prophet"

Lots of eagles, a set of master keys, a tonic, a Waterer, Lady Comstock's voicephone.
The last cache is in the “Bank of the Prophet”, and the book-key is in one of the shops in the vicinity of Comstock’s house, in the basement. At the Bank you will need to take the elevator to the banking premises, walk along the corridor to the left until you see the office.
Click on the typewriter lying on the table and the cache will open.
