Hyde by Revelation Online - types of quests. What types of quests exist in the game Revelation Online How to find quests by category

Players from 40 levels, a chain of 120 quests becomes available - trade orders. As a reward for such a long torment, we will receive valuable recipes for the crafting of the "per scrolls" equipping and other pleasant things.

We click the Job Magazine (L) -\u003e Available -\u003e Trade orders, and on auto) Let's fly to Sulan to the representative of the union of merchants.

Attention! It is important!

The quest reward varies in the level of players:

40-40 levels - 3 random crafting recipe equipment 40-49.lVL;

50-59 levels - 2 random crafting recipe equipment 50-59 LVL and 2 treasures of phantoms;

60-69 levels - 1 Random crafting recipe equipment 60-69 LVL and 4 challenges of phantoms;

70-79 Levels - 1 Random Kraft Recipe Equipment 70-79 LVL and 4 challenges of phantoms.

Kraft "Top" gear for scrolls it is impossible Adjust to a higher level - what was scratching, then you will have, and then only break. Therefore, more profitably do this quest at high levels.

For the execution of each stage, a little experience is embedded, a total of 120 quests is obtained 4-5kk exp.

But the treasure cards are the same for all levels, therefore, apparently, they are not issued at the initial levels of the quest.

I performed a quest for 60-69 levels, the cards were given to me on 40 and 80 stages of the task.

After receiving the right-hand mouse button on the map and fly on autoplea. I dig up a reward - this is my drop from four cards:

  1. Three times dropped 2 pieces Muarova Jasma

It will lead to a merchant to the merchant to the merchant - change with very interesting goods.

I bought a chest-scam from the second page for 5 jashers, hoping for the favor of the rendoma, and pulled 2 muarovy jasper. She spent 5, received 2 - good exchange.

2. From the last card, 6 quartz grinding stones fell.

In the master box - the final reward for these quests - I fell a drawing of a leather helmet for 60-69 levels.

The right click on the recipe included auto linked, which led to the NPC Master Ruy.

As we see, from one scroll, the thing does not scratch - the objects of the craft crafty are needed, and for a higher chance of top stats also donatic items - volcanic glass. Well, of course, there is no reason to craft with a passing gear, so it makes sense to perform a chain at the end of the week, when you pump up as much as possible, as far as you can in the first week, so that the limit is missing (and the recipe you need can always be sold to someone) .

I took up the fulfillment of the quest with almost scratch and had no resources and knowledge about Kraft - especially since you needed to do everything yourself. But my services were the best hamsters of Clan, Diamei and the guild treasury in addition :)

Interactive map really helped resources Soviya, for what she is special thanks for her.

Quests for all randomic, in the course of execution are divided into 3 territories: Sulan - Asterion - Kalahar, therefore, I will only approximately tell you about what you can come in handy. All quests are performed on auto) and are divided into 4 types:

  • talk to NPC;
  • bring resource;
  • talk to the NPC and guess the correct answer (if you make wrong - not scary, you can repeat as much as you like);
  • kill the mob and bring the drop from him - valuable product (do not forget to raise it after the murder!)

However, if the client stood up, a monster disappeared, or you simply forgot to raise a valuable product - do not despair, this item can be bought from any grocers for 10k coins.

So, my logs of execution of 120 quests:

1. To talk to the aunt Lee.
2. Talk to the old guren.
3. Talk to the representative of the union of merchants.
4. Talk to the old guren.
5. Bring gold Ruda - Fits in the world.
6. Bring sardin - extracted fishing.
7. Impare chenhead perch -extracted fishing.
8. Touch with aunt Lee.
9. Talk to Lesnik Shensy.
10. Talk to Lacan Magistr.
11. Speak with the manager of Choppo.
12. Talk to Master Chang.
13. Talk to Shenro.
14. Bring olenina - Suggested with deer.

15. Bring meadow collection - Collecting from Nubish herb (from nasturtium or rosehip).

16. Talk to the master Chang.
17. Speak with Erwin Pharmacar.
18. Bring pattern leaves - Collect in the world.

19. Valuable cargo - to beat the bandit and pick up valuable goods (auto).
20. Talk to the master Archlya.
21. Talk to Erwin.
22. Copper plate - Krables from brass, and brass - from copper ore (digging in the world).

23. Talk to the Borovich-Trader.
24. Speak with the manager of Choppo.
25. Teach Tirana and return the precious item for auto bud.
26. Iron plate - It is cracked from the iron ingot, and the ingot - from iron ore and charcoal.

27. Talk to the master Chag.
28. To beat Tiran and return the precious object - to auto.
29. Speak with Magister Lakan.
30. Underwill ingot - Bought for 2k taelles with a grocer.
31. Talk to Shenro.
32. Talk to the master Chang.
33. Talk to the old Guren.
34. Talk to Magister Lakan.
35. Kill the dark and get a valuable product - to park.
36. Bring scraps of the book of rage.
37. Talk to Erwin.
38. To beat Tiran and return the precious object - to auto.
39. Silver necklace - it is cracked in a jewelry from a silver ingot, and the ingot is from silver ore and charcoal.
40. Speak with Kesyutem - Dali 2 Maps "Treasures of Phantomov".
41. Singing a song with a uncle Jeromy: to auto-to choose "sing with a choir".
42. Talk to Uddti.
43. Speak with the photonide entorm.
44. Bring Horn Kosostory. (You can buy for).
45. Bring meadow collection - Going in the world from plants (Nasturtium, Rosehip).
46. \u200b\u200bBring small stamp rage.
47. Bring bolt collection - Collecting in the world with every swamp grass - for example, from a fern.
48. Bring flower nasturtium.
49. Talk to Czüweh.
50. Singing a song with a uncle Jeromy: to park - choose "sing with a choir".
51. Bring ordinary wood - Cropped in the world from the trees (for example, with a sandale).
52. Bring scraps of the book of rage.
53. Bring iron ingot - It is cracked from iron ore (going in the world) and charcoal (coal cracked from rotten wood in alchemy).
54. Talk to the cock.
55. Kill aggressive vepry and pick up a precious piece of auto budding.
56. Talk to the photonide entorm.
57. Kill the Vepor and pick up a valuable item for auto bud.
58. Bring lime - It is cracked out of sandalwood chips (and the sandalwood chips is a hidden recipe in alchemy), and sandstone (mined in the world with ore - for example, with spinel).
59. Bring meadow collection.
60. Talk to Richie.
61. Kill the whispering coulia and get a valuable venue for auto budding.
62. Bring ordinary wood.
63. Bring ginseng root (going in the world after studying the recipe in the hand of crafts).
64. Bring small stamp rage.
65. Talk to Captain Weitan.
66. Bring charcoal.
67. Speak with a cock.
68. Rough Len. - It is cracked out of coarse cotton (cotton is knocked out with human-like monsters - for example, with Laurars near Kalajara).
69. Bring saline caviar - craft from fish.
70. Kill the whispering coulia and get a valuable object for auto).
71. Speak with restless kaiti.
72. Bring olenina.
73. Bring canvas - Kraft from Ksing Ma (No one had these items, so I bought on Aüca for the robbers 2k coins. They are knocked out with humanoids of small levels - for example, with Falmari on the enchanted ship).
74. Talk to the Trour.
75. Bring scraps of the book of rage.
76. Talk to the Manege employee.
77. Bring sardin.
78. Talk to the Trour.
79. Bring copper plate - It is cracked from brass and charcoal (brass - from copper ore, and charcoal from rotten wood in Alchemy).
80. Speak with the head of the Guardians - gives 2 challenges of phantom treasures.
81. Talk to Richie.
82. Speak with the head of the Guardians.
83. Bring a small squid - is mined from fishing.
84. Talk to the Guardian head.
85. Talk to the guard.
86. Bring rady topaz.
87. Bring magic pollen (cramped from nasturtium in alchemy).
88. Bring scraps of the book of rage.
89. Kill monster and get a precious object.
90. Talk to Richie.
91. In Kalajara, call UMO to battle - choose 2 item and guess the correct option.
92. Talk to the guard.
93. Talk to the head of the Guardians.
94. Talk to the guard.
95. Talk to the Grozny Vargo.
96. Bring massive ingot - bought from a grocers for 10k taelles.

97. Imprint champignon - Rolling in the fungny.

98. Talk to Grigii.
99. Kill the orc and get a precious piece of auto bud.
100. Bring quartz grinding stone.
101. Ful up a song in Kalajara (auto).
102. Follow the song in Kalajara (auto).
103. Talk to the guarantee head.
104. Talk to Lyvy.
105. Bring copper Ruda (digging in the world).
106. Bring silver ring - I had to tinker with him: throw a forge to 10 levels, pass the test to the profooth, and only after that it is screaming.

107. Kill the orc and get a precious piece of auto bud.
108. Speak with the head of the guard.
109. Talk to the Grozny Wargo.
110. Bring sandal (going near the altar of Kuromy).
111. Speak with the head of the Guardians.
112. Talk to the guard.
113. Talk to the Grozny Vargo.
114. Kill the orc and get a precious piece of auto-fly.
115. Talk to the guard.
116. Bring scraps of the book of rage.
117. Bring lime
118. Talk to Ongar.
119. Talk to Ongar.
120. Take a reward from Ongar - the master box.

The new one took advantage of these quests when I received a 38k bronze feathers from the phantom card

Playing on one of the Revelation Online servers, it is often possible to hear about the following phrases: "First, yellow do", "for redhead". What? What is it about? And if an experienced player immediately understands what it is about, the newcomer begins to ask another dozen additional questions. And the speech, oddly enough, is about quests - one of the most important things in the game. To players it was easier, we will describe all the types of quests and their purpose in the game.

The main types and colors of quests in the game

In total, there are 8 types of quests, namely:
1. "Yellow" - quests, going through the scene of the game;
2. "Redhead" (orange) are the most important;
3. "Purple" - standard learning quests;
4. "Blue" - the usual type of quests;
5. "Blue" - individual missions of your fraction (fractional);
6. "Green" 1 type - daily and weekly;
7. "Green" 2 type - Daily missions of your faction;
8. "Hidden."

As you can see, each color has its own purpose so that the player can distinguish the types of quests and already make a decision, which one to take and pass to him in the first place. Now we will analyze in detail each type in detail.

These are standard types of tasks available to you immediately after registering in the game. The main goal is to teach the player to the main moments on the project, and show all the available locations. In the process of passing quests from this category, the player meets the main characters and heroes, locations, learns all about the plot of games. As a reward receives a large number of experience, reputation, as well as with a certain likelihood of good equipment.

As soon as tasks with a yellow marker are missing, other types of quests will be available - redheads, or they are also called orange. They will be available approximately from 18, sometimes level 19. Here you will begin to learn about all the main locations in the game, namely: Farma of Monsters, Dungeon, Ban. This also includes the process of pumping and improving your character, ranging from the crafting of the equipment, ending with milestones, characteristics and skills. Join a number of keeper orders, and you will have to sometimes take exams to stay in this order. In general, here you will get acquainted with the more important and advanced features of the game, passing before this training tasks for beginners. In addition to the awards from yellow quests, you will also receive: stones, weapons, spheres, sharpening and many other important artifacts and items.

It seems, we have already begun to study the game Revelation Online in the previous two types of missions, and again learning? Yes! The game has a lot of locations, and to immediately player not to load a lot of information, the whole process is divided in stages, starting with simple. Here, the system also implies that you have passed the learning process + important quests. The most interesting thing begins: full information about professions so that you can already decide on the choice, guilds, individual menu items. You can also get a bag here and expand a little warehouse. For the passage of experience gives little, but you can get scrolls, spheres, coins and many other important resources.

Created solely in order to once again check with both knowledge of the game and on your travel tactics. In fact, they are not allowed to get bored and sometimes "shake" after tedious learning. Here you have to look for several chests on a certain territory, jump on the roofs without the use of wings, produce certain plants, run, etc. You do not get anything interesting and rich for passage.

If you are a fraction, you will be available new types of missions displayed by a blue marker. Their main goal is to tell and show all the features of the player in the faction, teach interact with the characters, objects. You will constantly get acquainted with new characters, help them, earning a reputation in their faction and special equipment. To make them displayed, you will need to choose special filters on the map: II or III, and see whether a check mark is chamber opposite the Mission of Fractions. If not, then definitely put them displayed. For you, they will be displayed in the form of diamonds.

This is the main type of missions that you will perform daily and weekly. For example, every day you will need to perform quests on stripping in the Order, various PVP battles, sheets from fairies, letters and many other tasks. Weekly are the following quests: a separate chain consisting of 120 tasks, helping beginners in the passage of dungeons, travel. That is, during the week you will need to pass them. And it does not matter, you will make it per day or for 7 days. The main thing is that the quest be completed at the end of the week. Tasks can be activated both automatically and in manual mode you on the map. For the passage, they give coins, wisdom, etc. You will not enrich you very much, but well "warmed up" resources.

This is the main type of tasks, where any player can receive a large amount of fraction and currency reputation. Moreover, for the implementation of each task, you will significantly increase the percentage of trust in your guild, and access new locations and missions. The map shows as green hexagons, so do not confuse with other quests.

These missions will be available only to 49 levels. This is a special type of quests that meets not so often. There are few information about them, because Covers are rarely coming across, but still there are some data. If you see the NPC, over which the Trootch or Loupes icon is displayed - this is a hidden quest. Go to this NPC and try to speak with him. There will be no tips and direct paths of passage. It all depends only on your knowledge of the map and the area. The SHIFT + I keys you can open a special window in which the entire dialogue is recorded. For the passage give a rich award: special effects, a large amount of fractions reputation, improving the production of all types of resources, etc.

As you can see, in the game Revelation Online, just a huge number of quests, each of which has its own direct target. All of them will appear in stages, and only some types can intersect as the game passing. Now you know all the features of colors of missions, and be safe to pass them and distinguish between themselves. Be sure to follow the updates of the game, because Developers can enter new quests, both for beginners and pumped top players.

In the Revelation Online game, there are many tasks that affect the storyline, allow you to score experience points, earn or, for example, learn something new. However, the newcomer is not so easy to figure out, for which quests should be taken first, and what to do and not necessarily. In order for you not to break your head over this issue, the developers shared tasks for color categories. Today's guide by Revelation Online will help to figure out what the colors of quests mean, and what you get for their passage. Let's immediately understand these categories:

  1. Yellow - Promotion in the plot.
  2. Orange - the development of the game world and the improvement in the character.
  3. Purple - belong to training tasks.
  4. Blue - ordinary quests.
  5. Blue - missions associated with the plot and development of fractions.

Green - can be usual for execution every day, also daily orders of fractions.

The Revelation Online game has also hidden quests that have not been implemented in the early stages of the domestic ZBT. Perhaps soon they will appear, and they can be said more than just mention. And in the next part of the guide on the game Revelation Online, we will consider more than a variety of quests and what you get for their execution.

Awards and description of each type of missions

All listed 6 points of quests are important in their own way. Some will lead you to the stages of fate, stated for the heroes Revelation Online, others will help to get comfortable in the virtual world, and the third intended for the improvement of their material situation in society. Let's figure it on with each item separately.

yellow - fulfilling these tasks, you will develop the storyline, immerse yourself in the history of the Revelation Online Universe, learn about the characters proverb. As a fee for performing yellow quests, you will receive a large number of experience, money, reputation of fractions, various equipment, Taelles and decorations;

orange - This type of missions will introduce you to the main possibilities of the game, such as farm, dungeons, baths and the like. These quests will become available from the moment you pump your hero until the 18th level. Award for their passage: different things for the development of a character, coins, rewards of the Order of the Guardians and, of course, experience points;

purple - Unlike Orange, these quests immerse you to another, public sphere Revelation Online. Performing them, you will learn about professions and crafts, guilds and various directions of further development. This type of task is in the "Training" section. Performing them, you will receive noticeably less experience than from the first two categories of quests, but professional tools, scrolls, additional bags, coins and the opportunity to expand the warehouse will be available to you.

blue - missions marked with this color are disposable. They do not directly affect the gameplay, but with their help you can get honorary titles, achievements, Taelles and, additives, the smallness of additional experience, which never hurts;

blue - this category of quests Revelation Online as well as yellow, refers to the plot type. Only here you will participate in the formation of the history of factions, in parallel by building relationships with the local population. Remuneration for this is the blue equipment, experience, reputation of fractions;

green quests may be weekly and daily. There are a lot of varieties of these missions, ranging from PVP activity, completing the provision of assistance to new players in the dungeons. Awards can also be completely different - useful things, experience, money, reputation, improvement of skills, chests and other gaming values;

green "orders of fractions" are the same color with the previous one. You can distinguish them on the hexagon icon, while the usual green quests Revelation online are marked with an eight-pointed star. For most players, these missions are the main source of fractional currency and reputation.

After examining this part of the guide by Revelation Online, you can determine which quests will be interesting to your hero at the moment of playing time. It is worth noting that many players are harder to find the requested quest than to fulfill it. Let's now figure out where to look for the task types listed above.

How to find quests by category

The availability of tasks to your hero is determined by its experience. That is, to achieve a new level on the map, additional mission icons may appear. So, for example, yellow, orange, purple, blue and green quests will be displayed on the map with the corresponding color, or signs "!" or "?" Above the heads of certain NPC. In order to find blue and green fractional tasks - open the map by pressing "M" and in the right part of it, mark the filter "II" and "III" and do not forget to check the box opposite the "mission of fractions".

Hidden quests

As mentioned earlier in the guide on Quests Revelation Online, this category of tasks is the most "mysterious" and unexplored. Because hidden missions were not at the ZBT stage, they can be judged only from the original Chinese version of the game. Due to the difficulties of translation, it is only possible to say that they become available to achieve the 49th level character. And for the performance of hidden quests, the player receives special effects, currency, reputation of fractions, as well as objects for biographies.
