Game last day on earth walkthrough. How to defeat the goon in Last Day on Earth: Survival - effective tactics

In this guide I will provide all the secrets in Last Day on Earth: Survival. The article will be gradually updated, if you know any secrets, write about it in the comments.

Starting the game in Last Day on Earth: Survival

How to change your name

To change the character's name in the equipment menu, you need to click on the blue icon above the hunger and thirst indicators.

Bunker alpha

At the very beginning of the game, after making a backpack, go to the Alpha bunker. The corpse lying at the beginning of the location has a map to enter it, and in the bunker itself you can freely take useful equipment. Bunker code 07275 , 07256 or 77612 .

Saving energy when traveling

Save energy when returning from a trip. The most convenient mode is to play: run to the farming site (exterminate opponents), have fun and fill your backpack, walk home - nothing will happen along the way, which means you can end the game and get busy with other things.

Hunger and thirst

Don't let your character sit idle - he can simply die from hunger and thirst, which will not happen if the game is closed. In the inactive state, nothing happens.

How to quickly level up in Last Day on Earth: Survival

To quickly level up, you need to kill enemies more than extract resources. At the same time, in this case, your weapon will begin to break down quickly, which means you will lose the resources necessary to make it. In any case, this issue will be discussed a little later in a separate article.

Construction in Last Day on Earth: Survival

Construction of a home

Do not try to shirk housing construction and crafting (creating items) in general - without this you will not survive in the game. If possible, place two fires, two smelters and two beds - this will allow you to cook food, process stones/scrap metal and grow carrots twice as fast.


Be sure to make a radio and meet with the merchant more often, sometimes for almost nothing (boards, stones, metal) you can buy useful weapons from him.

Floor and walls

Improve the floor for specific workbenches and furniture - for some you will need the floor of the second and third levels, and some buildings even need bare ground (the floor is improved in construction mode by clicking on the desired square and the up arrow, the icon with a cross - to delete ).

The walls are improved and demolished in the same way as the floor. You should only strengthen them if you plan to encounter hordes of zombies.

Loot boxes

Place as many drawers as you need in your home to store all unknown items, including smartphones, flashlights, flash drives, watches, and so on. Many items can only be used once you reach high levels.

The best way not to get confused in a lot of boxes is to place them near the production and store the corresponding items there (food closer to the fire, iron - to the smelters, and ropes and leather not far from the dryer).

How to defend against zombie hordes in Last Day on Earth: Survival

The zombie horde that approaches the base every day destroys only the walls, without touching anything else. However, if you leave the game 10-15 minutes before they appear, and return after another 10 minutes, only one wall will be demolished. It is worth meeting a zombie horde only with a large supply of bandages and weapons, although there is little point in messing with them. The benefit is only experience and modest loot (loot from the body of the dead).

When fencing the area of ​​your home with stakes, you should place them in at least two rows, since they do not detain zombies, but only injure them.

The “crouch” button (in the lower right) allows you to become less noticeable to zombies and forest animals. In this mode, movement speed is reduced, but you can sneak up from behind and deal triple damage with one blow (damage depends on the weapon in your hand).

Lure zombies out of the crowd one by one. You just need to slowly creep up to the group until one of them, or even two, rushes in your direction - we run back, wait for them and bring them down.

Using tools as weapons

An ax and a pickaxe are not only tools, but also weapons - in difficult times you can pick them up and kill the enemy much faster than with your fists. Although you can arm yourself with them in peacetime, thereby freeing up a slot in your inventory for something more useful.

Checking equipment before a trip

Before going into battle, check the condition of your equipment. If its life is close to the end, it would be very prudent to take a replacement with you. Of course, in green locations you can hope for luck and undress someone along the way, but in orange or red such hope can cost you your entire supply of first aid kits or your life.

Always keep food, bandages or a first aid kit ready - all this can be placed in the equipment slot under the backpack, then in research mode a special button for quickly using the selected item will appear above the attack button.

Shoes often turn out to be more useful than other clothes, since they significantly increase the speed of movement, allowing you to get away from runners and other evil spirits.

In red level locations, you should wait when entering - after some time, toxic zombies will come running to you. It is better to wait and kill them immediately at the entrance, than later they will come running during the battle with other ghouls.

After death, you can take things from your own corpse only if you died in your home location. Accordingly, in other zones, be always prepared to lose everything irrevocably.

Gathering resources in Last Day on Earth: Survival

After clearing the map, routine resource collection can be transferred to the automatic mode (button at the bottom left). And in order not to type everything in a row, you can use the “divide” button to fill all the free inventory slots with the necessary materials. Automation will only have to increase their number without improvising with the assortment.

Do not overuse throwing away - when filling your backpack, you can hide something in the corpse of a killed zombie or wolf, picking it up as inventory slots are freed. For example, having unloaded, you can chop down even more trees, and then return and exchange the ax that has become unnecessary for the logs hidden in the body of the killed one and take home at least 20 more.

You shouldn’t recycle all your resources at the first opportunity. It may turn out that for the required craft Something simple is missing and in a ridiculous quantity - it would be a shame to go to a collection for this.

How to find water in Last Day on Earth: Survival

Water in the game can either be found in bottles or using a water collector. In the first case, you need to examine chests in various locations. There are especially many bottles of water in locations with a fallen plane.

To build a water catchment you will need 10 pine logs, three pieces of fabric and two scrap metal. Pine logs can be found lying around the location or obtained using a wood ax. Pieces of fabric and scrap metal should also be looked for in locations, especially in bags in areas with a fallen plane.

Preparing food and medicine

It is better to cook meat and carrots over a fire, but you need to use berries wisely: in their raw form they better restore health, and in the form of a decoction over a fire they quench hunger and thirst.

It is better not to throw away empty bottles and cans; the former can be filled with water using the Water Collector at the base, and the latter are necessary for creating a spiked hammer, trip wires and some other items.

It is not necessary to carry water with you all the time - you can always drink before going into battle, immediately leave the empty bottle to be filled in the Water Collector and free up a slot in your inventory. As a last resort, if you get thirsty while hiking, you can survive on berries. Likewise with food, you can always subsist on raw meat.

Check your mail every day (coin icon to the left of the craft) - the developers send you Beans in Sauce and Water. And in the case where you die often, there may be a weapon there.

Other secrets in Last Day on Earth

  • At the time of writing, the online mode in the game has not yet been launched. All players who try to kill you when they meet you are bots. You cannot meet with other players.
  • All three neighbors are the same, but with different nicknames. You can make good money from one of them.
  • Parcels from the sky and crashed planes mainly appear when energy drops to 50 and below.
  • There is no code for the computer inside the bunker in the game yet, it will appear in the future with one of the updates.
  • A motorcycle (chopper), an all-terrain vehicle, a truck and a clan tower cannot yet be made - some parts for them are not yet in the game.
  • It is also impossible to assemble a lot of machines and weapons - the components necessary for them are located across the river, where they cannot be reached without transport.
  • It’s also not possible to repair things yet, so save powerful weapons for truly dangerous locations.

The walkthrough is relevant for all versions of the game

Gameplay Features

The game is controlled using the keyboard and mouse.

The menu is called up by pressing a key Esc.

Inventory is not used in the game.

The current game position is saved automatically.

Note. To enlarge the screenshot, click on it in the text of the walkthrough. To view additional screenshots, click on the active links highlighted in the text of the walkthrough in dark red.

Carl and June's favorite place

Carl and June are sitting in the pre-sunset hour at their favorite place - on the boat dock. June, according to her long-term habit, makes sketches in a notebook, and Karl admires his wife. The breeze makes June shiver. Karl invites her to bring a blanket, and June nods her head in agreement.

Play as Karl

We get up from the pier. To do this, press the key E.

Karl's legs became numb from sitting for a long time, and he involuntarily staggered, abruptly rising from his seat. June is amused by this.

Let's go to the shore.

We pick a flower growing here and take it to June.

A woman pins a flower in her hair.

We rush to the shore again, follow the path to the car standing on the hill.

Open the passenger door and take out the blanket. We carry it to June. When approaching your wife, press the key E.

Karl wraps a blanket around June's shoulders and sits down next to her again.

June hands Carl a drawing of him in a Superman costume with a flower in his hand. The couple laughs merrily. June hands her husband a gift, and Carl takes it in his hands.

Some time ago

Carl and June's house

Play as June

Karl is dozing in his favorite chair.

June, gently stroking her husband’s head, takes off his glasses and puts them on the table. There is a knock on the door.

Press the key E, to get out of the chair. We approach the front door. open it.

There is an old man standing behind the door. He has a gift in his hands.

The old man gives the gift to June, and, waving his hand in a friendly farewell, leaves. June returns to the house. Tiptoeing so as not to wake Carl, June walks past his chair.

We go into the dining room and put the gift on the table.

June decides that the gift has no place here.

We carry the gift through the workshop into the hallway and place it on the cabinet.

June decorates the gift with candy, but then decides it's not the right one.

We go up the stairs to the second floor. We put the gift on the bedside table.

And again June doesn’t like something, and she shakes her head negatively.

We take the gift to Karl’s work room and place it on the table next to the computer.

June's gaze falls on the painting, which depicts her and Karl's favorite vacation spot - a boat dock. She removes the painting from the wall. He looks first at the picture, then at the gift. An interesting thought comes to her mind and she decides to give Karl a gift at the boat dock. Having made up her mind, June takes the gift and leaves the room.

Play as Karl

Karl wakes up to gunshots ringing out in the yard.

We put on glasses and approach the window.

Karl opens the window and looks out into the yard.

It turns out that it was the neighbor who again fired at the crows.

After talking with the kid, who offers to play ball, and refusing to do it, Carl discovers that June is not nearby.

We walk through the rooms, looking at all the pictures and notes.

On the way out of June's workshop, Carl hears the back door open.

Carl and June's neighbor appears in the doorway - she returns the bottle opener to Carl.

After the neighbor leaves, we go up to the second floor and go into the office.

We approach the table and look at the picture of a pier. We put the picture in place and leave the office.

At the door, Karl runs into June, in whose hands he sees a picnic basket.

A married couple gets into their car and goes for a picnic to a boat dock.

Carl and June's favorite place again

Play as Karl

Karl is still looking at the gift, not daring to open it.

Press the key E.

Karl, looking questioningly at June, receives an affirmative nod in response. After that, he reaches out to the bow on the box. Suddenly a thunderstorm begins.

Without opening the gift, we rush into the car. We start the car in two attempts (press the E), we move away by pressing the spacebar.

Happy, Carl and June head home.

Carl's house... without June

Play as Karl

Late in the evening, Karl is dozing in a chair.

Press the control key twice E, we wake up.

Karl feels his glasses on the table and puts them on.

We roll the wheelchair towards us and climb into it.

Carla's stomach growls with hunger.

We move to the kitchen (through the open door on the left), open the refrigerator door.

Let's make sure it's empty.

We notice cans of canned food on the shelf and take out one of them.

Approaching the table, Karl tries to open the jar, but nothing comes of it.

We remember the bottle opener that the neighbor brought. We move to June's workshop, open the door

At the threshold, Karl stops hesitantly. He can still hear June's joyful voice. Clenching his will into a fist, Karl finally drives into the workshop.

We interact with the boxes standing on the floor in the room.

Karl, having searched the box, irritably pushes it aside.

In the box standing next to the picture under the blanket, we find an opener.

The blanket on the painting opposite Karl falls off, and he sees June depicted in it. Karl extends his hand to the image of the sweetheart...

We interact with the picture - press the keys E, then - R.

Bunker alpha - how to get inside, the goal in the game

On global map The bunker looks like a military pillbox - a shelter for the defending side. When you enter the location, you find yourself in front of a building. It's closed. A pass with the value "A" is required. Note that there is a dead soldier lying nearby. Search him, there should be a pass in his pocket - move him to you, now you can open the door. A crowd of zombies awaits inside the building. If the character does not have decent armor and powerful weapons, it’s better not to go inside. A machete and soldier's ammunition are perfect.

Having penetrated inside and destroyed the zombies, you can find lockers, there are a lot of useful resources inside, if some of them do not fit in the backpack, leave them here, nothing will disappear and new zombies will not appear. One of the cabinets can store the M16, this weapon for the Turret in the dungeon.

Yes, there is also a dungeon. In the middle of the room there is an elevator that will take the character down (the basements of the bunker are full of zombies), but for this you need to know the password (code).

Previously, destroying zombies in the bunker was his main goal, and the reward was boxes with powerful armor and firearms in the last rooms, as well as searching for parts for transport. Today the goal is the following: to collect coupons for exchange for a super prize, which is stored in the terminals on the ground floor, to remove aluminum wire with parts for transport from the basements.

The bunker has three levels (floors), the first is accessible to everyone, and the rest are only for powerful smartphones:

  • First (Lobby)
  • Second
  • Third
  • Let's figure out how to go through each floor separately.

Code (password) for the alpha bunker

First, to go down into the dungeon, you need to find out the code from the alpha bunker, or more precisely from the elevator. A dead soldier in open locations can give the password to a character (the body is discovered randomly). There is a second option: collect the radio and wait for the message (an exclamation mark will appear above the device). Having received the code, enter it into the terminal on the right wall of the ground floor of the bunker. Please note that in latest update There is no need to enter anything provided that the character has received the password for the elevator; if not, the keyboard with input will crash. Once entered, the code is valid for 72 hours, previously it was 24 hours, and the developers promise to return everything back. At the end of the specified period, the elevator goes down and the bunker is updated.

Bunker alpha first floor – Lobby

Let us first say that you should not go into the bunker unprepared. If you are going to conquer three floors at once, then it is advisable to prepare the following ammunition and weapons. See screenshot below.

To escape to the Lobby, you only need simple armor and a Homemade Bat; there are practically no zombies on the floor.

The floor is valuable because there are three terminals on it for exchanging coupons for suitcases with a prize. These tickets are divided into types (levels):

  • Green for gear
  • Yellow for ammunition
  • Red for weapons

The lobby is accessible to everyone. The remaining levels will be opened by gamers with powerful smartphones. If you are worried that you won’t be able to find the coveted tickets without going into the dungeon, then you are mistaken, tickets can be obtained in red locations, but there are still more of them in the bunker.

If you run to the end of the Lobby, you can find the next elevator, which will lower the character to the second and third floors. Choose where to go down yourself.

Bunker alpha – second floor

Going down to the second floor (being the first), the following picture opens.

Zombies are scattered across the floor. The developers decided it was better to hide almost everyone in rooms, so it would be easier to get through the alpha bunker. The main enemy will be the turret, more on that later.

Open rooms carefully. Run close to the wall and see who is behind it, the name of the mobs is visible on the wall. To a greater extent, you should beware of Furious Giants, they are slow, but they kill a naked character with one blow. If you decide to engage in close combat with him, then put on special forces ammunition and put first aid kits in your pocket (+40 to lives for one piece), otherwise shoot the giant with a Glock17.

Also pay attention to the large concentration of mobs. It is possible to pass through crowds in stealth or lure out one zombie at a time. If you accidentally run into an angry gang, you can run to the elevator, move to another place and come back, the zombies will be in their places.

What interesting things are there on the second floor? This is probably the place with the boxes. Ammunition and weapons can be stored inside.

How to pass the turret in bunker alpha

Earlier we talked about the turret. You can get through it using the M16 (or AK47), which was found a little earlier on the surface. We approach the turret within firing distance of a weapon, the installation should not touch the character - shoot from a distance.

If you don't have a firearm, use a destroyer. But first, put on new special forces armor and stock up on first aid kits. There is a possibility of the character's death, so hide the second set of all things in one of the boxes before attacking the turret.

Bunker alpha – third floor

Having gone down to the third floor of the alpha bunker, the player will not find anything new for himself. All the same zombies and resource boxes. You should go through the floor in the same way; you will need about the same amount of weapons and armor for the level as for the second.

During the passage, you may run out of weapons, do not forget that the inventory now contains coupons that can be exchanged in the Lobby for a suitcase, but there will definitely be something firearms inside.

What difficult places can catch gamers by surprise? Most likely this is a gas room, you can’t go through it without a gas mask, so don’t go inside, but the gas mask is in the third suitcase/terminal (you need to exchange it for red coupons). Second place is another turret.

Turret on the 3rd floor

Third - a room with a locked door under voltage, do not run close - it will kill you.

At the very end of the third floor there is a room with a chemist's board. Approach her and interact. In return, the character will learn a new drawing - an acid bath. Well, that’s all, then wait for the location to respawn (24 or 72 hours) and run to clear the alpha bunker again.

Don't be afraid to die in the bunker, as you can quickly return and take all the things you find from your corpse. However, do not forget that if you die a second time and do not have time to get to your previous body, it will simply disappear along with all your items (this system was borrowed by the developers from Dark Souls).

Before you go down, you should be well prepared for what awaits you: take with you firearms and equip your character with high-level equipment. The greatest danger is the Furious Giant, which can kill your hero in one or two hits. In addition, his health bar is 500 hp. Fortunately, he moves slowly, so you can take him down from afar with a pistol or assault rifle.

How to destroy turrets?

On the 1st lower level of the bunker you will encounter two turrets. To destroy the first of them you will need some kind of gun, preferably using an M16 rifle or Vintorez. Start slowly approaching the turret and shooting at it while being out of its reach. Just in case, add a “healer” to the quick access slot so that you can quickly heal if something happens. Having dealt with the cannon, go around the corner and find a small gas valve there. Interact with it to turn off the gas supply. This way you won't get damaged by the steam as you move further down the corridor.

A few minutes later you will encounter a second turret. We hope that by this time you will have already found the AK-47 assault rifle in the armory. If not, then use M16 or Vintorez again. Once you enter the room, immediately turn right and get to the corner, staying away from the electric fence, which does quite a bit of damage and cannot be deactivated.

While in the corner, slowly look out and aim at the turret. With an AK-47 you can 100% hit it from a distance without getting hit by it (this tactic may not work with other types of weapons). Again, add some healing item to the quick access slot.

After destroying the second turret, go to the terminal, which will inform you that the following items are needed to open the door:

  • 10 bolts;
  • 7 wires;
  • 5 transistors.

Detailed map of the 1st lower level of the bunker:


  • EF – electric fence
  • M – location of the minigun (machine gun)
  • A – location of the AK-47 assault rifle
  • E – elevator
  • F - Furious Giant
  • PC – computer
  • L – laser trap (summons a horde when triggered)
  • Big - big guy
  • V – valves
  • H – horde
  • B – closed
  • T – turrets
  • Don’t open - don’t open
  • Steam

Map Tip: In this area, go back up the stairs and place all your items in one of the lockers. Then go through the lasers and die. Afterwards, return to the bunker, take your things from the storage and go downstairs. Do not go further, as the zombies will come to you. Take out the first wave with melee weapons, and the second with a pistol or rifle.

If we talk about the reward, then you can find the following items in the lower level:

  • AK-47 assault rifle that deals 15 damage per turn.
  • Magazine Motor (radiation).
  • A minigun (machine gun) that deals 17 damage per turn and has a phenomenal rate of fire.
  • Gas tank and fork for Chopper (motorcycle).

Having taken all the useful things, you can use this bunker as storage for a short period of time.

Walkthrough of the 2nd lower level of Bunker Alpha

Along with the release of update 1.5.4, access to the second lower level of the Alpha bunker opened, which is even more difficult to pass than the first. However, you should not be afraid of dying in this location, since you can always return to your corpse and pick up all the useful things. However, after the second death, your first corpse will disappear.

Walkthrough of the 3rd lower level of Bunker Alpha

This floor contains the following objects: an electric fence, a gas chamber, a generator, gas leaking pipes, terminal-controlled doors, a laser-based alarm, and a turret. In addition, here you can find a drawing of an acid bath, lying in one of the last rooms.

  • Door - doors
  • Acid Bath - drawing of an acid bath
  • Lootables - loot
  • Terminal - terminal
  • Generator - generator
  • Elevator - elevator
  • Gas - gas
  • Gore - blood
  • Alarm - alarm

Jul 30, 2017 Game guides

The word “survival” is in the very name of the game - it’s clear that you need to survive in it. In this guide, we'll look at the game's scorecards and how to die and survive in it.

How can you die

Survival is essentially avoiding death (deep). How can you die in Last Day on Earth: Survival?

  • You can be killed by a zombie/wolf/survivor
  • You may die of hunger
  • You might die of thirst
  • You can die from contact with a trap (you can only die on purpose, so there won’t be any special ways to avoid dying from traps - just watch your step)

You (at least for now) cannot die from:

  • Hypothermia (despite the presence of a “thermometer” in the game when loading)
  • Diseases (the game explains that survivors are immune to the zombie infection, and no other diseases are provided)
  • Rotten food (despite this danger in many similar games, even raw meat doesn’t rot here)

What happens after death

After death, you lose all the things that were in your inventory and were worn by you, and you find yourself at your base. There are no other penalties, such as loss of experience or waiting time for respawn. All items that were at your base also remain safe and sound.

Surprisingly, sometimes death is useful - for example, if you are hungry/thirsty and don’t want to waste food and water, then you can simply die and your indicators will be replenished to 100. Of course, you can only die in this way at the base, having first put all the things in boxes. To die at the base, you can catch a zombie and use it for this, or build a trap and stand in it yourself. Death can also be useful for saving energy and time - if you die outside the base, you will quickly return to it without any costs. Although you usually leave your base to get useful materials and resources, sometimes it may happen that you primarily care about experience for collecting resources and killing monsters - in this case, you can leave one of the zombies alive and die to quickly transfer to base after gaining experience.

However, in this guide we are still looking at ways to survive, so in the future we will look at ways to escape from certain fatal situations listed above.

How not to die from an enemy attack

The best way not to die from an enemy attack is to avoid getting caught by him. If you stay away from your enemies and run away from opponents attacking you, you can live longer than if you get into a fight with everyone. If you want to avoid enemies, then stay close to the edges of the location so that you can escape at any time. When you leave a location, you can immediately enter it again - the enemies will change their position and you can continue to collect resources in relative safety.

However, you need to fight with enemies for the sake of experience and some resources - zombies drop rags and ropes, wolves give skin and meat, and survivors can be rewarded with excellent loot, collected at random (they may also have super-rare items like passes to bunkers or flash drives) . If you want to fight effectively, then try to kill enemies one by one - a crowd of even the weakest zombies can kill you in a few seconds. You also need to pay attention to who you are fighting with and with what: attack the “fat man” with with bare handsbad idea, since in this case you won’t be able to defeat him without using a bunch of first aid kits, even sneaking up from behind and delivering a sneak attack.

You can sneak up on every enemy, except survivors and the zombie thug, the boss from the red locations. These opponents themselves attack you the moment they appear on the map. If you start fighting next to other enemies who have not yet noticed you, then these enemies will also attack you, so it is better to run away from the survivors for a while, luring them to an empty place on the map. It's better not to fight a zombie bruiser at all if you want to survive - this beast can only be defeated by fully dressed in best armor, equipped with the best weapons like the AK-47 and collecting a lot of first aid kits. Before you become so cool fighter, it is better to immediately leave the location at the first sign of a thug appearing.

Also keep in mind that at night enemies see you worse than during the day, and you need to sneak up on them (or sneak past them) from behind or from the side - if you sneak from the front, the zombie will still notice you and attack you. Among other things, the success of stealth is influenced by how clean you are - if you don’t wash for a long time, you will start to smell unpleasant (yellow icon), and if you come under attack from a toxic zombie, you will literally start to stink (red icon) and the distance, with There will be much less time for zombies to notice you. To wash yourself, you need to build a shower and use two bottles of water in it.

In order not to die from enemy attacks, you must first of all have some kind of weapon - either one that will kill small zombies with one blow (destroyer, sledgehammer), or at least one that will allow you to kill them with a sneak attack and defend yourself in open battle (although would be a spear, or better yet, a crowbar). Clothing is a good thing, but it doesn't reduce damage enough to be a critical aspect of survival in combat. It is much more important to have good weapon to kill enemies faster. You should also always carry healing items in the active slot (with a shield next to the character’s portrait in the inventory) - this way you can quickly use them in a critical situation. If you don't have weapons or healing items, then it's better not to fight and just run away when you come into contact with an enemy.

Also try not to drink a lot while near an enemy. If you drink a lot of water, the character will want to relieve himself - and this will greatly slow down his movement, and the process of urination itself will take up some of his time. If you are attacked at this moment, you will most likely receive very high damage.

How not to die of hunger

It is quite difficult to die from hunger in this game - the indicator drops quite slowly - but it is possible. However, avoiding starvation is quite easy - even if you don’t have any food in your inventory, you can find berries in almost every location. The berries do not restore satiety very much, but it is enough to run to the edge of the area and run to the house where your food is stored.

Of course, at home you must cook food constantly - be sure to build a fire and always process food on it (you will also need wood as fuel). Food cooked over fire restores satiety levels much better. A garden bed on your property wouldn’t be out of place—carrots grow on it. Carrot seeds are very easy to get - they are found in almost every bunch of grass. Although carrots take a long time to grow, it is better to grow as many of them as possible in order to have a supply for making carrot stew.

In the most critical case, check your mail - almost every day they send you three cans of beans, which is enough to completely fill you up.

How not to die of thirst

It is easier to die from thirst than from hunger - this figure drops much faster. At the beginning of the game, it will be quite difficult for you to get water - it is spent not only on drinking, but also on showering, and until you have a water collector (at level 6), it will be difficult to get water. In this case, you can prepare berry compote - 3 berries turn into a cup of compote over the fire. Compote restores thirst well and improves health.

Once you have built a water catchment, use it regularly - you should leave any empty bottles you have left over after drinking and put them in the water catcher. Please note that in order for empty bottles to appear in your inventory, you must have at least one empty space in your pockets/backpack when drinking!

When going to locations, you must have at least one bottle of water with you. Drink it only if you feel thirsty - as mentioned above, drinking too much is not recommended. You can also find beer at the locations - it relieves thirst very well, but you will almost immediately want to go to the toilet after using it.

Again, in an emergency, check your mail - along with 3 cans of beans, they send you 3 bottles of water.

Open Last Day on Earth: Survival - guide... in BlueStacks

So you just started playing wonderful game about survival The Last Day on Earth on Android and you want to level up as quickly as possible and, so to speak, learn all the intricacies of the game. That is why we have prepared the most useful tips by passing, different secrets and so on. This article will be constantly updated and possibly changed due to the fact that the game is constantly being updated and new changes are introduced.

Let's start with the basic tips:

From the very beginning you will have a more or less normal weapon and jacket (you will find them in the truck), kill all the zombies and animals in your location and collect some resources, so you will get level 2. Immediately after this, examine the backpack in the crafting menu so that you can take more things with you after looting at locations. Build at least a small house and make a box there, or better yet several at once, to store things. At the initial levels, while you are still weak, always keep the most necessary resources in reserve, for example, if you are suddenly killed and you don’t have anything to use to make a backpack (ropes and grass) or a weapon (wood). Also try to make a vegetable garden as soon as possible to grow carrots there.

At the very beginning of the game on the global the map will fall plane near your base. Be sure to go there. By the way, don’t take anything with you there, that is, in general, leave the backpack completely empty and take off all your equipment. To be on the safe side, take a spear or an ax; you won’t mind throwing it away later. In this location, you will very rarely encounter zombies and wolves, and before that time you will already find top-end clothing and pistols and even food in boxes and suitcases. Wear everything you can on yourself, the rest in your backpack. You won’t be able to pick up all the loot at once, so take the most important things first, and this is equipment, weapons, first aid kits, water and food. If there is room left, take different spare parts: bolts, darts, electrical tape, etc. And yes, you will come across different cards with the letters A, B, C, take them too, these are passes for bunkers. Read more about bunkers below. If there is still something important left, you can come back again to pick up the rest of the trinkets. By the way, iPhones can then be disassembled into parts on a special bench.

From time to time, boxes will appear on the world map in which you can find cool equipment, so do not neglect such events. Also try not to use all your energy, keep a little in reserve, because both the planes and the boxes will be stationary temporarily and you simply won’t have time to get there on foot.

Guide to locations, what is the best way to go on raids and what is best to collect?

1. Before the hike, eat and drink so that your indicators are full.

2. When you are going to go to any location, try to have more free space in your backpack, so wear everything you can on yourself. If you have completed the first point, then you do not need to take water, and food can be placed in the quick slot as a heal. The screenshot below shows how your uniform should ideally look.

Someone will say: “how am I going to cut down trees and mine stone or ore?” It’s very simple, in those places there are always sticks and single stones lying around from which you can make a tool.

3. First of all, you need to clear the entire lawn of zombies and other predators.

4. Collect berries to replenish your HP. At the first level (green) locations there are enough berries to fully restore health after a fight with zombies, so you don’t even have to put anything in the quick slot here.

5. To clear level 2 locations (orange) you need 2 weapons, one for yourself, the second for your backpack.

6. Inspect all the chests, there are a lot of useful things there.

7. Be careful, you may be attacked by other survivors (bots), especially when you are rummaging through your bag. Don't forget to search the bots you kill, often you will be able to find best weapon or clothes.

8. If you have just started, remember that water and food are a priority, if you find water, take it, but don’t throw away empty bottles, save used cans too, they will be useful to you for making weapons and other things. Then, when you have at least 10 bottles, even empty ones, and a Rain Catcher (opens at level 6), then the need to collect water from location to location will disappear (read our guide on provisions). When you have already leveled up, if you find weapons or clothes better than yours, then these things are a priority, it is better to take them and throw away some piece of fabric, rope, stone or even food, especially if you are, for example, at level 15, and the found weapon opens at level 40, and this rule applies at whatever level you are. Think logically, the production of normal equipment requires several types of resources (read more in our weapons guide).
