How to shuffle cards correctly. How to shuffle cards, basic methods

Tricks with cards gained popularity in Russia during the reign of Peter I. It was then, during the period of rapprochement with European society, that cards began to be used for a pleasant pastime.

Various tricks and tricks were in no way inferior to games and developed in parallel courses with them. The ability to play cards was respected among the nobles. This allegedly confirmed the presence of a French “trace” in the blood.

Tricks with cards can be divided into several categories:

  • decorative manipulations;
  • forcing;
  • double lifts;
  • palming;
  • shuffles.

In today's article we will look at each variety in detail.

Decorative manipulations

Slating- This is an excellent method for creating card fans, one- or two-handed flips, ribbons on tables and a card waterfall.

How to learn the card trick slating? To begin with, we note that mastering these skills will help you impress your friends and acquaintances. In addition, you will have unlimited opportunity to manifest Creative skills. A moment of motivation! Now let's get down to business. The most popular tricks are faiths and ribbons. Let's get some card trick training one-handed fan– it’s not as difficult to do as it might seem at first.

To begin, take a tightly padded deck of cards and hold it tightly in your hand, clasping it with your middle fingers. You need to hold it on the sides with your little finger and also with your index finger. To perform the trick, you need to press your thumb on the lower left corner of the deck. Congratulations - the fan is ready. The same fan can be made in the other hand, only all instructions must be followed in a mirror manner. If you combine two fans, you get a beautiful card trick.

Below you can watch a video about performing the fan trick.

Forcing and double lifts

The ideal way to entertain friends and acquaintances is to perform card forcing trick. A simple example: a person chooses any card, and the “magician” performing the trick pulls it out of the deck on the command “stop”. There are a large number of forcing options. Learning card tricks is difficult to start with. Especially with its more complicated variations. Let's look at a trick like turning the top card into any other card. You pick up the deck and show the top card, which the audience must remember. Next, the palm of the second hand must be passed over the deck - as a result, a completely different card should appear on top. Reverse movement of the hand - and the previous card returned to its place. This feint also cannot be called a trick with cards for beginners.

Main secret card trick, causing delight among the audience - do not make unnecessary movements, dividing the deck in half or shuffling it. From the outside it looks like magic.

Technically speaking, double lifting can be done with any part of the deck. Each individual case has its own characteristics. Therefore, to consolidate the material, we recommend watching the video.


A great card trick for beginners - palming. Let's first figure out what it is. In simple terms, this is a very subtle set of manipulations with the deck, as a result of which one or more cards go into the shuffler’s hand.

Let's tell you a secret that this is an effective cheating technique that allows you to create a gaming advantage for yourself. Palming is in the arsenal of all self-respecting tricksters and cheaters. The purpose of using this card trick may differ depending on the situation: to surprise the audience, or to beat the opponent.


If you are not a big fan of magic tricks, but love playing cards and want to please your friends, pay attention to shuffle. It is enough to master several types of shuffle, and you will be able to give a head start to any stuntman. From the outside it looks impressive. A deft shuffle can elevate you as a player in the eyes of your opponents. There are many varieties of shuffle. To master them, you need to watch a training video.


How to learn to do tricks with cards? First, you need to set yourself such a goal and move towards it every day. The secret to learning quickly lies in consistent practice, as well as a positive attitude and faith that everything will work out. We advise you to start learning tricks with regular shuffles, or with decorative manipulations.

Good afternoon everyone. Today I got up and since I haven’t written anything for a long time, I decided to write an article in which I want to talk about ways to shuffle cards.

Players who play simple games at home may not wonder how to shuffle cards, because as a rule they shuffle in the classic way and this is quite enough for them.

Let me remind you that the classic shuffle is when the deck is in the left hand, and the right hand picks it up and begins to move up and down, periodically dumping small stacks into the left hand. When shuffling in the classical way, tricks such as jogging, injog, and sub-drop are used. This method is common at home among people who play folk games like "", "Drunkard", etc. Although those who like to play poker at home buy themselves shuffle machines.

All methods of shuffling cards

What is a shuffle?

Shuffle - translated from in English means mixing or shuffling. That is, in essence, this is any action aimed at shuffling the cards before the start of the game.

There are several types of shuffles - overhand, riffle, faro, strip, chemi, vice and Indian shuffle.

Overhand Shuffle (Classical shuffling) is the familiar shuffling of the deck, when the stacks are simply thrown from one hand to another.

(Faro Shuffle) - the cards are shuffled perfectly and quickly, because the cards are mixed one after another. This shuffle appeared thanks to the game of the same name. In this game it was necessary to collect paired cards, and after the next round they had to be broken. Faro was best suited for this.

(Riffle Shuffle) - This method is also called the “American way” of shuffle, Riffle, Insert. It is performed either in the hands or on the table. The shuffling happens quickly and the cards mix well with each other.

(Strip Shuffle) - a method of block shuffling a deck. In this type of shuffling, the deck is shuffled into blocks. From 3 and above.

(Chemmy Shuffle) - during such a shuffle, the cards are mixed chaotically. The deck is usually laid out on the table either with a ribbon in two rows, or in the shape of the letter “M”, or the deck is cut in half, and the packs are placed next to each other and begin to twist, after which the packs are also mixed in a chaotic order.

There is another type of shuffling. It is called . The essence of the shuffle is that the cards are also shuffled block by block, and block by block they are mixed in the hands, unlike the Strip Shuffle, where they are shuffled on the table.

Vice Shuffle - shuffle invented by the famous Daniel Madison. Not for a beginner.

What after the cards are shuffled?

After the shuffling is completed, the deck must be leveled by the shuffler (dealer) and trimmed. At home, this is usually done by the player sitting to the left of the dealer. In the casino there is a cutting card for this. It is usually red or yellow, but security experts say it is better to use a black cutting card.

They are convinced that with good vision and proper lighting, through a card of yellow or red color, you can see the card adjacent to the cutting one from below.

The cutting card is placed under the deck to prevent the bottom card from being exposed, and also serves to divide the deck. In fact, it is the same card, the same size as the cards from the deck, but it is not played with.

After the procedure with the cutting card, the cards are placed in the “shoe”. This is a special device for distributing cards. From there, cards are dealt during the game. The wagered ones are added to the side. As soon as a cutting card appears from the “shoe”, the cards are mixed again.

Casinos use special shuffle machines to shuffle cards. They automatically shuffle the deck, thereby completely eliminating the interference of a cheater in this process.

Well, that's all, friends. I hope the article “How to Shuffle Cards” will be useful to you.


Any card player - professional or amateur - knows perfectly well what shuffling cards is and how they should be shuffled. There are several basic ways to mix cards:

Hand to hand shuffle (or natrusk) and grooved shuffle. The first method is most often used at home and has two types: up and down mixing and "running manner". In the first type, when shuffling cards, the bottom group of the deck is at the bottom. In the second, a slightly extended card or group of cards is used to assemble a deck (in-jogs and out-jogs), shuffling on top of the pack.

At grooved shuffle use deck control, card or group control, ledge shuffle, grooved pick, and assembly movement.

Another type of shuffle - "Pharaoh", where the alternation of cards occurs evenly from the two halves of the deck.

Shuffle) is any mixing and moving of cards in order to create their unpredictable and uncertain output during the game. A shuffle is a preparatory procedure before cards are dealt. The deck is thoroughly mixed and trimmed.

All dealer operations should be clear, the optimal speed when shuffling cards is average, and the pace should be uniform. All this happens before the eyes of the players. Good and effective shuffling of cards requires a certain skill and dexterity of the hands of the dealer and is sometimes a decisive factor in the outcome of the game.

The casino uses several basic types of shuffles: riffle, shammy, strip.

IN riffle shuffle Shuffling of two halves of a deck of cards is used - this is a thorough and quick mixing.

IN shammy shuffle There is a chaotic shuffling of cards.

Block mixing of cards, where 4 or more parts of a deck of cards are mixed together, is called strip shuffle.

Each shuffle is accompanied by a mandatory card alignment procedure and ends pruning. Trimming is the final step in the complete shuffle cycle. It is performed by the dealer only once and strictly with one hand; at home, the deck is cut by the player sitting in front of the dealer.

The complete process of shuffling cards is alternation several shuffles, leveling and trimming and is carried out before each distribution. In a casino, the dealer mixes all the cards, after which the player is asked to cut them with a special cutting card. Then the cards are placed in a special device called a “heel” or "shoe", from which the cards for distribution are taken. In some cases, the first few cards from the “heel” are removed “face down”. Previously played cards are stacked in a specially designated place. As soon as the cut card comes out of the “heel”, the current hand is played out and the entire deck is shuffled again. Thus, the cards that remain behind the cut do not participate in the game.

In the casino, and in Lately increasingly, at home, special devices are used to shuffle cards - shuffle machines.

The machine effectively mixes a deck of cards in a fully automatic mode. With its help, the preparatory stage for the game is significantly accelerated and cheating at the stage of shuffling cards is eliminated. Convenience, practicality and reliability in using a shuffle machine guarantees a fair distribution of cards at home gaming tournaments, high level games and prestige.

Beautiful and effective shuffling of cards allows you to surprise the audience even before the start of the illusion show or game. Any trick will become even more exciting if you perform unusual actions with cards. Do you want to become a successful illusionist? Be sure to figure out how to shuffle cards beautifully.

Faro – spectacular and interesting

To perform the shuffle you will need new cards. When done correctly it will some kind of inset of pictures and their beautiful transition from one hand to another .

Faro looks like a waterfall. Achieving this effect is not difficult

Like a waterfall, the cards should shimmer, creating an exciting picture. How to do something so complicated? As easy as pie!

You will need:

  1. Take the deck in your left hand.
  2. Hold exactly half the deck with your right hand.
  3. The two parts of the pack should be properly aligned and placed vertically, placing one on top of the other, applying light pressure.
  4. Loosen your grip a little, after which the cards will begin to separate.

After painstaking training, you can achieve perfection. Careful preparation will help you shuffle the deck quickly and creatively, creating unusual waterfall. The main thing to remember is that the quality of the feint depends on the number of repetitions and your efforts.


Flipping is a fairly simple method of mixing. At the moment of execution of the flourish all fingers are used . The stack should be well fixed. Stirring by flipping looks extraordinary. This way it is possible to mix the stack not only before the start of the trick, but also before the ordinary ones.

You need to use all your fingers to scroll

Do you want to learn a new method? Repeat each step:

  • Break the packet in half using your right thumb.
  • Effectively flip through both parts so that the cards lie on top of each other. Pictures from both packs should flash alternately.
  • Bend the packet into a “C” shape and loosen your fingers. This simple movement will allow the cards to easily enter the new pile.

To successfully execute a flourish It's better to take a new pack. Cards in good condition are easily amenable to various tricks. Old cards are not flexible enough to shuffle nicely and easily.

Beautiful volt

Volts is a special shuffling method based on the high-speed movement of individual stacks of a deck in the hands. Volt looks like like juggling. It looks very good, but it is quite easy to learn.

Volt is similar to juggling, but much easier to implement

What do we have to do:

  • The stack here will need to be divided into three approximately equal parts .
  • Hold the pack in your left hand with three fingers by the parts that are shorter - the thumb on the outer edge, the middle and index fingers on the inner.
  • Next, with your index finger, you lift a third of the cards and move them to the side.
  • The index finger with your left is fixed on the outer edge of this half; you place the same finger with your right on the inner edge and move it in the opposite direction from the handle.
  • The stack spins on two fingers, rotates 180 degrees and falls into the right handle.
  • Further from what's left you bend the index part, holding it with your thumb .
  • Place your right thumb on the outside and rotate the half on the two thumbs in the same way.
  • And then place your right index finger next to your left thumb and twist the last part on two fingers in the same way.

The most important thing in Volta is speed of movement. Of course, you won't be able to do this right away. You will most likely have to spend more than one day to make the trick look beautiful, although it all depends on your efforts.

It is worth noting that if the two previous methods mix the cards really well, then the volt is more likely aimed at making an impression on others. You are unlikely to be able to mix the deck well this way.

All three are protozoa shuffle methods. There really are a lot of effective ways to mix cards. Train your fingers, develop dexterity, and then any method will become within your control.

Video tutorials will help you learn how to shuffle cards beautifully:

The short answer to the question of how to properly shuffle a deck of cards is: carefully. It is necessary to destroy the existing chain of cards, without leaving a single previous sequence. There are several methods. During official tournaments and in casinos, classic methods are usually used. When holding private games, you can surprise the audience with the most exotic tricks.

Basic methods

- Traditional. This method is simple and anyone can do it. The deck is in the left hand. The one on the right takes some of the cards and gives them to the left again, but in a different order. The so-called “rafting” allows you to shuffle cards well at home.

- Faro (Fan). A more complex method, it is often used by experienced dealers. Holding the cards suspended, they need to be divided into two approximately equal piles, connected with the edges like a gear, bent in an arc and quickly shuffled through one. Looks impressive, but takes practice and a strong deck.

- American version(aka Cut-In and Rifle). Shuffled in hands or on the table. The deck is bent up to 90 degrees and “slapped” into the other hand until about halfway. Then bend both parts, holding the edge with your thumb. They quickly “shoot” the card on each side to mix them up.

- strip. The deck is divided into blocks and then shuffled. There should be at least three parts, they are simply thrown on the table surface, one on top of the other, and so on at least 7-8 times.

- Chemmi. With a smooth movement, the dealer lays out the deck into two ribbon-shaped fans. After this, he simply mixes it, distributing it with his hands on the table in random order. After this it is collected into a pile.

- Indian style. The deck is divided into blocks and shuffled, as in the Strip version, but not on the table, but held in the hands.

Shuffle machine

Want to shuffle the cards so that everyone gasps? Learn to do this very quickly. But it is important to understand that there is always room for unconscious error and a loophole for cheaters.

For example, when shuffling in parts, the trickster can move the necessary cards to the bottom, and after shuffling, move them to the top again. There are dozens of such tricks.

To eliminate the human factor and mistrust, use a shuffle machine. This device will save you from worrying about how to shuffle cards correctly. Everything will be done perfectly and quickly. There are both inexpensive amateur models and professional-level options, usually they are built into the table.

Completing the Shuffle

Preparation of cards for the game is not limited to shuffling. The dealer must level the deck. In home games, his role is usually played by the person who sits to the left of the dealer.

To do this, take a cutting card; it is found in most poker sets. It is placed under the stack, this will prevent the bottom card from being accidentally “exposed”. The deck is sent to the “shoe” and handed over from there until only the cutting deck remains.
