Guide and walkthrough for "Shadow Warrior". Bad Lands City of Shadows Walkthrough Big Trouble in Calamity

This is one of the most popular fighting games for mobile devices. It is very popular, but not very easy. And to simplify your victories over martial arts masters, we decided to write a guide for you. Read, apply in action and win!


Don't try to enter a duel with a "Hard" rating. You can deal a lot of hits, but the damage will be very small. In addition, the speed of battles in the game is not the highest, so start with training. On them you will understand when to start hitting and at what distance. During the fight, do not try to knock as much as possible, better try to miss as little as possible. Choose a weapon for yourself so that you can avoid blows.

Be aware of the peculiarity of AI, it is not quite capable of memorizing your punches. Try to alternate them more often: in the head, in the legs, in the chest, in the legs, in the head, and so on. And if you get too close in battle, then hit on the legs, this will stop the enemy’s blow, and you will escape.

Act 1

Here we will tell you what weapons you need to fight with certain opponents:
  • Shin - without a choice there will be knives;
  • Brick - give brass knuckles, but knives are better;
  • Monkey - with bare hands;
  • Joker - with knives into battle;
  • Vulture - we get knives;
  • Madman - put on brass knuckles;
  • Iron - do not forget about brass knuckles;
  • Velvet - we take Sai with us;
  • Robber - we destroy him with batons;
  • Fiend - cripple him with a machete;
  • Ray - for all Sai;
  • Ghost - it's more complicated. You can buy a sword, and if you are lucky enough to win nunchucks, then better than them. And from the armor, a riveted jacket and a soldier's kabuto;
  • Goldfinch - here we take a thorn, a snake mask and a leather jacket. We bring down quickly;
  • Lynx - we collect with us a bloody reaper, snake armor and a ritual mask. Victory will be yours.

Act 2

Here it is advised to pump a bloody reaper and a ritual mask, and you can take any armor. And now for the opponents and weapons against them:
  • Prophet - take daggers;
  • Bully - remember the crescents;
  • Lucky - tonfa is needed here;
  • Serpent - grab a pole;
  • Cliff - kris on it;
  • Devil - swords will do;
  • The dragon is best of all a bloody reaper and a ritual mask, then we’ll just pile on;
  • Buffalo - similar to the Dragon;
  • The praying mantis is a difficult opponent... We buy Imhotep's hammer, a ritual mask, "crow's curse" armor and throwing knives;
  • Tiger - here we take the hooks of the destroyer, the ritual mask, the “curse of the raven” armor and shurikens;
  • Crane - everything is the same as that of a tiger and a soul eater;
  • Hermit - like a Crane.

Act 3

There are no special instructions, so let's get down to business:
  • Fortune teller - grab steel nunchucks;
  • Pickpocket - stilettos come in handy;
  • Whip - against him a heavy pole;
  • Exile - axes in hand;
  • Raven - claws are required;
  • Cutthroat - Eastern sabers will do;
  • The bird - the main thing is to know that she has knives. We swing and fight;
  • Rhinoceros - he has a crescent, but otherwise like a bird;
  • Bull - we take either an exterminator or a katana, as well as a ritual mask and armor "curse of the raven". Also, do not forget about the harvester of souls and it is desirable to buy a fireball;
  • Redhead - download everything and into battle!

Act 4

We watch the twists of the plot through the Wasp and proceed to the battle:
  • Mongoose - take yari;
  • Lily - butterfly swords will do;
  • Woodcutter - for him labrys;
  • Fox - grab a golden katana;
  • Pestilence - paired clubs will come in handy;
  • Old man - a glaive will go here;
  • Kraken - He uses dadao but he just swings it around. Just swing and hit;
  • Shark - we take better labrys;
  • Boatswain - it is better to pump knives, they will be more convenient against him;
  • Broadsword - to win we take khopesh of the pharaoh;
  • Whaler - as with the Broadsword;
  • Wasp - take either coral spikes or kusarigama.

Act 5

Left just a little bit. We continue the fight:
  • Viper - here you need a kusarigama;
  • Claw - grab sickles;
  • Ataman - moon sabers will come in handy;
  • Thunder - a two-handed mace will go well;
  • Squirrel - pick up magari-yari;
  • Cleaver - dadao will do
  • Irbis - the main thing with sickles;
  • Wolf - take sabers. And if it works out, then we take the Heavy Kusarigama;
  • Tour - download Kusarigama or the staff of the night;
  • Bear - the staff of the night to help you;
  • Puma - here it is desirable to take a glaive and hope for good luck.

Act 6

The end is near, we are at the finish line. Therefore, forward to the ring:
  • Gypsy - you will need war hammers;
  • Savage - we pick up the northern hammer for battle;
  • Arrow - a silver spear will do;
  • Whirlwind - to win, grab heavy nunchucks;
  • Thief - take cathars with you;
  • Nomad - a sharp tonfa will help you;
  • Fury - don't forget the ceremonial jian-gou;
  • Corporal - for an easy victory we take the sai of the harbinger;
  • Captain - it is better to take the northern spear against him;
  • Major - take the sai of the harbinger;
  • Colonel - need a trident;
  • General - we fight like a colonel;
  • Shogun - sharp tonfa or emerald chisels are suitable, but beware of bodyguards.

After getting out of the car, we go to the entrance to the temple of the Passion. Climbing the stairs, we will be introduced to the controls. Changing weapons and more. We approach the wall and break the wooden structure with the sword. We go through the cave. We need to steal a mysterious item for the yakuza. Double jump to the top of the hill. To jump over distant obstacles, use the jump dash. It can also be used separately. Having reached the checkpoint, we jump down. Everything is fine, we survived and it's great. Fall damage is disabled. Below we kill the first enemies. At the same time, remember the tricks that you can use to make good combinations of punches. They will also be described in the "Skills" tab.

Move on. We are told that we use the [Q] key to restore health. A little further we find the sanctuary of ammunition, it restores the number of rounds for all types of active weapons. After the gate we go down and pick up the artifact. Again enemies. The statue comes to life and you have to deal with it. In combat, the Guardian can summon allies that are controlled by him. Until the decoys are destroyed, it will not be possible to kill the Temple Guardian. Having finished it, we leave the cell. Watch a short cut-scene.

It remains to get to the car. On the way there will be another statue - healing shrines - fully restores health if you approach them. We rise along the stairs, then we jump to the ledge to climb higher. Megarachnids will come across along the way. At the waterfall we climb the wall and find ourselves at the control point. Now we jump down and hold in the air to perform a heroic landing. We deal with the enemies waiting below and run to the car.

We move along the path to the Yakuza estate. We enter the gate and find ourselves in a chic building. We walk along the red carpet, climb the stairs near the snake statue and we will have a conversation with Mamushi Heika. After the cut-scene, we take the reward from the butler for this task.


  • 10000 credits
  • 1 pt. Skills
  • Hauer

My hero

It turns out that Kamiko, the daughter of boss Mamushi Heika, has gone missing. She was working undercover at Zilla's labs and was worried that she had been exposed. And today she did not come to meet Smith. We are sent to save Kamiko.

Appearing in Zila's research laboratory, we go to the door illuminated with red light and use a fake access card. The card does not work and security drones immediately arrive. Let's try the recently obtained shotgun on them. When finished, the card will have to be taken away from the Zila soldiers. We go up the stairs to the soldiers. We kill them and take the card. Now use the map on the door to get into the laboratory. We kill the enemies inside and pick up the card is already the 2nd level of access. Climb up the stairs and open the next door. Wang finds Kamiko. She became strange after the introduction of some drug. It's like a demon has taken over. Now it remains to deal with the people of Zila. Clean up floor by floor. We take the access card of the 3rd level and penetrate the floor where the girl is being held. We take her with us. After that, watch the cut-scene.

Master Smith decides to place Kamiko's soul in Lo Wang's body, otherwise they may lose her. When the soul of Kamiko is temporarily placed in the body of Wang, we go for equipment to our lair. We go up to the second floor and take everything we have. Now let's go talk to Hideo. He temporarily fills in for Master Smith, and he's here to show us the new chi techniques. This is a quest reward. We pick up and say goodbye to him.


  • 2 points skills
  • Skill "Disappearance"
  • Blades of the Zaibatsu

Hot blood

In order to bring Kamiko back to where she belongs, Master Smith needs some ingredients. We go to the merchant Larry, not far from Lo Wang's lair and buy golden chrysanthemum powder. He owes Wang for one business, so the powder is free.

Now let's go to the car. Kamiko does not want to go and says that she discovered the ability to teleport when she did it by accident. Now we open the task map and select the active task "Hot Blood". We press and we teleport. You can now teleport between Dragon Mountain and the current quest location. We collect the skin of a monster, raw crystals and look for a demonic rod. The latter is in a chest and is guarded by demons. We kill them and take away the rod in the form of a penis. Next, collect the crystals. They will grow out of the ground and have a location marker on the map. We collect the skin of the monster by killing the Reinforced Claw, it is best to use katana with chi energy against it. After completing the gathering, use teleportation [T], for fast travel to Mr Smith.


  • 10000 credits
  • 1 pt. Skills
  • Qi Burst Skill
  • Cleaver

Seepage problem

Another task from Mamushi. They are trying to find the source of the black slime that is spreading throughout the Wildlands. Slime flows from a certain area, no one lives there and it has no name. We are only given the coordinates.

The next task is to explore the surroundings of the outer gates. We approach the gate, but they are locked. We need to get the key. We kill the monsters and go to the gatekeeper for the key. First we get rid of the tamed monsters, then we kill the gatekeeper himself.

After the gate we make our way through the cave. As soon as we approach the other gates, they will glow blue and enemies will appear from behind. After killing everyone, we go inside and penetrate the temple. We speak with Madzi. Take a closer look at the outer gate. We approach and fight with the "boss" Puzan. After the victory, Master Smith contacts us and says that Zilla's people attacked the village. Along the way, they look for Kamiko.
Kamiko says that she cannot teleport using the statue in the village. Looks like it was destroyed.


  • 15000 credits
  • 2 points Skills
  • Skill "Like the Wind"

Big Trouble in Calamity

The nearest place they could transfer us to was Dragon Mountain. Our task is to get to the town on the top of the mountain. Along the way, we kill all kinds of demons and other evil spirits. We approach the entrance to the city, kill the enemies who have occupied the territory, activate the terminal and penetrate the gate. Nearby we meet Hideo. He says that they were able to resist Zilla's army, but Master Smith was mortally wounded. Let's go to him. We go through the sewers, then again we get out to the surface. We climb the rock and enter the cave. There is nobody there, we go to Hideo's shop, next to which there is an arena. We approach and speak with Smith. It turns out that this was all arranged by Kamiko's mutated body. Smith asks to bring the medicine he finished for the girl. You can find him on the second floor of Hideo's shop. We return and give the medicine. Smith says to save it until we can infuse it into Kamiko's body. When he departs to another world, we go to the central square. That's what killed Smith.

Boss fight

Stage 1
The fight with her is based on the following: she can throw fireballs to the ground, throwing plates away from you and dealing damage with beams that move clockwise in vertical planes. It also launches into the air and lands in a red-lit area, usually your last sojourn. We try to dodge the blow from above.

Stage 2
When the health bar shows a value below half, the second stage will begin, where she will put an armored field on herself and summon her "dogs". At the same time, she activates vertical planes with beams. We deal with the enemies, after which we again return to Kamiko. She will often teleport and throw plates away from her. After removing her entire health bar, Corrupted Kamiko will hide.

After the end of the battle, a certain Ameonna contacts us. She offers shelter. A portal will open in the rock. We leave for the Shadow Hills through the portal of Ameonna. We get to the palace and talk with Ameonna. She, having learned the whole story with Kamiko, agrees to transfer the soul back, on the condition that we find the body and return it back.


  • 20000 credits
  • 2 points Skills
  • Elemental Shield Skill

ancient bonds

Ameonna will need ancient qi for her soul-binding ritual. It lies in the DNA of every person and harbors a family spirit. Things will work too. Kamiko's grandmother, Mamushi Hake, has a personal item from Kamiko's father, a wakizashi.

We leave for the office of Mamushi Hake. At the entrance we are met by an unfriendly yakuza guard. On the right side we go around the building and climb the stairs to the terrace of the second floor. After killing the enemies there, we rise to the roof and break through the glass, jump into the room. Mamusya hides on the elevator to the bunker and tells her men to kill Lo Wang. We leave the building, killing everyone in our path. Don't forget to use Fury [Z].

We get to the underground bunker. The door that leads inside turns out to be a tough nut to crack and you can't do without explosives. Kamiko suggests that explosives can only be found in the arsenal. We go outside and head towards the garage, near which the yakuza hangs out. We kill the guys and go into the garage. We take C4 and return to the bunker. Mamusya Heika decides to take desperate measures - she makes herself hara-kiri. We pick up the named weapon and teleport to Ameonna in the Palace of the Ancients.


  • 25000 credits
  • 2 points Skills
  • Elemental Knockout Skill
  • Weapon "Springchester"


Goza reveals that they recently saw where Kamiko's body was last located. He marks the coordinates on the map. It's time to subdue this giant meatball. We climb to the top of the Devil's Mountain. Having reached the gate with a seal, we open it and then we head to the black rain sanctuary.

Fight with Kamiko
We shoot at it from long-range weapons and avoid hitting the tentacles from the ground. After removing the boss's entire health bar, it will hide again. And we can only return back to the Palace of the Ancients to Godzu.


  • 25000 credits
  • 2 points Skills

All in the family

It's time to find Kamiko's father, but Ameonna can't pinpoint the exact location. But he is definitely somewhere near the gate. We teleport to the task and our task is to find the mysterious Oyabun. We pass a little through the cave and stumble upon Mezu. It turns out that he is Oyabun and Kamiko's father.

After the cut-scene, we go by teleport to the Palace of the Ancients to talk with Ameonna. She wanted to face Mezu and Lo Wang face to face in order to kill the soul of Kamiko, which is in the body of Lo Wang.

We defend ourselves from the invasion of enemies, after which we need to get out of the palace. Investigate Hoji's grave. We find the sword, Kamiko will strengthen it with chi energy, with which we will break through the sealed door. We go outside. First we go to break the defenders of the western column, and after the eastern one. Each column after the destruction of evil spirits must be turned off. Upon completion, return to Dragon Mountain and meet Mezu at the Yakuza office. He wants to seal the gate with Kamiko's help.


  • 25000 credits
  • 2 points Skills
  • Lumberjack's Tenderness / Cerberus Weapon

stop slime

The cultists are spreading slime in the forest. The Priest of Ameonna has been summoning the slime in the forest for several weeks now to hasten the destruction of the Outer Gate. Gotta stop this.

We teleport to the location. We go to kill the junior priests and take their souls after killing them. With the help of souls, we open the gates. Behind them is to kill the High Priest - a big monster. We return to Mezu on Dragon Mountain.


  • 30000 credits
  • 2 points Skills
  • Weapon "Cerberus" / "Shogun"

Corporate affairs

Shin agreed to help find Kamiko's body. Therefore, we go to him personally for an appointment and talk with a legless friend.

We approach his studio. We need to get the key to the door. We go to the point for the key. We return to the gate, use the map and enter the Sin building. Climb up the many stairs. We talk with him. Kamiko's body is constantly being moved. During the conversation, we have already managed to figure out and the battle is expected. We deal with the soldiers from Zilla Corps. We go down and clean every floor. There will be plenty of enemies. After killing everyone, go talk to Sin. He gives the coordinates where Kamiko's body is being held.


Brutal capture

At the building we fight off the enemy and penetrate inside. We find the shackled body of Kamiko and go to interrupt Zilla's personal bodyguards. We quickly deal with them, then we sit down in the elevator and go to Zilla's office. Open the door and talk to Orochi Zilla. After the conversation, you need to defeat the Zilla mechanoid and end it yourself.

Fight with Zilla
In combat, he will use light beams that he will launch on the ground, as well as throw bombs. We try to reach it from long-range weapons that cause maximum damage. When rage accumulates, also do not forget to use it, this will significantly reduce the time of killing the boss.


  • 35000 credits
  • 2 points skills
  • Orochi's Hand Weapon

Battle at the gate

Meet with Mezu for a conversation. Ameonna took over Kamiko's body and this brought new mutations to him. She is already strong enough, tk. drank almost all the black rain that she could find. It is necessary to defeat Ameonna and try to inject her with the antidote received from Smith.

We go to the arena and fight with the boss under a cool music.

Fight with Ameon
She shoots poisonous clubs. When she blocks her health, shoot at the part highlighted in yellow. When she has about a third of her health left, she will go underground, then come out and begin a constant, unceasing bombardment from the air. We dodge jerks to the side and shoot at the yellow belly.


  • 40000 credits
  • 2 points skills

Let's watch the final video. Congratulations, the game is over.

General information:

Approximate trophy difficulty: 6,5/10

Offline: 38 (25 ,7 ,5 ,1 )

Online: 0

Estimated time to get all achievements: 20-30 hours

Minimum number of passes: 5-6 + Time Attack on Normal and Hard difficulty

Missable Achievements: 1 (" Dormin" sRage/ Fury of Dormin")

Glitched Achievements: Not

Does difficulty level affect achievements: Yes


Welcome to the PS4 Shadow of the Colossus Remake Loot Guide! This is not just a port, but one of the best classic PS2 adventures. In general, the gameplay has not changed - you just need to kill the colossus one by one to reach the final goal. This is both an amazing experience for those who have not seen the original, and for those who have gone through it more than once. The updated graphics look amazing and the updated controls make the game much more fun than before. The list of trophies is similar to the PS3 version, but there are some differences. Players who don't like to play the same game multiple times will be disappointed to know that in order to pump the character's stamina to the maximum, it will have to go through 5-6 times. However, it is worth noting that on the second playthrough you can reduce the passage to 2-3 hours, since you already know where to go and how to defeat the colossi.

Step 1. First playthrough and introduction to the game

On your first playthrough, we strongly recommend that you simply play through the game. As you lift the sword up, follow its glow to find the next colossus to defeat. After fighting everyone, you will get a whole bunch of trophies in the game. After defeating the last colossus, you will have a chance to get the only missable trophy" Dormin" sRage/ Rage of Dormin(details below). Since you'll be playing the game multiple times, skipping the trophy isn't such a big deal.

If you have played the game before, you are familiar with it, and you want to get platinum as soon as possible, then we recommend that you skip the first step and proceed immediately to the second.

Step 2. Walkthrough on hard difficulty, speedrun and fights against the clock

High difficulty in the game is available from the very beginning, and if you want to get platinum sooner, then you should start with this difficulty.

Speedrunning the game at 5 hours and 41 minutes is actually not as difficult as it sounds. If you know where to go, you can easily complete the game in 3 hours. Once you have received the save file with the completed game, load it and complete all the timed battles on hard difficulty. Once you've completed all 16 fights, save manually, return to the menu. Start New Game+ again and choose normal difficulty this time. When prompted which save to load, select the save file created after completing the timed battles on hard difficulty. Now you can finish all timed fights on normal difficulty and keep all the items you got on hard difficulty. This is the only way to get Timed Battle Items from both Normal and Hard difficulty at the same time, which are required for the trophy.

Step 3. Stripping

With all the items you've unlocked during Time Attacks, you can now safely race like the wind through the game. The Queen's Sword, which you get in Hard Time Trials, destroys the colossus' vital point in one hit.

Go through the game until the stamina strip is pumped to the end; collect fruits around the world using the fruit map; visit all shrines, etc. You do not have to collect all the fruits, it is enough to completely pump the health bar. With fully pumped stamina, you will be able to climb to the very top of the temple and get the remaining trophies.

The Horned Boy
Claim all prizes

Get all other trophies to unlock platinum.

Speed ​​King / Speed ​​King
Get all items for a timed battle

As mentioned above, you will first need to master the game on hard difficulty before you can get this trophy. After completing the game, you will be able to kneel in front of the colossus statues and pray. This will launch the timed combat menu for the colossus you are praying in front of. Complete all timed matches on hard, save the game manually and return to the main menu. Start a new game+ and choose medium difficulty instead of hard this time. You will start a new game with all the items you unlocked on hard. Complete the challenges again and you will receive the trophy.

Intrepid Mortal / Brave Mortal
Max out Wander's health and stamina bars

In order to get this trophy, you need to either defeat a lot of colossi or collect fruits and lizards all over the map. To improve health, I would recommend fruit picking. As far as stamina is concerned, I'd recommend a few colossus-killing playthroughs, especially if you can deal with them quickly, rather than looking for lizards and running after them. You have to collect all the fruits once to increase your health and complete the game about five times to get the maximum level.

Speed ​​Demon
Complete Hard Mode in under 5:41:28

At first glance it may seem difficult, but it is not. You can complete the game in about 2 hours of game time if you do everything quickly. When you play on a higher difficulty level, the bosses may have new vital points, in contrast to lower difficulties, and the damage will have to be dealt more. You can learn more about this in the trophies for each colossus.

Grounded Scaler / Fallen Giant
Defeat colossus 8 before he gets up

I highly recommend doing this on one of your New Game+ playthroughs, as it will become much easier with the gear you unlock in Time Attacks. You need to shoot him while standing on the upper level of the Colosseum to get his attention. As soon as he notices you, he will start shooting at you, and then climb the wall of the Colosseum. Climb down quickly and then fire your bow at the shiny parts on its paws to make it fall down on its back. Now you will have time to attack his vital points. In the new game you have to be super fast and very accurate with your sword. With timed combat gear, you can kill him so quickly that he doesn't even have time to stand up.

Resist the Wrist
Defeat Colossus 3 without breaking its bracer

There are several ways to complete this trophy. One of these is using the sword jump method, but it's more difficult in the PS4 remaster. You need to get the boss to use a ranged sword attack and mount the sword, and then use the momentum to fly up either on his belly or on his arm above his wrist. However, there is an easier way to get this trophy. Get him to use a ranged stone sword attack, then grab the edge near the elbow on the side of his torso. Jump from the sword to the armor on his legs, and then jump to the hand above the wrist as soon as he lowers it (all this happens very quickly one after another). Deal with his weak points as you normally would. The main thing is not to let the boss hit a metal disc in the middle of the battlefield, which can destroy part of his armor on the wrist.

Reach the Gate
Cross the bridge leading to the entrance to the Forbidden Lands

To do this, you will need to climb to the top of the temple and run to the end of the bridge. In order to climb the sanctuary, the stamina bar must be pumped almost to the maximum.

Last Man Standing / Survivor
Complete the game in single player without dying

The description speaks for itself. If you didn't manage to do it on the first playthrough, then on New Game+ it's much easier to get it, as you will have more life. The game isn't particularly long or difficult, so the trophy shouldn't be a problem.

Bearer of the Curse/ Curse Bearer
Complete the game on any difficulty

The description speaks for itself. Just beat the game on any difficulty.

Dormin's Rage / Rage Dormin
Use Dormin's breath attack


After defeating all the colossi, you will have a scene in which Wander turns into Dormin. When you gain control of Dormin, simply press to use his fire breath.

Seeking Salvation
Pray at all 25 shrines

There are 25 shrines in the game. You need to click on each shrine to get on your knees and pray.

Trick Riderv
Perform all tricks with Agro

While riding an Agro (horse), do the following:

Fruit of the Garden
Try poisoned fruit

You will have to climb to the top of the tower with near maximum stamina and visit the garden you saw at the end of the credits. There you need to shoot the fruit on the tree with your bow and then eat one. You should be aware that this fruit will take away some of your health and stamina after eating.

Sword of Her Majesty
Defeat any colossus with the queen's sword

You will unlock the Queen's Sword after defeating all 16 Colossi in Time Attack on Hard difficulty. This is a very powerful sword that allows you to destroy the vital points of colossus in one blow.

Paint the Target
Aim the sword at the weak spot

Hold down while fighting the colossus and then aim the beam towards a vital point to unlock this trophy.

Fruit of the Land
Eat a piece of fruit

Fruit trees are scattered all over the world. Just beat the fruit with an onion and eat it.

Skilled Warrior / Experienced Warrior
Defeat a Colossus with a Jump Kick

Once the colossus's health is close to zero, then jump by pressing and then holding to perform a jump strike on its vital point.

The Past that Defines Thee / You are your past
Defeat any colossus in flashback mode

Once you defeat the colossus, you can return to where you fought him. Standing next to the remains of the colossus, press to pray, and you will engage in combat with him again. Defeat the colossus a second time to unlock the trophy.

Five-Lined Skink / Striped Skink
Get the tail of the silver lizard

Silver lizards are scattered throughout the world, but they are easiest to spot near shrines. Every shrine must have at least one lizard. Shoot one of the bows and eat its tail.

Animals of the Land / Wildlife
Make contact with dove, hawk, fish and turtle

You have to grab the belly by clicking on it to interact, or just ride it (turtle).

  • Pigeons can be found in the main temple where you start the game (on the stairs).
  • Hawks fly all over the map, but the easiest place to grab one is near the shrine west of the main temple.
  • During the passage, you will come across several areas with lakes on the way to the bosses and you can find fish there.
  • To the north of the main temple, on the way to the 11th colossus, you can find turtles running around the stone. They are pretty easy to find if you know where to look.
Boon of the Nomad
Find the barrel in the secret cave

You can find the hidden barrel at the very beginning of the game. Actually head there at any point in the game. From the main temple, head to the forest in the southwest. Ride the horse by simply holding the triangle so that it automatically follows the road. When you get to a broken tree blocking the road and a puddle of ode underneath, stop and get off your horse. Behind the tree, you can go down to the cave, in which the barrel will be hidden.

This is a new easter egg from the remake, referring to the barrels that Trico ate in The game Last Guardian.

Trick Arrow Skills / Tricky Archer
Shoot a lizard with a special arrow

You will unlock special arrows in timed battles. Just use them to kill the lizard.

Valley of the Wanderer
Defeat Colossus 1

Valus is the first colossus you need to defeat. Its vital point is on the head. To get on top of him, hit the back of your left leg, and then on his back, climb onto his head.

Hard Difficulty Changes: Additional life point on right arm.

The Mammoth / Hulk
Defeat Colossus 2

Quadratus - the second colossus in the game, which can be destroyed by stabbing with a sword on vital points on the head and back of the back. To climb it, you need to wait until it rears up and then shoot at one of the weak spots under the colossus' front legs. If you hit one, the y colossus will fall to its knees, and you can climb it from the side.

Hard Difficulty Changes: Additional vital point on the left side of the abdomen.

Wake the Knight
Defeat Colossus 3

Gaius - the third colossus in the game, which can be defeated by hitting points on the head and stomach. In order to mount him, you must first have him hit a metal disk with a stone sword in the middle of the battlefield. This will destroy the armor on his arm and you can easily climb on him.

Hard Difficulty Changes: Additional vital point on left bicep.

Land of the Gravestones
Defeat Colossus 4

Phaedra can be defeated with the help of the vital toka on his head. First you need to lure the colossus to the tunnel area in the arena. Go through the tunnel to another exit and wait until the colossus lowers its head to look inside and try to see you inside. Bye Phaedra lowered his head, you can climb him by his tail from behind. Then hit the weak point on his neck and you can climb on his head.

Hard Difficulty Changes: Additional vital points on both shoulders.

Riding the Wind
Defeat Colossus 5

Jump onto the water and swim towards the three platforms that are slightly above the water. Standing on the platform (preferably on the middle one), shoot at Avion with a bow so that he notices you and gets angry with you. It will fly towards you, and as soon as it approaches you, you will need to jump up and grab the fur on the wing. Hit the vital points on the wings and tail to defeat the colossus.

Tomb of the Giant
Defeat Colossus 6

Colossus Barba can be defeated by blows to vital points on the left side of the back and head. When the battle starts, run to the other side of the room, climbing over the walls, and hide behind the columns there. Either shoot him with your bow or whistle to get his attention. At some point he will lower his head to try to find you behind the pillars. Take advantage of this and jump on his beard. From there, get to the vital points and defeat the giant.

Hard Difficulty Changes: Additional vital point near left arm.

Waves of Lightning
Defeat Colossus 7

Hydrus will swim in the lake. Swim next to him and he will notice you. He will swim to the surface and at the end of his journey you can grab him by the fur on his tail. Move forward as he swims across the surface of the lake and hit the weak points by the electric stingers on his back to disable them. Reach so up to the head to find the vital point. You will have to grab its tail at least twice and make your way along it to win.

Scaler of the Colosseum / Coliseum Destroyer
Defeat Colossus 8

Kuromori will crawl at the bottom of the Colosseum. You need to fire a beam at him while standing on the upper level of the Colosseum to get his attention. As soon as he notices you, he will start shooting at you, and then climb up the wall. Climb down and shoot the shiny parts on his legs with your bow so that he rips off and falls down on his back. Now you will have time to climb on him and hit the vital points on his stomach.

Lurker of the Cave
Defeat Colossus 9

Need to lure Basaran to one of the geysers so that the water hits his stomach. He will fall and you will see weak points on his legs. Shoot both of them to make him roll onto his back. Now climb up the leg on it, and then get to the vital point on the head. When luring him into the geysers, be aware of his very powerful long-range projectiles that he launches at you as long as you are at a distance from him and in front of him.

Mystery in the Sand
Defeat Colossus 10

Dirge will follow you around the arena. While riding the Agro, try to keep a steady pace and ride in front of it. When his head appears from under the sand, then shoot him in the eyes (just hit one) with a bow. This will stun him and he will crash into the wall. Now his body is visible, and you can climb on his back and destroy one of the vital points. Repeat the process twice to defeat the colossus.

Guardian and the Pit / Sentinel and Abyss
Defeat Colossus 11

Celosia very afraid of fire. Climb up one of the 4 pillars with burning fires and wait for him to hit it. A stick will fall from the column. Descend, raise it by pressing on, and climb the pillar again to set it on fire. With a torch in hand, force the colossus to move to the edge of the arena so that it falls down. Falling on his back, he will break the armor and his vital point will be exposed. Jump on his back and hit the dot. If he drops you, then again run to the columns and jump on his back.

Thunder of the Lake / Thunder over the lake
Defeat Colossus 12

Swim around Pelagia and climb up his back from behind. Climb up on his head and hit the rocks on his head to get him to go where you need him to. Direct him to one of the three pedestals and jump onto him from his head. Hide behind a small pillar there so he can't hit you with his horns. Then he will put his front paws on a pedestal and you will see his vital point on his stomach. Cling to him and hit with all your might. You will have to repeat the process at least one more time to finish it off.

Signs amidst the Storm/ Eye of the Cyclone
Defeat Colossus 13

Phalanx - the biggest colossus in the game. You will have to use Aggro to follow him. Shoot the air sacs from below him so that he falls to the ground. Then hop onto his front wings, riding Aggro behind him, and take out his three vital points on his back. You will probably have to repeat the process once or twice to be done with it.

Shield of the Colossus
Defeat Colossus 14

Cenobia another small colossus, but due to its size it is quite fast. Climb up the broken column to your platforms and move along them to the next column. The beast will follow you. Once on the round column, shoot at Cenobia with a bow to anger the colossus, and he broke the pillar you are standing on. Move along the columns and platforms until you reach the cutscene where the wall collapses. Climb back up to the ledge where you came from at the very beginning and shoot it with your bow again. Thus, the platform below you will collapse and fall onto the colossus, and the vital point on its back will open. Now on any fallen column and wait for the beast to try to attack you and hit its head against it, thereby stunning itself for a short time and giving you the opportunity to climb on it and hit the weak point.

Valley of the Fallen/ Valley of the Fallen
Defeat Colossus 15

In the location with the 15th colossus, you can find ledges that you cannot jump to. To get there you have to be smart and use the colossus Argus to achieve your goals. Jump onto the small ledge-platform under the stairs at the top of the wall and wait for the colossus to approach it and step on the platform where you are standing. The platform will rise and you can climb up to the ledge above. After rising, shoot at him so that he hits the place where you are, and blocks will fall from the ceiling, along which you can climb even higher and eventually climb onto one of the bridges that are located above the colossus. From the bridge, shoot the colossus again. It will destroy the bridge, so you'd better be on one of its edges rather than in the middle. He will then move closer to the broken bridge and you can jump on his head where his first vital point is. From the head, move to the hand with which he holds the sword, and strike at the weak point on the elbow. He will throw the sword. The second vital point is in the palm of his right hand. We jump to the ground and wait for him to try to slam you with it. We quickly jump on it and finish it off.

Hard Difficulty Changes: Additional vital point near his heart.

Last of the Colossus
Defeat Colossus 16

The fight with Malus starts far away from him. Use covers and tunnels to get to him and avoid getting hit by his powerful projectiles. Having reached the last tunnel to it, you will find yourself right under it. Climb up it to the first weak point, which is located on his lower back. Hit it, and the colossus will move its left hand to the sore spot, and you can jump over to its palm. When he returns his hand to its normal position, then first prick the palm of your hand with a sword so that it stops twisting it for a while, and then climb up the arm to his biceps, where the second weak point is located. When you hit it, you will be able to stand on the ledge just below and regenerate stamina while the colossus tries to recover from the pain and moves its right arm towards you. Jump over to your right palm, and then wait until you can stand on it and shoot another weak spot on your shoulder to the left of your head with your bow. Once on it, the colossus will pull his right hand to the sore spot, and you can climb on his shoulder, and then on his head, where the vital point is located. We beat on it and kill the last colossus.

The notorious company 3DRealms has produced a new game - Shadow Warrior. This game has absorbed all the "gadgets" known gamers– for fans of games like Duke Nukem, Doom, etc.

Here you will hear heartbreaking sounds, see terrible monsters, rivers of blood and pieces of bodies flying in all directions.

Occasionally you will meet Japanese girls with whom you can first have a nice chat, and then shoot for purely humane reasons: what are they, poor things, to do in a world inhabited by vile creatures ?! It may turn out that they themselves will shoot you, so be on the lookout.

It should be noted that the enemy is not so simple. In addition to good command of firearms at long distances, he sometimes thinks about self-preservation: he tries to crouch, hide or run away.

The only depressing thing is that even on a powerful computer with a high screen resolution, the quality of drawing monsters remains very low.


The title of "shadow warrior" (Shadow Warrior) is given to the best of the ninja warriors. They have not only excellent fighting qualities, but also a sharp mind. That is why every self-respecting Japanese campaign invites the Shadow Warrior to serve. This is both a defender, an intermediary, and a cleaner.

Lu Wang - the best of the Shadow Warrior "s - for a long time was an employee of the largest Japanese corporation Zilla Enterprises. The power of the corporation was enormous, under its control were the most important industries in Japan. But power corrupts, and the head of the corporation came up with a diabolical plan - to enslave all of Japan. To do this, he called on the dark forces to help him.

Lu Wang figured out the ambitious plans of the head of Zilla Enterprises and quit.

While the head of the Zilla corporation was building up his power, Lu Wang was bored and drunk in a quiet Japanese village for the third year.

But his former boss reasoned like this: either Lu Wang will be on my side, or he will be dead. So, the head of the Zilla corporation gave the first test task to his creatures - to destroy a single person, Lu Wang.

Having received a call, Lou finished his bottle of sake, smoked a joint, and, twitching the shutter of his personalized ultrasound, reluctantly went to the shooting range to remember the old.

After a little practice in shooting and waving his sword, he again felt in shape. Taking his best sword and taking a few kilos of shurikens, he took one last look at his native village and went to meet the forces of evil.

Main menu

NEW GAME - start a new game. You will be prompted to select an episode (Episode) for one of the types of games:

Enter The Wang - four demo levels;

Code Of Honor - a set of levels for the full version.

Then you have to choose the level of difficulty (Skill):

Tiny Grasshopper - the lightest (minimum enemies and a lot of auxiliary equipment);

I Have No Fear - normal difficulty;

Who Wants Wang - for experienced players (installed by default);

No Pain No Gain - only for the pros (a lot of enemies);

PLAY IT ON TEN - game over the network (Total Entertainment Network). For it, you will need to install additional files on the hard drive. To play with TEN, you need to have a credit card and meet some of “their” standards. In short, why do you need all this?! Play by modem;

LOAD GAME - load any of the previously saved games;

OPTIONS - options:

Cool Stuff - information about servers and creators of the game;

Quit - exit from the game to the operating system.


The meaning of the control keys is given in accordance with the default settings. All of them correspond to the English keyboard layout.

If you want to customize the controls for yourself, load the setup.exe file from the hard drive, select the “Controller Setup” item and move the cursor to the key you want to change. Press _Enter first, and then the key you want to change to. When you exit setup.exe, save your changes.


UU/ _DD - go forward or backward;

LL / _RR - go left or right;

A - jump;

Z - sit down;

Spacebar - open the door;

_, (comma) - hurricane fire to the left;

_. (dot) - hurricane fire to the right;

Ctrl - fire;

Backspace - quick 180-degree turn;

Home - look up;

End - look down;

Page Up - look up and return to the starting point;

Caps Lock - constant running mode;

Shift - run;

Page Down - look down and return to the starting point.

Function keys

F1 - help on the assignment of keys;

F3 - load a previously saved game;

F4 - sound options;

F5 - change screen resolution;

F7 - look at Lu Wang from behind;

F8 - enable and disable the display of messages on the screen;

F9 - load the current game;

F10 - exit to the operating system;

F11 - brightness adjustment;

Other keys

K - look through the eyes of a partner in the game (only in paired games);

Tab - turn on the map;

_– / _+ – change the screen size;

U - turn on the mouse;

I - turn on the sight;

T - message box, also used to enter codes;

_’ (apostrophe) / _; - list of weapons;

Enter - activate the inventory in the current window;

_[ / _] – inventory list.


The numbers in our list correspond to the keys that allow you to select one or another type of weapon.

4. ultrasound - automatic machine gun. You can shoot with one or two hands.

5. RPG . Double pressing turns on homing missiles, triple - turns on an atomic bomb (I do not advise using it in a confined space).

6. grenade launcher . If you shoot it at a wall at close range, the grenade will most likely fly off at you.

7. bomb traps . Cling to any enemy and walls. Shoot - and the enemy will shatter into pieces.

8. Electroplasma gun .

9. Demon head shooting fire. A double press turns on a ring of fire around you, a triple press turns on a line of fire towards the enemy.

0. Heart . Creates your double, armed with an electroplasma gun, who will fight for you to the last drop of blood (after a certain time, he will die a natural death).


M. portable medical kit – portable medical bag (first aid kit). repair kit – portable handbag for a mechanic-mechanic. It can repair some cars and mechanisms (acts automatically).

S. smoke bomb - "smoke". Makes you invisible to enemies.

N. night vision goggles - includes night vision goggles.

G. gas grenade - gas bomb. Can damage not only nearby enemies, but also you.

F. flash bomb - flash bomb, blinds enemies for a couple of seconds. I do not recommend using it in battles.

H. Caltrops - metal thorns that cause terrible pain. They can be scattered in front of doors and thrown at enemies chasing you.

Information panel

Once the game is loaded, you can adjust the screen size by pressing _+/_–.

You can either leave the entire information panel on the screen (or part of it), or remove it completely - as you like. The information panel displays full statistics of your current state. Let's describe it from left to right:

health - health;

armor - armor;

weapons - weapons. The weapon currently in use is highlighted in yellow. The first number shows the number of shells that you have available, and the second - the maximum number of shells for this weapon;

ammo - the remaining shells for the current weapon;

inv - used inventory and the remaining time of its action in%;

keys - available keys.

Your opponents

ninja shadow is one of the most dangerous opponents in the game, because it is practically invisible. In addition, he uses the entire arsenal of firearms and some types of bombs against you. Tip: kill him as soon as possible, as in dark rooms you have no chance to deal with him.

coolie kamikaze - a madman who staggers on the ground, carrying a box of explosives with him. It seeks to get closer to you so that, having blown itself up, it has time to harm you.

Undersized Ripper - this dark gray monkey-like creature will tear you to pieces with lightning speed and tear out your heart. It is better not to meet him in a confined space (where he usually lives).

Tip: deal with them from a distance.

Common Ripper - he is still far from a huge overgrown ripper, but much more powerful than the previous instance. Color - red.

Overgrown Ripper - a huge red gorilla-shaped creature. He prefers to go ahead, demolishing everything in his path.

killer bees - not so dangerous as intrusive.

Demonic Warrior - armed with a crossbow and a bunch of sticky bombs. It is very seductive from afar, but closer it can kick in the nose. Tip: slap her as quickly as possible before she throws a bunch of bombs around the level.


At some levels, you will be asked to fight the so-called bosses.

Huge monster snake has four arms and constantly strives to give you a bone crushing massage. Wherever you are, she will still get you: either pouring waves of magic, or inflicting deadly blows with swords in close combat. She will make you have a good run. It’s worth killing her, as this can affect the passage of the level. The best way to do this is to take booby traps (preferably 5 pieces), throw them at her and calmly, running away to a safe side, shoot from all explosive weapons or let your double fight .

Second boss- sumo wrestler , five times larger than a cow, but with the brains of an ant. At first, the wrong impression is created that he does not have a weapon. You peck at it and start shooting him nonchalantly. At that moment, when you are already rubbing your hands, anticipating a quick victory, he raises his leg and ... poo! And you're not going anywhere; then, in addition, he will clap his hands, which is why a small skull flies out of there, after hitting which you will understand how wrong you were about his brains. Dodging his shots for a normal player is quite simple, but it is much more difficult to dodge his shots. Killing, with a certain amount of evasiveness, is easy.

The boss of the last level looks like a ridiculously equipped knight . Not so formidable himself, how inconvenient to kill him. Show the patience and dexterity of a real Shadow Warrior "a - and you will kill him.


First level - Rising Son (Sunrise)

You are sailing on a boat right into the whirlpool. No need to panic, better focus and kill the soldier on the bridge, otherwise he will go crazy and the last sniper shot will sew you up anyway.

The job is done, now dive into the water. In the deepest place you will find the entrance to the cache, where, I assure you, there is something to profit from. Having taken honestly earned money, go to the teleporter. Looking closer, you will notice cracks on one of the walls - blow it up, and quickly out.

Climb the stairs to the bridge, go to the other side and enter the room. If you like to check caches, then stand on the table - a cache will open behind a large picture.

Go outside and dive into the pond. After blowing up the log wall, go into the formed passage and emerge.

Enter the building and go left along the corridor to the first window. Jump out of it and follow the right wall until you find the golden key.

There is a cache on the waterfall. Jump on it, duck down and "enter" the wall. By the way, from the waterfall there is a beautiful view of another hiding place.

Return to the window and enter the door. Jump on the statue so that it falls down. Now go along the corridor to the fork and to the left, open the door and go straight all the time until you find the silver key. Remember that sometimes targeted barrel shooting is more effective than a bomber raid. Do not waste shells and forces in vain.

By the way, running along the corridors, you probably noticed another statue that opens the cache.

Alas, not all doors opened with a silver key will lead you to the desired exit. In order not to waste time, return to the fork and turn left - here it is, the cherished door.

After opening the last door, guess the puzzle. First, lower the blue cube and the yellow one, click on the green skull - the first door will open. Then raise the yellow cube, lower the red one and press the purple skull - a second door will open. Kill the boss and press the level pass button while jumping.

Level two - Killing Fields (Fields of Death)

You are standing on the shore of a lake. Look straight ahead - you will see a lantern. Walk in that direction, keeping to the left wall, and turn into the stone archway on the left. Pass between two rocks, across the bridge and go down the stairs. Now go up the steps and you will see a neat Chinese house.

Go around the house on the left and enter the second cave. Blow up the cracked wall to get to the cache. Turn right and walk through the densely overgrown cave to the room. Save.

Run to the end of the room and to the left to the golden key. What didn't work?! I had to sit down! Take the golden key and return to the Chinese house, and there take the silver key.

Climb the stairs and jump down the first passage in the rocks on the left (there you will see a waterfall). If you look closely, you will see a door behind the plants. Open it up and come in.

Reach the dungeon with lava. The red key is located in the red cave opposite the lava waterfall on the island.

Return to the Chinese house - there are the doors you need in the rock. Click on the SW icon - and go to the next level!


Level Three – Hara-Kiri Harbor (Hara-Kiri Bay)

The red key is in the boat. To find her faster, exit the house through the door and walk towards the shore. On the water, go right and you will see a boat.

Return to land and look for a door closed with a red key. There is a silver key. If you go into the house where you started the level and look out the window, then the house opposite is what you need.

Be sure to take the "fixer" in the house that opens with a silver key.

You can take the bronze key like this: sail on a boat to a small waterfall, which is located in the rock from the side of the coast, and jump on it - the key is yours.

Return to land and open the door with the bronze key (it is in the same place as the "silver" door). To get the golden key (by the way, save first), press the button located on the right wall and quickly dive into the pool until the grate closes. Take the key and reel in the fishing rods.

Exit to the pier, turn left and walk across the water to the next pier: there you will see a door that opens with a golden key. Then press that damned button.

By the way, a bazooka will help you find the secrets of the level - watch out for cracks on the walls.

Fourth level - Zilla's Villa (Villa Zilla)

Go down the stairs and turn left, jump over the fence and follow the corridor to the courtyards. Jump into the courtyard where there is a small round pool.

Climb up the stairs - you will find yourself in a courtyard with a statue, where there is a golden key. Return to the pool. If you walk around the courtyards, you will find a secret in one of the walls; there are also doors that open with a gold and silver key.

Take the silver key and go into the house. The picture hangs right, enter it. There are many secrets in this house. All of them open with secret buttons or are hidden behind paintings. In the fireplace on the ground floor you will find a staircase leading upstairs. Climb up it and take the bronze key.

Open the door on the second floor and immediately jump into the room to the left of the door, there is a red key. Now we can assume that this level is passed.

Fifth level – Monastery (Monastery)

Jump into the first painting on the left - there is a cache.

In the small niche on the left (next after the painting), open the secret door leading to the waterfall. Inside the waterfall is a red key.

When you open the door with the red key, then go all the time straight from room to room until you reach the stone wall - this is the tower. It contains a silver key. Go behind the tower. In a small lawn, ninja stars (shurikens) are stuck into the wall. If you try to jump on them, you can take an almost brand new red body armor.

To quickly get the golden key, return to the very first room you entered by opening the door with the red key (there is a statue in the middle of the room). Open the door with the silver key and to the right of the entrance, in the flower bed with the Buddha statue, take the golden key.

Return to the beginning of the level, to where the knife rides around the room. Open the door with the golden key. In front of you, a little to the right, you will see a picture - behind it is a cache. Take the bronze key and return to the room with the statue.

There you can easily find a way out.

Level 6 - Raider Of The Lost Wang

Go from the beginning of the level, sticking to the right wall, to the second cave. Enter it and go straight until you see a massive structure in the middle. See the golden key? You can take it like this: turn on the button located behind the turntable, studded with sharp arrows. Waterfalls flood the walls. Dive into the formed puddle and surface in the tower. Climb up the stairs and take the key.

Exit the cave and turn right. There is a cave near the large waterfalls, open the door in it. Go straight ahead. You see a ladder and a hole in the wall (to the left of it is a cache). You need to go into the opening - there is a silver key.

Climb up the stairs and blow up the wall. Another passage will open. Now open the door with the silver key and turn on the mechanism.

Go back to where you found the silver key. See the water? Swim under the arches to the end (don't forget to breathe at least sometimes). Maybe you'll find a hiding place.

Find a small hall with a Buddha statue in the center. Take the bronze key in one of the niches.

Exit through the door in the next room. Pay attention to the door nearby: you will come here when you get the red key.

Return to the cave, where the turntable with arrows is. Open the door on the right (relative to the entrance). In the room you will see two waterfalls pouring into a small pool. Dive into any of them and take the red key there, which will allow you to finish the level.

Seventh level - Sumo Sky Palace (Sumo Sky Palace)

Level, frankly, acrobatic. You are standing in a palace. Immediately look through the windows - in one you will see a golden key, in the other - a silver one. I think that now you have an idea of ​​what you have to experience.

Go to the door on the right. After climbing the rock, press the skull button and run back. A ledge will appear to the right of the door. Carefully walk along it and take (if you can, ha ha ha!) the golden key.

In the wall, to the left of the door that opens with a golden key, there is a cache of weapons.

Come into the hall, find the passage. First go to the left and turn on only the right skull switch. Then go right, press both buttons - and the passage to the red key lying on the chandelier will open.

Open the door with the red key and go past the turntable. In the room you will see a bedside table, open it. In the passage, click on the skull button - a wall will open, behind which there will be another room. There is a hiding place behind the middle bookcase.

Go through the next door and go down into the dungeon. In order to open the door, first raise the grate, and then turn on the skull button. Quickly run into the opened passage.

Go down the stairs, and now, showing the wonders of rock climbing, go to the steep stairs leading up. Climb up it. Go to the side of the wall spitting fire (to the left of it is the door you need in the future) and to the right, get out of the opening and jump up the platforms to the silver key.

Go back and open the door. By the way, there is a hiding place opposite the spitting wall. Go past the wall with spikes. On the street, stand on the ledge on the right and follow it to the end. There is a cache on a small island.

Now let's jump a little from column to column. You need to get to another door on the left. Save before opening the door. Run inside and press the lever before the rockets have time to smear you on the wall. It's been a tough day, hasn't it?

At the middle pillar, a passage to the teleporter will open, step into it. Sumo wrestler is waiting for you here.

Eighth level - Bath House (Bath)

Walk along the left wall until you see a large truck, and next to it is a gas tank. Blow it up and dive into the water.

The blue magnetic card is behind the thick bars. To get it, break the ventilation grate on the left, reach the end and emerge. You will be in the toilet. After wandering around the building a little and shooting, you will see a large pool. Dive into it, find the lever and take the blue card.

Climb up the stairs and open the door with the blue card. You will enter the red room. There is a cache in the wall opposite the entrance.

To get a yellow card, find a switch next to the water tanks, turn it on and dive into the nearest open tank. Try to hit the red button on the revolving door and pop up. If everything went well, you will get a yellow card.

Climb up the stairs and open the door. At one of the pools you will see a button, click on it - the water in the pool will go down and you will see a red card.

Open the door there. In the wall you will see a locker, it opens with the button on the right. Take "chinilku" go to the street. By the way, if you had a "fix" from the very beginning, then you could not suffer with the cards, but immediately go through the entire further procedure and go to the next level.

Repair the car and drive up to the cracked large door, blow it up - and forward, to the exit!

Ninth level - Unfriendly Skies (Hostile Skies)

Go through the only doors and as you go from room to room you will see a hole in the wall. Go to it - there is a red card.

When leaving the aircraft cabin, pay attention to slot machines on the right - a button will be visible, when clicked, the cache will open. By the way, after playing the slot machine, you can, if you're lucky, get some kind of prize.

After riding the elevator up and down, finally go up. Go straight ahead and go up the spiral staircase to the top floor. After digging in the cash register, you will find a secret.

Go down to the elevator and go into the passage, turn right and you will see a glass door-window. you there. Find a knife switch on an incomprehensible machine in the middle of the room and turn it on. If you stay in this room a little longer, then for a long time they will find pieces of your body and fragments of a nominal ultrasound within a radius of one kilometer.

Having cleared the passage to the yellow key, return to the elevator and open the door. When you reach a dark room with a radar, stand in the doorway and fire in all directions for a long, long time.

Take the blue key. Go to the passage where you have not been yet, open the door locked with a blue key, and make your way to the cherished SW sign.

Tenth level - Crude Oil (Crude Oil)

After collecting all the weapons in the building, go outside and go, sticking to the left wall until you see a passage - you go there. By the way, you can ride a tank. Jump into the window of the building and take the red card.

Return to the beginning and open the door. On the second floor, behind the telephones, you will find a blue card.

Entering the door that opens with a blue card, turn right, slowly go straight, looking at the right wall. You will see an inconspicuous door - go in it.

Now click on the computer to open the cache, find the switch on the same table and turn it on.

Get out of here and go through the door that opens opposite. There, press the button on the bedside table opposite the entrance and run into the opened passage, where a super prize awaits you - a brand new gold card from the company 3D Realms. Do not even try to ride an acid mixer (it is better to die a natural death). To the right is a cracked wall, blowing up which will take you to the street.

How many drawers behind the "golden" door! And the green card is also there, and weapons, and cartridges. Now you can safely go into battle.

Open the door with a green card and throw a grenade behind the bars. Enjoy the most powerful explosions and go to the opened passage.

Eleventh level - Coolie Mines (Mines)

As soon as you step onto the bridge, two doors will open and two machine guns will begin to shoot you mercilessly. You will have to deal with them. Behind the left machine gun is a red card, behind the right one is the monster's head.

Get down to the caves. There is a blue card in the right cave, and the doors you need are in the left (when entering the cave, go straight all the time).

After going down the elevator, go down the passage (look around: maybe you will find a hiding place) until you see ventilation holes. Break the fixed fan. Climb into the hole and press the button - you will be thrown up.

After a successful landing, try to climb back up and jump into another hole. You are in a hiding place. In the same way, return back to the reservoir.

After destroying the enemies, swim to the gate.

Twelfth level - Subpen 7 (Submarine 7)

In the last right room on the boxes, take the blue card.

Open the door, go down the corridor and exit the second door, turn left. Keep to the left wall and you will see the second submarine. In the far room to the right of it you will find a yellow key.

Return to the gate, stand with your back to it and look at the left wall. Somewhere in the middle of it you will see a remote control. Approaching him, insert a yellow card and turn on the lever.

Quickly run through the opened doors, otherwise you may not be in time. Find two closed doors inside, and a lever between them. Go there and take the red card.

Opening the last door, you will be captured.

Thirteenth level - The Great Escape (Great Exit)

You are in a prison cell and you really want to get out of there, but the door is closed on the other side. What to do?! Roll through the iron grate in the floor (just open it).

The fall will not last long. Having emerged to the surface, first look for a breach in the wall, where, according to American intelligence, there is a bronze key. Then plop down into the water and swim through the underwater tunnel without turning until you hit the wall. Jump up and up the stairs.

The bridge leads to two doors, one of which opens with a silver key and the other with a bronze key.

After opening the desired door, look on the left for a drainpipe. Climbing up it, you will find yourself in a hiding place.

Now go straight and on the left you will see a toilet (behind a mirrored door with bars - a hiding place), and on the right - a dressing room. Go to the end of this room and into the passage. In the bedroom at the far door, open the wall panel (the very last one) and find the hiding place.

Now go to the door. Go past the lattice fence and jump onto the stone fence: from it you will see a fountain. Jump into it, dive and find a cache.

Return to the fence and go straight all the time until you hit the wall with your nose, where there is a ventilation grill. Break it and climb inside. You go right to the end. You will enter a prison cell. Go through the ventilation to the second chamber, and in the third you will find a red card.

Returning to the corridor, in the passage you will see two switches and a place for a red card. By inserting it, you can open the cameras. The right lever opens the chambers on the right, the left one on the left. We need to get into the first left cell and take a yellow card there.

Return to the sewer pipe by the door; nearby is a door that opens with a yellow card.

First, go into the room to the left and look for a lever that needs to be pulled. After leaving this room, turn left. In the room, press the button between the chair and the table. Behind the mirror is a secret room, and behind the portrait you will find a silver key.

Return to the bridge and insert this key into the keyhole of the door of the same name, which will lead you to the exit from the level.

Level 14 - Floating Fortress

Take the boat to the right pier. Pulling the switch, jump over to the other side, and then to the huge gate leaf. You will see in the groove where she goes, a secret room.

Go with the flow to the ship, dive and look for an even rectangular hole at the beginning of the ship - you go into it.

Look around for a switch, pressing it, swim into the compartment, where in the water near the glass there is a remote control with a switch. After turning on the pump, climb onto the boxes and turn on the red button. Run behind the glass so that you are not swept away by the explosion.

Click on the button that is behind the exploded glass (near the pump).

Swim to another compartment. In the water you will see a strange corpse, and if you try to dive into the water next to it, you will find a cache.

Now go through the door where you haven't been yet. Climb up the boxes on the right, go across the bridge to the end. There, press the right and center switches (do not touch the left one) and the knife switch that opens.

Kill the monster and in the room where he was, take a red card (behind this room you will find a cache).

Jump into the whirlpool. After swimming under the ship, you must swim between the side and the wall. Look for a ladder up there. After opening the door, go to the left riveted metal pillar, go around it and, by pressing the lever, jump over the boxes to the extended platform. Further - on the boxes near the second metal pillar. After pulling the lever, jump down and go through the opened door.

Once in the warehouse, drive the forklift to the boxes on which the red box ("chinilka") lies. Take it and go repair the cannon on the crates at the end of the warehouse. From it, shoot at a pile of boxes blocking the passage opposite. Pull the switch near the passage and take the blue card in the room.

Jump on the deck of the ship, climb the tower and open the door with the blue card. Go down the stairs to the right and immediately turn left. Go straight ahead, without turning, down the corridor to the brown double doors. Go there and take the yellow card in the wall locker. In the same room, find the handset, click on it and get a bunch of missiles. Until all the warheads run out, you can "play" like this.

Come out and, holding on to the right wall, go to the door, next to which there is a lever (it is, as it were, at the end of the corridor). You don’t need to enter it yet, but go into the passage to the left. After passing the corridor and the door that opens with a yellow card, go down the stairs.

You ended up in a room where the teleporter is turned off. Go through the round door, in the corridor in the middle, on the right, there is a cache. Entering the room, press the lever and go back to the teleporter, now it is turned on. There is a cache in the room with the lever: at one end of the room, click on the computer (??? Same expression again), and at the other, the instrument panel opens.

After leaving the teleporter, turn on the lever and return to the teleporter. Get out into the street, dive into the water and find a passage at the very bottom. Swim through it, float up. See the pipes in the distance? Swim to them.

Fifteenth level - Water Torture (Water test)

Go to the creek, where there is a large cluster of pipes, dive and find a small passage (usually there is a first aid kit in it). Then swim to the next passage. When you surface, you will see: on the right is an elevator, straight ahead is a door and on the left is another door. That's what you need to go to.

When you reach the submarine under construction, jump to the left. Go down into the submarine, reach the end and lower the idle piston (first on the right). Take the blue card.

Exit and go through the door with the blue key. Explode the balloon and in the room with the beds in the air vent, take the red key (hiding place: button-door between the last two beds).

Swim back to the room with the elevator and two doors. Take the elevator down, take the green key and return to the submarine.

Jump to the left and go into the passage, there will be a "green" door. Follow the green corridor to the end, enter the door, turn left and go to the end again. Climb up the stairs and turn on the freight elevator. Sit in it and get to the other side. Take the yellow card in the corridor.

Return to the freight elevator. Jump down and find the “yellow” door in the corridor, open it. On a regular elevator we arrive in a room with a remote control. Behind the glass, in the water, a remote-controlled tank. Use it to blow up the gate.

Go back to the submarine under construction. Dive under it and swim under water along the tunnel to the end, where you will see the same blown-up gate. Rise to the surface and go to the island, there you will see the SW button.

Sixteenth level - Stone Rain (Stone Rain)

Climb up the rock ledge and shoot the button to the right and left of the door to open it. Uncle sumist is waiting for you in the room. You just have to sew it on and take the silver key.

Come out and go down, go all the time to the left until you hit the sky. Climb up and you will see a door that opens with a silver key.

Here you have to fight the snake boss. After killing her, return to the first hall (the spinner is spinning there) and take a yellow card. Press the button to lower the steps.

Go around the volcano crater and open the door on the opposite side. Click on the lever. A hole has formed in the lava.

Jump into it, the last boss is waiting for you there. With a known share of dexterity and accuracy, you will destroy it without much difficulty.


Press _T (the SW icon will appear) and type:

CONFIG - debug menu;

SWCHAN - God mode;

SWGHOST - mode of passing through walls;

SWGIMME - all inventory;

SWGREED - God mode, all inventory and weapons;

SWLOC - entered for the first time, shows the speed of the game, the second - the coordinates of the player;

SWMAP - shows the full map of the level;

SWNAME - change the name in Multiplayer mode;

SWQUIT - exit the game;

SWRES - change the screen resolution;

SWSAVE - saves current level on the hard drive as a file. In the future, you can edit this level with the built-in BUILD level editor;

SWSTART - start the level over;

SWTREK XX- go to level XX.

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