Funny Russian folk games for public events. Rubric "Russian folk games and competitions"

Municipal budgetary institution

additional education

Center for the Development of Creativity for Children and Youth

urban settlement "Workers' Village Chegdomyn"

Verkhnebureinsky municipal district

Khabarovsk Territory

Spring scenario

folk games festival

"Play together!"

Zyryanova M.V., teacher

additional education

Chegdomyn 2014

Holding a sports-themed holiday contributes to the acquisition of communication experience and introduces Russian folk games and riddles. This attracts children to Russian culture and fosters respect for their native traditions. The presenters are children of the “Therapeutic Physical Education” association; the teacher provides assistance if necessary.

Target: Attracting attention to Russian culture by introducing children to Russian folk games.

Equipment : ties, jump ropes, drawings on a spring theme and Balloons for decorating a gym.

Location: gym.

The holiday is held in the sports hall, which is decorated with children's drawings: in the center - the sun and birds, below - flowers. Music sounds (bird trills, sounds of the forest). Children enter the hall and take their places.

1 presenter : Good afternoon dear friends!

2 presenter : Good afternoon, dear guests!

1 presenter : It seems like just recently we celebrated New Year and Christmas and enjoyed the Russian winter. But then the sun appeared, bright and cheerful, and we realized that spring had come. Today we have prepared a spring holiday for you with Russian ancient games. Our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers still played these games. In the old days, games were held in courtyards most often on holidays. And, of course, in the spring the streets became busier.

2 presenter : Tell me, what happens to nature in spring? (children answer: birds fly in, snow melts, tree buds begin to bloom) That’s right, that means all nature comes to life. That’s why we invited you to our holiday, so that you can feel spring better, get a charge of cheerful mood and a surge of strength. Do you agree to play with us? (children: yes!).

1 presenter We present to you the children who will host the games:

(names of children who play games are listed).

3rd presenter: Dear friends, now I will tell you about an ancient Russian game"Burners" . It was held at national holidays, festivities, and was one of the most beloved among children and youth. In this game one could observe the actions of friends and comrades, and compete in running and agility. Please listen to the rules.First you need to choose a driver who will “burn” (hence the name of the game). All participants in the game stand in pairs, holding hands, one after the other. The driver stands with his back to the players at some distance from them. Participants in the game chant the words:

"Burn, burn clearly,
So that it doesn't go out.
Look at the sky

Birds are flying
The bells are ringing!"

As soon as these words are said, the children standing in the last pair run along the column and try to have time to hold hands in front of the column. The driver must catch one of the runners. If children have time to hold hands, then the “burner” is not scary for them. But if the driver manages to catch one of the runners, he stands with him in front of the entire column, and the one who is left without a partner “burns.” The game continues until all the pairs have passed. The driver turns back and catches up with those running away only after the words: “The bells are ringing!” The players of the last pair start running only with the last words: “The bells are ringing!” Those who have never been caught win.

1 presenter : According to the ancient calendar, the beginning of the New Year for many peoples falls at the beginning of spring. In Rus', the New Year began in March. New Year ( New Year) was celebrated on the first spring holiday, which according to the modern calendar falls on March 14 (the first meeting of spring).

2 presenter : According to the calendar, this is the day of the Venerable Martyr Evdokia, who was popularly called Avdotya - Plyushchikha, since the time had come for the snow to flatten and settle. On this day they learned about what kind of summer was expected. There was a sign: “If it’s nice on Vesnovka, it’ll be nice all summer.” Second Russian ancient game"Golden Gate"

4 presenter . Now we will play the Russian folk game “Golden Gate”. Here you can compete in speed and agility, which have always been valuable qualities. Please listen to the rules. A pair of players stand facing each other and raise their arms up and take each other's hands - this is the goal. The remaining players stand in a column, take each other by the belt, forming a chain. The chain walks like a train, entering and leaving the gate, reciting in chorus:

“The Golden Gate doesn’t always let people through.
Saying goodbye for the first time
The second one is prohibited.
And for the third time
We won’t let you through!”

During the reading of the verse, the “chain” quickly enters and exits the gate; with the last words, the gate players lower their hands - the gate slams. Those children who are caught become additional gates. Those players who are not caught by the goal win. The game ends when there are 2-3 players left in the chain, they become the winners. Children play Golden Gate.

1 leading: Spring is a wonderful time of year when nature awakens and comes to life. We invite you to guess riddles about spring. (If children have difficulty reading a word, the answer is the opposite.)

1. Loose snow melts in the sun,

The breeze plays in the branches,

So, she came to us...


2. Streams run faster

The sun is shining warmer.

The sparrow is happy about the weather -

Visited us for a month...


3. The bear crawled out of the den,

Dirt and puddles on the road,

In the sky a lark trills -

Came to visit us...


4. The garden tried on white,

The nightingale sings a sonnet,

Our land is dressed in greenery -

We are greeted warmly...


5. Housewarming party at the starling's

He rejoices endlessly.

So that a mockingbird lives with us,

We made...


6. There’s someone’s house on this branch

There are no doors or windows in it,

But it’s warm for the chicks to live there.

This is the name of the house...


Children solve riddles and the teams get some sunshine.

The trunk stands

There is a stake on the trunk,

On the stake is a palace,

There is a singer in the palace,

And who is this... (starling)

2 presenter : Russians vintage games meant a competition in running and agility. We invite you to play the wonderful old Russian game “Salki”.

5 presenter. Now we will play the ancient Russian game “Salki”.

Here the ability to run quickly is assessed. A gamecheerfulinteresting, dynamic, helps develop speed. A driver is selected - he must catch up with the players and spot them, that is, “salt”. The one who is caught becomes the “driver” and must run after the other participants. To give the driver a rest, you can include the following rule: you cannot immediately stain the driver, he is “hot” and can be caught again in a minute, when he “cools down”. This prevents players from becoming overtired. Those who have never been caught win. Children play "Talk"

1 presenter: We continue our spring gaming holiday with Fyodor Tyutchev’s poem “Spring Waters”:

The snow is still white in the fields,

And in the spring the waters are noisy -

They run and wake up the sleepy shore,

They run and shine and shout...

They say all over:

“Spring is coming, spring is coming!

We are messengers of young spring,

She sent us ahead!”

Spring is coming! Spring is coming!And quiet, warm May daysRuddy light round danceThe crowd cheerfully follows her.

The bright spring sun melts the winter snows, and they turn into streams. Guys, let's play the game "Stream"?

6 presenter "Stream" - Russian traditional, And known for a long time. People have written many songs, fairy tales, and poems about streams. Streams are pure springs that adorn our land. And in the spring they give us a spring mood, delighting us with their ringing murmur. All participants need to split into pairs, the players of each pair join hands. They stand in two columns at some distance from each other, raise their clasped hands high above their heads, forming a tunnel. The driver enters the corridor and chooses a mate, and the freed person becomes the driver. The faster the stream flows, the more fun it is. The meaning of the game for the participantscomes down to being able to stand hand in hand with your friends. Children play "Rucheek".

2 presenter : Reservoirs thaw and many fishermen appear on the banks of rivers and lakes. Let's play the game “Catch the Fish”.

3 leading Now we will play the game “Catch the Fish”. Fishing was one of the hobbies and trades of the Russian people. We relaxed and stocked up on fish while fishing. This game symbolizes both work and fun. A “driver” is selected - he stands in the center, he has a long rope attached to his belt, to the end of which a small object (a fish) is tied. The rope should be long and reach the ground. The driver begins to run away, the participants run after him, trying to step on the fish. The driver who “kept” his fish longer than others wins.

1 presenter : Now we are playing another Russian folk game"Fishing rod", which also symbolizes fishing.

4 presenter The players stand in a circle, they are the “fish”, and the leader in the center of the circle is the “fisherman”. The game begins: the “fisherman” lowers the fishing rod from his hand and begins to turn around its axis, and the “fish” must jump over the fishing rod, and the “fish” one by one begin to jump, trying not to get hooked. And whoever is caught - hit on the legs with a fishing rod - leaves the circle. The “fisherman” turns his fishing rod in the other direction. So, one by one, the players drop out of the game. The game ends as soon as the second to last player is eliminated. And the last one, the most dexterous, is considered the winner, he is given a fishing rod as a reward, and he becomes a “fisherman”. Children play "Fishing Rod".

2 presenter Our holiday has come to an end. I think everyone was happy and had a good time. Let's end our holiday with a poem:

Spring! Spring is red!

Come, Spring, with joy,

With great mercy!

With tall flax,

With deep roots,

With abundant bread,

Happy spring showers!

Come, Spring, into every home!

Everyone is happy to see you, Spring!

2 presenter : And now each participant of the holiday will receive a small souvenir as a keepsake.

Children approach the organizers one by one and receive prizes.

Olga Turusina
Scenario of the open event “Festival of Russian Folk Games” in the preparatory group

Open event scenario with children and parents


Full name of physical education instructor Turusina Olga Feliksovna

Age group Preparatory group for school

Form of organization, number of participants Entertainment

Subject Events« Holiday of Russian folk games»

Technologies and methods used Gaming technologies

Goal Creation festive mood , fostering interest and love for folk games, interest in culture Russian people. Increasing motor and emotional activity of children.

Objectives - Create conditions for consolidating the skills of playing Russian folk games, follow the rules.

Promote the development of physical qualities (speed, dexterity, spatial orientation, increased cognitive and motor activity.

Foster a sense of belonging folk celebrations, satisfaction from participating in collective activities, love for folk art. Cultivate friendliness.

Equipment and materials Music center, recordings Russian folk songs and melodies; musical tools: rattles, spoons.

Preliminary work Conversations about the life and everyday life of children and adults in Rus', acquaintance with the national Russian costume. Learning games, counting rhymes, ditties, dance. Preparing costumes for the holiday.

Expected result Children know how to play Russian folk games, know and follow the rules of the games. Children can sing ditties, solve riddles, dance folk dance

Participants: Buffoons (parents, presenter (teacher, children, parents.

Move holiday: Sounds Russian folk melody"Kalinka".

Leader and children Russians dressed in national costumes, enter the hall and are greeted by buffoons with rattles.

1. Buffoon:

The sun is rising bright

Hurries to holiday people

The gates opened

Pass by, Lord!

2. Buffoon.

Come in without hesitation!

No tickets needed.

Fun mood,

It will be a reward.


What's happened? Why honest people gathered?

What the the holiday will be here, who would have guessed?

2 Buffoon:

Come in, kids.

Hello kids.

Girls and boys.

Thank you for not passing by.

To us at the holiday has arrived.

Come in, don't be shy.

Make yourself comfortable!

1 Buffoon:

How nice and smart you all are.


golden-haired girl.

And Andryusha is great.

And Ilyusha the daredevil!

The kids came to visit

It's time to open the holiday!


Wait for the buffoon.

Us on holiday invited

and they didn’t explain it at all,

what the the holiday will be here.

The guests are waiting for an explanation.

2 Buffoon: Our holiday is not simple, A folk gaming. Holiday of Russian folk games.

Leading: Is there such a thing? holiday?

1 Buffoon: It happens. In these folk Our grandparents, mothers and fathers also loved to play games.

A lot of folk games in the world.

Our children will play with them today.

2 Buffoon. Get ready people, join the round dance. We will have fun playing, there will be no time to be bored. Children in Rus' loved to play round dance games. Let's play Russian, folk, round dance game "Golden Gate".

Rules of the game. Four children are chosen for the game - gates; the rest of the players are a chain. Children - gates raise their clasped hands up and They say:

The Golden Gate doesn't always let people through.

The first time is forgiven, the second time is forbidden,

And the third time we won’t let you through.

At this time, the playing children, forming a chain, pass through the gate. The gate children, after the words, lower their hands; those who remain in the circle stand next to the gate children. And so on until there are three children left, they are the winners.

1 Buffoon: Well done to all the kids, they played with all their hearts!

Now guess the riddle.

There is water inside him, they don’t want to hang out with him,

And all his girlfriends are leeches and frogs!

Overgrown with algae - good grandfather. Freezing? (Water).

Who knows the counting rhyme - chooses Vodyanoy!

Rules of the game. The merman, blindfolded, stands with a stick in a circle, and the children walk in a circle in a round dance and They say:

Grandfather Vodyanoy, why are you sitting under water?

Look out for just a minute.

One, two, three - Vodyanoy, don’t sleep!

After finishing the words, the merman points the stick at the child, who takes the stick by the other end and calls the merman. The merman must guess the child's name from his voice. Then the children change places. The game is being played "Water" 3-4 times.

2 Buffoon: And in the old days Russian people were cheerful, funny. What kind of games have you played? For accuracy, strength, speed, agility. Let's play Russian folk game"Zarya-Zaryanitsa". Count with a calculator! Choose the dawn!

The child chooses Dawn as a counting rhyme.

Rules of the game. Children stand in a circle, hold their hands behind their backs, and one of the players, “Zarya,” walks behind with a ribbon and speaks:

Zarya - lightning, red maiden,

I walked across the field, dropped my keys,

Golden keys, blue ribbons,

The rings are entwined. - I went for water!

With the last words, the driver carefully places the ribbon on the shoulder of one of the players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the ribbon, and they both run in different directions in a circle. The one who is left without a place becomes a "dawn". The game repeats itself. Runners must not cross the circle. The players do not turn around while the driver chooses whose shoulder to put the ribbon on.

The game is played 2-3 times.

1 Buffoon: Are your ears ready to listen to my nursery rhymes?

The cat was warming itself at the gate, washing its mouth with its paw,

The hairdresser is a cockerel, gave her a comb,

I combed the cat with it...

Leading make-believe.

2 Buffoon: A bear hovered in the clouds, he drank tea with crows.

Suddenly a crocodile came along and swallowed the bear,

Swallowed like a midge...

Children: No, that doesn’t happen - it’s make-believe.

1 Buffoon In the morning, grandmother Varvara carried a mosquito from the market,

Sees: there is a pig near the fence with piglets,

Dancing to the accordion...

Children: No, that doesn’t happen - it’s make-believe.

2 Buffoon: Our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers loved to play the game when they were children "Burners" and now children love to compete in speed and dexterity.

Rules of the game "Burners with tape". Children stand in pairs, one after another. The driver stands two steps ahead - the burner, and holds a ribbon in his outstretched hand. All the children say sing-song:

Burn, burn, clearly, so that it doesn’t go out. Stand at your heels and look at the field.

Trumpeters ride there and eat rolls. Look at the sky, the stars are shining.

The cranes are screaming: - Gu, gu, I’ll run away. One, two, don’t be a crow, but run like fire.

After finishing the words, the children standing in the last pair run from both sides along the column and try to be the first to take the ribbon from the burner. Whoever took the tape becomes the presenter. The game is played 4-5 times.

1 Buffoon: And now for all the kids, I’ll tell you some riddles,

I know, I know in advance - you are savvy people!

1. Worn by women, old ladies, small girls wear-

A colorful corner is folded to the corner (handkerchief).

2. Frosts in winter are not scary for anyone big or small,

What are winter threats to us - we will wear shoes (felt boots).

3. If there is a little frost, it doesn’t grab your nose.

When the frost begins to get angry, we will put on (mittens).

4. He will play along with me in ditties, even though it’s not an accordion.

At lunch a painted fish dives into the soup (spoon).

5. These shoes have not been forgotten, even though they were worn a long time ago.

The children will climb onto the floor and leave them by the stove. (bast shoes).

6. Three strings, recognize her. Well, of course (balalaika)

7. How needed she is in the forest! I carry mushrooms home in it,

8. Admire the picture - there’s a whole lot of white people. (basket).

9. Girlfriends love bagels with poppy seeds and (drying).

2 Buffoon: When I was little, my friends and I loved to play the game "The Cat and the Sparrows". I was the smartest cat.

1 Buffoon: Come on, come on, be more detailed. I don't remember such a game.

The buffoon explains the rules of the game and invites parents and children to play. Rules of the game. All players represent sparrows and are behind the circle (the circle is lined with rope). The driver - the cat stands in the middle of the circle. The sparrows jump into the circle and then jump out of it. They are collecting grains (chips are scattered inside the circle). The cat quickly runs in a circle, turns sharply and tries to catch them. The sparrow, which the cat touched, pours out all the collected grains, then begins to collect them again. At the end of the game, the most agile sparrows who have collected the most chips are celebrated.

1 Buffoon: Russians people worked well and had a great rest, they loved lively dances and mischievous ditties. Who knows funny ditties? Come out, people have fun!

The children go out and sing ditties to a minus phonogram, the rest of the children knock on rattles and spoons and dance.

2 Buffoon: One, two, three, four, five we will "Mistress" dance.

Stomp your right foot, clap your left hand.

(Children and parents dance "Mistress").

1 Buffoon:

That's how well they danced!

And so as not to get bored.

Let's play Russian folk game. Guess the name.

The snow has melted and a nimble one is running from the fields (Creek).

A game "Stream" to the music "Quadrille".

Rules of the game. Children stand in pairs, raise their hands up and form a gate. The leading child goes through the gate and chooses a mate. The child left without a partner becomes the driver.

Leading: So funny folk games. Let's play them and don't forget.

And at the end of our fun, get a treat.

As a souvenir of the toy game - a sweet cockerel on a stick.

2 Buffoon: The hour of farewell is coming,

We tell you: "Goodbye!" (children in chorus)

Until pleasant, new meetings!

1 Buffoon: Here and the holiday is over Well done to those who played!


1. Keneman A.V., Children's outdoor games peoples of the USSR,M. ; Enlightenment, 1989. – 252 p.

2. Litvinova M. F., Russian folk outdoor games: Practical guide; M. ; Iris-Press, 2004.-192p.

3. Stepanenkova E. Ya., Theory and methodology physical education and development baby: Tutorial For university students; M.: "Academy", 2006.-368p.

4. Khuzina T. F. Entertaining pedagogy peoples of Russia: advice, games, rituals; M.; 2001.-152p.

Skopina Galina Alexandrovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU d/s No. 31 "Thumbelina"
Locality: Zelenogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory
Name of material: Scenario
Subject:"Holiday of Russian folk games"
Publication date: 18.06.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Thematic lesson scenario:

"Celebration of Russian folk games."

Target: support children's interest in Russian folk culture through

folk games, riddles, round dances.


Wide are you, our Rus',

In the royal land it turned around.

Don't you have heroic powers?

An ancient saint, great feats.

Hello, good people!

Hello, good daring fellows!

Hello, red, sweet and beautiful girls!


We have gathered today to remember the old days, to play Russian

folk games played by our grandparents.

Child: A thousand games on our holiday,

We play, joke, sing and dance!

Don't open your mouth in games -

Show courage and dexterity!

Leading: I invite strongmen to measure their heroic strength.

Russian folk game"Honey and Sugar."

Leading: Let's see which side has more strength.

Music sounds, two buffoons come out: Proshka and Fedul.

Proshka: Fedul, why are you pouting your lips?

Fedul: Yes, they weren’t invited to the party!

Leading: But you came!

Both: And we are not invited!

Leading: And the guys and I are always happy to have guests.

Proshka: Well, Fedul, let’s say hello to the guests.

Fedul: Hello, distinguished and welcome guests,

People old and young

Married and single!

Proshka: We came here to play, sing and have fun!

I, the buffoon Proshka, have a whole basket of games and fun!

Leading: Russian folk game "Burners". “Burners” is an old

Russian game. For several centuries it has been one of the most beloved games

Russian people and has survived to this day.

Russian folk game "Burners"

Fedul: Eh, I'll take the balalaika,

Let me amuse all the guys.

Let's sit down, brothers, we're side by side

And let's sing ditties!

Proshka: If there was no water -

There wouldn't be a mug

If there were no girls -

Who would sing ditties?

Funny ditties.

Leading: At festivities and gatherings they not only sang ditties, but also drove

round dances. Now let's play the round dance game "Merry Tambourine".

Round dance game "Merry Tambourine"

Children stand in a circle and pass the tambourine from hand to hand. In the middle stands a good one

"You roll a merry tambourine

Quickly, quickly, hands over.

Who has a cheerful tambourine?

He’ll dance for us now!”

Fedul: Hey private gentlemen!

Come here quickly.

Come, come,

And don't miss the game!

Russian folk game "Pots"

Proshka: Games, attractions

For a joke, for a laugh.

To the right - riddles,

To the left are the answers.

Fedul and Proshka tell the children riddles.

Two bellies

Four ears.

Black horse

Jumps into the fire.

Neither light nor dawn

He went, bending out of the yard.

Light, clean,

Lovely to watch.

Four brothers

Belted with one sash.

Fish in the sea

Tail on the fence.

Fat, pot-bellied

Stands and puffs.

Fedul: Neither for power nor for glory

The fun continues!

Russian folk game "Cockfight"

Proshka: Oh, you're having fun

The legs dance on their own.

Now let's sing a song,

We'll start a round dance !

Round dance "And I'm in the meadow"

Fedul: And now we all the guys

We invite you to the rope.

Ten on the left, ten on the right,

Only the muscles are cracking!

Fun game “Tug of War”

Proshka: Peace to you, dear guests,

We arrived at a good hour.

A warm welcome like this

They prepared it for us.

Hospitality and cordiality

The Russian people are famous.

There were Russian games for us here

And of course a Russian round dance!

Fedul: Now the moment of farewell has come,

My speech will be short.

I tell you: “Goodbye,

See you happy, new meetings!”

(The buffoons leave)

Leading: So our holiday is over,

Games in the kindergarten and laughter,

This is the main thing for everyone.

Because singing songs together is more fun.

Because together the games are twice as interesting.

National holidays games

Goals and objectives:

Popularization of folk games among preschoolers and their parents;

Development of dexterity, coordination abilities, endurance, ingenuity;

Fostering tolerance and interest in the culture of other peoples;

Creating a favorable microclimate, trusting relationships between adults and children, parents and teachers;

Introducing children and parents to Russian folklore.

Preliminary work:

Release of the wall newspaper “Learning by Playing”;

Introducing children to Russians folkgamesamiand the peoples of the Volga region;

Unlearningcounters, draws,nicknames;

Making attributes for folk games;

Characters:SkomoroX,Withcomoroshka, teacher, children, parents.

Hall decoration:The hall is decorated with balloons. On the central wall are silhouettes of children playing blind man's buff, with balls, and jump ropes.

The progress of the holiday

(In the foyer, guests are greeted by a buffoon with a buffoon, blowing a pipe, beating a drum).


Hello parents!

Would you like to go to our festive hall?


Come in without hesitation!

No tickets needed.

Just show us

fun mood!

(Parents take seats in the hall. There are children in folk costumes in the foyer. The teacher looks into the hall.)

Will educateatelier.

Oh, what kind of honest people are gathered here?

What kind of holiday will be here, who would have guessed?


Come in, kids.

Hello kids.

Girls and boys.

Thank you for not passing by.

They came to visit us for a holiday.

Come in, don't be shy.

Make yourself comfortable!


How nice and smart you all are.


golden-haired girl.

And Andryusha is great.

And Kiryusha is a daredevil!

And Tatars and Bashkirs,

and Chuvash and Mordovians.

We are glad to see everyone today,

and it’s time to open the holiday!

Will educateatelier.

Wait for the buffoon.

We were invited to a party

and they didn’t explain it at all,

what kind of holiday will it be here?

The guests are waiting for an explanation.


Our holiday is not just folk games and entertainment.


Is there really such a holiday?


It still happens.

Gather people, join the round dance.

(Round dance “Wreath”. Two children with wreaths take hands, raising them up, forming a gate. The rest of the children walk in a chain through the gate and sing “The girls sown flax.” At the end, the children who held the gate put a wreath on one of the participants, All They command: “Wreath, wreath, hide in the tower!” The participant with the wreath runs away and hides it. Everyone goes to look for the wreath and takes it for himself.


Oh, they played well!

And the mothers and fathers got a little bored.

Let's play the Russian folk game "Rucheek" with them.

(Game “Stream”. To the music of “Quadrille”, children get into pairs, raise their hands up and form a gate. The leading child goes through the gate and chooses a partner. The child left without a pair becomes the driver).


Who else are they?

Bright and colorful.

They wave handkerchiefs

And they dance merrily?

(Dance of nesting dolls)


And in the old days, the Russian people were cheerful and amusing. What kind of games have you played? For accuracy, strength, speed, agility. We invite you, dear guests, to play the Russian folk game “Wolf and Sheep”.

(The game “Wolf and Sheep” is played. Before starting the game, you need to choose a “wolf” and a “shepherd”, the rest of the children will be “sheep”. On opposite sides of the site, the boundaries of two “sheepfolds” are marked, where “sheep” can escape from the wolf. Before the start of the game, all “sheep” must be located at the edge of the field, in one of the “sheepfolds”. A circle is drawn in the center of the site: where the “wolf’s lair” will be. The children say in chorus: Shepherd, shepherd, Blow the horn! The grass is soft, the dew is sweet. - Drive the herd into the field, for a walk in the wild! The “shepherd” plays the “horn” and thus lets his “sheep” out for a walk in the water meadow. The “wolf” closely monitors the grazing “sheep” from his “lair”. When the “shepherd” shouts: “Wolf!”, “the sheep must have time to run to another sheepfold, on the opposite side of the field. And the “wolf” jumps out of his “lair” and tries to catch them (“grump”). The “shepherd” protects the “sheep”, shielding them from the “wolf”. The “sheep” that the “wolf” caught leave the game). Skomnut.

There are many folk games in the world.

Let's get to know them better, children.

(Game “Towns” (simplified version). The players are divided into two teams. A line is drawn through which they must not cross. “Towns” are located in the center of the hall. Players using a bat must hit the target and break them.)


And when I was still a little buffoon, I loved to play the funny blind man's buff "Masha and Yasha."


Come on, come on, be more detailed. I don't remember such a game.

(The buffoon explains the rules of the game and invites parents and children to the game.

For this game, children choose a boy and a girl as drivers. The boy is appointed “Masha”: now he must speak in a thin voice, and the girl “Yasha”: from now on she speaks in a deep voice. Both drivers are blindfolded. The rest of the children join hands and form a closed circle around the leaders. The drivers stand in a circle, they are spun around to make it more difficult for them to maintain their orientation, and they are released to “look” for each other. “Yasha” is looking for “Masha”, calling out to her in a bass voice, and “Masha” responds, but is not in a hurry to meet “Yasha”. If “Yasha” blindly mistakes another child for “Masha”, the mistake is pointed out to him. The game continues until the funny couple finally meets).


And now 1,2,3,4,5, we will dance “The Lady”.

Stomp your right foot, clap your left hand.

Hands to the side and turn.

The lady is dancing, people.

(Parents and children dance “Barynya”).

Will educateatelier.

Buffoons, and children of different nationalities go to our kindergarten. We often play games of other peoples. We can teach you too.


That's great! We want. Teach.

Will educateatelier.

This is a game of the Tatar people. It's called "Limping Fox". (The game “Lame Fox” is played. At the beginning of the game, “fox hole”, “house”, “chicken coop” are indicated with hoops, and it is chosen which of the children will be the “lame fox” and “chicken coop owner”. All other children become “chickens”.

The “lame fox” jumps on one leg from her hole to the “chicken coop” past the “house”, and the “owner of the house” asks her where she is going.

Fox, lame little fox, where are you hobbling at night?

Bikchantai, son of Mamai, my dear grandmother is waiting for me!

Why rush to her?

My fur coat is there behind the stove.

What if the fur coat catches fire?

I'll dip my fur coat in the river.

What if the current sweeps her away?

I will cry with grief.

Fox, lame little fox, how can you walk without a fur coat?

Bikchantai, son of Mamai, as soon as I pass, you will understand!

The owner “goes to bed” (closes his eyes), and the cheating fox climbs into the “chicken coop” and begins to chase the “chickens.” At the same time, she must jump on one leg; she is prohibited from standing on both legs at once. The “chickens” scatter from the fox, but they are strictly forbidden to run out of the “chicken coop”.

Jumping after the “chickens”, the “lame fox” strives to “smear” someone with his hand. The player who was touched by the fox becomes the fox himself in the next game).

Will educateatelier.

And this game is played by the peoples of the Chuvash nationality “Moon or Sun”. They choose two players who will be captains. They agree among themselves which of them is the moon and which is the sun. The others, who had previously been standing aside, approach them one by one. Quietly, so that others do not hear, everyone says what he chooses: the moon or the sun. He is also told whose team he should be on.

So everyone is divided into two teams, which line up in columns - the players behind their captain, clasping the person in front by the waist. Teams pull each other across the line between them. The loser is the team whose captain crossed the line during the tug-of-war.

Will educateatelier.

We are in kindergarten we also play Mordovian games. What game, guys, will we show to the buffoons? (Children's answers).

The game "Rayu-Rayu" is played. Two children are chosen for the game - gates; the rest of the players are mothers and children. Children - gates raise their clasped hands up and say:

Heaven, heaven, I'm missing it,

And I leave the last ones.

The mother herself will pass

And he will see the children through.

At this time, the playing children, having become a train, follow their mother through the gate. The gate children, with their hands down, separate the last child and in a whisper ask him two words - a password (for example, one child is a shield, the other is an arrow). The responder chooses one of these words and joins the team of the child whose password he named. When the mother is left alone, the gate loudly asks her for a shield or an arrow. The mother answers and joins one of the teams. Children - gates stand facing each other, holding hands. The remaining members of each team line up behind their half of the goal. The resulting two teams pull each other. The winning team is considered the winner.

Will educateatelier.

Did you know that the Bashkirs have always been a warlike people. Many tales and legends are associated with these people. But Bashkiria is also rich in its games. We present one of the games “Yurt”. (A game is being played).

The game involves four subgroups of children, each of which forms a circle at the corners of the site. In the center of each circle there is a chair on which a scarf with a national pattern is hung. Holding hands, everyone walks in four circles at alternating steps and sings:

We are funny guys

Let's all gather in a circle.

Let's play and dance

And let's rush to the meadow.

To a melody without words, the guys move in alternating steps into a common circle. At the end of the music, they quickly run to their chairs, take a scarf and pull it over their heads in the form of a tent (roof), it turns out to be a yurt.

Will educateatelier.

Mari children are very fond of the game “Belyashi”. Let's play it.

In the hall, two lines are drawn with cords at a distance of 3-4 m from one another. The players, divided into two teams, stand behind these lines facing each other. One of the comrades playing at his own request and consent shouting “Belyasha!” runs to the other team, each member of which extends his right hand forward. The person running up takes someone from the opposing team by the hand and tries to pull him across the court behind his line. If he succeeds, he places the prisoner behind him. If he himself finds himself outside the line of the enemy team, he becomes its prisoner.

Musical pause.

(Dance melodies of the peoples of the Volga region sound, children dance).

Will educateatelier.

These are the games of different nations. They all look a little alike, but how could it be otherwise, because children play in them. And children all over the world are the same. Mischievous, inquisitive, active.


Igraliya, Igralochka,

Wonderful country.

Everyone has been here more than once,

Who ever played

Hide and seek or tag.


What games did your mothers and fathers play in childhood? Let's ask them.

Skomirrigate. (interviews parents)


Let's play some of these games. (Invites a parent, he explains the game and everyone plays it together).

“Fifteen”, “Broken Phone”, “Chizh”, etc.


Now let the guys clap louder and together!


And for all the winners today, let their parents clap!

Will educateatelier.

Let your childhood play

Enough, to the full, not in short

Let it open like a flower.

Spare the child's soul

Take care of your eyes.

Don't reproach me for pranks in vain

Neither a parent nor a teacher.

Let your childhood play

Laugh, jump around.

Dear parents, children and guests! Thank you for participating in our celebration. Always be pure in heart and do not forget that you yourself were once children.


And let the boys and girls.

All the naughty kids.

Today they will say it loudly and loudly.

Long live the Game! (pronounced in unison).


The folk melodies “Barynya”, “Valenki”, “Quadrille”, “The Girls Sowed Flax” were used at the festival. Dance melodies of the Tatar, Chuvash, Mordovian, Mari, and Bashkir peoples were also used. All games were accompanied by counting rhymes:

1. Beyond the seas, beyond the mountains,

Behind the iron pillars

There is a tower on the hill,

There is a lock on the door.

Go get the key

And unlock the lock.

2. Like behind our yard

There is a cup of cottage cheese.

Two grouse arrived

They pecked and flew away.

They pecked and flew away,

On a green meadow

3. Little Bunny

He ran across the field,

Ran into the garden

I found cabbage

I found a carrot.

Sits, gnawing.

The owner is coming!

4. The bees flew into the field,

They buzzed and buzzed.

The bees sat on the flowers,

We play - you drive!

5. Tili - tili, the birds sang.

They took off and flew towards the forest.

The birds began to build nests,

Whoever doesn't howl should drive!

6. A ram was walking

Along steep mountains.

Pulled out the grass

I put it on the bench.
