Zis war of mine walkthrough. Tips for surviving This War of Mine: The Little Ones

IN This War Of Mine at night you can explore different places. Each location has 5 options for construction and description.

When choosing a location, you can see the approximate amount of resources that are located there. If you have already been to a location, you can see what% of items are left in it.

An elderly couple with their son lived in this old house, but they fled before the blockade began. Rumor has it that suspicious, armed people now live in the house. If we go there, we need to be extremely careful.

She survived several attacks, a fire and bandit raids. Despite this, it still works. In one wing of the hospital, doctors are still treating patients, saving their lives. Mainly thanks to Dr. Efimov, a famous surgeon who does not lose his restraint and does not allow others to relax.

St Mary's Church is still a gathering place for local residents. Priest Olek is known for his charitable activities and care for the homeless. Perhaps we can trade with him or get help from him. The sacristy behind the church is empty and abandoned. We can find useful materials in it

Half of the house is destroyed, people live in the other half. They seem to be unfriendly. At night you can hear shots from there. We could clear out the abandoned part of the house if we can slip through the inhabited one. Has two generation options. With hostile people or with a merchant/

A small but luxurious hotel, formerly owned by the Pogoren Travel agency. Now armed bandits have settled in it. Sometimes screams are heard from the house. Better to stay away from there.

This store served the entire area before the area became a war zone. Since the area is now controlled by the military, shopping here can be dangerous. However, the risk may be worth it, since large deposits of provisions should remain here.

A residential area that has remained virtually untouched. This is a quiet area, built up with small houses, with porches and gardens. Most of the houses are still occupied by people trying to lead normal lives. We have no business here unless we are willing to steal.

This is an old villa located in a wealthy area. Saying that several soldiers who deserted from the army settled here. They are suspicious of strangers, but most likely they have substantial supplies of provisions, including dry rations and stewed meat.

Those who shoot during the day trade with each other at night. These soldiers have many goods to trade, and they are particularly interested in alcohol, but caution must be exercised. You can expect everything from them.

The city center used to be very beautiful with parks, squares and monuments surrounded by ancient buildings. The war destroyed the area, but did not touch the market where people come to trade. We can get the things we need there, provided we have valuable goods to exchange.

This abandoned construction site in a luxury residential area that was supposed to be the crown jewel of Pogoren now serves as an ideal vantage point for snipers. It's dangerous here. Here you can find useful things left behind by the workers and rebels who held this position for some time.

If you want sex for a can of stew, this is the place for you. Mothers are ready to do anything to get food for their children. This is a small building, it is guarded by local bandits. They have a lot of products and are willing to change.

  1. Search your hideout as quickly as possible

  2. After starting the game you will find yourself in a house. We immediately begin searching for resources in the premises, but before that we will stock up on a crowbar or master keys, since there will be quite a lot of locked things in the building. If you don't have a shovel, don't worry. At the beginning of the game we will do without it. We just try to search as much as possible and take everything with us. Finding jewelry will be a good plus. Use them in subsequent transactions.
  3. Build vital items

  4. What do we mean by “vital”:
  • Plate
  • Sufficient number of beds
  • Mechanic's workbench
  • Rainwater collector

It is impossible to survive without these items, so you need to build them as quickly as possible. The stove will be a faithful ally in the fight against hunger. Beds will allow your residents to rest. The workbench will allow you to create crowbars and lockpicks, and the collector will provide you with water.

  • Don't be mean

  • Everything here is like in life. Do good now, and after a while it will definitely return. Well, if you allowed the death of a child or the rape of an unfortunate girl, then your hero will be tormented by his conscience, but besides this, other people will also be depressed.
  • Water is a very important resource

  • There is no thirst in the game, but a lot of useful resources are made from water, ranging from ordinary food to moonshine. This is why a rainwater collector is so vital. Among other things, you will need filters to obtain clean water.
  • Listen to the radio more often

  • From the radio you can learn about such things as:
    • Shortage
    • Fighting
    • Robbery

    A good bonus from the radio is that it improves the mood of the residents.

  • Trade as often as possible

  • Most likely, a trader will come to your house in a few days. If he has food, then try to get it. It won't make you any worse. Also, be sure to use your jewelry, moonshine, coffee, and cigarettes to trade for useful items.
  • Not everyone is bad

  • In short, the game is about a cruel life and bad people. But this does not mean that you have to engage in battle with everyone you meet. Some can greatly help you survive.
  • Don't forget about rest for your fighters and miners

  • During the day, try to send your miners and guards to rest. While they are resting, the rest of the residents will continue to work, and at night we will calmly change their places.
  • There is no life without Bruno!

  • And it's not a joke! Seriously. This is the best cook in the game. Its food is excellent, and the resources saved greatly increase your chances of survival. If you want to make your life easier, then feel free to take Bruno to your team.

    You will receive tasks in this game at random frequency. Quests can be obtained in a shelter or during forays at night. All tasks affect group morale.

    The quests you receive at the hideout generally require you to borrow one of your survivors for a time. Less frequently, there are tasks related to the exchange or receipt (for example, a gift from neighbors) of objects. During the quest, the character may get hurt or die, so choose carefully. Also, for some tasks there may be a reward (for example, help in obtaining humanitarian cargo), or there may not be a reward (for example, helping to get people out of the rubble).

    Tasks performed in locations can be difficult to notice or find. Also, on some missions you need to make a difficult moral choice (for example, when a girl is raped by a military man in a supermarket, you can try to save her, but end up under bullets).

    You will often have to choose between goodness and the survival of the group, there will be many, many such situations.

    Some tasks were described by Dmitry Mosolov.
    At the City Hospital there will be 2 quests.

    When you first enter, you need to donate at least 1 medicine (herbal medicine, tablets or bandage), pure alcohol will also do.


    Only collect items from trash heaps. Don't break furniture, attack NPCs, or steal from cabinets. Otherwise, the location will become hostile for you, even if you were not caught stealing, the next day the characters will be upset that they had to rob the hospital. Collect items from all the garbage heaps; if there is not enough space in your inventory, put everything on the first floor in one pile - this will be a MUST.

    Occurs randomly, a few days after the first visit to the location. The hospital comes under another shelling. It is necessary to dismantle the rubble and collect medicine.

    Characters' negative influences disappear (depressed, sad, etc.)

    Take a shovel with you, you will have to clear away the rubble. Loot ONLY heaps of garbage. Give all the medicines you find to the doctor, and you can take the rest of the loot for yourself. ATTENTION! Some of the location's premises will become inaccessible after shelling; if you didn't pick up the loot from there the first time you entered, you won't be able to pick it up again!

    In the garage 1 quest.

    It is necessary to donate or change 1 medicine of any kind (bandage, herbal medicine or tablets).

    All negative effects on the characters' mood disappear.

    To rob a location you need 1 hacksaw and 2 master keys. Consequences: characters in the location become hostile.

    Sniper interchange (second option of Central Square)

    Quest "Help a wounded civilian get home."


    Get into the house, go down to the sewer and break down the door. Wait until the character reaches the room where a child is crying in a stroller, receive a reward. ATTENTION! This needs to be done right away, the wounded man takes a long time to walk, you need at least half a night in reserve.

    Mostly Jewelry. (Other options are possible: medicine or food)

    To avoid being shot by a sniper, move in dashes after his shots. Only 3 places on the square are safe: a broken armored personnel carrier, a monument and a tram. After opening the collector, you will be able to get into the house directly from the monument, without running to the tram. In order to loot the location, you need 2 hacksaws and a crowbar.


    Option #1

    Save the girl from the soldier. If this is not done, the characters will be upset.

    Option No. 2

    Armed marauders. They are not hostile, but they take some of the valuable loot from the location. Well armed.

    A little history

    This War of Mine (Russian: This is my war) - computer game from 11 bit studios, which challenges the player to survive during the civil war. The developers took the events of the Siege of Sarajevo as a basis.

    The Siege of Sarajevo was a nearly four-year siege of the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, first by Yugoslav and then by local Serbian armed forces. The siege began on April 5, 1992 and ended with the lifting of the siege on February 29, 1996, according to the Dayton Accords.

    The developers were inspired by true events, poor conditions, everyday life and the atrocities experienced by ordinary people during the Siege of Sarajevo, the longest siege of a city in history. modern history. In November 2014, pirated copies of the game became available for download, in response, the developers from 11 bit studios published a letter in which they were sympathetic to people who downloaded pirated copies, and posted ten serial keys in the comments to the letter to activate the game on the Steam gaming service

    Some features

    Be careful - each person in this game has his own peculiarity - someone bargains, someone mines, someone cooks... Be guided by these characteristics and you will be able to get more items when exchanging, save materials when assembling, bring more from a night outing, etc. d.

    I just noticed that over time, in some locations, supplies are taken away and you can only find useless trash (it brings its own peculiarity when re-traversing already familiar places)

    Having climbed into a house with the aim of stealing, close the doors, NPCs are on open doors react and begin to look for the person who broke in

    A slight injury, as well as being slightly ill, can be treated by simply resting on the bed

    A character with the skill - a jack of all trades can assemble or improve machines saving resources (fewer parts are required for improvement), just like a merchant can exchange more profitably

    The feeling of hunger in such conditions is a common thing; it is worth eating only when the character is very hungry

    In the “autumn” version of survival, it is important to create cages for catching rodents and a tank for collecting rainwater as quickly as possible

    Traders and neighbors come after 10-00. That is, even if there is nothing to do, you should not end the day. Wait until 10, maybe someone will come to visit you.

    Each character who remains in the shelter must have a weapon (crowbar, knife, shovel)

    Some villagers you meet during night raids will not attack you until you enter their territory. As soon as you notice the inscription “Don’t go there, just leave...” Try to leave without the attitude towards you getting worse

    Parts or supplies can be saved by starting the construction of a workbench, cooking food, etc. Do not finish cooking or building. Wherein necessary resources will disappear from the backpack, but they can be returned by canceling the construction.

    Game option "Winter"

    Do not assemble a tank to collect rainwater (get snow before entering) and then heat it on the stove (you will need a disposable filter)

    It is very important to maintain the temperature

    Medicines are very important (there is a high probability that someone will get sick)


    1>>Diary: Hostel's open! - Diary: the hostel is open! (We now have enough beds for everyone - that is, everyone except the one who has to go out and look for things.)
    -Make beds for everyone who will remain in the shelter

    2>>Diary: Finished ransacking - Diary: Ready search (We have explored every corner of our monastery, and there is nothing useful left. We must go outside.)
    -Collect all the items in the house

    3>>Diary: Day 7 - Diary: Day 7 (Seven days since we survived here. Death is all around us, but we were lucky, everyone remained alive, until now...)
    -No one should die in 7 days

    4>>Diary: Shooting for five stars - Diary: Shooting for five stars (For the first time since we settled here, each of us ate a hot meal. Let's not get used to it for now.)
    -Cook food on the stove for everyone

    5>>Diary: First blood - Diary: First blood (One of us survived his first skirmish by killing a person. We hope, despite all the difficulties, there will be no more meetings like this one.)
    -Kill someone on a raid

    6>>Note: A bit of indulgence (For the first time, we all indulged in our addictions. To keep our spirits up, health problems be damned, we may still die tonight.)
    -Find cigarettes and coffee for each character (coffee lover, smoker) in your group

    7>>Note: Bless the radio (The radio turned out to be useful, it exceeded all our expectations. We receive news and it reminds us of normal life and the big world.)
    -Collect the radio and listen to all available programs

    8>>Diary: Traces of lives - Diary: Traces of life (Every building we visit has its own story. I wonder what story we will leave behind...)
    -Find in any house on a foray, find a note (in the form of an icon with a magnifying glass) and read

    9>>Note: Doubled the watch (Very important to keep our place safe from night intruders. Two people watching for thieves can also keep an eye on each other.)
    -During night duty, put two people on guard

    10>>Note: Creature comforts (Our place is beginning to resemble a normal home. Let's furnish it so that we can live in relative comfort, it will support our spirit.)
    -Make a bed, chair, radio

    11>>Note: Distilled gold (We finally managed to distill the moonshine. In a city under siege, food and alcohol are always in great demand.)
    -Create a distillation apparatus and make moonshine

    12>>Diary: Effing Snow - Diary: Effing Snow (Damn snow. It covered half the city, so deep that we can’t get there. There’s no point in waiting for snowplows...)
    -When passing through in winter, get snow near the entrance to your home

    13>>Diary: We "ve been everywhere - Diary: We were everywhere (We combed all the surroundings, it is getting harder and harder to find anything useful. This war cannot end soon.)

    14>>Diary: Back from the brink - Diary: Back from the Brink (With just a kind word and deed, we helped one of us survive depression, which can kill just like a bullet.)
    -Without resorting to the “help” of alcohol, cheer up a group member with words or a kind deed

    15>>Diary: Patched up and ready to go - Diary: patched up and ready to go
    -The achievement is given after a group member is completely healed from a level 4 wound, i.e. "mortally wounded" In order to successfully cure, you need to bandage it every day and let it rest. - Thank you Petite Fleur Sasha

    16>>Epilogue: War is over - Epilogue: the war is over (The dogs of war have been madly raging around for so long. Too long for many. But I survived and I hope I’m not the only one.)
    -Survive until the end of the war

    17>>Diary: Miraculous recovery (This recovery from a serious illness proves that drugs work miracles. Or maybe some of us really have a strong immune system.)
    -When a character gets sick, cure him with medicine

    18>>Diary: We Have Wintered - Diary: We have wintered (Winter is gone. The frost is over. We made it through... everyone did it! Amazing.
    -Survive the “winter” period

    19>>Epilogue: We made it! - Epilogue: We did it!
    -Survive with 4 or more characters (an option is also possible - You need to survive not with 4 or more characters, but keep your original composition of survivors intact until the end of the game, thank you Sword of Damocles

    20>>Diary: We Made A Stand - Diary: We stood
    The bandits came in whole gangs, like dogs gone crazy from hunger. We fought them off every night. And everyone survived. Miracle.
    -Fight off and prevent bandits from stealing anything during robberies (until the “fight against crime” day)

    Locations - tactics and necessary equipment

    ..............>>>Dilapidated slum
    Safe territory. The only inhabitant is an artist. He needs food. If you visit this location 3 times the artist will die (if you share food, even a piece of raw rat, the artist will show his cache of pure alcohol and jewelry and such a gesture will improve everyone's morale)
    Requires 1 master key or crowbar, as well as 1 hacksaw

    ...............>>>Destroyed high-rise building
    Safe territory. Lots of food, electrical parts. Requires 2 hacksaws

    Safe territory. Don't go down to the basement! (otherwise the game will consider you a thief) The young man needs medicine, pills and bandages for his sick father. You need 1 hacksaw, although it can be traded with him, he also has a good supply of weapon components. There are a lot of electrical parts at the location

    .............>>>St. Mary's Church
    The territory is very different in different versions of the passage.
    ...If the holy father survived, then you can trade with him, the main thing is not to go into the basement under the church. In the building behind the church there is not an aggressive resident (although he walks around with a gun drawn =). I recommend taking a shovel, and also need a hacksaw to get into the attic of the house
    ...If you die, then you meet aggressive local residents. In one night you can collect all the useful things near the exit, and also manually dismantle 2 rubble in the basement. Requires a hacksaw

    .............>>>Construction site
    When visiting for the first time, you need to be careful. Items from the flooded basement can be picked up on the next outing (there will be no water). The location is rich in all types of resources, food and medicine. In a closed closet there is a damaged helmet, a pair of broken pistols with a guitar, and cartridges. Required - 2 hacksaws (1 in the basement; 1 on the roof), 1 master key

    The location changes depending on the passage. In one version, you can meet a soldier who pesters a girl. You can scare him away by opening the door, but it is recommended to immediately leave the area. He talks to the girl for a long time so that some things can be collected.
    In another option, you can meet 3 miners, they are not aggressive, the main thing is not to run and collect things if they are standing near them. You will need a master key or crowbar to open the cabinet in the basement

    .............>>>Sniper interchange
    A very dangerous territory (you need to run across after a sniper shot, first behind the armored personnel carrier, then to the monument - tram - ambulance and then run into the house). Going down to the basement and unlocking the door will help the wounded person, this will improve morale. The next time he visits, he will leave the area, but leave the jewelry behind. Keep track of time - if you get stuck in this location, you will get injured. There are a LOT of electrical parts, boards, materials, bandages on the premises. Need 2 hacksaws in the building on the top floor
    ............or Central Square
    Same location (but safe), filled with people and merchants. They sell food, weapons, medicine... There is a non-aggressive person living in the house, but he won’t let you in (first he will ask you to leave, and then he will start shooting). He will constantly lock the entrance doors - you need a crowbar, you will need 2 hacksaws at the top, you can also use a crowbar to open the doors inside

    Dangerous Territory

    ...............>>>House for two families
    The immediate part of the house is safe. You need 1 master key or crowbar, but you can exchange it from the merchant for 4 boards. Also, to get to the back of the house (through the basement) you need a master key

    .............>>>Destroyed villa
    Dangerous territory. When entering, close the doors behind you so as not to arouse suspicion.

    Dangerous territory. You will need a hacksaw in the basement. Almost all supplies are "private property"

    .............>>>Army checkpoint
    You can trade with the military. You can exchange with them - a whole pistol and cartridges (3 bottles of alcohol), as well as medicines, water, weapon parts, bandages, canned food and raw food

    The immediate area is safe. Trade possible. You will need a hacksaw in the basement and another one a little further on the top floor

    .............>>>Small monastery
    Dangerous Territory


    Which characters are best to start the game with?

    Characters are generated at the beginning of the game randomly (randomly).

    It is better if you have a good cook (Bruno), an experienced breadwinner (Marco), plus a good trader (Katya) or Katya, Meyrin, Arika. The worst option is when there are two people - Anton and Sveta (they are sick and suffer from wounds).

    Character options at the beginning of the game

    Roman, Katya.

    Katya, Mairin, Arika. (The easiest option, you can craft anything and trade with merchants).

    Anton, Sveta.

    Pavlo, Anton, Sveta, Zlata.

    Bruno, Marco, Pavlo.

    Character skills and what they are for


    (10 slots in the backpack) - an experienced cook is needed to waste less wood and water on cooking on a simple stove.
    Smokes, has a neutral attitude towards theft. Doesn't really like helping neighboring residents. Doesn't like it when there is no food. May hang himself from depression.


    An experienced miner, Marco has more slots in his backpack (15 pieces), and at the same time he can jump over gaps. Quickly inspects cabinets, etc. Indifferent to bad deeds, loves good deeds. If he himself does bad things, he worries for a long time. Perceives wounds negatively. He can leave if things are bad and grab some things.


    Trader Katya (12 slots) will be able to exchange for more favorable offers for you. He loves coffee, good deeds, has a negative attitude towards theft and murder, worries about his roommates if something happens to them.


    (10 slots) - a jack of all trades, can craft with fewer components. Coffee lover, loves good deeds, does not like hunger and bad deeds.


    (10 slots) - moves quietly. Kuryaga worries if she herself does bad things and strangers perceive her negatively. Has a normal attitude towards theft. They can shoot her right away. Worried about conflicts and injuries. She might leave (and take food with her) if Roman beats her. Well guarded.


    (10 slots) - an experienced fighter, he can kill in one hit with a knife or pickaxe by attacking from behind (and not worry too much about this). If he kills a lot, he will be depressed, he may beat up his roommates, and then even hang himself. At night it is better to keep him under guard and keep cigarettes in the house. Worried about his injuries. Has a bad attitude towards good deeds. Neutral if someone else does bad things. Protects the home well. He has a better chance of surviving a shootout or fight, and returning home with his last breath.


    (12 slots) - inspirer, gets you out of depression. Raises the morale of others. Has a bad attitude towards bad deeds, and a good attitude towards good ones. You worry if someone gets hurt. I noticed that her rat traps work faster.


    (8 slots) - loves children. Hungry less. Worries about his comrades, spends less ammo when defending his home. Approves good deeds, negatively perceives bad deeds.


    (17 slots) - Healthy, can also kill with one hit, cannot jump over large gaps, runs slowly. In general, he will not worry about bad deeds and does not like to help his neighbors.


    (8 slots) - good mathematician. Hungry less. Neutral, worries about his comrades. Doesn't like alcohol. There is a legend that Anton can be eaten! But for now this is just a legend)).


    (10 slots) - runs fast. Approves of good deeds, neutral towards bad ones.


    (10 slots) - a good lawyer, bargains well with the courier. A coffee lover, she worries about her comrades and herself. Neutral in character, sometimes approves of good deeds, sometimes condemns.

    You need to make a metal workbench and upgrade it once. Weapon components will also be needed. With the help of an improved bench, you can make a hacksaw for metal.

    Why do you need an ax

    They can be used to make boards and firewood from furniture. You can take the ax with you and chop down furniture in locations.

    Why do we need fertilizers (feces)

    Not only can poop be used to make fertilizer, but it can also be used as rat bait and for food! It's better to make two traps.

    When winter begins

    Winter can start any day at random. Even on the first day. It is better to throw 6 firewood into a simple stove. It is better to improve the furnace (to do this you will have to improve the workbench to make a thermometer from electronic components).

    How long does the game last?

    You need to survive for about 32 or more days, on average the game lasts 40 or more days.

    How to melt snow

    Snow can be collected outside the entrance door when it is winter. Then you need to make a water filter. And heat it on the stove, if you have wood, of course. When winter ends, snow will not be available, even if you accumulate it in reserve.


    It is not necessary to feed the characters to their fullest. Feeding should be done if the character is very hungry, sick or injured. It is better to feed first those who will guard the house at night. You can feed if the Persians are very hungry (every other day). It is better to eat after five in the afternoon. When a merchant arrives or someone brings you vegetables, or one of the characters is called to work.

    Murders and crimes

    Killing civilians and stealing from civilians affects the ending (good/bad, for everyone who killed or stole). Try not to kill again.

    Books, cigarettes, coffee, guitar

    Books and a chair improve your mood, just like cigarettes and coffee. The characters smoke, read and drink coffee themselves whenever they want. Katya, Arika, Zlata, Pavlo play the guitar well... The radio also improves the mood.


    You can find out when winter begins and the war ends. Tells you which products are currently in price. If they report on the radio that a crime spree has begun, this means that potential enemies will perceive you negatively at night and may immediately kill you.


    Dangerous condition... The character can leave, fight and even commit suicide. To get a character out of depression, you need to talk to him with other characters, have in the house what he loves (coffee, cigarettes, books). Good deeds will also help. Also, read the bio of the characters, it says what they are worried about (for example, no bandages, no food, cluck-cack-cack...) and correct the situation. It is better to bandage the wounded, give medicine to the sick so that they don’t worry about them.


    It's better to go to work with a knife. Hide and attack from behind. You don’t have to kill completely, leave a little HP for the enemy, then the enemy can stop bothering you (if you don’t kill anyone, then the morale of the characters will not drop). It is better to leave firearms and ammunition at home for home defense. Beware of well-equipped soldiers, they are harder to damage.

    Humanitarian assistance

    One day, a suspicious neighbor may knock on your door and ask you to go with him to pick up some badly placed humanitarian aid. If you send someone with him, then your character will return with a small loot, and after a couple of days the militia will come to you and demand that you hand over this neighbor. They can offer you food and medicine. Then decide for yourself whether to take it or not. If you fail to pass it, the morale of the characters will rise.

    How many beds to make

    Make it based on the number of characters minus one. That is, if you have four characters, make three beds. Someone might get hurt, someone might get sick...

    Defense at night

    It is best to max out the workbenches and fill up the three holes in the house and improve the door. It is better to keep a large amount of cold and firearms and cartridges. Sometimes, in the midst of crime, it is better to have a couple of people on guard. It’s better to cook all the food on the stove right away from what you have, so it won’t be stolen. You can also leave food in traps, then it won’t be stolen either. Do not rush to take all the medicines and food from the shelter cupboards.

    When the merchant comes

    Comes on average once every three days between five and six in the afternoon. It’s better to talk to him Katya. Put one expensive item up for auction and add cheap ones.

    Help a woman protect her home

    One day a woman will come to you asking you to protect her house for the night. Send a character there. In a few days they will bring you a broken gun with cartridges.

    What to do so as not to kill

    Hide and wait for the end of the night. Or go out and start the day again.

    Last day

    If on the last day you send a character to help neighbors or on another quest, then information about him will not appear in the end credits.



    If this location is open, immediately go there with a knife. On the ground floor, a military man tries to rape a girl. You sneak up from behind, open the door and knock down the military man, remove the Kalash and cartridges from him. Your friends will only thank you, and they will have something to protect your home with. Or, if you don’t have a weapon with you, then just hit the military man once with your fist and run to the exit, the girl will also run away, and the military man will be wounded. There will be no military personnel during the next trips to the supermarket. There will only be a woman familiar to that girl, she is harmless. In another scenario, in a supermarket you may catch looters, but they will not touch you and will leave.

    Quiet house

    If you visit the old people and bully them, many characters will be very upset; it is better to leave some food and medicine for the old people. If you don’t take food and medicine and take the rest, then none of your Persians will notice.


    You can send a seriously wounded or wounded character to the hospital and ask the nurse to bandage him (they will not bandage a lightly wounded character). It is better not to loot private property in a hospital if there are militias nearby.


    You take a woman, give her a bandage and go to the garage to change. Walk calmly in the direction of the main entrance to the garage (do not run), a man will come out and ask for bandages for exchange.

    Dilapidated slum

    There's a homeless man sitting there. If you give him a can of stew, he will reveal a cache of alcohol and jewelry.

    Construction site

    At the very top sits a sniper with a partner and shoots at people in the square. You need to go up to the level under the snipers and wait for them to leave, the next day they won't be there. Since the territory is vast, it is better to go on a night raid with Pavlo (he runs fast). When you first enter, the basement is flooded with water; after the snipers leave, the basement is accessible for visits (one hacksaw is needed). Also, you can kill the sniper and his partner, then you will get a sniper rifle!

    House for two families

    You will need a pair of hacksaws.

    Comments, reviews, opinions

    : ID: 1340 26/10/2015 17:49

    I want to ask a question about the pass, which is located at the old town location, if I’m not mistaken.
    Who is the best person to trade it to?

    : ID: 1263 09/06/2015 15:25

    Run when the sniper is reloading.

    Anton: ID: 1476 02/07/2016 15:22

    and I immediately demolished the military checkpoint (the whole one). I just took a shotgun, climbed onto the tower right in front of the person, extinguished the guard from the shotgun, stood in his place, received a burst of bullets (the statute was slightly wounded (but this despite the fact that I was wearing a helmet and body armor )), and made fun of the guards from top to bottom (with full information). I took a Kalash, then went to another building (on the second floor there is a place where you can hide in the shadows) and from there I shot through the window on the left at everyone who was running towards me. As soon as I kill one I hide, the other one runs, I also extinguish it and hide again. so in one go the entire checkpoint was smashed

    : ID: 1213 04/14/2015 01:54

    In the location there is a house for two families, if you get into the house through the basement, in the first room there will be a closet with things. Things will be replenished there every night, even if you cleaned out the closet before.

    Olmeca: ID: 1178 03/18/2015 12:46

    Marco, too, can leave when depressed and grab some things (((

    : ID: 1738 12/06/2016 21:11

    At a construction site, you need to kill a sniper - you will get a sniper ak with an increased range - useful for a checkpoint
