GTA 5 trading card. All playing cards in GTA Online

After the release of GTA V, reports began to appear on the Internet about players finding unusual locations, or “Easter eggs.” Of course, such secret locations in GTA 5 attract attention - they often contain something valuable or interesting. To navigate, users use game card. With its help, you can easily navigate in space and find the necessary territory in the vastness of Los Santos. However, most players are familiar only with the basics of the map, without using it to its fullest. Because of this, many locations remain unexplored. In today's article we will try to fill the knowledge gap for particularly curious players and tell you about the most interesting secret places in GTA 5 on Xbox, Playstation and PC.

Information not available to everyone

The map in GTA V has several variations; it can be topographic and satellite. In our article we will talk about the standard view that appears in the default menu. Such a map is called topographical and provides information about all roads. In order to open it, you need to press pause and select the appropriate section.

The map that appears (it can also be enlarged to full size) will show the area in which the player is currently located. The upper right corner contains an explanation of all icons and symbols (if they are missing, we recommend using the left CNTRL on PC and the right stick on consoles). With their help, you can find out where the store, hairdresser, next quest, and so on are located. If you need to change the map scale, then press the PageUp and PageDown buttons on computers and the LT/RT and L2/R2 sticks on consoles.

The entire territory in the game is divided into two large parts: the main city of Los Santos and its suburb, which is called “Blaine County”. In order to get to a certain place, you need to mark it on the map with a GPS tag. As a result, a purple stripe (trajectory) appears connecting the player’s location and the intended destination.

If you take a photo of yourself in a certain area, it can be used as a kind of navigator. Next to such a selfie, all the necessary information about the place where it was taken and how to get there will be displayed.

Secret places of cars in GTA 5

The tradition of hiding unique vehicles in the most unusual locations has been retained by the developers since the very first games in the series. Of course, the fifth part did not stand aside. Below we have presented a list of secret places in GTA 5 on Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and PC, where exclusive vehicles are hidden:

  1. We start with Rockford Hills - this is the area on the street where you can find the Adder car. Its body resembles a sports BugattiVeyron.
  2. We move to Richman and move west - there we see parking for various rare cars. It is worth visiting this place several times, since, depending on the time, there will be completely different cars there.
  3. The next spawn, where tuning cars appear, is located in the port of the southern part of the city, if you drive a little east from it.
  4. If you want to get a personal tow truck, then you need to look for it near the city’s international airport.

Cases and suitcases with money

Secret places with money in GTA 5 will always help gamers replenish their wallet. Hidden throughout the game area are valuable cases, also called money suitcases. There are twelve of them in total, and from time to time they can respawn (appear again and again). In one such suitcase you can find from $7,000 to $13,000.

Most of the cases are separated from the player by the ocean and its great depth. To successfully “dive” for money, you will have to properly improve your breath-holding skill.

By the way, it is with these cases and their secret places In and out of "GTA 5" there is a famous cheat for endless money.

Military base

Such objects, as a rule, are not marked in any way. To see this most secret place in GTA 5, you need to switch from topographic map to satellite. At the base you can find an exclusive cargo truck, a military fighter and helicopter, a cargo helicopter with a hook, a Titan plane and even a tank. The locations of almost all transport are fixed, that is, they are assigned to a certain area.

As for the tank, it moves throughout the entire territory and appears in front of the player only if the alarm is raised. By the way, about this: as soon as a character enters a military base, he is immediately put on the wanted list. What should you do in this case to avoid becoming a target for an endless stream of lead?

How to get to the base

It is possible to enter the territory; moreover, it can be done without risking life. Trevor and his mission to shoot deer will help us. Before heading into the forest, we call a taxi and go to the fort. Having arrived at the gate, we take the car away from the driver and head straight to the base. Of course, this method is a bug, but it allows the player to safely move around the territory.

All other base infiltration scenarios involve a lot of gunfire and explosions, so they are unsafe. We will tell you about another method that requires the player to have a helicopter. We steal any helicopter we like and fly to the base, while trying to maintain a decent altitude so as not to get on the radar. As soon as we find ourselves at the required point, we land.


Secret places in GTA 5 can hide not only something valuable, but also something mysterious and even inexplicable. One of these phenomena was the addition of aliens. In order to get to them, you need to find the wreckage of an alien ship scattered throughout Los Santos. The first meeting with the alien awaits the player already in the first task: we turn off the highway to the right and drive to the frozen river, to the bridge. There, under the ice, a humanoid is hiding.

The next time we can see them playing as Michael is in the second mission. Our hero, under the influence of particularly strong hallucinogenic substances, begins to see strange things that are directly related to aliens. A little later we will have to shoot them with a minigun.

The UFO itself is located in the northwest, deep underwater (for a clearer idea of ​​what place we're talking about you need to check the map). Missing it would be unforgivable!

Mount Chilliad

Climbing Mount Chilliad, you can find a mysterious slab covered with strange symbols. The drawing resembles a pyramid and a map, further examination of which suggests that they have some connection with an alien life form. If you look at the bottom of the image, you can make out the outlines of a spaceship, an egg and a person.

What does this mean? If we want to meet a real UFO, then we need to return to the same mountain under the following circumstances:

  1. The gameplay must be completed one hundred percent.
  2. During rainy weather.
  3. Early in the morning, at three o'clock.

After fulfilling all the above conditions, we will have a chance to meet with a real alien ship that will descend from the sky. It’s just that you won’t be able to inflict any damage on him, and if you get close to him, he will disappear.

Meeting characters from past parts of GTA

For many fans of the series it will be pleasant surprise appearance of characters from previous parts of GTA. So, we have the opportunity to come face to face with Bruce Kiebatz, who is assigned the role of human Twitter, or with Packy Magreri, who, in exchange for our help, can become a member of the team.

Messages from other films and games. Other jokes and references

Movie Drive

A Ryan Gosling character themed jacket can be found in any discount store in the appropriate section.

Game LA Nore

The reference for this project is to a construction company called ElysianFields, which now operates its business in Los Santos.

Max Payne 3

If we go shopping in a store Suburban, then among the hangers with clothes we will find a shirt "Tropico" - the same one that Max wore in the third part of the franchise. Another reference to this game is Michael's gray suit from the beginning of the game.

A game Red Dead Redemption

The platform where you can rent vehicles is called Escaler. This is a reference to the city Escalera, which is part of the world of Red Dead Redemtion. It's no secret that both games have the same developers, so adding Easter eggs in this case is a common and expected thing.


During GTA walkthroughs 5 players may encounter a mysterious guy. His name is Jesse, he has a long brown beard, and he loves to talk about life. Most likely, this character is some kind of parody of Jesus.

"Halo" and Superman

In one of the houses in Los Santos you can find two funny figures. One of them is the miniature Master Chief, a character from the popular game series"Halo", and the second is Clark Kent, better known as Superman.

Hello, dear readers. The Gamebizclub team is in touch with you, and today we will talk about such a component of the game as the map in GTA 5. It would seem that the element has long been familiar to everyone, and it is already difficult to imagine most games without it. Some people use this functionality in full, while others are only familiar with its basics. In this article we will try to summarize all the interesting information on this topic.

Information that not everyone has

There are several different variations of maps for GTA 5, such as topographic and satellite, but for the purposes of this article we will use the road map, since this is what is displayed in your menu by default.

To look at it, open the pause menu and select the “map” section. You will see an enlarged version of the map shown above, depending on the area where you are currently located.

A legend will be displayed in the upper right corner of the screen explaining the meaning of the icons located directly on the map itself (and if there are no icons, press left CTRL for PCs or right stick for consoles).

You will also be able to change the map scale using the Page Up and Page Down keys on PC, LT and RT on Xbox, L2 and R2 on PlayStation. Each icon is responsible for designating a specific place - these can be hairdressers, clothing and weapons stores, and much more.

Despite the huge game world, the developers divided the map geographically into the city - Los Santos and the suburb - Blaine County. Almost everyone knows that you can put a GPS mark on the map, which will display the shortest path to your destination - a purple segment will appear on it - this is the expected trajectory of movement.

It happens that a mark is placed, however, the trajectory itself is not visible, then you need to go to the game menu, settings tab, video section and there, on the “GPS route” line, select the “On” value.

In addition to the waypoint, there is also an option such as a mark or marker - by pressing Tab (Y on Xbox or triangle on PS) and it appears where the cursor was placed.

You can place up to 10 markers on the map at one time - this is very convenient, if during a mission or free ride around the city you find something interesting, but there is absolutely no time for research - put a marker and go on about your business. The marker will remain and you will not have to circle in the same area for a long time.

So, as you already understood, you can mark 11 places on the map at one time (1 GPS route point + 10 markers), but that’s not all. It is also possible to remember absolutely any place you need, and not just with a mark, but visually.

Just take a photo and save it. If you ever want to take a walk through the places of past glory, all you have to do is go to the pause menu and select gallery (1), then select the photo you are interested in (2).

Information about the place where the photo was taken will be displayed below, and on the right on the map you will be clearly shown where this place is located.

Secret places with vehicles

From the very first versions of the game, the developers have been practicing one interesting feature - there are always places where you can find unusual vehicles. I immediately remember car dealerships with supercars in GTA 3, Vice City and GTA IV. Of course, in the fifth part of the Big Auto Theft there are also places where you can find a lot of exclusive vehicles:

  • Let's start, perhaps, with an area called Rockford Hills, on one of the streets of which you can find an Adder car, with a body reminiscent of the well-known Bugatti Veyron. (Point A)
  • A little west of Richman there is a parking lot where you can find various rare cars. At different times you can come across Infernus, Cheetah, Bullet, Colt Voltie and many other cars. (Point B)
  • A little east of the Port of South Los Santos you will find a spawn point for already tuned cars. (Point C)
  • And if you suddenly need a tow truck, you can find one not far from International airport Los Santos. (Point D)

Military base

“It’s simply inconceivable that such a huge area as Los Santos and Blaine County could be managed solely by police departments!” That’s probably what the guys from RockStar Games thought and built a whole military complex in which you can find many different vehicles, oh which we will describe below.

It is no secret that military installations are not marked on the map, and Fort Zancudo is no exception. Therefore, since regular map It won’t be possible to find it by road, we will use a satellite image:

The legend is as follows:

  • Numbers 1 are Titan aircraft;
  • Deuces - military trucks, also known as Barracks;
  • Troikas – P996 Lazer military jet fighters;
  • The number four denotes helicopters with weapons on board, and popularly Buzzard;
  • Behind the five is a cargo helicopter equipped with a hook, better known as the Cargobob.

It is quite possible that someone will want to mention that we did not indicate the tank, however, we hasten to get ahead of you - firstly, the tank is cruising around the base, and its exact location will not be found out, and secondly, there is no need to look for the tank, Believe me, he will find you himself as soon as the alarm is raised.

Speaking of alarm, as soon as the hero enters the territory of a military base, a piercing howl of a siren is heard and he is assigned four wanted stars.

Remember the scene from The Matrix Reloaded where Neo has to confront an army of Agent Smiths? This is exactly what your character is about to experience, only instead of stabbing our guys in the face, they will start stuffing them with lead from all sides.

How to infiltrate a military base

First of all, we will tell you about the safest way to enter Fort Zancudo. As you progress through the storyline as Trevor, you will sooner or later come across a mission in which you need to hunt deer.

During this task, you need to call a taxi straight to the fort, and at the gate take the car from the taxi driver and go straight to the base. Of course, in fact, this is bug-userism, since, oddly enough, no alarm will occur, you can calmly walk around the base and choose exactly what you need.

All subsequent options will force you to take in a hefty portion of cartridges at best, and missiles at worst, so we strongly recommend that you do what is described below exclusively with Trevor, because thanks to his special ability you can get out of anywhere in one piece.

The second option is to steal or buy a helicopter and fly to the base. Try to stay as high above the base as possible, since the air defense system here works very well. Once your vehicle is above your target, land.

Option three - order a Marywether helicopter and fly with their pilot to the base. What’s noteworthy is that the military will not attack this vehicle, so choosing a target to jump over (the pilot will refuse to land) will be more convenient.

And the fourth option is for FlatOut lovers. Get a more powerful car and head towards a town called North Chumash.

There, turn 180 degrees and follow the road towards the tunnel, however, there is no need to go into the tunnel itself - deviate a little to the right and a mound will appear on your way, which will act as a natural springboard, thanks to which you can get past the fence.

There are other jumps, but climbing to the base through them is difficult and very inconvenient, so we decided to limit ourselves to describing only one.

Be sure to read our article about it, it describes in detail the missions on which you can raise the cache in the game.

That's all for today. Subscribe to blog updates and share the article with friends on social networks. Bye everyone.

The GTA 5 map is one of the main advantages of the game, which was recognized as one of the best of all time, and this says a lot.

The wide, seamless world is filled with a huge amount interesting places. Hundreds of hours will have to be spent to fully study them, but the pleasure gained will be worth it.

You can learn more about such locations, as well as other thematic information from this article.

General form

The GTA 5 map rightfully deserves the title of “ideal”, given the setting and experience of the previous parts. It was not for nothing that the developers took a long time to create the fifth numbered part in the series. The game world turned out to be really rich. Located in the south of the mainland large city Los Santos, which was created under inspiration from a real prototype in the form of Los Angeles. This is a real criminal center that has absorbed some parts of the metropolis, but has not become an exact copy.

General view of the GTA V map

The creators added many unique elements, which makes the settlement look quite fresh. The map in GTA 5 of the remaining parts is a poorly developed territory with a variety of natural landscapes. Along the edges there are beaches, in the middle there is a hilly and flat terrain with vegetation. Roads various kinds cross locations lengthwise and crosswise.

Various secrets

They often appear on the map in GTA 5 random events, which brings great variety to game process. Even when traveling on a mission or a regular walk, you can encounter an interesting mission that you want to complete. Typically, this list includes the robbery of ATMs, stores and cash-in-transit trucks, but more diverse events are also provided. This could be chasing a thief or helping a drunk girl. The bulk of them are concentrated in the center of Los Santos, in the northeast of the city, as well as just beyond populated area from the west side.

Robbery of a cash-in-transit vehicle

You can often encounter them in the central sandy part, where the lake is located on the GTA map, as well as on the ring road. Unique transport can also be found in the vast game world. The four points are concentrated on the sandy part of the lake location, which is marked in yellow. Two towards the sea from the lake on the east side. One car can be found on the northwest coast opposite the small islands. In the same part, but already in the city, you can come across three unique types of equipment.

Other interests

In GTA 5, the map provides extensive exploration options. At first, players will be interested in finding new parts and simply traveling, but when it comes to a specific goal, it is better to use hints. For example, fans of transport stunts should know where the best places for jumping. Most of them are concentrated in the central and southeastern parts of the city. There are also several places near the lake on a sandy location and on the northern coast.

Tricks around the city by car

If a player wants to know where random encounters are located on the map in GTA 5, then just explore the center and northern part of Los Santos. There are just them great amount. Several can be found on the same side, but outside the city, as well as near the lake in the center of the map. These meetings allow you to receive a unique task from interesting characters. Often such missions have an unexpected ending, which can be considered an additional bonus. There are 58 such tasks in total, and to complete the game 100% you will need to complete at least twenty. For greater ease of navigation, you can download a GTA 5 map with random encounter locations.

Remaining secrets

In GTA 5, a map of submarine parts may be of interest only to those users who have already tried themselves in most activities and completed storyline. They are mainly concentrated in the southeastern part of Los Santos near the port, but to find them you will have to dive to the bottom. The second accumulation is in the water opposite the convex island part on the west coast, the rest are in the north and northeast. The map of hidden packages will be useful to those guys who are looking for interesting ways enrichment.

Map of submarine parts

They are hidden in the water along the entire contour of the island, some places are covered with the wreckage of a submarine. One package is located in the center of the lake. Finding places where you can skydive will be more fun. There are thirteen such points in total, and four of them are located in the central part of the river, which opens into the ocean from the western part of the lake. Two more locations in the city center, three locations in the northern part. The rest are scattered around the map. Fans of aerial stunts should live in the central, northern, and northwestern parts of the city. It is here that there are fifteen missions to perform a wide variety of pirouettes in the air.

Traces of alien presence

It is not possible to collect a spaceship in GTA 5 as a personal transport, but collecting UFO debris is provided for those who want to complete the game 100%. This activity can be considered one of the most difficult, because the particles are not large in size and are hidden in various places. This could be the interior of an old car, the roof of a building, or the most inconspicuous nooks and crannies.

Map with spaceship debris

To collect them all you need to spend a lot of time, but this will be a good opportunity to distinguish yourself, because not too many players were able to find them in GTA 5 spaceship. The map is extensive and should always be kept before your eyes. It’s difficult to even identify approximate guidelines here. Throughout the city of Los Santos they are located closer to the center, north and southeast. A dozen units are hidden outside the city in the northwestern part. On the eastern side of the lake it is about the same. The rest are evenly distributed throughout the 108 square kilometers area, which greatly complicates the task. To find all fifty you will have to spend many hours.

Military refuge

Military base in GTA 5 on the map it is located on the west coast and clearly stands out from the environment. This is because there are no more buildings in the area and the massive complex immediately becomes a target. You can also discover the object in the “Reconnaissance” mission if you choose the passage option called “Sea Adventure”. Other players should be aware that the entrance is located on the southeast side of the complex. If you fly up from the air, the player will begin to fire at artillery. The military base in GTA 5 is quite an interesting point, inside of which there is a huge amount of military transport.

Los Santos military base

For example, powerful flying vehicles such as the Titan cargo plane, P996 Lazer fighter and Cargobob helicopters, as well as Buzzard. Among the vehicles, noteworthy are the Crusader military jeep, the Barracks truck and the Rhino tank, known from all previous parts of the series. Even just riding them will bring unprecedented pleasure. When storming a base, the main thing is to be sufficiently prepared. The character must be pumped up, the supply of weapons is inexhaustible, but it is better to master some kind of helicopter and start shelling from the mountain. Nobody will simply give the equipment into the hands of the player.

With each release of a new part of the game series Grand Theft Auto developers from Rockstar surprise game fans with new features and locations. The map of each new part of the game differs from the previous one not only in size, but also in the accuracy of its design. Thanks to this, players can spend a huge amount of time simply exploring the surrounding area. For such lovers of walks, the developers have added a lot of different things to the game. side quests, and also place hundreds of secrets and interesting “achievements” on the map.

Types of secrets and achievements

Many game lovers prefer to complete the passage one hundred percent. For gamers in GTA 5, everything is much more complicated. In addition to the necessary implementation story missions, the player will have to complete a number of side tasks. For example, there are scraps of writing scattered throughout the game map, the number of which is 50 fragments.
Even the most experienced players cannot complete the search for pieces of the letter on their own, so on our website you can find the exact coordinates of all elements of the note. This task will reveal all the details of the murder of a superstar, the investigation of which has been ongoing since 1970. It’s quite difficult to find all the fragments, but by using our map with exact coordinates, you can complete the passage 100%.

On the player’s path, he constantly encounters various tasks and secrets, the disclosure of which can captivate you even more than the main plot. As a rule, on the way to a mission or a walk, you come across missions to rob banks, cash collectors' cars and stores. Also, in addition to story walkthroughs, gamers really like the innovations from developers with the ability to jump on a car. Most of these jumps are located in the central part of the city.

A map with all the symbols in GTA 5 is available on our website, so finding even a hidden place in the game will not take you much time. Also, the map can be used to find banks that can be robbed. Many players still find it difficult to find some stores, but with a map at hand, you will find the desired location in a matter of minutes.

Police stations in GTA 5 on the map always attract special attention from players, since when you visit them you can find some kind of “adventures” for yourself, as well as get special transport.
The parkour map in GTA 5 is another place that is loved by many players, since with the appearance of a lot of models of bicycles and motorcycles in the game, performing stunts has become one of the most interesting activities.

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