Bingo game rules for children. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber bingo card game for kids

We walk outside every day and in any weather. On walks, my son and I look at cars, passers-by, birds, etc.

Sometimes we have a “color day”, that is, on this day we notice only a certain color. But simply choosing a color is not very interesting; we usually compare it with a piece of paper.

But quite by accident, I saw the game “Bingo for Kids” in IM Labyrinth, and when I looked in, I was so impressed by the excellent idea that without much thought I put the box in the trash!

Now our walk looks like this:

We look at objects, cars, passers-by, etc. through the magic window)

I'll tell you more about the game.

The box is made of varnished cardboard. The design is more than pleasant, original and so childish!

Dimensions: 132x182x23 mm

However, I’ll say right away that all the cards inside are the same size.

The publishing house Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, where the game was made, never ceases to amaze. I boldly declare that you can close your eyes and choose any edition of MYTH and you will be satisfied!

Since the game is designed for multiple use, the box should still be a little denser, or even made of a different material.

You can find a lot of cards in the game, there are 34 of them in total! There are also 4 sheets of reusable stickers, an envelope and rules.

The pile turns out to be impressive!

Let me immediately note that the cards are made of laminated cardboard... not very thick cardboard! This fact was decisive in choosing the rating for the entire set!

Since cardboard is not the best material for such cards.

For example, in the game PicnMix Educational game Velcro puzzle "Funny Aliens", the cards are made of plastic. But the game itself did not become more expensive.

Rules of the game:

I will not repeat myself, since the rules are very clear. The set is for kids)

There are a variety of colors available:

True, the red one is pale, it looks like orange.

On the street you can find all the proposed colors.

The cards from the “I See” section are also varied, but at the same time, all this can be found in any yard.

For older children there are 4 types of thematic cards, 2 cards per type. In the photo there are cards “In the Park” and “Outside the City”, let the other 2 remain a secret)

Instruction card and reusable stickers.

Only 2 cards fit freely into the envelope, well, 3 with an effort. I consider this a mistake, since I want to take more cards outside.

The card must be held by the edge, so if you do this carelessly, you can tear it.

What do games with cards look like?

Today, there are many methods in which teaching a child English necessarily takes into account all psychological characteristics and contributes to his development. Bright colored cubes that stimulate fine motor skills and large posters that use the visual channel of information perception are also successfully used.

But, probably, one of the most popular tools among both teachers and parents remains cards for learning English. After all, they are so easy and simple to use to carry out many entertaining games on English language.

The only disadvantage of cardboard cards, perhaps, is that they require very careful handling.

But the cards have a lot of advantages:

1. Visibility.

If the cards are of high quality, then the colors on them are bright and rich, and the image is large and clear. They invariably attract the child’s attention, and he just wants to pick them up as quickly as possible and take a good look at them.

And if the cards are black and white and printed on a regular printer, then they give even more scope for the child’s imagination when he picks up a pencil or brush and begins to color the pictures. And who said that the pig must be pink and the bunny must be grey? Let these be fabulous colorful animals, like in the picture below.

2. Ease of use.

Unlike a book with pictures or the same cubes, cards can always be put in your pocket and go on the road; they can be laid out, turned over, and swapped in different ways. Accordingly, they are very convenient to use in games to learn English words, even in the car or on the bus.

3. Benefits for the development of the child.

Cutting out cards, coloring them, gluing them on cardboard - all these actions are not only interesting for the child, but also useful, because in this way fine motor skills are trained, which is so important for writing and even for speaking.

While playing with cards, the child’s memory, imaginative thinking, and logic develop. In addition, by talking about the habits of one or another animal depicted on the card, the child can jump, run, stomp his feet and clap his hands, thereby doing a little exercise, which is simply necessary for the full development of children of any age.

Below are seven popular English games with cards, the rules of which can be changed according to the child’s age and level of language proficiency, thereby obtaining new interesting games.

Bingo game

Bingo is probably the most famous game with cards in teaching English to children. The spirit of competition, the desire to win, strong emotions and joyful cries of Bingo make this game invariably popular among both children 3-4 years old and children 7-8 years old.

Bingo Rules

Each player is dealt large cards with marked rectangles (about 8-9). Each of these rectangles contains an image corresponding to a topic that needs to be repeated with the children. These can be animals, body parts, items of clothing, buildings, etc. The images may be the same for all children, but the order of their arrangement on the sheet must be different for each.

Further, as the game progresses, the presenter slowly names each of the objects (animals) in English, also raising the card up. Children must cross out on their sheet the image that corresponds to the word and picture they heard. When the child sees that all his pictures have been crossed out, he must shout out the word Bingo. Since all children have the same images, the one who does it first wins, provided that all his images are crossed out correctly.

Alternatively, each child can be given a set of cards, which need to be arranged into pictures during the game that correspond to the spoken leading words. Bingo can be successfully used in an English lesson at school, and as one of the fun activities at children's party, and even just to liven up a boring winter evening at home.

The rules of the game are quite simple and clear. At the same time, it will be a great way to repeat English words and develop the child’s auditory and visual memory, as well as his attention.

If the children are already familiar with how to read the words that go with the pictures, you can hand out worksheets with English words written in place of the pictures. As the game progresses, offer to cross them out when the presenter says the word out loud and shows the picture.

Game What's Missing? (What is missing?)

Another great game that not only teaches English, but also helps develop a child’s memory is What’s Missing? You can play it from the age of three.

You shouldn’t spend more than 15 minutes on one game with cards: this time is quite enough to support your motivation to learn English and repeat all the necessary words.

For this you will need cards with thematic images, which can be found in the relevant sections of the Englishlittle website. The younger the children, the fewer cards must be in a row. For example, for 3-4 years old six cards will be enough, and for older children their number can be increased to 9-10.

As the game progresses, the cards are laid out in a row (in two rows) with the image facing up. Children carefully look at the pictures, trying to remember them and the order of their arrangement. Then the children close their eyes, and at this time the leader removes one of the cards. After everyone has opened their eyes, you need to figure out which picture is missing and name this word in English. The one who did it correctly becomes the leader.
You can see an example of such a game with fruit cards in the video below.

Game What's missing? helps you remember English words

Odd One Out (What's Odd?)

This English educational game is similar to the previous one, but is suitable for reviewing vocabulary when children have already acquired sufficient vocabulary on several topics.

Cards with images that correspond to a particular topic are laid out in a row. For example, this is a Farm Animals theme, and in a row there will be pictures of the following animals: horse (horse), pig (pig), chicken (hen), sheep (sheep), goose (goose) and rabbit (rabbit). Then the children close their eyes, and an image of, say, an apple is added to the named pictures.

Children need to understand which card is extra and name this word in English. At the same time, both visual memory and abstract logical thinking develop well.

Kim's Game

This game, in addition to its educational task, also develops memory, as well as the ability to notice details.

This is interesting

It got its name thanks to R. Kipling’s novel “Kim”, in which main character learns to be a spy and trains his memory in the game, remembering the objects that were on a tray covered with a scarf.

The game itself is for the child to carefully examine and remember the cards or objects lying on the table in front of him. Then the cards are either turned over or covered with a scarf, and the child’s task is to name all the words out loud in English, preferably in the correct sequence.

The one who can name the most words will be the winner.

The Bad Card

In this game, one of the cards is conditionally “bad”. For example, in the Zoo Animals theme, this could be a picture of a crocodile. The leader raises each card in turn and says the name of the animal out loud, and the children repeat it. When children see a “bad” card, they need to jump up and say the word out loud.

Anyone who is distracted and does not get up from his seat is given a playful punishment: perform some action, for example, stomp your feet, clap your hands.

The game is well suited for familiarizing yourself with English words and for consolidating them, and in addition, develops attention.


The game itself consists of the fact that when picking up one of the cards, the presenter deliberately makes a mistake in the statement about it. For example, holding up a tiger card, you can say It’s a crocodile. Is it true? The answer, of course, should be No, it’s false.

These alternating true and false statements invariably make children laugh and help create the necessary positive atmosphere in the English lesson.

At the same time, the game helps develop the child’s attention and abstract logical thinking, because in order to say True or False, you need to remember the English name of the animal and correlate it with the statement.


The main thing in the game is to connect two cards with each other or a word and a picture. However, the rules of this game can vary from case to case. For example, one time you can invite children to arrange cards with images of food onto corresponding pictures of a plate and a jug, which they can cut out of paper themselves.

Another time, you can give the children cards of animals and their babies and ask them to find the matching pair.

This game is both educational and educational. On the one hand, with its help you can perfectly remember English words, on the other hand, it develops your child’s logic well.

In the video below you can see how to use certain cards in an English lesson.

Video: animals and their babies in English

Fruit cards with voiceover in English

About the book
"Bingo for kids" - this is a set game cards for children 2-3 years old.

For the little ones

In the set:


Read completely

About the book
"Bingo for Kids" is a set of game cards for children 2-3 years old.

How to play Bingo? Give your child a card and let him find everything around him that is depicted on it. With "Bingo" you can walk and look for simple objects in the yard, forest, or countryside. Or you can play at home.

For the little ones
This set includes window cards especially for kids. On the left is a drawing of an object that can be easily found at home or on the street, and on the right is a window through which you need to see this object. The set also includes window cards with which you can search for items by color.

Older children can play Bingo with themed cards (City, Countryside, Seaside, Forest). The goal of the game is to find everything around you that is drawn on the card. You can use stickers to “cover” those items that you managed to find. Once the entire card is filled with stickers, Bingo! - game over.

In the set:
15 window cards with objects
11 window cards with flowers
8 thematic cards for walks
Card envelope - put a few cards in it so you don't have to take the whole set with you.
Reusable stickers - mark your “finds” with them.

About the authors
Ksenia Dryzlova is a graphic designer by training, but in life she is simply a very creative person. Ksenia admits: “As long as I can remember, I was always inventing something, crafting, sewing, cutting, altering, repainting. I made my first Barbie myself from some kind of Russian doll and a coil of silky rope, which later became gorgeous hair.”

Ksenia is the author of the social project “Mishka’s Book,” beautiful books with ideas for games and activities, creative calendars, and the famous “Never Bored” books. Currently, she is simply a mother and designer of her own brand of ko-ko-ko products, as well as the author of the popular blog for parents kokokoKIDS.

Nastya Sleptsova is an illustrator and designer from Simferopol. Together with her sister she is involved in the creative project kontora sisters. She draws illustrations for various emotional projects, creates custom postcards, dishes, and jewelry. Her warm, lively illustrations, brilliant in their simplicity and touchingness, captivate both children and adults. Nastya illustrated the books “Wonderful Time: Winter”, “Wonderful Calendar 2015”, “Bingo for Kids”, “Road Bingo”.
For children 2-3 years old.


Board game"Bingo" is entertainment for children that is addictive and attracts them. Firstly, you cannot remain indifferent to the type of lottery itself. Bingo is not a collection of colorful cards or dice. Its main component is a bright drum, which no child can resist.

This lottery is somewhat reminiscent of the Russian “Loto”, but the first one is made more for children who love excitement and fun leisure time. But, despite the fact that the kit includes a whole drum, “ desk toy” seems compact and will serve participants well if they decide to take it with them on a trip. Children constantly need something to do, and the lottery will captivate them and become the main object of their attention. Parents who love spending time with their younger generation will also become addicted to the lottery.


Game description Board game "Bingo" very similar to Lotto. Only a new version

looks more updated and interesting. Now family members can get together as before and play Bingo, which consists of lottery and bingo.

The essence of the lesson is to fill out the cards that are given to the participants with the numbers that appear on the playing field in the form of a drum. The winner will be the one who achieves the goal the fastest. It is better for children who are already 4 or 5 years old to start playing the lottery, since at this age children are already more aware of such entertainment and enjoy it because they understand the significance of their activity. The lesson will be interesting for both boys and girls. Two or more players can compete. The lottery is a family affair because it unites and gives good way

spend time together. If you want to give a gift to a child, then “table entertainment” will be a good option here too.

The essence of the lesson is to fill out the cards that are given to participants with the numbers that appear on the playing field in the form of a drum

What's in the set? Bingo set (djeco)

is a set that contains bright details that attract attention. To better understand, you need to understand what is included in the toy package.

  1. Equipment:
  2. Drum (lottery machine). It is needed to automatically mix the balls.
  3. 48 game cards.
  4. 90 numbered balls.

Multi-colored chips.

All of these pieces are essential for a fun toy, so parents should be careful when leaving children to play alone, as children may lose some pieces.

Game set

Rules and course of the game

To learn how to play Bingo, you do not need to study the rules for a long time, since victory in this activity depends more on the luck and luck of the players than on their way of thinking and diligence.

How to play Bingo:

There are two ways you can choose to organize the game:

  1. “Simple Lotto” – the one who fills in all the numbers on his cards wins.
  2. “Short Lotto” – the one who fills in all the numbers on one line wins.

The “competition” begins with the person who has been chosen as the host spinning the drum (lotto drum). This action continues until one of the balls is on the playing field. After this, the presenter announces the number of the ball to everyone. If one of the players discovers that this number matches the number on his card, then he fills in the space provided for this with a chip. Depending on which game option the participants chose, the winner will be determined.

The lottery is a family affair because it brings people together and is a good way to spend time together.

Who will like it?

Bingo can be enjoyed by both children and adults. Most often, buyers purchase it to play with the whole family. It develops perseverance and logic in children. Bingo is also often used as a gift for a birthday or any other occasion.

Parents, in whose home large groups of children often gather, find a real salvation in Bingo, which captivates children for a long time and allows adults to do their own thing.

Bingo will appeal to both children and adults

Video review

Those who have not yet fully understood how Bingo works and what it is, can watch a good video review that clearly shows what the game consists of and how to play it:

Reviews and questions for the game

Buyers mostly leave positive reviews about the game, but there are also various misunderstandings and even disappointments.

Positive points:

  • Buyers often write that “Bingo” reminds them of the “good old” lotto and awakens the desire to teach others what they once played.
  • A bright and attention-grabbing game.
  • Compact, you can take it with you on the road.
  • Develops perseverance, logic and attention.
  • Excellent as entertainment for any company.

I like Bingo a lot, but this game also has its drawbacks.

Negative points:

    • Some customers say Bingo is too expensive.
    • Many people complain that children often lose parts.
    • Parents sometimes say that play is only suitable for entertainment and not for the overall development of children.

Sometimes buyers don't see the difference between Lotto, Bingo, Bingo Deluxe.

There are practically no questions about the rules of the game, since Bingo is easy to understand without outside help.

“Bingo Delux” is no different from the regular version


It is worth noting that buyers do not need to be alarmed when, instead of"Bingo" they see the name of a board game"Bingo lottery" , since they are the same thing.

But the “board entertainment” Bingo Seasons (djeco) is different from standard version. It provides an excellent opportunity to teach a child all four seasons of the year through play.

Board game “Bingo Delux”, Spin Master(Spin master) no different from the regular version.

Bustard and Media are alternative Bingo options if players get bored with the usual game.

One of the game versions

Each player receives at least one game card. The cards consist of 25 cells with random numbers, and the top row is occupied by letters from the word "BINGO". Your goal is to cover 5 squares in a row to create a vertical, horizontal or diagonal row.

  • Bingo cards can be purchased online or in a specialty store.
  • If you play Bingo with children, you can print cards from the Internet and write your own words, images or symbols.

Explain the rules of the game to all participants. The standard Bingo game uses 75 different combinations letters and numbers. Each combination corresponds to a cell on the game cards.

  • For example, all numbers in column "B" correspond to combinations with the letter "B". So, if the presenter calls “B-9”, then you need to look for the cell with the number “9” in the “B” column.
  • You can play more games with your children simple version Bingo in which pictures or words will be used instead of combinations of numbers and letters.
  • Choose a leader from the players. The host of the Bingo game is the person who reads out the letters and numbers according to which the cells on the cards need to be covered. The leader participates in the game with everyone else.

    • If you are playing in a club, the host will be selected in advance. In this case, he will not play equally with others.
  • Distribute cards to all players. Each player must receive at least one card. Players can use more than one card if they are comfortable keeping track of all the letters and numbers on the different cards.

    • Several cards increase the chances of winning, but require increased attention.
    • If you use multiple cards, you can win on multiple cards in one game.
  • Give each player a set of chips. Chips are needed to cover the cells on your cards. Instead of chips, you can use any small objects that correspond to the size of the cells.

    • Poker chips, coins, and even small pieces of paper will work.
  • Cover the central square with a chip. In Bingo, the center square on the card is empty because it does not contain a number. All players immediately cover this square.

  • Give the presenter the letters and numbers to play. Letters and numbers can be written on small sheets of paper and folded in half. You can also use special Bingo balls that have letters and numbers on them. All combinations must match the combinations on your game cards.

    • Place pieces of paper or balls in a bucket, bowl, or lottery machine so that the leader can select them at random.
    • If you are playing with children and using cards that have words or pictures on them, the facilitator should have the corresponding words or pictures.
  • Indian Solitaire