The path walkthrough. Path, ThePath


This game is a third-person quest. The game has seven main heroines: Ada(Ginger) Alice(Rose, Rosie) Aurora(Scarlet) Agnia(Ruby) Alina(Robin), Alla(Carmen) and the nameless heroine(a field appears when all six heroines have completed their path).

The game takes place in a forest with a looping endless map on which items are randomly generated. Every 100 meters passed will automatically show traces, displaying the path you have traveled.

We go to the center of the field and watch the video. Then we approach the girl in a red dress and press action (Enter). Let's watch the video. We find ourselves on the path in front of grandma's house. Let's move forward. The heroine will walk very slowly. There is no way to speed it up. We wait until the girl comes to the gate, press action

Alice (Rose, Rosie)

Choosing Alice (sits on a chair and holds a rabbit in his arms). After the video we find ourselves in the forest at the intersection of the road and the path. We walk a little forward and turn left into the forest. Find and collect six glowing flowers. A skull icon appears. Let's go to this landmark. Along the way we also collect any things we come across.

We arrive at the cemetery and find scull. Click action (Enter). We are looking for and collecting six more flowers. The well icon appears. We go to it, find the well and click action (Enter). We are looking for and collecting six more flowers. Appears bird icon. Let's go for it. We find bird and press action (Enter). We follow the light and find the theater. Click action (Enter).

We wander through the forest, find a piano and press action (Enter). I advise you to go into the sunlight between the trees. We are looking for a lake, click action (Enter). Then we go around the lake and come to boat, we sit in it (Enter). We find ourselves near my grandmother's house. Let's move forward. The heroine will walk very slowly. There is no way to speed it up. We wait until she gets to the gate, press action (Enter). Then the girl will go on her own automatically to her grandmother’s house.

We just keep things moving in the house. The route is selected automatically. As a result, the heroine will come to the last room, where she will end her journey.

Main plot Dragonborn add-ons tied to the study of events taking place on the island of Solstheim and the confrontation with the first dragonborn - Miraak.


To start this task you just need to walk somewhere and wait for the cultists to approach you.

They approached me immediately upon arrival in Winterhold:

After talking to them, no matter what you answer, they will attack you:

Kill them, and from the body of one of them (to which the marker will point) take and read the note Cultists’ Orders:

After which the quest marker will update and point to the pier near Winterhold, go there:

On the spot we find Gjalund Salt-Sage, and we talk about how we need to get to Solstheim:

He just won’t want to sail there, so he’ll either have to pay (500 gold), or convince or scare him.

In one way or another, we go to the island; upon arrival, the task marker will point us to the next point (at the same time, communicate with everyone who approaches you):

On the spot, Neloth will approach us and start a conversation, after the conversation the quest marker will point to the center of the island, to the Temple of Miraak, we go there:

Upon arrival, the task will end and the next one will begin.

The Temple of Miraak

Now you need to talk to Freya (if she doesn't appear, press "E" on the stone in the center):

You need to go down and explore the Temple of Miraak. The entrance is located right there, on the stairs leading down (at first glance the descent may seem invisible). Freya will accompany you.

There are no special mysteries in the dungeon itself. There are a few traps, a few levers to use (but they are all in visible places). Among the opponents you will encounter cultists, draugr and skeletons.

The only moment that caused me difficulties was this door, next to which you learn the new dragon cry:

The key to the door is in the possession of one of the draugr you kill nearby.

We go deeper into the Temple of Miraak Sanctrum until we find a stand with the Black Book:

We read it and are transported to another plane, where we meet the first dragonborn:

We will be completely at his mercy, and we will not even be able to move. If you have already completed the main storyline of Skyrim and killed Alduin, then Miraak will appreciate this, and will add that he would do the same if he had such a goal.

Remaining motionless, we see Mirak flying away on a dragon, and we return to the normal plane of reality.

We talk with Frea, the task is completed.

The Fate of the Skaal

This task starts automatically.

We follow Freya, she will lead you out of the dungeon and take you to her father, the shaman Storn Crag-Strider in the Skaal Village.

Talk to him:

He will say that in order to free the creation of people from the influence of Miraak, it is necessary to cleanse the All-Maker Stones, and this can only be done with the help of the dragon cry Bend Will.

We go to the Word of Power and study the new dragon cry there:

If you run out of dragon souls you will have to return to Skyrim, because... Miraak will steal all the souls of slain dragons.

Having studied the word, we go to the Wind Stone marked on the map:

And use it on the stone new cry:

It will be destroyed, and a Lurker will immediately appear and attack people. Kill him:

After which we go to Skaal Village, find Storn Crag-Strider there and inform him that people are free:

We talk with him until task The Fate of the Skaal will not be completed, and two new ones will not begin: Cleansing the Stones and The Path of Knowledge.

Cleansing the Stones

The task is simple - you need to clear the four All-Maker Stones marked on the map:

Come, use the Bend Will shout on the stone, kill the Lurkers that appear and go to the next one:

Once you clear all 4 stones, the task will complete automatically.

The Path of Knowledge

Go to Tel Mithryn and talk to Neloth there:

After the conversation, alone or together with Neloth, go to the Dwemer ruins of Nchardak:

An important point is that only Neloth can open the door, so if you, like me, got to the ruins alone, just scroll for one hour near the entrance - and Neloth will appear next to you. He uses the counter next to the entrance and the door will open:

But inside there is a big puzzle waiting for you.

What's the point: at the entrance you will see a stand with a book hidden under the floor. To get it, you need to install 4 Dwemer cubes in the required racks at the lowest levels. And to get to these counters, you will need to sweat a lot:

Follow Neloth to the lever that teleports you to the lower level:

The principle here is the following: place the cube on a stand and the water level drops. If you remove it, the water level rises. But remember that you will need 4 cubes at the very end.

It is impossible to describe every step, because there will be a lot of them. The main thing is to understand the meaning, use your wits and try.

One of the memorable moments: in one of the rooms you lower the water to the very bottom, then at the very bottom, use the rack to raise the ladder, after which you raise the water again and swim:

In another large room it’s more interesting... there are 3 activated racks, and 3 bridges:

To lower all the bridges, you must first activate the first rack, then the third.

When you reach the room with 4 racks, the finish line is close (but you will need to go to another room and then return):

We install Dwemer cubes on all racks and move on. We find the lever that teleports you upstairs and return to the beginning. All that remains is to activate the last stand, and the Black Book will become available:

This completes the task.

The Gardener of Men

This task will have slightly fewer puzzles than the previous one, but the thrill is guaranteed.

Read the Black Book and you will be transported to the Hermaeus Mora plane:

We talk with Hermaeus Mora and begin to solve the local puzzles. The essence of their decision comes down to two principles:

The first - Scrye (like flowers) activate some part of the environment, for example a bridge appears, or something similar:

The second is “living corridors” crawling back and forth. Which you can jump into in one place and get off in another (or walk through them):

We read, talk with Hermaeus Mora and he will teach us the second word in dragon cry Bend Will:

We return, go to Skaal Village and talk with Storn Crag-Strider. After which a small scene awaits us, the essence of which I will not reveal, so as not to spoil your personal impressions, after which the task ends and the last one begins.

At the Summit of Apocrypha

The final quest of the Dragonborn main storyline has begun.

Unlock (using dragon souls) the last two words in the Bend Will shout:

And we read the book Black Book: Waking Dreams, it will take us to the Hermaeus Mora plan:

A little ahead there will be a stand with the book Chapter I - read it and we will be teleported to new location:

In general, we explore the location, take the books we find, activate Scrye, teleport to new zones through Chapter, etc.

In general, after completing the two previous tasks, this should not be difficult.

I will describe in detail only one moment (out of many), how the door opens in the room with Lurker:

There is a Scrye in the corner, we activate it, then a passage opens on the left side, we go into the corridor, there we activate another Scrye, after which the door opens:

It’s almost impossible to figure it out on your own, because... Certain books need to be placed on certain racks. Each of the racks has a symbol on it, and this is how the books should be arranged:

"Eye" - Prying Orbs
"Fangs" - Gnashing Blades
"Tentacles" - Boneless limbs(Boneless Limbs)
Remaining Stance - Delving Pincers

Once all 4 books are correctly positioned, the racks will light up green:

We approach the central one and read:

We are transported to another new location. We learn a new shout, after which a dragon will appear, you don’t need to fight it, but you need to use the Bend Will shout on it. Thus we will force him to obey us:

Press "E" to climb onto it and take flight. During the flight, the dragon will engage in battle with Lurker and Seekers. Since he will be fighting them for a very long time, just press "E" and he will leave them.

And it will take you to Miraak. The final battle is ahead!

In the battle itself, as it turned out, there are no tricks - by reducing his health to low values, he will disappear and “emerge” from the black slurry in the center already healthy. You just need to “knock down” his health several times, and at some point Hermaeus Mora will get tired of it, and he will kill him himself:

All you have to do is listen to the final speech of the main villain before his death, collect all his things from the corpse, if desired, and after reading Black Book: Waking Dreams return back to Solstheim:

Important! ability to reset talents

After defeating Miraak, after reading the book for the first time in the center, green ability icons will appear around you - with the help of them you can reset the abilities of a particular branch and spend them again. Requires one dragon soul to reset.

When you return, Frea will be nearby. Talk to her and tell her that Miraak is dead. She will thank you.


Finally, a word about complexity. I played as a character with the following characteristics:
Level 75, 1062 health, 628 damage, 1500 armor, 30% spell absorption. On Master difficulty.

Overall it was easy, only some high cultists and Miraak forced us to drink health cans.

But if your characteristics are significantly lower, and you also decided to go through the master difficulty, be prepared for difficult battles.

The plot is played out in the usual form (not a vampire or a werewolf), without companions.

Rosie - we go into the forest to the left, ahead we see glowing flowers, collect 6 flowers, watch a small video, the skull icon lights up, turn around so that it is straight, approach it, press action, watch the video. We collect 6 more flowers, the well lights up, follow it, press action, watch the video. We collect 6 more flowers, the bird lights up, we try to keep it straight all the time, along the way we collect a knife in the stump and a ball, a syringe on a stone, a flower in the field. We approach the bird, press action, watch the video. We go to the theater, sit down at the piano, and watch the video. We go to the lake, watch the video, walk along the shore to the boat, get into the boat, go to our wolf. Rosie will wake up near her grandmother's house. We reach the gate, press action, enter the house. We walk through the house, go into the last room - the end of the road.

Robin - we go into the forest to the left, we see glowing flowers ahead, collect 6 flowers, watch a short video, the cart icon lights up on the side, turn around so that it is straight. On the way, we collect things near the ruins: a bullet, a diamond in the chest, a record in the gramophone, a shoe near the car, a ball. We approach the cart, press action, watch the video. We go further through the forest, collect the next 6 flowers, the grave will light up, we follow it, we arrive at the cemetery and see a wolf. In the cemetery, near a tree on the mountain, we collect a dead bird. We approach the grave with a headless angel, press action, watch the video. Then we approach the grave, one from the first, where Rosie collected the skull, press action, watch the video. We go back to the forest, collect 6 more flowers, the swing lights up. We go to them, press action, watch the video. We return to the cemetery, follow the wolf, approach it, press action, watch the video. Robin will wake up near his grandmother's house. We reach the gate, press action, enter the house. We walk through the house, go into the last room - the end of the road.

Choosing a girl using a basket

Scarlet - we go into the forest to the right, we see glowing flowers ahead, collect 6 flowers, watch a short video, the web icon lights up on the side, turn around so that it is straight. On the way, we collect things near a feather on the stove and a flower in the field. We approach the web, press action, watch the video. We go further through the forest, collect the next 6 flowers, the underwear will light up, follow it, press action, watch the video. We collect 6 more flowers, the TV lights up. We go to it, press action, watch the video. We go to the theater, assemble a mask on stage, sit down at the piano, play and wait for our wolf, watch the video. Scarlet will wake up near her grandmother's house. We reach the gate, press action, enter the house. We walk through the house, go into the last room - the end of the road.

Choosing a girl using a basket

Ruby - we go into the forest to the left, we see glowing flowers ahead, collect 6 flowers, watch a short video, the scarecrow icon on the side lights up on the field, turn around so that it is straight. We approach the scarecrow, press action, watch the video. We go further through the forest, collect the next 6 flowers, the wheelchair icon will light up, follow it, press action, watch the video. We collect 6 more flowers, the car lights up. We go to her, press action, watch the video. On the way we come to a wall where you can paint graffiti on it. We take Ruby to the playground, collect the two-headed bear, sit on the bench next to the guy, wait - it’s a wolf. Ruby will wake up near her grandmother's house. We reach the gate, press action, enter the house. We walk through the house, go into the last room - the end of the road.
Choosing a girl using a basket

Choosing a girl using a basket

Ginger - we go into the forest to the right, we see glowing flowers ahead, collect 6 flowers, watch a short video, the camp house icon lights up on the side, turn around so that it is straight. We approach the house, press action, watch the video. We go further through the forest, collect the next 6 flowers, the tree icon will light up, follow it, press action, watch the video. We collect 6 more flowers, the fence icon with a hole at the bottom lights up. We go to it, press action, watch the video. On the way we come to a wall where you can paint graffiti on it. We go to the playground and climb onto the observation tower. We take Ginger to the field, collect a flower, go to the girl in red, press action, watch the video. Ginger will wake up near her grandmother's house. We reach the gate, press action, enter the house. We walk through the house, go into the last room - the end of the road.
Choosing a girl using a basket

Choosing a girl using a basket

Carmen - we go into the forest to the left, we see glowing flowers ahead, collect 6 flowers, watch a short video, the beer icon lights up on the side, turn around so that it is straight. We arrive at the camp, see the forester, come up, pick up the cap, drink beer, and approach the fire. We go to the forest again, collect 6 more flowers - the bathtub sign will light up, go to it, press action, watch the video. We go into the field and collect a flower. We return to the camp, sit on the boxes near the fire, wait for the forester to join us, and watch the video. Carmen will wake up near her grandmother's house. We reach the gate, press action, enter the house. We walk through the house, go into the last room - the end of the road.

After six heroines pass, the seventh appears, a girl in white, we also select her using the basket.

We go to the field, collect a flower, take turns to the icons that are in the middle of the map (call the map “CTRL”), press action, see who can collect them, return to the grandmother’s house, go into the house, go through all the rooms, sit down near the grandmother, watch the video, the game starts over again, provided that some things are not collected.

Women are like the forest: they are also mysterious and full of wolves.

I could tell you that The Path is bad role-playing game, because the “plot thread” in it is completed in a maximum of half an hour, and “ side quests"Not at all. Do not consider them as such “ random encounters"? In addition, there is no way to choose your character's dialogue options or behavior.

I would also definitely say that this game is bad quest, because there is not a single puzzle in it. You will never have to decide complex tasks to move forward. However, you won’t have to solve simple ones either.

And finally, I didn’t fail to end the devastating text with a paragraph about how The Path is a bad “horror” movie, because in fact there’s nothing scary in it. Nothing can lower the heroine’s “health scale”, nothing can really harm her... Is that scary?

I could tell you all this, but I won’t. Instead, let me just tell you a story first...

Girl and Forest I

Let's go back? Just give me your hand...

Here the trees reach their tops to the sky. Here a rare ray of sun will break through the dense crowns. Here, fog always spreads across the ground and you can never understand whether you are going where you were going, or just wandering around, embarrassed to admit to yourself that you are lost.

Here you can never return to the path once you leave it.

Here you need to leave the path to return...

The grass bends softly under your feet, a gust of wind blows from somewhere, and now you are rushing, arms outstretched, through the forest, not looking around and not noticing how the path is melting behind you. A few more steps and you stop to catch your breath. You take a breath, turn around and understand... You understand that the path is no longer visible, that it remains somewhere far, far away along with the asphalt of roads, concrete panels of houses, annoying telephones and other civilization.

You look around and know that now you are not even alone in the forest, now there are two of you - you and the Forest. He is old and has seen a lot, this forest. It accepts those who enter it, but does not always agree to release them.

No, he's not evil. He's just old. There is so much in it that it is not surprising if, having walked around a particularly thick trunk, you see a TV or a car standing on the ground behind it, or even find a knife stuck into the stump, exactly the kind you really wanted to have once, to protect yourself... The forest has everything, and it throws parts of itself at you so that you can remember what has long been forgotten and feel again those feelings that you once experienced.

Or is it the forest testing you? What kind of person are you: cheerful and carefree? Or gloomy and dreaming of death? Or maybe you just want everything to be in order?

The forest needs to know this. The forest is taking a closer look at you, studying your character...

Fairy tale and reality

The “path” begins very simply. The girl in red is sent with gifts to her grandmother, who lives in a small house in the middle of the forest. An old, old fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood, well known from childhood. And it seems that everything is clear and known: if you leave the path, then after some time you will definitely meet the Gray Wolf, and he will eat you.

Let Riding Hood not be alone - now there are six of them to choose from, from a very little nine-year-old girl to an almost adult girl who is as much as nineteen. This does not change the essence of the fairy tale. And the fact that each of the “beanies” is promised its own wolf is also not such a change from the original plot.

Where others change only the form, depicting the Cheshire Cat with an evil grin and an earring in his ear, or making the Brave Lion a corrupt lawyer, the creators of The Path make the old plot play with new colors. The fairy tale about listening to what your mother tells you and not wandering through the forest, instead of going where you were sent, turns into a parable about losses and gaining life experience, into a story about childhood and growing up. A seemingly simple game becomes subtle psychological test: the developers deliberately leave a lot behind the scenes, and the player has to figure out the development of events himself. And naturally, he will do this in accordance with his expectations and preferences.

Each of the six heroines sets out on the path with the same task. But for each of them, a walk in the forest turns into something different, in accordance with their character. “The Path” is not a role-playing game in the usual sense of the word, but many will envy the liveliness of the characters. In fact, there is what can be called “character development” here - but this is not just an increase in some specific indicators, “strength” or “dexterity”. Scattered throughout the forest are “chance encounters” - places where girls find something that reminds them of their lives, be it an old well or an open-air theater.

This development, plus the desire to understand who you are controlling, is exactly what moves the game forward. The player here will not feel like the master of the situation.

He is not an omnipotent god in this world, he is only an observer and, perhaps, a partner. The player does not control the girl in the full sense of the word, he only pushes her in the right direction. But what she will do in that direction - she will decide for herself. This impression is further strengthened by the fact that the game does not involve any choice of lines in dialogues, or dialogues as such. Girls, like other people and creatures that can be found in the forest, are silent and prefer to express themselves in body language and emotions. Is that when the heroine puts a memory in the “basket”, an inscription appears on the screen, roughly revealing her thoughts on this matter. But these thoughts usually turn out to be mysterious and confused - as other people's thoughts should be. Someone else's soul - darkness, what can you take...

We have already gotten used to the fact that if the word “horror” is present in the game genre, then we will have to pass through a gauntlet consisting of zombies, ghouls and other evil spirits. Or dark rooms with narrow corridors, in which something evil is probably hiding... This will not happen in this game. There will be no skeletons suddenly jumping out from around the corner, there will be no terrible memories that the hero wanted to forget. The fears that this game awakens are hidden much deeper in people. If you're not willing to look deep inside yourself to find them... Well, then The Path will most likely remain very simple for you.

strange game

about the six "red riding hoods".

Girl and Forest II

The forest doesn't lie. He simply says just enough to make understanding flash through your head and melt away like the last snow, leaving behind only a strange feeling of loss. Maybe when you get here for the seventh or fourteenth time, you'll finally be able to do something understand, but for now Les offers you instead feel. He believes you can do it.

It is very quiet here, and they never speak out loud at all. Only sometimes a sigh or a cry is heard somewhere in the distance. And there is no use running towards them - there is no one there. Maybe it's someone else, just like you, lost? Or maybe it’s just the forest’s memory of such people.

And one more sound that you will never confuse with anything and will never forget.

Growling and gnashing of teeth. The tracks on the ground will probably tell you what kind of animal it is...

Game and anti-game

Mask... We all wear masks. We are all masks.

Determining which genre The Path belongs to is a difficult task and, I would say, largely meaningless. The point is that The Path is deliberately made to be unlike anything else. Sometimes he directly denies the rules that are accepted “by default” in other games. I'll start by asking you a simple question: how often has the game lied to you? Not the characters in the game - this is a rare thing, but nevertheless found here and there - but the game itself ? Imagine that in some Fallout or

Neverwinter Nights

the hero is given a task. In his “diary” an entry appears like: “go there, kill so-and-so.” The hero, naturally, goes and completes this task - otherwise he will not advance one iota, and the plot will not develop.

Think about it: if you strictly punish a child not to do something, for example, not to go into the forest, and leave him alone, unattended, will he obey? Especially if he really, really wants to find out what is there in the forest?

He won't listen. He will turn aside at the first opportunity. So you and your child will roll up. Because in The Path you don't have to think like a player, you have to think like someone you control.

The second example of “rule denial” is not as great as the previous one, but is nevertheless noticeable. In most games, in order for a character to do something, you need to press a certain key or mouse button. If you want to hit, press the button. If you want to talk, click another. If you want to pull the lever, that’s right, another button will help you.

“The Path” suggests something completely different. In order for any of the girls to do anything, the player must leave her unattended. That is, do not press any buttons at all. And only then, left to her own devices, will the heroine pick up the right thing or start a “conversation” with a stranger. In general, you just need to give the puppet free rein, stop pulling its strings - and it will show its character, it will begin to live its own life, and will not pretend to live at the will of the player.

Another one interesting feature What distinguishes “The Path” from others is the dependence of the review on whether the heroine walks at a slow pace or runs without looking around. In many games - both in the role-playing genre and in quests - running differs from walking only in the speed of the character's movement. Therefore, if there is an “always run” option in the game settings, it is usually turned on immediately - moving quickly is usually more profitable. Sometimes running is specifically limited to a conditional “endurance scale”, which is spent during fast movements. “The Path” took a completely different turn here. You can run as much as you like - none of the girls will get tired or exhausted after a hundred-meter run. There is only one “but”: as soon as you hold down the key and rush forward, the camera’s point of view rises upward, somewhere towards the treetops, narrowing the view. And objects that are scattered throughout the forest may disappear from the screen altogether. So if you want to see something, walk slowly...

Is it possible to blame the game for this, saying that it is artificially delayed?

Add to the above the fact that the “Path” does not have any given sequence of actions. There's nothing that player must do. There are only things that he Maybe do it if he wants. Yes, the final picture shows statistics - the number of selected “memories”, the length of the path traveled in meters and overall rating success... But this listing of the player’s successes and failures looks like a mockery of other games in which “collecting all the items” becomes an end in itself. And here, even the author of the game cannot say for sure whether it is possible to completely fill the “basket” of girls...

“The Way” so sharply denies the usual and seemingly unshakable “rules of the game” that it can only be called a “game” out of habit. It can be played, but it can hardly be “winned.”

You can spend a lot of time collecting objects or flowers growing in the forest and... And you won’t get anything for it and you will be upset, never realizing that “The Path” is deliberately distracting the player with these numbers and statistics, masquerading as an ordinary game.

It's really just an "anti-game". An anti-game that, perhaps, could play itself, but at the right moment it will turn around, look over the player’s shoulder and wink, inviting help, pushing in the right direction. An anti-game, one of the goals of which is to turn your idea of ​​what games are upside down, at least for a second. Maybe in this position you will be able to look at this world a little differently. And understand one terrible truth: the most terrible “wolf” in this game is not in the forest, on the other side of the screen, but sits at the keyboard on this side of it.

Girl and Forest III

This is a wolf. But don’t expect that it will be an ordinary gray wolf that you might have seen at the zoo. Oh no, the Forest wouldn't be a Forest if it allowed itself to do that.

What happened to you? Are you dead? Or maybe she just left a part of herself to the Forest?

Maybe he just charged you for so unceremoniously invading his domain, for picking flowers and running around him with your arms outstretched wide.

And also for the fact that, without caring at all about the consequences, she rushed towards her dream.

Where are you? Is this really where you wanted to go? Or the Forest didn’t really let you go, giving only the illusion of liberation, but it itself has long since grown into you, become a part of you, taken root... And now you are only a part of the Forest.

The objects you found have already taken their proper places in the house, which, it seems, is also not averse to playing tricks on your eyes. As soon as you try to look at something more carefully, it suddenly starts to get dark and becomes scary again. And you go... It doesn’t matter where you want to go, you go forward and only forward.

It is no longer possible to turn away from this path. You chose it earlier, when you walked under the treetops into the silence of the forest. Now everything you did there determines your path here. And the end of this road.

Darkness. For those who are lost While most questions about The Path will likely boil down to “what am I supposed to do here?”, it’s still worth saying a few words about the controls, because they are not always as simple as they might seem. To make any of the “caps” move, there are two options. The first one is to pinch left button mice. The second is to hold down the button.

W on keyboard. In any case, the girl will go forward, that is from the player If you are using a mouse to walk, then click.

simultaneously right and left buttons you will force the girl to start running. For those who prefer to control from the keyboard, the button is responsible for this Shift Middle mouse button

and key Enter designated in the game as "action". Their usefulness is questionable, because the heroines show character and know better which objects they will interact with and which ones they will never interact with.

The game shows the proximity of the active object by displaying an enlarged translucent image of the object on the screen on top of the main picture. The closer you get to an item you can interact with, the brighter the “hint” becomes. When it is approximately equal in brightness to the main picture, leave the girl alone for a while, and she will do everything herself. If nothing happens, then it may well be that the object needs to be approached on the other side.

But in fact, the main problem is not how to select and use objects, but how to find them. The forest, although not large, is endless. If you run in the same direction for a long time, you will probably return to the same place from which you started. It’s easy to miss something interesting in a thicket of trees and bushes. But here the creators of the game decided to take pity on the players a little, so some places that are worth visiting are displayed on the screen as small pictures


If such a pointer is in the middle of the top edge of the screen, you go straight to that place. Most of the signs are places where other girls met their "wolf". The only thing we will never be shown is the location of the “predator” of the “cap” that you control.

and key Second type

"way signs" - arrangement of items that can be “put in the basket”. They do not appear immediately, but only after your ward has collected a sufficient number of flowers growing in the forest. These flowers flash brightly from time to time, which makes them clearly visible even from afar. If you like to run fast, remember: when you start running, the flowers disappear. And finally, another pointer - a characteristic curl - shows where it is now"Girl in White"

. In the game, she simultaneously plays the role of both a good guide and a “pointer”, because she really likes to be next to someone

interesting place

The youngest of the sisters is only nine years old. The world for her is a huge place to play, full of such wonderful toys! But my mother doesn’t allow me to play where she wants. Mom does not allow her to leave the path into the forest. Mom never says why. But the little girl is sure that it is there, in the darkness of the forest, that the most interesting toys can be found! Sometimes, listening to the noise of the trees, she hears the quiet chatter of teeth and a wolf howl somewhere in the distance... Wolf! A real wolf! Her favorite animal, a big shaggy animal... Her favorite toy...

Items: grave and excavated grave, balloon, diamond, swing, shopping basket, knife, two-headed teddy bear.


For her eleven years, Rose looks and acts very mature. However, now she is rediscovering the world - and it is so beautiful! The wind in the trees, birds in the sky, flowers along the path... The girl loves him with all her heart. And he tries as hard as he can to protect him from everything that could harm him. She dreams of helping every creature in need of help.

But who will protect and help Rose herself when she turns off the Path? She's just a girl, a fragile little girl... Will she be able not to drown in her dreams, not to become a fog that will disappear in the morning?

Items: balloon, piano, well, crow, skull.


Forest - the best place for adventure! And adventures are much more fun than going to grandma's. Ginger is not at all the kind of person who will follow the beaten path. She is more interested in skipping across the field, climbing trees and collecting colorful pebbles... She is sure that she will never become an adult - moreover, she does not want to grow up. It's so boring! But she's already thirteen, and soon...

Ginger prefers to play alone. And she considers life a game, plunging headlong into it. But will she understand that “life” is not just a game? That there are moments in life that can hurt and entangle a person no worse than barbed wire?

Items: iron mesh fence with a hole, white wood, graffiti, tool shed, shoe.


Other girls call her “gothic”... This is another way to kill a person: drive him, like into a cage, into the framework of a stereotype and throw him away along with this cage. In fact, there is much more going on in Ruby's soul. At the age of fifteen, she sees that the world around her is rotten through and through and is about to die completely. She sees this, believing that she herself remains a mystery to the world.

Ruby doesn't seek death. She just really likes to watch how the reality around her slowly perishes. But what happens if she suddenly turns from an observer into a participant in this process?

Items: wheelchair, car, scarecrow head, graffiti, wooden turret on the playground, knife, feather, gramophone record, cartridge, syringe, two-headed teddy bear.


She's seventeen - a wonderful age! Having transformed from a little girl into a young woman, Carmen tries to fully enjoy this change. Oh, she notices all the heads turning in her direction, all the men's gazes that follow her as she passes by. And maybe, especially for them, she will sway her hips or wink... But no more!

At first glance, it seems that Carmen wants to look like a “femme fatale”, but... In her heart, all she wants is a little attention. And for his sake she is ready to do a lot... Or even everything?

Items: fire, beer, bath, syringe, diamond.


Of all six, she is the oldest. And she often has to look after her younger sisters, and given their personalities, this is not an easy task.

But Scarlet copes, doing her best to maintain order. And sometimes it may seem that this “order” has become the middle name of a nineteen-year-old girl.

Items: But that's not true. Order in the family and within oneself are completely different things. Both require strength, and the girl doesn’t have much of it... And all she wants now is at least a minute of silence. Understanding. Find someone who could understand her without words. After all, Scarlet is also the loneliest in this family. But loneliness is a secret that she will take with her to the grave. Perhaps faster than expected...

cobweb, clothesline, TV, mask, syringe.

Fairy tales and storytellers Tale of Tales is the name of the company that developed The Path. "Tale of Tales". Don't let the word "company" fool you: this is not a powerful enterprise with a large staff. In fact, it is based on only two people - Michael Samin And Oriya Harvey ., the events of which were based on a free interpretation of the fairy tale “Sleeping Beauty”.

At the same time, the name appeared, which comes from the title of the book by Giambattista Basile, which collected many fairy tales that until that time had been transmitted only orally. The main character of this game was supposed to be a deaf-mute girl in a white dress, very similar to the Girl in White, which can be found in The Path. In 2005, after the “8” project was frozen, “Tale of Tales” released its first finished product - an online gameTheEndless Forest

. This “Endless Forest” is still alive and continues to expand and develop. The player is offered to try on the skin of a deer and live a little among animals like him. Or just wander through the forest, admiring the way the sun's rays play on the leaves of the trees and the surface of small ponds. This game's forest is a bright, light-filled version of the dark forest of The Path. And finally, last year’s “sketch” - it’s probably impossible to call it a “game” - from the “storytellers”, which is called"Cemetery".

The short story, which was nominated for an Innovation Award at the Independent Games Festival, places the player in control of an elderly woman standing on a path leading to a bench. All you could do was walk to the bench, sit on it, listen to music and... die. And even though the whole “game” took about ten minutes - and then mainly due to the duration of the musical composition and because the old woman moved with noticeable difficulty. But during this time, the “storytellers” managed to create and convey to the player an atmosphere of old age and doom, a feeling that life is ending... The Path- the company's first commercially distributed product. And in fact, it is a logical continuation and completion of previous projects. What will happen next? Perhaps Oriya and Michael will complete the previously postponed “8”, or maybe they will take on some new fairy tale... Well, for those who love

unusual games

and scary tales, all you can do is wait and look at the developers’ blog - what if something new appears there?

In the forest you will come across a girl in a white dress (if you stand in one place for a long time, she will definitely come for the heroine), who will lead the heroines back to the path. You can go out onto the path and go straight to Grandma's house. But then the game will lose the entire storyline. In the game you should collect items, but the author did not set herself the goal of finding all necessary items, but described only the general concept of the passage. All story line comes down to killing every heroine. Collected Items do not affect the outcome in any way, with the possible exception of points scored. If at the end all the items are not collected, the game will simply offer you to replay all the episodes again.

Ada (Ginger)

We choose Ada (sitting on the floor and rolling a piece of chalk with a stick). After the video we find ourselves in the forest at the intersection of the road and the path. We go a little forward and enter the forest to the right. We walk through the forest and find six glowing flowers. We stand in front of the flower so that the girl picks it. Also, when you wander through the forest, collect all the objects you come across.

A house icon will appear at some edge of the screen. This is a landmark. We turn so that the icon is in front, and go towards the house. Press action (Enter). Let's watch the video. We collect six more flowers. A similar tree icon appears.

Following the landmark we head towards the tree. We arrive at the cemetery and go up the hill. Turn to the tree and press action (Enter). We collect six more flowers. A similar fence icon with a hole appears. We approach the fence and press action (Enter).

We wander through the forest and find a wall, approach it, press action (Enter). We continue further and find a children's playground. I advise you to go into the sunlight between the trees. We approach the turret and climb onto it. We follow the bright yellow light between the trees and find a poppy field.

We go to the center of the field and watch the video. Then we approach the girl in a red dress and press action (Enter). Let's watch the video. We find ourselves on the path in front of grandma's house. Let's move forward. The heroine will walk very slowly. There is no way to speed it up. We wait until the girl comes to the gate, press action (Enter). Then the girl will go on her own automatically to her grandmother’s house.

Alice (Rose, Rosie)

We choose Alice (sitting on a chair and holding a rabbit in her arms). After the video we find ourselves in the forest at the intersection of the road and the path. We walk a little forward and turn left into the forest. Find and collect six glowing flowers. A skull icon appears. Let's go to this landmark. Along the way we also collect any things we come across.

We arrive at the cemetery and find a skull. Press action (Enter). We are looking for and collecting six more flowers. The well icon appears. We go to it, find the well and press action (Enter). We are looking for and collecting six more flowers. A bird icon appears. Let's go for it. Find the bird and press action (Enter). We follow the light and find the theater. Press action (Enter).

We wander through the forest, find a piano and press action (Enter). I advise you to go into the sunlight between the trees. We look for a lake, press action (Enter). Then we go around the lake and approach the boat, get into it (Enter). We find ourselves near my grandmother's house. Let's move forward. The heroine will walk very slowly. There is no way to speed it up. We wait until she gets to the gate, press action (Enter). Then the girl will go on her own automatically to her grandmother’s house.

We just keep things moving in the house. The route is selected automatically. As a result, the heroine will come to the last room, where she will end her journey.

Aurora (Scarlet)

We choose Aurora (speaking on the phone). After the video we find ourselves in the forest at the intersection of the road and the path. We walk a little forward and turn right into the forest. We wander through the forest and collect six glowing flowers. A web icon appears, to which we head. Along the way we also collect any things we come across.

We approach the web, press action (Enter). We wander further through the forest and collect six more flowers. The laundry icon appears. We go to it and find drying laundry, press action (Enter). We walk through the forest and collect six more flowers. The TV icon appears. We follow it and find the TV, press action (Enter).

I advise you to go into the sunlight between the trees. We find a theater. We go up to the stage, take the mask (Enter). We approach the piano and press action (Enter). Let's watch the video. We find ourselves near my grandmother's house. Let's move forward. The heroine will walk very slowly. There is no way to speed it up. We wait until she gets to the gate, press action (Enter). Then the girl will go on her own automatically to her grandmother’s house.

We just keep things moving in the house. The route is selected automatically. As a result, the heroine will come to the last room, where she will end her journey.

Agnia (Ruby)

We choose Agnia (sitting at the table and reading a book). After the video we find ourselves in the forest at the intersection of the road and the path. We walk a little forward and turn left into the forest. We wander through the forest and collect six glowing flowers. A pumpkin icon appears on the field. Let's go for it. Along the way we also collect any things we come across.

We approach the scarecrow on the field and press action (Enter). We collect six more flowers, and a wheelchair icon appears, which we head towards. Find the stroller and press action (Enter). We wander through the forest and collect six more flowers. If you come across a wall on the way, approach it and press action (Enter). The heroine will draw graffiti. The car icon lights up, go towards it. We find the body of an abandoned car and press action (Enter).

I advise you to go into the sunlight between the trees. We find a children's playground. We select a two-headed teddy bear. We sit on the bench next to the guy and wait until the guy offers the heroine a cigarette. Let's watch the video. We find ourselves near my grandmother’s house and go forward. The heroine will walk very slowly, and there is no way to speed up her movement. We wait until she reaches the gate, press action (Enter). Then the girl will go on her own automatically to her grandmother’s house.

We just keep things moving in the house. The route is selected automatically. As a result, the heroine will come to the last room, where she will end her journey.

Alina (Robin)

We choose Alina (sitting on the floor and playing with a typewriter). After the video we find ourselves in the forest at the intersection of the road and the path. We walk a little forward and turn left into the forest. We wander through the forest and collect six glowing flowers. A shopping cart icon appears, we head towards it. Along the way we also collect any things we come across.

We approach the cart and press action (Enter). We wander through the forest and collect six more flowers. A grave icon appears, to which we go. We find ourselves in a cemetery. We see the Wolf, but do not approach him. We climb the mountain and pick up a dead bird. We approach the grave, near which there is a monument to an angel without a head. Click action. (Enter). We pass one grave and come to the grave from which Alice (Rosie) collected the skull. Press action (Enter).

We return to the forest again, collect six more flowers. A swing icon appears. We follow it and find a swing. Press action (Enter). We wander through the forest and find a destroyed wall. We approach it and find cartridges there. Press action (Enter). I advise you to go into the sunlight between the trees. We return to the cemetery. We follow the Wolf and press action (Enter). Let's watch the video. We find ourselves near my grandmother’s house and go forward. The heroine will walk very slowly, and there is no way to speed up her movement. We wait until she reaches the gate, press action (Enter). Then the girl will go on her own automatically to her grandmother’s house.

We just keep things moving in the house. The route is selected automatically. As a result, the heroine will come to the last room, where she will end her journey.

Alla (Carmen)

We choose Alla (standing by the window and trying on a hat). After the video we find ourselves in the forest at the intersection of the road and the path. We walk a little forward and turn left into the forest. We wander through the forest and collect six glowing flowers. A beer icon appears, to which we head. Along the way we also collect any things we come across.

We find the camp and the Woodcutter. We approach him and press action (Enter), pick up the cap. At the tent we find a box of beer and press action (Enter). Follow the fire and press action (Enter). The fire flares up. We go into the forest again and collect six more flowers. The bathtub icon appears. We go to it, find the bath and press action (Enter).

You can also go into the field and pick a flower (Enter). We return to camp and sit on a box near the fire. We are waiting for the Woodcutter. You will have to wait a relatively long time. During this time, the heroine can get up and sit on the box several times.

Let's watch the video. We find ourselves near grandma’s house and move forward. The heroine will walk very slowly, and there is no way to speed up her movement. We wait until she reaches the gate, press action (Enter). Then the girl will go on her own automatically to her grandmother’s house.

We just keep things moving in the house. The route is selected automatically. As a result, the heroine will come to the last room, where she will end her journey.

Unnamed heroine

After the passage of six heroines, the seventh appears - this is a girl in a white dress. Let's select it. After the video we find ourselves in the forest at the intersection of the road and the path. We go to the field following the landmark and pick a flower (Enter). Then call up the map (Ctrl) and visit all the marked objects one by one. Near the objects, press action (Enter) and see which girls can collect them.

We return to the path and follow the landmark to Grandma’s house. We go through all the rooms and find Granny's bedroom. We approach the bed and watch the video. If you have not collected all the items, you will be asked to replay the game.

Indian Solitaire