100 walkthrough of gta 5. Walkthrough of the game Grand Theft Auto V

List of necessary things

To get 100% in the game, you need to complete all the items from the list:

Reward for 100%

For each of the listed tasks, individual bonuses are provided. But in addition to them, along with 100% completion of the game you will receive:

  • a T-shirt with the words "100%" in Franklin's wardrobe;
  • "Career Criminal";
  • an additional mission from the category of eccentrics and strangers “”;
  • three UFOs in the sky over San Andreas: at the top of Mount Chiliad, over the Fort Zancudo military base and near Sandy Shores.

What's next?

Even after reaching 100% in GTA V there is something to have fun. You can replay story and side missions to get gold medals and improve your results in most other completed tasks. Or devote time to activities that are not required for 100%, for example:


1. The number of preparatory steps for some heists varies depending on the approach chosen. To save your favorite number as the sum of all missions in the game, Rockstar was forced to add interest not for all mandatory tasks. Thus, 69 is a conventional value; the actual number of story missions required for 100% varies from 66 to 70. Plus 5 contract killings for Lester.
2. Formally, there are only 20 eccentric tasks in the game, for which interest is given. But it will not be possible to complete these two dozen without avoiding 4 more intermediate missions, which makes them also mandatory.
3. Only available on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
4. Available only on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One for those who have played the game before GTA V on Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3.

In addition to the main storyline GTA world 5 permeated through and through additional tasks, which RockStar Games called "Weirdos and Strangers". Each character has different tasks available, which can usually be obtained from different people. These tasks are marked on the map with a question mark, and, like the main missions, differ in color, depending on the availability of a particular character:

Some of the strangers give not one, but several tasks, in which case the letter of the name of the character offering the mission will appear next to the question mark, for example, this is what Barry’s missions look like for Trevor - .

To get 100% in the game statistics, these missions will have to be completed, receiving a gold medal for completion, however there are interesting point, all subparagraphs to obtain gold do not have to be completed in one go.

For example, when towing a car for Tony, getting gold becomes possible if:

  1. You towed the car in 5 minutes.
  2. The vehicle must be on a hook during the trip.

Thus, completing one of the sub-points will earn you silver, but if you complete the mission twice: first, within five minutes, and then again, but making sure that the car is always on the hook, the assignment of silver will be displayed twice on the screen, however, in the end the statistics will show gold.

Michael's side missions:

The task of Barry, who is campaigning for the legalization of marijuana.

Agitator – Michael (Grass Roots – Michael).

Where: Los Santos Central Park.
How: After tasting marijuana, generously provided by Barry, Michael begins to hallucinate, take out a weapon and kill the aliens.
How to get gold:

  1. Kill 7 aliens in 10 seconds.
  2. Complete the mission with minimal loss of armor and health.

Prize: absent.

Competition with Mary Ann.

Running from Yourself – Michael (Exercising Demons – Michael).

Where: southwest of Michael's mansion.
How: Prove to Mary Ann that Michael is not a piece of junk, beat her in the race.
How to get gold: win without taking shortcuts.

Prize: absent.

Abigail Mathers assignment.

Death at Sea

Where: Paleto Cove. Unlocks after purchasing Sonar Collection Docks and completing the Blitz Game mission.
How: It is necessary to find 30 parts of the submarine - they will be marked on the map. After you find evidence that the crash was rigged, the character will be faced with the choice of killing Abigail or leaving her alive.

Prize:$10 and an autographed photo of Mathers.

Epsilon Program Missions

Seeking the Truth.

Where: Raton Canyon, Mount Chiliad Park.
How: Visit Epsilonprogram.com and fill out the form there, then head to Raton Canyon and look for the red car there. After this, the character is knocked out, and he wakes up in the Grand Senora desert to the sound of a voice saying that he needs to donate another $500 for the next stage of initiation. We go to the site and donate.

Accepting the Truth.

Where: Intersection of Alta Street and Clinton Avenue.
How: We arrive at the office, which is located in Vinewood (epsilon on the map) and watch the video, in which we are offered to donate another five thousand dollars for the secrets of the universe to be revealed to the character. After watching the video, go to the site and donate 5,000.

Assuming the Truth.

Where: Grapeseed.
How: The character is asked to get four cars and a motorcycle for Epsilon, however, they do not tell where to get them. You can buy vehicles at SouthernSanAndreaSuperAutos.com, or you can search for them in parking lots:

Chasing the Truth.

Where: Grapeseed.
How: Find an artifact for the Epsilon program. Follow the device's readings to find the artifact. The blue color of the sensor means that the character is moving in the desired direction, and the frequency of the sound signals makes it clear how far away the desired object is. Then the player is asked to donate another $10,000, go to the site and make a donation by double-clicking on 5,000.
How to get gold: Find an artifact without using the device readings (however, if you experiment with the angle of the camera, you can still see the readings).

Bearing the Truth.

Where: Vinewood.
How: Order a uniform on the Epsilon website and deliver it within 10 in-game days, the price for the outfit is quite high, you still have to wait (up to 24 hours) for it to be delivered. Every day you will receive a reminder of how much time you spent in your outfit.

Delivering the Truth.

Where: South of Fort Zancudo.
How: Get in the Velum and go to Sandy Shorrs and land the plane there.
How to get gold:

a. Land without damaging Velum.
b. Fly under one of the bridges along the way.

Exercising the Truth.

Where: Grand Senora Desert.
How: Dress the character in the Epsilonist outfit, and, having received a medal around his neck, go running in the desert, after you have run about five miles, the character will receive a call that he is finally ready.

Unknowing the Truth.

Where: Rockford Hills.
How: Dress yourself in epsilon clothes and, making sure that you have $50,000 in your account, go to Rockford Hills. Follow the jeep to the helicopter, and then the player is faced with a choice:

  • Follow the person who will lead you to the reward - a personal and time-worn tractor with a unique license plate "K1FFL0M".
  • Or you can mercilessly kill sectarians, taking out your favorite machine gun, you should start with the helicopter pilot before he flies away, in the end the character will receive more than 2 million dollars.

How to get gold:

  1. Kill all the guards.
  2. Steal the cultists' money and escape.

If in GTA 5 the missions of the main storyline are completed and 100 percent progress is achieved, then you should not be disappointed.

The main narrative gives great amount positive emotions, but even after its completion, there is still plenty to do in the world of San Andres.

The developers have prepared a huge amount of all kinds of entertainment that will captivate you for dozens of additional hours. You can find out all the details about them from this article.

World tour and photography

Completing missions in GTA 5 does not mean that the adventure can be completed and the game should be deleted. Even without going into multiplayer mode, there are activities you can do to keep yourself entertained. Here, first of all, it is worth noting the beautiful world around us, which can be seen in the example of Los Santos. Even simply exploring the nooks and crannies of the metropolis and other places on the mainland can be fun.

The game has very beautiful places that are worth visiting

At the same time, the player will discover incredible beauty, interesting references to other projects and much more. To make your exploration more fun, you can set yourself the goal of taking a selfie with all the animals in San Andres. They must be alive, and completion of such a task will be rewarded with an achievement.

Cars, stunts and more

After completing GTA 100 percent, the player should definitely start his own collection of cars. Users have the opportunity to upgrade any car, which will become the coolest on the streets of Los Santos.

After this, it is recommended to drive around the streets a little, test the controls and stop at a red light next to some driver. This will be a kind of challenge similar to a short distance race. The diversity of the world in GTA 5 can be felt at the moment when the player slowly drives a cool car along Vespucci Street.

You can build your own collection of tuned cars

If you move at minimum speed, you can see how non-player characters begin to take pictures of the car. Returning to the topic of photographs, you can see an interesting secret if you get into any of the mansions in Vinewood, where the girls are swimming in the pool. At the same time, you need to have time to take a selfie with them. The entertainment is one-time, but the fun is worth your time.

After this, the player can take a BMX bike and go train in stunts. If you manage to create your own combinations, you can make a video and post it for public viewing in special services. This takes time and patience, but the result will definitely bring satisfaction.

Complete chaos

If tasks and missions in GTA 5 are not enjoyable, then you should try a proven scheme. In any of the parts of the series there was simple entertainment such as turning the streets into a real hell. To do this, you should stock up on weapons, codes for immortality and plenty of ammunition. Conquering Los Santos using this method, as well as seeing the reaction of law enforcement agencies, is worthy of attention. The activity doesn’t last long, but challenge lovers should definitely grab military base. The player, on behalf of one of the characters, for example Michael, calls Trevor and Franklin and invites them to have a drink.

Raise hell on the streets of Los Santos

Instead of going to the pub, you should go to the northwest coast, where there is a facility with maximum security. The fight against the military people will drag on for for a long time, and the assault may not even succeed the first time. As a prize, you can receive interesting equipment for your collection.

If this level of mayhem seems insufficient and you want something original, then go as Trevor at night under the main bridge. The player will see such a diverse audience that there will be no limits to surprise. Hippies, homeless people, outcasts and other individuals with unusual behavior will be able to entertain with their conversations.

Sports passion

Of course, completing 100 percent includes some entertainment from the list of sports activities, but even after that you should not give up trying to become a champion. Darts and billiards are easy enough to learn, but golf is a tough challenge.

This game will require several hours of time and even developing your own tactics. Plus, this is an opportunity to earn good money and gain additional achievements. When such sports activities begin to get boring, the player can go skydiving.

Spend your free time playing golf

This method also pumps up the character's stamina. Ski jumping can be a great experience and an adrenaline rush. Enough to take good motorcycle, go through several training sessions, and then record your tricks for the collection. The same applies to air tests on airplanes and helicopters of various types.

Exploring the world from above can be even more fun. Another enjoyable attraction is the shooting range. Shooting tests are also necessary for complete passage, but for a change you should look a few times. Becoming a master of all sports in GTA 5 is not so easy and only a few users can boast of such an achievement.

Additional missions

In GTA 5, the additional mission called “Strangers and Oddballs” is recommended to be completed completely even after reaching 100 percent in the passage. This indicator requires only 20 out of 58 possible tasks, but no one limits the user in this regard. The developers have worked hard so that these quests can be of interest to unusual personalities and stories with unpredictable turns of events. For example, during one of the tasks the player will meet a person who is fighting in every way for the legalization of marijuana.

You can complete the game 100% by completing random missions

These missions are a great opportunity to brighten up time in the signature style of GTA 5. This activity will captivate the user for ten hours. You should also not ignore random events if they occur on the streets of Los Santos. In the game, these are considered to be incidents involving non-player characters. They occur in certain places at the moment when one of the main characters is nearby. To complete 100 percent you need 14 out of 57, but you can continue to have fun using this method. A random incident is always a joy to see, because it introduces chaos, variety and sets an additional goal for the player. This is why GTA 5 is loved by millions of people.

Stock Exchange

Making money is one of the main goals in the world of San Andreas. The currency will allow you to buy the best vehicles and real estate. In this case, you should pay attention to Lester's missions in GTA 5. They are related to investments on the stock exchange. If you complete all five tasks from this character, the total amount of funds will increase tenfold.

The first task, called "Murder - Hotel", is completed as Franklin. The point is to use all your money to buy BettaPharmaceuticals shares on the BAWSAQ market. After this, you should save 12 times at home, and securities will become more expensive by 81.5 percent. The essence of the second task “Murder - 4 targets” is even simpler.

Play the stock market to earn millions

It is necessary to use the money of three heroes to look at the LCN exchange and buy shares of Debonaire Cigarettes. Then you should wait 2-3 hours until the competitor, Redwood, reaches the $50 mark. After this, all available shares should be sold and purchased by Redwood. Then again at home you should save 12 times, which equals four game days. As a result, the profit will be 300 percent of the initial amount.

The task “Murder - Panel” is completed using the same method, only operations are performed with Fruit and Facade. First, wait for the shares of the first company to rise to 51 percent, and then sell and buy the second ones. The fourth task is related to Vapid shares on the BAWSAQ exchange. Again, you should invest all the money, wait 2 days and withdraw twice the amount. Last mission identical to the previous one, only Goldcoast shares, and a profit of 81 percent.

100%? For true fans GTA series, no game will be completed until their stats reach 100%. If you are that person, then you have come to the right page.

In order to view statistics and progress, you need to go to the pause menu and to the Statistics > 100% checklist section, or you can track this list and much more on the website Social Club.

Basic list for 100% completion of GTA 5

Brief overview of the list of what you need to do in order to pass GTA 5 on 100% :

  • 69 missions- complete the storyline.
  • 20 strangers and eccentrics- complete the missions of all strangers. These missions are not included in the main story missions.
  • 42 hobbies and entertainment- racing, shooting range, flight school, etc.
  • 14 random events - help stop criminals, etc.
  • 16 miscellaneous- buy something special or collect various items, performing unique jumps

Missions (55%)

There are 69 missions that all need to be completed.

Strangers and weirdos (10%)

There are 58 missions from strangers and eccentrics, but only 20 missions of them are credited to 100%.

Hobbies and games (10%)

There are 59 activities and hobbies, but you only have to complete 42 of them:

  • (victory)
  • (Bronze or better, within 12 challenges)
  • (get par or lower)
  • (Perform 13 jumps)
  • Private dance in a strip club
  • Racing (Bronze or better) - (6), Sea (4), (5), Triathlon (3)
  • r (bronze or better for 6 weapon classes)
  • (victory)

Random events (5%)

There are 57 different random events scattered across the map. For 100% completion you need to complete 14 random events.

Miscellaneous (20%)

  • Complete and collect - Letter scraps (50), Spaceship remains (50), stunts and jumps (25), fly under the bridge (25)
  • Buy 5 of any real estate.
  • Buy
  • Walk and play with Chop.
  • Complete the Booty Call
  • Use the services of a prostitute
  • Rob a store
  • Visit the cinema
  • And also visit - Bar, Cinema, Darts, Strip club

GTA 5 video 100%

Traditionally, in the game series Grand Thef Auto there is such a characteristic as completing the game 100%. The idea of ​​​​introducing such a parameter is very good, since it allows players not to get bored after completing a fairly short storyline: in the pause menu, numbers characterizing the percentage of completion are constantly displayed. And any self-respecting gamer strives to achieve 100% in this indicator. So it turns out that you have to spend additional dozens of hours in the game, driving around the map in search of scattered objects and performing crazy stunts on motorcycles and airplanes. But this is only for the better - it’s more fun this way!

Our beloved GTA 5 was no exception in terms of 100% completion. Here, completing the main storyline gives only 50% of the game progress, while to complete the remaining half of the game you need to finish the carriage and a small cart side missions. Here is a complete list of everything you need to do to complete GTA 5 100%.

Passage of GTA 5 100%

  • Main story mission– 50% complete completion. There are 69 main missions to complete (you noticed, the developers are clearly partial to the number 69, why would that be? Adults will understand). This number also includes contract killings of Lester, who will help you.
  • Hobbies and entertainment - 10% of complete completion. What should be done:

– order an individual dance at a strip club;
– take part in 5 street racing races, winning at least a bronze medal in each race;
– receive at least a bronze medal for shooting at a shooting range for each of the three tests for each weapon: pistol, machine gun (submachine gun), assault rifle, shotgun, light machine guns and heavy weapons. Total – 18 medals;
– take part in 6 off-road races and win at least a bronze medal in each of them;
– take part in 4 sea passages and also win at least a bronze medal in each of them;
– win a game of tennis (the length of the game does not matter);
– play a golf match on at least 9 holes;
– win a game of darts;
– take part in 3 triathlon races and win at least bronze in each of them;
– complete 12 lessons flight school and achieve a bronze medal in each of them;
– complete all 13 parachute jumps.

  • Tasks from strangers and freaks - 10% of the complete completion. You need to complete 20 missions out of the available 58. But these must be exactly the 20 missions that are given below, and not any 20 tasks.

– 5 missions from Tony regarding the tow truck;
– 5 paparazzi tasks that Beverly will give (you need to photograph celebrities);
– A series of Shit Work missions from Hao;
– 2 tasks from legalize fighter Barry (only those given to Franklin);
– 1 mission from a “fan” (also for Franklin);
– 4 extreme tasks from a parachutist named Dom;
- Project Omega. It is necessary to collect and return all the parts of the crashed spaceship. When you get ready to go through, don’t forget that we have on our website map of starship parts;
– complete the task of finding Dreyfus, which becomes available after collecting scraps of his letters (use our map of letter scraps).

  • Random events – 15% of complete completion. What should be done:

– complete 14 random tasks that appear as red dots on the map near you.

  • Miscellaneous – 15% of complete completion. What should be done:

– make 25 out of 50 possible flights under bridges ( bridge map);
– perform 8 out of 15 possible aerial stunts ( aerial trick card);
– successfully complete 25 out of 50 crazy jumps ( crazy jump map);
– purchase at least 5 of the 25 objects existing in the game real estate, generating income;
– purchase any item via the gaming web vehicle;
– take a walk and fool around with Chop;
- go to the cinema;
– pick up a prostitute;
– raid a store (there are 20 stores in the game, but one robbery is enough);
– bring a stripper to your home (to do this you need to play a mini-game in a strip club);
– spend time with a friend (required activities: cinema, darts, striptease show, bar).

After completing all of the above, one of the most honorable gaming achievements - “Criminal career.” Moreover, completing GTA 5 100% will lead to the appearance of spaceship aliens, which, however, cannot be reached (it will destroy you when approaching it).

Note that the requirements listed above for completing 100% completion are in fact not the whole game. For absolute completion, searching for barrels of waste, searching for submarine parts, participating in Epsilon cult missions, searching for hidden packages, and hunting animals are not taken into account.
