House made of gyenesh blocks. Effective math classes with Gyenes blocks: learning in a playful way

If you have not heard anything about this popular system, then we invite you to get acquainted with it and find out what the Gyenesh block is. In fact, this is another system of early child development that works on a par with the Montessori method and many others. It has its own differences, as it contributes to immersion in the world of logic, cause-and-effect relationships, numbers and puzzles, while many others emphasize a general acquaintance with the world. That is why the Gyenes block is so interesting. You can start classes from early age. For a unique set of stimulus material, you can choose as many various games, which will differ in the level of complexity radically, so that it will be useful both for a one-year-old baby and for a younger student.

The history of the creation of an educational toy

It was developed and implemented by a unique person, mathematician and psychologist, Zoltan Gyenes. For the first time, he was able to create a completely simple and inexpensive game (Gyenes block), which fits in a small box, but never gets bored, since there are a lot of options for playing with it. So that parents do not worry about whether they can come up with different tasks every day, they are offered several colorful albums, each page of which offers a separate, bright and colorful lesson. The task of creating this game was to make mathematics closer and more understandable, to teach the basics of complex science through exciting games. And so the Gyenes bloc was born.

How is the study of mathematics?

Zoltan Gyenes studied the features of the cognitive processes of children and noted an interesting detail. Almost everyone comprehends the basics of mathematics, but as soon as it comes to more complex operations that require logical thinking, most students stop understanding the essence. They try to follow the pattern, but the solution is different every time. Then the scientist concluded that this was the first stage in the study of mathematics: a chaotic search for solutions and inevitable mistakes. This is the stage free play, but each of these games must contain rules. Their study is an important task.

Only then do children come to the conclusion that certain actions lead to the same results. And only then comes the realization that the conclusions drawn in the process can be theorems. The program easily fits on such a base. high school and not only.

What is a game?

When you open the box, you may be somewhat disappointed. Gyenes logical blocks represent a set of wooden figures that differ from each other in a number of ways. This is a shape, there are circles, squares, triangles and rectangles. In addition, they differ in color (yellow, red and blue), size (large and small) and thickness (thick and thin). Gyenes blocks for the little ones are already of great interest, they can be felt, shifted, stacked on top of each other.

With older kids it's more difficult. If you take out the figurine and say that there is a large red square in front of the child, after 5 minutes he will do other things. That is why the developers have created a whole atlas, a user manual, which contains a huge number of colorful tasks and games. The kid will not be bored, because the tasks will be different every day, from simple to complex.

Who is the game for?

Age range - from 2 to 8 years. Each task has several levels of difficulty, passing which, the baby will grow and develop. This is not the kind of toy that will gather dust in the closet. Gyenesh logical blocks are an excellent system for developing not only logical thinking, but also cognitive processes. These are memory, attention, perception and imagination. The brain of a child, even before school, will master such operations as comparison, analysis, classification and generalization. Toddlers in game form pick up colors quickly.

Before classes, do not forget to give the child the opportunity to play with the figures, build a house, a turret out of them, in order to smoothly move on to learning. And when choosing games, consider the age and intellectual capabilities of the baby.

DIY Gyenes blocks

If you do not have the opportunity to purchase ready-made manuals, then do not be discouraged. Most games can be organized with flat figures as well. The fact is that the wooden figures themselves are only part of the game. The "Let's Play" set contains a flat version of the blocks that you can play with successfully. And it can also be downloaded, printed, cut and pasted over with tape. So, the whole set will cost you a maximum of 200 rubles. Doing Gyenes blocks with your own hands is not very difficult and not difficult at all.

The same applies to albums that contain all the tasks. The set comes with instructions that include several base games but it won't be long enough. In this case, you can also look for a solution in special stores or on sites dedicated to preschool development(Gyenes blocks). The album, like other manuals, can be printed on a color printer.

Playing with the little ones

You can start classes as early as a year old, but showing the material for reference only. Closer to two years, it will already be possible to start mastering the first album. These are Gyenes blocks for the little ones. The essence of this work is to acquaint the child with the basic properties of objects and the concepts that designate them. Very soon, your baby will be free to navigate in such characteristics as color, shape, size, thickness. In addition, he learns to isolate generalizing features, to combine objects into groups, etc.

Main games

If you made Gyenes blocks with your own hands, then the concepts of “thick-thin” will not be available, since the figures are made on a plane, unless dad agrees to cut the figures out of wood for the baby. Otherwise, they are absolutely identical to the original set. The very first game is "Find the Objects". All that are yellow, square, large, and so on. When you learn how to deal with it, complicate the task by acting on the contrary. For example, ask to find all non-red pieces. Don't forget to praise and encourage.

Exclusion of excess is another exciting game. Lay out a chain of red figures, adding one blue one to it, and ask them to remove the excess. This lesson can be modified indefinitely, creating a "train" in a certain sequence. For example, a blue circle, a red circle, again blue and red, then blue, and the child himself will continue. The combination can be gradually complicated. You can collect pairs - a large and small triangle, a blue square and a circle, and so on. It is always fun to finish the lesson by drawing up a drawing from the figures. It can be a person, a flower or a machine. Gyenes blocks for little ones are an amazing way to have fun and explore the world.

Additional cards

When your child has mastered all the variations of these games, it's time to move on to a new stage. For this, a huge number of possibilities have prepared Gyenesh blocks. Tasks will become more difficult over and over again, not letting you get bored. Now you need to buy or print a new album that contains a set of cards. Signs of the figure are encoded on them in symbolic form.

  • The color is indicated by a spot in the form of a cloud.
  • The size is the silhouette of the house, it can be large or small.
  • Form - black outline of the figure (circle, square, triangle).
  • Thickness - funny little man, fat or thin (thin).

Such puzzles are very fond of children. But there is a catch here. Remember about finding figurines from the contrary? This is also preserved in ciphers. That is, the card may contain two spots, red and yellow, each of which is crossed out with a line. This means that the desired object is not red and not yellow, but blue. If, in addition, there is a square outline on the card, then the solution is found. We need a blue square.

Logic cubes

This is a separate material that is sold with the kit, but you can also make it yourself by downloading the diagram, cutting and assembling the cube along the dotted lines. This is an ordinary cube, on the sides of which there are signs of objects, just as you see on the cards described above. There are 5 dice in total, each dedicated to attributes such as size, shape, thickness, color, and negation symbols. There is also a digital cube.

This is a game element, it introduces a share of random choice into the activity, when you roll a die, and he chooses for you the signs of an object with which you will have to interact further. Children love this very much.

Games - Adventure

Serious activities may not be to the heart of your baby. Then do not insist, but simply tell a fairy tale. For example, about the fact that each of you is a royal gardener, and the king gave the task to plant flowers in a flower bed. Now, by rolling the die, you will determine what kind of flowers each of the participants in the game will grow. Perhaps the king will even give gifts to his gardeners.

In a similar way, you can choose treats for cubs and squirrels, determining what signs the cookies should have for one and for the other. The instruction gives a number of games that are sure to suit your children. Older kids will love to collect different schemes. Gyenes Blocks is a game that never gets boring.

Card games

These manuals open completely new world, the child feels like a real scout going on an adventure. But gradually the ardor cools, then we can offer to play new games. For example, hide a sticker with a picture of your favorite animal under one of the figures and tell the child that the cat (or dog) is in trouble and only he can save it. Now present the card, which is the card. For example, a sticker under a big red square. Then you will need a card with a red spot, a large house and an outline of a square. And to confuse him, complicate the task by finding a card with a description of some not blue, not a small object.

Working with children 5-8 years old

Three colorful albums serve for this purpose: "Rescuers come to the rescue", "In search of sunken treasure", "Holiday in the country of blocks". Working with Gyenes blocks at this stage develops logical thinking, teaches you to identify a certain property of an object. You can teach your child to count by laying out a different number of blocks in two rows, and ask them to determine which one is larger, and, for example, to equalize them. Various tables become new tasks, a classic grid for "tic-tac-toe", in which some of the cells are filled with images of figures, and in the rest there are question marks. You need to get the logic. Another task is to build a track according to a scheme in which the properties of objects are set. The child must not only solve, but also lay out in the correct sequence.

Kuizener sticks and Gyenesch blocks

Kuizener's sticks are another technique that helps you get to know the world of numbers. It is a set of sticks, each of which expresses a certain number in color and length. Today there are excellent manuals that combine these two techniques. If the album "Cuisine Shop" is designed to work with sticks, then "Land of Sticks and Blocks" is an even deeper immersion into the world of logic, mathematics and fun games. This makes it possible to master the first arithmetic problems, to operate with the concepts of "more and less", "plus", "minus", "equal". Cuizener sticks and Gyenes blocks are Big world mathematics for a small child.

Today in Russia, Gyenesh blocks in preschool educational institutions are widely used. This allows children to graduate more prepared and able not only to pass an ordinary school curriculum, but also to maintain an inquisitive research interest and a thirst for knowledge. Judging by the reviews, both children and adults like this technique with an abundance of variations and the absence of rigid frameworks. This is much better than buying a tenth doll or car for your baby. The only “disadvantage” compared to conventional toys is that parents will have to take part in the game.

The logical blocks of Gyenes, without separating mathematics from creativity, help to master abstract concepts, develop psychological processes.

“He is a humanist with us,” mom and dad justify themselves for a child who has difficulty learning mathematics. But how can parents instill love for this science if they themselves consider it uninteresting and boring? The Hungarian scientist-teacher has fundamentally refuted the stereotype that is familiar to everyone about technicians and the humanities, having created his own system of early education. Its main element is the logical blocks of Gyenes. Without separating mathematics from creativity, they help to master abstract concepts and develop basic psychological processes in exciting games that will interest even adults.

Knowledge through figures

Blocks - Gyenesh cubes - this is not an ordinary designer. In a set of 48 wooden or plastic elements, no two blocks are even alike. Each of them differs in shape, color, size or thickness.

Such properties of cubes allow them to be a multifunctional tool for understanding basic logical operations (comparison, classification, generalization, etc.), form modeling skills, and contribute to the manifestation of fantasy and imagination.

Feature articles:

"Entry" into mathematics is carried out gradually in accordance with the age and individual capabilities of the crumbs. Gyenes blocks for the smallest, used in the first lessons, are selected with one common feature, then with two, etc. Older children will like more complex operations and games, which are reflected in special albums and manuals.

Conventionally, the following sequential goals of the methodology can be distinguished:

  • teach to highlight properties;
  • compare objects according to the identified properties;
  • classify and generalize features of objects;
  • understanding of the symbolic language and related operations.

Even more games

Along with the blocks, you can use the "Let's play together" manual, which continues and deepens the work on the Gyenesh system. It includes:

  • cards with conditional images of signs of figures or a denial of their properties, 11 confirming the sign (round), and 11 - denying (not red). They help in mastering such abstract concepts for children as signs.
  • 9 groups of figures, each of which consists of 24 pieces;
  • logical cubes - 5 with designations of properties and one with numbers, form the child's skills such as coding and decoding.

Using logical blocks together with a set of cards, you can compose about 20 different game plots. Here are just a few of them.

Game "In the store"

The set also contains sheets with drawn toys from game figures. The kid is given "money" (blocks), with which he can buy toys for himself. But this can be done in such a way that the existing block and the figures in the image have at least one common feature. For example, for a red triangle, you can buy a house or a small animal with triangular ears.

"Logic Train"

The application gives several trains, each has its own color, assigned number and four trailers. Children put cards over their wagons with the indicated algorithm for changing the signs of figures and select the appropriate blocks. For example, if you can change the shape and color, then the red round weight will become a yellow square one.

Other development systems:

Among the worksheets in the "Let's play together" set, there are those that are algorithms. You can play “architects” with them, creating a playground project or dress up a Christmas tree according to the pattern.

How to play with logic blocks

The age range of using the game aid is quite wide (2-8 years), so the games and exercises differ in the degree of complexity.

Do not start the first lessons without giving the child the opportunity to get to know the cubes properly. Let him first touch them, fold them, and only then proceed to study the properties of the proposed figures.

Games from 2 years old

The Gyenes method for the little ones is the first step for kids on the way to learning mathematics. In the simplest games, kids master the basic properties of blocks and learn to operate with the concepts of “same”, “not like”.

"Find figurines"

Ask your child to select all the cubes according to one property. For example, "Please give me all the shapes of the same shape as this one (triangular), what is the name of this shape?"

In a similar way, games are constructed to search for blocks that do not correspond to the attribute. For example, “Choose all the cubes that are not the same color as this one. What is the name of this color?

We develop memory

Before the baby lies a few details of the designer. After he looks at them carefully, remove one or change their sequence, and invite the baby to remember how it was.


Ask the child to determine the shape or size of the blocks by touch in the bag.

"Remove the excess"

Choose two figures that will differ from each other by one feature (big red triangle, big red circle), let the third figure have only one property in common with them (big yellow square). Ask them to guess which block is missing.

In a more difficult version of the game, reduce the number of common features to one, ask for an explanation of your choice.

Games from 4–5 years old

Age for children is a conditional concept, because everything depends purely on the individual qualities of a preschooler. The proposed task should be feasible, but difficult enough so that cognitive interest does not fade away.


You need at least two players. Conditions are stipulated in advance on what basis to choose pieces for a move. For example, only thin or only square. The rest of the rules are the same as in the classic version of the game of dominoes.

"Report a row"

The leader lays out the first row. Players determine for themselves one sign and report their row in turn, selecting blocks in accordance with the previous one.

For example, the first row: yellow circle, red square, blue triangle; the second row changes color: red circle, blue square, yellow triangle, etc.

"Find the Treasure"

In front of the baby lies a chain of 8 cubes, under one of them we put a conditional treasure. You can find it only with the help of leading questions that exclude or confirm one property. For example,

Is this a red block?

Is it a thick block?

— Maybe it's a triangular block? Etc.


When removing the cubes after the game, share the work with the baby: he collects all the red and large ones, for example, and you the rest.

Do-it-yourself Gyenes blocks made of wood are not so easy and quite laborious. Therefore, it is easiest and cheapest to make paper copies of the cubes. Their only drawback will be the absence of such a sign as thickness.

Responsible parents invent for their baby interesting tasks, using numerous didactic aids - both purchased and made by oneself. Among the favorites that help not only to have fun, but also to improve math skills and develop logic, are games for children with Gyenesh blocks. They can be safely used in work with preschoolers from 2 years old and younger students (up to 10 years old).

Purpose, objectives of the methodology

Gyenes blocks are a set of 48 figures aimed at developing the logic of toddlers. The set is complemented by cards on which properties are presented in a schematic form, as well as the negation of properties.

The aim of the methodology is to develop mathematical ability in children of preschool and primary school age.

The tasks of using Gyenes blocks are quite diverse:

  • development and improvement of the ability to analyze the shape of objects;
  • improving the ability to compare objects with each other in one or more parameters;
  • development of imagination and creativity in children.

Classes form perseverance in kids, the desire to solve the problem, they will help to gain faith in their own strength, the desire to think, make decisions, guess.

History of creation

A wonderful guide for the development of mathematical skills, thinking and imagination appeared thanks to the works of the Hungarian researcher, teacher and mathematician Zoltan Gyenesh, who set as his goal to make the comprehension of exact science as exciting as possible for children. The basic principle of the methodology is as follows: training should not be carried out in a boring form, when the child has to listen carefully to the explanations, and then repeat after the teacher, but in the process of an exciting game that starts the development of the ability to think independently and show imagination.

Gyenes studied the specifics of the course of cognitive processes in preschoolers and revealed a pattern - children master numbers and simple arithmetic operations well, but understand abstract categories very poorly. Kids try to find the answer using a ready-made template, which does not always work out. Therefore, the teacher came up with such a manual, in which acquaintance with the most complex concepts takes place in a visual form.

In a simple and understandable form, having fun, a small child gets acquainted with abstract categories and concepts, which will be very useful to him both at school and in later life.

Now choose for your baby, regardless of his age, the right game won't be difficult. You can purchase one of the albums, classes with which will be very interesting for preschoolers (this is an album for the smallest - children 2-3 years old, "Let's play", "Sculpt nonsense" and so on).

best age

Children of different age groups can work with Gyenes blocks.

  • The smallest - from 2 years old - can use the elements of the set as substitute items and play the simplest exciting games(e.g. "Feed the animals").
  • Middle preschool group. With the help of colored figures, children can build various pictures using ready-made schemes or by connecting their own imagination.
  • Senior preschool group. Blocks are a great way to improve math skills, learn how to count, and get the most important ideas about what is more and less.
  • Primary School. Numerous classes with Gyenesh blocks will allow you to work out the moments that you could not figure out in the lessons in an exciting, non-boring way, as well as consolidate your knowledge, improve your ability to think logically.

For each age, their own exercises have been developed that will be interesting and accessible to children. Parents can use ready-made options from the file cabinet or come up with something of their own.

positive impact

Consider which areas in the development of the child are affected by the use of this didactic manual. There are several of them:

  • memory;
  • thinking;
  • imagination;
  • the ability to think logically;
  • Attention;
  • analytic skills;
  • perseverance, the desire to cope with the goal on their own.

Regular reference to Gyenes blocks also contributes to the development of speech. The child's active vocabulary gradually begins to include abstract words, adjectives denoting colors, sizes, shapes. The baby's remarks become more complex, he begins to give evidence of his thoughts, as he has learned to think logically.

These are the useful properties of using Gyenes blocks. However, it should be noted some one-sidedness of the methodology, which is aimed at developing, first of all, the mathematical abilities of the baby. Therefore, parents should think about what other benefits they will use.

How to use blocks?

The set, intended for a didactic game, includes not only the blocks themselves (48 geometric shapes), but also albums and descriptions of games that can be used in organizing activities with children.

The figures themselves differ in several ways, there are no identical elements:

  • there are several colors: yellow, red, blue;
  • in shape, the blocks are - a triangle, a square, a circle, a rectangle;
  • sizes are also different, elements can be both large and small.
  • thickness: thin and thick.

Didactic games with Gyenesh blocks are diverse, and the use of one or another of them depends on the age and abilities of a particular child. Moreover, modern teachers advise paying attention specifically to the development of the baby: some children can begin to master new knowledge much earlier (or later) than their peers, but there is nothing unnatural in this.

The creator of the methodology proposed to rely on several stages of working with the manual.

  1. Free play. There are no set rules here, the child himself comes up with them. Thus, the first acquaintance with the world of mathematical figures takes place.
  2. Game by the rules. Parents explain what needs to be done, the task of the child is to repeat. For example, “repeat the pattern” - the baby must fold the finished version shown in the figure from the figures of the set.
  3. Math games.
  4. Introduction to numbers.
  5. Using Gyenes blocks to perform the first arithmetic operations.

The transition to a new stage should be gradual, occur at a time when the child is ready for it.

Games with kids

Gyenes blocks can be used from the age of 2, however average age when children begin to feel interest in them - 3 years.

The following exciting and useful games can be included in the schedule of the smallest.

  • Distribution of figurines in groups. The simplest task is to arrange the elements of the set into piles depending on the color. Then the task becomes more complicated, the parent asks the child to group elements of the same size, the same shape. Further - even more interesting: now you need to find among the elements, for example, a yellow triangle.
  • "Find one." The parent shows the child a certain shape, such as a blue triangle, and asks the child to find a similar element from the set, such as a triangle of any other color or some yellow element. The task “Find another” is performed in a similar way, but now the child’s task is to find a different figure (of a different color, shape, size).
  • Album games. To do this, you need to purchase or download special colorful pictures on the Internet, which depict flowers, animals, cars from geometric shapes. The child will need to understand which of the elements of the set should be attached to the picture (for example, a circle is a car wheel or a flower petal), decide on the color and size, and complete the drawing.
  • "Let's feed the animals." Good game for kids, which will teach them to distribute the figures into groups. The parent creates a kind of zoo by seating toy animals around the table. Then he gives the task - to feed them, using elements from the set as food. But each of the inhabitants of the menagerie eats only their own food (for example, a lion cub likes red figurines). The task of the child is to feed the animals. Gradually, you should complicate the tasks. After a while, the lion cub should fall in love with not just red elements, but squares.
  • Design. This is very interesting game for kids 3-3.5 years old, allowing them to develop their creativity. Parents ask the child to create a house, a piece of furniture, a ladder - the kid designs the proposed options.

In order to gradually complicate the task facing the baby, at the first stages you can allow him to use a scheme with ready-made options, and then offer to dream up or try to remember. Both will be useful for gaining critical skills.

The “Continue the row” classes are also very interesting, which help develop logical thinking. The optimal time to start training is from 3 years. Parents can offer a variety of tasks.

  • Lay out a simple “chain” of elements of red, yellow and blue on the table and invite the baby to continue the row. Its task is to distribute the colors in the correct sequence.
  • Invite the child to continue the chain in such a way that there are no identical figures nearby (for example, circles are not located one after another, red elements are not nearby).
  • Independently come up with a row so that there are figures of the same size next to each other, but differing in color or shape.

Such tasks will help you learn how to highlight the properties of shapes and conduct analysis.

Classes in the middle preschool age

At 4-5 years old, you can continue to work with didactic games that will help to form the initial mathematical skills in kids and prepare them for targeted training at 6-7 years old. Parents can offer children some exciting entertainment.


Mom or dad arranges a store in advance, where toys, sweets, fruits, and the like can serve as goods, and also gives the baby certain figures from the set that will serve as money. Each of the items in the "shop" has its own cost (which is also represented by one of the figures). The task of the baby is to figure out what exactly he can afford and make a purchase.

Gradually, the selection criteria can become more complicated - for example, a bear will cost not just a triangle, but a large red one or two small ones - blue and yellow.

You can play the "Shop" with several children, so it will be much more interesting for them.

"What changed?"

This didactic math game will not only improve your preschooler's memory, but will also be a great way to develop thinking in a fun way.

A certain sequence of figures is laid out in front of the child, he must remember it.

There are two game options.

  1. One of the figures is removed, the task of the preschooler is to remember the sequence, figure out which element is missing, and return it to no place.
  2. One figure is replaced by another, the child must see the change and restore the original row, correct it.

Gradually, you can complicate the task by swapping several blocks or including 2-3 new figures in the sequence at once.

"Second row"

This is an effective training of analytical thinking. To work, you will need several figures from the set.

  1. The parent lays out a certain row of blocks, such as blue and red circles. The task of the child is to guess that the yellow circle should be next, and report it.
  2. The second option - an adult creates a different sequence, for example, several figures of the same color, the child must figure out that the next element should also have the same color, and continue the row.

There is no need to prompt, the preschooler must analyze himself and guess which figure is next.

"Let's move into the house"

For work, you should prepare an image of a house in which there will be several rooms. In each room, you should draw those figures that “live” there, as well as those that should not be (for this, an element is drawn, for example, a circle, and crossed out). The child is required to "settle" the elements of the set in the "rooms" intended for them.

Tasks for the senior preschool group (5-6 years old)

"Decorate the Christmas Tree"

In advance, you should prepare a Christmas tree with your own hands: cut it out of green cardboard or draw and color it.

The adult also prepares hint cards, which depict the figures themselves, painted in the colors of the blocks, next to them is a number - so many elements should be placed on the Christmas tree in the form of decoration. The task of the child is to understand the scheme and correctly decorate the Christmas tree using the figures from the set.

Classes with areas

Such games help to form an initial idea about sets. For a lesson in mathematics, you should draw two circles on a piece of paper - sets that do not intersect each other. The child needs to place blue figures inside one of them, and red figures inside the other. The yellow elements remain out of space. The exercise will help explain to the preschooler what “inside” and “outside” are.

When the exercise begins to turn out, the task becomes more complicated: now the two sets intersect, blue figures are placed in one circle, yellow figures in the second. The task of the child is to guess what should be in the intersection area. These can be elements of different colors, but of the same size and shape, such as triangles.

For the development of logical thinking, tasks can be formulated with the particle "Not". For example, say not "Place the blue squares in the circle", but "Place the squares that are neither yellow nor red" in the circle.

The chain is complicated

Previously, a similar exercise has already been considered, but older children should be offered more difficult option. The parent asks to create such a chain so that neighboring variants of figures have a similar feature:

  1. the yellow circle is placed first;
  2. the second figure can be a circle of any other color or yellow, but a triangle or a square.

Thus a chain is created. When the exercise is easy and without problems, you should ask the child to come up with a sequence so that its elements are completely different from each other:

  1. yellow circle - the first figure;
  2. the second must not be a circle, nor any yellow figure. For example, the red triangle.
  3. the third element of the row is neither a triangle nor red.

The more elements the preschooler includes in the chain, the better.

Further, the task becomes even more complicated - the parent determines the number of figures, for example, six, puts the first element and the last, the child is required to arrange the blocks in such a way that a complete row of elements that do not coincide with each other in all respects is obtained.

Before offering a child such a task, you should check for yourself whether it has a solution, that is, parents must first collect the entire series.

Classes with Gyenesh blocks will help prepare a preschooler for admission to first grade, develop his intelligence and creativity. Regular exercises help to improve logical thinking, independence, the ability to analyze, compare and contrast. In an accessible form, children receive information about the most important complex categories - color, size, thickness, shape, as well as an idea of ​​the variety of objects, huge number options that can be combined from them.

Modern parents have access to many didactic aids with which they can develop their children from a very early age. Gyenes logic blocks are very popular - a game with pictures, diagrams and special albums. Classes with this manual help preschoolers in a fun way to get acquainted with the basics of mathematics. Learn what the material is and how to work with it.

What are Gyenes blocks

This is the name of the special didactic manual for the development of mathematics, developed by a famous Hungarian scientist. Zoltan Gyenes devoted his whole life to this discipline. He tried to make it as understandable and interesting for children as possible. For this, he specially developed the author's Gyenesh system for the early development of mathematics by children.

The game manual is a set of geometric shapes in the amount of 48 pieces. They are represented by elements among which there are no repeating ones. The figures are divided according to the following criteria:

  1. Color. Blue, red, yellow.
  2. The size. Small ones, big ones.
  3. Thickness. Thick, thin.
  4. The form. Circle, triangle, square, rectangle.


Gyenesh logic blocks are designed to teach mathematics in a playful way. Classes with them contribute to the development of memory, attention, imagination, speech. The child develops the ability to classify material, compare, analyze analytical information. The optimal age to start classes is 3-3 years. Working with Gyenes logic blocks will teach the baby:

  1. Identify the properties of objects, name them, explain what the differences and similarities are, support your reasoning with arguments.
  2. Think logically.
  3. It's better to talk.
  4. Understand what color, thickness, shape and different sizes are.
  5. Be aware of space.
  6. Independently solve the problems of the educational and practical plan.
  7. Persistently go to achieve the goal, cope with difficulties, take the initiative.
  8. Perform mental operations.
  9. Develop imagination, creativity and intellectual ability, fantasy, modeling and design skills.

How to work with Gyenes blocks

Classes are held in several stages. Gyenes developed his methodology taking into account the psychological aspects of children younger age, so there is no need to be afraid that it will be too complicated for the thinking of a preschooler. There are such stages of development of mathematical abilities:

  1. Free play. The goal is to teach the baby to solve unfamiliar problems by trial and error, trying different options.
  2. The kid smoothly switches to the game according to certain rules. In the course of classes, basic information is introduced, for example, “which figures are the same”.
  3. Discussion, content comparison math games. You need to select different options with related rules, but different game materials.
  4. Introduction to numbers. It is recommended to use maps, charts, tables.
  5. The last stage is the longest and is suitable for older preschoolers. It should offer different cards with the definition of rules, which helps to come to specific logical conclusions. Gradually, such concepts as a theorem and an axiom will become familiar to the baby.

Logic blocks

The figurines themselves are the basis of the Gyenes technique. They provide many exciting didactic games for children of different ages. The main purpose of the Gyenes blocks is to teach the child to understand the properties of objects. With their help, he will learn to distinguish and combine objects, to classify them. The presence of pictures and special albums will significantly diversify the number of games that you can offer a preschooler.


For classes, images are used that contain symbolic information about the properties of the figure. It looks like this:

  1. The color is indicated by a spot.
  2. The size is the silhouette of the house. A small one is indicated by a one-story building, a large one by a multi-story building.
  3. The contours of geometric shapes correspond to the shape.
  4. Thickness - two images of little men. The first is fat, the second is thin.
  5. In Gyenes' set there are cards with denial. For example, a multi-storey building crossed out crosswise means that the desired figure is “not big”, that is, small.

Sets of cards can be used not only together with Gyenesh blocks, but also for independent games. Working with them develops logic, the skill of deciphering information by symbols. First, the child should be given the simplest game tasks to get acquainted with the Gyenesh cards, and then gradually complicate them. A set of images can significantly diversify classes, make them much more interesting.


You will need to purchase several such benefits for each age range. They should be chosen according to the level of development of the child, and not according to how old he is at the moment. Sometimes at the age of 3, the baby has the development of a five-year-old, and sometimes vice versa. The albums contain different games with figurines of Gyenesh, diagrams-drawings, according to which they can be folded. You can complicate the tasks yourself, add variety to them, focusing on the reaction of the child.

Gyenes blocks for the little ones

deal with logical figures can kids from the age of two. Many simple games have been developed for them. Their main goal is to teach the child to distinguish the properties of an object, to group objects according to certain characteristics. Such classes will not only be useful, but also interesting for every kid. Check out some of the most popular game options.


These are the most simple games for kids who are just getting acquainted with the Gyenes set. Example:

  1. Lay out the elements of Gyenes in front of the child.
  2. Let him group them according to different criteria. First selects everything of the same color, then size, and so on.

Gradually the game becomes more difficult. Invite the child to sort the blocks according to two or more features. For example:

  1. Choose yellow rectangular blocks and blue square ones.
  2. Get all flat figures of the same size.
  3. Choose thin round blocks.
  4. Sort all the blue triangular shapes.


This creative game All kids love it without exception. It is very simple, but fascinating. The child is invited to put together different figures from the elements of Gyenesh, first according to the schemes, and then without them, gradually complicating the task. Examples of objects you can ask to construct:

  • house;
  • table;
  • house with windows;
  • herringbone;
  • shop;
  • stool;
  • sofa;
  • chair;
  • steps;
  • armchair;
  • machine.

Continue row

The game is aimed at ensuring that the child has a knowledge of geometric shapes, size, thickness, color. Thanks to her, he will learn to find patterns. Task options:

  1. Lay out the elements of Gyenes on the table in front of the baby so that each next one differs from the previous one in one way. The child continues this row independently.
  2. Lay out a chain of Gyenesh figures so that there are no objects that are identical in two respects. Invite the child to continue this row.
  3. Lay out the figures of Gyenes in front of the baby in color: red, yellow, blue. He will continue the series, alternating the shades in the given sequence.

feed the animals

Put some of your favorite toys in front of your baby. Have him feed each pair of "cookies" (blocks). Offer some conditions, for example, the bear cub should be given only red food, and the kitten - square. This game resembles selections, but children perceive it much better. It is rare for a baby to refuse to feed their pets.

Games with Gyenes blocks for the senior group

When the child grows up, exercises for kids, he will be able to click like seeds, and the tasks will have to be complicated. The Gyenes method for preschoolers is designed for kids 5-6 years old. The exercises are more complex, not only the cubes themselves are actively used, but also cards, game albums. The tasks are aimed at developing logical thinking in an adult child, the ability to explain the decision made. Explore a few example games, based on which you can come up with a lot of exercises.


Give the child any Gyenes figurine or offer to choose their own. Then he will get out of the total mass of blocks all those that coincide with the first one in one given property. When he has mastered the game well, make it harder. Let the kid pick up blocks that have two identical properties with the one taken initially. Then you can make the game even harder. The child must select those blocks that do not have a single adjacent property to the first one.


This game is suitable even for several kids. Rules:

  1. Each player receives an equal number of blocks. The order of participants is determined.
  2. The first makes a move with any piece.
  3. The second one places a block that has one property that matches.
  4. If there is no suitable piece, the participant skips the move.
  5. The first player to lay out all their blocks wins.
  6. The game can be made more difficult by changing the rules about the properties of the laid out figures. For example, you need to respond with a block that has two similar signs, etc.

Find the extra

The following game will help children learn how to group three-dimensional geometric shapes according to various criteria. Rules:

  1. Lay out three figures in front of the child. One of them should not have a single property in common with the others.
  2. Let the child figure out which block is superfluous and explain why, how he came to this conclusion.
  3. Make the task harder. Lay out 6 blocks. The kid must remove two extra ones.

Find a couple

This game will appeal to kids who have already mastered all the simple tasks well. Rules:

  1. Lay out several figures in a row in front of the child.
  2. Offer to choose a steam room for each according to a certain property.
  3. Make the task harder. Let the baby try to match not one, but two or three properties.
  4. You can initially take, for example, 10 paired elements. Put them in a bag. Let the child line up pairs by laying out the Gyenesh figures in two horizontal rows.


You will need several to play. large sheets colored cardboard. They serve as sketches for paintings. To compose the composition, additional cardboard parts are needed. The game teaches to analyze the shape of objects, compare them, develops creative and artistic abilities. Rules:

  1. According to the sketches, the kids should “paint” a picture.
  2. They choose their own preparation. It shows schematically where which blocks should be located. Thin ones will only be outlined, and thick ones will be completely painted over.
  3. Let the children pick up the missing blocks and parts cut out of cardboard in the correct places of the “sketch”.


For this task, you need cards with the image of objects that will serve as goods, and logical elements. The game "Shop" develops memory, the ability to reason, justify your choice, identify and abstract properties. Rules:

  1. A preschooler comes to the store, in the assortment of which there are a lot of goods-cards. He has three figures that perform the function of money. Each item can be purchased for one item.
  2. The kid needs to buy the object that has at least one property that matches the money figure.
  3. Gradually, you can complicate the game by suggesting new rules.

Let's decorate the Christmas tree

The next game contributes to the development of skills in ordinal counting, reading a diagram. For her, you will need an image of a Christmas tree and 15 cards with symbols, blocks. Rules:

  1. The Christmas tree should be decorated with beads in five rows. Each will have three beads.
  2. The number on the card is the serial number of the thread position from top to bottom. The circle painted on it shows which bead should go in the account, and below it is indicated which element will depict it.
  3. Let the kid hang the first row of beads, and then all the lower ones, clearly following the pattern on the card.

Excerpts from one of the parent forums:

"Does anyone have these blocks? Do children like it or what is the maximum they use for - is it building houses? I'm thinking, to order such a box or not? Again, only they will scatter all over the apartment? ”...


“I don't think it's necessary. It is good to use these blocks in kindergartens in the classroom, otherwise there is little interesting in them, geometric figures and nothing more.

Well, what can I say? Anything can be scattered...

What are logical blocks? And why are they needed?

In many countries of the world it is successfully used didactic material"Logic blocks", developed by the Hungarian psychologist and mathematician Gyenesh for the development of logical thinking in children.

Over the past decade, this material has been gaining more and more recognition from teachers and parents in our country. You can buy LBD in the store of educational games.

Gyenes logic blocks are a set of 48 geometric shapes:

a) four shapes (circle, triangle, square, rectangle);

b) four colors (red, blue, yellow);

c) two sizes (large, small);

d) two types of thickness (thick, thin).

Each geometric figure characterized by four features: shape, color, size, thickness. There are no identical figures in the set.

Many logic figure games use cards with property symbols. Acquaintance of a child with the symbols of properties is an important step in mastering the entire sign culture, literacy of mathematical symbols, programming, etc. The cards conditionally indicate the properties of the blocks (color, shape, size, thickness). There are 11 cards in total. And 11 cards with negation of properties, for example: Not red.

Unfortunately, there are no such cards in the store set, but they can be downloaded.

Gyenes Blocks is a universal educational game. Kids love to play with blocks! As the experience of Russian teachers in working from 2 to 10 years old shows, games with logical blocks allow:

* Introduce the shape, color, size, thickness of objects.

* Develop spatial representations.

* Develop logical thinking, understanding of the set, operations on sets (comparison, division, classification, abstraction, encoding and decoding of information).

* Master the elementary skills of the algorithmic culture of thinking.

* Develop the ability to identify properties in objects, name them, generalize objects according to their properties, explain the similarities and differences of objects, justify your reasoning.

* Develop cognitive processes, mental operations.

* Cultivate independence, initiative, perseverance in achieving the goal.

* Develop creativity, imagination, fantasy, modeling and design abilities.

* Develop speech.

* Successfully master the basics of mathematics and computer science.

How to play with LBD?

In the box with the blocks there is a small manual, which is very schematic. You can get acquainted with logical blocks in detail with the help of books: "Let's play" (edited by A.A. Stolyar. - M., 1991, 1996), as well as "Logic and mathematics for preschoolers" (edited by Z.A. Mikhailova - St. Petersburg, 1996, 2000).

I will share my own experience of working with children as a methodologist - practice leader and home teacher.

All games and game exercises can be divided into 4 groups with gradual complication:

To develop skills to identify and abstract properties;

To develop skills to compare objects by their properties;

To develop the actions of classification and generalization;

To develop the ability to logical actions and operations.

All games and exercises, with the exception of the fourth group (logical), are not addressed to a specific age. After all, the children of one calendar age may have different psychological age. Some of them slightly, and some much earlier than other peers, reach the next step in intellectual development However, everyone must go through all these steps. If the child cannot cope with the task on his own, then it is necessary to simplify the task, and so on until the child solves the problem. An independent and successful decision will be the step from which you should start moving forward.

If, however, children are kept at a certain level or prematurely given more challenging games and exercises, then interest in classes will disappear. Children are drawn to mental tasks when they are difficult for them, but doable.

It is good for an adult to become an equal partner during the games. I didn’t edify, but I played! Before starting games and exercises, let the child independently use them at his own discretion in games. As a rule, children are happy to build something out of them. In the course of such games with blocks, the baby will establish that they have a different shape, color, size and thickness. When communicating with a child, it is better to use the word “figure” than the word “block”.

Our favorite games:


3 figures are laid out on a cardboard. Two can be combined according to some property, one is superfluous.

Anything can be behind the castle: a surprise, an entrance to a room, a road for a walk...

The child must open the lock: guess which button to press and explain why.

For example: There is an extra red piece. Because they are both yellow. Click on the red figurine!


There are 8 blocks in front of the child, a coin or a picture is hidden - a puppy.

1 option

The treasure hunter turns away, the leader hides the treasure under one of the blocks. The treasure hunter searches for it, naming the various properties of the blocks. If the kid finds a treasure, he takes it for himself, and hides a new treasure under one of the blocks. The host at first plays the role of a treasure hunter himself and shows how to search for a treasure. Names various block properties. For example, the host asks:

Treasure under the blue block?

No, the child replies.

under yellow?

Under red?

Under the big one?

Under the circle?

The one who finds the most treasures wins. When the game is repeated, the blocks change, their number increases.

Option 2

The host says: the puppy hid under a red, large circle. You can write a letter with cards - symbols:


Toddlers of two to four years old are good at learning classification. (Color, shape, size, thickness).

In this lesson, the children collected colorful leaves for the hedgehog and put them in boxes according to color.


The kids have arrived to visit Mickey Mouse! Look what a city of figures it is!

There is an area of ​​large houses and an area of ​​small houses. Each area has streets of different colors. The houses have different shapes.

Serezha is looking for a rectangular house in the area of ​​small houses, on Red Street.

And Katyusha went to visit the mole. And he tells all the kids: “The mole lives in a square house on a blue street in the area of ​​\u200b\u200blittle houses”! Four-year-olds walk around such a city with interest, distinguish between times, three properties of the figures at once. What is difficult for some first-graders in the School 2100 program!


There is a sign in front of the child - the rule for building a track.

He builds a path according to the rule: he alternates blocks according to color or shape: first red, then square, then yellow, and triangular. The kid learns to highlight the property, to abstract from other signs.

To keep the interest of children, it is good to offer various game and practical tasks: we built a path to the box with a surprise, climbed over the bridge over the river, laid out a path of ice in the Snow Queen's palace to help Kai and Gerda escape.

And in this lesson, the guys got into a swamp. Build a strong bridge. Between themselves, the blocks should be similar in two ways. For example: the pieces are both blue and fat.

There are games and exercises with blocks that are designed for older preschoolers. They will help develop in children the ability to divide sets into classes according to compatible properties, develop the ability to perform logical operations “not”, “and”, “or”, the ability to use these operations to build correct statements, encode and decode information about the properties of objects.


We will help the child learn to decipher (decode) information about the presence or absence of certain properties of objects according to their sign-symbolic designations.

On this lesson - the journey, the children got to the magician's house. You must first disenchant him, and then knock.

For example: the first figure should be triangular, yellow, small and fat.

But the second one is round, red, not fat and not small. So, we will look for a red, large, thin circle.

It's great when ingenuity helps! Now you can see tricks!

AT senior group we arranged a competitive game program "Tic-tac-toe". One of the tasks for the teams was "Building a castle".

The teams analyzed the drawing of the castle, selected the necessary bricks. The team whose castle was built quickly and correctly won!


The game will teach you to split the set into two, three compatible properties, to perform logical operations "not", "and", "or".

Trouble in the forest! The fox, the wolf and the bear can't share Santa's gifts! Santa Claus told the fox to take all the small gifts, the bear - all the fat ones, and the wolf - the round ones.

But the trouble is, there are gifts that are both round and small at the same time. Both the fox and the wolf should take them! And there are gifts and round, and small, and thick! They can play all the animals together.

Three intersecting hoops (ribbons, ropes) helped us figure it out - find out where whose gifts are, who can use what on the rights of joint ownership!

Lots of interesting games! Children always enjoy solving logic puzzles. There are also favorite games that you want to play again and again.

And you will notice how the baby becomes smarter and smarter. How it will surprise you with the speed and flexibility of thinking! Good luck!

In the photo - children and teachers of preschool educational institution No. 15 in Tyumen. Author's drawings.
