Decks with Renault Jackson standard mode. Decks with Reno Jackson are taking the Hearthstone ladder by storm

The final wing of the League of Explorers was released not too long ago, and we got legendary card with very unusual effect– Eliza Stargazer.

And today, together with her, in the company of Brann Bronzebeard and Reno Jackson, we will go in search of the golden monkey.

Reno Warlock is one of the few decks that can spin through and find the cards it needs pretty quickly, so it's one of the best options to find the golden monkey.

Due to the peculiarity of Renault Jackson, we have one of each card; Below we will look at why they were chosen.

  • – we scroll through the deck and fight off early aggression well. We leave it in the starting hand against aggressive decks.
  • Overwhelming power - we exchange weak creatures for strong ones, strengthen ourselves in front of the Flame of Darkness, can be used on Sylvanas Windrunner to take away a dangerous creature.
  • A tasty zombie – we always want to see it in the starting hand, it helps control the table at the initial stage.
  • Dark Bomb – control the table at the initial stage. We leave it in the starting hand.
  • – one of the best cards in the expansion, it can give a second copy of Overwhelming Power or some creature to occupy the board. Increases the number of cards we can play. We leave it against aggressive decks.
  • Ironbeak is the only mute in the deck. Against control decks, it's often worth saving it for something like Sylvanas Windrunner or Tirion Fordring. You should leave this card in your hand against aggressive decks if there are no other cards for the initial stage.
  • Protector of the Sin'dorei - forces the enemy to hit where we want; we leave it in the starting hand in an aggressive matchup.
  • The leader of the gang of demons is one of the best creatures for the third mana. We always leave it.
  • Brann Bronzebeard – has a lot of combinations in this deck. It can heal together with the Healer no worse than Reno, lure half of the enemy squad along with the Mental Technician, or shuffle two cards into the deck at once along with Eliza. We try not to place him on the field without combinations.
  • Mental Technician – very often we have a very slow start and the enemy can field a lot of creatures, works well together with Brann. We leave it in the starting hand against a paladin, hunter, or zulock.
  • Experienced Hunter - a must-have in all control decks.
  • Earthen Servant - We need additional healing to survive until we find Reno or the golden monkey, in some situations it is worth healing our creature for more profitable exchanges.
  • Hellfire – clearing the field.
  • Merciless explosion - good map, which will allow you to take the table at an early stage. Leave it if you have a coin.
  • Flame of Darkness is an AoE spell that can completely change the game. We can buff our weak creature with Overwhelming Power and then clear the entire board for cheap; or give yours to Sylvanas Windrunner to destroy all enemy creatures except the strongest and take it for yourself.
  • Defender of Argus is another defensive card that strengthens our creatures near Brann quite well.
  • The Manned Shredder is a sticky creature that is difficult to remove from the field. We leave it against control decks or if there is a coin.
  • Twilight Dragon is a good card at any stage, an excellent target for issuing a taunt, and together with Brann it becomes very tenacious.
  • Eliza Stargazer is the basis of the deck; if we can find the golden monkey and not lose too much health, we will simply crush the enemy at the end of the game with heavy cards. If possible, we play together with Brann. An important point is that if you shuffle two cards, you will not be able to heal with Reno.
  • Ancient Healer is a lifesaver against aggressive decks. If there are cards for initial stage, can be left in the starting hand.
  • Mucus belcher - helps you survive.
  • Lothib - breaks the enemy's plans, gives time against the druid and frieze mage to find a solution.
  • Soul drawing – we destroy dangerous creatures.
  • Emperor Thaurissan - We almost always have 6+ cards in hand, so Thaurissan pays off as soon as it hits the field.
  • Reno Jackson is the reason why we have the number of all cards equal to one. Some decks have no chance of winning after we bring out Reno Jackson a. We leave it in hand against agrodecks.
  • Sylvanas Windrunner - goes well with issuing a taunt; you can take away any creature on turn 7 by throwing Overwhelming Power on it.
  • Dr. Boom is the strongest card for turn 7.
  • Lord Jaraxxus is an alternate victory option. Can be used to heal.
  • The great thief Rafaam is better than Ysera in that he gives exactly what is needed in a given situation. It can both occupy the field for us and clear out enemy creatures.
  • Fire Giant is the best thing to play in front of Reno.

As a result, we have a large number of combinations and cards for any stage of the game.
Against aggressive decks we play defensively, having a large amount of healing, we can survive for a very long time.

Against control, we use Life Tap as often as possible to gain advantage on cards and find the monkey.

The Golden Monkey does not have to be used immediately after receiving it. If we have not yet received key cards or the situation on the table is strongly not in our favor, then we should wait until a more opportune moment.

The deck has been tested at ranks 5-3 and shows a good win rate. Although this version of the deck is slightly weaker than the usual Reno-lock, it is much more interesting to play. There is nothing more enjoyable than fielding a couple of legendary creatures every turn.
Join the League of Explorers!

4.9 / 99

Hearthstone's League of Explorers expansion hasn't yet revealed all of its cards, and the current metagame has already begun to change. With the arrival of Reno Jackson and Brann Bronzebeard, face decks began to retreat from the top ten of the ladder. This is understandable: a full “heal” or double healing of the Ancient Healer does its job. The ranking is dominated by control and midrange decks of any class. Paladins are especially annoying, check out the Secrets deck in our September selection.

There are several in front of you best top Hearthstone decks using cards from the “League of Explorers” (December 2015): Warlock “Reno Lock”, hybrid midrange Hunter, FACE Druid deck. With their help you can definitely become a Legend. Checked!

A very strong deck that is only gaining popularity. Incredible balance and thoughtful card synergy. The icing on the “seasoned cake” was Reno Jackson himself. Please note that all cards are presented in one version. Renolock holds up well against rush-face decks and is great in the late game.

List of deck cards:

  • 1 Face of decay
  • 1 Overwhelming Power
  • 1 Dark Bomb
  • 1 Black archaeologist
  • 1 Demonic Wrath
  • 1 The leader of a gang of demons
  • 1 Hellfire
  • 1 Merciless Explosion
  • 1 Flame of Darkness
  • 1 Void Summoner
  • 1 Soul Drain
  • 1 Lord Jaraxxus
  • 1 MalGanis
  • 1 Swearing Sergeant
  • 1 Ironbeak
  • 1 Protector Sindorai
  • 1 Acid Slug
  • 1 Mental Technician
  • 1 Experienced Hunter
  • 1 Defender of Argus
  • 1 Snack vendor
  • 1 Twilight Dragon
  • 1 Ancient Healer
  • 1 Slime Belcher
  • 1 Emperor Thaurissan
  • 1 Reno Jackson
  • 1 Doctor Boom
  • 1 Ragnaros
  • 1 Mountain Giant
  • 1 Fire Giant

A hybrid and devastating mixture of face hunting with midrange Beast Hunter. The deck sets a good aggressive pace of play. In a good situation, your opponent does not have time to attack. Drive your opponent into a corner and win.

List of deck cards:

  • 2 Tenetnik
  • 2 Glaive Thrower
  • 1 Snake Trap
  • 1 Bear trap
  • 2 Command “Take!”
  • 2 Pet
  • 1 Let the dogs down
  • 2 Houndman
  • 2 Shepherd
  • 2 Savannah Highmane
  • 2 Mad Scientist
  • 2 Precious Scarab
  • 1 Ironbeak
  • 2 Dagger juggler
  • 2 Possessed Creeper
  • 1 Brann Bronzebeard
  • 2 Grave Spider
  • 1 Doctor Boom

An incredibly evil and aggressive Druid deck in Hearthstone. It is noteworthy that Blightbots are very good in this deck. A hint that you don't care about deck size. Each card eats life from your opponent. Only maximum damage to the enemy's face.

List of deck cards:

  • 2 Insight
  • 2 Living roots
  • 2 Fighter from Darnassus
  • 2 Saber Druid
  • 2 Wild Roar
  • 2 Swing
  • 2 Guardian of the Thicket
  • 2 Furious Warrior
  • 2 Druid of the Claw
  • 1 Force of nature
  • 2 Leprognome
  • 2 Dagger juggler
  • 2 Shadow of Naxxramas
  • 2 Manned shredder
  • 2 Blightbot
  • 1 Doctor Boom

Warlock "Reno Lock", hybrid midrange Hunter, FACE Druid deck. What's next?

Tags: decks, top, December, 2015, explorers' league

The first wing of the “League of Explorers” has just been published, and already one map has caused so much noise. Yeah, I mean, it wasn't a very playable card at first glance, but now Reno Jackson is wildly storming the meta and various decks with him are flooding the ladder.

Play ranked games now and you'll immediately encounter decks built around . New decks with Reno now cover absolutely the entire meta, starting from rank 20 and ending with TOP Legends. In this article I want to collect the most powerful and popular decks with Reno Jackson at the moment.

If you haven't played Reno decks yet, you should know that it doesn't light up yellow when its effect goes off. So, if you have several copies of cards in your deck, then you will have to manually calculate whether Reno will kidnap you, or use third-party programs. As Ben Brode wrote, they cannot yet implement this highlighting effect; according to him, it takes a lot of computing power, since the card will constantly issue requests to compare each card in the deck and the correctness of the highlighting, respectively, but in the future the developers promise to fix this problem. We also do not recommend using Reno if you have it on your desk, see why below 😎

Fat RenoWarrior from Kripp's:

So kripp decided to try it out, and the result was a Control Fatig Warrior deck (on Fatigue). But kripp has his own take on decks built around Reno Jackson, he has 2 copies of certain cards in the deck, since most players create Reno decks with only one copy of cards.

Below you can watch Fatig Renault Warrior play:

Kibler RenoLock:

Here is a good example of the new Reno decks. Brian Keebler with his "in search of Reno Warlock" managed to rise from rank 6 to TOP 500 Legend in 4 days using exclusively this deck. Of course, he made the most of the effect of surprise and opponents simply did not know how to play against such a deck. Try playing with this deck.

Best decks with Reno Jackson:

RenHunter Deck: Midrange Tempo Renault Mage Deck:

Fatig Reno Mage deck (on Fatigue): Freeze Mage deck with Reno Jackson:

Today we want to introduce Reno Mage deck from Rage which he took top 2 Hearthstone Legends on the American server.

Reno Mage deck top 2 Hearthstone legends

The most interesting assembly Renault Maga from Rage is somewhat reminiscent of the old Freeze Mage, since it contains several atypical direct damage spells and Alexstrasza, which will help Renault Magu quickly complete the game. In addition, the build has excellent deck busting potential, which is so important in any matchup. If the combination of Alexstrasza and a few direct damage spells is not effective against slow decks with too much healing, Rhonin, Archmage Antonidas and Emperor Thaurissan will come to the rescue and give you tons of resources to complete the game, if you give the Mage time to play all these creatures in the right order. The build from Rage does not suffer against aggressive archetypes, it has a lot of tools for the early stage of the game: cheap creatures, targeted and AoE removal - all this will help you live until Renault Jackson. It is interesting that the author abandoned Brann Bronzebeard, it is obvious that the bet is not on Kazakus Potions, although even without a double battle cry, the Cabal leader remains an extremely dangerous and effective creature in the deck Renault Maga .

Prepared Redsnapper issued BeerPorter.

As promised, we are posting a translation of the brilliant guide to Renault Mag from yesterday’s post. You definitely won't be disappointed! 🙂

I absolutely adore this Reno Mage deck and have it ranked 14th in the Legend rankings with an overall win rate of 72%. A little later I improved this result and quickly took 1st place. This happened just the other day, so I can describe the game with this deck in as much detail as possible based on my feelings.

When playing against Midrange Shamans, do everything to control the board, but do not waste your best removal, but leave them for countering. If you are faced with a choice of which creature to eliminate: or - always choose the second. is important for winning, but the key is board control. Don't let the Shaman draw cards with , and always consider the potential damage from , to make sure you don't die. If you are not sure, use it just in case.

You may want to leave, but don't.: , , , .

Warrior (Tempo Warrior: 50/50, Patron Warrior: Favorable, C'Tun Warrior 50/50, Attrition Warrior: Unable to Lose)

If you have a warrior as your opponent, you can rejoice at it. At worst, you have an equal opponent, and at best, if it is a warrior at exhaustion, you will win an easy victory. The key to defeating Warrior is to quickly identify his deck type. If it's Tempo Warrior, calmly play yours to keep up with the tempo, you simply won't need the extra ones. If you are playing against a C'Thun Warrior and an Attrition Warrior, try to save the coin until the end of the game. Against Patron Warriors, don't play it before his combo with for the second clear.

The main thing that you NEVER do against a warrior is to not use your class ability on your opponent’s hero in the first turns, until he begins to increase his Armor. A few units of damage will not solve anything, but the cards that the Warrior gets with the help of an unlucky magician in your person can decide the game.

When playing against C'Thun Warrior, don't let your , and don't summon until C'Thun is summoned. You simply will not survive the consequences of its appearance. In general, when playing against warriors, towards the end of the game, try not to waste your cheap removal spells, because they can easily be turned into. Try to use your spells as carefully and accurately as possible.

Against exhausted warriors, try to play very carefully, they have 2, 2, 2. Try not to have more than two on your table at the same time good creatures so that they do not become easy prey. Only cast it late in the game, after you've made sure you've lured out all the removal.

You may want to leave, but don't: , , , .

Rogue (Miracle (and other Rogue combos): Auspicious, Deathrattle Rogue: Auspicious).

In matches against robbers, it is very important whether you have enough time to find, and. Fortunately, you will find them much more often than not :) Matches against Rogues are easy to characterize: “saw something? kill this “something.” Kill everything that moves. There aren't that many creatures in this deck, your spells will be enough.
