MMORPG games where hands decide. MMORPG games

Condescending at best. While a person is visiting kindergarten and, according to the majority, is not particularly busy with anything, the game is a way to understand the world. With the advent of social responsibilities like going to school, it suddenly becomes something irrelevant, returning sporadically to university psychology classes and (if you're lucky) to corporate events, and only the youngest personnel are able to enjoy the games there.

Meanwhile, regardless of your age, the game remains an excellent form of gaining experience. While your world is greatly limited by your social circle and work, computer games open up a sea of ​​opportunities to expand its borders. A special place among them is occupied by MMORPG - massively multiplayer online role-playing game, characterized by the presence of an extensive game world, existing regardless of your presence in it. A world where your age, gender, appearance, or presence of influential relatives does not objectively matter is an excellent platform for training your abilities, and it is up to you how you use this opportunity.

1. Teamwork

As tempting as it may be to be a solo hero in a multiplayer game, most actions require the help of other characters to achieve a successful completion or an enjoyable continuation. Same as in real life, achieving your goals is much easier for those who have more social connections.

A played group in an MMO is usually several players, each of whom plays a different role and spends a significant portion of their time with the team. Whatever this role is, you must know how your partner will behave in a particular situation and how you can support or strengthen him, who to help first, and who can do on their own. And, of course, you must be sure that your character will not be left alone with the enemy. All this requires long training, discussions, arguments, and the ability to compromise.

2. Punctuality

Time is the only irreplaceable resource. In the gaming world, where other people depend on you, it is just as important as in real life.

Your failure to be ready for a raid at the designated time often jeopardizes the plans of several dozen people, especially if your role in this raid is one of the key ones. You might be waited on, arguing and wasting precious minutes while a more organized group takes the loot, but one day you might just be replaced.

It is a mistake to think that the bulk of the players are schoolchildren who have not done their homework.

You are played by people who have found time in between work, family leisure and mandatory sleep to relax (or have taken it away from the designated categories). The last thing they want is to wait for you to get ready. Therefore, the rules are simple: prepare the necessary resources in advance, do not get distracted before an important meeting and « come out » 10 minutes earlier.

3. Development of leadership skills

The success of any gaming community directly depends on its leader. If you decide to create a guild to satisfy your political ambitions, the game will require enormous emotional stress from you.

It's no coincidence that it's multi-user EVE game Online was included in the seven points of the recipe for increasing the level of intelligence, for which more than one and a half thousand users of the Quora service voted.

6. Decision making

The game constantly gives you choices. Depending on your position in the online world, this choice may be significant only for you or for all players. Can you spend all the currency accumulated over six months of the game on unique weapon? Is it worth starting to play with a new class, resetting almost all your achievements in order to help your team? Which union will lead to the strengthening of your community, and which one will force the usual political map break into pieces?

After many months or even years, the decision to stop playing can be particularly difficult, but it will also have to be made if there is no longer room for MMOs in your life or you have no longer found worthy gaming goals for yourself.

Of course, gaming successes cannot replace the joy of real victories, but they can make these victories sweeter. Perhaps one day something more interesting and meaningful will begin to happen in your life. Quit games without regret and immerse yourself in a new experience! Now learn to respect your choice and use it to your advantage.

Every man is a warrior, a conqueror, a leader. This is embedded deeply at the genetic level, and in modern games this craving for war is fully reflected. In this review we present to our readers best PVP MMORPG which will help you relieve tension after a hard day and get your dose of adrenaline.

In space, to the winner belongs all the spoils

The best PVP MMORPGs are games that don't conform to the conventional canon. Similarly, EVE Online can hardly be called a typical project. An unusual space setting, skills that are upgraded without the participation of the player, and an industry that the capsuleers themselves are building - all these features set the game apart from typical fantasy projects.

However, the real “trump card” of EVE Online is the PVP system. Key Features The games that make the game one of the leaders in the genre are the following:

  • PVP with full loot. The equipment and cargo that survived the crash become the spoils of the winner.
  • Battles with the simultaneous participation of several thousand players are a reality! Want to participate? Start playing today!
  • More expensive, larger, more powerful does not mean better. Each type of ship has its own tactical niche and its own advantages over others.
  • Teamwork is important. A player cannot be universal. Logisticians, tacklers, receptors, control ships - in addition to the usual damage dealers, there should be other specialists in the fleet.

Your chances of success are also directly related to the creative approach to the ship's equipment - each ship is a platform that can be “assembled” at your own discretion. In addition to the usual parameters of defense and attack, capsuleers need to take into account navigation characteristics, the possibility of “afterburning” modules, as well as the requirements of each individual module for the processing power of the on-board computer, power grid power and energy consumption.

The best PVP MMORPG of recent years

Among the best PVP MMORPGs that have recently been released, Archeage is worth highlighting. The project attracted fans with its developed social system, the opportunity for each player to own their own estate and a well-thought-out combat system

Why is PVP in Archeage worth your attention?

  • Sea battles using naval guns and boarding. Water transport is an important part of the gameplay - for transporting goods between regions, players earn one type of currency;
  • All high level locations are on a separate island with free pvp mode. Players build their own settlements and fight for control of territories. You have to fight for your place in the sun!
  • Each character has 3 various classes+ variety adds the possibility of redistributing perks (bonus branches, like in World of Warcraft).

The best non-target PVP MMORPGs

The confrontation between players should be intense. Best PVP games MMORPG genre They give the player an adrenaline rush and constantly keep them on their toes. One of the most significant innovations recent years, aimed at developing dynamic gameplay - a full-fledged non-target system that makes the “sight” a full-fledged element of the interface.

From projects in which it has already been implemented new system on high level, it is worth highlighting:

  • Tera Online;
  • Continent of the Ninth (C9);
  • Blade and Soul.

Arrows, spells and blows now need to hit and can be dodged. The player's skill lies not only in the competent rotation of skill chains, but also requires a steady hand. This direction is the most promising in the modern gaming industry.

Recruits are always in demand on any front! Register in EVE Online and feel free to apply to the combat corporations of Russian-speaking alliances. You will always be supported, trained and will not be offended.

Blade and Soul - purchases have almost no effect on the balance

Regarding the MMORPG Blade&Soul, we can say unequivocally - experience and hands from the right place will completely replace even very decent sums real money. The point is that in game store There are simply no items that you cannot obtain in the game yourself. There is also a premium account, but it is created for those who do not want to spend a lot of time on the game and speed up some processes a little.

Aion - a game with minimal investment

Despite the fact that in Aion you can buy some things that affect the characteristics of the character, this MMORPG certainly does not belong to the category of expensive ones. But the most important thing is that it is impossible to simply invest money here and win everyone. There are resources that you cannot buy for any money. Therefore, the most important thing in Aion is the regular activity and skill of the players.

Black Desert - donation does not solve

In the MMORPG Black Desert you can buy yourself a premium account, pets that give buffs, and much more. This will speed up farming, crafting or gaining experience. But if you have, as they say, “straight hands,” then there will be no problems with all this even without investments. A diligent and attentive player will feel comfortable and is unlikely to lose to a “real player” in the arms race.

Revelation - you can play without real money

The Revelation project is relatively new, so debates on forums about the impact of donation on the balance do not subside. However, practice shows that skilled players who set their priorities correctly do not feel weak and defenseless. However, it is not necessary to spend 20 hours a day in the game. Although if you want to be the best on the server, then you may have to.

The issue of donation in online games has always been the subject of heated debate. Entire generations of gamers have broken and continue to break spears on forums, in game chats and in ordinary conversations. For MMORPGs, in which a lot depends on the level of the character and his equipment, this is more relevant than for any other genre. After all, if someone can simply buy a sword, to obtain which you, in co-op with other players, went through a difficult dungeon for 5 hours or crafted and knocked out resources for a week, then he clearly gets a big advantage. So many gamers are looking for projects in which donation does not greatly affect the balance.

There is no need to discuss the advisability of in-game purchases as such - in the age of free-to-play MMOs, studios simply have no other way to make money. So it’s unlikely that there are still games in this world without real money. But there are projects in which there is no difference between a player who has paid real money and just an active and skilled gamer. These are the MMORPGs we have collected in this list. In the above projects, donation is unobtrusive and does not provide a clear advantage. Most purchasable items and upgrades can be obtained yourself or purchased at auction for in-game currency. There are also MMORPGs where you can only buy cosmetic changes such as clothing, jewelry or interface for donations.

In conclusion, I would like to write one more thing: there is an opinion that a donation-free game is one in which the user, with due diligence, will at least keep up with the player who buys everything for real money. But you need to understand: there will always be someone who will be willing to pay for entertainment and at the same time play a lot. So let's be honest - if you want to be the best, then in most online games you have to be prepared to spend money.

If you are interested primarily in gameplay and great gaming opportunities, and you do not want to be in a game where money, not skill, decides everything, then welcome to this section - top MMORPG without donation.

What would you like to say in a short introduction? His Most Donatous Majesty put his greedy fingers where no one could have imagined even ten years ago.

Even the invincible monster of the gaming world “WOW” staggers under its onslaught and announces changes in the store, microtransactions, and policy revisions.

Most paid games have fallen under the pressure of F2P projects, only a few remain. Therefore, remember - the prefix “without donation” means:

  1. Or the last of the Mohicans.
  2. Or a game where minimal advantages or cosmetic effects do not break the balance.

1. PlanetSide 2 – online shooter on a planetary scale

“PlanetSide 2” is one of those things where even a crab with half an hour of gaming experience can shoot a folder with a well-aimed shot to the head.

A small increase in points from premium, resources for equipment and aviation, and cosmetics does not solve anything.

Video: PlanetSide 2 gameplay

During a terrible meat grinder with hundreds of infantry, smoking tanks and platoons of downed aircraft, the caliber of your gun, username, is absolutely unimportant.

Yes, no one will argue - with the premium mode it is more comfortable and easier, but even the department of noobs with voice and communication is stretched to the limit by pumped-up fans of fast leveling.

2. EVE online – MMO with a sci-fi plot

« EVE online" is a typical example of a subject. Here, if you are not a crooked amputee with a lack of brain cells, then in a maximum of two months you will be able to pay for a subscription with PLEX.

We won’t explain how – it’s not within the scope of this article. Everything else on the market is purchased for labor, brains and then earned money.

Video: Eve online gameplay

If you want to deposit your mother’s money, saved from breakfast, the guys in the zeros, even with a ship twice as bad, will tear you apart like a rag. Because reflexes and reason rule here, and not insanity with a lot of money.

Even famous pilots fall into traps, trust incomprehensible banks, are left without a penny and start again and again, becoming sector rulers, and only six months later homeless. And that’s right, comrades!

3. MMORPG Elder Scrolls Online

« Elder Scrolls Online" - the harsh, gloomy world of Skyrim and Oblivion awaits you, however, you will have to pay a round price for it for the client and time card. And Russification is simply not considered even in the foreseeable future.

But this doesn’t stop true fans of the theme and fair play. After all, what is 60-70 dollars compared to such a block.

Video: Elder Scrolls Online gameplay

Behind Lately similar quality of content, PVE and PVP have not been noticed, and, despite all the shortcomings, the developers continue to make candy out of the project.

4. Path of Exile – hack and slash game

  • Magnificent assaults on the imperial city,
  • Excellent production skills
  • Cooking,
  • Gambling,
  • Mixes of classes, without binding (you get hit and upgrade your armor, hit with a bow and become an archer).

And, most importantly, no hidden fees and benefits. Do you want to know what truly hardcore and free game? Then hack into Path of Exile.

A similar system of payment, promotion and difficulty of completion has not existed for a long time.

Video: Path of Exile gameplay

Very similar to Diablo 3, but with more variability, flexibility of the role-playing part and randomly created rooms, where you have to go through each time again, adjusting the difficulty manually.

And let the isometry not scare anyone, even those born with graphics, the heaviness of the passage and the gloominess of the picture with a cool combat system compensate for the visual “shortcomings”.

  • Thousands of monsters killed
  • Slaughter duels,
  • Final death, increasing with the growth of skills,
  • A complex interweaving of skills.

Cool toy. They can also enter your dungeon and kill you. How in " Dark Souls", only forever. Nya!

5. World of Warcraft - MMORPG from Blizzard Entertainment

“World of Warcraft”, so that haters and oldfags don’t shout there, it’s still the best. And let all the haters shut up - the game is truly the best thing that happened to the MMO genre.

“Vovka” has acquired a new update, can afford to block a hundred thousand people and has the largest audience in the world. And you can even sell some gold for cash to pay for your subscription.

Video: World of Warcraft gameplay

Just play and have fun. Although it is a drug, it is of high quality and the most suitable. "Cocainum" in MMORPG world. And, most importantly, no don.

MMORPG games are perhaps the most famous type of online games. Create your character and go on an adventure in the company of other players, along the way you will find fierce battles and lost dungeons with hardcore bosses.

The best MMORPG games on PC

Our catalog contains a list best games, free MMORPG projects, promising new products and bestsellers, developed by both eminent game developers and those who are just starting their journey in this direction. Top mmo compiled according to classification, you can easily find and download exactly the project that fully meets your preferences and wishes.

Free online RPG games on PC

Here are collected unique online client accounts RPG games for PC, enjoy excellent quality and colorful graphics, a fascinating storyline and a lot of features that will help you game process mmo becomes spectacular and large-scale.

The characteristic features of this genre are:

  • Detailed character appearance editor
  • Massive PvP battlefields with many players
  • Huge open world
  • Crafting armor, potions and cooking

The best mmorpg Online Games top download in Russian online rpg for pc, including new mmo 2019 releases completely free.
