Walkthrough of the game might and magic heroes 6. Guide and walkthrough for "Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven"

Heroes 6 is a long-awaited continuation of the Might and Magic game series, which will present us with a new rethinking of the plot, events in the world of Ashan and the relationships between the updated factions. The changes will affect not only the gameplay, which still remains the same exciting, and not only the graphics, which have become even more realistic, but also the balance, which will be one of the highest quality in the series.

Disadvantages of Heroes of Might and Magic 6:

not optimized engine;

heroes cannot be fired;

the mechanics of skills are not described;

skills with zero characteristics (n., rebuff lasting 0 moves).

General tips for completing campaigns:

How to download a hero? General

Reinforcement (recruiting troops), education (+20 experience), training (75% for other heroes), logistics (+3 turns - in principle, not necessary, if not for theft), theft (collecting resources from neighboring cells).

For a mage: Summon Elementals, Stop Time, Petrify.

For war (sample branch): education, logistics, pathfinding, ambush, economics1, training, theft, economics2, counterstrike 1-2, push back the enemy / tactics1, reinforcements1-2, tactics2 / giant killer, 15: economy3, counterstrike3 , Fortitude, Rampage, Cleave, Reinforce 3, Intimidate, Stamina/Luck 1-3, Archery/Siege Master 1-3.

For a side character: pathfinding, the entire economics branch

What not to build?

At high levels: improvements to ordinary creatures; increase in abundance operating inside/outside the castle territory; additional taverns; Inferno portals; Alliance of Light backlights.

Dynasty Artifacts

Yes, the heroes are launched with the /offline key - no cracks, but... it will all end with the fact that without a coach in the future, fair play will simply stall in some area. Dynasty artifacts accumulate experience and grow in level (they can be actively changed between heroes during the game). Dynastic achievements (for example, “250 gold per day”). Deluxe version of the edition with personal belongings. You never know what else the developers will come up with later. In addition - the cruel truth of life, once again - the heroes are becoming less and less like a strategy, because each map has its own subtleties of passage, on which this guide was written.

Campaigns follow the story in this order:

Heart of Nightmares (only available in collector's edition);

Defiant Tribes (1);

Sanctuary (1);

Alliance of Light (1);

Inferno (1);

Necropolis (1);

Defiant Tribes (2);

Sanctuary (2);

Alliance of Light (2);

Necropolis (2);

Sanctuary (3);

Unruly Tribes (3);

Inferno (2);

Necropolis (3);

Inferno (3);

Sanctuary (4);

Defiant Tribes (4);

Alliance of Light (3);

Necropolis (4);

Alliance of Light (4);

Inferno (4);

But for convenience of description, let’s collect them as expected, so:


Prologue– Introductory campaign for Duke Vyacheslav, father of the Griffin dynasty

1 Death of the Griffin. There are hints.

2 Will of the Emperor.

Necropolis– Campaign of Anastasia, Vyacheslav’s murderer. The path of blood is a warrior (they will give you a mage anyway, although playing as a mage pumped up to tears with the skills of sacrifice, petrification, elementals of darkness and earth, stopping time will be much easier to play).

1 Trouble does not come alone

At the exit from the dungeon we grab the 1st lock. Then a new dungeon and a new castle. We take the quest for the list of the Inquisition. Will fall out of the first script hero. The hardest thing in this campaign is holding the 2nd castle while you get forts. For convenience, you can visit all burials. After capturing all the castles, we go into the portal with Jorgen. Again, you need a decent army or dynasty bonuses.

2 Forward and inward

The most difficult mission of the second level. You won't be able to get troops at first. Before talking with the spider, do not lose a single war (resurrection, desiccation). With minimal losses we defeat Irina, and then Anton. At the fork, open the diary and read the quests - they will help us gather an army. We defeat Kiril and Jorgen takes us to the citadel - the last battle is the easiest...

3 Dawn from all sides

Without delay, we stomp into the dungeon, where we take away the orange castle and several forts. There, the lich will give you a quest for the dynastic weapon Sandro's staff. Only then do we go to the unguarded area below, where we receive a quest from an ally to destroy the orcs. We destroy the orcs, for which we receive vampires from our allies. We deal with our ally Lyudmila, attacking the castle (if you leave her alive, then in the next mission she will be instead of Kaspar). We cross the sea and at the very bottom we capture the base with an orc. The main enemy character will be waiting on the upper cape of the lower island in his castle with a decent army. We download both heroes to maximum level(24) and attack.

4 Spider Trick

On the top left is the rebuilt Inferno Castle; in the same week you can capture one from below in the West. The portals were highlighted for us - we go into them and begin to take out the enemy castle in each, after which the portal closes, but the enemy onslaught subsides. Your last opponent is the archangel, there will be no big problem with a well-stocked army. Concentrate all your efforts on it, and then defeat the remnants.

Alliance of Light – Campaign of Anton, direct heir. The path of tears is a warrior.

1 Something's up

We capture the mines and the fort from below. Scripted orcs. We go East to the cave for Griffon eggs ( sounds crazy). Now you can build Vultures. We capture the castle in the East. Then the fort in the South. We are clearing the South-West, preparing an army for the South-fort and the B-castle. We capture the southwest castle. Computers are crashing. We immediately take away the lock from each of them. The final castle of the ram Jerge remains.

2 Everything is mixed up, true and false

Fort, mine, on the road to the castle in the south-east we take the crystals above the stable, as well as the sawmill and the gnome pickaxe on the right. We take the castle a little to the west and there is a mine on the property line. We go underground, take the fort and the dwelling and immediately leave. Capture: SW fort, castle to the south-west, castle Sokol in the center, castle to the north-east, only then NW fort, Castle in the west. Let's go to the cave. several battles and a final battle with necromancers. Before going to the cave, the map is notable for leveling up dynastic weapons after 5 months.

3 Do not tempt the despairing

We examine the mines. You can collect the fragments of the lunar disk (in red), but blitz is preferable. We go to the E. 2 forts, each with a mine. We take the north-east castle. We build a boat and take it on the opposite bank. We dive into 2 whirlpools - one more. Now it would be nice to collect the grail. Then capture the castle just west of the center and the forts to the right and left of it. We go to Flamstein, get the quest (all 3 altars will be marked on the map). We capture. Final battle with Mukao (the portal under the castle will be illuminated).

4 Defeat and victory

The maximum level is 30, very soon all the heroes of the company will be at this level. But they do not have relics or dynastic weapons. We capture the upper forts, meet an ally (having captured 2 villages, the aunt will rush to “help” and grab the computer’s castle, however, with her army she could well complete the campaign - not an ally!, but she stands still). A golden goose will hatch from the egg in your pocket - 2 thousand/day. After this, the villages can be surrendered by going down to the upper dungeon and taking care of the orange one, take your time

to the center of the dungeon, build archangels, level up, take back the villages. Having caught our breath, we kill the center of the dungeon and get the grail - by the way, it’s convenient to build it in the dungeon, but not in the center, because red will start visiting there. We clear the map around the edges, you don’t have to complete the quest with healers (for the latest patches), but you must capture 4 villages. Let's take the aunt out. Now we have 11 cities. We are amassing an army, getting closer to the center. We have been accumulating an army for a month for the final battle. The boss's blow takes away 10 thousand HP.

Sanctuary– Campaign of Irina, a young wife. Path of Blood – Mage (Dynastic Staff of Water).

1 Fury in the Mire

“Let’s run.” Take the ability to swim without a boat if we only have aquatic creatures. Having received the first dynastic weapon for the magician. Let's go to the cave. Having passed it we take the first castle and several forts. In the north is an island with mines. The computer dims. For he still had a castle and there was nowhere to wait for help.

2 Defeat and victory

Here tears will look more advantageous. We have a week to explore the territory and capture 2 forts. Then we go down to the southwest, we get the second castle and next to the cave near the Kirin dragon we get the quest. We fight off the arriving robber (we receive an oak quest for the fort). Kirin's quest is more interesting to us, because it gives the construction of all creatures. Now we grab another castle in the south. Then we go into the cave from which the computer is already climbing in full force. There's another castle at the exit and another one to the south. The last gate is opening. After a modest battle, the tyrant will surrender. We will be given a second dynastic weapon - for a warrior.

3 Bloody Surf

4 sacred villages on the map, and 3 of them come under the control of necromancers in a week or two...

We are building our own city, and the undead will periodically visit it through a one-way(!) whirlpool. And we go to the right - there is a castle-village. We agree to help the orcs and, having accumulated an army, free the horde from prison (regardless of the development branch, we choose the path of tears) and receive 2 villages as a gift (we do not rebuild them). We collect parts of the lunar disk and build Asha’s tear in the capital. Now you can rebuild all cities. A pumped-up orc will come. We capture the last village. We go to the very north-west of the map and destroy the remnants of the yellow army. And we sail further - capturing the last castle.

4 Life-in-death and death-in-life

Again, a stupid task - not to capture enemy cities - we do the opposite. We immediately capture the city in the North. Send the hero to the NE, through the whirlpool in the South. There is an island at the very edge of the map where all the creatures will join - a good army for the GG, but we don’t go into the portal - because it’s too early (blitz-krieg on the map won’t work anyway, you’ll have to work hard). Then another one in the East of the capital (you don’t have to complete the quest for the lighthouse, because when rebuilding the city, you’ll still fill up the path of tears). You can grab the city above us (in total we have 4 cities). Going deeper into the North, we capture the 5th. Nearby is a cave, where after defeating the boss (quite frail), we get Asha’s tear. 2 more cities and the Wolf Gate will open.

Inferno- younger son

1 And angels burning in the eyes

The most difficult first mission. First, we completely clear the outskirts of the city. Then we go out and we are attacked by a purple demon (DO NOT TOUCH HIM YET). We capture the castle at the bottom of the map and build an improved portal there. We run to the right and up (quite a long time), capturing 2 orange castles. Now you can deal with the purple one by attacking the top castle, and we capture the one next to the portal last. The brown one will attack, we can endure it. When storming the castle, a battle with a demon awaits us: we curse the dogs, teleport and armageddon.

2 Eerie Symmetry

We go up to the left and down (in about a week, castles: 2 alliances, 1 necropolis). We quickly rebuild them to take advantage of the hero’s ability. We put it improved (+10% to the call), and in the former necropolis - an improved portal. We accumulate an army and go to the very bottom there are 2 castles. If you can't grab both at once, take the left one. There is also a side quest for queens, which unlocks their construction in all captured castles. When you capture any fort, the demon will tell you that a demon is imprisoned in one of them - free him (the fort is the first turn to the right from the former necropolis) and you can build destroyers. As soon as you completely kill the necromancers, you will have 4 green drops, go down into the dungeon and fight one of the avatars of Asha.

3 In the night forests

Nothing remarkable. Additional tasks They won’t give you just experience or help. We start cleaning from the bottom of the lock. Then we go and completely clear the right side of the orcs. We dive into the cave there is another orc castle. Now we develop and go left from the 2nd castle. There is a castle with 2 portals. We go in and clear both. Then the last orc fort under this castle. After which you can collect Asha's tear. We carry out story quest and we have the latest castles and forts of the sanctuary (all!). We stomp into the “hidden” cave, because a paved path leads to it from the last castle. There will be no battle.

4 Marriage between heaven and hell

So, seizing the castle from the archangel will not be difficult. We explore the dungeon and rebuild. As we exit, we will be attacked by a scripted immortal knight. On the surface of these lands there are 7-8 groups of shadow elementals that provide him with this immortality. And a lot of castles and expanses. After capturing 3-4 castles, we cut off the knight from resources. And we calmly kill the elementals (I repeat, they are all on the surface and islands). We defeat the knight, go down the subway to the east of the central castle with the shipyard. We defeat many elementals in the form of the final boss... (slight disappointment). And an epic happy ending.

Unruly Tribes – Campaign Sandora, an illegitimate son, and therefore does not feel much love for his relatives.

1 Orcs have no place here

We capture the mines and the city from below, then the city on the right in the center, and clear the cave there. Below is an “unfinished city” where they will provide resources and fighters. We capture last city. The first gate will open - there is a quest fort. We capture the final city (which is optional) and simply sail down on the boat.

2 The good, the bad, the bloody

We walk slowly on the approach to the castle, they will puzzle us, they will give us a boat behind us and we will find ourselves in the middle of nowhere. We are rebuilding with limited resources. We board the boat, take 2 forts and many mines. After which it is no longer a problem to capture the castle for which purple and yellow are fighting among themselves. And complete the side quest by taking on the orange ones. As in other campaigns, you need to complete side quests on living creatures in order to get the corresponding extensions in your castle.

3 Barbarian Seven

And so it is with us
one castle and periodically visiting enemy. The task is to hold out
4 months (!). At first, troops friendly to us will join, and
The quest to upgrade units is not that difficult. Capture
and hold all the forts. Mother Sandora will give you a task to pacify
dragon. It is just below the necromancer fort - the boss, the reward is Asha's tear.

4 About worms and demons

Good day everyone!

The other day I was reproached for not doing anything and letting others do “at least something.” I won’t bring up that topic completely, but just do “something” and, hopefully, not just “something.” ;)

So, I want to talk about how to play sixth heroes in general. Without reference to factions or hero specializations. I’ll start, perhaps, with the skills that are a must-have almost always and for all GGs. This is (the names may differ from the official ones, as I am writing from memory):

  • Tactics- without it, you simply will not be able to arrange your troops before the battle in such a way as to reduce losses. You can, of course, try to do this in battle, but in practice this is not always possible. Therefore - a must have. There is only one limitation - it is hardly worth taking tactics as the first skill, because before reaching the second level there are usually opponents that do not require tactics to defeat. However, it will be very useful to you already at 2-3 levels of the hero, when you need to fight with more complex mobs.
  • Logistics- a very useful skill that allows you not only to run around the map faster, but also, accordingly, to catch up with enemy heroes, run away from them, and also carry out more battles with mobs in the same time (simply, you will have time to reach the big ones). You can take first, but not necessarily. In principle, you can play without it at all, but then you risk finding yourself in a losing position. For example, you met an enemy hero who has an army of equal strength. We met not far from the castle (no matter whose) on the sixth or seventh day. The enemy has logistics and plus some artifact like boots that speed up movement on land. But you have no logistics and no luck with boots. The enemy quickly dives into the castle (especially unpleasant if it is your castle and it is now unprotected due to the fact that the hero(s) have all the troops) and, voila, the forces are no longer equal, but there is an advantage in his favor. The situation is similar with forts, as you understand. So I still recommend taking logistics and doing it at the first levels of the hero (you will level up faster due to the longer path and more fights per week).
  • Education- simply an excellent skill that increases the experience the hero receives by 25%. This means that you will level up 25% faster than those who have not taken this skill. Naturally, if you’re going to take it, it’s better at the first levels or even right at the start. In the campaign, by the way, the skill is of little use - you will reach the maximum level even before the completion of the mission begins to sparkle on the horizon. You can take it in a campaign to speed up the experience gain, but most often there are other more useful skills. But when playing on regular maps against computers or friends online, I recommend taking it first - it will make life much easier if you are not afraid to wait a little until new skill points appear. By the way, you can give education to the hero even before the game when creating him - this is even more effective. But here you need to take into account that when creating, you have access to such features of the heroes that you will no longer be able to take in the game. For example, an increase in the growth of creatures (+1 selected creatures or the same +2 liches for necrs). Having a quickly leveling hero is also beneficial for reaching strong supporting heroes, which we will discuss below.
  • Mentoring- the very skill that allows you to quickly “upgrade” secondary characters to a level comparable to the level of the main character. The main character can take it at the fifth level, if it is on fire, but it makes sense to wait until the sixth level - then, during training, the secondary character will immediately receive the fifth level and, accordingly, will be able to take skills from the second line. This is especially beneficial for construction heroes, since at level five they will unlock a skill that allows them to save 20% of resources during construction. Although this is not out of place for the “cockroaches” - at the fifth level they will have a skill that gives an additional market.
  • Architect 1- all builders and “cockroaches” without exception should take this skill. +1 main creatures per week will not be superfluous. The only ones who don’t need the skill are the GG and the second (third?) combat hero.
  • Reinforcements, Regeneration, Treatment And Drainage It’s worth taking for almost everyone, even people/nagas/necrs who have healing units. Of course, all of these skills at once are unlikely to help you, on the contrary, the hero will become weaker due to the lack of other useful skills, and you will not be able to use all the healers at once (the cooldown is usually 3 turns, so you usually don’t need more than three spells/abilities - 1-2 mass and a couple of singles are quite enough). Do not forget that units called in as support cannot be healed and they will not remain with you after the battle. By the way, there is currently a bug in the game with this ability. The fact is that if you call for help after someone on the stack has died (and has not yet been resurrected), then at the end of the battle he will still be considered dead. Perhaps this is not a bug, but was intended to be so - there is a certain logic, although it contradicts the description of the skill in the game.
  • Kinship with magic- this skill is worth taking if you lack mana and/or its recovery speed. For magicians, of course, it’s a must for everyone, but for warriors who occasionally use spells in battle, at least one level will also come in handy - you must admit, it makes a difference whether you have 50-60 mana or 80-90. You can play without it at all, but then you should count on reducing losses primarily due to reinforcements and resurrecting troops in the castle (humans and necrs) and very rarely rely on the 1-2 spells available (literally after one serious battle your warrior there will be no more mana left if he has to use a general healing once and a single one). Therefore, in most cases it is better to spend a point on affinity with magic.
That’s all for skills that are useful to almost all types of heroes. Now I will briefly touch on the basics of tactics and strategy of the game. In short - because they strongly depend on the chosen faction, on the hero's specialization, on the availability and quantity of resources, on whether you play with or without dynasty bonuses.

General principles of strategy.

  1. Try not to drain troops on neutrals
  2. On the first day, if you have enough money, we build a tavern and hire a second hero. For what? It's simple - this way you get almost twice as many troops and, accordingly, neutrals become more easily passable. In addition, you also get someone who will run around the surrounding lands and collect resources and artifacts. Why not main character should this be done? Again, everything is simple - a) a hero with an army moves slower than a single hero; b) the main character’s main task is to level up as quickly as possible, and also to recapture all the mines/sawmills/dwellings/forts that he can reach as quickly as possible. Therefore, everything that is lying is collected by your “cockroach”, and the GG is not distracted by this. He can afford to enter a mine/dwelling, but only if the “cockroach” does not have time on the same turn, and you need a bloody nose so that the resource is added on the next turn. Well, or if there is a battle coming up and you need dwelling units to get through it without losses. Well, or if there is a bunch of resource that is not enough to build the next building on this turn, and the “cockroach” again does not have time (although with its speed you still have to manage not to keep up with the GG;)).
  3. Construction at every turn. There is only one exception to this rule - if you can build on the current turn only what you do not need, but if you wait 1-2 turns, you will be able to erect a useful building. What and how useful is up to you. Personally, I prefer to enter the third level of the city in the first week. Otherwise, I simply run out of funds and I cannot build for too long. On the other hand, 2-3 creature buildings must be built before the end of the first week. Otherwise, in the second week you will not have enough troops to continue expansion.
  4. It makes sense to make a builder from the third hero, since by the end of the week you are unlikely to have the opportunity to bring him to the fifth level and take a reduction in the cost of construction. And the second hero will rarely have the opportunity to sit in the castle - he runs after the main character. Well, it’s better to make a builder out of a warrior hero, so that on occasion you can bring the architect to the third level and get the opportunity to build two buildings per turn.
  5. If you are not playing a campaign, then when relatively large armies and free funds appear (if proper game this happens around the same time) it’s worth buying a hero designed to become a second combat hero. If the GG knows how to teach, we quickly bring the second one to the “graduate class”, then we give him an army and go to farm. Well, or we run through the obelisks to get additional experience. Well, or we just sit in the city and are afraid of those who might come (this is the worst option, since your hero does not level up at all; remember - you need to pick out exp from the insides of neutrals and enemy troops).
Tactics of playing for people, nagas and necrs.

While there are few troops, vestals, priestesses or spirits walk in one stack. When you have about 20 pieces, you can usually divide them into two stacks, but it’s better to do this when you have 25-30. Similarly, when the number of healing units reaches 45 heads, we divide them into three stacks. By the way, it’s a pity that there is no button for dividing the stack into three parts. :)

Why divide doctors? After all, the fewer of them in the stack, the weaker they heal? The fact is that all healers only have two uses of treatment. If you are sure that you don’t need anything else, of course you shouldn’t divide the stack. But more than three stacks of healers are almost never required. No, I had such practice (forced), but it was not pleasant. And in this case, it won’t be possible to take everyone into the squad. In general, my advice is 3 stacks of healers until there is a need to free up a slot for another stack of other creatures. Likewise, then 2 stacks of healers until you need to release again. Personally, when playing on regular maps, I prefer not to take all seven types of creatures into a squad - not all units are equally useful. For example, I don’t take Lamasu into my squad from the Necrs (they are given to the second hero so that he doesn’t get bored and has a more or less strong stack).

Tactics for playing as demons and orcs

Here, excuse me, I can’t say anything worthwhile other than what has already been said in the section on skills. The fact is that I haven’t played much with these factions and therefore I practically don’t know their intricacies. When I have more knowledge and understanding, I will definitely write, if no one gets ahead of me before. ;)


I don’t think anyone needs to explain that shooters need to be hidden behind other units? If necessary, take the second level of tactics, although from experience I can say that you can manage to cover the first ranks in almost any battle.

Every fan of computer role-playing games is familiar with such a popular series as “Heroes of Might and Magic”. The first part was released in the late eighties, and since then the developers from the NewWorldComputing team have never ceased to amaze gamers with their pleasant surprises.

With the release of the new part of the game “Heroes of Might and Magic 6”, the passage promises to be no less interesting and exciting.

Main advantages

Generally speaking, the sixth part of the popular RPG was a success. What surprises did the developers give you?

  • Introduction of fully three-dimensional game world with the ability to float in the air.
  • High-quality graphic design, which does not require special accelerators or powerful computers for full operation.
  • A storyline with excellent and thoughtful moves, thanks to which players have complete freedom of action.
  • A lot of unique weapons, a variety of magic spells and other artifacts useful in battle.

Of course, no game is without its flaws, but during the playthrough of Heroes of Might and Magic 6 they are almost unnoticeable.

The beginning of a new story

In the sixth part, the developers decided to move away from options with universal cataclysms and focused on implementing the plot in a new world. If you look back a little at the previous game in the series, it becomes clear that we are being thrown back as much as four hundred years. The griffins had not yet managed to take possession of the Imperial throne, and Duke Paul was overtaken by death during another battle with monsters. After this event, the crown went to his son named Vyacheslav. He, in turn, managed to see much more than his father during his reign; he had five children, and the orcs who settled nearby also did not cause much trouble. In general, everything that Vyacheslav did was aimed at strengthening his own family. In this regard, he turned out to be much more far-sighted than Paul.

Plot and chapters

The passage of the Heroes of Might and Magic 6 campaigns is tied around Vyacheslav and his heirs. We will have to play for them. The number of main campaigns totals seven - each corresponds to one of the heirs of the Griffin, plus additional ones contain a prologue with an epilogue. By the way, the right to choose the order of passage of “Heroes of Might and Magic 6” goes to the player himself, which sometimes causes a little confusion in the chronology, but at the same time it gives a little time to rest from battles for the same factions.

It’s best to learn detailed information from personal experience, so we strongly advise you to get acquainted with the plot while playing the game “Heroes of Might and Magic 6” on your own. Let's just say that it's really good and one of the best examples of storytelling in an RPG. There is everything here: intrigue, betrayal, love and hate, unexpected turns and original scenario moves. One only has to remember the exciting mission inside the subconscious of one of the main characters, in which she fought her childhood fears.

Game component

As we said earlier, the passage of the Heroes of Might and Magic 6 campaigns is stretched into seven main parts. The number of factions corresponds to the number of Griffin's heirs, that is, there are five in total. If we are already familiar with four of them - "Haven", "Stronghold", Necropolis" and "Inferno" thanks to previous games in the series, then we are encountering "Sanctuary" for the first time. There is a feeling that the developers will be able to make up for such a small number of factions thanks to future additions and addons. The situation is the same with the number of resources - their reduction was justified by an attempt to clear the gameplay of unnecessary details that could somehow affect the level of difficulty.

Another notable innovation was the developers’ decision to divide the map. Now it has several separate areas that are controlled by a fleet or a city. If you capture them, you can immediately take possession of all the buildings on the territory. As for the mine, it can be obtained without occupying the above-mentioned key objects, but this option is not reliable. There are no more guards at the mines, so now the war is over necessary resources can only be carried out by assault or defense.

What is the conclusion?

Such decisions may seem a little strange to some, especially to those players who have come a long way forward with the series. If in previous parts it was possible to undermine the economic stability of your opponent through constant raids, now such tactics will not work. In general, any attempt at sabotage can fail miserably, so you will only have to attack with the forces of a large army. Fortunately, gathering your own army has become much easier.

About the heroes

You can give preference to any heroes, be it “Alliance of Light” or “Inferno” - the passage of “Heroes of Might and Magic 6” is based on the player’s choice. Taking the third part as a basis, the developers provided a default mage and warrior for each faction. During the passage of "Heroes of Might and Magic 6" the player will be asked to choose another specialization, choosing between two - the Road of Blood or the Road of Tears. This decision is usually based on actions and decisions made related to events during the course of the plot. One of these moments will be the player’s choice in a situation with neutral monsters - we are noticeably superior to them in terms of strength, so we can either attack or leave them alive. The first option, in which preference is given to bloodshed rather than pardon, increases the points of the Blood faction, while the second, on the contrary, improves Tears.

What has gone and what has appeared?

The Wizards' Guild was removed from the game, and the process of learning spells became similar to how we get logistics or luck - while increasing levels. The character is awarded one ability point at a time, so it will be easiest for warriors. Some fighters have the ability to use magic, but if we want to use only passive skills during battle, this is also quite possible. And if you add artifacts to them along with the character’s specialization, then there is a high probability of being at a great advantage on the battlefield.

And the last novelty worthy of attention was the creation of dynasties. Thanks to a convenient editor, you can create truly unique characters, which will then be used while playing multiplayer or a single player campaign. Dynasty bonuses received are spent on various improvements, for example, additional parameters or some distinctive heraldry.

"Pure" classes

  1. A warrior is an experienced fighter who has access to all types of weapons and types of armor. He has the largest reserve of vitality, which allows him to withstand the onslaught of the most powerful enemies. What he is not able to do is use magic, which to some may seem like an obvious and major disadvantage. However, with proper use of basic skills, you can achieve no less power without the help of magic.
  2. A cleric is a cleric who has chosen a battlefield instead of a temple. His weapon is a mace and his defense is chain mail. A fairly average hero who covers his weaknesses with the use of offensive and defensive magic. Just like with other heroes, you can use codes during the passage of “Heroes of Might and Magic 6”.
  3. The Wizard does not require much introduction, as he is one of the most recognizable classes in any RPG game. He has one of the smallest reserves of vital energy, but the highest level of mana. Having reached expert level, you can teach him to use a couple of daggers. When the Wizard is not busy in battle, he takes up the study of Elemental magic.


  1. Paladin - this class combines Warrior and Cleric. The first conveyed the ability to handle heavy weapons (for example, a sword) and the ability to wear plank armor. Thanks to the Cleric's input, the Paladin can handle the magic of Body, Spirit, and Mind. All qualities are at the “average” mark: he fights well and has good reserves of life and mana.
  2. The Archer is another hybrid, but this time of a Warrior and a Wizard. Prefers long-range weapons and tries to avoid close-range confrontations. Uses Elemental magic, inherited from the Wizard. You can try to protect your small amount of health with chain mail.
  3. Druid is the latest hybrid class to combine Cleric and Wizard. A successful combination of magical abilities allows him to learn more than seventy spells. As for the disadvantages, these include the inability to wear durable armor, restrictions on the use of weapons and a strong lack of concentration of skills.

Disadvantages of Heroes of Might and Magic 6:
not optimized engine;
heroes cannot be fired;
the mechanics of skills are not described;
skills with zero characteristics (n., rebuff lasting 0 moves).
General tips for completing campaigns:

How to download a hero? General
Reinforcement (recruiting troops), education (+20 experience), training (75% for other heroes), logistics (+3 turns - in principle, not necessary, if not for theft), theft (collecting resources from neighboring cells).
For the magician: Summon Elementals, Stop Time, Petrify.

For the war(sample thread): education, logistics, pathfinding, ambush, economics1, training, theft, economics2, strikeback 1-2, push back / tactics1, reinforcements1-2, tactics2 / giant killer, 15: economy3, strikeback3, tenacity , Rampage, Cleave, Reinforce 3, Intimidate, Stamina/Luck 1-3, Archery/Siege Master 1-3.

For a side character: pathfinding, the entire economics branch
What not to build?
At high levels: improvements to ordinary creatures; increase in abundance operating inside/outside the castle territory; additional taverns; Inferno portals; Alliance of Light backlights.
Dynasty Artifacts
Yes, the heroes are launched with the /offline key - no cracks, but... it will all end with the fact that without a coach in the future, fair play will simply stall in some area. Dynasty artifacts accumulate experience and grow in level (they can be actively changed between heroes during the game). Dynastic achievements (for example, "250 gold per day"). Deluxe version of the edition with personal belongings. You never know what else the developers will come up with later. In addition - the cruel truth of life, once again - the heroes resemble a strategy less and less, because each map has its own subtleties of passage, on which this guide was written.
Campaigns follow the story in this order:
Heart of Nightmares (only available in Collector's Edition);
Prologue 1;
Prologue 2;
Defiant Tribes (1);
Sanctuary (1);
Alliance of Light (1);
Inferno (1);
Necropolis (1);
Defiant Tribes (2);
Sanctuary (2);
Alliance of Light (2);
Necropolis (2);
Sanctuary (3);
Unruly Tribes (3);
Inferno (2);
Necropolis (3);
Inferno (3);
Sanctuary (4);
Defiant Tribes (4);
Alliance of Light (3);
Necropolis (4);
Alliance of Light (4);
Inferno (4);
But for convenience of description, let’s collect them as expected, so:
Prologue - Introductory campaign for Duke Vyacheslav, father of the Griffin dynasty
1 Death of the Griffin. There are hints.
2 Will of the Emperor.
Necropolis - Campaign of Anastasia, the murderer of Vyacheslav. The path of blood is a warrior (they will give you a magician anyway, although playing as a magician pumped up to tears with the skills of sacrifice, petrification, elementals of darkness and earth, stopping time will be much easier to play).
1 Trouble does not come alone

At the exit from the dungeon we grab the 1st lock. Then a new dungeon and a new castle. We take the quest for the list of the Inquisition. Will fall out of the first script hero. The hardest thing in this campaign is holding the 2nd castle while you get forts. For convenience, you can visit all burials. After capturing all the castles, we go into the portal with Jorgen. Again, you need a decent army or dynasty bonuses.

2 Forward and inward
The most difficult mission of the second level. You won't be able to get troops at first. Before talking with the spider, do not lose a single war (resurrection, desiccation). With minimal losses we defeat Irina, and then Anton. At the fork, open the diary and read the quests - they will help us gather an army. We defeat Kiril and Jorgen takes us to the citadel - the last battle is the easiest...
3 Dawn from all sides
Without delay, we stomp into the dungeon, where we take away the orange castle and several forts. There, the lich will give you a quest for the dynastic weapon Sandro's staff. Only then do we go to the unguarded area below, where we receive a quest from an ally to destroy the orcs. We destroy the orcs, for which we receive vampires from our allies. We deal with our ally Lyudmila, attacking the castle (if you leave her alive, then in the next mission she will be instead of Kaspar). We cross the sea and at the very bottom we capture the base with an orc. The main enemy character will be waiting on the upper cape of the lower island in his castle with a decent army. We upgrade both heroes to the maximum level (24) and attack.
4 Spider Trick
On the top left is the rebuilt Inferno Castle; in the same week you can capture one from below in the West. The portals were highlighted for us - we go into them and begin to take out the enemy castle in each, after which the portal closes, but the enemy onslaught subsides. Your last opponent, the archangel, will not be a big problem with a well-accumulated army. Concentrate all your efforts on it, and then defeat the remnants.
Alliance of Light - Campaign of Anton, direct heir. The path of tears is a warrior.

1 Something's up

We capture the mines and the fort from below. Scripted orcs. We go East to the cave for Griffon eggs ( sounds crazy). Now you can build Vultures. We capture the castle in the East. Then the fort in the South. We are clearing the South-West, preparing an army for the South-fort and the B-castle. We capture the southwest castle. Computers are crashing. We immediately take away the lock from each of them. The final castle of the ram Jerge remains.

2 Everything is mixed up, true and false

Fort, mine, on the road to the castle in the south-east we take the crystals above the stable, as well as the sawmill and the gnome pickaxe on the right. We take the castle a little to the west and there is a mine on the property line. We go underground, take the fort and the dwelling and immediately leave. We capture: the south-west fort, the castle to the south-west, the Sokol castle in the center, the castle to the north-east, only then the north-east fort, the castle to the west. Let's go to the cave. several battles and a final battle with necromancers. Before going to the cave, the map is notable for leveling up dynastic weapons after 5 months.

3 Do not tempt the despairing

We examine the mines. You can collect the fragments of the lunar disk (in red), but blitz is preferable. We go to the E. 2 forts, each with a mine. We take the north-east castle. We build a boat and take it on the opposite bank. We dive into 2 whirlpools - another one. Now it would be nice to collect the grail. Then capture the castle just west of the center and the forts to the right and left of it. We go to Flamstein, get the quest (all 3 altars will be marked on the map). We capture. Final battle with Mukao (the portal under the castle will be illuminated).

4 Defeat and victory
The maximum level is 30, very soon all the heroes of the company will be at this level. But they do not have relics or dynastic weapons. We capture the upper forts, meet an ally (having captured 2 villages, the aunt will rush to “help” and grab the computer’s castle, however, with her army she could well complete the campaign - not an ally!, but standing still). A golden goose will hatch from the egg in your pocket - 2 thousand/day. After this, the villages can be surrendered by going down to the upper dungeon and taking care of the orange one, take your time
to the center of the dungeon, build archangels, level up, take back the villages. Having caught our breath, we kill the center of the dungeon and get the grail - by the way, it’s convenient to build it in the dungeon, but not in the center, because red will start visiting there. We clear the map around the edges, you don’t have to complete the quest with healers (for the latest patches), but you must capture 4 villages. Let's take the aunt out. Now we have 11 cities. We are amassing an army, getting closer to the center. We have been accumulating an army for a month for the final battle. The boss's blow takes away 10 thousand HP.
Sanctuary - Campaign of Irina, a young wife. Path of Blood - Mage (Dynastic Staff of Water).
1 Fury in the Mire
"Let's run." Take the ability to swim without a boat if we only have aquatic creatures. Having received the first dynastic weapon for the magician. Let's go to the cave. Having passed it we take the first castle and several forts. In the north is an island with mines. The computer dims. For he still had a castle and there was nowhere to wait for help.
2 Defeat and victory
Here tears will look more advantageous. We have a week to explore the territory and capture 2 forts. Then we go down to the southwest, we get the second castle and next to the cave near the Kirin dragon we get the quest. We fight off the arriving robber (we receive an oak quest for the fort). Kirin's quest is more interesting to us, because it gives the construction of all creatures. Now we grab another castle in the south. Then we go into the cave from which the computer is already climbing in full force. There's another castle at the exit and another one to the south. The last gate is opening. After a modest battle, the tyrant will surrender. We will be given a second dynastic weapon - for a warrior.
3 Bloody Surf
4 sacred villages on the map, and 3 of them come under the control of necromancers in a week or two...
We are building our own city, and the undead will periodically visit it through a one-way(!) whirlpool. And we go to the right - there is a castle-village. We agree to help the orcs and, having accumulated an army, free the horde from prison (regardless of the development branch, we choose the path of tears) and receive 2 villages as a gift (we do not rebuild them). We collect parts of the lunar disk and build Asha’s tear in the capital. Now you can rebuild all cities. A pumped-up orc will come. We capture the last village. We go to the very north-west of the map and destroy the remnants of the yellow army. And we sail further - capturing the last castle.
4 Life-in-death and death-in-life
Again, a stupid task - not to capture enemy cities - we do the opposite. We immediately capture the city in the North. Send the hero to the NE, through the whirlpool in the South. There is an island at the very edge of the map where all the creatures will join - a good army for the GG, but we don’t go into the portal - because it’s too early (blitzkrieg on the map won’t work anyway, you’ll have to work hard). Then another one in the East of the capital (you don’t have to complete the quest for the lighthouse, because when rebuilding the city, you’ll still fill up the path of tears). You can grab the city above us (in total we have 4 cities). Going deeper into the North, we capture the 5th. Nearby is a cave, where after defeating the boss (quite frail), we get Asha’s tear. 2 more cities and the Wolf Gate will open.
Inferno - younger son
1 And angels burning in the eyes
The most difficult first mission. First, we completely clear the outskirts of the city. Then we go out and we are attacked by a purple demon (DO NOT TOUCH HIM YET). We capture the castle at the bottom of the map and build an improved portal there. We run to the right and up (quite a long time), capturing 2 orange castles. Now you can deal with the purple one by attacking the top castle, and we capture the one next to the portal last. The brown one will attack, we can endure it. When storming the castle, a battle with a demon awaits us: we curse the dogs, teleport and armageddon.
2 Eerie Symmetry
We go up to the left and down (in about a week, castles: 2 alliances, 1 necropolis). We quickly rebuild them to take advantage of the hero’s ability. We put it improved (+10% to the call), and in the former necropolis - an improved portal. We accumulate an army and go to the very bottom there are 2 castles. If you can't grab both at once, take the left one. There is also a side quest for queens, which unlocks their construction in all captured castles. When you capture any fort, the demon will tell you that a demon is imprisoned in one of them - free him (the fort is the first turn to the right from the former necropolis) and you can build destroyers. As soon as you completely kill the necromancers, you will have 4 green drops, go down into the dungeon and fight one of the avatars of Asha.

3 In the night forests

Nothing remarkable. Additional tasks just for experience and help will not be given. We start cleaning from the bottom of the lock. Then we go and completely clear the right side of the orcs. We dive into the cave there is another orc castle. Now we develop and go left from the 2nd castle. There is a castle with 2 portals. We go in and clear both. Then the last orc fort under this castle. After which you can collect Asha's tear. We complete the story quest and we have the last castles and forts of the sanctuary (all of them!). We stomp into the “hidden” cave, because a paved path leads to it from the last castle. There will be no battle.

4 Marriage between heaven and hell

So, seizing the castle from the archangel will not be difficult. We explore the dungeon and rebuild. As we exit, we will be attacked by a scripted immortal knight. On the surface of these lands there are 7-8 groups of shadow elementals that provide him with this immortality. And a lot of castles and expanses. After capturing 3-4 castles, we cut off the knight from resources. And we calmly kill the elementals (I repeat, they are all on the surface and islands). We defeat the knight, go down the subway to the east of the central castle with the shipyard. We defeat many elementals in the form of the final boss... (slight disappointment). And an epic happy ending.

Unruly Tribes - Campaign Sandora is an illegitimate son, and therefore does not feel much love for his relatives.
1 Orcs have no place here
We capture the mines and the city from below, then the city on the right in the center, and clear the cave there. Below is an “unfinished city” where they will provide resources and fighters. We capture the last city. The first gate will open - there is a quest fort. We capture the final city (which is optional) and simply sail down on the boat.
2 The good, the bad, the bloody
We walk slowly on the approach to the castle, they will puzzle us, they will give us a boat behind us and we will find ourselves in the middle of nowhere. We are rebuilding with limited resources. We board the boat, take 2 forts and many mines. After which it is no longer a problem to capture the castle for which purple and yellow are fighting among themselves. And complete the side quest by taking on the orange ones. As in other campaigns, you need to complete side quests for living creatures in order to get the corresponding outbuildings in your castle.
3 Barbarian Seven
And so we have one castle and an enemy that periodically visits. The task is to hold out for 4 months (!). At first, troops friendly to us will join, and the quest to upgrade units is not that difficult. Capture and hold all forts. Mother Sandora will give you a task to pacify the dragon. It is just below the necromancers' fort - the boss, the reward is Asha's tear.
4 About worms and demons
We quickly explore the island - there are 2 portals from which demons look. After mastering it, we get into the boat and grab the locks on opposite corners of the map (there are 3 in total). Now that you don’t have to worry about orange, there will be no accumulation of crystals challenging task. But take your time. The final boss will destroy the capital and hide in a cave (you need to click on the city) - stock up on an army in advance.

Epilogue - Select a hero and, depending on the path he has taken, one of the cards will be available.

1 Angels Cry Too- Final mission (Tears)

Anton has ideal roleplaying (he does not need to rebuild castles - which means wasting resources). We grab the locks and do not touch the central fort (out of 3) under any circumstances. We find the disks and Asha's tear. We are accumulating an army until the PC simply refuses to stick its head out and we are accumulating some more - Michael is waiting for us (a most unpleasant boss for the unprepared). Wait until the 4th month and he will seem like a lamb to you. We capture the fort (7 days countdown). Speed ​​up the score by capturing the castle (3 days). Michael will attack the hero in rage and without warning.

2 Too Bright for the Dark- Final mission (Blood)

The campaign is designed for barbarians, fortunately, with the help of movement accelerators, they go through very quickly. We capture all the castles and forts in the area. When we reach the next gate guard, we evaluate our army. The last guard, Jorven, is good for leveling up dynastic weapons. Final battle with Malassa (the case when the guard is stronger than the boss).

Every gamer who has ever been interested in turn-based strategies knows the “Heroes of Might and Magic” series - this is the most famous project that has ever existed. Many developers tried to overtake "Heroes" in popularity, but this turned out to be simply impossible. It’s worth saying right away that the third episode was actually epic, and is still incredibly popular. In the wake of its popularity, a re-release in HD was released, so that even non-old-school fans can now feel the greatness of this project. Even those parts that were published later could not surpass the third episode - it remained the standard. However, one should not underestimate the remaining episodes - they are simply different, but at the same time they deserve no less attention. The sixth part is especially worth noting, because it has already turned into a completely different project. It is the passage of “Heroes of Might and Magic 6” that will be discussed later in the article.

Leveling up your character

Why is the sixth episode so different from the third? In fact, to many, because the passage of "Heroes of Might and Magic 6" is more reminiscent role-playing game in a turn-based mode, while the third episode was a pure turn-based strategy. Character leveling was important, but still remained secondary to the background of strategic actions on the battlefield. Now the main emphasis is on making your character (and his partners) as strong as possible, and the development of castles, the accumulation of armies and other strategic features fade into the background. Thus, the skills that you level up in your character become incredibly important. There are a lot of them, and you can choose for yourself in which direction to level up the hero, but you should definitely pay attention to several abilities that you should level up to the maximum anyway. Firstly, this is “Reinforcement” - with this skill you can summon new troops. Secondly, “Education” - you will gain more experience and, accordingly, you will be able to level up faster and choose more skills.

“Training”, it would seem, should not be different from “Education”, but in fact the differences are very great. With this ability, other heroes receive even more experience for your achievements - accordingly, you can level up several characters at once faster. There are also two skills that are worth leveling up together - “Theft” and “Logistics”. The first allows you to collect resources from adjacent squares, and the second adds additional moves during one turn, which will allow you to collect even more resources from adjacent squares. With these abilities, completing “Heroes of Might and Magic 6” will become noticeably easier and more enjoyable, no matter in which direction you upgrade your hero.

The buildings

Even if castles no longer play such a decisive role as in the third “Heroes”, in the sixth you should still care about what exactly is happening in your stronghold. The passage of "Heroes of Might and Magic 6" will largely depend on what exactly you build and when. Any mistakes can be corrected with the help of a powerful hero, but it is always more pleasant to not make mistakes and know that you built the right building at the right time. Naturally, there can be various deviations in construction, depending on which way you develop. However, it is worth noting that some buildings may not be useful to you at all, and you should not waste time and money on them. For example, you should not build upgraded buildings for your creatures when you have reached high level- it's simply useless. You don't have to build improvements for buildings that increase your character's skills within the castle - it's better to focus on properly leveling up your hero.

It is also worth noting that there is no point in building a tavern in each of the cities, because you will be able to acquire new heroes in your capital. They are updated every week, so you even have a complete selection. Moreover, you will not need to have a whole army of heroes - depending on the size of the map and the complexity of the mission, their number may vary, but it will never be too large. In the game "Heroes of Sword of Magic 6" the passage is based more on pumping up existing heroes, and not on purchasing a large number of new ones.

Dynasty Artifacts

A special feature of this game compared to other modern projects is the fact that you can easily play it offline, that is, without connecting to the Internet for verification, loading tables and other data, and so on. However, in this case it will be much more difficult for you to complete this game. The fact is that there is such a thing as Dynasty Artifacts, and they are completely tied to online. Only in the official version, when connected to the Internet, will you be able to find such artifacts, collect collections of them, exchange them with other players or trade with each other.

These artifacts give you an impressive advantage over those who play without a network connection. Naturally, there are other features - for example, you will be given certain prizes for daily visits. Therefore, it is recommended to make the passage more enjoyable by activating this game via the Internet and playing with an active connection.


So, what is required of you during the passage? Every separate mission there is no point in describing them, since they all have approximately the same goal - to capture all the castles and destroy all opponents. Naturally, the conditions may differ - sometimes you will need to capture a specific castle, sometimes you will need to defend your capital, sometimes you will need to meet a certain period of time. But the result should almost always be the same. Completing the campaign will take you a very long time for one simple reason - it is very large. It contains narratives from five races, so the campaign is divided into five parts. Each of them includes four chapters, and each of the chapters consists of four missions.

Accordingly, there are over 80 missions in total, and all of them take quite a long time, so you will have to seriously commit to this game if you want to beat it. Naturally, if you use the tips given earlier, it will become noticeably easier.

"Edges of Darkness"

Given the fact that all missions are similar to each other, it is worth looking at just a few of them that stand out the most. For example, "Edges of Darkness" is one of the two ending missions in the game that you will need to complete if you choose the dark side during the game. The passage of "Heroes of Might and Magic 6: Edge of Darkness" differs from the rest in that you will need to go through several powerful gate guards, and then fight the final boss.

"Alliance of Light"

Separately, it is worth highlighting the passage of “Heroes of Might and Magic 6: Alliance of Light”, because the missions of this campaign are truly impressive. This is the most popular campaign, since gamers for the most part love to play for the human race, not only in the “Heroes” series.

"Dance of Death"

Another very interesting mission, “Dance of Death”, is the final one in the “Sanctuary” campaign. The passage of "Heroes of Might and Magic 6: Dance of Death" is different in that there is no particular need for you to develop your creatures - it is better to find an island on the map as soon as possible, on which a large number of creatures will gladly join your army.


Since we are talking about this campaign, it is worth noting the passage of “Heroes of Might and Magic 6: Sanctuary” separately. Here you have to play for the dark magician Irina, you will follow the path of blood and eventually reach the “Edges of Darkness”, which were already discussed earlier.
