The war of mine locations. Walkthrough of This War of Mine

The situation, hunger, injuries and illnesses, the real field of view of enemies + incomprehensible saves and unknown how much items cost - all this blows your mind when you first sit down to play this game. The first time my Persians lost a friend over a couple of cans of stew, they became depressed and died of hunger. Then, of course, we figured it out. And we wrote advice for those who are already playing, but have not yet turned into Rambo, guarding their food, medical and smoking warehouse.

Collection of survival tips

Collection of survival tips

Tip #1 The most important thing is to understand the game's save system. The only automatic saving available is that occurs every morning when the character returns home. It's better to copy the save slot somewhere. Otherwise, if a character is killed, you need to immediately exit the game before the slot has time to be overwritten.

Tip #2 Don't get sick and don't quarrel. Every third day the merchant Franco comes to the house. Apart from this, the events of the day are random. Therefore, if you return home and see that someone is sick, or the house was attacked and someone was injured, or an unwanted NPC came to the house, you can safely exit the game and load again. The same morning will load (i.e. the Persian comes home with loot), but the rest of the events are different. At the same time, information about attacks and quarrels is shown immediately, and NPCs approach the house around 11 am, i.e. You won't have to replay for a long time.

Tip #3 In the case where the party consists of three characters, on the 7th day a fourth random character comes to the house. I was playing Arika-Bruno-Roman and I needed someone with a lot of inventory. I rebooted about forty times and finally waited for Boris.

Tip #4 There is a complete list of heroes, but all the skills are mixed, and at first it is not clear which ones are important for survival. Let me give you a brief description:

Roman and Arika

The only ones who can kill from behind with one blow (Arika - with a knife, Roman - with anything). With my style of passing (+ reluctance to sit in shelters for a long time), one of them is necessary.

Boris (17 inventory slots) and Marco (15 inventory slots)

One of them is necessary, Boris is better by as much as 2 points.


Bruno (saves food), Marin (saves spare parts), Katya (saves when selling)

They sit at the base, craft and barter. Most likely, one of them will be in the party. You can have two and save even more.


Anton, Sveta, Emilia, Pavel, Zlata

Without advantages that would help with my passing style.

Tip #5 Nothing happens in the locations. You can come to the sniper junction (in the version where you can help a shot father get to his child) either on the 7th or 37th day - until the location is printed, the father will sit under the statue and wait for us. Nothing happens in the locations during the day either. You can come as a well-armed fighter, clear any place of enemies, take nothing, and then a few days later carry everything out with a more powerful comrade. The only thing that disappears is the corpses. After the murder, you need to immediately (that same night) search them and put everything in the nearest boxes.

Tip #6 Many locations have several event options. For example, in a supermarket there can be either one soldier (hostile) and a girl, or three non-hostile foragers. In the church there is either a living priest or a gang. Event types are fixed and do not change over time. You can find out what event you got on the action planning map from its description. There are a total of 20 locations in the game, of which 15 are revealed in one playthrough. To see everything (and even different options for events in locations) you need to play more than once.

Tip #7 Buy all the materials from the merchant Franco, who comes to the house every third day. Sell ​​weapons, alcohol and medicine. If you have nothing to change for, at least buy components and wood - they are needed everywhere in large quantities, and when carried, only 4 components and only 2 wood are added (i.e., during the night Boris can bring only 34 wood or 68 components). Ingredients are vital - for example, to make food and alcohol, you need water. For 4 units of water you need one filter, for one filter - 3 components.

Tip #8 General procedure repeated for each location. During the day, the fighter and the messenger sleep, the thrift crafts.

  • First day. The housekeeper crafts to a minimum and not very much (it is very likely that this day will have to be overloaded many times; crafting the same thing for a long time will get boring).
  • First night. Nesun guards. A well-equipped fighter goes to some hostile location and takes out everyone there. Picks up corpses, puts loot in nearby boxes. If he has time, he saws through the bars, breaks the locks, and, if possible, demolishes everything in one box. Takes out weapons and the most necessary ones in maximum stacks.
  • Second day. Maximum crafting, food, fighter sleeps.
  • Second night. The fighter guards, and the empty carrier goes to the previous location and packs up. In fatty locations, two or three walks will be needed.

Tip #9 As an example, I recorded a video of how Roman took out an outpost in one night.

Collection of survival tipsThis War Of Mine - Militaty Outpost in one night solution

Tip #10 Initial craft. First you need to make a bench, make a shovel, a crowbar and an ax. Clear away all the rubble and break unnecessary furniture in your home. Then - make a bed, a stove and a water collector. Prepare food (save canned food for a rainy day). To cook two servings of Bruno you need meat, vegetables, fire and 5 water, while 4 waters are made on the manifold from one filter, and the filter is made from three components. In total, for two servings you need approximately 4 components, one tree, meat and vegetable.

Tip #11 The ending of the game depends on the playing style. If you do bad things, the game ends badly. In my case, Roman cleared an outpost, a brothel, a warehouse, a church (from bandits), a construction site, and a supermarket. They never refused to help their neighbors. There are 3 endings for each character (+ death, suicide and leaving the shelter). In the end, everyone ended well except Roman (who had an average ending).

Hints and tips

This War of Mine is a fairly difficult game. Therefore, below is a list of hints and tips for the game to help you pass.

Double click the mouse to make the character run (This will make the character make more noise).
It's okay if you fast for a day. If it’s more, it will seriously hit the morale of your survivors.
Try to build the shelter in the most ergonomic way so that the characters do not spend a lot of time moving around the shelter.
Before night, move all the most important items into any closet (if you have already taken all the items from all the closets, then you can create an ax in an improved metalworking machine and chop any object, in its place a pile of rubbish will appear, into which you can put your items) to avoid the theft of these things by looters. Try not to return to the shelter without filling your backpack completely.
Unless you are looking for something specific, you should collect in the following order: food, components, wood, trade goods (including medical supplies) and other building materials.
During the first few weeks, try to take as much out of the location as possible. Since later forays into some locations you may be blocked by snow or fighting. Melee weapons are some of the most powerful in the game and can also be used in combination with firearms to increase your combat power.
You can deliberately make a noise by running in front of your enemies, then hiding in a convenient place for you, and wait for the opportunity to stab the enemy in the back. The very first thing you must build is a locksmith workshop, thanks to which you can make a crowbar to open all the locked objects in your shelter.
If you find master keys, do not use them. Save them until the moment when you need to open something unnoticed.
Build a radio as soon as you can. Radio greatly improves morale and provides important information.
You don't have to worry about building heaters until frost starts.
Build chairs and armchairs for your Sims to have a place to read books.
Burn books only as a last resort.
Cooked food is great. Canned food is even better. Always try to get as many things as you need from the merchant.
Never sell electrical parts, as at the beginning of the game, before you get an improved workbench, they seem useless. However, in the future you will really need them.

A little history

This War of Mine (Russian: This is my war) - computer game from 11 bit studios, which challenges the player to survive during civil war. The developers took the events of the Siege of Sarajevo as a basis.

The Siege of Sarajevo was a nearly four-year siege of the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, first by Yugoslav and then by local Serbian armed forces. The siege began on April 5, 1992 and ended with the lifting of the siege on February 29, 1996, according to the Dayton Accords.

The developers were inspired by true events, poor conditions, everyday life and the atrocities experienced by ordinary people during the Siege of Sarajevo, the longest siege of a city in history. modern history. In November 2014, pirated copies of the game became available for download, in response, the developers from 11 bit studios published a letter in which they were sympathetic to people who downloaded pirated copies, and posted ten serial keys in the comments to the letter to activate the game on the Steam gaming service

Some features

Be careful - each person in this game has his own peculiarity - someone bargains, someone mines, someone cooks... Be guided by these characteristics and you will be able to get more items when exchanging, save materials when assembling, bring more from a night outing, etc. d.

I just noticed that over time, in some locations, supplies are taken away and you can only find useless trash (it brings its own peculiarity when re-traversing already familiar places)

Having climbed into a house with the aim of stealing, close the doors, NPCs are on open doors react and begin to look for the person who broke in

A slight injury, as well as being slightly ill, can be treated by simply resting on the bed

A character with the skill - a jack of all trades can assemble or improve machines saving resources (fewer parts are required for improvement), just like a merchant can exchange more profitably

The feeling of hunger in such conditions is a common thing; it is worth eating only when the character is very hungry

In the “autumn” version of survival, it is important to create cages for catching rodents and a tank for collecting rainwater as quickly as possible

Traders and neighbors come after 10-00. That is, even if there is nothing to do, you should not end the day. Wait until 10, maybe someone will come to visit you.

Each character who remains in the shelter must have a weapon (crowbar, knife, shovel)

Some villagers you meet during night raids will not attack you until you enter their territory. As soon as you notice the inscription “Don’t go there, just leave...” Try to leave without the attitude towards you getting worse

Parts or supplies can be saved by starting the construction of a workbench, cooking food, etc. Do not finish cooking or building. Wherein necessary resources will disappear from the backpack, but they can be returned by canceling the construction.

Game option "Winter"

Do not assemble a tank to collect rainwater (get snow before entering) and then heat it on the stove (you will need a disposable filter)

It is very important to maintain the temperature

Medicines are very important (there is a high probability that someone will get sick)


1>>Diary: Hostel's open! - Diary: the hostel is open! (We now have enough beds for everyone - that is, everyone except the one who has to go out and look for things.)
-Make beds for everyone who will remain in the shelter

2>>Diary: Finished ransacking - Diary: Ready search (We have explored every corner of our monastery, and there is nothing useful left. We must go outside.)
-Collect all the items in the house

3>>Diary: Day 7 - Diary: Day 7 (Seven days since we survived here. Death is all around us, but we were lucky, everyone remained alive, until now...)
-No one should die in 7 days

4>>Diary: Shooting for five stars - Diary: Shooting for five stars (For the first time since we settled here, each of us ate a hot meal. Let's not get used to it for now.)
-Cook food on the stove for everyone

5>>Diary: First blood - Diary: First blood (One of us survived his first skirmish by killing a person. We hope, despite all the difficulties, there will be no more meetings like this one.)
-Kill someone on a raid

6>>Note: A bit of indulgence (For the first time, we all indulged in our addictions. To keep our spirits up, health problems be damned, we may still die tonight.)
-Find cigarettes and coffee for each character (coffee lover, smoker) in your group

7>>Note: Bless the radio (The radio turned out to be useful, it exceeded all our expectations. We receive news and it reminds us of normal life and the big world.)
-Collect the radio and listen to all available programs

8>>Diary: Traces of lives - Diary: Traces of life (Every building we visit has its own story. I wonder what story we will leave behind...)
-Find in any house on a foray, find a note (in the form of an icon with a magnifying glass) and read

9>>Note: Doubled the watch (Very important to keep our place safe from night intruders. Two people watching for thieves can also keep an eye on each other.)
-During night duty, put two people on guard

10>>Note: Creature comforts (Our place is beginning to resemble a normal home. Let's furnish it so that we can live in relative comfort, it will support our spirit.)
-Make a bed, chair, radio

11>>Note: Distilled gold (We finally managed to distill the moonshine. In a city under siege, food and alcohol are always in great demand.)
-Create a distillation apparatus and make moonshine

12>>Diary: Effing Snow - Diary: Effing Snow (Damn snow. It covered half the city, so deep that we can’t get there. There’s no point in waiting for snowplows...)
-When passing through in winter, get snow near the entrance to your home

13>>Diary: We "ve been everywhere - Diary: We were everywhere (We combed all the surroundings, it is getting harder and harder to find anything useful. This war cannot end soon.)

14>>Diary: Back from the brink - Diary: Back from the Brink (With just a kind word and deed, we helped one of us survive depression, which can kill just like a bullet.)
-Without resorting to the “help” of alcohol, cheer up a group member with words or a kind deed

15>>Diary: Patched up and ready to go - Diary: patched up and ready to go
-The achievement is given after a group member is completely healed from a level 4 wound, i.e. "mortally wounded" In order to successfully cure, you need to bandage it every day and let it rest. - Thank you Petite Fleur Sasha

16>>Epilogue: War is over - Epilogue: the war is over (The dogs of war have been madly raging around for so long. Too long for many. But I survived and I hope I'm not the only one.)
-Survive until the end of the war

17>>Diary: Miraculous recovery (This recovery from a serious illness proves that drugs work miracles. Or maybe some of us really have a strong immune system.)
-When a character gets sick, cure him with medicine

18>>Diary: We Have Wintered - Diary: We have wintered (Winter is gone. The frost is over. We made it through... everyone did it! Amazing.
-Survive the “winter” period

19>>Epilogue: We made it! - Epilogue: We did it!
-Survive with 4 or more characters (an option is also possible - You need to survive not with 4 or more characters, but keep your original composition of survivors intact until the end of the game, thank you Sword of Damocles

20>>Diary: We Made A Stand - Diary: We stood
The bandits came in whole gangs, like dogs gone crazy from hunger. We fought them off every night. And everyone survived. Miracle.
-Fight off and prevent bandits from stealing anything during robberies (until the “fight against crime” day)

Locations - tactics and necessary equipment

..............>>>Dilapidated slum
Safe territory. The only inhabitant is an artist. He needs food. If you visit this location 3 times the artist will die (if you share food, even a piece of raw rat, the artist will show his cache of pure alcohol and jewelry and such a gesture will improve everyone's morale)
Requires 1 master key or crowbar, as well as 1 hacksaw

...............>>>Destroyed high-rise building
Safe territory. Lots of food, electrical parts. Requires 2 hacksaws

Safe territory. Don't go down to the basement! (otherwise the game will consider you a thief) The young man needs medicine, pills and bandages for his sick father. You need 1 hacksaw, although it can be traded with him, he also has a good supply of weapon components. There are a lot of electrical parts at the location

.............>>>St. Mary's Church
The area is very different different options passing.
...If the holy father survived, then you can trade with him, the main thing is not to go into the basement under the church. In the building behind the church there is not an aggressive resident (although he walks around with a gun drawn =). I recommend taking a shovel, and also need a hacksaw to get into the attic of the house
...If you die, then you meet aggressive local residents. In one night you can collect all the useful things near the exit, and also manually dismantle 2 rubble in the basement. Requires a hacksaw

.............>>>Construction site
When visiting for the first time, you need to be careful. Items from the flooded basement can be picked up on the next outing (there will be no water). The location is rich in all types of resources, food and medicine. In a closed closet there is a damaged helmet, a pair of broken pistols with a guitar, and cartridges. Required - 2 hacksaws (1 in the basement; 1 on the roof), 1 master key

The location changes depending on the passage. In one version, you can meet a soldier who pesters a girl. You can scare him away by opening the door, but it is recommended to immediately leave the area. He talks to the girl for a long time so that some things can be collected.
In another option, you can meet 3 miners, they are not aggressive, the main thing is not to run and collect things if they are standing near them. You will need a master key or crowbar to open the cabinet in the basement

.............>>>Sniper interchange
A very dangerous territory (you need to run across after a sniper shot, first behind the armored personnel carrier, then to the monument - tram - ambulance and then run into the house). Going down to the basement and unlocking the door will help the wounded person, this will improve morale. The next time he visits, he will leave the area, but leave the jewelry behind. Keep track of time - if you get stuck in this location, you will get injured. There are a LOT of electrical parts, boards, materials, bandages on the premises. Need 2 hacksaws in the building on the top floor
............or Central Square
Same location (but safe), filled with people and merchants. They sell food, weapons, medicine... There is a non-aggressive person living in the house, but he won’t let you in (first he will ask you to leave, and then he will start shooting). He will constantly lock the entrance doors - a crowbar is needed, 2 hacksaws are needed at the top, you can also use a crowbar to open the doors inside

Dangerous Territory

...............>>>House for two families
The immediate part of the house is safe. You need 1 master key or crowbar, but you can exchange it from the merchant for 4 boards. Also, to get to the back of the house (through the basement) you need a master key

.............>>>Destroyed villa
Dangerous territory. When entering, close the doors behind you so as not to arouse suspicion.

Dangerous territory. You will need a hacksaw in the basement. Almost all supplies are "private property"

.............>>>Army checkpoint
You can trade with the military. You can exchange with them - a whole pistol and cartridges (3 bottles of alcohol), as well as medicines, water, weapon parts, bandages, canned food and raw food

The immediate area is safe. Trade possible. You will need a hacksaw in the basement and another one a little further on the top floor

.............>>>Small monastery
Dangerous Territory


The main emphasis in the game will be on luck and caution.

To survive in the game for the first time, you need:

  • The first thing to do is clear out the trash and find loot.
  • Build a metalworking bench and make a crowbar
  • Build a bed so that your people have a place to rest and recover
  • Upgrade your workbench and metalworking bench as quickly as possible

All this needs to be done in the first or second day.

  • There is no need to kill civilians, but if possible, help them, this will increase morale, and the residents will also thank you.
  • People do well with the Hungry status, don't try to feed them to satiety.
  • If you find master keys, do not use them. Save them until the moment when you need to open something unnoticed.
  • Build a radio as soon as you can and tune it to classical music. Music greatly improves morale and provides important information.
  • You don't have to worry about building heaters until frost starts.
  • Build chairs and armchairs for your Sims to have a place to read books.
  • Burn books only as a last resort.
  • Cooked food is great. Canned food is even better.

Winter survival tactics. You need to upgrade the carpentry workbench to the second level and make an ax, build a second stove. You need to heat the house to 15-17 degrees, this will take 10-12 fuel, 5-6 for each stove, bring at least 12 wood from each outing, with an ax you can chop furniture into wood and fuel, both at home and on outings.

Survival tactics during a crime surge. You need to stock up on weapons, ammunition (you will need a lot of them) and bandages. The hospital is your second home, you need to build beds for all the characters, you need not to leave valuable things such as food and medicine, use them in reserve or exchange them for less valuable ones. There will be robberies almost every day and many of your people will get injured and others will become depressed. It will be very difficult for you. Don't forget to nail up all the holes and reinforce the door before doing this.

  • Double click to make the character run (This will make the character make more noise).
  • It's okay if you fast for a day. If it’s more, it will seriously hit the morale of your survivors. Let characters eat when their hunger status is Very Hungry.
  • Try to build the shelter in the most ergonomic way so that the characters do not spend a lot of time moving around the shelter.
  • Before night, move all the most important items into any closet (if you have already taken all the items from all the closets, then you can create an ax in an improved metalworking machine and chop any object, in its place a pile of rubbish will appear, into which you can put your items) to avoid the theft of these things by looters.

Your first outing

  • The first outing should be as productive as possible, take only boards and components, don’t even be distracted by food, take the character with the most spacious backpack, and beat him to the punch.
  • For the first time, it is better to go to locations without the “danger” and “caution required” signs.
  • For four characters, two beds are enough, one is on duty, two are sleeping, the third is on a mission. Choose one of the roomiest characters and send him out on a mission every day so that the characters do not get tired; half should sleep during the day and half at night.
  • If a character is sick (at the beginning of the game someone is always sick) or wounded, then give him medicine and send him to sleep, do not force him to go on a sortie, even if he is the most useful, the wound may deepen.

Characters state

Carefully monitor the condition of the characters.

  • Characters there are hungry, wounded, sick And upset. Conditions come in four severity levels: mild, severe, dangerous and fatal.
  • The game has a very developed psychology of people. When a character gets sick, those around him will immediately react to this and begin to worry. We must not allow a loss of spirit, characters in prolonged depression can commit suicide, to prevent this, build a chair and get books as quickly as possible, and your people will not be sad. People's morality rises and falls depending on your good and bad deeds. Save people, help refugees and the hospital and your people will rejoice, and after that you will receive a reward, and if you kill someone, then most people will become depressed, and this will affect the ending of the game. Do not disdain books and do not use them as fuel; it is better to buy books than to sell them. The radio also lifts the mood. Don't steal from good people, steal from thieves.
  • Food is an important and valuable resource, take care of food, food is everything.
  • Without food, the characters live for four days and then die. To achieve some kind of autonomy, as soon as possible, build a trap for rats and fill it with rotten tomatoes, or, in extreme cases, meat; you should never waste canned food, it’s not worth it. The game also has a greenhouse, but it is expensive and you can complete the game without it, and the resources for its construction are better spent on fuel or filling holes.
  • The feeling of hunger in such conditions is a common thing; it is worth eating only when the character is very hungry.
  • Water also plays an important role, so build a water reservoir as quickly as possible and stock up on filters. If you play in winter, then you shouldn’t do this, because you can collect snow in the yard and make water from it.
  • A slight injury, like being slightly ill, can be treated by simply resting on the bed without getting up for a couple of days until complete recovery. In extreme cases, for severe illnesses or wounds, medications can be used. The hospital will give your people free bandages.

Locations and gathering

The game will present difficulties to the player, and your success in the game will depend on the order in which the difficulties appear. The game lasts 66 days, locations can be blocked by combat operations that last 15-20 days. Winter may also begin, or a surge in crime. If a surge in crime began at the beginning of the war, you can safely begin new game, because they will steal all your food and hurt the characters to death, there will be terrible dismorality and some people may commit suicide. You will be very lucky if winter comes first. In the meantime, you live in normal times, you need to quickly develop and be ready to protect yourself and warm the house.

  • Before the twentieth day, you should have a stove, a kitchen, a pistol or shotgun, cartridges for them, a knife, a crowbar, a shovel, a water collector, a workbench of the second level, a table for tools, preferably a second level, a rat trap, a moonshine still or a medical table, a chair .
  • Having climbed into a house with the aim of stealing, close the doors, NPCs react to open doors and begin to look for the person who broke in.
  • A character with the “Jack of All Trades” skill can assemble or improve machines while saving resources (fewer parts are required for improvement), just like a merchant can exchange more profitably.
  • Some villagers you meet during night raids will not attack you until you enter their territory. As soon as you notice the inscription “Don’t go there, just leave...” Try to leave without the attitude towards you getting worse.
  • Parts or supplies can be saved by starting the construction of a workbench, cooking food, etc. Do not finish cooking or building. In this case, the necessary resources will disappear from the backpack, but they can be returned by canceling the construction. This way you will protect them from theft.
  • Do not stay long at locations; if you do not have time to leave before 4:00, then your character will remain at the location for the whole day and return at night, although there is a chance that he will not return if the location is dangerous.
  • Try not to return to the shelter without filling your backpack completely.
  • Unless you are looking for something specific, you should collect in the following order: food, components, wood, trade goods (including medical supplies) and other building materials.
  • During the first few weeks, try to take as much out of the location as possible. Since later forays into some locations you may be blocked by snow or fighting.
  • Melee weapons are some of the most powerful in the game and can also be used in combination with firearms to increase your combat power.
  • You can deliberately make a noise by running in front of your enemies, then hiding in a convenient place for you, and wait for the opportunity to stab the enemy in the back.
  • The game has some curves and is not convenient combat system, so you shouldn’t engage in battle, but if this happens, it’s better to run away. If you decide to engage in battle, be prepared for the character to be wounded or die, for the morale of those around him to drop, and for the fact that nothing will drop from the enemy, not even the weapon he was holding. Therefore, it is more profitable to immediately run or hide and try again.The most effective weapon in the game is the shotgun, which instantly kills at close range. But you can use a shotgun if you have already joined open battle with enemies. If not, then best weapon There will be a knife, an axe, a crowbar and a shovel; they allow you to instantly kill from cover or from the rear. Melee weapons can be combined with firearms. If you have a shotgun and a knife in your backpack, then under the “Mine” item there will be a shotgun and a knife, if when shooting with a shotgun you come close to the enemy, then a knife icon will appear, which allows you to hit or finish off with a melee weapon.
  • Keep an eye on the condition of your tools; it will be awkward if an ax or crowbar breaks at an important moment. A crowbar and a shovel increase the character’s mobility and help get valuable things, and they are always valuable; always take them on a sally behind doors or piles of stones.

Trade is also developed in the game, exchange unnecessary things for the ones you need, but be prepared for unfavorable offers, a small selection or the inability to sell the goods. Traders and neighbors come after 10-00. That is, even if there is nothing to do, you should not end the day. Wait until 10, maybe someone will come to visit you. Different merchants will give more or less for some items, and may or may not take some items.

  • Always try to get as many things as you need from the merchant.
  • Never sell electrical parts, as at the beginning of the game, before you get an improved workbench, they seem useless. However, in the future you will really need them.
  • It is not recommended to buy from merchants who come during the day; their prices are the highest compared to merchants at locations.
  • An assault rifle wastes too much ammo; a guard can use up all his ammo in one night. But it has a good price, which allows it not to be stored in inventory.
  • For example, the military does not buy materials, but sells weapons, ammunition and food, albeit at a high price. The military is in demand for cigarettes and vodka; they will give more for them than other traders.
  • The hospital does not buy anything except food and medicine and does not sell medicine, food, or weapons, but gives a lot for the cheapest medicine.
  • A house for two families will buy and sell you everything except weapons and take it in moderation; they have a demand for ammunition, materials and medicine. You can easily exchange boards for food.
  • It’s better not to trade at the hotel, they don’t have anything.
  • The wandering merchant will buy everything from you and sell basic items and food, don't neglect him, he has the highest prices in the game.
  • Everyone except the military sells books.
  • Katya has the "good bargain" skill and can barter for more items than others.
  • Help the people who knock on the door, as well as the survivors in the locations, at first they demand a lot, but then they will reward you, and your characters will noticeably improve their mood.
  • Start a business. First, build a table for herbs and start making cigarettes, exchange them from the “military” for sugar, water, food and materials, in the “house for two families” and from a traveling merchant for herbs and garbage. Build a moonshine still, start making fresh water and sell it to the military, exchanging it for weapons, ammunition, food, garbage and water. The military will give the most for cigarettes and vodka, trade them with them, and then trade what you traded with others. There will be no resources left on the map until the end of the game, so you must develop your trading system; it will not fully provide you with it, but it will be much easier.

Although the game throws challenges at you, be patient and remain human, and you will go a long way.

This War of Mine is a game that is made in the adventure genre. It was developed by 11 bit studios. It is interesting to note that you will have to play not as one elite soldier, but as a whole group of civilians who are trying to survive in a besieged locality. They lack food and medicine and are constantly in danger from looters and snipers.

In the game you will definitely feel the horror of war, having been in the shoes not of a soldier equipped from head to toe, but of ordinary people. Game process depends on the change of time of day. During the day, snipers do not allow you to leave the shelter, so you have to do a number of other things - trade, rebuild the shelter, take care of the survivors.

If you choose one of the unique locations at night, you can go look for provisions that will help you pass This games War of Mine. Decisions must be made based on your moral principles. Remember that during war the main task is to survive and help others to survive, even making some sacrifices.

Introduction to the game

The game is quite unusual. You control a crowd of people without letting them die. The walkthrough of the game This War of Mine concerns the events of the war. Your task is to stay alive for 40+ days. More precisely, to keep at least one person alive.

Every day you will have new riddles, tasks and goals. You need to do them. At night, send at least one person in search of various useful things. The remaining survivors will have to defend the fortress and repel the bandits who want to destroy everyone and take control of new territories.

Each task is given a certain period of time to complete. Otherwise, the controlled hero either gets into trouble or dies. You will also interact with other survivors and adhere to moral principles. Therefore, when passing the game This War of Mine with mismanagement any of the wards can fall into a state of depression, or even lose their life due to a conflict with other characters.


So, your characters live in a huge house, which is divided into several floors, an attic and a basement. During the day you will be preparing food, strengthening doors and windows, and preparing to go to the city. You will explore other locations in the city.

When night comes, you must defend yourself and protect the fortress from bandits. They want not only to kill you, but to take over your supplies. Therefore, there is constant activity among those characters that are available to you.


Bruno- cook, saves food while cooking. He needs to be cheered up with cigarettes.

Pavlo- knows how to move quickly.

Marco- a very experienced miner. In addition, it quickly finds objects and can drag up to 15 items.

Arika– makes little noise and quickly picks locks.

Novel- can protect a house from robbers alone, without carrying a weapon. Good in close combat, has a lot of health.

Kate– the girl gets good discounts when trading without any problems.

Boris– can carry 17 objects at once, but does not run.

Mairin– crafting professional. Thanks to it, you can create objects and waste fewer resources.


When playing This War of Mine, you should not be afraid of the enemy during the day. But at night they will try to rob you. For this reason, at least one person must be left on watch.

Weak group. The people from this gang are very afraid of you. Therefore, you can easily scare them away and deal with them. They can be driven away even with a regular shovel.

Confident bandits. To defeat such a detachment, it is necessary to leave at least two people on watch. The remaining survivors must take up defensive positions with firearms.

Serious gang. All your men must be on duty with firearms. Please note that there will be a lot of enemies. If you lose the battle to them, then all your supplies will be taken away. Some of your troops may also be killed.

Weather Conditions and Events

The game has all two seasons. This is Winter and Not Winter. By the way, it’s difficult to say what exactly the developers mean by “Not Winter”. Let's look in a little more detail at what is the difference between the seasons.

Walkthrough of the game This War of Mine. When it's winter, you'll have to heat the house, otherwise the heroes will simply freeze and get sick. In addition, at this time of year there will be problems with water, since snow will have to be melted. To maintain a high temperature in the house, you need to create a stove and heat it with wood. But at other times of the year the opposite is true. That is, there is no need to heat the house, water is easy to get. As for diseases, there are practically none.

It is also worth considering the most key points games that influence the lives of the characters, as well as the development of the situation in the house.

Robbery. Over the course of a week, bandits make active attempts to seize the house and also deal with civilians. When the week of robberies starts, it is better to take care of strengthening your protection. Give your people firearms.

Deficit. When there is a shortage, food prices rise. Therefore, at certain times you have problems with food. It is better to purchase everything you need in advance.

Fighting. When passing the game Zis War of Mine, one or several locations may be blocked for some time. There will be a battle between neutral bots. You can wait until the end of the conflict and then get various resources. But you can help some side.

Resources and their extraction

Water. You need to melt the snow, or use a special device in different places where there will be a source of water.

Meat. You need to create a cage and put bait in it. Then kill the beast, from which you can make meat.

Herbs. To get weed you need to create a garden bed. Plant a variety of plants, then collect them.

Moonshine. You need to combine sugar and water. Then get moonshine from the pipe.

Fuel. It can be obtained mostly from logs and other wood.

Ammo. You can create them at the workbench. But for this to happen, gunpowder and cartridges must be available.

Cigarettes. They can be created from shag, tobacco, grass.

Bandages. It's impossible to find them. Therefore, you will have to create bandages using herbs and alcohol.


When playing This War of Mine, weapons play a big role. So let's look at the types of weapons.

Gun. This is one of the weakest firearms. You need to have a lot of ammunition and accurate shots. Only then will the enemy be killed.

Gun. It is very effective in close combat. It can be used to kill enemies in two shots.

Machine. Now that's cool! But it requires a lot of ammo. On the other hand, with its help you can kill a lot of bad guys.

Axe. One good hit will help deal with the enemy.

Fomka. This is analogous to an axe. Helps destroy doors and pick locks.

Shovel. Helps dig holes and bury debris. Also, a shovel allows you to deal with an enemy with one blow.

Knife. It is useless in everyday life, but in close combat it is very effective. It's easier to kill shadows with it.


All your actions, or rather each character’s, affect the world of the game. After each action you will receive morality points. They can be both positive and negative. If, while completing the game This War of Mine, the moral level becomes too low, then the character can simply commit suicide or kill someone. Conclusion: you need to do as little bad deeds as possible. In order to raise morale points, you can create furniture or eat a lot. Sometimes you need to help other characters.


Destroyed house. Is a safe place. In it you can find useful supplies, weapons and much more. Don't just go into the house. You need to have hacking skills and have a master key with you.

Church of St. Mary. Two events can happen in this building - a dead priest and you need to kill the bandits, or a living priest and you will have to buy supplies from him.

Dilapidated slum. You will not see any enemies in this location. But you will meet a homeless person. Feed the homeless man and learn something about the hiding place.

Supermarket. In this location, events can develop according to two scenarios. In the first case, you will save a girl from bad guys, after which you will receive a morale bonus. In the second case, you will see soldiers who will drive you away. When you come the second time, there will be no one at the location.

Quiet house. A couple of people live in this house. If, while completing the game This War of Mine, you want to rob them, then a minus will be added to your karma. But you will get a lot of useful things.

Destroyed school. In it you will find poor people or militias. These people are not dangerous.

Hotel. In one room you will find a hostage. Bad guys will fire without warning. Therefore, if you decide to come here, be vigilant.

Army checkpoint. There is no danger here. The military will happily exchange supplies and weapons for alcohol. (Just like in life, isn’t it?!)

Construction site. There are a lot of weapons in this location. Only it is guarded by snipers or a gang of soldiers.

Small monastery. Here you will meet a crowd of bandits or a crowd of merchants. You can buy valuables from merchants at bargain prices.

Stock. A large pile of bandits. They protect critical resources. Deal with him, and then you will have access to very valuable things.

Brothel. In this place you can buy various items from the seller.

House for two families. There are two events in this house. There is no one in the first one, and you may meet a couple of people who need to be killed. In the second event, the house is filled with gunfire.

Hospital. In this location you will always receive medical help (free of charge). During the passage of the game This War of Mine, the rest of the time the area is guarded by people with weapons. It is better not to enter into conflict with them.

Ruined villa. Here you will find a great variety of useful supplies. However, to obtain them you will have to fight very seriously in hand-to-hand combat. You will be confronted by locals who are not happy with those who come to visit.

Advice One– First, create a stove, beds and other household items.

Tip Two- start looking for parts for things. There is no need to try to carry various junk home if it is not needed.

Tip Three Don't forget about water extraction from the first minutes of playing This War of Mine. This also applies to moonshine. These resources are very important in the game.

Tip Four– make sure your characters don’t overeat. Otherwise they become lazy.

Tip Five– store the maximum amount of canned food. They are able to restore health and help you last longer without food.

Council Six– try to kill only bad guys and bandits. Do not touch soldiers and civilians.

Council Seven– you don’t need to buy anything from a dealer who comes to you himself. He quite often tries to deceive you.

Council Eight– try to ensure that you have the maximum amount of all resources.

Tip Nine– if you have a doctor or a patient, you should not send him on a mission. During the course of the game This War of Mine, they must rest often and be at peace.

Tip Ten– try to keep no more than five people at home. Large groups require a high workload and a lot of attention.

Council Eleven– if there are no trees in other locations, then you can start cutting down furniture.

Council Twelve– the palm icon shows that you can pick up and study the object.

Council Thirteen– there is no need to create many weak furnaces. It is best to use one modified one.

Good luck completing the game This War of Mine!
