Battlegrounds game modes. The creator of the game Playerunknown's Battlegrounds revealed whether the game will have a single player mode

Recently, the developers released a new addition for Playerunknown's Battlegrounds, which added another mode to the game, called “first-person only.” Note that you can play from a similar angle in regular matches, but they also have a third-person view , which most people use because it is more informative.

In the new mode, you will only be able to fight from the first person, which means you will not be able to see what is around the corner or behind the character, or use the free view option. Of course, this has a significant impact on gameplay and exploration methods, so we decided to write a small guide to matches in first-person view.

Main innovations of the mode

In the previous month, Bluehole studio decided to expand the above mode with several changes and improvements, namely:

  • It is now possible to create squads consisting of one, two or four players. Previously this feature was not available.
  • When jumping out of an air vehicle, the camera is installed behind the character. It only changes to first-person view when he lands on the ground. However, in the future the developers promise to remove the third-person view even when skydiving.
  • A FOV slider has been added, allowing you to change the viewing radius angle from 80 to 103 degrees. The higher this parameter is, the more objects you can see on the screen. However, a value of 100 degrees or higher may cause discomfort for some players.
  • The developers have fixed a bug in which the camera would “overturn” when picking up various objects.

How to start playing first person only mode

First, the studio tested the new mode on a special server. Tens of thousands of players took part in the test. Then it appeared in the main client, so anyone can try it out.

To start the corresponding game, you need to hover your mouse over the menu in the upper left corner of the screen and set the filter to “only matches with a first-person view” (FPP). Note that for the most part, such fights are not much different from standard battles, that is, in them you also need to destroy your opponents, trying to survive as much time as possible.

The main differences between the first-person only mode

The developers immediately noted that new mode is not better than the old one or does not surpass it in certain parameters - it is simply different, and therefore can lead to completely new situations on the map. Its main differences from standard matches usually include:

  • Hiding from enemies is now noticeably easier, but this also works in the opposite direction, that is, it has become more difficult to see hidden opponents. Even if you just hide behind a wall or in the corner of a room, you can still catch your opponent by surprise. Therefore, we advise you to carefully explore the buildings and carefully inspect all the premises.
  • First-person view reduces your visibility, so it's worth making smart use of the landscape around you, which can help you hide in a secluded corner. This angle makes it easy to miss enemies approaching from your flank or from behind. You can walk forward and not even suspect that the enemy is just a couple of steps away from you. We recommend that you stop from time to time and examine the area around you. It is also worth listening more carefully to various noises.

  • If you are in cover and want to see what is happening around, then simply stick your head out for a while by pressing the “Q” or “E” key.
  • You can also try out the first-person camera in standard matches - to do this, you just need to click on the “V” key. We advise you to change the FOV setting to increase the view of the character. The optimal value is 90 degrees.

In general, if you are a little tired normal mode, then we advise you to definitely try the game with a first-person camera - you will certainly get a lot of new impressions.

The Free Fire Battlegrounds game operates in two modes - single and team. In single player mode, everyone plays for themselves against everyone else. In a team game, you can have from one to three allies. Team members can be your friends who agreed to take part in the game, or random people who want to join. The player who created the team becomes its captain.

Differences between team mode and solo mode

The ultimate goal for all participants in Free Fire Battlegrounds is to stay alive, but, as practice shows, this is more difficult to achieve alone than in a group. If one of the team manages to survive, all team members become winners. And everyone receives bonuses for this, which give advantages in the next rounds.

Additional command mode features:

  • Party members recognize each other by a triangle icon in a blue circle above the character's head.
  • Group members can agree on a landing spot on the island. The captain points it out on the map.
  • The team can communicate in voice chat.
  • Participants can track the health of their allies (indicators are located on the upper left side of the screen next to the map) and see their location on the island. If a character dies, a skull icon appears next to his name instead of a health bar.
  • The participant cannot kill an ally, even if he shoots at him.
  • Retired players can continue to follow the game and maintain voice communication with remaining allies.

Strengths and weaknesses of group play

Advantages that increase your chances of winning:

  • Ability to share items and weapons with each other: if one player drops an item from the inventory box, another can pick it up.
  • The ability to shoot back at enemies while driving in a car: one drives the car, the other shoots.
  • The ability to lead others and distant battle simultaneously.

The team mode has, perhaps, only one drawback - an inexperienced player in a group can give away your location to opponents by accidentally leaving cover, or overturn the car in which you are with him. Therefore, if you want to win, form teams of gamers with solid experience.

It is easier to survive on the battlefield when you have an ally at your side, which is why experienced gamers prefer to play Free Fire Battlegrounds with a team of trusted friends. However, those who do not have friends who share an interest in the game will not be left alone either.

Where to find play partners

To find partners, Free Fire Battlegrounds players use different ways: invite real and virtual acquaintances, get acquainted in official VK group, on Discord channel, in Facebook communities. Or they trust the formation of the team to the game itself.

If you don’t have anyone on your friends list yet, just tell the program the size of the group you’d like to fight with - click the “Squad” or “Duo” button. In the first case, your allies will be 3 people from among the players unfamiliar to you, in the second - one.

Automatic formation of squads is not always a good solution, since the program can select people who do not speak your language as allies. This means that you will not be able to fully communicate in voice chat. On the other hand, there is an element of unpredictability in this, which only adds to the thrill.

If you manage to reach an understanding with random partners, you can add them as friends so that you can continue to fight as one team. For this:

  • enter the player's nickname in the search field;
  • Once found, click the “Add” button.

How to invite friends to the game

Once you have a few names in your friends list, you can send them invitations directly from the Free Fire Battlegrounds interface. Each player who is currently online will have a “+” sign next to their name. Clicking on it is an invitation to the game.

Characters of participants who responded to the call will appear on the screen next to yours. When the team is assembled, all you have to do is touch the “Start” button.

It increases every day, and players literally gain a total of more than 100,000 simultaneous online in just a few hours, playing on several thousand servers at the same time! And such peak popularity is quite justified, because the genre, although not new, has previously experienced a shortage of similar projects with sophisticated graphics, detailed objects, terrain, a large selection of weapons and means of transportation. What does it cost to create servers with the same functionality in the popular game Rust!

This suggests that the game is indeed very interesting and popular among gamers around the world. But, as a rule, novice players experience problems in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and cannot play comfortably, because in the first minutes the games literally “merge” and do not enjoy the game. To fix this, we have specially prepared for you list of recommendations, tips and secrets for the game PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds!

Be sure to “silence the chat” using the CTRL + T buttons

As soon as you get into the lobby, immediately press CTRL + T, especially if you are playing in a team. Literally in the first minutes after landing, chaos will reign in the voice chat, which greatly interferes with a comfortable game. Because of the screams, sounds, and music, you simply won’t hear the steps of other players, and this is a very important point in this project!

The game uses a slightly different key binding. Check her out...

Perhaps this will be unusual for some, but in the game, in order to “go”, the CTRL key is used, which may create discomfort for you at first. And those precious seconds when you can hide and sneak around the house, you will have to spend learning the binding keys. Therefore, we strongly recommend that before connecting to an active session, you check all control keys and customize them for yourself.

We are not in a hurry to get into the thick of things

As soon as you jump out of the plane, you can immediately rush down to quickly reach the ground and try to grab the loot. Yes, this strategy is correct in principle, but only if you are going to land in remote areas. Then it makes sense to be the first to collect loot and, if possible, shoot those who fall behind you.

As a rule, most players, and especially beginners, tend to land in the center, where the main “sorting” and “weeding out” of newcomers takes place. Before you can land, one of the players will find a weapon and shoot you all! So try to fly to less populated areas to reduce your risk and give yourself the opportunity to loot more houses.

Freelock option - "follow the enemies"

During the flight, be sure to use Freelock - look around you. This will allow you to roughly assess the situation and understand where the largest number of players accumulate. It would seem like a simple tip, but most beginners neglect it, and in the air they simply inspect the surroundings, admiring the graphics.

I'll take it all at once! Using the TAB key

To save yourself time, and in some cases even save your life, when you find the first boxes, try to immediately pick up everything using the TAB key. Once you're safe in the house, you can sort everything and throw away what you don't need. There is no point in choosing something initially, because... players can suddenly run up and shoot you! Recommended for all beginners in the first minutes of the game.

Selecting a shoulder for inspection

In the game PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, you can choose which shoulder you will view from. That is, when you play in third person, you can change the view with the Q and E keys. This is a very convenient feature, especially in cases where you are hiding behind some kind of shelter and you need to look out! Inspecting territories with this regime is much easier and safer.

We collect any weapon

Found a weapon, but no ammunition for it? Do not throw it away under any circumstances, especially if you have just landed. This is a common mistake made by beginners. Cartridges can be found in other boxes and hidden places, but weapons, unfortunately, may no longer be available. Therefore, be sure to take all types of weapons and carry them with you. After just 10-20 minutes of playing, you will understand what to keep and what to throw away. It is recommended to carry several types of weapons with you, because... There are usually not very many cartridges for them, and you can switch from one to another during a shootout.

Pay attention to the level of weapons and equipment

Everything in this game is balanced, including weapon equipment. You are presented with several levels of each type of uniform and weapon. If, for example, you already have a helmet, and you see another one, then under no circumstances pass by. Be sure to see what level she is. If higher than yours, then exchange yours for this helmet in your inventory.

The higher the level of a thing or object, the more significant, convenient, and capacious it is. But pay attention to the condition. Subject more high level may be in poor condition, while the lower level may be in good condition. In this case, choose the second option. It is important to take these points into account, otherwise your chances of winning will be significantly reduced!

The helmet is our everything!

We have already talked about equipment and its levels above, but the most important attribute in this game is the helmet, which protects you from bullets. But here too there are some peculiarities. If you have a level 1 or 2 helmet, then it will protect you from bullets that hit the head, for example, the back of the head. If someone shoots you in the face, such helmets will not save you. In this case, you need a level 3 helmet, which protects against all types of hits.

Moreover, take into account the fact that after a hit the helmet will disappear, and you will need to look for a new one. If possible, carry another helmet with you, because... the likelihood of getting hit in the head by random shots is quite high, especially if you are a novice player.

Be sure to turn the volume up all the way

We have already mentioned that you need to completely turn off voice chat, and we do not refuse these words! But the game sounds need to be turned up to maximum in the settings or played with headphones. Thus, you will be able to hear all the steps of the players, their movements, for example, in the house, and you will be able to approximately predict how soon the enemy will approach you. The same applies to helicopters and equipment. For example, you hear a car passing, and you can roughly estimate where it will go, where it will stop, whether it is worth shooting at it or not, whether there are players nearby who will start shooting at it or not!

A little trick - we close the doors in the houses

How not to give yourself away? It’s very simple - close the doors in all houses, especially those that face the street. By default, all doors in the game are closed, but most players leave them open when searching for loot, thereby revealing their possible location to enemies.

Opponents will think that the house is completely empty, without players, and will try to loot it. This is where turning the volume up to full volume comes in handy to hear exactly where the player is rising and kill him! Even when leaving a building, close the doors behind you. Players will go there and waste their time looking for loot. During this time you will be able to search other houses.

Red zones are dangerous evil!

If you see a red zone on the map, run away from there. In these zones, bombing from military aircraft will soon begin, after which it is almost impossible to survive. If you see a red zone on the map, then try to move away from it as far as possible and as quickly as possible.

Platform: PC, X-One
Language: Russian English

OS: 64-bit Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
CPU: Intel Core i3-4340 / AMD FX-6300
Video card: nVidia GeForce GTX 660 2GB / AMD Radeon HD 7850 2GB
DirectX: Versions 11
Net: Broadband Internet connection
Disk space: 30 GB

Competitive in the genre " Battle Royale"and the main hit of the year, throwing a hundred unknown players into cannibalistic conditions, where there will only be one winner. The genre is by no means new, but developed game mechanics raised the game high above the competition.

is a multiplayer online elimination game in which players compete to quickly find weapons and equipment. Having started its life, the game was released in early access last spring, and already in the fall it shook the foundations - the number of copies sold counted down million after million, and the number of simultaneously playing players updated more than one record.

The success of the game is not least associated with the name of its creator, Brendan Greene, a pioneer and true luminary of the genre. Using all his knowledge and ideas, Green managed to create a dynamic and suspenseful arena, made in the form of an island in the Black Sea. After landing, all players can be scattered throughout a gigantic location, but sooner or later they will meet at a certain point, where they will be driven by a mercilessly narrowing ring of gas.

Concept PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS inspired by the schizophrenic Japanese feature film Battle Royale, in which a group of schoolchildren are gassed, shackled with explosive collars, and thrown into desert island in the Pacific Ocean, forcing them to kill each other with frying pans, pots and axes. Unlike the film, the game has no schoolchildren and no social background, but the reward is the same - only one player will receive life and freedom.

Each battle in the game takes place according to a unique scenario - a landing plane flies along a random corridor, and the generated means of survival appear in different places. After disembarking, players begin to inspect buildings in search of weapons, equipment, medicine and other things. have an increased chance of generating items of the best quality, but are extremely dangerous in terms of competition.

After equipping and assuming a warlike appearance, the players begin a real hunt for each other, interrupted by the need to leave the danger zone. To move around, you can use transport or move slowly around the map, which will make you less noticeable, but will deprive you of mobility. During the match, certain areas will be bombed, and a flying plane will drop valuable cargo, adding a new dose of confrontation. As soon as one player remains on the map, the game will be over, and instead of lunch you will get a victory.

The release of the game brought with it many new products - even more vehicles and weapons, climbing equipment and the ability to dashingly jump over fences appeared. Players will also try out new, much more thoughtfully constructed city-locations and deserts, which the authors solemnly promise to optimize. All new products will first be tested at test servers and will be implemented in stages. Work on general optimization and graphic beauty will not stop in the future.

PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS receives mixed reviews from players, left under the influence of emotions from the imperfections of the game in early access. Using increasingly improved functionality, the game is unlikely to receive a serious competitor in the near future.

Information about network modes:

  • Game page in the game center

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  • Information has appeared online about when a single-player mode will appear in the game. The creator of the game, Brendan Greene, spoke about this and put an end to this issue.

    Earlier this year, Brendan Greene told the gaming community that he wanted to explore the idea of ​​creating a single-player campaign for popular game. This has led to a lot of headlines on the issue. At PAX Aus taking place today, the creator of Playerunknown's Battlegrounds gave an interview and shared plans for the game. According to the site, the developers have no plans to release a single-player campaign, as this will be a very long and difficult process. According to Green, he only wrote a small backstory islands to give artists a guide on how to properly create the desired environment.

    In addition, during the interview, the developer said that he wants to make the game cross-platform. The game is currently available in early access on PC and should be released on the market this year. Xbox One. Since the game will be the same on both platforms, Green said he wants all players to play together. This is an aspect of the game that the developers are currently thinking about.
