How to private a territory on a minecraft server. Minecraft, simple ways to privateize territory

1. Mark the territory you want to have on your property.

This needs to be done with pumpkins. The main thing is that these pumpkins do not stand on the same line, but are slightly diagonal.

2. An obligatory tool for private territory is an axe. You can either craft it, or call the console - put two slashes and write " //wand".

3. With an ax in your hands, you can mark your territory. On the first pumpkin that is in your land marking, you need to press the left mouse button - the console will write to you, saying that the first position has been set.

4. Near the second pumpkin, click the right mouse button - the second part of your territory will be marked.

You have marked the territory itself on the surface, now you need to mark it in the air so that you are not flooded with lava from above, and underground so that no one can dig under you.

5. To capture the underground part of the territory and airspace - launch the console and write

  • "//expand 20 up"(this will mark your land 20 blocks up) and
  • "//expand 20 down"(territory mark 20 blocks down).

6. With these actions you have marked the territory.
To make it private, turn on the console and enter " /region claim ****"

Instead of asterisks, indicate the name of the territory.

Ready! This will now be your marked privy region.

In Minecraft, you need to take care first of all about security. Many players playing Minecraft online, they ask the same question: “ How to private territory in Minecraft? In this article you will find detailed instructions about the privacy of the territory on Minecraft server Gamai.Ru, about how to make a child private (region within a region), how to use protection against user commands. We'd love to see your comments! If we missed something, we will definitely add it at your request.

So, you have found a wonderful place where you want to keep your house. Having chosen the territory where you want to settle, it is advisable to secure it.

To make an area invulnerable, it must first be allocated. Open the chat (Letter T on your keyboard) and enter the command there


It will appear in your inventory wooden ax. It is they who need to allocate the territory in the form of a cube diagonally.

Selecting a territory in Minecraft

We take an ax and click on the first cube with the LEFT mouse button (in the figure it is “Point 1” - for the top point you can build, for example, a pillar from the ground), then go to the second cube (in the figure - “Point 2”) and click RIGHT mouse button to set the second point. Our recent innovation will greatly help you - illumination of the allocated area.

After this, the region must be named somehow:

/region claim (region_name)

We call the region whatever you like, but without spaces.

For example:

/region claim gamai

Now your region is completely protected from other players. No one will be able to destroy or build on your territory unless you invite a player to do so.

Protecting the territory from creepers, fire, mobs

To protect your territory from creepers, TNT, mobs, fire and all sorts of other destruction, you need to set flags for your territory.

To set the flag we write the following:

/region flag (region_name) (flag) (constant)

(region_name) is the region you created

(constant) - deny-prohibited, allow-allowed, none-no constant.

For example:

/region flag gamai creeper-explosion deny

This command will prevent creepers from destroying your territory when they explode.

By default, all flags are enabled - allow.

List of flags for protecting territory:

Flags available to players (on some servers, some of the flags are available only to VIP players):

  • pvp- attack by other players
  • sleep
  • tnt- ability to explode tnt
  • creeper-explosion— the creeper explosion destroys the territory or not
  • lighter
  • lava-flow- can lava flow?
  • potion-splash- damage from potions
  • ghast-fireball- fireball damage
  • pvp- attack by other players
  • enderman-grief- ability to griefer endermans
  • lighter- ability to set fire with a lighter
  • lightning- lightning can destroy your building
  • use— possibility of using mechanisms (doors, plates, etc.)
  • water-flow- can water flow?
  • lava-flow- can lava flow?
  • potion-splash- damage from potions
  • sleep- players can/cannot sleep in your zone
  • ghast-fireball- fireball damage

If you did everything correctly, your region has become invulnerable.

So, to protect your territory you need to do only three things:

  1. Enter the command //wand and select the territory in the form of a cube with the left and right click mice.
  2. Register the selected territory with the command /region claim region_name
  3. Specify the required flags with the command /region flag (region_name) (flag) (constant)

How to add/remove another player?

You can add another player (overlord) so that you can build/destroy together with the following command:

/region addmember region_name player_nick

Removing a player:

/region removemember region_name player_nick

To find out who is the co-owner of your territory, you can type the command

/region info region_name

How to remember the name of your region?

Take the rope in your hand and right-click on the welded area.

or enter the command

/rg list

(you can /region list)

How to remove visual highlighting of an area?

Enter the command //sel (yes, with two slashes).

To select your region again, type the command

/rg select region_name

Special teams

What to do if you have a powerful stack of spawners and you don’t want any of the VIP users to change the mob spawner? In this case, you can prohibit one command from changing the spawner

rg flag rg_name blocked-cmds /spawner

or prohibit the execution of any command except one, for example, returning to spawn:

rg flag rg_name allowed-cmds /spawn

Use this flag with caution and be fully aware of what you are doing!

How to delete your region?

Your region is deleted using the command:

/region delete region_name

Thus, you know how to private a territory on the Minecraft server.

We wish Have a good game and incredible buildings!

How to reassign a region (move, shift, resize)?

If you need to make some changes to the region, for example, make it larger, then you don’t have to delete it!

Select a new zone using //wand (or /rg select region_name), make adjustments and run the command:

/region redefine region-name


/region move region-name


/region update region-name

Now the region has been changed, but all flags are retained from the old region.

How to make a child region (region within a region)?

This function will mainly be useful to mayors, because They have a very huge allocated area for the city.

If you have a main region, for example “reg1”, and you do not want to give your friend full access to the region, then you can simply set aside for him some small area in the “reg1” zone.

To do this you need to be the Owner of “reg1”:

/rg addowner region owner_nick

Now you can start selecting a region for a friend (player) using //wand, and then:

/rg claim region_name_for_friend

After this, make the new region (for example “reg2”) a child of the region “reg1”:

/region setparent child_region primary_region


/region parent child_region main_region


/region par child_region main_region


/region setparent reg2 reg1

Now the region reg2 belongs to the region reg1, and if reg1 is deleted, all the regions attached to it will be deleted.

Each child region can have its own flags, regardless of the flags, but to avoid flag conflicts between the child and main regions, the priority must be specified for the child region:

/region setpriority child_region priority_number


/region setpriority reg2 20

The default primary region priority is 0.

It describes how to privatize your territory in Minecraft; it will be useful to any crafter.

One of the first things you should do when you find a place to build is.

In the game there are many who want to destroy your house, which you have been building for so long, which is why it needs to be protected.

A little theory for beginners:

For private purposes, the territory is divided into special regions called cubanoids, cuboids, and so on. This territory is defined by 2 points located in the corners. To create a territory to be private, you need to mark 2 opposite points of the house that needs to be private.

In the screenshot I showed 2 points that need to be marked in order to make the territory private.

I chose an ax as a weapon for privatization, which is why we will consider privatizing territories with an ax:

Enter the command in the chat //wand and we get the ax necessary for private.

Attention: In order to select a point, you need to aim at the block you have selected, then press LMB to create the first point and press RMB to create the second point.

Having completed these simple steps, if you have not made any mistakes, then 2 messages should appear in the chat:

Let me explain a little what these entries mean so that beginners don't get confused at the very beginning. In brackets you see numbers; they show the coordinates of the points that you placed, as well as the size between these points, that is, the area of ​​​​the territory covered.

The area that you will private will be highlighted with a red grid. In this moment experienced players would note that this grid does not cover the entire house, and therefore it is vulnerable, which means we forgot something...

In fact, of course, we haven’t forgotten anything, I just want to teach you everything that I know myself, and this needs to be done consistently so that the information is easier to perceive.

So the next step, we need to extend the private territory in different directions, is done with this command: //expand

It is important to know how to enter a command correctly, and it is done like this:

//expand (set the distance in blocks) [set the direction]

//expand 60 up- increases the region by 60 blocks up
//expand 40 down- increases the region by 40 blocks down

Do not forget to constantly check the changes you have made. Maybe I’m paranoid, of course, but go around your protected territory and check whether everything that is necessary is protected or not. If everything is protected, then save the selected area with the command: /rg claim (region name).

Note: As a region name, you can use absolutely any name in Latin. For example, I call my territories simply by my name.

As an example, I'll call the territory testhome. If you did everything correctly, you will see the message:

If the message does not appear, but some kind of error is displayed, then at the end of this article I will try to talk about the most common errors among players and ways to solve them.

After all this, your territories in Minecraft are under reliable protection. None of the other players will be able to break or build anything on your territory anymore. It belongs only to you and only you can do whatever you want with it.

Some additions:

We make a private territory for two in Minecraft, for this there are 2 special commands:

/region addmember (your region) (player nickname)
/region addowner (your region) (player nickname)

The difference between these teams is that in the first one you add the player to your region as a friend. He will be able to build something, but he will not have the rights to manage the territory.

The second team, as you probably already guessed, allows another player to use the territory at his discretion. That is, YOU give full power over your home and everything around it. I would not recommend giving such rights to a person you are not sure of.

Important: Having staked out a territory, you could have made a mistake when saving, so the only way to change something, for example, to expand an already saved territory, is to delete the old one and create a new territory.

In order to remove a private from the territory, you need to run the command: /rg delete (region name)

Remember above, I said that errors can occur, so here are the most common ones among crafters who asked me questions:

Region with that name already exists!- Everything is simple here, you are trying to create a territory with the same name as before, just change the name and save, everything should work...

This region overlaps with someone elses region!- The territory that you decided to privatize has already been staked out by someone before you, it will not be possible to take this territory away, so walk along the border and choose a territory that does not intersect with your neighbor’s.

This region is too big! Max. allowed size is 600.000-The greed of the fraer has ruined you, you are trying to appropriate too large a piece of land for yourself, the game has a limit on the territory of one plot of 600 thousand cubes. It would seem like a lot, but if this error occurs, it means you don’t have enough.

You own too many regions!-In total, it is possible to occupy only 3 territories in the game. Therefore, if you need this particular territory, then by sacrificing the unnecessary one, deleting it, you can privatize a new one.

Minecraft is the most interesting computer game, in which the player has full access open world. She gained immense popularity thanks to the most interesting modes games, a large number of various gaming situations, the opportunity to create your own world. The gameplay directly depends on the selected mode, each of which is interesting in its own way. The simplest is the creative mode, in which the player cannot die without using a cheat code, and to create the world around him, he has access to all the tools and materials created by the developers.

Adventure, hardcore and survival modes, on the contrary, force the player to carefully monitor the health and hunger scale, look for resources and create shelters. But how to protect your property when your character is attacked by mobs and other players every night? To do this, Minecraft has created the ability to privatize a selected area and turn this territory into an impregnable fortress.

How to forget about the problem of griefers

Private area in the game is a way to avoid many problems. Other players really like to destroy other people's buildings and fill them with lava beautiful house and generally harm other participants in the game in every possible way. Such people are called griefers. And you can protect yourself from them only if you privatize the place where the player’s house and other necessary buildings will be built in the future.

Private territory allows you to completely forget about the problem of griefers. Only on such a site can you safely build a beautiful, good house, arrange a safe area for crops, and organize the production of goods that in the future can be traded with other residents of the Minecraft world. In this interesting, but quite hostile world for the player, there is an equal sign between the words “private” and “survive”. So let's look at how to privatize territory in minecraft.

You can only privatize limited areas

“Stake out” a territory of unlimited size in Minecraft world, of course, it’s impossible. Otherwise, the very first players to join the server would be able to secure the overwhelming number of available plots. And the rest would have to either somehow negotiate with them or look for another game server, hoping that there would still be an opportunity to somehow join game process. Or play solo - which, of course, is interesting, but not as interesting as on an online server.

Therefore, the private areas on each server are limited by the number of blocks. There are no horizontal or vertical restrictions. The standard number of blocks that can be private for most servers has become 45 thousand. In fact, it can change in any direction. Therefore, familiarize yourself with the specified server restrictions in advance, and also study the list of available commands. After all, you can privatize the selected territory in the game in two ways, which will be discussed below.

A convenient way to private a zone

The first way to stake out territory for a house is as follows. The player needs to select two points along the diagonal of the zone, which in the future will become his personal space on the server. In this case, one point should be located in the highest position of the future personal space, and the other in the lowest position. Setting each of the points is quite simple - you just need to place the cursor on the corresponding block. Having selected the first point, you need to enter the command in the console //hpos1. The situation is the same with the second point - select, move the cursor and enter the command //hpos2. Done – privatization of the selected territory has been completed.

After this, evaluate the size of the resulting area and, if necessary, reduce or increase its size. There are commands for this //expand And //contract. With help //expand can be increased, and with //contract reduce the selected area. But, there is one nuance - when changing its size, do not forget to indicate the direction. Otherwise, the territory of the private area will increase only in the direction where our character is looking. The final step is to save the result. To do this, write down /rg claim name where “name” is the name of the selected region.

The second way to obtain a safe territory

Also, some Minecraft servers have special plugins that allow you to become the owner of a separate zone without the need to select points. This type of private is convenient in that the player becomes the sole owner of all the blocks of the selected zone without having to select its top and bottom points.

Beginning players on servers with such plugins have the opportunity to obtain a territory designated as //zona0 or //zona1. After this, you only need to save the selected area. You should also familiarize yourself in advance with information about the available zones depending on the type of user, as they vary greatly. After this, having chosen a zone and taken it for your personal use, you can build your world and relationships with other players, knowing that “my home is my fortress.” Good luck with your game!

Many players on game servers Minecrafters are faced with the problem of protecting their territory from other players. If this is not done, any other players can take it away and build what they want. There is a special team to secure your territory in Minecraft game. So how do you do this?

How to create a region in Minecraft on a server

First, you must highlight the boundaries of your region.

It is best to do this with red wool. Next, take a wooden ax in your hand (you can take it from your inventory or get it using the //wand command) and mark two private points with it. Mark one point with the right mouse button, and the second with the left mouse button. In this case, the second point should be high. In other words, the second point is the height of your private.

After you have marked two points, you need to write next command for private territory: /rg claim REGION NAME. Next, the inscription will appear: “the territory has been successfully secured.”

Now no player except you can destroy anything in your region. You can also privately add your friends on the Minecraft server with the commands:

  1. /rg addowner REGION NAME PLAYER NAME – with this command you add the owner of the region. That is, he can add and exclude other private participants, including you.
  2. /rg addmember REGION NAME PLAYER NAME – with this command you add a private member. He can’t add people to a private account, but he can build whatever he wants on it.

Remember! To protect your territory, do not add just anyone to private.
