Fallout new vegas leveling guide. Fallout: New Vegas guide - help with characteristics

Review in LKI: No. 12 2010

Our courier rushes towards danger, incinerates enemies with a laser, and knocks out an armored Nkrovian with a blow of his fist. If all the parameters are driven into the “muscles” and not into the “brain”, the game, even in the “Hardcore” mode, is like fiddling around in a sandbox. And so - until the first locked door or secure terminal appears on our way - you cannot melt the door with a laser, there is no EMP grenade for hacking computers, and it will no longer be possible to “talk” to the key character with your fists.

Obsidian has once again ruthlessly broken the mold of role-playing games. If in Alpha Protocol it was still supposed to play the role of a “terminator,” then in “New Vegas” this approach is completely eradicated. Brute force solves barely a quarter of the problems and tasks in the game, and knowing how to correctly distribute starting parameters, which skills should be developed first and where to look for secrets is valued more than our own dexterity and reaction.

Collecting a character

Is it really possible to embrace the immensity if there are so few development points, and each parameter convinces with its description that it is the very best in the game?

Force. It is responsible for how much junk we can pick up and carry away without causing damage while moving, as well as how much formidable weapons we can use. Inventory size is very important for a treasure hunter, so you should invest at least seven points in strength, but you should not develop it to the maximum - the carried weight increases only by 10 units for each point, and weapons with a parameter requirement higher than 8 are not found in the game. Strength can be increased temporarily by drinking alcoholic beverages and buffouts.

Perception. This parameter is not of the first importance - it determines how quickly we notice the red dots on the map. If you plan to play with a tandem of companions Boon and ED-E, do not invest points at all, since with the help of the robot our hero will be able to see the danger at a very great distance, and thanks to the sniper, enemies will be highlighted in red in aiming mode. However, the “Sniper” and “Critical Damage” features, which require six perception points, will become unavailable.

Endurance. It is vital for both a lover of word wars and a fan of heavy guns to develop this value to the maximum - stamina determines the amount of health the character has, and it will never be superfluous, especially in the “Hardcore” mode. This parameter also affects your survival skill, which is extremely important at the highest difficulty level.

Folk sign: if a passage is blocked by mines or traps, it means there is something to guard ahead.

Charisma. Conversational skills are now valued above all else, but charm in itself does not play a role. It gives an increase to the defense and damage of your companions, and also a plus to “barter” and “eloquence”. If you are playing the role of a lone wolf, there is no need to invest points in charm, and it is better to develop skills separately. In addition, at the right moment, charisma can be temporarily increased by as many as five units by eating “holiday mentats,” and you can get another one by wearing “revealing pajamas.”

Intelligence. The second most important parameter after endurance. Affects how many skill points we will receive when moving to the next level. And if you want to create a universal character, a specialist in all areas, a high level of intelligence is of the first importance.

Agility. Affects how many action points we get in V.A.T.S. mode, the speed of walking and reloading weapons. Considering that the game has twice as many default points as in Fallout 3, the increase granted by dexterity will be negligible. Those who are used to solving problems peacefully can do without any investment at all, while “terminators” will benefit from an increase in dexterity.

Luck. Traditionally it affects a little bit of everything. The most tempting thing is that the chance of critical damage from all types of weapons increases, and this is a good reason to invest the remaining points in this parameter.

As the game progresses, you can improve your parameters in several ways:

Implants. In the New Vegas medical clinic, for an immodest sum (4000 caps) you can raise one of the parameters by one. And if the character has a large supply of health, you can install a second implant. In addition to standard skill increases, two more upgrades are available - armor enhancement (8,000 caps) and health regeneration (12,000 caps).

Peculiarities. You can select the “Intense Training” ability when gaining a new level to increase the parameter by one. A feature can be selected multiple times.

Food and drinks. If a high value of a parameter is required in a conversation with key NPCs, you can temporarily increase it by taking a certain drug, drink, or eating a fruit of the Mojave flora. For example, tobacco chewing gum increases agility and perception, ant nectar, Brahmin steak or alcohol increases strength. You need to eat the gifts of the desert carefully so as not to catch by-effect, for example - a minus to strength for eating raw meat.

We study professions

With a high bartering skill, we can not only buy cheaply, but also shake off extra money from NPCs during some quests.

After distributing the parameters, you need to select three main skills in order to receive a one-time increase of fifteen points for each of them. We recommend Speech, Barter, and Weapons (or Energy Weapons) to compensate for their low starting values.

Key Game Skills - barter And eloquence. A well-spoken tongue means saved time and money, the opportunity to get new tasks, avoid unnecessary battles, or simply maintain a good reputation with NPCs. Additionally, without these skills, it is impossible to complete some quests such as "Pay the Bills" and "You Can Rely on Me."

At the initial stage, you need to raise at least one of these skills to 50, and by the middle of the game keep both at 75. It is not necessary to develop them to 100 if you have things in your inventory that raise the skill, or magazines that temporarily increase their value, but it is better do to avoid some battles in the end game.

The second most important thing is combat skills - weapon, without weapons, steel arms, explosives And energy weapons. There is no point in studying them all; it is enough to invest points in only one or two, depending on your preferences.

An important role is assigned medicine And survival. The higher the value, the more effectively you use medications (stimulants, antiradin, etc.) and the more health you restore with food, and in the “Hardcore” mode you will be hurt and bitten often. The success of some quests depends on the high level of medicine. For example, Joana from Gomorrah will talk about her problem (and give out the quest) only to an experienced doctor, and healer skills can also make it easier to complete one of the main quests for Caesar’s Legion. Survival influences what foods (and how potent they are) we can cook over campfires.

An experienced scientist is always held in high esteem. Show Jack your high knowledge of science, and this will save you from unnecessary running around the map.

It's much easier to fight monsters when they don't have the power to
If you can grab us by the leg, you can shoot an entire flock of geckos from this hill.

The next most popular are the science And breaking. The sooner we start investing points in them, the fewer secrets will remain undisclosed. If at first they are of little use, then closer to the middle of the game, locked doors and password-protected terminals will be encountered at every turn, especially when exploring secret shelters and scientific complexes. Science can make solving some quests easier - for example, by telling your interlocutor the correct recipe for his invention.

These two skills should be intensively developed when reaching levels 13-15; it is at this time that the hero’s path will begin to come across many castles of “medium” difficulty. But in the beginning, you can still get by with magazines; fortunately, there is a lot of scientific literature scattered across the Mojave.

A less important but still useful skill is repair. Determines how long we will carry equipment and shoot guns before it all turns into unnecessary junk. But first of all, repairs are needed to solve plot problems - block a secret door, repair an elevator, repair the ED-E robot without the help of parts. I recommend developing repairs to at least 50 - at initial stages it is not relevant, but is needed only when we get our hands on unique weapons and powerful armor in order to keep them useful for as long as possible.

Probably the most useless skill in the game secrecy. Responsible for how successfully we will rob neutral and friendly NPCs. Considering that the developers don’t indulge in stealth tasks, and theft has a negative impact on karma, is it worth it?

We collect souvenirs

In “New Vegas” you can not only search for books that improve your skills, but also collect souvenirs “ snow globes" There are seven such balls, and collecting them threatens us with great benefit.

Residents of the Mojave do not need souvenir balls - collecting them will not be considered theft.

The collected balls are placed in the presidential suite of the Lucky 38 casino, on a special pedestal, and Mr. House's friend, Jane, puts them there. She can be found opposite the elevator, in a huge room with monitors, and you can bring her trophies at any time.

For each ball, Jane gives out 2000 caps (this is the easiest way to earn money in the game). These items cannot be dropped from the backpack (they are considered quest items), and if you kill Jane or House, there will be no one to receive the reward and " snow globes"will remain in our inventory forever.

Goodsprings. The ball lies in Goodsprings Cemetery, next to one of the gravestones.

Mormon fort. In a square tower on the fort grounds. Go up the stairs and look at the rack.

Nellis AFB. Lying on a table in the bomb museum. The easiest way to pick up the ball is during the mission “Into the Sky!”

Polygon. The snow globe is located in the Lucky 38 casino itself, in the cocktail room, behind one of the cash registers.

Strip. The souvenir is located in Vault Hotel 21, on a table near the bed in Sarah's room. You can get into the room by breaking the door or stealing a magnetic card from the owner of the establishment.

Mount Charleston. In one of the buildings in Jacobstown, lying on the counter in the hotel.

Hoover Dam. The toy is located in the first building, in the information center, on a counter in the very center of the hall.

Let's become special

In addition to skills and parameters, an important place in the game is occupied by peculiarities, or rather, their correct choice every second increase in combat level. When creating a character, we can choose up to two such abilities - however, the choice is not wide, and almost all of them are flawed (more action points, but the damage threshold is reduced, etc.). Except "Wild Wasteland"(in the game you can discover secret events and find unique things, but the collectible gauss gun becomes unavailable) and "Good soul"(a plus for peaceful skills, minus for combat skills - suitable for “diplomats”) I don’t advise you to pay attention to anything.

Now let’s determine which features need to be taken when leveling up. There are many of them, so we will describe only the most useful and those that look tempting, but only at first glance.

Intense workout. Adds one point to any S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Can be studied several times (up to ten). You can take it once, at the second level, until more appetizing skills are available.

Convinced Bachelor and Wife Killer (Cherche la Femme and the Black Widow- For female characters). In battle with a character of the opposite sex, you deal +10% damage, and unique phrases may appear in dialogues - sometimes they help to impress NPCs (as an alternative to eloquence) and even make it easier to complete some quests.

Educated(requirement: level 4; intelligence 4). Grants two additional skill points when gaining a new level. It’s not for nothing that the game advises taking this feature early - this is extremely necessary if we are going to make our ward a jack of all trades.

Understanding(Level 4; Intelligence 4). We get a double skill boost when reading scientific journals (temporarily gaining +20 points instead of +10), as well as one additional point when using a study book (permanently adding 4 points instead of three). This is useful for book hunters, although not as important as the Educated ability.

Durability(Level 6; Stamina 5). Increased defense, +3 to the overall damage threshold, can be selected a second time. Mojave is an unsafe place, and this feature will not be superfluous for anyone.

Strong ridge(Level 8; Strength 5; Stamina 5). The capacity of our backpack increases by 50 units. It will be useful for those who regretted extra power points for their character, but do not forget that companions can also be used as “walking backpacks”.

Here and now(10th level). Opportunity to immediately gain the next level. Suitable for fans of speed play; fans of more thoughtful games can do without it.

Accuracy(10th level). Significantly increases the chance of dealing critical damage in battle (this is the same as with five additional luck points). Suitable for everyone - those who are used to solving problems by force, and even diplomats. After all, you will have to shoot a lot and often in the game.

Long journeys(level 12; barter 70; stamina 6). Allows you to use fast movement, even when you are overloaded. Perfect for those who like easy money - you can collect all the equipment on the battlefield, ignoring inventory capacity, and quickly move to any retail outlet on global map.

crazy hands(level 14; repair 90). To repair weapons and armor, you no longer need a similar sample; simply a similar thing will do as a repair material. Useful in the later stages of the game to repair unique or simply expensive equipment.

Center of gravity(level 14; weapon 70). In V.A.T.S. mode we deal an additional 15% damage if we aim at the torso or torso. A useful feature for security forces, especially late in the game.

Prize!(16th level). Allows you to choose a fourth prize skill, which allows you to immediately raise it by 15 points. Take it without hesitation.

Researcher(level 20). An extremely dubious ability - displays all locations in the game. Its disadvantage is that on a global map, among a lot of points, it is sometimes very difficult to find the right place, especially if the task marker does not point to the area you need.

Rad absorption(level 28; stamina 7). The level of radiation contamination will decrease on its own over time. A very convenient thing if you like to run around secret underground complexes, you don’t need to take the rest, since radiation is rare on the surface.

Features can be obtained not only for obtaining every second level, but also during the course of the game, for certain actions and completing quests. For example, Andy from Novak will teach you the ranger throw if you complete his small assignment, and if you kill the required amount of some kind of living creature, you will receive an increase in damage against this type of enemy.

Improving abilities

If you are not strong enough in some area of ​​activity, you can look for books that will allow you to increase your skills by three to four units. There are four books scattered across Mojave for each of the thirteen skills, which in total allows you to raise each of them by 12 units, and with the “Comprehension” feature – by 16.

All books (as well as magazines) should be searched not in the bare steppe, but in locations, be it a cave, shelter, hut or an entire complex. They usually lie in visible places - tables, beds or bookshelves. To make your search easier, here are some tips:

Skill books are not difficult to find; Usually they lie where they belong - on tables, shelves and racks.

“A merchant from Junktown. Stories"(Barter): Primm - Bison Steve Hotel; Vault 22; False roof shack; Allied Technologies offices.

"Lies: A Primer for a Congressman"(Eloquence): Correctional Facility NKR; Tumbleweed Ranch; Freeside - Sirulien Robotics; Lucky Jim mine.

"Guns and Bullets"(Weapons): Vault 34; Streep - "Gomorrah"; Nevada Highway Patrol post; Raoul's hut.

"Nikola Tesla and you"(Energy Weapons): Hidden Valley; Repconn headquarters - 1st floor; Repconn headquarters - 2nd floor; Old nuclear test site.

“For cover! Get down!(Explosives): Mojave Outpost; Sloan; Foxtrot Ranger Station; Nellis AFB.

"Fist Fight Illustrated"(Unarmed): Nipton Road Stop; Fisherman's hut; Streep - "Tops"; Vault 11.

"Groknar the Barbarian"(Melee Weapons): Cannibal Johnson's Cave; Secret Cave Warehouse; Cottonwood Cove; Jacobstown.

"DC Journal of Therapeutics"(Medicine): Novak; HELIOS One; secret apartment of the Followers; crater in the Mesquite Mountains.

"Science for everyone"(Science): Nipton - town hall; Repconn headquarters; Camp Forlorn Hope; brewery

It is important: Another book can be obtained as a reward from Ignacio for the quest “Sun Flares” if you direct Archimedes’ energy to the entire region.

"Modern Castles"(Hack): Wolfhorn Ranch; prospectors' lair; Bitter Springs Recreation Area; Silver Peak Mine.

"Electronics Fixing"(Repair): Sloan; wind farm; Nellis AFB; Brotherhood of Steel bunker.

"Wasteland Survival Guide"(Survival): Marauders Platform; camp in the Mesquite Mountains; Lone Wolf Radio Station; livestock farm Matthew.

"Combat Manual of Chinese Special Forces"(Stealth): Goodsprings; Vault 3; sharecroppers' farms; Camp Searchlight.

Hunting for achievements

Having moved to the Steam service, the game inherited its traditional achievement system. Among the fifty commemorative badges, there are both standard ones, which are obtained without fail upon complete completion of the game, and those that are achieved through considerable effort. Let's discuss them now.

A special place is occupied by achievements where you need to inflict 10,000 units of damage with a certain type of weapon. It’s not difficult to get medals for conventional and energy weapons - be sure to shower your enemies with plasma and lead, it’s harder with melee combat and explosives.

Bighorn sheep are ideal
new “targets” in order to increase the amount of
damage caused by explosives.

Fists by themselves are not effective anywhere, especially against monsters, so to get the “Fist Fighter” award, stock up on power or spiked brass knuckles. Surprisingly enough, Caesar’s legionnaires (as well as simple bandits, demolitionists and Devils) are suitable for the role of “punching bags”, thanks to their weak armor, but a sufficient amount of health. Also, melee attacks exhaust the enemy, and when you sweep him, he is practically incapable of combat.

The tactics are similar with melee weapons, but it’s better to fight monsters. Provoke the enemy flock to aggression and start running back, waving something heavy in front of you (rebar or a sledgehammer will do, or even better - the “Super Sledgehammer” of Tabitha, who lives on Mount Black) - if you don’t let the enemies get very close to you, so in this way you can beat everyone without harm to health.

The hardest thing to do is deal 10,000 damage with explosives. This can be done in several ways - throw dynamite or a grenade at a flock of bighorns (they have a lot of health, and they usually walk in dense packs), plant C4 explosives in a neutral camp of a potential enemy, and then blow it up - or use anti-personnel mines, planting them in narrow passages , and then luring opponents to this area of ​​the terrain.

Restoring 10,000 units of health with food and stimulants is unlikely to be possible in one playthrough, since developing both medicine and survival at the same time is not justified - it is better to focus on one thing. Another difficult task is to pick fifty pockets, because this is fraught with the loss of karma. Try to steal from enemies or those with whom you do not intend to be friends, and to avoid being caught doing this, use a “stealth boy”.

We are looking for unique guns

At any role-playing game There is room for several unique weapons and uniforms. But in New Vegas weapons Very a lot of. To collect a good collection of exclusive guns, you will need a lot of time and the habit of looking into the pockets of each story NPC, but tips will make the task easier.

Without weapons:

Golden Gloves (Lucky 38 strip casino): in the VIP box, behind the bar.

Brass knuckles "Retribution of the Fallen" (Cottonwood Cove): in Aurelius and Phoenix's office, in the desk.

Brass knuckles "Love and Hate" (Bonnie Springs): from the leader of the Vipers gang.

"Nakhrap" Glove (Ruby Hill Mine): On the corpse of a Jackal gang member.

Opener Cutting Glove (Camp McCarran): Little Brat has it.

On a note: You can get the glove only by killing its owner, but this is difficult to do at the airport in McCarran. Better complete the quests related to eliminating the Devils, and you will find Brat in Freeside, near the Mormon Fort, on the railway strip, already dead.

Paladin Toaster Glove (Black Rock Cave): On the corpse of a prospector.


Annabelle Grenade Launcher (Mount Black): On Shadow's corpse.

Grenade launcher (40 mm) “Boom-boom” (AB Nellis solar panels): you can get into the complex only through the quest “Bad Ants”.

Grenade launcher (40 mm) “Mercy” (Ded-Wind Cave): guarded by the legendary Death Claw.

Holy hand grenade (5 pcs.) (Camp Searchlight): in the broken church, in the basement (3 pcs.); the remaining two can be found in random order from NKR soldiers (all grenades are available only if you have the “Wild Wasteland” feature).


Vermint rifle "Rat Slayer" (Brock Cave): in the northeastern part of the cave, on the table.

Long Carbine (Camp McCarran): Carried by Corporal Sterling of the NKR 1st Recon Battalion.

It is important: If you kill the Chief Chief during the quest "Headhunter", the entire recon battalion will be transferred to the Forlorn Hope camp, along with a corporal and a unique cannon.

Marksman's Carbine "All-American" (Vault 34): in the armory, near the overturned table.

Minigun CZ57 "Avenger" (Devil's Throat): in the back of a truck, in the center of the abyss.

Rex and Cass are an excellent tandem for fast-paced and deadly battles.

Sawed-off "Big Boom" (Junkyard Gibson): in the garage, at Mommy Gibson's.

Hunting Shotgun "Dinner Bell" (Thorne, New Vegas): reward for the quest "Take It All" from Red Lucy.

Pistol "Maria" (Strip Tops): Benny's.

Vance's submachine gun (Vince's cache - not far from the H&H Tools plant): in the safe (you can get it with a hacking skill of 100 or with eloquence 55, convince the owners to part with it themselves).

Revolver "Lucky" (Primm - Bison Steve Hotel): in the floor safe of the "hard" level (requires lockpicking skill 75).

Revolver "The One" (Novak): sold in the Dinosaur Gift Shop.

Machine Gun (Camp McCarran): Rewarded for hacking the computer in the warehouse and turning Contreras over to Lieutenant Boyd.

Gobi Company Scout Sniper Rifle (sniper position - near Cottonwood Cove): in the locker (lockpicking skill 100 required to open).

Mysterious Magnum (Eldorado Dry Lake): from Lonesome Drifter (with barter 50+ the sample can be obtained peacefully).

Exclusive air gun "Abilene's Child" (Fields' cabin). On a shelf, near the wall.

On a note: If the Wild Heath trait is taken, the weapon will be located in Jimmy's Well. After leaving the hut, Rex (if only he is your companion at this moment) will howl, and in a conversation with him you need to ask if anyone has fallen into the well. After this, the location with the weapon will be displayed on our map.

Steel arms:

Two-handed hammer "Baby!" (Charleston Cave): in the lair of the night hunters.

“Driver - Nephi’s Stick” (south of Vault 3): from the leader of the Devils Driver Nephi.

Pipe Piece "Simple Club" (Sealed Sewer): Removed from the prospector's corpse.

On a note: You can get to this location through the Central Sewer through a hatch near the entrance to Camp McCarran. The key to the locked sewer is held by "Blind" Luke.

Liberator Machete (Nelson): in the barracks, near the Dead Sea.

Chance's Knife (on the hill, near the Tribe location): in Chance's grave.

Straight razor "Figaro" (Freeside): at the school of the King's doubles, at the hairdresser Sergio.

Cleaver "Chopper" (Wulfhorn Ranch): on the farm.

Knock Knock Ax (Camp Searchlight): In the fire station, on the second floor.

Energy weapons:

“Euclidean Algorithm” (Freeside): the boy Max is running after the girl Stacy.

Alien blaster (north of the Horowitz farm): from the Alien captain (only during the “Wild Wasteland”).

Gauss rifle YCS/186 (north of the Horowitz farm): one of the mercenaries (not available if you have the “Wild Wasteland” skill)

Laser rifle Prototype AER14 (Vault 22): in common areas, recreation area.

Laser pistol "Pew-Pew" (Sunset Sasparilla Headquarters): given as a reward for the quests "Legend of the Star" and "A Priceless Lesson", for collecting fifty caps with a star.

Plasma Rifle Q-35 Modulator (Repconn HQ): On the ground floor, behind the door opened with Keycard, Science (100) or Hack (100).

Tesla Biton Prototype (Vortibird Crash Site): Guarded by golden geckos.

There is a way to get your hands on some unique specimens without killing their owners. To do this, first provoke the aggression of this NPC (shoot from a weak weapon so as not to kill), and when the character is armed with the gun you need, switch to V.A.T.S mode. and fire one successful shot to your right hand to make your opponent drop the weapon. Now we quickly hide our gun behind our back - your hands are empty, and so are the NPCs, there are no more reasons for aggression. All we have to do is pick up the unique cannon and go home.

Already in the next issue you will find:

- stories about the most unusual and intricate plots and additional quests;

— a story about the win-win tactics of playing “caravan”;

- the ten most dangerous enemies in the game and the most effective ways to eliminate them.

In this topic, I decided to share the results of developing the “perfect” build. The build is created taking into account the Dead Money DLC,
that is, with the ability to level up to level 35.
Let's start with the SPECIAL characteristics distributed at the beginning, they should look like this:
Strength 7
Perception 5
Stamina 8
Charisma 1
Intelligence 9
Agility 5
Luck 5

As a result, the characteristics will look like this:
Strength 9 +1 intensive training, +1 implant (you can make another +1 if you wear the remaining power armor)
Perception 6 +1 implant (same thing, can be increased by +1 if you wear the “buna beret”)
Stamina 9 +1 implant
Charisma 2 +1 implant
Intelligence 10 +1 implant (it is better to make this implant as early as possible to get more skill points)
Agility 6 +1 implant
Luck 9 +3 intense training, +1 implant (increase +1 by wearing lucky glasses)

Taking into account these characteristics (but excluding clothing), you will need to upgrade your skills as follows:
Barter 43
Unarmed 80
Hack 52
Explosives 80
Survival 64
Speech 40
Medicine 72
Science 50
Weapon 80
Repair 80
Stealth 80
Melee weapon 80
Energy weapon 78
The main skills to start with, I advise you to take hacking, eloquence and any combat skill, I chose melee weapons.

Next, we collect books (textbooks) throughout the wasteland, you will have to collect absolutely all the books, there are 5 of them for each
skill, exception science (you can get the sixth if you distribute energy evenly in the quest for Helios one) and
survival (there are only four of them). After reading all the books (read only with the "educated" perk to receive
maximum number of skill points) your skills will look like this:
Barter 63
Unarmed 100
Hack 72
Explosives 10
Survival 80
Speech 60
Medicine 92
Science 70
Weapon 100
Repair 100
Stealth 100
Melee weapon 100

As you can see, the most frequently used skills are maximally developed, as for the rest, they can also be
raise to 100 if necessary, here's an example:
You need to pick a lock that requires 100 picking skill, read the magazine +20 skill points (again the perk helps
"educated") put on Buna's beret (I don't take it off, and I advise you) +2 skill points (1 perception = +2 to hacking and
energy weapons), take mentats +4 skill points, chew tobacco +2 skill points, as a result we have 100 percent skill and
calmly pick the lock.
Another example, you need to “talk” the Legate so that he leaves without a fight, for this you will need 100 skill points, and you only have 60, no problem! do the following - accept holiday mentats +10 skill points, read the magazine "people and
communication" +20 skill points, wear "revealing pajamas" + 10 skill points.
We increase barter in the same way as eloquence, but instead of “outright pressure” we put on the Vera outfit obtained from
completing the Dead Money expansion.
We promote science with a magazine, and by wearing a “follower’s lab coat.”

Now let's move on to perks (abilities), but first I'll mention the "features" in the beginning I took
"Wild Wasteland" (opportunity to get an alien blaster, but not the opportunity to get unique rifle gaus) and created
destroyer (+3% crit chance), I don’t insist on the wild wasteland, as an option you can take a “bespectacled man” (+1 to perception in
glasses, and - 1 without bottom). By the way, some characteristics, such as perception and agility, were pumped up by me only
just to learn some perks. Here is a list of perks in the order in which I taught them:

Intense workout- strength +1

Educated(The Educated ability gives an additional 2 skill points for each new level. Better take her

Understanding(With the Comprehension ability, you get a double skill increase when reading scientific journals and one
additional skill point for reading each tutorial book.)

Intense workout- luck +1

Accuracy(The Precision ability gives you a better chance of landing a critical hit in combat; equivalent to 5
extra luck points)

Intense workout- luck +1

crazy hands(You have the amazing ability to repair objects using a weak semblance of them. Repair
ranger carbine with a hunting rifle, plasma weapons with a laser, and power armor with
metal - no big deal. How is this possible? Nobody knows the answer...except you).

Critical Damage(With this ability, you deal 50% more damage every time you critically hit an enemy.)

Cowboy(You deal 25% more damage if you use revolvers, lever action ranged weapons
bolt, dynamite, knives or hatchets).

Ninja(This ability gives you the power of the fabled shadow warriors. When attacking with melee or unarmed weapons, you gain
15% greater chance of landing a critical hit. Critical strike when attacking in stealth mode deals 25%
more damage than usual.)

Intense workout- luck +1

Hand equipment(You know everything about loading cartridges and do not throw cartridges around. Using conventional weapons, you
you are more likely to save cartridges, and on the workbench for loading cartridges you can have all
existing recipes for making cartridges, I’ll add that the perk gives access to excellent recipes for
cartridges, for example .308 with a flat nose, increases damage by 50%, without any penalties).

Lazerov chief(Whatever laser weapon you use - from a simple pistol to a mighty Gatling laser - damage increases by 15%, and the chance of critical damage increases by 10%, the perk is extremely useful when using a unique
laser pistol "pew-pew").

Light Touch("light touch" when worn light armor increases the chance of critical damage by 5%, while reducing
25% chance for enemy to criticize player

Silent running(With the Silent Run ability, running no longer affects detection chance.)

Penetrating Strike(With or without the Penetration ability, all your attacks with melee weapons (including thrown ones)
weapons ignore the target's 15 damage threshold).

Fighter for purity(As a champion of the wasteland, you deal +50% damage to centaurs, night hunters, spore
vegetation, death claws, super mutants and wild ghouls if you use melee weapons or are unarmed.)

Elijah's Ramblings(perk gives +150% critical damage in melee, it can be obtained by Walkthrough Dead Money,
asking Veronica to decipher Elijah's message)

This set of perks allows you to work effectively with any type of weapon (well, except for explosives, which, by the way, is not very effective even if you have perks for it).
By the way, if you are not at all interested in laser weapons, you can slightly adjust the build, it will look like this - at the beginning of the game, with intensive training, you pump up not strength but agility (since agility will eventually be equal to 7, you can take the “quick strike” perk instead perk "laser chief") so all attack miles will be 30% faster. And the last thing about perks, you can learn them in a different order,
however, the “educated” perk must be taken at level 4, otherwise you will not be able to properly upgrade your skills.

Now let's move on to critical hit chance.
Thanks to the perk accuracy (+5 to crit), the boon take (+5 to crit), the “destroyer created” feature (+3 to crit),
light touch (+5 crit) and 10 luck points, the chance of critical damage will be 28% for all weapons
the criticality rate for melee weapons due to the ninja perk will be 43% (almost every second hit will crit)
And the criticality for lasers due to the “chief of lasers” perk will be 42%
It is worth noting that thanks to the understanding perk, after reading the magazine "Police Everyday Life" you will receive a 10% bonus to the chance
crit, instead of 5%.

That's all, test, analyze, criticize and ask questions.

Skills and their description.

Force. This parameter directly affects, as you already understood, the strength of the character. How strong your character is will determine how much junk he can carry on his shoulders. If you are a fan of collecting anything - guns, armor, saucepans, then I recommend raising this skill to seven units. But there is no particular point in pumping up your strength to the maximum - weapons with a strength requirement of more than 8 units are not found in the game. You can easily increase this parameter for a certain period of time with the help of alcohol or a “buffout”, if necessary.

Perception. I can’t say that this parameter greatly affects the game - it determines how quickly you can notice the enemy. If you like ED-E and Boone as allies, you should not spend points on this parameter. Thanks to the sniper, enemies will be marked in red when you aim, and the robot will allow you to detect opponents at an impressive distance. But if you need the Critical Damage and Sniper features, then I advise you to upgrade your perception to 6.

Endurance. It doesn’t matter what role you decide to play in Fallout - a smart talker or a lover of heavy weapons, I recommend that you raise your stamina to the maximum possible, because this parameter affects the amount of life of your character and survival skill. It is especially important to pump up your stamina if you play in Hardcore mode.

Charisma. Of course, conversational skills are necessary for a hero traveling through a merciless and callous wasteland, but charm will not particularly affect the game and will only give an addition to the “barter” and “eloquence” skills, and will also inspire your companions, giving them a bonus to defense and damage. If you plan to travel alone and always act on your own, then do not waste skills on charisma, but rather upgrade each necessary skill separately. You can increase your Charisma by 1 point by dressing in “revealing pajamas,” and Mentats will temporarily increase your Charisma by as much as five points.

Intelligence. The most important parameter after endurance. Affects the number of skills gained when moving to the next level. It’s worth investing as much as possible in intelligence if you want your character to be an expert in many areas.

Agility. This parameter affects the number of action points in turn-based V.A.T.S. mode, as well as the speed of weapon reloading and movement. This parameter is not very useful for peace-loving characters, but fans of harsh methods of achieving goals should improve their hero’s dexterity.

Luck. How lucky your character is will affect all stats, and will also increase the critical hit chance for any weapon type. Therefore, I advise you to invest the remaining points in luck.

Examples of building builds for different roles.

Deadly Sniper:
STR: 6 (8); VSP: 8; VNS: 5; CHAR: 2 (1); INT: 2 (1); DEX: 8; UCH: 9. By removing one point each from charisma and intelligence and investing them in strength, it will be possible to use heavy weapons and miniguns.
Skills: Weapons (70), Repair (70), Medicine (70), Stealth (50), Science (50), Survival (45).
Abilities: Fast Reload, Cherche la femme / Confirmed Bachelor, Hunter, Travel Light, Entomologist, Hand Gear, Bloodbath, Practical Anatomy, Commando, Sniper, Silent Run, Roboticist, Center of Gravity, Critical Damage, Weapon Handling, Accuracy.
Traits: Four Eyes, Nimble (for the stealthy sniper), Trigger Technique, Built to Destruct (for the sharp shooter with critical damage).
Weapons: varmint rifles, hunting, sniper and large-caliber rifles.
Equipment: 1st Reconnaissance Battalion beret, stealth battle, gunsmith's repair kit, glasses, reinforced leather armor for the Travel Light ability.
Implants: perception, dexterity and luck.
Partners, companions, companions: Boone, ED-E.

One-armed shooter:
STR: 5; VSP: 7; VNS: 5; CHAR: 5; INT: 5; DEX: 8; UDC: 5.
Skills: Science (70), Medicine (70), Stealth (70), Repair (70), Weapons (45), Melee Weapons (45), Survival (45), Energy Weapons (optional).
Abilities: Fast Reload, Educated, Cowboy, Run and Gun, Travel Light, Quick Reactions, Dual Gun, Duelist, Fortitude (2), Hand Gear, Professional, Practical Anatomy, Mathlogic, Lively (2), Nerves of Steel.
Features: Free Fire, Built to Destroy, Wild Wasteland.
Weapons: all one-handed firearms, pistols, Alien blaster, "The One", "Sequoia", lever-action shotgun, sawn-off shotgun.
Equipment: Desperado cowboy hat, 1st Recon Battalion beret.
Implants: Nemean subdermal armor, PHOENIX monocytic multiplier, perception, agility, intelligence.
Partners, companions, companions: Raoul, Rex, Lily.

Friendly diplomat:
STR: 5; VSP: 6; VNS: 4; CHAR: 9; INT: 6; DEX: 4; UDC: 6.
Skills: Speech (70), Science (50), Survival (45), Barter, Medicine, Repair, Unarmed, or any combat skill desired.
Abilities: Black Widow / Wife Killer, Cherche la femme / Convinced Bachelor, Good memory, Understanding, Selfless devotion, Educated, Scary person, Nerd's rage, A mysterious stranger, Miss Fortune, Animal Friend (2).
Features: Kind soul.
Weapon: depending on the selected combat skill.
Equipment: any clothing with bonuses to attributes and protection from harmful influences.
Implants: intelligence, perception, charisma, luck.
Partners, companions, companions: Arcade Gannon, Boone, Cass (with the ability Whiskey and Rose).

Master of Energy Weapons:
STR: 6; VSP: 8; VNS: 5; CHAR: 3; INT: 5; DEX: 8; UDC: 5.
Skills: Energy Weapons (90), Weapons (70), Science (70), Explosives.
Abilities: Fast Reload, Run and Gun, Commando, Thrifty Master, Plasma Hello, Center of Gravity, Disintegration, Massive Fire, Laser Chief.
Features: Descent technique.
Weapons: Q35 plasma beam, RCW laser, Alien blaster, Euclid Algorithm, pistol and rechargeable rifle.
Equipment: power armor, Chinese stealth armor, spacesuit, reinforced metal armor.
Implants: endurance, Nemean subdermal armor, monocytic multiplier PHOENIX.
Partners, companions, companions: Arcade Gannon, Veronica.

Energy Weapons Expert:
STR: 4; VSP: 5; VNS: 8; CHAR: 1; INT: 8; DEX: 6; UDC: 8.
Skills: Energy Weapons (100), Repair (90), Barter (78), Hacking (78), Science (78), Speech (78).
Abilities: Intensive training (luck), Educated, Thrifty owner, Fortitude (2), Accuracy, Bloodbath, Weapon handling, Critical damage, Death on takeoff, Crazy hands, Sniper, Silent running, Nerves of steel, Laser boss.
Features: Shustrik.
Weapons: Q35 plasma beam, multi-plasma rifle, plasma gun, laser beam, pulse pistol, “Euclidean Algorithm”.
Equipment: T-51b armor, T-51b armor helmet.
Implants: strength, perception, endurance, intelligence, agility, luck.
Partners, companions, companions: Veronica, ED-E.

Clever thief:
STR: 5; VSP: 5; VNS: 5; CHAR: 5; INT: 5; DEX: 9; UDC: 6.
Skills: Stealth (70), Hacking (70), Barter (70), Science, Weapons.
Abilities: Educated, Treasure Hunter, Light Step, Professional, Strong Backbone, Fleabag, Freeloader, Burglar, Silent Run, Long Journeys.
Features: Kind soul, Shustrik.
Armament: 22 caliber pistol and submachine gun with silencer, 10 mm pistol with laser sight, silencer and extended magazine, 12.7 mm pistol and submachine gun with silencer, varmint rifle with HB sight, silencer and extended magazine, sniper rifle with muffler.
Equipment: scout armor, Chinese stealth armor, faction clothing.
Implants: agility, intelligence, luck.
Partners, companions, companions: Lily, ED-D, Rex.

Melee Master:
STR: 8; VSP: 5; VNS: 6; CHAR: 4; INT: 7; DEX: 6; UDC: 4.
Skills: Unarmed (90), Melee (90), Stealth (80), Survival (70), Barter (70), Science, Repair, Medicine.
Abilities: Hunter, Intense Training (Strength/Stamina/Agility), Travel Light, Child of Radiation, Strong Spine, Scavenger, Super Punch, Stone Wall, Rad Resistance, Far Traveling, Irresistible Force, Purity Fighter, Solar Powered, Ninja, Death on takeoff, Quick Strike, Rad Absorption.
Traits: Kind Soul, Four Eyes, Wild Wasteland, Heavy Hand.
Weapons: power brass knuckles, ballistic fist, spiked knuckles, gladius machete, super sledgehammer.
Equipment: glasses, ranger combat armor, reinforced metal armor.
Implants: stamina, intelligence, luck, agility, Nemean subdermal armor, monocytic multiplier PHOENIX.
Partners, companions, companions: Rex, Cass.

Mad Demoman:
STR: 9; VSP: 8; VNS: 8; CHAR: 1; INT: 2; DEX: 5; UDC: 7.
Skills: Explosives (70), Barter (70), Medicine.
Abilities: Swipe, Minesweeper Expert (3), Scavenger, Get Down!, Kill Zone, Diamond Skeleton, Light Step, Critical Damage, Friendly Banter, Intense Training (Intelligence).
Features: Unpredictable.
Weapons: grenades, 40mm grenade launcher, multi-shot 40mm grenade launcher, automatic grenade launcher, "Fat Man".
Equipment: regular and reinforced metal armor, ranger combat armor, power armor.
Implants: perception, endurance, intelligence, Nemean subdermal armor, monocytic multiplier PHOENIX.
Partners, companions, companions: Cass, Boone, Arcade Gannon.

And so, in order to make a universal character who can go on a truly exciting, interesting, and most importantly long journey, you need to clearly calculate all the stats, or just use my guide.

I’ll say right away about the advantages of such a build: The ability to take any quest in the game (for fans like me, for whom completing all the quests, finding all the locations and exploring them is probably the main aspect), The ability to take almost any ability that is given every second level — (very important), The ability to pass any test, which makes the game more exciting, and conversations with NPCs more interesting, the ability to use all types of weapons at once, for example, while completing the game I constantly changed weapons, energy to heavy, then I went with a shotgun , then with a knife, then with brass knuckles, etc. (a very useful thing so that the game does not become boring due to the fact that you are constantly walking with one gun), and also to simply have a very strong, well-developed, AP, crits, leveling points, etc., of the character.

And so, let's begin.
At the beginning of the game, we select two features:

1)Hot Blooded, which at 50% HP takes away 2 agility and 2 perception, but it increases your damage from any weapon by 15%. (The game says 10%, but this is an error, you can calculate it yourself).

2) Lark (Early Bird), which from 6 am to 12 pm gives +2 to all parameters, well, its minus is that it gives -1 to all parameters after 6 pm and before 6 am respectively, but this is not so important, because at night, as a rule, in cities everyone sleeps in their homes, and it’s easier to wait until the morning than to run around and look for where someone is, but if it comes to shooting enemies in the wastelands, then this minus is not particularly felt.

Now regarding the scattering of initial stats. We all remember this moment when we have to reluctantly remove this or that stat in order to add it to another, because we really want all the stats to be at a decent level, and the main thing here is not to worry, feel free to distribute the stats as follows:

  • S (strength) 1
  • P (Perception) 5
  • E (Endurance) 7
  • C (Charisma) 6
  • I (Intelligence) 7
  • A (Agility) 8
  • L (luck) 6

And so, we spent all 40 stats that we were given at the beginning of the game, now it’s a matter of technique.
It was not by chance that I made endurance exactly 7, I will say more, I began to distribute all the stats only after I had allocated the required number of points for this important characteristic. Stamina 7 gives us the ability to place exactly 7 implants in the clinic in New Vegas, and now our characteristics become:

  • S (strength) 2
  • P (Perception) 6
  • E (Endurance) 8
  • C (Charisma) 7
  • I (Intelligence) 8
  • A (Agility) 9
  • L (luck) 7

Later in the game you will need to choose 4 Intense Training abilities, one for Perception, one for Dexterity, one for Luck and one for Endurance. (For endurance, I throw one intensive training so that I can insert another one, a Subdermal Implant, which increases your damage threshold, because the endurance that was added from the implant is not suitable for implantation. You can also throw another training for Strength, but I I didn’t consider it necessary. Now it’s up to you to decide whether you need the last implant, and whether you need power)
And so, our characteristics become:

  • S (strength) 2
  • P (Perception) 7
  • E (Endurance) 9
  • C (Charisma) 7
  • I (Intelligence) 8
  • A (Agility) 10
  • L (luck) 8

Next we will need Buna Beret, and Elite Police Armor, along with a helmet (Yes, they are worn together, I don’t know if this is a bug or was done this way on purpose, but I was pleased when I accidentally put one on top of the other, although the bonus is small, but still Nice). Elite police armor is lying in a fissure, in an office building, something like that, I don’t remember exactly where I found it, but it wasn’t difficult to find, and if you want, you can easily find this information on the Internet, and where to find the Buna Beret is obvious, on Buna itself. And so, this whole set of things gives us +3 Perception and +1 Charisma, now our stats look like this:

  • S (strength) 2
  • P (Perception) 10
  • E (Endurance) 9
  • C (Charisma) 8
  • I (Intelligence) 8
  • A (Agility) 10
  • L (luck) 8

Now it seems like almost everything is fine, but we don’t have enough strength, for this we take the ability Nerd Rage! negative effects become 10, now you can carry a large load, use any weapon, and as a bonus you are also given +15 PU, which makes life easier with low HP.

And now if you look at the beginning of the guide, you will see that one of our features, “Hot Blood”, goes very well with this ability, and if you take decent armor, sew in a subdermal implant, take a couple of perks for PU, use Med-X and psychos, which you can’t chew in the game, then at low HP you can give such a thrashing to the enemy that even several death claws will not be able to remove your 20% HP (Everything was done at the highest level of difficulty + hardcore), and then Claws They don’t like to joke at all, so I’m going by my experience).

Well, now we come to the final stage.
We sleep until the morning, at the metal foundry we burn HP down to 20% and now we have:

  • S (strength) 10
  • P (Perception) 12
  • E (Endurance) 11
  • C (Charisma) 10
  • I (Intelligence) 10
  • A (Agility) 12
  • L (luck) 10

Don’t forget that the “Hot Blood” perk removes 2 perceptions and 2 agility, and as a result, on our screens we see:

  • S (strength) 10
  • P (Perception) 10
  • E (Endurance) 10
  • C (Charisma) 10
  • I (Intelligence) 10
  • A (Agility) 10
  • L (luck) 10

Anyone interested in what abilities I chose, and how I upgraded my skills, please also contact me, but I can say right away: science, repair, homeless hacking, medicine, survival, stealth, and all the related skills that are necessary for successful completion in my repertoire, I have leveled up by 100.

Enjoy it for your health. If you have any questions, please contact us.
Thank you for your attention.

P.s. The most powerful weapon in the game is Elijah's improved LAER, with my build + drugs, 850+ DPS. The Dead Wind Cave, at the highest difficulty level, will fly apart in about a minute and a half. YCS is also not bad, but LAER is specifically inferior in mobility.

IN Fallout game: New Vegas our character has many different characteristics, skills and abilities, which are very easy for an inexperienced conqueror of the great wastelands to get confused about.

So I suggest you familiarize yourself with the main characteristics, ways to increase them, and at the end we will look at the most optimal build.

The game uses the good old system S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Each letter of this word is the first of seven basic characteristics. Let's look at each of them.

Main characteristics


Displays physical development our character. Affects:

  • Maximum possible weight carried (+10 per point)
  • Melee strike strength (+0.5 per point)
  • Skill with melee weapons (+2 per point)

Also, some weapons have a strength limit.

  • Heave, Ho! (Swipe) (2nd level)
  • Super Slam (Super Strike) (level 8)
  • Unstoppable Force (level 12)
  • Weapon Handling (level 16)


Increases the detection radius of enemies. Also affects:

  • Proficiency with energy weapons (+2 per point)
  • Ability to handle explosives (+2 per point)
  • Ability to pick locks (+2 per point)

Perks that require perception ():

  • Friend of the Night (Friend of the Night) (level 2)
  • Sniper (Sniper) (level 12)
  • Infiltrator (Burgler) (level 18)


Stamina is responsible for how long you can stay on your feet in battle. Also affects:

  • Survival Skill (+2 per point)
  • Hand-to-hand combat skill (+2 per point)
  • Poison Resistance (+5% per point, starting at 2 points)
  • Radiation Resistance (+2% per unit, starting at 2 points)
  • Number of built-in implants (+1 per point)

Perks that require stamina ():

  • Lead Belly (Lead Belly) (level 6)
  • Toughness (Level 6)
  • Stonewall (Stone wall) (level 8)
  • Strong Back (Strong Ridge) (level 8)
  • Rad Resistance (Level 8)
  • Long Haul (Far Journeys) (level 12)
  • Life Giver (Fountain of Life) (level 12)
  • Solar Powered (Level 20)
  • Rad Absorption (Level 28)

Charisma (Charisma)

Charisma determines the level of "suspense" of your tongue. Affects:

  • Barter skill (+2 per point)
  • Speech Skill (+2 per point)
  • Armor and attack power of companions (+5 per point)

Perks that require charisma ():

  • Ferocious Loyalty (level 6)
  • Animal Friend (Level 10)


The level of development of your character is reflected in the dialogues. Also affects:

  • Medicine skill (+2 per point)
  • Science Skill (+2 per point)
  • Repair skill (+2 per point)
  • Number of skill points to distribute when leveling up (+0.5 per point)

Perks that require intelligence ():

  • Retention (Good memory) (level 2)
  • Swift Learner (Level 2)
  • Comprehension (Level 4)
  • Educated (Level 4)
  • Entomologist (Entomologist) (level 4)
  • Pack Rat (Junk) (level 8)
  • Nerd Rage! (Nerd's Frenzy) (level 10)
  • Computer Whiz (Hacker) (level 18)


Dexterity is responsible for your movement speed and how quickly you draw and reload your weapon. Affects:

  • Ability to handle firearms(+2 per point)
  • Stealth skill (+2 per point)
  • Number of action points in VATS mode (+3 per point)

Perks that require agility ():

  • Rapid Reload (Level 2)
  • Quick Draw (Quick reaction) (level 8)
  • Silent Running (Level 12)
  • Sniper (Sniper) (level 12)
  • Light Step (Level 14)
  • Action Boy/Girl (Level 16)
  • Slayer (Quick Strike) (level 24)
  • Nerves of Steel (Nerves of Steel) (level 26)


The most mysterious characteristic. Affects:

  • Critical hit chance (+1% per point)
  • All skills (+1 for every 2 points)

Also increases the chance of winning gambling, and the chance of the enemy to miss you.

Perks that require luck ():

  • Fortune Finder (Treasure Finder) (6th level)
  • Scrounger (Level 8)
  • Miss Fortune (Level 10)
  • Mysterious Stranger (Level 10)
  • Better Criticals (Level 16)


The game has the opportunity to increase any characteristic by 1 point using implants. You can purchase them for 4,000 caps at the New Vegas Hospital from Dr. Usanagi. It is located near Freeside.

Endurance is responsible for the maximum number of embedded implants.

Solitaire Mat