Skyrim: cheat codes for weapons, skills, armor and enchantments. Weapon codes for Skyrim Cheat codes for dragon cries

Weapons in the world of Skyrim are divided into three classes: Two-handed weapons, one-handed weapons and ranged weapons. One-handed weapons hit quickly and deal average damage, two-handed weapons are slower, but deal more damage. The bow is a weapon ranged, which shoots arrows.
One-handed weapons include:
. Elven, Steel, Orc, Glass, Ebony, Daedric, Draconic Bone and Iron swords .

Orc, Steel, Elven, Ebony, Daedric, Dwemer, Dragon Bone, Glass mace A .

Iron, Elven, Glass, Ebony, Daedric, Celestial Steel, Draconic Bone, Dwarven Combat, Orc, Steel Combat and Nordic Combat axes

Dwemer, Orc, Ebony, Steel, Daedric, Glass, Elven, Dragon Bone, Heavenly Bone, Iron daggers .

Two-handed weapons include:

Draconic Bone, Daedric, Ebony, Nordic, Celestial, Orcish, Steel, Iron, Dwemer, Elven, Glass two-handed swords.

Draconic Bone, Ebony Bone, Iron Bone, Dwemer Bone, Elven Bone, Orc Bone, Glass Bone, Daedric Bone, Steel Bone war hammers .

Iron, Dragon Bone, Daedric, Steel, Orc, Ebony, Dwemer, Celestial Steel, Nord, Glass axes .

Bows include:

Long, Ebony, Daedric, Draconic Bone, Hunter, Elven, Orc, Nord, Glass and Dwarven bows .

In addition, one of the types of weapons are magic staves .

So how to find good weapon The game is quite difficult, you can make this process easier for yourself by using the following cheats:

Obtaining the necessary weapons:

player.additem [weapon_code] [quantity]

Example: player.additem 000139A3 1 - get 1 glass one-handed ax

Imperial Weapon Set:

00013841 - bow
. 000135B8 - sword
. 000139A5 - Bow

Elven Weapon Set

0001399E - dagger
. 0001399C - battle ax
. 000139A0 - mace
. 000139A1 - sword
. 000139A2 - war hammer
. 0001399F - great sword
. 0001399D - bow

Glass weapon set

000139A7 - Two-handed sword
. 000139AA - Two-handed war hammer
. 000139A9 - One-handed sword
. 000139A3 - One-handed ax
. 000139A8 - Mace
. 000139A4 - Two-handed ax
. 000139A6 - Dagger

Daedric Weapon Set:

0001DFEF - petrification bow - Chance to paralyze the target +6 sec.
. 0001DFCB - thunderstorm ax - +30 units. electrical damage; takes away 15 units. of magic.
. 0001DFE9 - winter bow - cold damage +30 units. and to the reserve of strength -30 units.
. 0001DDFB - inferno ax - fire damage +30 units. sets the enemy on fire. 0001DFF2 - thunder bow - electrical damage +30 units; - 15 units enemy's magic.
. 000139B5 - bow
. 000139B6 - dagger
. 000139B4 - ax
. 000139B7 - two-handed sword
. 000139B3 - battle ax
. 000139B9 - sword
. 0001DFE6 - inferno bow -. fire damage +30 units and sets the target on fire.
. 000139B8 - mace
. 000139BA - war hammer
. 0001DFFC - Sacred Bow - Undead level 40 and below fall into flight for 30 sec.

Dwemer weapon set:

00013995 - bow
. 00013993 - battle ax
. 00013996 - dagger
. 00013998 - mace
. 00013997 - two-handed sword
. 00013999 - sword
. 00013994 - ax

Orc weapons

0001398D - bow
. 0001398F - two-handed sword
. 00013990 - mace
. 0001398E - dagger
. 0001399A - war hammer
. 0001398C - ax
. 00013991 - sword
. 0001398B - battle ax

Ebony Weapon Set

000139AF - two-handed sword
. 000139AC - battle ax
. 000139AE - dagger
. 000139B1 - sword
. 000139B2 - war hammer 000139B0 - mace
. 000139AB - ax
. 000139AD - bow

Rogue Weapon Pack

000CADE9 - sword
. 000CEE9B - bow
. 000СС829 - ax
. 00013992 - war hammer

Ancient Nordic weapons

0001C864 - hammer
. 0002C66F - sword
. 000AE087 - heather geas
. 000236A5 - two-handed sword
. 0002C672 - ax

Nightingale weapon set

000F6527 - blade
. 000F652C - bow

Blade Weapon Set

0003AEB9 - sword

Set Unique weapons with bonuses

000AB704 - Staff “Staff of Holdir” - calms opponents for 60 seconds or captures their soul after death if they are weaker.

000F1AC1 - “Dragon Scourge” - damage to dragons +40 units. ; . Electric damage +10 units.

000A4DCE - Bloody Thorn Staff - fills the soul stone when the enemy dies within 3 seconds.

0001C4E6 - “Axe of Sorrow” - takes away 20 units. the enemy's reserve of strength.

0010076D - Staff “Staff of Hevnorak” - For 30 seconds. deals 50 damage. lightning damage per second and also applies to surfaces.

000F8317 - Cooler Staff - +30 units. cold damage; Chance to paralyze the target for 2 seconds.

0009FD50 - "Red Eagle's Fury" -. fire damage +5 units and sets the enemy on fire.

00035369 - Staff “Staff of Magnus” - - 20 units. magic per second if the enemy has no magic + absorbs his health.

000F5D2D - “Pale Blade” - cold damage +25 units; -50 stamina; takes flight for 30 seconds.

00053379 - “Fierce” -. cold damage +15 units and -15 units. to reserve strength.

00094A2B - Dagger “Phantom Blade” for additional damage +3 units. ignoring enemy armor.

000B3DFA - Chalky's Eye staff - a fiery explosion deals 40 damage. damage in a radius of 4.5 m and sets the target on fire

000E5F43 - “Staff of Yurik Goldurson” - deals 25 damage. damage and -50 units. of magic.

000AB703 - “Curse of the Red Eagle” - Sets undead level 13 and below on fire and causes them to flee for 30 sec.

000B994E - “Valdar’s Lucky Dagger” - critical strike chance +25%.

000956B5 - Wuuthrad mace - deals more damage to elves.

0006A093 - staff “Staff of Tandil” - Creatures and people of level 12 and below will not fight with you for 60 seconds.

Skyrim, which make life much easier for players. The command itself looks like this: player.additem [code] [quantity]. It is worth recalling that in TES 5 there are 3 main types of weapons: one-handed, two-handed and ranged.

The first type can quickly deliver moderate blows, the second type is slower, but causes much more damage, and the third allows you to hit the enemy at a great distance from him. For each type we have provided the codes below.

Weapon ID in Skyrim

Imperial Weapons Set

00013841 - bow

000135B8 - sword

000139A5 - Bow

Elven Weapon Set

0001399E - dagger

0001399C - battle ax

000139A0 – mace

000139A1 – sword

000139A2 - war hammer

0001399F - great sword

0001399D - bow

Glass weapon set

000139A7 - Two-handed sword

000139AA - Two-handed war hammer

000139A9 - One-handed sword

000139A3 - One-handed ax

000139A8 – Mace

000139A4 - Two-handed ax

000139A6 - Dagger

Skyrim Weapon Codes (Daedric)

0001DFEF - petrification bow - Chance to paralyze the target +6 sec.

0001DFCB - thunderstorm ax - +30 units. electrical damage; takes away 15 units. of magic.

0001DFE9 - winter bow - cold damage +30 units. and to the reserve of strength -30 units.

0001DDFB - inferno ax - fire damage +30 units. sets the enemy on fire. 0001DFF2 - thunder bow - electrical damage +30 units; - 15 units enemy's magic.

000139B5 - bow

000139B6 - dagger

000139B4 - ax

000139B7 - two-handed sword

000139B3 - battle ax

000139B9 - sword

0001DFE6 - inferno bow -. fire damage +30 units and sets the target on fire.

000139B8 - mace

000139BA - war hammer

0001DFFC - Sacred Bow - Undead level 40 and below fall into flight for 30 sec.

Dwemer weapon set:

00013995 - bow

00013993 - battle ax

00013996 – dagger

00013998 - mace

00013997 - two-handed sword

00013999 - sword

00013994 - ax

Orc weapons

0001398D - bow

0001398F - two-handed sword

00013990 - mace

0001398E - dagger

0001399A - war hammer

0001398C - ax

00013991 - sword

0001398B - battle ax

Ebony Weapon Set

000139AF - two-handed sword

000139AC - battle ax

000139AE – dagger

000139B1 - sword

000139B2 - war hammer 000139B0 - mace

000139AB - ax

000139AD - bow

Skyrim codes for rogue weapons

000CADE9 - sword

000CEE9B - bow

000СС829 – ax

00013992 - war hammer

Ancient Nordic weapons

0001C864 - hammer

0002C66F - sword

000AE087 - heather geas

000236A5 - two-handed sword

0002C672 - ax

Nightingale weapon set

000F6527 - blade

000F652C - bow

Blade Weapon Set

0003AEB9 - sword

Set of Unique weapons with bonuses

000AB704 – Staff “Staff of Holdir” - calms opponents for 60 seconds or captures their soul after death if they are weaker.

000F1AC1 - “Dragon Scourge” - damage to dragons +40 units. ; . Electric damage +10 units.

000A4DCE – Bloody Thorn Staff - fills the soul stone when the enemy dies within 3 seconds.

0001C4E6 - “Axe of Sorrow” - takes away 20 units. the enemy's reserve of strength.

0010076D – Staff “Staff of Hevnorak” - For 30 seconds. deals 50 damage. lightning damage per second and also applies to surfaces.

000F8317 – “Cooler” staff - +30 units. cold damage; Chance to paralyze the target for 2 seconds.

0009FD50 – “Red Eagle’s Fury” -. fire damage +5 units and sets the enemy on fire.

00035369 – Staff " Staff of Magnus» - - 20 units. magic per second if the enemy has no magic + absorbs his health.

000F5D2D - “Pale Blade” - cold damage +25 units; -50 stamina; takes flight for 30 seconds.

00053379 - “Fierce” -. cold damage +15 units and -15 units. to reserve strength.

00094A2B – Dagger “Phantom Blade” for additional damage +3 units. ignoring armor enemy.

000B3DFA – Chalky Eye Staff – fiery explosion deals 40 damage. damage in a radius of 4.5 m and sets the target on fire

000E5F43 - “Staff of Yurik Goldurson” - deals 25 damage. damage and -50 units. of magic.

000AB703 – “Curse of the Red Eagle” - Sets undead level 13 and below on fire and causes them to flee for 30 sec.

000B994E - “Valdar’s Lucky Dagger” - critical strike chance +25%.

000956B5 – Wuuthrad mace – deals more damage to elves.

0006A093 - staff “Staff of Tandil” - Creatures and people of level 12 and below will not fight with you for 60 seconds.

It’s not for nothing that the game about Tamriel is often called the third “Fallout” with swords and dragons. Both the engine and the panel call console commands haven't changed a bit. Immortality can be obtained by the usual combination of letters “tgm”, which, of course, is an abbreviation for the phrase the god mode.

The changes that have appeared are more likely explained by the different settings of the two games and the difference in the types of weapons and armor. Otherwise, you can get the first person you meet as your companion, kill everyone around you in your visibility zone, and steal an item without consequences for your reputation using the same familiar combinations of letters and numbers. If they are unfamiliar to you, you can read about them below. We call the console menu with a tilde (~).

About the main cheat codes

tgm - Immortality and endless ammunition

modpca - Increase points to stats

modpcs - Increase points to skills

addspecialpoints - Increase to “special” points.

removefromallfactions - You no longer belong to any faction

rewardKarma - Increase or deduction of karma

tmm1 - Fully open card

tcl - Walking through obstacles and walls

tlv - Zero leaves on trees

player.setlevel - Player level

GetQuestCompleted - The assigned quest is considered completed

getXPfornextlevel - Getting the next level

kill - kill the selected character/animal

resurrect 1 - resurrect

resetai - restore default dialogues - erase the memory of the selected NPC. This command should only be used if you have killed someone, resurrected them, and after that they refuse to talk to you.

openactorcontainer 1 - open the inventory of the selected bot.

removeallitems - clear the inventory of the specified bot.

inv - show the contents of the selected character's inventory.

duplicateallitems player - copy all items from the inventory of the specified NPC or object to your inventory.

resetinventory - empty inventory.

setownership - make an item your property

unlock - hack

Codes for leveling up your character

Changing Skill Levels

To change skills, use the command player.setav OneHandedPowerMod X, where OneHandedPowerMod must be replaced with the desired skill from the list, and X is a modifier that changes the level of the skill.

1) OneHandedPowerMod - one-handed weapon

2) TwoHandedPowerMod - two-handed weapon

4) BlockPowerMod - shield

5) SmithingPowerMod - blacksmithing

6) HeavyArmorPowerMod - heavy armor

7) LightArmorPowerMod - light armor

8) PickPocketPowerMod - pickpocketing

9) LockpickingPowerMod - hack

10) SneakPowerMod - stealth

11) AlchemyPowerMod - alchemy

12) SpeechcraftPowerMod - eloquence

13) AlterationPowerMod - change

14) ConjurationPowerMod - witchcraft

15) DestructionPowerMod - destruction

16) IllusionPowerMod - illusion

17) RestorationPowerMod - restoration

18) EnchantingPowerMod - enchantment

Codes for upgrading skills

advskill X Y - get X (from the list) skill Y experience

player.setav X Y - get Y level of skill X (from the list)

player.setlevel X - change character level X (from 1 to 255)

1) Alchemy - alchemy

2) Alteration - change

3) Conjuration - witchcraft

4) Destruction - destruction

5) Enchanting - enchantment

6) Illusion - illusion

7) Restoration - restoration

9) Block - block

10) HeavyArmor - heavy armor

11) LightArmor - light armor

12) Lockpicking - hack

13) Onehanded - one-handed weapon

14) Twohanded - two-handed weapon

15) Pickpocket - pickpocketing

16) Smithing - blacksmithing

17) Sneak - stealth

18) Speechcraft - eloquence

Reservation cheat codes

To obtain necessary item use the command:

player.additem (armor code) (quantity)

1) 0001396B - armor

2) 0001396A - boots

3) 000D7A8C - boots +50% fire resistance

4) 000D7A8B - boots with silent movement

5) 000D7A8A - boots +50 units. lifting capacity

6) 0001396D - helmet

7) 0001396C - gloves

8) 0001396E - shield

9) 000D7AF9 – shield +70% resistance to electricity

10) 000D7AF6 - shield +70% cold resistance

11) 0010DFA3 - shield +22% magic resistance

1) 00013965 - boots

2) 00013966 - armor

3) 00013967 - gloves

4) 00013969 - helmet

5) 00013968 - shield

1) 0001393D - boots

2) 0001393E - armor

3) 0001393F - gloves

4) 00013940 - helmet

5) 00013941 - shield

Cheat codes for weapons

1) 000139B4 - ax

2) 0001DDFB - inferno ax +30 units. fire damage

3) 0001DFCB - thunderstorm ax - +30 units. electrical damage; takes away 15 units. of magic

4) 000139B5 - bow

5) 0001DFEF - petrification bow - Chance to paralyze the target for 6 sec

6) 0001DFE6 - inferno bow - +30 units. fire damage; sets the target on fire

7) 0001DFE9 - winter bow - +30 units. cold damage; takes away 30 units. reserve of strength

8) 0001DFF2 - bow of thunder - +30 units. electrical damage; takes away 15 units. of magic

9) 0001DFFC - Sacred Bow - Undead level 40 and below take flight for 30 seconds

10) 000139B6 - dagger

11) 000139B7 - two-handed sword

12) 000139B8 - mace

13) 000139B9 - sword

14) 000139B3 - battle ax

15) 000139BA - war hammer

1) 000F1AC1 - Dragon Scourge - +40 units. damage to dragons and +10 units. electrical damage

2) 000F5D2D - Pale Blade - +25 units. cold damage; subtract 50 stamina from the target; weaker enemies run away for 30 seconds

3) 000956B5 - Wuuthrad (especially deadly against elves)

4) 000B3DFA - Chalky's Eye - Fire explosion deals 40 damage. damage in a radius of 4.5 m and sets targets on fire

5) 000A4DCE - Bloody Spike - Fills the soul stone if the enemy dies within 3 seconds

6) 00053379 — Fierce — +15 units. cold damage; takes away 15 units. the enemy's reserves of strength

7) 000F8317 - Cooler - +30 units. cold damage; Chance to paralyze target for 2 seconds

8) 0001C4E6 - Ax of Sorrow - Takes away 20 units. the enemy's reserves of strength

9) 00035369 - Staff of Magnus - Absorbs 20 units. magic per second, if the enemy has no magic - absorbs his health

10) 0010076D - Staff of Hevnorak - For 30 sec. deals 50 damage. damage per second from lightning

11) 000AB704 - Holdir's Staff - Calms weak enemies for 60 sec. or captures their souls if they die

12) 000E5F43 - Yurik Goldurson's Staff - deals 25 damage. damage and takes away 50 units. of magic

13) 00094A2B - Phantom Blade - +3 units. extra damage, ignoring armor

14) 000AB703 - Curse of the Red Eagle - Sets undead level 13 and below on fire and causes them to flee for 30 sec.

15) 0009FD50 - Fury of the Red Eagle - +5 units. fire damage and sets the target on fire

16) 000B994E - Valdar's Lucky Dagger - +25% critical strike chance

17) 0006A093 - Staff of Tandil - Creatures and people of level 12 and below do not fight for 60 sec

Cheat codes for dragon screams

psb - add all dragon screams

player.teachword (shout ID) – add a shout

player.modav dragonsouls X - add X dragon souls

player.setav shoutrecoverymult 0 - removes the cooldown time for shouts

Each cry consists of three words, all words are learned separately and added in order

Shout ID

1) 46B89 / 46B8A / 46B8B - Call of the Dragon

2) 13E22 / 13E23 / 13E24 - Ruthless Force

3) 602A3 / 602A4 / 602A5 - Ice form

4) 6029A / 6029B / 6029C - Storm Call

5) 20E17 / 20E18 / 20E19 - Fire Breath

6) 48ACA / 48ACB / 48ACC - Time dilation

7) 2F7BB / 2F7BC / 2F7BD - Swift dash

8) 60291 / 60292 / 60293 - Friendship with animals

9) 3291D / 3291E / 3291F - Elemental Fury

10) 32917 / 32918 / 32919 - Ethereality

11) 5D16C / 5D16D / 5D16E - Frosty breath

13) 5FB95 / 5FB96 / 5FB97 - Disarmament

14) 3CD31 / 3DC32 / 3CD33 - Clear sky

15) 51960 / 51961 / 51962 - Call of Valor

16) 44251 / 44252 / 44253 - Dragon Slayer

17) 60297 / 60298 / 60299 - Death sentence

18) 60294 / 60295 / 60296 - Aura whisper

19) 6029D / 6029E / 6029F – Kin World

20) 3291A / 3291B / 3291C - Fright

Enchanting items

PlayerEnchantObject (item ID) (enchantment ID 1) (enchantment ID 2) - create an item with the selected effects (enchantment ID 2 is optional)

1) The item must be without upgrades

2) No more than 2 enchantments

3) Enchantment depends on the skill of the same name (better than 100)

Increase Item Skills

1) 0008B65C - alchemy

2) 0007A0FE - shooting

3) 0007A104 - trade

4) 0007A0F3 - block

5) 0007A0F9 - heavy armor

6) 0007A0FB - light armor

7) 0007A0FC - hacking

8) 0007A0FF - one-handed weapon

9) 0007A106 - two-handed weapon

10) 0007A100 - pickpocketing

11) 0007A102 - blacksmithing

12) 0007A103 - stealth


1) 0007A0FD - mana

2) 0007A0F8 - health

3) 0007A105 - power reserve


1) 00048C8B - fire

2) 00048F45 - cold

3) 00100E60 - diseases

4) 000B7A35 - all magic

5) 000FF15E - poisons

6) 00049295 - electricity

Reducing school magic consumption

1) 00109634 - recovery

2) 00109633 - illusions

3) 00109631 - destruction

4) 0010962F - witchcraft

5) 0010962E - changes

Enchanting weapons in Skyrim


1) 0004605A - fire

2) 0004605B - ​​cold

3) 0004605C - electricity

4) 0010582E - Nords

5) 00105831 - animals

6) 000FEFBC - Light of Meridia - Burns the target for X units, and when killing undead it gives a chance of a fiery explosion that destroys or drives away undead nearby


1) 000AA155 - health

2) 000AA156 - magic

3) 000AA157 - reserve of strength


1) 0005B44F - magic

2) 0005B450 - power reserve


1) 0003B0B1 - additional damage at night

2) 000ACBB5 - expulsion of the Daedra

3) 0001EA77 - fear

4) 0005B46B - scaring away the undead

5) 0001EA6E - paralysis

6) 0004DBA3 - soul capture

7) 001019D6 - increases Smithing and deals electrical damage

8) 0002C593 - Elemental Fury - increased attack speed

Cheat codes for home furniture

1) 00030091

2) 0003B41E

3) 0003B420

4) 000FEDB9

5) 000FEDBA

6) 000FEDBB

7) 00042AC8

8) 00042B67

9) 00042B02

Wooden expensive

1) 0006B36B

2) 000D8E98

3) 000D8E99

4) 000FEDC2

5) 000FEDC3

6) 000FEDC4


1) 0002FBC7

2) 000F4B4E

3) 000F4B4F

4) 000FF134

5) 00066014

6) 0003B428

7) 0003B427

1) 000FEDBC

2) 000FEDBD

3) 000FEDBE

4) 0003B6E8

5) 000F5101

6) 000F5102

7) 00042AC7

8) 000F50FD

9) 000F50FE

Wooden expensive doubles

1) 0006B3D3

2) 000D9D57

3) 000F50FC

4) 000FEDBF

5) 000FEDC0

6) 000FEDC1


1) 000C2A0E

2) 000F50FB

3) 000F50FA


1) 00066023

2) 000F50FF

3) 000F5100

Wooden expensive

1) 000C2A00

2) 000C2A03

3) 000C2A02


1) 0001EE50

2) 0001EDF6

Stone ordinary

1) 0002FCBB

2) 000289D8

3) 00066015

Stone expensive

1) 0005E50F

2) 000FF516

3) 000FF508

4) 000FF50E

5) 00060FD5

Ordinary wooden

1) 0006B691

2) 000C2A01

3) 0010E42F

4) 000C674D

5) 000C674C

6) 000C8DB9

7) 00021375

8) 0003B445

9) 0003B46F

10) 0003B487

11) 0003B4B3

12) 0003B4B1

13) 0003B4B5

Iron chairs

1) 0001EDF7

2) 00027EC2

3) 00027EC3

4) 00027ED7

5) 00027ED8

6) 00027ED9

7) 00027EDA

8) 0001EE09

9) 00027EF2

10) 00027EF3

11) 00027EF4

12) 00027EF6

13) 00027EFB

14) 00027F01


1) 0002FCB9

2) 00102733

3) 0004B781

4) 0004B782

5) 0002FBC8

6) 000EFFDA

7) 0004B780

8) 0004B77F

9) 00063DF0

10) 0006E7A9

11) 0006E7AA

12) 0006E7AB

13) 0006E7AD

14) 0006E7AC

15) 0006E7AE

16) 00066024

17) 0006E7AF

18) 0006E7B0

19) 0006E7B1

20) 0006E7B2


1) 0007FBC2

2) 00107354

3) 00107352

4) 00107351

5) 00107355

6) 00107353

7) 000B244B

Stone thrones

1) 0005E511

2) 001075FE

3) 000267D3

4) 0010F636

Wooden ordinary

With 1 bench:

1) 000C84D6

2) 000C07F2

With 2 benches:

1) 000C84D9

2) 000C07F3

With 6 benches:

1) 000C0C2C

Stone ordinary

With 1 bench:

1) 000F5B9B

2) 000F5B9A

With 2 benches:

1) 000F5B9C

2) 000F5B98


Wooden cheap

1) 00024CA4 - Buffet

2) 00024CA5 – Chest of drawers

3) 00042DBB – Chest of drawers

4) 00024CA6 — Nightstand

5) 00042D91 — Nightstand

6) 00024CA7 – Wardrobe

Wooden ordinary

1) 00015BAB - Buffet

2) 00021364 - Buffet

3) 00021365 - Chest of drawers

4) 00021366 — Nightstand

5) 0007DF28 — Nightstand (long)

6) 000813B8 – Sabjorn's chest of drawers

7) 00021362 – Wardrobe (high)

Wooden expensive

1) 000C4D4E – Chest of drawers

2) 000C4D4F – Chest of drawers

3) 000E317B - Nightstand

4) 000C2A06 — Nightstand

5) 000C2A05 – Wardrobe (small)

6) 000C2A04 - Wardrobe (regular)

7) 0006B303 – Wardrobe (high)

Wooden regular chests

1) 0006EA48

2) 000E3EA1

3) 000F3923

4) 00081DD9

5) 00021363

6) 0001D13C

7) 00020662

8) 000D30CC - Investigator's Chest

9) 000D8E4B - Thieves Guild Buyer's Chest

10) 000D8E4C - Thieves Guild Buyer's Chest

11) 000D8E4D — Thieves Guild Buyer's Chest

12) 000D882F - Thieves Guild Buyer's Chest

13) 000D8830 - Thieves Guild Buyer's Chest

14) 000D882D - Thieves Guild Buyer's Chest

15) 000D8831 - Thieves Guild Buyer's Chest

16) 000D882E - Thieves Guild Buyer's Chest

17) 000D54C5 - Thieves Guild Buyer's Chest

Wooden expensive

1) 000BCD2C

2) 000BCD2F

3) 00099A50

4) 000F8476

5) 000EF578

6) 0008EA5D

7) 0002064F

8) 0007AA90

9) 0008B1F0

10) 0008B1F1

11) 00020671

12) 00020672

13) 00020658

14) 000774BF

15) 00020667

16) 000774C9

17) 00020664

18) 0002065D

19) 00020661

20) 000DDEF7 - Velek Sein's Chest

Iron long chests

1) 0006EA46

2) 0003C50F

3) 000A7922

4) 0006B30E

5) 000C4493

6) 00081DD8

7) 000D89C6

8) 000F68AE - Guild Leader's Chest

Stone chests

1) 00020652

2) 00094F0E

3) 000B1176

Unusual chests

1) 00108B2F

2) 00020650

3) 00094F10

4) 00020653

1) 000F1F66

2) 000FCB25

1) 0002069A

2) 000F3AF7

Home decorations

1) B2456 - dragon head

2) 3FA65 - moose antlers

3) D9285 - crab

4) D9276 - goat head

5) 3858F - fish

6) DD9E0, DD9E1, CF264 - moose head

7) D928F, D928D - cat head

8) D9289, D9288 - wolf head

9) D9287, D927D - animal head

10) D8282, D9281, D927F - bear head

11) 93D39, 93D3B, 93D3D, 93D3F, 93D41, 93D43, 93D45, 93D47, B7E3E, B7E40, BF9CF, BF9D1, BF9D3, BF9D5 - square carpet

12) 95498, 954A3, 954A4, 954A5 - round carpet

13) 5C015, 5C016, 5C017 - animal skin

14) 7EA42 - wall candles

15) 1F24A - table candle

16) 5AD5B - ceiling lamp

Video: cheat codes for ability points in Skyrim

Like if it was useful

To enter required code, you should press the “tilde” key and enter in the console line that opens:

  • player.additem000139B41 – the code allows you to get .

  • player.additem0001DDFB1 – the code allows you to get the Daedric Inferno Axe. With its help, the hero gets +30 units. fire damage.

  • player.additem0001DFCB1 – the player receives a Daedric Storm Axe. Gives +30 units. damage from electricity. Takes away 15 units from the enemy. of magic.

  • player.additem000139B51 – Daedric bow drops.

  • player.additem0001DFEF1 – Daedric Fossil Bow. When using this weapon, the enemy is paralyzed for 6 seconds.

  • player.additem0001DFE61 - Daedric inferno bow. Will give the character +30 units. fire damage.

  • player.additem0001DFE91 - Daedric bow of winter. Gives the character +30 units. cold damage.

  • player.additem0001DFF21 - Daedric bow of thunder. Adds +30 units. damage from electricity to the hero and takes away 15 units. enemy's magic.

  • player.additem0001DFFC1 - Daedric sacred bow. When used, the enemy takes flight for 30 seconds.

  • player.additem000139B61 - Daedric dagger.

  • player.additem000139B71 - Daedric two-handed sword.

  • player.additem000139B81 – Daedric mace.

  • player.additem000139B91 - Daedric sword.

  • player.additem000139B31 - Daedric battle axe.

  • player.additem000139BA1 - Daedric war hammer.

  • player.additem000F1AC1 – when you enter the code, the “Dragon Scourge” weapon drops out. It adds 40 units. damage against dragons and +10 units. Electric damage against everyone.

  • player.additem000F5D2D – after use, the Pale Blade weapon appears. It deals +25 damage. cold damage and takes away 50 stamina from the target. This weapon has one peculiarity: when it acts, weaker opponents and people take flight. But the duration of action is limited to 30 seconds.

  • player.additem000956B5 – after use, the Wuuthrad weapon appears. The weapon has a special effect against elves.

  • player.additem000B3DFA – when entering the code, the player receives the “Chalk Eye” weapon. When used, a fiery explosion brings 40 units. damage and sets targets on fire. The weapon's effect extends within a radius of 4.5 meters.

  • player.additem000A4DCE – when entering the code, the Bloody Thorn weapon drops out. The weapon can imbue a soul stone, but this will only happen if the player's opponent dies within 3 seconds of use.

  • player.additem00053379 – the code allows you to get the “Fierce” weapon. It deals 15 units of cold damage and takes away 15 units of the enemy's stamina.

  • player.additem000F8317 – when you enter this code, the “Cooler” weapon drops out. It deals 30 cold damage.

  • player.additem0001C4E6 – when you enter this code, the “Axe of Sorrow” appears. He will be able to reduce the enemy's strength reserve by 20 units.

When entering the next four codes, the player will receive magic staves.

  • player.additem00035369 - “Staff of Magnus.” It can take up to 20 units of magic per second, and if the enemy has no magic, the staff absorbs health.

  • player.additem0010076D - “Staff of Hevnorak.” He will be able to inflict damage of 50 units to the enemy within 30 seconds.

  • player.additem000AB704 - “Holdir’s Staff.” Calms enemies for 60 seconds, and if the enemy dies, the staff captures their souls.

  • player.additem000E5F43 - “Staff of Yurik Goldurson.” The staff deals 25 damage and takes away 50 magic.

  • player.additem00094A2B – When you enter this code, the “Phantom Blade” appears. The blade gives 3 units of additional damage. Completely ignores enemy armor.

  • player.additem000AB703 – if you enter this code, then the weapon “Curse of the Red Eagle” appears. It sets fire to undead below level 13 and puts them to flight for 30 sec.

  • player.additem0009FD50 – when entered, “Red Eagle’s Fury” appears. It sets the target on fire and resists up to 5 fire.

  • player.additem000B994E – this code will bring the player the “Valdar’s Lucky Dagger” weapon. The dagger gives +25% chance of receiving a critical hit.
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