Games like gta list. Games similar to GTA

Crazy Popularity Grand Theft Auto 5 has always aroused not only admiration, but also the envy of Rockstar Games' competitors. Of course, such a unique game as GTA 5 could not but have a whole brood of clones of varying degrees of usefulness. We'll talk about them today!

Actually clones from GTA great amount. If we start talking about everyone, then you just won’t have the patience to read such a huge article. Therefore, let's focus only on the most worthy imitators of the series grand theft Auto.


Like GTA, Mafia is a series of games that needs no introduction. These games can hardly be called clones of Grand Theft Auto, as they have their own fan base and a considerable number of achievements in the gaming industry. The history of the series began on August 28, 2002, with the American release of a third-person shooter (in Russia, the game was released on May 30, 2003). To say that this game has made a splash is an understatement. The superbly conveyed atmosphere of the Italian mafia of the 20s, an excellent plot, revolutionary, for those times, graphics and game mechanics provided this game with honor and respect from fans for many years to come. What is there to say? The racing mission from the first Mafia was remembered by old gamers no less than the helicopter mission from GTA vice city or lowrader competitions from GTA San Andreas. Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven without a doubt one of the best games of the early 2000s.

Of course, the resounding success of the first part could not but lead to the appearance of a sequel. The second part of the series, titled Mafia II saw the light after a full 8 years (the term for the gaming industry is simply huge), so you can imagine the joy of fans caused by the release of the long-awaited sequel to their favorite game. The action of the game was transferred from the days of Prohibition in the United States, to the 50s of the 20th century. The second part did not bring anything fundamentally new to the series, however, and did not fall flat on its face. Updated graphics, a wonderful storyline, cool shootouts and dizzying rides on retro cars - all this remained at the same high level, which was very much to the liking of the large army of game fans.

At the moment, the third game in the series is under development, the action of which will be transferred another 20 years into the future and this time we will play on the side of the worst enemies of the Italian mafia - black gangs. The release of the game is scheduled for October 7, 2016.

In general, the Mafia series of games is perhaps the most serious competitor to GTA, and many are sure that Mafia 3 will easily compete with GTA 5. Well, let's wait and see.

The first part of the series was released back in 2006, after which four more games saw the light: in 2008, in 2011, in 2013 and saints row: Gat out of Hell in 2015. All games in the series tell about the adventures of the Saints gang. In the first and second parts of the game, the main character will take part in the war for control over underworld city ​​of Stillwater. In the third part, the "Saints" will have to engage in a deadly battle with the powerful criminal organization the Syndicate, during which they will leave their native Stilwater and go to Steelport. In the fourth part of the game, the main character, who managed to become the President of the United States, and his faithful "Saints" will fight evil aliens in two worlds at once: the real and the virtual. Finally, the fifth game in the series, Saints Row: Gat out of Hell, will take the player to hell where they will have to fight hordes of demons.

The gameplay of the games in the Saints Row series is almost completely copied from GTA. At least in the first two parts. However, there are also very significant differences. First and foremost is the ability to fully customize your character, including gender, race, physique, and the like. Also, the game has multiplayer and a cooperative mode, which the games of the GTA series cannot boast of (except, of course, GTA 5). The plot of Saints Row is very original, as well as the humor that the developers did not spare when creating levels and missions. In general, we can say that Saints Row is rather not a clone, but a parody of GTA 5.

Sleeping Dogs was released on August 14, 2012. This game follows the adventures of Wei Shen, an undercover cop trying to infiltrate one of Hong Kong's biggest crime organizations. The game has collected a lot of positive reviews and gained fame as one of the best GTA columns. Distinctive feature the games are perfectly realized martial arts. This component of the game boasts great realism, as Georges St-Pierre himself, one of the best fighters in the history of mixed martial arts, became the main consultant for the developers on the combat system.

Playing Sleeping Dogs you can plunge into a really exciting story and an unusual setting. Another feature of the game is that the player has to choose which tasks to complete: police missions or triad tasks. In general, we can say that Sleeping Dogs, if originally conceived as a clone of GTA, turned out to be quite a separate, albeit similar, game with unique gameplay.

This creation of the famous authors of Assasins Creed was released on May 27, 2014. Despite the serious downgrade, at first the game makes quite a positive impression. The graphics remained pleasant, the musical accompaniment can even be called excellent, and the GTA mechanics multiplied by the main feature Watch Dogs- using a smartphone to hack various devices and systems of the city, make the gameplay of this game unique. The plot is decent, although not particularly catchy. All in all, Watch Dogs is a pure clone of GTA 5, with the only difference being the hacking mechanic.

Also, not so long ago it became known that Ubisoft is already developing the next parts of Watch Dogs, which will become the same regular series as Assasins Creed. What is it, the birth of a new GTA killer or an attempt to make as much money as possible using other people's work? Future will tell.

Series The Godfather is another attempt to break the laurels of GTA, this time undertaken by eminent Electronic Arts. It would seem that all the prerequisites for success were there from the very beginning: here you have an open world mechanic with cars and gunfights, and a more than recognizable name, and a huge amount of money, and experienced developers. Did it work? We can firmly say yes. Of course both games Godfather are not masterpieces of the gaming industry, but the fact that these games are quite worthy of your attention - this can be said with all certainty. Graphically, at least, the first part of the game, released in 2006, compares favorably with the first part of Saints Row.

The second part appeared in 2009 and did not bring anything particularly new to either game process, nor in game mechanics. Both games can be called quite average representatives of the genre, neither too bad nor too good.

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Adventure action series dead rising similar to GTA only in general terms - after all, there are no zombies in Grand Theft Auto, and in Dead Rising a poorly developed universe. But still there are similarities: an open world, vehicles, some kind of freedom in completing tasks, the ability to leave the main storyline and explore locations in search of interesting events and collectibles.

In addition, the series is notable for its simply prohibitive concentration of the living dead per square meter of space, and will be a great option if you want to arrange a small zombie genocide.

14. The Godfather Series

Games that make it possible to feel like a bigwig of the criminal world, the real head of the mafia "family". The GTA-clone dilogy The Godfather is based on the movie saga of the same name, and invites players to meet famous movie characters.

The developers managed to create an atmospheric world, come up with a decent storyline and interesting missions, and even implement some kind of strategy with the capture and retention of business. For this, The Godfather gets a place on our list.

Where to download: Due to copyright expiration, games have been removed from official digital services, but you can find them in third-party stores

13. True Crime Series

These GTA-style projects show players the hardships of being a cop in big city– Los Angeles in the first part and New York in the sequel. When developing, the authors seem to have been inspired by films about bad cops: the methods of work of the main characters are clearly not taken from the job description of a law enforcement officer. Here, car chases, shootouts, and hard-hitting interrogations are commonplace, and the filing of protocols and courteous treatment of suspects are not considered something worthy of attention.

Like the other games in this collection, the True Crime dilogy features sandbox-style gameplay, an open world, and plenty of side activities. Added to this is a licensed soundtrack (consisting mostly of hip-hop), crime fighting, and the ability to choose between playing a "bad" or a "good" cop.

12. Mercenary Series

A series of games dedicated to mercenaries - soldiers of fortune who are ready to take on any dirty job. Similar to GTA in the presence of a large open world, an impressive choice Vehicle and weapons, with a heavy emphasis on action and mayhem - which is not surprising, since we are talking about mercenaries.

The first part of Mercenaries was released only on the PlayStation and Xbox consoles, but the sequel also looked at the PC. It is worth paying attention to: there is a lot of shooting, even more explosions and destruction, and for the most furious maniacs, air strikes and nuclear charges are in store, leveling entire cities to the ground. But there is little sense in what is happening - but who needs it if it is possible to get into the tank and arrange a total destruction?

Where to download: Games removed from official digital services, can be found in third-party stores

11. Series Prototype

The Prototype dilogy can be described as a "GTA with superpowers". Here, a character rushes around digitized New York, who can turn his hands into tentacles and transform into any NPC he meets, and transport trips become unnecessary when you can jump over a skyscraper and rush to any point on the map with a bullet.

The protagonist can use his superpowers for various purposes. Basically, of course, to confront the sinister corporation, which caused him to have almost divine powers, and at the same time released a virus that turns people into zombies. But he also does not miss the opportunity to help his neighbor by taking on various additional missions.

10. The Saboteur

Stylish action in the open world dedicated to the members of the French Resistance fighting the Nazis in occupied Paris. Players will have to complete tasks, block by block, to recapture the city from the invaders. This is reflected in the color scheme: the areas occupied by the Germans are made in black and white with splashes of red, the liberated territories show a riot of colors.

V The Saboteur the balance between exploration of the world and the passage of the story campaign, as well as stealth and open battles, is well maintained. The main character is an experienced fighter and driver, so the missions are pleasing with variety. The highlight of the game was the use of a brothel as the base of the Resistance - it's always nice to return to the headquarters between tasks.

9.Total Overdose

Completely crazy clone of GTA with a charismatic protagonist, Mexican flavor and sticky soundtrack. Together with the main character, who avenges the death of his father, players will have to shoot hundreds of bandidos, find the love of their lives and help the DEA destroy a powerful drug cartel.

If GTA 5 is a satire on society, then Total Overdose is an undisguised banter over stereotypes. Sombreros, wrestlers, bullfighting and other integral aspects of Mexican life are shown here in an exaggerated manner, flavored with a huge dose of humor and action. Unfortunately, primitive graphics spoil the pleasure of the gameplay: Total Overdose was released back in 2005, and today the game is only suitable for weak PCs and nostalgic gamers.

8APB: Reloaded

A free multiplayer GTA-type game from one of the creators of the Grand Theft Auto series, dedicated to a showdown between police and bandits within a single city. It features complete freedom of action, an advanced customization system, what is the way to compete with GTA Online, as well as a very well-developed PvP action.

Of course, you have to pay for all this, so in APB: Reloaded, despite the status of a free-to-play game, you won’t get much pleasure without a donation. Before you download a shooter, be prepared to part with a certain amount of money.

7. Red Dead Redemption Series

3. Series Watch Dogs

The first part of Watch Dogs was positioned by Ubisoft as a "GTA killer" during the advertising campaign. True, the miracle did not happen, and it was not possible to throw GTA off the pedestal, but at the same time we got a good action movie in the open world with curious gameplay mechanics that play on the hacker abilities of the protagonist.

When developing the sequel, the authors have already behaved more modestly, taken into account all the mistakes and presented as a result a good action game with variable missions, RPG elements and a well-designed world that lives its own life, reacts to the player's actions and constantly surprises with new features. All this is seasoned with a frivolous general mood of the game and the most detailed San Francisco, in which the developers have recreated almost all the sights of the original city. And if Watch Dogs could hardly compete with an eminent competitor, then Watch Dogs 2 is exactly the GTA 5-type game that gamers have been waiting for.

2. Sleeping Dogs

This action movie was supposed to be a continuation of the True Crime series, which we wrote about above. But in the end, Activision Blizzard froze the development, and the already created materials were bought by Square Enix. Since the rights to the series remained with the old publisher, the project was released under a new name.

Sleeping Dogs tells the story of an undercover cop who infiltrates one of Hong Kong's biggest gangs to destroy it from the inside. The plot surprises with interesting twists and difficult moral dilemmas. The gameplay also matches him, where, in accordance with the setting, oriental martial arts with an admixture of dirty tricks come to the fore: in battles, the protagonist can use the environment, smashing aquariums and air conditioners with the heads of opponents. Finally, one cannot fail to mention the atmosphere of the game - nowhere else has Hong Kong, with its charm and energy, been recreated in such detail.

1. Saints Row Series

Saints Row is the answer to the question “What would GTA be like if its developers used illegal substances”: an absolutely crazy series of games where everything is possible, from clearing neighborhoods from gangs and fighting aliens to descending into the Underworld and meeting God. To match the plot with the atmosphere and weapons: in addition to the standard submachine guns in Saints Row, there are such crazy examples of weapons as a dubstep cannon, a lightsaber and a plunger.

Aside from the madness of the series (which is almost impossible), otherwise it is a great substitute for GTA with gunfights, chases, additional missions and collectibles scattered around the world. And Saints Row has one of the best character editors, which contains an incredible amount of customization options.

Series Grand Games Theft Auto, known to everyone, certainly left a significant mark on the history of the gaming industry. The release of each new part was accompanied by a constant discussion of any element of the game, while the excitement was, roughly speaking, crazy. Each new part offered something new: one in terms of gameplay, the other, for example, in terms of graphics. GTA Series gave players delight both 20 years ago and now.

I think everyone will agree that the Grand Theft Auto series is the most popular, the greatest and, yes, the most the best series in the genre. Yes, in addition to it, such games as Mafia, Sleeping Dogs, Godfather, True Crime, just cause and much more. But in any case, they do not live up to the level that Rockstar created. And even now - take, but compare any released game of this genre with the same GTA 5. In any case, the difference will be enormous. In this blog, I decided to recall, perhaps, the most ridiculous, strangest, but at the same time, very popular, clones of Rockstar's masterpiece. I must say right away: there are no obvious clones on the list, such as Mafia, Just Cause, Sleeping Dogs, as well as the above-mentioned games. Adding these games to the list would be strange and banal. But, let's get started!

Sunset Overdrive

Sunset Overdrive is hard to compare to the GTA series. On the one hand, it's completely different games, with different mechanics and different ideas. But on the other hand, thanks to this game, you can have a great time. Sunset Overdrive gives us a sea of ​​emotions that provides us with a kind of open world, interesting gameplay and some kind of unusual sense of gouging. A great way to escape from the serious GTA and feel the atmosphere of permissiveness.


Life on the farm is in full swing! The game Barnyard was created based on the cartoon "Horns and Hooves" and, surprisingly, the developers were clearly inspired by the main Rockstar Games franchise. The player plays as a cow that completes tasks and helps other inhabitants of the farm, collects recipes, notes, participates in the modernization of the farm, can take part in mini-games and much more. Perhaps really the most unusual clone of GTA!

Saints Row 4

The Saints Row series has become, perhaps, one of the most similar, indeed, very similar GTA clones. At least the first two parts were incredibly similar to a kind of symbiosis of San Andreas and GTA IV. Starting from the third part, the developers began to change the mechanics of their project somewhat, but in the fourth part their imagination reached the unknown. The game, which initially tried to be a "parody of GTA", although at some points even overtook it, suddenly turned into something similar to Prototype with aliens. Actually, the series gradually rolled down, and Gat Out of Hell is already at its bottom. We hope that the long-awaited fifth part of Saints Row, which is rumored to return to the origins of the series and be "brutal", will bring the game and the series as a whole to the level it really deserves.

Scarface: The World is Yours

This little-known game, in fact, is remembered by few. But at one time, the game, in the language of youth, dragged. scarface: The World is Yours is a game based on the famous movie "Scarface". But the game itself is a sequel to this movie. The main way to make money in the game is to sell cocaine, so at least the fun is guaranteed. In short, Scarface: The World is Yours is a kind of GTA 3, maybe even Vice City, only with Al Pacino in the title role.

The Saboteur

And then down the list, The Saboteur is a game about a car mechanic fighting the Nazis, where the main action takes place in German-occupied Paris. In terms of gameplay from GTA, The Saboteur differs only in the presence of parkour. An important role in the game is played by the so-called color scheme. Throughout the plot, and indeed, free travel, the main character, in the literal sense of the word, "cleanses the gray city", making it colorful. In addition, The Saboteur could well be called a stealth action game, which you definitely cannot say about GTA. Perhaps one of the most competent clones of the series.


Gun is a very old and very good Wild West game that can be compared to the Grand Theft Auto series. Perhaps when you hear the words "Wild West" and "GTA" a completely different game comes to mind, but do not forget that "this same game" was made by the same guys as GTA, so nothing personal. In turn, Gun was developed by Neversoft and Beenox and was released as much as 10 years ago. However, even now the game is quite talked about. About the gameplay and the plot in general - everything is simple. The main character, as befits a true gentleman, travels around the beauties of the Wild West, shoots, kills, takes revenge and does what he must. Such is the harsh life in the Wild West ...

total overdose

Total Overdose is another hit from 10 years ago. The game is a kind of symbiosis of GTA and Max Payne. The main character travels around the vast world, completing tasks, and in order to shoot more accurately, the "slow mod" helps him, just like Max Payne. The game had a great soundtrack, a captivating storyline, excellent implementation of the open world, charismatic characters and brutal gunfights. Yes, it’s a pity that we didn’t wait for the continuation ...


Vin Diesel, hot Barcelona and a lot of action and fun - that's Wheelman for you. The main character will have to completely immerse himself in a world full of chaos and madness. Actually, the hero himself is both a driver and an undercover agent. When he gets into the car, any road is automatically taken under his control. The chases in the game are especially good. With a good imagination, it may seem to you that you are playing Burnout or Split Second, because there can be so much action on the screen that it just rolls over. The game was rated extremely low by critics, but most players liked it. That is why she is in the TOP.

The Simpsons: Hit & Run

Who would have thought that the game about the Simpsons can proudly bear the title of "GTA clone". Turned out maybe. The Simpsons: Hit & Run follows the Simpsons family and their adventures in Springfield. The game has a lot of Easter eggs, jokes and just funny moments. In addition, the game has a storyline divided into seven levels, in each of which the main characters (and there are several of them) are required to perform certain tasks. The game had good gameplay and advanced graphics. And even now it is popular. Even despite the relatively low sales, the game was remembered by many.


Excellent at one time was an exclusive for the Xbox platform - these are the words that can describe Crackdown. I would like to say that the owners of the platform from Microsoft were very lucky, because only they had the opportunity to play this wonderful game. Crackdown has an unusual, one might even say, non-standard gameplay. One of the main advantages of the game is non-linear gameplay. The player can decide for himself how to complete this or that task. However, the developers have shown their views on games in the open world and Rockstar should learn something from them.

Ride to Hell: Retribution

And for dessert, we have the worst example of a GTA clone - Ride to Hell: Retribution. The developers, speaking about the game, promised to release a very high-quality product, but in the end everything went somehow wrong, in general, they didn’t have a day at that time. In addition to a more or less good setting, as well as a couple of beautiful landscapes, there is nothing more to mention. Otherwise, everything turned out very badly - a miserable combat system, lack of a sane plot, weak graphics, a very strange system of shelters and shooting - it seems that the minuses for this game can be said for a long time ...

And that's all :) Thank you all and good luck)

Do you want a game like Grand Theft Auto (GTA) because you've played the entire series of this game so many times that you can't even count it? There are many games like GTA available on multiple platforms. This article shows the top 13 GTA-like games currently available.

The series Grand Theft Auto began in 1998 and is known for its free-roam style. game world and complete freedom of action. Players progress through the storyline through missions and various side missions, with driving, stealth and full RPG elements.

Here you can look at a list of games that have borrowed style from GTA and may appeal to fans of the series.

If you know another GTA-like game that is not on this page, please let us know.

1 - GTA Mods

Get new skins and improve gameplay for GTA

There are many GTA mods available on the Internet that allow you to run faster, have better physical abilities, new cars, etc. Also, there are mods that allow you to put skins to give the game new life. If you're looking for a game like GTA, your best bet is to start by modifying the original.

There are hundreds of mods on the web now, so you can find one for yourself to revive the old game.

2 - Saints Row

A very popular GTA-like game.

Published by THQ and has the same open play style as the entire series gta games, generally regarded as the best GTA-like game available, has received positive reviews from almost every publication. Currently, Saints Row offers 3 games in the series, released in 2006, 2008 and 2011 respectively.

The Saints Row series has a strong open world focus and allows players to roam its massive and open game world. Saints Row offers a wide variety of vehicles to explore the game world along with an array of weapons (including melee). The visual customization of your character is also given a lot of attention in the series.

3 - Red Dead Redemption

is an adventure game set in the open world of the wild west, set in 1911. Players take on the role of John Marston, who is a former criminal, but after his wife and son are held hostage, he must bring his former gang members to justice.

Along with the main storyline, players will experience many random events. These random events can include public hangings, ambushes, hostage contingencies, travelers needing help, animal attacks. Players also have access to additional activities including bounty hunting, herb gathering, hunting, duels, and gambling.

Red Dead Redemption uses a morality system where players gain honor throughout the game (positive or negative rating), which affects how people interact with you.

Upon release, Red Dead Redemption received critical acclaim with an average score of over 95% from various review websites (such as Metacritic and GameRankings), making it one of the highest rated games available for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Red Dead Redemption has also received several in-game awards.

4 - Mafia (series)

Play as a mafia member.

The Mafia series features two games (Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven and ). They are available on PC, Xbox, Xbox 360, PlayStation 2 and PlayStation 3. Mafia games are very similar to gta games but they focus on the 80s.

The original Mafia game was praised as a more realistic and serious version of Grand Theft Auto. IGN gave the PC version of the game a 9.2/10, while GameSpot gave it a very strong 9.3. Unfortunately, the Xbox and PlayStation port consoles didn't live up to expectations.

Mafia II receives similar reviews from critics ranging from 7/10 all the way up to 8.5/10 from various gaming sites. The PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions of the game all received similar scores, unlike the original game. Mafia II offers a deep and compelling storyline that definitely makes the game interesting. The game also contains profanity, so be careful when buying a mafia for a child as a gift.

5 - Scarface: The World Is Yours

Game based on the movie "Scarface"

Scarface: The World Is Yours is a video game intended as a sequel to the Scarface movie. It is available on PC, PlayStation 2, Xbox and Wii. There is also a Scarface spin-off called Scarface: Money, Power, Respect for PSP.

The game received a lot of positive reviews, most of which are around 85% (for consoles). Unfortunately, the PC port of the game was filled with bugs, so I advise you to buy only fans of games similar to GTA, and only the version for consoles, but not for PC.

6 - True Crime: Streets Of L.A.

One of unique games like GTA

True Crime: The streets of LA are very original game, similar to GTA (GTA clone) and was released after GTA III in 2003. There is also a second game in the series (True Crime: New York) but the game is very lackluster compared to the original version and is best avoided.

True Crime focuses on justice by playing on the side of the law. Players work in the police and must catch criminals.

Game Reviews (TGR) described True Crime's gameplay as "a GTA III clone where you play as a cop." Players must complete various missions in order to move up the ranks of the police, while bad job you may be fired from your job.

7 - Gun

Game similar to GTA, where the action takes place in the 19th century

Gun is a western GTA clone developed by Neversoft. The game is available on PC (Windows), Xbox, Xbox 360, GameCube and PlayStation 2. A PlayStation Portable version was released a little later.

Gun offers an open environment and many side missions, just like in the GTA series. The game also includes many mini-games such as poker, bounty hunting, herding. Money received from mini-games and side missions can be used to purchase and upgrade equipment.

Gun has received positive reviews from many game critics, with an aggregate score of 79% on Metacritic. The game won numerous awards, including GameSpy's "Xbox 360 Action Game of the Year" and the main character Guns (Colton White) earned himself 7th place in the "Top 10 Heroes of 2005".

8 - The Godfather: The Game(series)

Play Godfathers in a game like GTA

The Godfather: The Game is a series of two adventure games published by Electronic Arts that are based on the Godfather series and mafia films. The games are available for PS2/PS3, PC, and Xbox/Xbox 360, with the first game often considered the best film adaptation.

The Godfather game even features some of the original actors from the movie. The game follows the original movie quite closely, so fans of the 90s hit will be pleased.

Ratings for Godfather are mixed, but mostly positive. The game was praised by critics for its "dedication" to the film, but due to poor textures and graphics, the game failed to receive top marks.

Continuation (The Godfather II), unfortunately, did not live up to expectations. The main reasons for the failure were: a small number of changes, a lot of bugs, an easy level of complexity. That being said, the game remains decent, especially for Godfather fans.

9 - Crackdown (episode)

From the man who worked on the creation of GTA and Lemmings

Crackdown features a third-person open world similar to GTA and is available for the Xbox 360. The Crackdown series consists of two games released in 2007 and 2010. The idea of ​​the game was conceived by the creator of GTA and Lemmings.

Players of the original Crackdown are free to explore the world after selecting one of the pre-installed agents available. From here, the player is tasked with defeating the heads of various gangs. Various actions can increase your chances of successfully accepting missions, such as removing bodyguards, or high level influence to reduce their protection further.

Crackdown 2 follows a similar gameplay style but offers a wide variety of customization options (visuals and skills). Driving was also introduced in Crackdown 2, giving a larger map and more game modes (such as racing).

Both Crackdown games were highly acclaimed, but the sequel has been criticized for not being enough different from the original.

10 - Infamous (series)

Open game world, like in GTA, for PS3

Infamous (Infamous) is popular game With open world, which is available on the PlayStation 2. The series consists of two games that were released in 2009 and 2011, both of which received strong ratings.

In both games, the player takes on the role of a human with various special abilities. The game allows you to choose your own path through the storyline and even change the ending, of which there are several in the game.

The original Infamous was highly acclaimed and is often considered one of the best PS3 games. The game was praised for its simple mechanics, varied missions, and strong storyline with multiple endings. Infamous 2 received similar praise and holds a score of 83 on Metacritic.

11 - Prototype

Roam game similar to gta and Infamous

Prototype is another open world game. The game was released in 2009 with a sequel in 2012.

All actions take place in New York, where the virus began to spread throughout the city. In the midst of this chaos, we find Alex Mercer, who has no memory of his past, but has the ability to change his appearance, use superpowers.

Players are free to roam the open game world and play through the main story as they please, just like in Infamous and the GTA series. The prototype is available on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and via Steam for PC. Average score from Metacritic - 80% on existing platforms.

12 - Hitman (series)

Stealth game similar to GTA

If you are a fan of stealth elements in GTA games, then Hitman is for you. The game focuses heavily on stealth, and revolves around Agent 47, who is an assassin for hire.

The main objectives of the game around each level involve killing the designated target. While the game can't boast of story-driven levels, the player has plenty of options to complete them. You can play in stealth mode, or go for it all like Rambo.

The entire Hitman series has received positive reviews, making it a worthy follower of the GTA style.

13 - Simpsons: Hit and Run

Game like GTA about The Simpsons

The Simpsons Hit & Run is often praised as being great, fun game, similar to GTA with the Simpsons in the title role. The game is available on Xbox, PS2 and PC with story and dialogue created by The Simpsons writers.

It is necessary to solve the problems of Springfield and the Simpsons themselves. The gameplay is mainly focused on driving, which draws heavily on the GTA franchise, however, players can explore the world on foot when required.

How do you like these GTA games? Write reviews about them directly to this post.

GTA 5 came out today, so we suggest remembering best games made in a similar style. The franchise has spawned many projects in which, in one way or another, the features of this iconic series are guessed.


GTA came out today 5. Volume 5 promises to set new standards for open-world action games, and there's no doubt that Rockstar was able to do it. We, like most console owners, have already started playing, so in the coming days, expect a big review on Grand Theft Auto 5. In the meantime, we suggest recalling the best games made in the style of the franchise. The series has spawned many projects in which the features of this iconic series are somehow guessed.

Saints Row 4 will outdo any trash movie or game. This is an example of how to make the most frivolous action, while correctly parodying the main clichés and well-known franchises. As President of the United States, you have to fight off aliens and do a lot of things that are hard to describe.

Saints Row - GTA, which completely failed the brakes. The second such frivolous game simply does not exist, the developers in this sense are ahead of the rest. Playing SR is fun, but like any parody, it's empty on the inside. If you want a more or less normal plot or adequacy, the game cannot offer anything. Volition excels at silliness and parody, but going through Saints Row is like watching American Pie. Sometimes, of course, it's funny, only this humor is second-rate, too obvious and without frills.

The cooperative, which, in theory, was supposed to double the degree of insanity, came out frankly weak. The characters almost do not interact, the cutscenes are identical for both solo and co-op. It's not good to do that, Volition.

However, as a fun game, Saints Row 4 is perfect.

Action became one of the main surprises of the last year. No one really expected anything from the continuation of the lousy True Crime series, but a high-quality action movie came out. The game was created for the Western world, so you will not see any Asian features here. In general, Sleeping Dogs is the most that neither is GTA, only with some important differences.

First, you play as a police officer, albeit undercover. Secondly, there is left-hand traffic here, and it takes some time to get used to it. Thirdly, here they wave their arms and legs a lot, but they shoot not enough. Actually, the rest is absolutely the same GTA with similar plot moves, story development and climbing the criminal ladder of Hong Kong.

The fights were really great. The developers did not fail, taking as a basis the combat system of Batman: Arkham Asulym - it is used in every first action with massacre. In addition to realistic fights with a juicy crunch of bones, I remember excellent finishing moves, which are very similar to fatalities from The Punisher. The hero smashes opponents with their heads into the blades of air conditioners, throws enemies into furnaces, throws them at electric shields high voltage- such cruelty came in handy for the action movie about wayward eastern mafiosi.

The Driver series is fickle. After the disgusting Driv3r came the decent Parallel Lines, which takes place in two time periods. The first half we drive through sunny New York in 1978, and then we are transported to a gloomy 2006. The main character was framed, and he was put behind bars for as much as 28 years. The move with different eras is interesting in itself, but the atmosphere of our days was much inferior to the Big Apple of the seventies.

As usual, in Driver a lot of attention is paid to cars and chases. Most of the tasks are related to transport in one way or another - fans of shooting races through the whole city will surely be satisfied. It is curious that after five years of silence, the series has changed the concept. In Driver: San Francisco, you can’t leave the car, but you can and should “move” from one car to another, the quality view from the cabin is pleasantly surprising. Since then, nothing has been heard about the continuation, which is a pity. San Francisco was definitely a successful reboot of the series.

Instead of bandits with huge gold Rolexes, the Czechs showed the other side of the underworld. A time when gangsters had bigger laws than cops. When it was forbidden to kill anyone without the approval of the mafia boss. When, finally, the criminals were gentlemen and walked in expensive suits, and did not wear Adidas and did not spill kilograms of cocaine on the tables.

A small Czech company has created a cult game that is much deeper and more elaborate in terms of atmosphere and characters than GTA. Of course, these are series about different eras, they focus on different things. But Mafia is a more serious and mature project. It's a paradox, but after almost nine years, the developers could not at least repeat, not to mention surpass their masterpiece. Mafia II turned out to be a pathetic craft, a weak shadow of The City of the Lost Heaven. Banal plot, transience, boring missions. Illusion Softworks Please release the first Mafia in a new engine, or at least a HD edition of the beautiful original.

All Points Bulletin, better known as APB Reloaded, offers to rob a bank and run away, shooting back at the cops, with a plump bag of money on his back. Or take the side of the keepers of order. Recall that the fifth part of GTA is dedicated to bank robberies, and one of the main guidelines for developers is the wonderful 1994 action movie Fight.

APB is a multiplayer shooter in which events are very unpredictable. On a quiet street, a firefight involving SWAT and bank robbers can unfold, which will result in an intense chase through a busy city. Surprises await at every turn. The fact is that players are assigned to units: you can organize an ambush for enemies, come to the aid of allies, and generally arrange a local war in the middle of the city. And the same is happening throughout the metropolis.

The main feature is the gameplay, which is tied to triggers (invisible "buttons"). Step on one - and a carefully thought-out plan for robbing a bank will collapse in an instant, forcing you to think through options for getting out of this difficult situation on the go. Suppose, at the most crucial moment, the alarm will beep. The security forces immediately arrive, shooting starts, you are torn between the desires of "just escape" and "rescue with stolen money." And then the partner will not be prevented by help - to help out or run away while there is an opportunity? The security forces have their own concerns. It is much better to take the criminals alive - but the enemies do not want to surrender under any circumstances. What is more important: to shoot the robbers, or to try to arrest, while risking completely missing the violators of the law?

In MMOs, character customization is important. Many players want to create a hero that is different from the rest. In the All Points Bulletin character editor, this is quite possible. The possibilities are vast, you can spend hours picking up tattoos or adjusting the shade of your protégé's hair. Those who like to poke around in the character's appearance settings for a long time will be satisfied.

The shooter was released two years ago, but is still very popular, and has proven itself well among fans of the genre. Moreover, there are practically no multiplayer action games, even with bank robberies.

The GTA series has inspired many developers to create similar projects. And not everyone can be called clones, each game focuses on something of its own. One takes with cool chases, the other with realistic fights, the third is generally an MMO. If you are waiting for the PC version or, having a console, for some unthinkable reason have not yet bought GTA 5, we recommend that you play the games from this material

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