Games of spillikins. Spillikins, a magic bag and a bunch of small things - ancient games for the whole family What is a game of spillikins

A little history. The word “spilliki” has East Slavic roots and means “to take” - to take. Play with spillikins - collect or take out toy objects from a pile so as not to touch neighboring ones. This fun was at first a children's game, but very quickly grew into a real national hobby, but history is silent about how this happened. The name of the master who was the first to begin making turned sets of various objects for playing spillikins also remains unknown. Initially, the game of spillikins was considered a game of the poor; it was mainly played in peasant families - it was necessary to somehow while away the long winter evenings. A handful of evenly cut straws were used as spillikins, which were thrown onto the table in a bunch. The point of the game was to use a straw hook to take out straws one by one, trying not to touch the entire heap. Move the neighboring straws - pass the move to another. The winner was the one who at the end of the game had more straws than the others.

Perhaps spillikins would have remained a poor man's pastime if folk craftsmen had not begun to carve various figures for this game from wood. The hobby quickly spread and became real family game in Russia. From peasant huts, spillikins found their way into the homes of wealthy townspeople, and then into secular salons. Playing spillikins became fashionable among society ladies and spillikins became an indispensable attribute of aristocratic salons. Intricate, skillfully crafted spillikins were made to order, and the boxes and boxes in which they were stored were decorated precious stones and fine carving.

A variety of figurines were made for playing spillikins - miniature cups, teapots, flutes and double basses, weapons and shoes and other small miracles. The material for the spillikins was very different - from birch and linden to ivory. Straw sticks were replaced with wooden ones, according to appearance like little pencils. The surface was made uneven, with jagged edges, to make it more difficult to reach an object without touching the others.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, spillikins were forgotten. They were remembered recently, and now the game is gaining popularity again. It hasn't become a family game yet, it's just children's entertainment, very, very useful. Firstly, while playing, the child learns to communicate with peers. Secondly, the baby learns to correctly distribute and concentrate his attention, tense and relax his finger muscles, and develops precision and coordination of movements. Thirdly, the game teaches patience, perseverance, accuracy and perseverance. Various game options have appeared, with various items, for two or more players.

By the way, “playing spillikins” and “playing spillikins” are completely different things that have nothing in common. We found out what playing spillikins is, and “playing spillikins” means humming while running your fingers over your lips. An almost forgotten expression that has lost its original meaning.

Play Sprinkles Razg. Neglected Doing something meaningless is wasting time. ...I looked in the door and was furiously slashing my drawings. Vomiting and says: “They shamed me, mother.” They say it's war, but you're playing with spillikins.(G. Nikolaeva. Talent). - From the name of the ancient game, which consisted in the fact that from randomly scattered spillikins (tiny things: hatchets, spatulas, glasses, barrels, baskets, etc.) you had to pull everything out with a small hook, one by one, but so as not to offend others. Lit.: Mikhelson M.I. Russian thought and speech... - St. Petersburg, 1912. - T. 1. - P. 358.

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST.

A. I. Fedorov.

    2008. See what “Play spillikins” is in other dictionaries: Play spillikins

    - Play spillikins (foreign language) to do trifles. Wed. When I rock in the cradle, I bless my honor... I have nothing to do, I play the spilliard. Derzhavin. To moderation. Wed. Biryulka pipe (willow). Wed. Sprinkles is a child's game. First, a handful of chopped... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling) play spillikins

    - Play spillikins (foreign language) to do trifles. Wed. When I rock in the cradle, I bless my honor... I have nothing to do, I play the spilliard. Derzhavin. To moderation. Wed. Biryulka pipe (willow). Wed. Sprinkles is a child's game. First, a handful of chopped... ...- amuse, have fun, amuse yourself Dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

    - Play spillikins (foreign language) to do trifles. Wed. When I rock in the cradle, I bless my honor... I have nothing to do, I play the spilliard. Derzhavin. To moderation. Wed. Biryulka pipe (willow). Wed. Sprinkles is a child's game. First, a handful of chopped... ...- (foreign language) to deal with trifles Wed. When he rocks in the cradle, I bless my honor... I have nothing to do, I play the spillikins. Derzhavin. For moderation. Wed. Biryulka pipe (willow). Wed. Spilliki is a child's game. First a handful of chopped straws, and now others... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    2008.- Razg. Disapproved Doing trifles, wasting time. Jig. 1969, 201; FSRY, 179; ZS 1996, 88, 144; Mokienko 1989, 80, 83; Mokienko 1990, 65, 153; BMS 1998, 47; Yanin 2003, 126; POS 2, 13... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    - Play spillikins (foreign language) to do trifles. Wed. When I rock in the cradle, I bless my honor... I have nothing to do, I play the spilliard. Derzhavin. To moderation. Wed. Biryulka pipe (willow). Wed. Sprinkles is a child's game. First, a handful of chopped... ...- Doing trifles, wasting time... Dictionary of many expressions

    PLAY- PLAY, play, play, imperfect. 1. without additional Have fun, have fun; frolicking, having fun. The children played in the garden all day. The cat plays on the carpet. || into what and what. Spend time in some activity that serves as entertainment, provides... ... Dictionary Ushakova

Spillikins- this is one of the old ones board games. The principle of the game is to collect small objects (dishes, ladders, hats, sticks, etc.). The meaning of the game of spillikins is to pull out one toy after another from a pile of scattered toys with your fingers or a special hook, without touching or scattering the rest.

How to play spillikins

To play, you need small objects with an eye so that the spillikins can be easily hooked. If special items If you don’t have one, then you can use toy children’s dishes as spillikins: cups, teapots, and so on. You can also drill small holes in game objects.

For the game, objects - spillikins - are poured onto a flat surface (table). Players, using a special hook, take out one spillbum at a time, trying not to move the neighboring toys. The one who moves the adjacent spilliyule passes the move to the next player.

The game continues until the whole pile is cleared. The person who collects the most spillikins, or the first to collect a pre-agreed number of items, wins.

Playing spillikins stimulates the imagination and develops spatial thinking.

If you love wooden toys and are looking for best game that develops fine motor skills, then this is for you. I have been concerned about the development of my daughter for a long time and I am actively involved in this, but I always try to weave these activities into our daily life. When a person is still small, the simplest everyday things can be turned into magic.

This thing doesn't always work with fine motor skills. You won’t be sorting through rice or tearing paper for papier mache all day. There are not many activities for little fingers in everyday life. Therefore, you need to resort to the help of special toys. Children learn best by playing.

As it turns out, the best educational toy has been invented a long time ago. This is exactly what I will talk about today - this is the game “Spillkins”.

History does not know who exactly made the spillikins first, but it is known that children played with them, and adults got great pleasure. And although many have undeservedly forgotten about this game, it is worth having in every home where there are small children.

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Game of Spillikins Rules.

First, I'll tell you about the rules. There are already two options for the game.

  • First option.

The essence of the game is to pull out one toy after another from a pile of such toys with your fingers or a special hook, without touching or scattering the rest. To make it easy to hook the spillikins, they are made in the form of objects with ears or holes - cups, teapots, etc.
Rules for this exciting game very simple. The spillikins were poured out in a heap onto the table, and the participants took turns catching them from there with a special fishing rod. Whoever moves the neighboring spillifish passes the hook to the next player. The game continued until the entire pile of figures was cleared. The participant who collected the most spillikins won. Sometimes the figures were placed in a special embroidered bag, and from there, with the help of a fishing rod or hook, the spillikins were pulled out without looking.

Second option
In another version of the same game, the figures were laid out in a heap on the table, and it was necessary to carefully remove them one by one, without scattering the rest. The task required a fair amount of perseverance and dexterity. Naturally, the winner was the one who pulled out the largest number of spillikins.

Spillsticks were played a little differently. The spillistick sticks were clamped in the hand, the driver quickly touched the table with the lower end of the bunch and sharply unclenched his palm. At the same time, the spillikins fell in a heap. The players took turns pulling out one spilliard from the heap, trying not to disturb the other sticks. The participant kept the correctly drawn out spilliard for himself.

Although I associated the expression “it’s not for you to play with spillikins” with an easy, trivial game, real spillikins are definitely not like that.

Just look at these figures and imagine how easy it is to pick them up? A mug or a saucepan by the handle, and everything else? We'll have to try. And if the baby gets down to business. Even I sometimes struggle and feel clumsy.

Let's take a closer look at them. At first glance, the spillikins resemble a set of doll dishes. I just want to have a tea party with him. We do not deny ourselves this desire, which is why hedgehogs drink tea and eat cakes from plates.


All items are made of natural wood, they are not painted, not varnished, but smoothly polished and pleasant to hold in your hands. Knowing children's love for small objects, I was anticipating a sensation. We opened the spillikins together with our daughter and she admired how beautiful, cute and neat everything was. We decided to leave all the utensils unpainted for now. I think she already looks very good, but if my daughter decides to add a little personality to our game, I won’t mind.

It is included in the kit?

  • Figurines – These are spoons, saucepans, plates, mugs, etc. They are all detailed and look like real ones.

  • Hook. A wooden stick with a hook at the end. I didn’t have time to photograph it in its original form, my daughter, trying to cheat, twisted its tip to make it more convenient. All this can be fixed. The tip is wire-like and easy to adjust.

  • Linen bag. After the game, the spillikins hide in a bag. It is small, compact and takes up so little space that you can put it in your pocket and take it with you on a walk.

My daughter will be 4 years old in a month and, as it turns out, cheating is in her blood. Besides, she doesn't know how to lose yet. Therefore, having decided to beat me at any cost, she not only corrected the hook, but as soon as I turned away, she grabbed the parts with her hands. I don't see a problem with this. The game captivated both of us and so as not to lose interest due to losses, I play along with it.

Despite their simplicity, spillikins are incredibly useful game. It develops both accuracy and perseverance. Teaches the child to control his hands and curb naughty fingers.

You can also make a tactile lotto or search engine from spillikins.. Everything is simple here. We pour all the figures into a linen bag and ask the child to find this or that object. To make it easier, you can photograph them in advance or draw them on cards. This kind of game is also incredibly useful for development.

The Nicolya game of Spilli captivated us at first sight and enchanted us during the game. It is interesting to play for both children and adults. Incredibly sincere, tested by more than one generation of children, perky and cheerful. She deserves your attention. IRecommend!

Today, in the era of gadgets and the Internet, the fact that just a couple of decades ago children spent time on the street and played simple rubber bands, hopscotch and Cossack robbers seems like a fable. We decided to rewind time even further into the past and remember the games that our grandmothers and even our grandmothers’ grandmothers played. Retro is in fashion now. The May holidays are coming. We invite you to break away from the beds and play.


In this game, a partner is chosen blindfolded, by touch. Clean, warm, dry and smooth hands improve the players' chances.

Holding hands and forming a circle, the young men stand with eyes closed. The girls also join hands and dance around them. After a while, the presenter's whistle is heard. At this moment, each participant must choose a young man from among those who happen to be nearby. The guys remain with their eyes closed, and the girls take them by the hands and lead them in a circle. The young man changes three times. At the end of the game, the boys say which of the girls they felt they liked better.


Lapta came to us from the 14th century and became the progenitor of many Western sports games. Once you have mastered rounders, you will also be able to claim the ability to play baseball and cricket.

You need felt balls, a bat and a field with two lines drawn at a distance of 50 meters from each other. Participants are divided into two teams - attackers and defenders. A player from one of the teams throws the ball and tries to hit it as far as possible with the bat. Then this player must run to the opposite side of the court and back, without allowing the opponent to hit himself with the caught ball.


That strange case when the name of the game became much more commonly used than the game itself.

A pile of straws is poured onto a flat surface. Each participant tries to pull out one straw without moving the overall structure. Otherwise, the move is transferred to someone else. The winner is the participant who collects the most straws. Instead of straws in the game, you can use... anything, such as matches or toothpicks.


The old Russian “hold and grab” is designed for speed, agility, maneuverability and assumes close contact between players.

The participants of the game are divided into pairs and, holding hands, stand one after another, with the driver in front. The players sing in chorus: “Burn, burn clearly, so that it doesn’t go out. And one, and two, and three. Last couple, run!” After this, the last pair unclasps their hands and runs to the beginning of the column (one on the right, the second on the left). The driver tries to catch one of them before they hold hands and stand in the first pair. If this succeeds, he stands in pairs with the caught player. And the one who is not caught becomes the driver.

"Strike on the Rope"

A game in which you can “let your hands go” is suitable for those who have a lot of free time and have a rope at hand.

Players form a closed circle, holding a string in their hands. The driver stands in the center of the circle and must insult one of the players by hitting him on the hand. Those who are on the outside of the circle can only release one hand from the rope during the leader’s attack. The one who lets go of both hands becomes the driver.


They are also “ryukhi”, “chushki” or “pigs”. Of all the games that have gone into oblivion, in our opinion, this is the most interesting.

Various figures are placed at stake from five cylindrical wooden posts 20 centimeters long. After which they are broken with a bat 80 centimeters long. There are 15 variations of figures of varying complexity for a game of towns: “Fork”, “Star”, “Well”, “Machine Gun Nest”, etc. The game begins with simple figures, which gradually become more complex. The main task is to knock out the pieces with the least number of throws.

“Without salt - salt!”

The game is quite strange, but is a good way to end the evening. The main thing is that the neighbors on the lower floor are patient and loyal people.

Two drivers are selected. They sit on the floor opposite each other, put their feet together, and hold their hands behind their backs. The drivers are blindfolded so that they cannot spy. The rest of the players approach them from one side and shout: “No salt!” - and jump over their legs. Jumping back, you need to shout out: “Salt!” At this moment, the drivers try to catch the jumping player with their hands. If this is successful, the player changes places with the one who caught him.

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