Which premium tank to choose in World of Tanks? New premium tanks in World of tanks World of tanks new premium tank.

Perhaps the most popular and most important paid content in the World of Tanks game is premium vehicles. These unique machines have a high profitability ratio, unusual gameplay and other interesting features. It is the best premium tanks that will be discussed in today’s guide.

Premium vehicle levels

To begin with, it should be noted that not all premium tanks are able to cope with their main task - farming. As a rule, this applies to cars up to level 7, which do not have a high enough profitability ratio. Based on this fact, we decided to exclude the best premium tanks of low levels from our guide, leaving only representatives of levels 7 and 8. All models that will be discussed today have good farming indicators.

At the same time, low-level premium equipment has its own strengths. Typically, their outstanding characteristics are used to increase the percentage of winning battles and efficiency. Also, such cars can be useful for the following purposes: pumping up the crew, collecting and fun.

But let's return to the review of premium tanks of the 7th and 8th tiers. It has already been said that equipment in this category has excellent profitability indicators. This characteristic allows you to farm up to 50-60 thousand in-game silver in one battle.

Premium equipment level 7

All level 7 tanks occupy an unspoken transitional niche between the test sandbox and higher levels game levels. This category is considered the most comfortable for the game. The list of premium tier 7 vehicles includes quite interesting models, whose characteristics and features provide not only good farming, but also decent gameplay.

We decided to focus on only two models: SU-122-44 and Krupp-Steyr Waffenträger. We could consider other best tier 7 premium tanks suitable for farming, but playing on them, as a rule, turns out to be difficult and not very comfortable. Also, our guide does not cover the review of special promotional tanks, like the E-25, for the simple reason that they cannot be purchased for regular money.


Let's start with a review of the SU-122-44 tank, whose gun deals an average of 390 damage and penetrates. Huge damage and good rate of fire compensate for the low penetration of 175 mm. With the strength of one SU-122-44, you can easily deal with a loose tank of the 8th and even 9th levels. This formidable vehicle has a fairly low repair price and cheap ammo.

If we talk about the disadvantages of the SU-122-44, then it is worth mentioning the presence of a not very accurate gun with low armor-piercing power. In addition, the car sometimes ends up at the very bottom of the list - at the ninth level, where the low penetration of 175 mm has no weight.

Krupp-Steyr Waffenträger

The German Krupp-Steyr Waffenträger is good option for those who want to inflict fairly high damage on their opponent. The tank has an 8.8 cm cannon, which is capable of sending several shells in a row at the same target. It's also worth noting high level penetration of 203 mm and an acceptable total damage force of 240 units. The following indicators are considered to be the disadvantages of the Waffenträger tank destroyer: poor acceleration, low movement speed, lack of any armored cover and open wheelhouse. You can farm well with such a machine, but to do this you will have to use suitable tactics.

Premium equipment level 8

The eighth level provides access to the large selection premium technology. We, in turn, will dwell on several of the most striking examples. Each tank has its own unique features, and thanks to the high earnings rate, we can quickly farm the required amount of in-game silver. It is worth saying that level 8 is one of the most expensive, so you will have to spend money on purchasing equipment. Fortunately, all costs are recouped in full, so there is no question of a shortage of silver at this level.


The list of Tier 8 vehicles opens with the Soviet premium model. This heavy tank It has a powerful engine that allows it to reach a good top speed. All-round armor is used to protect the hull. Note that the level of armor penetration of the KV-5 is considered the worst at the entire eighth level, which, of course, is reflected in the damage it deals. Fortunately, this minus is not very noticeable, thanks to the high rate of fire.


The Löwe tank has a reputation as the most profitable premium tank in all of WoT, largely due to the increased farming coefficient and a very good weapon. Thanks to its powerful cannon, Löwe is able to withstand quite strong opponents at tenth levels. In addition to high penetration of 234 mm and amazing accuracy (0.33), the tank will please you with fairly good side protection, an excellent mantlet and a stable turret. Another advantage of Löwe is its excellent visibility, which is about 400 meters.

As for the main drawback of this machine, it all comes down to the high cost. Löwe is not only the most profitable premium tank, but also the most expensive. Other disadvantages include gameplay ones: weak frontal protection, thin and bulky NLD, low movement speed, lack of normal dynamics, expensive repairs and high cost of shells.


The T-34 model completes our current top three premium tanks of tier 8. This heavy American vehicle has a very powerful gun and an almost impenetrable turret. Many players put the T-34 in second place in popularity among premium tier 8 tanks, especially considering the fact that it was previously distributed free of charge.

Among key features This vehicle can be noted: good penetration of 248 mm, an impenetrable turret, as well as damage of 400 units inflicted per shot. The disadvantages lie in the long reload time of the gun, low mobility, slowness of individual parts (turret and hull) and, finally, average visibility.

Final choice

Which premium tank is better? It is impossible to give an exact answer to this question, since all the tanks presented above cope well with their main tasks. We remind you that premium equipment is a serious financial investment, so the final choice should be based on the player’s style, tactics and capabilities.

The main part of the work to improve the characteristics of the "eights" with preferential level the battle is over. But we continue to monitor statistics and read your reviews. If the applied changes are not enough, we will make new ones. In addition, a little later we will begin work on Tier VII vehicles and other equipment with a preferential battle level.

And now a few words about working on the balancer.

In update 9.18, we introduced a new balancer that forms battles according to the 3-5-7 pattern. As a result, the distribution of teams in different parts of the list changed - from now on everyone could find an opponent within their strength. But something remains unresolved, and this is especially noticeable in relation to “preferential” cars. We're talking about frequent fights in the middle and bottom of the list. We will try to fix this. How exactly?

Currently, we cannot control the distribution of the number of battles in different parts of the list: the balancer simply does not have such a mechanism. Therefore, we need not only to decide on the most suitable distribution option, but also to completely redesign the balancer architecture, adding the possibility of such customization. This is what we are working on now. Such work will take time, so, unfortunately, the changes will appear in the game some time later, after updating the characteristics of the “preferential” vehicles.

As soon as we have details about the balancer changes, we will be sure to share them with you. Follow the news!

We hope you enjoy the cars with the corrected parameters. Version 1.2 will be released very soon - and you will be able to go into battle on the updated KV-5 and IS-6. And don’t forget to leave your feedback on changes and wishes in the comments on the forum - we will definitely take them into account in our future work.

On Friday, October 5, at 19:00 (Moscow time) there will be a live broadcast on Wargaming.FM, where product manager Alexey Ilyin and regional project manager Roman Tabolin will answer your questions on this topic.

Hundreds of thousands of people daily play one of the most popular online games in the world - World of Tanks, this is a game where the outcome of the battle directly depends on the skills and mastery of the player. In-game equipment (tank) also plays an important role. In our premium store website you can choose a premium gaming tank for yourself at prices that many will consider adequate and low. A good premium tank is a necessary weapon for every self-respecting player, and it may require some investment, but it is definitely worth it. With high-quality premium equipment for World of Tank, leveling up will go much faster than with conventional equipment, every battle will become profitable and interesting! Combining the player's skill level with high-quality premium vehicles will make you a real professional in the world of tank gaming universe.

Our premium tank store opens up a wide range of possibilities for players.

It happens that premium equipment of interest may already be withdrawn from official sale (This sometimes happens with strong tanks for farming), but this does not mean at all that it ceases to exist in the game and is distributed using bonus codes for third-party stores or given away at exhibitions , festivals and various promotions with Wargaming partners.
What advantages does premium technology provide?
- Increased credits and experience for each battle
- Ability to exchange earned combat experience for free
- Accelerated crew training and improvement process
- Crew change without penalties and mandatory retraining on the same types of equipment

Our premium tank store allows everyone to purchase a tank in World of Tank. We work every day and are constantly increasing the selection of premium vehicles so that everyone can enjoy them to the fullest. The store's support is ready to help on any issue almost around the clock: By phone, online chat on the website or by email. Support will always advise and help with any question, and will help solve any problem the client may have. Comes with most tanks game gold or a premium account for World of Tanks, sometimes you get both at once, which is a nice addition to the purchase. Any vehicle always comes with a slot in the hangar for a tank; you don’t have to worry if you don’t have any free slots at the time you purchase the tank.

How to buy a premium tank for World of Tanks?

Any purchase in our premium store will not take much time; we tried to make the site as convenient and intuitive as possible. You can get acquainted with the principle of operation of the store and once again be convinced of the integrity of our store in the unique game roulette World of tanks, which we are working on for a long time worked to offer the best possible deal for every player. We would really like to highlight the main differences between our store and others, so that everyone can draw conclusions for themselves:

More than a year of impeccable work, in this short time we have sold more than 10 thousand units of gaming equipment, gold and other goods
- Absolute transparency in financial transactions. Payment gateway provided by a large Russian bank
- Availability of a public legal entity. We are not amateurs - we are a company with our own offline point of sale, we pay tax on every purchase in our store
- Hundreds of positive reviews from grateful clients in the section

2 years and 6 months ago Comments: 2

On January 12, Wargaming released micropatch 9.17.02, in which a new thing appeared for players like Trade-in. The system is in tanks for the first time and will be available from January 12 to January 23, 6:00 (Moscow time). We will try to explain in detail what it is and how to use it.

What is Trade-In in World of Tanks

Many tankers have premium vehicles sitting in their hangars collecting dust, which were either bought out of stupidity, got tired of them, or, due to the changes made, became uncomfortable for the game. Our beloved company meets such people and offers to exchange this tank for half of its value in gold equivalent, which will be taken into account when purchasing a new premium.

For example, it works like this: You are going to purchase a T34, the cost of which is 12 000 , and you have Lowe in your hangar. So you can have a lion exchange for 6250 gold, add to this the missing amount (in our case 5750) and purchase T34. Simply put, you sell your premium tank for half its price, but you are obligated to buy a new one.

Everything seems clear, but there are some nuances here:
You can only return a premium tank of an equal or lower level compared to the one you are buying.
Not all cars can be rented/purchased

What tanks can be sold for gold?

VI level

Dicker Max
Type 64
Heavy Tank No. VI
Škoda T 40
Strv m/42-57 Alt A.2

VII level

AT 15A

VIII level

T26E4 SuperPershing
FCM 50t
Panther mit 8.8 cm L/71
AMX Chasseur de chars
T-54 (1945)
M4A1 Revalorisé

What are the selling features?

  • Other ongoing promotions affect the cost of both the tank being traded and purchased;
  • The exchange takes place on a 1 to 1 basis;
  • You cannot restore a surrendered tank using credits;
  • There is no need to purchase a new slot for the tank you are purchasing.
Whether this promotion is a new way for the company to earn money or is it a breakthrough to meet the players - it’s up to you to decide, but we wish you new victories on the battlefields!

So you have decided to purchase another or your first premium tank in the game. This material contains all the level 8 tanks to make it easier for you to find suitable tank. When choosing a new premium farm tank in World of Tanks, you should pay close attention to the positive and negative aspects of tanks. The main characteristics can be viewed by selecting your favorite premium tank on our website.

Which premium tank to buy

To answer this question, let's make up full list premium tanks available in the game and choose the appropriate one. But before that, I would like to see all the level 8 tanks to present the full picture.

Which tier 8 tank to buy

To find out which tank is better to buy, let's look at list of all tier 8 tanks. At the time of the release of update 9.8, there were no less than 58 units of this class in World of Tanks. So which Tier VIII tank should you buy? Since this list includes not only equipment that can be bought, but also pumpable combat vehicles, you need to highlight only premium tanks. Let's denote premium tanks with gold color.

List of Tier 8 tanks

Which premium tank is better to buy?

So, from the presented tanks, we choose only premium vehicles. Let's highlight not only the Tier 8 tanks themselves that can be purchased, but also distribute them among nations to identify the best candidate for purchase in each branch.

Premium tanks level 8

Presented here complete list of all tier 8 premium tanks in game World of Tanks. Let's find out which one is the best and why. Advantages and disadvantages.


Soviet premium tanks are diverse. Premium level 8 tanks for farming. Perhaps best choice for earning silver is this nation.

  • T-54 first sample
  • ISU-130

Among the Germans there are certainly several leaders. Which premium tier 8 tank is better. By choosing one of the premium tanks from Germany, you are unlikely to regret it.

  • Panther mit 8.8 cm L/71
  • 8.8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger

American premium tanks are worth buying. The best premium tank of level 8. Naturally, the highlight of these vehicles is their versatility in combat.

  • T26E4 SuperPershing
  • T95E2
  • M6A2E1
  • T34 - was transferred from a regular tank to a premium one

Perhaps the most dynamic tanks of the eighth level are French vehicles. Which premium tier 8 tank is best to buy. That's why players use them in clan battles.

  • AMX Chasseur de chars
  • FCM 50t

Medium tanks stand out among Chinese premiums. Review of premium tier 8 tanks. According to players, the best premium tanks are the Chinese ones.

  • Type 59
  • T-34-3
  • WZ-111

Development branch Japanese tanks not great in relation to premium cars. What a premium tier 8 tank. Here, a free premium can play an excellent service for tankers.

  • STA-2

The UK does not yet have premium tier 8 farm tanks. New premium tank tier 8. But the developers plan to soon introduce new combat vehicles for this nation into the game.

  • None

Which premium tank should I buy?

Let's analyze the information presented to identify the main contenders for victory among the purchased tanks in the game. An excellent option to choose would be the type 59 tank. After all, it was this tank that was removed from sales at one time due to its increased farmability and excellent dynamics. Don't underestimate the American equivalent, the premium Pershing tank. This combat vehicle has the best survivability among all premium tier 8 tanks in the World of Tanks game. Among the French ones, fsm 50t remains the undisputed leader. In terms of damage per minute, it has no equal among premium tanks. One of the latest German premium tanks, the Panzer Mit 8.8, deserves special attention. He also farms above average. Among the Soviet ones, we recommend choosing the leading ISU 130 anti-tank self-propelled gun for one-time damage.

Which tank to buy in World of Tanks

You can see the exact data on earnings on tanks in the farm table for premium level 8 tanks using the link at the beginning of the article or right here. Also, do not forget that the game has added a free premium tank of level 8, which is also included in the top premium tanks.

Farm table for premium level 8 tanks

Premium tanks with an increased farm coefficient are highlighted in green; we recommend buying them. Pink indicates Tier 8 premium tanks with a reduced average profitability ratio.

Level 8 Prem Average farm credits Farm coefficient
T-54 first sample 46810 0.5
IS-6 49001 0.8
KV-5 56840 1.5
ISU-130 41185 0.3
Panther mit 8.8 cm L/71 40716 0.2
Lowe 58430 1.8
8.8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger 53799 1.3
T26E4 SuperPershing 51004 1.1
T95E2 53812 1.4
M6A2E1 43665 0.4
AMX Chasseur de chars 49857 0.9
FCM 50t 58100 1.7
Type 59 57525 1.6
T-34-3 48319 0.6
WZ-111 48990 0.7
112 50632 1.0
STA-2 52542 1.2
Solitaire Solitaire